Jordan Peterson ~ Good Predictors Of Having A Personality Disorder

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conscientiousness that's a big predictor openness that's associated with creativity intelligence here's some combinations if you're disagreeable in neurotic you tend to have personality disorder so those are the two big personality markers of personality disorders if you're extroverted and disagreeable think about that you know people like this they're really social and they're really you know they're they're not that empathic they're selfish they're narcissists if you're extroverted and disagreeable you have a proclivity towards narcissism and you might think well that's an awful thing and maybe it is but actors I mean how how narcissistic do you have to be to be an actor oh that's a hard question right because you obviously have to have some self-confidence that goes beyond the norm so anyway so look this is a summary of what we know about emotion and motivation in relationship to the emotions so we know that extraversion is associated with incentive reward hope curiosity play enthusiasm that seems to be associated with dopaminergic function and with the part of the hypothalamus that governs exploratory behavior so it's an approach circuit and so it seems that people who are extroverted have a lower threshold for having that circuit activated maybe it's something like that or maybe they're there unless they're stimulated they don't have enough positive emotion it's it's not that easy to tell extroverts harvest attention from the social group so you think about these as ways of adapting to the world like the social group is full of resources and if you're assertive and you're popular then you can benefit from the accrual of social resources it puts you up the dominance hierarchy so it's a good strategy for removing it's one good strategy for moving ahead neuroticism pain frustration disappointment fear anxiety those to me seem to be associated with GABA circuits because those are the circuits that valium and barbiturates and benzodiazepines affect and it's also the case that as you move up the dominance hierarchy and your serotonin levels rise your negative emotion gets more well regulated whereas if you fall down the and hierarchy then your negative emotions get less regulated probably your positive emotions too agreeable this empathy sympathy compliance care system that's the care system that yak panksepp described so if you're interested in that you can read a bit more about that that's maternal circuitry essentially that runs on oxytocin so agreeable people can always tell when I have an agreeable person in my clinical practice because what happens when they come in is that they instantly start to talk about relationships you know so they'll lay out their biography and like a conscientious person will talk about the things they have to do and the things they've done over their life and an open person will say well here's the things I'm really interested in you know but an agreeable person will say well from 1970 1980 to to 1987 I went out with this person and then I had a relationship with this person and so they naturally seemed to configure their biographies in terms of dyadic intimate relationships so whereas the disagreeable people you know well they're there they're not so good at that kind of thing and if you talk to engineers for example I've talked a lot about in Silicon Valley it's there they're pretty oriented towards things and their interpersonal skills can be well interesting to say the least but you know they invent lots of interesting things so like hurry go go engineers we've talked about conscientiousness and it seems to be associated with disgust and guilt and shame and the if you think about it as an adaptive strategy orderliness means stay uncontaminated and sparkly clean you know it's it's like an efficiency strategy everything in its place and so that way you don't have to expend as much energy to get the results of your labor you know what it's like if you're you're trying to work in your office and it's a complete bloody disaster right you expend a whole bunch of energy just coping with the fact that you're surrounded by chaos before you even get down to what it is that you're supposed to work at industriousness well industrious people seem to implement their goals and maybe they've got to be of some social utility to I would suspect right because if you're an industrious person and you reputation for that then people are gonna want you around because like you'll do the work and one thing I will tell you that might also be useful as you progress through life is that if you get into an organization and you are diligent and you know and you you really commit to what you're doing you might think you might be cynical about whether or not that's going to be noticed but I'll tell you if you're not conscientious you'll never figure out why you don't advance what will happen is that a bunch of doors that could open to you just won't because if you're conscientious so like I find this with my students as some of them I can say because I have more opportunities than I know what to do with usually and so if I have students I can say well you know here you could do this and then if they come back three weeks later and they say well here's four reasons why I couldn't do it and they're all good reasons you know but it's not done and then someone else comes back and it's four weeks later and they say here it is then the next time I have an opportunity then the person who did it gets it and so what happens is that in almost all organizations there's a certain percentage of people who are conscientious and intelligent and are doing almost all the work and they're always looking around for other people who are like that like they don't go out of the way to advertise it but if you're like that and you come to their attention they'll open doors for you and you won't even know it and so it'll be like your progress upwards and there's no reason that you'll even necessarily know why whereas if you're not doing it people won't come out and whack you on the head and say well you should improve in these six ways and you know pay a lot of attention to you they just won't allow you to have any opportunities and then you won't even know it so that's not good unless you want to you know unless you know what that ambitious which you know it's not necessarily a bad thing
Channel: THE BESTS
Views: 1,004,199
Rating: 4.9139452 out of 5
Keywords: Jordan Peterson, Jordan B Peterson, Jordan Peterson 2019, Jordan Peterson New, Psychology, Philosophy, Personality, personality disorders, self-improvement, Truth, Self Improvement, Jordan Peterson Personality, Jordan Peterson Personality Disorder, How to cure Personality Disorders, Motivation, Inspiration, How to improve myself, Self Help, Clinical Psychology, Depression, Jordan Peterson Depression, Jordan Peterson anxiety, Counseling, Jordan Peterson Psychology
Id: nSEXadeVTms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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