The Downfall of The DCEU | A DC Documentary

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the DC extended Universe what was once seen as a potential rival to the massively successful Marvel Cinematic Universe is now being abandoned after 16 movies and one show spanning a 10-year Lifetime movies in general have to earn two and a half times their budgets to break even and the dcu's box office has been erratic to say the least so throughout this documentary you will see some movies easily earn a profit and others failing to Break Even This documentary highlights the eight key moments of the dce euu so join me today on this journey as we explore the downfall of the DC euu in 2013 Zack Snider's Man of Steel released a movie that was originally offered to Christopher Nolan most famous for The Dark Knight trilogy who recommended to Warner Brother brothers that Zack Snider should direct the Superman reboot if successful Warner Brothers would push ahead in creating a shared universe and Snider managed to bring in $667 million at the box office with a $225 million budget a 56% critic score and a 75% audience score on roton tomato Warner Brothers very happy with the movie proceeded to allow Snider to make sequel at San Diego ComicCon in 2013 Zack Snider and Harry Lennox announced to the world the next movie in Superman's story I want you to remember Clark in all the years to come in all your most private moments I want you to remember my hand at your throat I want you to remember the one man will beat you wa what what w what woo the Superman sequel was Now The Dark Knight versus the Man of Steel tled Batman v Superman dawn of Justice implying the dawn of the Justice League now according to J who worked with Snider on all his DC movies Snider had shown a storyboards back in 2013 before Man of Steel came out of Batman v Superman with a Dark Knight Returns Batman the Batman of which Ben Affleck's portrayal was inspired by which confirms that Snyder already had an idea of Superman facing Batman in the the next movie however that original idea was then accelerated by Warner Brothers into a full setup for the Justice League Warner Brothers were trying to play catchup desperate for that MCU success so whil Snider was focusing on his story Warner Brothers had him accelerate the process to build to that Avengers competitor movie so Snider expanded his original plan the next year Warner Brothers announced nine new DC movies coming to the DC slate that would span over the next 7 years some of which to this day still have not been made the DC extended Universe looked an exciting prospect however Warner Brothers Executives were impatient they saw the success of the MCU and wanted to replicate that Snyder was planning his own DC story over five movies which Warner Brothers allowed originally there were four but Warner Brothers changed his plan so they EXP expanded it to five Man of Steel Batman v Superman and a Justice League trilogy but with Snider planning his own storyline Warner Brothers decided they wanted to build around that whilst letting Snider do his own thing at least for the time being during pre-production of Batman v Superman Warner Brothers Executives were not happy with the original script so brought in Oscar winning writer Chris Tero to help rewrite it so with their Rewritten screenplay the film went into production however in post- production Warner Brothers instructed Snider that they needed to cut 30 minutes from the movie to reduce the runtime the goal behind this was to squeeze in more screenings of the film which in turn can increase Revenue but was a shortsighted decision whil the movie managed to earn $872 million at the box office from a 263 million budget and a 63% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes the critics reviews were not so positive they bashed the movie and Chris Tero revealed in 2019 that cuts to Batman v Superman ordered by Warner Brothers Executives undermined what would have been a solid picture these Cuts ultimately sabotaged The Narrative according to Tero likely leading to the negative reception of the movie Tero said if you took 30 minutes out of Argo as they were from Batman v Superman it would make zero sense at all critics would say what's a lazy screenplay because the characters don't have motivations and it's not coherent and I would agree with them this was the first sign of Studio interference and unfortunately wasn't the end based on the backlash from critics for Batman v Superman Warner Brothers puts Jeff JNS and John Berg in charge of overlooking all DC projects during Batman v Superman's creation Snider was also expanding beyond that movie now venturing out to the Justice League Trilogy Snyder went from Batman v Superman right into Justice League and so began drawing up a plan for two Justice League sequels planned to be filmed back to back I will come back to this a little bit later then came along long Suicide Squad the third movie in the DC euu and with the reactive Executives came more Studio interference unfortunately it was no longer trimming down the movie but also ordered re-shoot the movie began production at the end of the first quarter of 2015 which was before Batman v Superman was released and in January of 2016 the first trailer came out implying a darker more serious tone similar to what was released before however based on the critics bashing of Batman v Superman and Executives obsession with the MCU the executives decided they wanted the DC euu to move away from their own tone and to become similar to Marvel as Suicide Squad went into post production re-shoot were ordered by Executives and according to director David a those Executives saw the recent reception of Deadpool and wanted Suicide Squad to be similar to that movie Deadpool opened and then they never tested Batman v Superman so they put the movie out there and they never did a test a said and they were expecting a different result and then they got hammered by all the critics and then it's like okay we're going to turn David A's dark soulall movie into a comedy now and if you compare the first Suicide Squad trailer to the last trailer you can see a clear difference in tone from the dark Soulful movie AA described to a comedy the re-shoot that were written by Jeff JNS made a massive difference to the tone and quality of the film leading to disappointing reviews however the movie still managed to earn 745 million at the box office with $175 million budget but unfortunately had a 58% audience score and a 26% critic score but Warner Brothers Executives didn't think that decline was their fault in their eyes it must have been because their movies were too different to Marvels and then came Wonder Woman which began production in November 2015 to another movie that went into production before Batman v Superman was released to audiences worldwide the movie that went back in time to World War I to tell the story of Diana of M skira directed by Patty Jenkins and a story by Alan heinberg Zack Snider and Jason fuks now this movie unfortunately couldn't escape re-shoot either haty Jenkins confirmed that the Final Act had some major re-shoot forced by the studio she said that was the only thing that the studio forced my hand on was that it was not supposed to be it was supposed to be like that he never turns into Aries said Jenkins the whole point of the movie is that you get there to the big monster and he's just standing there looking at you saying I didn't do anything and then the studio kept saying we'll let you do that and then we'll see and then I could feel it creeping up and then at the last minute they were like you know what we want Aries to show up and I was like godamn we don't have time to do that right now and nope you got to do it and most people argue that the ending of the film was the weakest part of the movie and of course that was a Warner Brothers decision the movie still managed to earn $817 million at the box office with a budget of $150 million a 93% Critic score and an audience score of 83% the highest rating the dceu had so far so things looked like they were heading back in the right direction but no Warner Brothers were not finished there in late 2015 Zack Snyder had Jeff JNS and Jim Lee write and draw the final two stories after to Justice League 1 now remember from the original film slate there were only meant to be two Justice League movies part one and part two however Warner Brothers changed that to three movies as they felt it was too bloated so now in Three Justice League films Snider began planning Justice League 1 story was complete and then was born the infamous Justice League 2 and three story boards these story boards were setting up a darker future that was hinted at in Batman V super Superman a confusing scene of a nightmare future where Superman was evil but it was all to be explained in the two Justice League sequels so with this plan created Focus was then turned to Justice League 1 however before that film began production Warner Brothers forced Snider and Chris Terio to change parts of the story such as Bruce Wayne and Lois Lane having a baby together and were told to make an overall lighter tone so Snider and Terio did so but whilst some parts were were changed the key elements stayed the same and with those changes approved Justice League went into production production of Justice League began in April of 2016 and ended in October the same year with Snider managing to film almost everything he needed for his Justice League movie even with Warner Brothers making it persistently difficult for him according to the rap Warner Brothers Executives went to the then president Greg Silverman asking him to remove Zack Snyder from Justice League Silverman was quite harsh on Zach but production was too far along and they were about to start rolling the decision to keep Snider on Justice League ultimately came from Warner Brothers CEO Kevin suji Hara however DC film's President John Berg was sent to London to oversee the movie's production post production then began in November of 2016 but unfortunately in May of 2017 Zack Snider had to step down from the movie after his daughter Autumn Snider had passed away when this unfortunately happened Warner Brothers claimed they had hired Avengers director Jos Weeden to finish the film in Snider's Vision however when the movie was released it was clear this was not the case Warner Brothers used this moment to do what they always wanted to do move away from Snider's serious and mature vision and to Marvel's lighter hearted tone and so with the hiring of Jos Weeden they began the $25 million worth of re-shoot now if you don't know most movies have re-shoot worth $5 to10 million so for Justice League to have 25 million worth of re-shoot implies major changes however these re-shoot were extremely noticeable and so was the overall change from Snider's Vision the sudden increase in humor and saturation of colors indicated a clear sign of Warner Brothers intent and a noticeable badly cged upper lip on Henry caval made the reshoots obvious whilst the Justice League re-shoot were happening caval had moved on to Mission Impossible where his character had a mustache and Paramount did not let Henry caval shavee the mustache for the Justice League re-shoot so the Justice League re-shoot team decided the best decision to make was to try and CGI the mustache off of Henry caval which made it far easier to recognize which scenes are re-shoot and which were originally shot by Snider but even Jos Weeden was given strict instructions by the studio 2 being told the movie couldn't be longer than 2 hours and this was because the studio Executives wanted to squeeze in as many screenings as possible but didn't really care about the impacts that would have on storytelling as many of you know Snider's films are not short and so the original story that Snider filmed would not work with a two hour runtime which made the re-shoot even more difficult to turn into a cohesive story most thought delaying the movie and ensuring the CGI and storytelling were improved was The Logical answer however there appears to be a darker motive behind it all in 2017 AT&T and Time Warner were in the middle of an $85 billion deal that they were hoping would close by the end of the year one source told the rap that Warner Brothers CEO Kevin suji Hara and president president Toby emrich wanted to preserve their bonuses they would be paid before the merger and were worried that if they delayed the movie then their bonuses would have been delayed to the following year and they might not still be at the studio so the motive behind not delaying the movie was reportedly corporate greed which can paint quite a strong picture regarding the executives at Warner Brothers at the time and the re-shoot turned out to be the major talking point of the movie with most feeling like this didn't feel like a continuation of Snider's Story the movie managed to make $655 million at the box office with a $300 million plus budget a 39% critic score and a 67% audience score so a noticeable drop in box office and reviews from Wonder Woman 1 the confusion from fans in the final product sparked a Monumental movement called release the SN cut in May 2017 Aquaman began filming roughly the same time Snyder left justice league and Aquaman ended production in October the same year in early 2018 whilst Aquaman was in post production Walter Hamada was hired as the new president of DC before this John Berg and Jeff JNS were overlooking the DC EU as well as their boss Toby Emerich who were all major influencers on the Justice League re-shoot and they were in fact written by Jeff Jones ever since Batman v Superman those Executives wanted to get away from Snyder's vision and were finally able to when Snider left the Justice League project with Walter Hamada now in charge they were able to have a fresh start and continue in their lighter hearted Direction however Hamada had no hand in creating Aquaman 1 the movie was in post- production when he arrived so Walter Hamada had no influence or help in the $1.1 billion that Aquaman won made at the box office with $160 million budget a 65% critic score and a 73% audience score a mega success for the DC extended universe that surely would help see the DC EU kick off after this big box office success well unfortunately not still to this day not a single DCU movie since the release of Aquaman has been able to earn even half of Aquaman's box office in April of 2018 Mission Impossible director Christopher mcquarry stated in an interview with that he had discussed ideas for a man of steel sequel with Henry caval on the set of Mission Impossible Fallout and in June 2018 a merger between AT&T and Warner media finalized meaning AT&T were now in charge of Warner Brothers in March of 2019 Warner Brothers CEO Kevin suji Hara resigned after a very worrying case involving a female actress and in came an sanov to replace him an sanov becoming the new boss of Toby Emer who was the boss of Walter Hamad less than a month later Warner Brothers went on records stating the SN cut did not exist after fans had rallied outside Warner Brothers Burbank office asking to see the cut with the majority of fans being respectful unfortunately some fans decided to be toxic towards Warner Brothers employees almost a year later in April of 2019 Shazam 1 released worldwide a relatively unknown character about a boy who gets the powers of the Gods unfortunately that wasn't enough to entrust audiences with only managing to earn $363 million at the box office with an $85 million budget but was able to earn a 90% critic score and an 82% audience score however when Shazam 1 released there also came confusion amongst fans as to why a faceless Superman appeared at the end of the movie instead of Henry caval some claim it was scheduling conflicts other claim it was to do with money or a bad relationship with the new heads of DC and Warner Brothers whatever the reasoning was what we do know is that Henry caval wasn't in the movie however he still wanted to play Superman but according to Christopher mcquery in July of 2019 it was Warner Brothers who were not interested in Superman returning to the dce EU he stated the Studios have never cared for my original ideas they prefer that I fix their broken ones they never said no they just never moved on it this was just before Fallout was released and no I would not reconsider there's too many other things I want to do and then came August of 2019 where at least the SNY cut fans had continued pushing for The elusive SNY cut raising money for the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention as well as crowdfunding Billboards and Sky banners timed to ComicCon International in San Diego with even Snyder stoking the fire by releasing exclusive black and white images from his cut of Justice League on the social media app Vero and Jason Mamoa even casually mentioned in an Instagram post that Snider had showed him the SNY cut these actions were hyping the fan base even more and with AT&T now making the calls there was a chance that this could actually happen on November 17th 2019 the 2-year anniversary of Justice League's release Ben Affleck galad dot Ray Fisher and Zack Snider all posted # relas the Snider cut now there was some real power behind this movement with the cast also supporting the hashtag and this fueled fans for the next 6 months now in January of 2020 Mission and possible director Christopher mcquarry tweeted out regarding Warner Brothers lack of interest in his Superman idea I asked once I will never ask again he said they have their own problems and I sympathize deeply but after 25 years of hearing no even an idiot like me gets the message I go where I'm valued so clearly he did not appreciate the Studio's lack of interest in his Superman pitch before most of the world had been affected by the pandemic in February of 2020 Birds of Prey was released a movie that hadn't really been asked for by fans and the box office showed it only making 2011 million at the box office with an $82 million budget but surprisingly having a78 % critic score and audience score so that's now two box office drops in a row both produced by Walter Hamada in May of 2020 Zack Snider hosted a virtual Man of Steel watch party after the movie ended Zach had Henry caval join him along with many fans this was the very moments the release the SN cut movements had been dreaming of when will you release the SN cut there it is it's a hard question I don't know what do you think I reckon you should show it we're doing it Zack Snider confirmed that they were releasing the SNY cut in 2021 on HBO Max AT&T the owners of Warner Brothers allowed Zack Snyder to release his full version of Justice League and this broke the internet nothing like this had ever happened before and it showed that fans demand did have an influence on the studio there were however other factors to consider that helped the SN cut to be released firstly their new streaming platform that was releasing soon HBO Max they needed people's attention to get subscribing to their streaming service and the SN cut was the perfect way to do so the second was that the pandemic was stronger than ever so a lot of Productions were on hold and so releasing this highly in demand movie that needs far less work than brand new movies and one that can be released on their new streaming platform was a no-brainer but the point still stands fans could see that their voices did influence the studio 2 months later in July of 2020 Ray Fisher decided to speak up against the abuse he and others endured on the Justice League re-shoot stating Jos weeden's onset treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross abusive unprofessional and completely unacceptable he was enabled in many ways by Jeff JNS and John Berg accountability over entertainment this caused an entire investigation to happen that to this day hasn't been fully resolved however since then we have seen Jeff Johns John Berg and Jos Weeden all disappear from Warner Brothers however fiser wasn't done there as when he brought this up to Walter herad Fisher claims herada tried to throw Weeden under the bus to save JNS and Berg from any further punishment and this tweet from Ray fiser summarizes his thoughts on the matter when Walter Hamada left DC in 2022 Walter Hamada tried to protect his toxic and discriminatory colleagues he failed he tried to bury me and the Justice League investigation with lies in the trait he failed he is a product of old Hollywood cronyism may we never experience his like again onward accountability over entertainment so due to the drama that happened whilst the Justice League re-shoot were going on the way Hamada reportedly tried to protect his colleagues during the investigation of 2020 and the box office decline of the dceu the reputation of Warner Brothers and DC was declining in December of 20120 Wonder Woman 1984 was simultaneously released on streaming and in theaters which led to a low box office performance only making $170 million at the box office with a $200 million budget and a 58% critic score but had a 73% audience score it also had viewership numbers on HBO Max but here is where it gets confusing Warner Brothers don't officially release any numbers for their DC streaming shows or movies so we don't have precise numbers we only have thirdparty sources so we shall return to Wonder Woman 1984 streaming numbers when we can refer to other DC streaming movies then came the SNY Cuts release which was meant to happen on March 18th of 201 21 however Warner Brothers accidentally leaked it a week before somehow when HBO Max users clicked on the Tom and Jerry movie they were able to watch the Snider cut something that to many fans didn't feel like an accident now Snider has made it very clear that whilst he was working on the SN Cuts Warner Brothers made it very difficult for him so some fans feel that The Accidental leak wasn't so accidental we have to remember that Toby Emer the same executive who wanted SN on and changed Justice League when Snider left was still in charge when Snyder returned to complete his cut of Justice League so fans theorized that em making it difficult for Snider was due to his fear that the Snyder Cut's release would show up his mistake in re-shooting the Justice League movie but when the 4-Hour director's cut of Justice League officially released on HBO Max on March 18th 2021 it caused HBO Max to crash all around the world as fans all tried to watch the movie at the same time the movie managed to earn a 71% critic score and a 94% audience score and a week after the movie was released # restore the snse trended on Twitter hitting 1.5 million tweets which was a record number of tweets for a movie if you don't know restore the snde means asking Warner Brothers to allow Snider to make the original story he had planned for Justice League 2 and 3 however for days after the SNY cut was released and sonov attempted to squash those hopes and stated in an interview that regarding the restore the sniders hashtag the SN cut was the completion of his Trilogy which angered fans as the movie ends on a cliffhanger with dark side ready to invade Earth calling it a Trilogy was her attempt at silencing those who wanted more however this only fueled sniders fans more once most continued to push the one hash restore the snyderverse a vocal minority within the fandom began another hashtag 2 # boycott Warner Brothers the issues Ray fiser had with Warner Brothers Executives along with the fact that the dceu was continuing to make movies they were not interested in and an sanov declaring that Snider's DC films were a Trilogy didn't sit well with some Snider verse fans and used that as motivation behind their other hashtag and whilst most who were using the boycott hashtag were using it because they were truly concerned about the alleged treatment of employees on Warner Brothers sets unfortunately some decided to use the hashtag as their way of saying if you don't restore the snyderverse I will boycott your company now before Zack Snider's Justice League was released the release the SN cut fans had not been pushing for a boycott and their positive actions such as raising money for the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention helped their cause however it appeared that the success of the snd Cut's release caused some fans to believe that they were entitled to see more not simply asking to see what happens next like what most sniders fans were doing but were demanding to see the sniders restored and until that happens they would boycott Warner Brothers and in doing so they may have shot themselves in the foot whilst boycotting can work there were simply not enough customers following their footsteps many did not agree with their motivations their execution of the boycott or didn't even care enough to boycott in the first place so their motivation may have been to restore the sniders but in doing so tarnished the reputation of the movement for months after the SN Cuts release James guns The Suicide Squad released theatrically and on HBO Max simultaneously the movie had a budget of $185 million but only earned $167 million at the box office but had a 90% critic score and an 82% audience score so now with three DC EU movies releasing on HBO Max we have streaming numbers that we can compare to one another samb TV have provided their thirdparty numbers and have said that based on the 28 million us households who use samb TV and of those who opted into their viewership being tracked and who are subscribed to HBO Max The Suicide Squad had 4.7 million households watching it on HBO Max in the first 17 days Wonder Woman 1984 had 3.9 million households and the SNY cut had 3.2 million households now remember this is HBO Max only and HBO Max had a staggered worldwide availability so for these three movies many countries did not have access to HBO Max and so had to watch these films through other streaming services and if we look at this graph showing the subscribers for HBO Max we can see that when Wonder Woman 19 1984 released in quarter 4 of 2020 the platform had 41.5 million subscribers then in the first quarter of 2021 when the SN cut released their subscribers increased to 44.2 million subscribers and that number then increased again to 47 million subscribers in quarter 2 but then dropped to 45.2 million subscribers when The Suicide Squad released in quarter 3 so as you can see the suicide squad had a three .7 million subscriber advantage on Wonder Woman 1984 and a 1 million subscriber advantage on the SN cut so that is important context to be aware of another piece of context to be aware of is the fact that Wonder Woman 1984 and The Suicide Squad were both available theatrically as well as on streaming whereas the SN cut was only available on streaming so we don't know how much more those two movies would have made if they were released only theatrically with or without the pandemic going on and if they were only available on streaming how many more views they would have had and on the flip side Justice League 2017 made 655 million at the box office and the general Public's perception of the SN cut was that it was just a director's cut of a movie that released 4 years ago the 4-Hour runtime could also have put some people off at the beginning however according to variety Zack Snider's Justice League was the fourth most streamed movie of 2021 so not just on HBO Max but worldwide on every platform the truth is the only people who truly know the precise numbers for DC streamed movies are Warner Brothers who strangely kept that information private and in late 2022 Warner Brothers Discovery was sued for lying about the number of subscribers they had on HBO Max Prem merger exaggerating the number by around 10 million subscribers according to the rap so many of their statistics could be inaccurate to benefit themselves or any narrative they wish to push in January of 2022 Walter Hamada's next DC produced project was James guns Peacemaker the spin-off show was stated to break HBO Max original records however the streaming service had only been available for less than 2 years at this moment in time so it didn't exactly have many other Originals to compete with so whilst having higher numbers than any other Max original so far as progress it didn't have much to compete with however audience and critics alike seem to really enjoy the show with critics giving the series a 94% score and an audience score of 89% 638,000 us households watched the premiere in the first 4 days however this dropped to 584,000 households for the finale but this didn't stop a second season being green lit by DC president Walter Hamada in April of 2022 the merger between Warner Brothers and Discovery finalized creating the brand new company Warner Brothers Discovery now run by David zaslav of Discovery replacing an sonov much was to change over the next 8 months within the business with the old regime slowly being pushed out first to go was of course an sanov but then it was Toby emerick's turn however wter Hamada's contract was running out in October of 2022 so the newly formed company decided to keep him on until his contract ran out as it is cheaper to let a contract run out than firing the employee and whilst tamad was still in power he had multiple dceu movies on the go now a Cinematic Universe usually is supposed to build towards something larger like Zack Snider's plan or what Marvel did with Thanos however the dce EU since Hamada came in didn't seem to have that now according to multiple trustworthy sources and scoopers Hamada was using the flash to erase the past of the DC euu a soft reboot if you will his goal was to use The Flash movie to erase Henry Cav's Superman and Ben Affleck's Batman and replace them with Sasha Kay's Supergirl Leslie Grace's Batgirl and Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne now according to the Hollywood Reporter Hamada's larger plan was a crisis on infinite Earth's adaptation for those of you who don't know crisis on infinite Earths is one of the most famous stories in DC Comics a story where the Multiverse is in danger and a character called the monitor has to recruit DC's greatest heroes across multiple realities to save the Multiverse meaning we could have seen multiple of the same characters played by other actors which means we could have seen Henry caval Superman fighting alongside Brandon Ruth's Superman and caval Superman was supposed to appear further down the line however that is all we know about that apparent plan the issue was that none of Hamada's DC EU movies had been hinting at all towards any long-term plan and every movie seemed to be doing its own thing which may have been one of the many reasons why his DCU movies flopped so on the Slate for 2022 and 2023 for Walter herada were Black Adam bat girl Shazam Fury of the Gods The Flash aquan and the lost kingdom and Blue Beetle so herada had six productions being filmed all planned to be released in 2022 and 2023 and he had also secretly hired James gun to write a rebooted Superman story that was disconnected from the DC euu which was due to the lack of Superman within the dce EU with caval not appearing since 2017's Justice League which according to Chris mcquary was due to Warner Brothers being disinterested in a Superman sequel the first of Hamada's films to be released was to be Black Adam a character who originally was shazam's biggest enemy however the rock had other plans he wanted to distance Black Adam from Shazam and had his focus on another opponent however this opponents was being blocked by DC president Walter Hamada now remember that in April of 2022 a new regime came in and whilst Walter Hamada was still technically the DC president he had new bosses above him Amala Abdi and Mike Duca who were heavily invested in the dceu and it didn't take them long to make changes to the DC extended Universe at San Diego Comic-Con in July of 2022 The Rock appeared in front of the Comic-Con crowd promoting Black Adam he was asked by a fan who would win between Superman and Black Adam and The Rock's answer clearly created a reaction from fans I I will say as you guys know because we're all in deep with this methology ology and it's been the age-old question of who would win a in a fight between Black Adam and Superman uh pound-for-pound they're pretty close um I I guess it probably all depends on who's playing Superman I will just say that the crowd understood Who The Rock was referring to and that was the first hint at Cav's possible return to the dceu now remember at this point in time caval was currently not in the movie at all but one thing was clear fans wanted Henry caval back as Superman and the Rock knew it Dwayne Johnson had stated that he had asked multiple times during the production of Black Adam to bring caval back as Superman but Hamada had said no every time however with a new regime in charge Johnson had other people to persuade so this time he wouldn't go to Hamada who would instantly reject this request again instead he went over Hamada's head to his bosses Abdi and Duca who obliged to The Rock's request as they were big fans of caval and with their power now being stronger than hammadas they did more than bring back Henry caval so whilst the next five DC EU movies were Walter Hamada products they were being changed by the new regime who were determined to reignite the DC extended Universe now whilst this was great news for the DC EU David zaslav decided in August of 2022 to show the $100 million back movie claiming it did not meet their quality standards and this outraged quite a lot of DC fans but not all was bad news in September of 2022 a month before Black Adam was released worldwide Henry caval shot the infamous Cameo scene for Black Adam costing Warner Brothers $250,000 with another $250,000 being paid for filming a cameo for The Flash movie 2 reports leaked out that caval was in Black Adam with scoopers revealing the suits caval was wearing for the Cameo and what theme was being played and unfortunately for Henry caval some fans criticized The Cameo due to the color of the suits and the theme being played Henry caval had decided to wear the Man of Steel suit due to how much that suit means to him however some fans were annoyed that it wasn't the black suit that he wore in the Snider cut and the Black Adam crew decided to go with John Williams theme rather than Han Zimmer's theme who was only attached to caval Superman some fans complained about these two choices as in the SN cut Superman wore the black suit and had Han Zimmer's theme so to them these two decisions implied that this Superman was a continuation of Justice League 2017 Superman and so they turned on Cav's return and the Black Adam team somehow what was designed as a positive was turned into a negative by some fans a week later Black Adam released in theaters and it's box office ended at a disappointing $393 million worldwide however that was without a Chinese release which could have boosted the box office by more than $100 million with a reported $200 million budget a 39% critic score and an 88% audience score this was classed as a disappointing performance but was and is still to this day the best box office results that DCU has had since Aquaman in 2018 on October 19th it was announced that Walter herada would leave the company and so the search began for a new DC president and whilst that search continued Abdi and DeLuca continued their work on the new dce euu movies set to be released the following year now the Superman Cameo for The Flash movie was for the ending which would set up a Man of Steel 2 so at this point in time The Flash movie had two filmed endings one was setting up Michael Keaton as the Bruce Wayne of the DC EU with Ben Affleck Batman lost in time and Sasha Kay's Supergirl being the only Kryptonian in the DC extended universe and the second ending adding Henry caval Superman and galad Do's Wonder Woman to set up Man of Steel 2 and a Wonder Woman 3 less than a week later on October 24th Henry caval made it official that he was back as Superman hey everyone I wanted to wait until the weekend was over before posting this uh because I wanted to give you all a chance to watch Black Adam but now that plenty of you have I wanted to make it official that I am back as Superman and the image you see on this post and what you saw in Black Adam are just a very small taste of things to come so uh there's a lot to be thankful for and I'll get to that in time but I wanted to thank you guys most of all thank you for your support and thank you for your patience I promise it we'll be rewarded this moment has been well documented as one of the biggest moments in DC's history which was seen as a moment of Celebration but fans had no idea what was about to happen on October 25th the dceu's future changed forever the Hollywood Reporter announced that Warner Brothers Discovery were turning DC into their own studio and had hired James gun and Peter saffran to be the co-heads of DC Studios James gun would handle the storytelling side and Peter saffran would handle the business side this sparked confusion amongst fans as no one had ever predicted those two to take over DC but the confusion didn't end there there were murmurs from that moment onwards that the co-heads were not fans of the DC extended Universe with rumors spreading that a soft reboot or full reboot were on the horizon many of these rumors were tossed aside by fans after hearing the extensive work Abdi and deuca were doing to set the dceu back on track but 2 months later on December 15th Henry caval announced that he was told by Warner Brothers in October to announce his return to the role of Superman however after long conversations with the DC co-heads he would no longer be playing Superman the internet exploded DC fans outraged and betrayed after being told he was back after being told there was more to come and after reports of a Man of Steel 2 happening Henry caval was no longer playing Superman but it was official and there was no going back because of this Cav's Cameo scene for the flash was removed as well as galad dos as they would set up a future that that DC Studios could not promise and on January 31st James gun announced the reboot of the DC Universe no longer called the dceu but now the DCU and chapter 1 was titled Gods and Monsters Among the slates were a Superman movie and a Batman movie and gun confirmed that no dce EU films are to be connected to the DCU confirming that this new universe was in fact a reboot with only a few actors sticking around however with this announcement releasing on January 31st of 2023 DC still had four DC EU movies to be released later on in the year Shazam Fury of the Gods The Flash Blue Beetle and Aquaman and the lost kingdom now the dcu's box office was pretty much declining with every movie so we don't know factually if the reboot announcement massively impacted DC's 2023 movies but by the looks of social media it did have some influence even some DC fans were not interested in 20203 DC EU movies and due to the outrage from many fans after this announced reboot snyderverse fans began a new idea assuming that Warner Brothers Discovery had no interest in restoring the SN averse they turned their message towards Netflix the idea was that Netflix would license the DC characters from Warner Brothers to allow Snider who was already working at Netflix to complete his Justice League story a movement that gained quite a bit of traction but nowhere near the levels that restore the snyderverse once managed to gain this caused DC fans who were for the snyderverse and DC fans who are against the snye to bash heads even more the online conflict only added to gun's reasoning for rebooting the DC extended Universe a fresh start could allow the DC Fantom to heal or move on from the pass and on March 17th Shazam Fury of the Gods released worldwide with a $125 million budget but only managed to earn $132 million from the box office and a 49% Critic score but had an 86% audience score not soon after articles released that The Rock had no interest in sharing the screen with Shazam and in fact allegedly hindered the movie's Story by refusing to allow the Justice Society to appear in Shazam 2 Shazam star Zachary Levi shared this article saying the truth shall set you free so there was friction within the dceu between two actors which didn't help the dceu's arguments to stick around then came along the flash on June 16th a movie that had a controversial story as was initially seen as erasing the snyderverse when Walter Hamada was in charge but then seen as exciting potential when Abdi and deuca added caval back into the movie but then finally was seen as pointless by many when gun announced the reboot away from the movie however Ezra Miller was facing a string of allegations and was arrested a number of times and in January of 2023 Miller pleaded guilty to unlawful trespass and as a part of a deal would have to seek mental health treatment so the reputation of The Flash movie was not very strong with a $200 million reported budget the movie managed to only make $266 million at the box office and a 63% critic score but had an 83% audience score another flop for the dce euu then on June 27th James gun officially announced that David Corin sweat would be playing Superman in his rebooted Superman movie titled Superman Legacy emphasizing that the dceu was really coming to an end on August 18th Blue Beetle released only managing to to earn $128 million with a $120 million budget but actually managed to earn a 78% critic score and a 91% audience score now due to the size of the blue Beatle character when the film was released and the fact that the movie had no connections to other DC EU movies nor was it seen by many people at all James gun decided to keep Zolo as Blue Beetle for his DCU which leads us to the end of 2023 and the end of the dce euu acraman and the lost kingdom is unfortunately looking like it will be another poor box office performance and will be the final time we see a DC EU movie released over the 10year lifetime the DC EU managed to earn around $7 billion from 15 movies for reference in the same time frame the MCU earned around $25 billion the DC extended Universe ultimately failed due to to the studio behind it reactive and controlling Executives who were too focused on telling creatives what to do and were obsessing over the critics reviews were the ones making the calls throughout the entire lifetime of the dceu and the fans the directors and the box office all were punished because of it the dce euu has given Warner Brothers Discovery and DC Studios many lessons and with the DCU properly beginning in 2025 we will see if they have truly learned from their mistakes but that concludes this documentary the downfall of the [Music] dceu
Channel: Our Movie News
Views: 377,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZackSnydersJusticeLeague, SnyderCut, HBOMAX, WarnerBrothers, Superman, Batman, WonderWoman, TheFlash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Darkseid, Desaad, StarWars, TheForceAwakens, TheLastJedi, TheRiseOfSkywalker, Marvel, MCU, IronMan, CaptainAmerica, Thor, SpiderMan
Id: yE-j1bbyl50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 47sec (2987 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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