Adrian Rogers: How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift #2203

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[Music] thanks for joining us for today's program the plain-spoken biblical wisdom and timeless teaching of Adrian Rogers has gone around the world and has been described by thousands of people he is touched as profound truth simply stated and today he'll be bringing his unique brand of wisdom and teaching to this study of spiritual gifts as Adrian Rogers says they're not toys they're tools they're not for your enjoyment they're for your employment nobody has all the spiritual gifts listed in the Bible but every believer has at least one do you know what yours is and how are you using it everyone's gift is not as obvious I mean you're more you are you're seeing more my mind and my voice than you are my liver right now right you know thing boy his livers really functioning good this morning but if my liver weren't functioning I wouldn't be up here preaching if you are not fulfilling the purpose for which God puts you in this body you are harmful and hurtful to the bottom you have your Bibles open and join us for the series unwrapping your spiritual gift and don't forget you can listen to this message again share this message with a friend and download pastor Rogers outline notes or transcripts of this message all at lwf dot org now let's join Adrian Rogers [Music] take God's Word find Romans chapter 12 and when you found it look up here now we're thinking today about spiritual gifts Romans 12 look if you will in verse 6 of this chapter having then gifts differing he's talking about different gifts you have one gift I have another gift we have different gifts no one has all of the gifts everybody has at least one of the gifts you are a gifted child God has wrapped it up in you and what we want to do is to help you to unwrap your spiritual gift now a spiritual gift is not a natural talent but a gift is a supernatural ability it may be married to a natural talent but it goes beyond natural talents it is not natural it is supernatural it is a grace gift the Greek word for grace is terras so we would call it a charismatic gift now you are a gifted child and you may feel unworthy you may say I'm not gifted pastor I'm I'm just I'm just a lowly servant well I'm not even worthy to lead in silent prayer in the children's department you are a gifted child Alexander the great the great conquering general one time gave a very beautiful and priceless golden cup to a lowly servant when the servant saw the gift he said oh no that's too much for me to receive and Alexander drew himself up and said it is not too much for me to give God is the one who gives the gift and don't come around with some false humility and say that you do not have a particular gift at the judgement seat of Christ you will give an account of what you did with your spiritual gift your stewardship of that spiritual gift so you need to discover your spiritual gift and today we're going to be talking about how to unwrap your gift and it's all going to come right out of this 12th chapter of the book of Romans and I want to give you some principles and we're going to put them on the screen so you can see them principle number one is a sacrificial presentation it all begins with a sacrificial presentation look if you will chapter 12 verse 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service underscore the word present underscore the word sacrifice and then you'll understand why I'm talking about a sacrificial presentation now Paul is writing by divine inspiration and he begins by saying I beseech you do you know what it means to be seat someone it means to to plead with them and since Paul is writing for God himself it is almost as if God is on his knees in front of us begging us beseeching us this is God's prayer to us now we pray to God we say lord I beseech you I beseech you I beseech you Lord please Lord please well if we won't hear God's prayer to us why should God hear our prayer to him our Lord is saying I beseech you that you present your bodies a living sacrifice now why on the basis of the mercies of God God is good all the time is he not oh thank God for His mercies when we were rebels when we were accursed and damned for hell when we were darkened and could not understand he by his mercy he sought us he saved us he secured us he keeps us he satisfies us we are his we are bought with his blood I listen to me very carefully consecration therefore is not giving to God anything consecration is taking your hands off of that which already belongs to God you are not your own you just take your hands off of you can't say it's my life it is not you're not your own you are bought with a price and we're to be a living sacrifice what does that mean we're to be a living sacrifice well let me tell you what it means first of all it's going to be different than any animal sacrifice in the Old Testament because no animal sacrifice ever volunteered you volunteer you present yourself have you ever done that just say Here I am Lord I present myself to you I am a volunteer all that I have belongs to you Wilbert Chapman was a great evangelist and he asked general Booth who was the founder of the Salvation Army said general Booth what is the secret of your life why is it that God has so used you and general Booth just took his hand and drew back that lock of white hair he thought for a while and then this is what general booth said he said God has had all there is of me there been men of Greater brains greater opportunities but I from the day I had a vision of what God would do for poor old London by the way that's where the Salvation Army began when I had a vision of what God would could do for poor old London I made up my mind that God would have all there is of William Booth let me ask you a question have you ever really said that to God God I'm here you can have all there is of me I present myself and I present myself as a sacrifice that means I am expendable all of my plans all of my goals all of my so-called possessions I I sacrificed them Lord to your blood does does that seem strange to you it does to the modern American we want to take our Christianity and tack it on to our regular life we want to hold on to our lives our rights but you know a sacrifice in the Old Testament let me tell you what happened to sacrifice it was slain therefore no more plans of its own it was put on the altar and since it was a bloody sacrifice it had a tendency to want to slip off the altar so in the Old Testament they had two hooks they called them flesh hooks and those hooks would be put into that sacrifice that was to be burned a hook here and a hook here to hold it on the altar they call them flesh hooks do you know what will hold you on the altar have you ever tended to slide off the altar I have the two hooks that will keep you on the altar discipline and devotion discipline and devotion discipline and devotion to hold you there a living sacrifice to belong to the Lord Jesus Christ this is what you are to do and most of us don't want those flesh hooks do you know what the average Baptists will say I don't want to get bound I don't want to get bound down I would teach a class but I don't want to get bound down I would join a church but I don't want to get bound down I would make a pledge to the love offering but I don't want to get bound down I want to be free no this is a sacrifice and what happened to the sacrifice was this it was consumed it was burnt out did you know that you have never truly worshiped God until you are consumed have you been consumed with a holy fire of God this is what Paul is saying he said well Adrienne wait a minute good night I don't want to do all I just want you to tell me about my wonderful gift well Paul's gonna tell you about your gift but you see first of all there must be a sacrificial presentation you present yourself you say well Adrian if I did that no telling what God would make me do suppose you had a son those that how many of you have teenaged sons let me see your hand teenage sons all right now suppose your teenage son came to you and said dad you know I've been thinking you're so wise and you're so loving and you're so kind and you have so much experience dad I was thinking in my bedroom the other day and it seemed to me that the wisest best thing I could do would be to come to you for advice and whatever you tell me to do dad I just want to do it with all of my heart you just tell me Dad what you want me to do where you want me to go how you want me to study what you want me to do who you want my friends to be a dad just tell me and I'll do it you say yeah fat chance well suppose he did that suppose your son did that and he said Here I am dad I really from my heart I want to do your will what would you do would you say oh boy he'll be sorry he ever said that you'd go to your wife and say boy have we got him now now what can we make him do he'll be sorry he ever said that he'll do what we want him to do know chances are if you've been thinking about getting him a new car that might just tip the scales right you see that's his way of saying dad I know you love me you see why does he say you present yourself to him hey living sacrifice and you will prove what is that good perfect acceptable will of God don't be afraid to turn yourself over to him don't be afraid to say Here I am Lord I give myself to you now that's the first thing that's the first thing a sacrificial presentation now here's the second thing there will be a spiritual transformation after the presentation a transformation look if you will now in verse 2 and be not conformed that is squeezed in to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God a transformation the word transformation there is a translation of a Greek word Metamorpho what word does that remind you of meta morphosis and that this is the transformation you will go through a metamorphosis like a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and goes through a metamorphosis and that ugly worm like creature that goes into that cocoon comes out it hey beautiful glorious butterfly why it has gone through a metamorphosis which literally means a change of form and when you present yourself this way to God friend you're going to have a meta morphosis the word literally describes that which happens when the internet comes to the surface what is then a nature of that caterpillar it's a butterfly did you know this word was used of Jesus when he was transfigured on the Mount of Transfiguration remember the story went up that high mountain Peter James and John and there the Bible says that he was transformed he was transfigured it's exactly the same word that's used here exactly the same word we in one place they call the Transfiguration Jesus went through a metamorphosis now remember I said a metamorphosis is that's when the internet Joe comes to the surface what was the intern Eicher of Jesus glory when he was metamorphosed the glory came to the surface his face was like the noonday sun sun his his raiment white as the snow the radiance of the Lord Jesus Christ was there it had been there all the time but that which was the internet sure we through a metamorphosis and the inner nature came to the surface like the nature of a caterpillar here's a butterfly they're the nature of Jesus is Lord now question what is your inner nature if you're saved Jesus Jesus he is your inner nature and when you present yourself to him a living sacrifice then there's a spiritual transformation the Jesus that is resident and you becomes the Jesus president in you that Jesus hidden in you as the Jesus revealed in you and there is a divine change and you are not squeezed in by this world and this world which would camouflage and and obliterate and hide your inner nature those shackles are broken and Jesus Christ comes out of you and you have a divine change which gives you the mind of Christ you are renewed in the spirit of your mind you will never really understand your spiritual gift without the mind of Christ without a renewed mind and if you're trying to discover your spiritual gift without making that that presentation that that voluntary presentation that sacrificial presentation no wonder you don't know your spiritual gift do you know what you don't know your spiritual gift because your mind is not renewed but when you present yourself to him a sacrificial presentation then there will be a spiritual transformation and you will prove what is that good perfect and acceptable will of God that's the second step have you got it not you okay okay good now and don't be afraid of the will of God that's the highest happiest and holiest place for you now number three there will be then time for a sober consideration now look if you will in verse three of this same chapter now for I saved through the grace given unto me and know what that word grace is Karras the charisma given unto me to every man that is a among you not to think of himself underscore the word think not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think underscore the word think but to think soberly according as God hath dealt every man the measure of faith under word underscore the word think again three times in one verse he says what think think think now didn't we just say that he's gonna renew your mind well what would you do with a renewed mind may I suggest that you think with it is that it may be all right do you think that it's wrong to think do you think that when you become a Christian you just put your mind in neutral and and then then you just live by goosebumps and liver shivers no God renews your mind so you can think with that renewed mind we're talking about discovering your spiritual gift and you to think three times he says think think think now how do you think about yourself I want you now to just do an inventory on you forget about Adrian now and just think about you how are you to think well look in this verse and he's going to tell you not to think of himself more highly than you ought to think now don't assume that you have some gift that you don't have to think more highly than you ought to think we hear people they say oh you just do any anything you can think of you can achieve there's a Greek word for that it's baloney I say that's silly and you can just do anything you want to do they tell kids anything you want to do alright let's see you take Michael Jordan's place let's see you become an NBA basketball star the greatest that ever lived just cause you think you can no you can't do it because you don't have the gift you don't have the physical equipment that man was born to play basketball I mean he's just got it right sure now just as he has natural talents you have supernatural talents and abilities but but what you need to do is not to think in sinful exaggeration now secondly not in false humiliation look at this verse again look at it not to think of himself more highly than you to think but to think soberly now that that word soberly is is an interesting word it comes from two Greek words which means to save and the mind I just think soberly just say I am what I am by the grace of God but but don't go around saying you don't have a gift that's just as bad false humiliation is just as bad as sinful exaggeration saying that you have a gift is not pride saying that you don't have a gift is rebellion you think soberly I mean honestly about what you have to deny your grace gift is not humility it is unbelief and rebellion so not in false exaggeration not and not in sinful exaggeration false humiliation but in sober estimation you just look at yourself take inventory well pastor that's so nebulous would you help me a little bit give me some guidance here as to how to think alright let me give you some principles begin with the letter e just for remembrance first of all is the principle of enlightenment you see the Holy Spirit of God that's in you I will just enlighten your mind that this is the mystical part of it and there is a mystical part of it I mean it's an it's not a it's not a mathematical formula the Holy Spirit of God will begin to speak to your heart he did when he called me into the ministry that's the Ministry of love in light in men now secondly the principle of enjoyment enjoyment when you feel the Holy Spirit of God kind of moving you to do something enlightenment and you do it and your joy by the way I don't know where the shows not but I enjoy what I'm doing right now I really do and I can hardly wait to come and preach I enjoy what I do and you have to ask yourself you know what melts my butter what what do I really enjoy their doing did you hear about the animal school well the animals had a school and they were gonna be taught running and climbing and flying and swimming and when the duck enrolled in school man he was great in swimming he was fair in flying climbing and running boy he was bad in climbing and running so the sense he was so good at swimming they just didn't give me more courses in swimming and they made him work out on the track all day long running and running and running after a while he got worse in his swimming not much better in his running but everybody else in the school no longer threatened by the duck the duck they just tuned him down everybody felt a little more comfortable now the Eagle they put the Eagle in school boy he was great in climbing he always got the top of the tree but he wouldn't do it the right way he goes just had another way of getting to the top of the tree well they scolded the Eagle for that and they put Eagle in the swimming classes the Eagle did not like the swimming classes after a while the Eagle got so rebellious about the whole thing they expelled the Eagle from school and then the rabbit boy the rabbit he got it he was great in running boy he loved running but he wasn't so good in the rest of the things he he was he was bad in swimming he hated the swimming classes he was not a tree climber at all and so he after a while the poor rabbit had a nervous breakdown and the turtle hey he got a feel sorry for the turtle the turtle he couldn't run he couldn't swim he couldn't fly he couldn't climb they knew he's no good what's this turtle good for so they said the problem is his shell so they took the shell out of him he helped him just a little bit in the running until the horse stepped on him poor turtle he's gone I mean listen they messed up the whole school you say that's ridiculous friend that's exactly what we're trying to do in churches today rather than letting people do what God has equipped to them equipped it is not a word equip them to do and gifted them to do why we just try to tone them down in some area where there's and beat them up in some area they're not gifted at all to do God has given you a particular gift and you're going to find out that there will be enlightenment there will be in joy meant in this gift and then let me give you another thing that there will be in this gift there will be the principle of encouragement you'll find other people encouraging you in your own gift why because they're blessed fine that was the the amazement to me when I was a youngster and in our church and I drew in in my life to do whatever Lord Jesus you want me to do I just filled in a plain piece of paper and said Here I am Lord whatever you want me to do and they asked me to be the youth week pastor can you imagine that yeah listen I was I was not a good student in school I was bright but I wasn't a good student I can't ever remember him bringing a book home really seriously never if I didn't get in class I just didn't get it I I could I could get it by listening and by faking it and you know and I just going through with average grades and the last thing I ever thought of myself was doing was preaching but asked me to be the youth week pastor and I got a bear petrified wasn't afraid of anything moved on football field but I was petrified and I spoke and people came by and said I was blessed by that that was good do it again do it again at first I thought you know they're just being nice to me I must have done a real bad but they kept saying that and they kept saying that and and you know I liked it if a preacher tells you oh you I don't like for you to tell me I did good he's lying he's lying I mean when you're encouraged that helps there's that enlightenment there's that enjoyment there is that encouragement and then there is that enable man God will enable you to do this listen to this first put it down first Timothy chapter 1 in verse 12 I thank Jesus Christ our Lord who had enabled me in that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry Paul knew he could not do what he did in the ministry without without the enable met the two things I go back to my high school days two things that I really enjoyed the least you know what there were speaking and writing guess what I do guess what how do I do that well God knew that somehow there was a latent gift there that he had put into me and he has enabled me and so when God gives you this mind what do you do with it think with it not more highly than you ought to think but soberly according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith now here's the next thing there is to be a shared participation look if you will now in verses 4 and 5 for as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office that is the same work than me in a place where you do your work so we being many are one body in Christ and every one members one of another now we need to learn that we present us when we present ourselves to Jesus we're also presenting ourselves to one another there's to be a shared participation when you belong to Jesus you belong to me and when I belong to Jesus I belong to you remember that the Church is his body it's not an organization with Jesus Christ as the president it is a body with Jesus Christ as the head and we're all members in that body and it is arrogance and conceit and pride that divides us it is the Holy Spirit of God that unites us and so when we find our gift there's to be the shared participation everyone's gift is not as obvious I mean you're more you are you're seeing more my mind of my voice than you are my liver right now right you know thing boy his liver is really functioning good this morning no but if my liver weren't functioning I wouldn't be up here preaching you see look there people they're doing things in this church right now that you're not aware of but but there's a shared participation and each gift is given to perfect the body of Christ and if you're not fulfilling I don't care who you are you remember this church if you are not fulfilling the purpose for which God puts you in this body you're harmful and hurtful to the body how many active members do you have pastor friend they're all active somewhat tearing down and some are building up they're all active God put you in this body as it has pleased him and there's to be a shared participation nobody has all of the gifts everybody has at least one of the gifts and we are dependent upon one another God made us different that he might make us one I've got to move from that point to next not only a shared participation but now what's this a specific activation now begin to read here in verse six and you will find out how he comes to sort of a therefore now he's talking about all these things that go before this you know we present ourselves to him and and he renews our mind and and then we find ourselves operating in the body now he says having them therefore having then if different according to the charisma that is given to us the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith our ministry let us wait on our ministering or he that teacheth on teaching or he that exhorteth on exhortation he that giveth let him do it with simplicity he that ruleth with diligence he that shows mercy with cheerfulness that mentions here seven gifts and he says get with it get activated you see you want to know your gift well just pick out something that you think may be your gift and get busy it's hard to steer ship that's not moving don't just sit there God's not going to zap you you're going to find your gift as you get busy he says prophesy according to the proportion of faith that is you may not have a lot of faith but he's dealt to every man the measure of faith take what you've got and put it into business now let's look one more time quickly these seven gifts see if you can spot yours seven right here there's some over there in first Corinthians chapter 12 but right here first of all it talks about prophecy in verse six do you see it look at it now what is prophecy prophecy is declaring proof if you have the gift of prophecy you're going to find yourself for example being used in jail services mission work you and find yourself perhaps teaching a class but you're going to find that in your teaching you're going to have a desire to be persuasive and you will be persuasive you will be moving people action and then he mentions in verse 7 service our ministry well that's that's another word for service and you're gonna find yourself if that is your gift meeting spiritual needs in a practical way that's church work activities program I was in activities program I to my grandchildren where basketball games there goes a Saturday but I was I was going these basketball games and I'm just so blessed to see these coaches over there and these these people working for these kids to build character the Sunday school is the is the classroom the activities program is the laboratory where you kind of work it out and a wonderful thing that is people who work in these offices around here these wonderful uh sure give the ushers a hand this morning god bless you thank God for you the nursery workers those who drive the buses those that keep the church grounds our church grounds are beautiful thank God for that those who work in maintenance those who are working the sound system right now these wonderful glorious people that's the gift of ministry and then this eaton mentions the gift of teaching look in verse 7 if you have this gift you want to clarify proof I mean you have you have a desire to search out things in to validate truth that's been presented and and you will have a questioning mind and you'll be used in Sunday school you'll be used in missionary organizations neighborhood Bible studies backyard Bible schools and so forth a you you may use that gift as a mother I told you before I believe my precious daughter Janice has that gift that she uses with her own children and then he mentions exhortation what is expectation that's the desire in verse 8 that's the desire to stimulate people in their faith to exhort them to love Jesus better and if you have that gift you're going to enjoy personal counseling you're going to you're going to be perhaps in the music ministry that's what our music ministry does this morning and maybe in visitation going after those the law Strait is stolen soul-winning just the ministry of encouragement that's exhortation and then he mentions giving now we're all commanded to give but some people have the gift of giving and what is that that's you're motivated to entrust personal assets to others that the work of God may be carried on and and you make good decisions to meet immediate needs and your you're careful in your giving but you're willing to give and you have the ability to accumulate and disperse a sense and there are people in our church you'll have the gift of giving and I thank God for that and then he mentions ruling in verse eight maybe that's your gift it's the it's the motivation uh not to be the big shop but to coordinate things and to help people to see a big vision and to move them toward the vision to coordinate activities of others for a common goal for the glory of God and that's the gift to preside to lead to stand before others a person has this gift is also has a gift of vision he sees where we ought to go and he begins to lead and motivate people to that then there's a gift of mercy maybe that's your gift oh how neat that is look in verse 8 what is the gift of mercy you identify with people and comfort people who are in distress and if you feel empathy and sympathy for the misfortune and heartaches of others and you be you will mentally and emotionally and practically relate to those needs and you'll find yourself in hospital visitation benevolence counseling all of these things now all of these gifts are there now let's come to the final thing now after the after there is this this activity where you you actually get busy you're going to find that it will begin to gel now go back up to first to look at it again verse 2 and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God there will be a settle confirmation you will prove you will prove you will prove what is that good perfect and acceptable will of God you will prove it in your own heart you will you will have this confirmation and you will say yes that is my spiritual gift and once you once you see that then number one you accept yourself number two you begin to be yourself number three you begin to give yourself and when you accept yourself be yourself and give yourself friend then you are blessed God is glorified and the church is strengthened just look around what would happen folks look what would happen if the people in this church which I mean all of us we quit being pew potaters a lot of young that hurts your feelings you come apologize to me and I'll forgive you cue potato what would happen what would happen if you presented yourself a sacrificial presentation and had a spiritual transformation and then made a sober consideration Lord what do you want me to do maybe the problem with many of us the flesh hooks hmm we just don't want to get tied down you say well yeah let somebody else do it I went to London I went to see the crown jewels I told the guard that I said the one thing I want to see is the corner diamond because I'd read about it so I saw the corner diamond this diamond was a 186 carats that's ladies that's a rock at that time they said it was worth half the expenses of a half the daily expense of the whole world this is before it was cut and shaped this is in the crown jewels it was given to Queen Victoria by Punjab Prince a youngster who had it in his possession he gave it to the Queen of England later this Punjab Prince became a grown man he went to the tower there where the jewels are kept and said I want to see the diamond he's a grown man now he'd given me just as a child they wondered what does he want does he want it back is he going to ask to have it back and they brought it out though because he had been the one that had given it he said would you place it in my hands I said oh they placed it in his hands and then he turned and said to the Queen who was there he said when I was a child I gave you this but I had a child's mind I did not fully understand all that I was doing and now is a man more fully understanding the worth of this diamond one more time I want to give it to you when I heard that I said Lord you know when I was a little boy I gave my heart to Jesus now I'm a man I didn't know all I was doing I meant it but one more time I just want to give my life to you don't you feel that way sometimes the Lord because of your mercies I present myself a living sacrifice and when you do that that's the first step in discovering your spiritual gift I want you to do it you'll be so glad you did the others of you who've never been saved at all you can't present yourself anything until you present yourself a sinner needing to be saved and you say Lord Jesus you died to save me you promised to save me I trust you to save me and I promise you on the authority of the word of God if you will trust him with a childlike faith today he will save you he will forgive every sin he'll come into your heart he'll make you a new creature and he'll take you one day home to have him bow your heads in prayer heads are bowed and eyes are closed and what heads are bowed and eyes are closed would you begin to pray that many here today will say an everlasting yes to Jesus Christ and if you want to be saved today may I guide you in this prayer pray it like this dear God I know the you love me and I know that you want to save me I am a sinner my sin deserves judgment and will receive judgment unless I get saved but lord I want to be saved Jesus you died to save me you promised to save me if I would trust you I do trust you telling that I do right now Lord Jesus I receive you as my Lord and Savior come into my heart forgive my sin save me I believe you're the Son of God I believe you paid for my sin with your blood I believe that you were raised from the dead I believe it and I receive it now begin to make me the person you want me to be and help me never be ashamed of you in your Holy Name I pray amen one more time I want to ask you this question what will you do with Jesus I'm not asking what others have done with Jesus or even what you should do with Jesus friend from my heart right to your heart I'm asking you this question today what will you do with Jesus answer that question right and all else will ultimately be right answer it wrong and no matter what else seems right it will ultimately be wrong say to the Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive my sin cleanse me save me begin now to make me the person you want me to be Oh Lord Jesus thank you thank you thank you for paying my sin debt with your shed blood on the cross I believe you're the Son of God I believe that you were buried and rose again the third day I believe you can save me want to save me and will save me if I trust you and I do trust you Jesus I do right now with all of my heart forever and ever you don't have to use those words just say Lord Jesus save me I ask you with all of my heart and if you do would you please write to us and let us know so we can rejoice with you and we'll send you some literature to help you get started in your Christian life god bless you my dear friend we hope that today's message has helped you unwrap your spiritual gift if you would like to learn more about the spiritual gift that you have been given check out our website LW f o RG @ LW org you can listen to this message again listen to other messages in this series and check out articles and blue puts on spiritual gifts by Adrian Rogers go to LW org and check out all the resources available to you from love worth finding thank you for watching today and we'll see you next time [Music] love worth finding is a viewer-supported ministry and we need the help of faithful viewers like you as we share the love of Christ each week as a thank you for your financial support this month we'd love to send you these five how-to booklets on strength and faith thank you for your generous support and may God richly bless you
Channel: Love Worth Finding Ministries
Views: 19,162
Rating: 4.8216562 out of 5
Keywords: love worth finding, Adrian Rogers, Memphis, salvation, ways to salvation, Christ Jesus, spiritual gifts, gifts from the holy spirit, prophecy, gifts from the lord, discovering your gift, discovering your purpose
Id: 5tgTYsDrV0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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