Jordan Belfort: The Wolf of Wall Street - The Most Destructive Beliefs for Success

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for example one of the most destructive beliefs of all for Success making money whether it's as an entrepreneur or a salesperson and they're very similar by the way like a commission-based article that can make a lot of commission you're in your own business so to speak so they're very very similar right but this idea that the world happens to me I'm a creature of circumstance like it's Destiny versus I make my own circumstance I create circumstance when you believe if if you have any even a stitch of that belief that the world happens to me then there's three things that you tend to do the first is you blame you play What's called the blame game you blame everyone and everything for why you're not succeeding you blame the government you blame your family you blame your education you blame the economy you blame the competition you blame everybody but who yourself you don't ever look in the mirror and get honest and say you know what maybe I'm part of this see the first thing you use to play the blame game the second thing you do is you justify you actually justify why you don't have money you'll start saying things like well I don't really need to make a lot of money money doesn't matter and I got some [ __ ] news for you money matters like I said I think I've been a rich man I've been a poor man I choose Rich every [ __ ] time and never look back right now why is that why is that well I'll tell you why because I have been rich and absolutely just so happy you can't imagine how happy I've been right it's like I am right now I'm rich and happy right but I've also been rich and [ __ ] miserable I've been Rich who's been rich and miserable here anybody and it was anyone who's Rich has been miserable at one point right you can be rich and miserable I have been poor and utterly miserable but never not once have I been rich and [ __ ] happy I'm 45 I just blew up myself I'd never been poor and happy why because a lack of money creates massive problems and complications now some people can very few sometimes Mother Teresa a handful of others can be really happy and not have money because they're not rooted in that that their belief systems are rooted in an entirely different world I'm guessing most of you didn't buy tickets because you feel that way though you feel quite the opposite now I'm not saying that money is the be-all end-all okay money only matters one thousand percent for a few things like food shelter Medical Care basic stuff right and then after that there's these higher level things like that matter far more than money like contribution giving back you know just loving what you do so there's other things of course as well but there's a certain amount of money that each individual needs it differs by individual like for example I'll say this for Apple we talk about number four here but it differs from Individual okay and what happens is when someone starts to justify and start saying I don't need money well guess what we don't get the things that we don't need if we if you don't think you need something you're not going to have it and frankly if you go around saying it that I don't need money money's not important to me you're never going to have any I'll tell you why for example who here is in a if your spouse or partner is here don't answer this question but who is here in a really toxic relationship they want to get out of raise your hand if you're alone and your partner's not here and you want to get out okay there's a few one honest person among thousands all right I respect that person right I'm going to tell you how to get out of the relationship I don't know if I think it's a guy maybe right so I wanted for the next 30 days when you wake up I want you to turn to your partner and say listen you don't matter to me I Promise You by day 15 and out the [ __ ] door things that we don't they don't stick around in our lives if you keep saying that loud doesn't matter to me I don't need it you're never gonna have it Money Matters and you need it I'm not saying it's the bill endle but you got to get honest with yourself that makes sense yes and the third thing that people do is they complain people that are saying the world happens to me versus I create my world they complain and when you complain basically what you're doing is you're focusing on everything that's wrong in your life you're focusing on everything that's wrong that's not right that's bothering you and what happens is some universal laws that are very powerful one of them is that what you focus on you move towards what you focus on you will move towards that's a universal law of success what you focus on you move towards so if you're focusing on all the things that are wrong you're going to crash right into them it's called living in the problem is the other way of saying it versus a solution the other side of that which is even worse is that what you focus on you attract into your life what you focus on you attract so if you're focusing on all the [ __ ] in your life you become a giant [ __ ] magnet you literally attract [ __ ] into your life when I hear someone that complains all the time I want to be I don't want to be away because everybody this [ __ ] might hit me when it comes to them right so you want to be not near those people now at least like universal laws if those you have like heard about the secret who's read the secret knows about the secret right the problem I have with the secret and it's because it's true there's a there's this Law of Attraction and it's powerful it really is it's powerful and it's there the problem with the secret is that the success route they want you to take with the secret is okay if you wanna have a lot of money in your life here's what you got to do you have to go into your living room you gotta put the shades down I'm gonna sit down because I got to get in the right State of Mind you got to sit on your couch a nice quiet room Shades drawn and I want you to close your eyes I want you to imagine a check showing up in your mailbox for a hundred thousand dollars and I want you to put that out into the ether of the world and just attract that check and and just you have to think really God and visualize the check and attract that check and and it's coming into the mailbox and sure enough you focus on it hard enough long enough a check for a hundred grand is going to show up in your mailbox a bunch of [ __ ] that is right I mean if that's your strategy you success the only thing that will show up in your mailbox is a [ __ ] eviction notice right the bank is Towing away your car your wife or husband's bagging the next door neighbor you're like where's my check where's my like I tried it doesn't work like a bag of money that hit me in the head I'm one of those poor unfortunate fools has to go out into the world and take action to get what I want so now here's the thing with the secret though if there is a law of attraction but you have to move towards the things that you want you have to get close to them and then you can attract them in other words it's like that old it's despair you probably did this in grade school here with the in science with a short shoe magnet and iron filings and the teachers oh watch here's how magnesium works and she puts the filings here the magnet here nothing happens so she moves the magnet closer nothing happens closer still nothing happens but if she gets close enough suddenly the iron attracts to the magnet so you have to put yourself in the vicinity of the things you want to attract and then you will attract them so what really happens the way this works is by is that when you start to focus on what you want on where you want to go it alerts you to the opportunities you need to move towards so as long as you get active so it starts yes it starts by focusing focusing on where you want to go what your outcome is and that alerts you to what you have to move towards and when you get close enough you attract it that's how it works in reality so those are your beliefs and how they either can work for you or against you the way limiting believes more because you're held down by the lowest level limiting belief if there's one belief that's holding you back it's like almost like a Ferrari a beautiful or my friend it's got a beautiful Lamborghini right it's a million dollar car it probably goes 230 miles an hour it's got an incredibly Sleek cherry red chassis right 12 cylinders four valves per right but here's the deal if there's a governor on the engine stopping the flow of gas I don't care how fast the car could go it's not going to go over 55. that's what a limiting belief does one belief will sit there and hold you back stop you from charging for where you should and cause you to pull back when you shouldn't so you have to root them out and replace them with empowering leads it starts by getting honest and again I don't have time to dig into this today but I just want to alert you to the fact that if you have them you need to do something about it about rooting out limiting beliefs and again you can go to my website you can go to Tony Robbins who focuses on the inner game a lot and it's good stuff it's very valuable stuff to get your head straight up here okay thank you
Channel: OneLifeClub
Views: 20,240
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Keywords: entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneurship development, entrepreneurship course, entrepreneurship class, entrepreneur course, entrepreneur channel, entrepreneur class, business owner, business owner motivation, business ownership, entrepreneurial mindset, jordan belfort, jordan belfort interview, jordan belfort sales training, jordan belfort selling, jordan belfort speech, jordan belfort the wolf of wall street, the wolf of wall street, sales school, limiting beliefs
Id: CS0NrNC5Iog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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