Jon Jones opens up about his legacy, done fighting Daniel Cormier | Ariel Helwani's MMA Show

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how are you John oh I'm great man I'm glad to be here you look great thank you yeah my hair grow a bit no I'm actually gonna gonna shave it off again for the fight okay I bought these seed balls last time got knockouts oh yeah why not try something different go bald again so this is a real pleasure for me a real honor to have you here I can't believe I'm talking to when I put it out there everyone's like John's not coming inside yeah it's so hard to get you but you're actually here yeah we're doing it man you're doing the whole media tour today yeah all day and can I ask you I was on the air what's going on earlier tape with some drama with our counterparts first take I saw you tweet about them no they're great there's lots of questions I have pulling punches soon I'll go lay the smackdown of course I like that you're back ha ha who was pissing off more Kellerman or a Stephen a ah Kellerman really yeah but he didn't really piss me off he just spicy questions okay baby you know your stuff I wasn't really wanting to get into but things that I'm aware that sometimes isn't necessary to get into so it's just what it is it's all good though yeah it's but I probably shouldn't we did it all right well I made it a bigger deal than what you didn't know although you don't do the whole delete thing anymore I try not to as much okay I've learned not to care as much oh just let it be is that part of the maturation John Jones mmm I guess so yes yeah you don't care as much you put out things that you wanted to put out like five six years ago yeah peeking away you want to put out this is who you are take it or leave it I sure hope so yeah I sure hope so you feel comfortable with who you are I do feel comfortable in my skin yeah I do I do you feel comfortable with how the people perceive you I'm not going to go all the way people perceive me but a part of me surrender to it and just realize that it comes with the territory of being one of the all-time and leads in my sport you know like you like I mean people say things like and I'm not saying that I'm in the same categories Jesus because I'm not even close but I'm saying even Jesus was crucified and criticized and ridicule so it's like you know you look at guys like LeBron James who just build a school for young people and he's still hated by many people it's like okay you know I realized if you are good in your sport and if you are I mean if you're an elite dog in your sport do people are gonna find things to pick at you for I mean look at Daniel Cormier Daniel Cormier is a stand-up guy right there's a lot of things right and he people tell me all the time how much they hate him I just don't get it right so there's something that comes with when you have a certain amount of greatness where you'll never quite be loved by everybody and you have to be comfortable in that space it takes a while to accept that right it does it takes a while to accept that but you got to learn to be grateful for it - because you're relevant right and well if you're not relevant man if you don't give a [ __ ] about you which way you go what you're a part of you know and that's that's that's that's when you're really doing bad so you know when I come out with things you know people want to talk about it and some you know half the audience or positive 1/2 or negative I'm just grateful to have 100 percent of the audience right they're not indifferent yeah exactly yeah when they're indifferent you know they don't give a crap then there's a problem then it's a real problem yeah that's when your pay-per-view numbers are terrible and and your t-shirts aren't selling and you know so do you feel like the game has missed you I feel I feel like the game has missed me but I also feel like they've had some athletes to really keep them occupied you know Conor McGregor being the main guy time ago he's done a great job of carrying the sport almost by himself mmm for a while yeah have you missed the game I've missed the game tremendously I appreciate the game more now that I haven't had it yeah for sure instead a lot what was there ever a point you thought you wouldn't get the game back that you wouldn't yeah yeah yeah absolutely you know facing that for your suspension managed it was that was devastating I had to really re-evaluate a lot of things like what I think about the sport and what I think about you know fighting overseas or Who am I am outside of the sport and all that it was it was a major learning experience for me to go through what I just got out of would you have waited like if you would have gone for you actually have waited or would you have just moved on to something I would have moved on really I probably not to something else I probably would have just talked to the UFC about getting out of my contract and trying to fight overseas okay Wow yeah that would have been weird right not really no I feel like I feel like a lot of organizations would be happy to have me I feel like they pay me pretty well okay definitely not the money that I make in the UFC but I felt like you know wherever I were to move I'd be one of the top he's in that company and be treated well but you wouldn't have moved on from the sport no not move on from the sport and no I'll do this you know it's there's not many things you can do when you make million dollars in one night right over a million dollars in a night you know and I'm very aware that so I wouldn't move down from fighting now this is a very special job to have it reminds me of what we saw on Saturday and I know you said that you won't respond to Chuck anymore oh yeah but is there a lesson there you know I just asked your old friend Alistair Overeem he was just gone still my friend well I mean like you've been around for around he had a big win on Saturday know if you saw that yes but just about like as a fighter for you too Alistair yeah happy for you as a fighter though when you when you watch that yeah putting aside like the whatever beef that you guys had I never really viewed it as a beef I don't know about you know Chuck staying relevant right but is that we like is that a reminder that you stay around too long it doesn't matter how good you were in your Prime it often Zinn ends like that right best Muhammad Ali it ended that way right I mean I mean the idea scenarios to go out more like Floyd Mayweather rest really successful and undefeated doesn't happen often that's what makes it such a special thing and that's something that I said opportunity to do I consider myself undefeated so that's the idea is to go out not needing the sport but doing it because you want to be there not because you have to be there I'm not saying that sucks situation well that's what I would assume right and yeah it's tough to watch man it's tough to watch you know I'm sure it was bittersweet for his fans I'm sure it's great to see him walk out again and what the blue shorts and the one the mullet or whatever the mohawk Mohawk yeah and I'm sure they'd love to see them but who wants to see them in that form you know so the key is to protect yourself at all time flight smart you know obviously they're standing and being anything is entertaining but you know I'm in the business of women where you can you know and if that's take down the guy and write them out or whatever you got to do you know why you can't and I'll go out go out with some respect you know in your mind you have an endpoint you have an age where you say like I don't want to keep going out after this I feel unsatisfied you know like I feel like I've accomplished so much in the sport but I feel like some of my troubles have made me just unsatisfied right unfortunately people don't separate the two very well so a lot of people do but some people don't some you know I have I've had an extraordinary extraordinarily beautiful career inside of the Octagon outside of the Octagon it's been very rocky guys of late and because of the as of late part I feel like I have more to prove okay so I'm gonna continue to go in there until I can get just a few solid good years out of the way of no controversy and just kicking ass and only that that's my goal so in a way has this almost extended your career it has it's safe to say it has yeah I originally I was talking about being a retired by age 30 Wow and and now I'm 31 and and I feel like I have a lot to prove still does it ever like I don't know if you're the type to sit back and think about the past but does it bum you out like I could be so like that Demetrius Johnson streak I would have smashed that right it could have been mine yeah it could've been mine I find those things a lot I do but I try to also not to count eights that hasn't hatched you know what I mean it's like Dana White says who knows how how many titles John would have had if he hasn't been hadn't been suspended you know how many more millions he would make but what what else could have happened who knows if I would have gotten a fight that would have seriously hurt me or injure me or lost or you just never know what would have happened so I you know I just tried to count EXI hasn't hatched people start stalking what if right of course especially since I came to this company they love you hear ideas PN because of the way you fight because of the the style the way you came into the sport the youngest champion and everything like that and I always hear from people you know what thirty four thirty is right yeah the documentary series yeah John Jones that's gonna be a third but it can't we can't do it now because your career is still going on but because of everything that you've been through are you worried that as you just said like some of those things that were happened recently that's gonna be the first thing people talk about he was so great but but but and maybe if you go through a streak of ten years with nothing you can push that to the the backburner and it's not at the first sentence a long time Wow boy area 31 31 you can go to 41 yeah no well anything crazy huh well my crazy so can't guarantee it I like to but nothing's guaranteed anyway what's your question exactly I'm sorry well I I'm just curious if you're worried that this will be the first line of your story right no I'm not worried about it I'm aware that it probably will for a long time you're at peace with that I'm at peace with that yeah because at the end of the day I when I signed up to get into the UFC it was to be able to afford diapers and to make sure my family is good and to make sure that you know my branch in my family tree is different than the roots them from and and that's what I've been able to accomplish and that's what I truly signed up for man and then along the way I you know I started wanting to be this guy for everybody else and and I've kind of gotten back to not really worrying about being something for everybody else and focusing on my own salvation my own my own health my own mental and spiritual well-being and the well-being of my daughters and my fiance that's that's what I've learned that it's truly most important and so I I tend not to I tend not to really worry about things that are out of my control just focus on when invites taken care of my management taking care of my team the things that I can control and then all the rest is just you know so I'm gonna love you some I hate you just gotta gotta go with it I recall being in Newark the night you beat Shogun and I recall you holding court at that press conference and telling us about the story earlier in that morning he took down the mugger and all that yeah and I recall talking to Dana White they even used the clip in the promo for last year's cormier fight where he's like now comes the serious part for for John Jones where all the leeches are gonna come and you know is he gonna make the right decisions if you could talk to that guy back in March of 2011 about what's to come about certain decisions not to make would you like to do so and if so what would you say to him hmm yeah I don't know I don't really know if I like to talk to that guy I feel like things that happen in life are all necessary a lot of things are necessary obviously I've made mistakes but mistakes teach you what you don't want to be what you don't want to do what you don't want to be a part of and I'm really proud of myself I feel like I've made a lot of good a lot of good decisions and a lot of made a lot of made bhuva made a lot of good changes in my life uh yeah I don't know what I would say to younger John Jones honestly I have I have a lot of things that that's happened in my life that I regret but but uh but they've shaped me into the guy that I am today and I'm really proud of the person that I am today my kids really look up to me a lot they really admire me I provided for him I've been a really great father and my family's happy and my actual close friends like knowing someone's name and know when people are completely different you know my very close friends I'm a great friend to them all and and I'm proud I'm proud of myself could I ask what's your biggest regret my biggest regret out of everything like is there one I've ever really talked about public things that you know general public would know about it was was hitting that pregnant woman in that hit-and-run car accident about what four years ago now that was even though it was four years ago man it is something everyone has a mother everyone has a wife or sister and that was that was one of the worst situations I've ever been a part of man you know had no clue that was pregnant woman you had no clue it was a woman I just know that it was I felt like it was a fender bender type of thing and obviously it wasn't offended builder but I wasn't her I felt fine and and I assumed that the person that I hit wasn't it wasn't her as well and you know hairline fracture in the woman's arm and she was a pregnant woman and it was a terrible terrible situation being a father of daughters and being a fiancee you know I'm being a person who loves his mother dearly you know Herman a woman is terrible and that's something that that's probably one of the few things that that I would totally take back it's quite good it's interesting that you mentioned that one because some stuff happened before but I feel like that was the beginning of a string of things right because I was in my first situation that belt was taken away after you and all that it's amazing you think about that a lot still no I don't think about it at all not not these days you know it was like four years ago yeah hairline fracture four years ago girl made almost a million dollars off the situation I'm sure her life has been changed forever and I'm not making it okay but I mean to be real I mean the good life goes on the girl's life's going on I'm the baby's healthy and and happy I'm sure a lot of people that's even listening right I was not some stupid [ __ ] that no one knows about and no one will ever know about right I know that for a fact so I try not to hold myself at court too often I remember talking he was actually three years ago two weeks ago when I went to Albuquerque to talk to you remember that day we spent together we walked around the park oh yeah yeah that was your first interview since the accident mm-hmm and I actually tweeted I was like three years ago is the anniversary was like a week ago three years ago I went to help Kurt he talked to John one of the most memorable interviews of my career because you you gave us the opportunity to talk to you first and a lot has happened since then yeah since that interview when you sit here and you say I changed things I feel like people will go back to that interview and other interviews that you didn't like I don't believe them right right why should people believe you now well this may sound terrible but a part of me really don't care people believe me or not know I respect it I respect it yeah I think what people don't realize is that even though I've had a very controversial career over the last several years I've really tried my ass off two to two things right I'm aware that my kids are getting older and you know their friends are having cell phones now and and my actions you know they will be able to read about one day and so I've been trying to do things the right way for a while I just I've had misfortune I really have and and when you're me people aren't gonna give you the benefit of the doubt first of all because I'm good and because I've done bad things in the past but you know I had a situation where I took a metal enhancement pill which I'm sure 40% of men in America have tried at least before I was out imagine I took a Mel enhancement pill and I got fired from work and publicly humiliated and became and became somebody was labeled a cheater no one sympathizes for me because I'm a multi-millionaire a famous athlete no one wants to sympathize for people like me but you just gotta you just got to go with it people have no one who said all that must be frickin terrible for this guy to be going through how freakin embarrassing this is is this for him and his wife right but no one sees it from that it's perspective so you just got to realize that it's not a for me situation my last situation having what you saw I said was a teaspoon I was like taking a pinch of salt and thrown it into an Olympic sized swimming pool and to be fired from work for a year to lose all your endorsements no one feels sorry for you people just say oh well if he did coke when he was younger so he must be guilty it's just like it's just like instead of trying to ensure instead of having look at this poor me campaign I just I just learned to say it and and just could just keep getting mine man that's all I can do just keep getting mine are you doing anything differently in this camp to ensure there's no yeah just Walsh that wasn't that's the scariest thing about this situation area it's like it's like my last camp I hired a higher adopter when she had all these degrees and she was doing my nutrition and supplementation and I had I had a bigger team around me on that last fight than I've ever had before just literally I had a guy just to carry my duffel bag I had I had people in my nutrition I had guys for every martial arts discipline I had I hired so many people to ensure that I beat Daniel Cormier and I fell out we did everything right and for for literally if you think about the visual of a pinch of salt being thrown into an Olympic sized swimming pool how can you control how can you can't control every factor I mean there's a there's a chance that that your listeners or you have possibly has some type of something in your body at one point you're left that you sided with bust you for the difference between me and you is you sided doesn't drug test every day people I mean a [ __ ] we're not allowed to have certain sleep medications because you can pop for things that are in sleep medications so I felt like I was doing things right leading up to the first Daniel Cormier fight but I fell short and all I can do is just continue to and just just try to do things right man just try to do things right and just be even more careful the thing about being even more careful is you can run into a place where your son become slightly paranoid paranoia you don't trust people you don't want anybody bring you food no I didn't fix you a cup of coffee I haven't even had coffee from I've been doing interviews all day and spin studios all day and every person every secretary has asked me today I do I want a cup of coffee before us at my interview I've said no to every person because I don't trust people the way I used to so so am i doing anything differently I really feel like I've been doing things right for a long time last time I really [ __ ] up was when I got in a hit-and-run car accident four years ago since then I took a male enhancement pill like people do all the time lost my job over and this last situation I I can say that I have no clue where it came from and and know that probably 60% of people won't believe me and I got to be okay with it are you happy that the return fight is against Gus considering your history with him yes I am happy with it because what I get to do is I get to to answer multiple questions at once how was John gonna deal with adversity how's it gonna deal with this level of adversity how is he gonna fight off of steroids for the first time which is the most stupid thing right how is John gonna do against somebody who pretty came pretty close to beating them right I love this because it takes a lot of balls to do what I'm doing to step back out there to put yourself back out there to put yourself back out there after you just had something extremely devastating happen to you you know like to get accused of doing steroids when you know that you didn't do it and to have everything crashed in front of your eyes and and to go through that level of depression and sadness and then risk coming back to work and risk it all possibly happening to you again it's like it takes balls it takes a lot of balls but I'm here for I'm here for the challenge well no one said it should be hard I mean no one said it's supposed to be easy right when we spoke earlier this year you told me that you checked into a rehab yeah yeah I did because of everything that's going on plus to deal with your mom's passing yeah yeah when you're there's more like a traumas and it was trauma in rehab okay was that a hard thing to you know you have an ego right yeah to go in people know who you are yeah did you feel like that was a blow to your ego how like how are you dealing with that it wasn't a blow to my ego I went to a place called the guest house Ocala and Ocala Florida people consider one of the best trauma therapy centers in the country there's other celebrities there and stuff like that and so it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't a blow to my ego because I knew that I wasn't alone with talking about sadness talking about talking about addiction talking about trauma childhood trauma and things like that dealt trauma and it was great man it was it was exactly what I needed and I I've had a lot of things go on throughout my life a lot of good and a lot of bad and I've never talked about any of it to anybody on a professional level and it was good I did a lot of crime and be honest with you almost thirty days of crying Wow yeah crying and praying and talking about just life and man I used to think psychiatrists and counselors were for the weak and I realized that it's very everybody you I also realized that depression is for everybody you know being a guy who's a undefeated you know multi-millionaire I think I'm a good-looking guy alright I thought that I could never be the perfect I'm a person that was severely sad and depressed and and this summer I truly was severely excited depressed so I got to learn a lot about the whole thing about depression about trauma about addiction and and I feel I felt tremendous I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders and I actually think it's gonna be something that I do every summer Oh every summer I think I want to spend 30 to 60 days with a just regrouping now are you continuing to talk to someone even though I was for a while I was talking to a counselor for a while in Albuquerque and then when my training camp started I just I felt like it was juggling too much I've seen this guy three times a week I felt like it was just juggling way too much so I told him that I picked up with him after this fight okay but you should be great because you know my goal is the one the title back and she should re-evaluate how I feel now that everything is you know back flowing in the direction has always been you know making sure that that I'm just handling it well would it be fair to call you sober now are you sober no no no I still drink okay yeah so too much smoke pot to every once in a while okay yeah are you at a good place yeah yeah yeah I'm at a very healthy place yeah well I mean I don't know I who knows like you tell your coaches about this my coaches know I drink yeah do that I'm done wanna high being not not like not like a crazy crazy amount you know some weekends mainly on the weekends you know like you want to be sober is that not um you know it was something that I was something I was striving for especially going to rehab this summer you know I was striving for complete sobriety yeah but it wasn't I'm not ready for it's not it's not who I was and not Hawaii I'm kind of him in my life and in my career and I'm at a place where I could be honest with myself but being in there I've definitely matured me a lot you know talking about why people drink and things like that and what I learned area was a lot of times alcoholism or even person who smokes every day a lot of times it's directly related to trauma smell the trauma or just trauma in general and people you know don't realize while they're doing certain things you know it's not it's not normal to drink every weekend or smoke every day a lot of time you're masking a lot of times you're masking something and that's what I learned so I learned that I was masking things I learned to identify some of the things that I was masking and then just look at it honestly will you stop leading up to the fight or oh yeah oh yeah for sure yeah yeah how soon oh okay yeah I don't know I I I don't know man I I like to enjoy myself and I like to enjoy myself I feel and we just have a couple of minutes left here this is flying by thank you again for the time the greatest rivalry in UFC history is you versus Daniel Cormier we've talked about this before I remember is it a reverie oh it has to be it had when you guys go back and forth I know you're up to Oh technically even though California would say you know one no contest he acknowledges that it's you know 204 you he doesn't acknowledge it though he does I feel like I feel like in some interviews he'll say like I'll always say it to you guys he beat me you beat me fair and square he'd be and then another view interviews he goes but did he really beat me okay because you have because because you had something in your system right so you can't say that you cheated I know the truth of the matter is depending on who he's interviewing with or when it's convenient to him he can say he can look like he's being a big man and saying I'm mature enough to admit John beat me but then you look and you turn around the next day he's saying but did he really beat me up Ariel okay which one is it you're gonna be a man and say that I beat you or are you gonna blame it on a pinch of salt being thrown into an Olympic sized swimming pool really a pinch of salt is what loud another man to knock you out in front of your family a pinch of salt my question is he says he's retiring in March I personally don't believe him knowing the competitor that he is that he will be able to walk away without fighting you another time Dana White said recently he wants three more fights out of DC I feel like it's inevitable that you two will fight again like we have to see this I feel like if the fight were to happen it would be him challenge me at light-heavyweight or it would be the UFC throwing ridiculous amount of money for us to make it happen a heavyweight uh-huh that's that's how it's gonna happen but you agree with me that it's not done it is done in your mind yeah it's done man it's done do you saw me on stage saying hey guys why are you guys born during your core no this guy's a hell of a father he's a hell of a teammate he's you know I aspire to be a lot more like this man at that very moment you were done I was done man I was done he was sitting there crying on national TV I was absolutely but a lot has happened since then he talks a lot of trash I was what I loved it for him to just man up and say god damn it guys once and for all um record this is what happened John Jones he beat me the first time he beat me after cocaine right by unanimous decision and the second time he beat me by knockout right and then the haters gonna say because you dude stirrers and then my rebuttal once again will be a pinch of salt in an Olympic sized swimming pool it's fine just like when I first came out I won because my arms were long because my brothers were in the NFL I'm just an athlete all this [ __ ] there's always gonna be excuses man nobody would never just say hey this kids good and as if that is what it is even though I don't like the guy I don't I mean I like his personality above a blah but I mean not blame Mel enhancement you know as I'm sort of Babylon on let me know me stuff it was just that what you got you guys bring out the best in each other but also the worst in a sense because it's so personal at times and like the Instagram post back and forth and he's posting things you're posting things I just I I don't believe that he'll be able to walk away and I feel like the UFC wants to see it happen because of the money that you guys generate yeah we do we do business yeah yeah but for me man I don't hate him at all man people talk to me about Daniel Cormier constantly yeah as if as if we're one in one but I'm - oh no against Daniel Cormier like I said once I fought him at a disadvantage and won by unanimous decision what's people's excuse for that right mmm there's no excuse for that I'm a better fighter the second time I beat him by knockout and I guess I gave people an excuse for that one by having metabolites in my system but in my heart I know who I am and I would have accomplished got nothing proof last thing how are things at Jackson wink a lot of drama grace days is Donald Cerrone easier what's going on what is great man every everything is good man everything's good on the team man everything's good on the team in Jackson's mixed martial arts and my opinion is is is one of the top three martial arts programs in the world we have benefits I don't know five ten years always in the loop with the greatest teams in the world yeah the relationship over there edge axis anime between the coaches and fighters is very strong very good cowboy Cerrone you know he had his own situation and kind of I believe kind of separated himself from the program and started developing his own identity his own program his own team his own banner and and what we saw in this last you know cowboy in Mike Perry situation was was a guy came to the team saw things he conquered things he's part of this theme he's always a legend of our team we always represent him but he was moving on he was moving on he was developing in his own team in the same community and and I feel like the coaches need to do what's best for the future of our program that's that support young fighters that are coming here with big dreams to do what they got to do and take care of their family same way we have other 12 5 pounders on our team that are in the UFC that I support and that I help and that could possibly challenge me for the title one day it's a part of business is part of what it is the same way that I came into the sport and and fought Rashad Evans is it's just what happened there's a lot of details and in the fight and the situation that a lot of people don't realize and they're so quick to say oh well these guys are not loyal they're they're leaving their old heads for these new guys what type of loyalty is that who want to be on that type of team and people don't realize that when I fought with shad Evans he had had fought I think about three times outside of the Jacksons camp by the time we actually fought each other leading up to our fight and then in cowboy Cerrone situation you know coach Michael John coach and again cowboy Cerrone and choosing to work with Mike Perry you know Mike Winkeljohn pays for a gigantic building right downtown Albuquerque I don't even know what the rent is to cover the bill for us to have that building he has to pay that bill so you can't you can't kick out young fighters for guys who are almost competitors at this point he has a huge gym right in the same community is us you can't go doing that you gotta you got to protect the longevity in the future of the team if you would have kicked me out of Jackson's MMA while we shot was already training at Boca Raton you would never have me on the team that's that's provided for my team for years now so you so you can't just be throwing away young blood you never know who some people are gonna turn out to grow up to be and what they're gonna bring to this program so I support coach Winkeljohn for being with my Perry 100% and everything's good with the team good everything's good welcome back Johnny man what a way to end a year for the UFC December 29th UFC 232 t-mobile Arena John Jones versus Alexander Jefferson rematch of the greatest fight in UFC history UFC 165 five years ago in Toronto Ontario Canada huge pleasure huge honor to have you in studio if you don't mind we're doing something for charity here having all our in-studio guests sign this banner before they leave do you mind what's the charity well we're actually I decided okay there's two that we're working on right now but I think can I say this Jake is it okay okay the potential someone throw this out on on Twitter and I would like to give the proceeds whenever we give this away I'd like to give it to Rey Borges family oh you know that's so beautiful I was gonna make a joke and tell you that I wasn't saying it I'm a bad person okay bad people don't do things for charity no but rape work I'm not even gonna joke man he's he's a beautiful kid and his his his baby's been having a lot of complications and absolutely signed this I actually reached out to very recently a nice one wasn't he he's a really great dude man he's great teammate I feel bad for what's happening with his baby yeah he's been through a lot so something we've been having all as you see there's a lot up there someone on Twitter said you should give it to Ray Bourque times oh and I know he has a a GoFundMe account yeah yeah so what well either we yeah well I want to throw something on my Twitter so keep you guys opportunity to go find his GoFundMe account to do this I know his baby's been having some serious complications and then we all have kids and you know watch that or nobody man cool thank you John best of luck to you on December 29th thanks very appreciate you coming so you can go we're still live here so you can sign it yes we don't take we don't take breaks here John we go for four hours great man you didn't have to say anything no one was going to acknowledge it I can see it I can feel it was it hot under the lights here John was this one better
Channel: ESPN MMA
Views: 463,627
Rating: 4.5614581 out of 5
Keywords: jon jones, jon bones jones, bones jones, jon jones mma, jon bones jones mma, jon jones ufc, jon jones drugs, jon jones drug test, jon jones drug test failure, ariel helwani show, ariel helwani, jon jones daniel cormier, jon jones vs daniel cormier, ufc 232, jon jones alexander gustafsson 2, jon jones alexander gustafsson, chuck liddell, ray borg, jon jones legacy, jon jones car accident, jon jones legal trouble, mma, ufc, jon jones ufc 232
Id: BT4YnYjKg5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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