Jonah Jameson After Spider-man's "Death"

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Jay Jonah Jameson is sitting in his office Reading one of Tony Stark's speeches hero is not a word I use lightly but Spider-Man defines that word in every way Spider-Man defines that word in every way damn it Tony Stark like I know better than him that article you're writing on Spider-Man make it good CNN says he's dead you're writing his obituary we find ourselves in the Ultimate Universe a world where Magneto triggered a massive tsunami in New York resulting in the deaths of millions of people and superheroes when this catastrophe struck Spider-Man jumped straight into action working non-stop to rescue as many people as he could hold on however that's when he spotted a sinking car compelling him to quickly come to the aid of the woman trapped inside the driver's bleeding I got to get get out of here lady stop let me out Spider-Man swiftly leaps into the water to rescue the panicking woman but that's when we see Jay Jonah Jameson who is trapped inside The Daily Bugle building observing Spider-Man and realizing he was wrong about him his entire life I see this man this hero jumping in not running away like we did he just jumped in and tried to save anyone he could he then goes goes back to the Daily bugles emergency Newsroom and admits to his colleague named Robbie that all of them were right and that he should have never made fun of Spider-Man why did I do this why did I mock him and every day you tried to stop me every day you were right I'm going to make it up to him dead or alive right now do any of you know CPR I do then help her what's happening what's going on I don't know Hulk comes to help Spider-Man and for countless hours as they try to save as many people as they [Music] can following an explosion in the city Spider-Man becomes buried under Rubble Spiderwoman searches desperately for Peter but cannot locate him anywhere eventually it becomes apparent that All That Remains of Spider-Man is his mask as days pass Mary Jane pays a visit to Aunt May's home however their sorrow deepens when Kitty Pride arrives to deliver devastating news about Peter Aunt May breaks into tears while Mary Jane stares at the mask in disbelief and that's when we see Jonah and his team returning to the Daily Bugle Jonah finds himself consumed by thoughts of Spider-Man and the lies he told about him however his colleague Ben offers him a flash drive containing genuine Spider-Man stories as Jonah reads through them Ben delivers the news that Spider-Man is presumed dead so Jonah decides to write an obituary New York died today and with it people of every shape and size the enormity of this tragedy is too much to bear but by the time you read this the facts of this matter will already be recorded a feeling of loss and hopelessness washes over this publisher and one wonders if another feel will ever replace it and though my family is gone my employees are gone and this newspaper has probably seen its final days all I can think about today is Spider-Man Jonah informs everyone that he may have witnessed Spider-Man's final display of true heroism and selflessness he recounts how Spider-Man fearlessly plunged into the waters that claimed countless lives just to rescue someone he expresses remorse for constantly labeling Spider-Man as a menace and reveals that he used to manipulate stories to shift all blame onto him my inability to understand what was driving him was probably what first led me down this path of Deceit why he dressed like this I do not know fear of Discovery we'll never know all we will know about him as a human will come from his recorded actions he rose to every single challenge presented to him in the face of greed evil and maliciousness he stood his ground never asking for payment never asking for reward while we in the media tore into him like wild animals imagine the weight of Choices put before him every day and that in the end because of these choices this Manchild will now stand among our greatest heroes I may never know who Spider-Man was or why he did what he did all I will know is that he would have wanted you to be your best today New York do not falter do not weaken in the face of challenge do as he has done our better days are before us may all of you rise to the occasion may all of you get to live the life Spider-Man did take care of him clear that up cat over there is is that [Music] hey guys
Channel: Comic Stories
Views: 572,533
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Keywords: spider-man, jonah jameson, jonah jameson after spider-man death
Id: aOCKftHox5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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