If I see Conor McGregor I'll smack him - Ali Abdelaziz | Ariel Helwani’s MMA Show

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in matter of seconds we're gonna be joined by ali abdel aziz manager to the stars and i know a lot of you are looking forward to this one i am curious about this one as well it has been an interesting month for mr. Abdulaziz probably interesting couple of months I hear a lot of laughing back there and a lot of you have been hitting me up what are you gonna talk to Ali about well truth be told I'm surprised that he's in studio truth be told I'm surprised he's here I'm surprised I'm talking to him there's a lot that we need to talk about an airing of grievances if you will here he comes mr. Ali Abdulaziz with his headphones on what are you taking a call there Ali what's going on what's happening who are you talking to welcome my friend why okay okay I just try to be you know I try to be respectful okay how are you what do you got over there what is it what is that okay what uh-ohhhhh your prayer beads yeah my uncle used to use that back in the day you're okay there what are you nervous you nervous under the lights you don't know what's happening here right you don't know what's about to come look I got my power well thank you for coming I just said are you done with your phone call there we doing are you recording this it's recorded don't worry I was just saying that if you would have told me last week that you'd be sitting here in this studio I would have called you a liar I'm just here to put you on bliss I'm not here dear friend yeah okay what's let's talk who goes first me are you no you're you're the guest I'd like you to go first actually okay there's okay and come closer to the microphone over there it has been an interesting month for you it's been an interesting few months I should say right because the build-up to the fight the post fight but let's be honest here because the people don't know you tweeted out things I don't think everyone knows you were very mad at me I woke up one morning blocked on Twitter blocked on Instagram send me a text message what did you say in the text we're gonna put the cards out on the table right you said habib was right about you yes ABI was right about you you have you have no loyalty you have loyalty to cliques yeah and then after my interview with Artem you said you're a disappointment you said you don't ask them the heartless this is kind of you said the whole thing is first you were mad at me first of all yeah this mother I should not cause I have to stop right so I told you you know you talking about the guy who time irrelevant this guy whatever I don't wanna be hard on him he's irrelevant but the whole thing is when you have a guy like that you talking to me one of the biggest in the game this is who you are everybody no Ariel honey when you talk to people and when the people say something it become news but the whole thing is when you talk to people and they lie you don't asking direct question it become fake news that mean you produce a fake news to the people out there what What did he say those oh and by the way people will say the same about my relationship with you matter but who don't have a relationship no they will say we put this guy on the show bro bro whatever I said I said everything I say happened I say Cody girlfriend is gonna get a title shot he got a title shot I tell Henry so who's gonna get a title shot he got a title shot at that Franky eyed girl that I shot he got hurt you know come on everything I say unpredicted happened I give a flying you-know-what right what people say about you you know this MMA world is fan is I have nothing but hating as people and honestly at this point I can give a flight what what everybody thinks because guess what like I said I have one masters the Masters I have is my friends my fighters hands of Gracie Kabhi just engaged all this guy this is my master I have one master to serve my Rasta everybody else these people they treat me now I'm like a superstar celebrity was all the same stuff fans fighters coaches but I rendered why were you mad at me no I'm mad at you because first of all you got this you got this guy what I said when you asked when he asked me questions I answered yeah many times I don't dodge your question but when this whole thing with this this guy Connor happened yeah there is you know Connor didn't start this whole relationship just for you to be clear okay you know who started who started on Twitter who's the tweet I want you say you st. John Cavanaugh John Cavanaugh did when I said the thing about when he started muhammad and jesus the whole thing is you don't think he was kind of joking there he can't joke like that can I joke about Jewish people and I cannot did you think it was malicious you're saying this whole holy war of hold started with a tweet but though two years ago the whole thing the whole this is how this thing started really this I'm telling this is how this thing is tartrate from whose perspective the whole thing is if you if you're a coach yeah your fire doesn't have to look up to you okay whatever you do they have to follow you they sense a you understand and if it's okay for a coach talking about Prophet Jesus but birth of Mohammed I'm doing something man you know I'm surprised John come out then getting an ass-whipping this part because he did it come on he deserved one I'm tell you it's over honestly I don't give a I don't care about these guys okay I'd only care about it but when you interview this guy yeah you know I'm saying dude I got called a [ __ ] terrorist right you know saying I don't care you can call me the only thing authorized authorized anybody happy for me I will terrorize you by what by by my success and like I said if anybody whatever you know I don't want to act like I'm a tough guy but the whole thing is when you interview this guy you know one of the things to this this boss think was primitive primitive but they planned this [ __ ] yeah you understand that planned and only interview this this this little [ __ ] you know I'm saying like Artem he said oh he lies you understand welcome autumn is a Slade he's a straight you know what I don't think Connors a [ __ ] because if Connor got slapped I guarantee you Connor will slap you back what happened he said kibou come by himself he didn't say nothing come back was his crew and grab my head get the hell out of here do you think Abby gonna bring his crew for your punk ass know what happened went to him talk with him and he grabs he slap his face you understand and he used Oh talking like like and I stepped in the second time I walked him off and I say focus on your fight you know get out of here and his other Chechnya friend got punched busted face Oh God Bastrop guess what he didn't do nothing about it because he was thrown in his mouth you know he actually his friend Owen got our thumb got messed up because he was running his mouth the whole thing was gonna be a conversation but he was tried to flex its toes short guy with him like he looked like Connor or whatever his name is why are you so fired up right now why you guys not stop fire Dustin you guys want to fight it doesn't matter what got abused the whole thing is you gotta be these people abused us we're pro this guy is cause two years ago talk about religion right talk about come on okay how many messages you can hate much if I get a lot that's what if any Muslim go out there send your messages about being a Jew you have a big nose they're not Muslims you know I'm saying Islam or Christianity or Judaism if you believe in that you understand enough supposed to make a funnel other religion you're not supposed to make fun of other people or happy fun out there in a supposed installed Jewish man but being a Jew is wrong and this is my own people insulting you they not and I respect that but here's my thing after the fight and we're kind of going all over the place here but that's right after the fight habib has said nothing about Connors very little Connor wrote his thing but not disrespectful I feel like you're the one who continues to make this into a personal matter and making it so heated why that's what you guys want move on we want that's what what it is personal but you want it's over its person this still the whole thing is you want you tapped him but the whole thing is no he quit well let's listen to me let's keep this phrase okay wait so you okay so he'd have he quit no Matt is there from beyond tap in and quit quit okay you understand the whole thing is honestly I can give us but why you going on his Instagram and raining all this stuff though I think is it's going well you make me great making it worse it's making this sport don't thing is he said he wasn't fight as a fight yeah how the hell you win a fight you get out struck out gravel out out out wrestled and after that you spleen and the Terron hey is only business my brother you understand it's only business you know what can i man go on your shield you talk about your your your your family's Irish and all this bro I'm in New York I mean for a week I went to an Irish bar comas tell Harry Irish people come Connor do not represent us man I know a lot of Irish people Joe Duffy guys don't act like that man but the whole thing is you know me you know khabib we don't change fame or money changes people you understand but okay you you talk about world series of fighting back in the day no one would cover world series of fighting talk talk talk talk to people about Ustica and I I have no problem saying this you know this clown oh this clown this oldest plant everybody out there you're the only person you design Nick Newell you did okay I'm gonna give you and John Morgan support is it being loyal to block is it being loyal to send message no things anymore to me it feels like this is all getting to your head if you want me to be on you're getting out of control I'm asked a question yeah that's not the first time I block your block yeah why it's a child but that's a high school kid you know who acts like that right you know who acts like that you're taking a page out of his book who out of Dana White's book you're acting like Dana White I'm acting with the bullies you are and you're getting too emotional and you're trying to intimidate people and you're trying to intimidate the media you are and you can't do that that's not your job that's not your job I respect you for being loyal to your guys every I have you for having your behalf but you can't intimidate the media that's what I said to Dan I said you're trying to intimidate me and you're trying to no you're trying to Noli me yes you are it's not true if I try to you know it is allowed to call me a nice appointment-only my wife my mom and my dad I think I think I think I said I have apologize to your disappointment you could not be disappointed me now my son why did you write it I reread your or whatever I misspelled and I was wrong for saying that just to make I never want try to imitate anybody you understand listen he did a lot of good things for me yeah throughout my career you support me you guys are being humble in soil but it's not being or aerial I I did blocky before we gotta fight before but the whole thing is everybody think we best friend I respect you a lot I think you're an honest guy but sometime maybe you think I'm team Connor no that's what I hear from all these guys him god what have I said in the post you know it was the problem is yeah the problem was I realized after this I realized after this this is your business you have to have many different teams and maybe that's I expect things that are you but maybe I'm wrong you understand but in a way I'm not the guy I said he shouldn't be suspended he shouldn't be stripped he shouldn't be fine I said Subarus shouldn't be cut what more do you want like what that I didn't ask John Kavanagh about a tweet that he sent out two years ago there's a lot that this guy said Oh sue it should be cut he said you were she'll be good okay and I'm saying no yes see super cut you know I'm saying Jumma be cut these guys primatte 'td attempted murder everybody in the bus they tried to they said that was coming to kill us artim didn't cut if he fought in Canada you have to understand you will never see me Z khabib in a cage Suba they'd be booked we have to understand these guys are so low it if it's a 100 million on and on the ground right there and Zuba happy we're gonna say flat Zubov fight and our fight and this is how they work and even our storage cubby visa to even question it do not even question it me and Zubaz face we are together and this is honestly is inspiring to me is he gonna get her it's inspiring to me whatever whatever your seeds gonna need to do they have already told you you manage them of course I meant okay whatever the UFC is gonna do gonna do with him whatever he's gonna do gonna do them but I know this you're not surfers you'll not see cab even in any fighting I rang a cage a hockey ring without super Eiger I can guarantee you that and I'm not trying nobody this is what the man want because every time these days I talk to people the same Traynham I'm just outspoken you know the most dangerous people don't once say it smile on your face and come stick you you brain stick before right you understand well not literally no you got sticked before yeah you know somebody put a bullet in your head before yeah yeah yes happy I guess I'm bollocks and I'm saying it's true what it is what it is but you should be happy I can confront you about teachers mad at you and not go behind your back and say listen to me none of this mother out there excuse my language nobody can say I say something you understand because whatever I'm gonna tell anybody I'm saying your face because this is who I am you understand all these guys is fake as like this guy he said oh come you bring got somebody for you you nothing who this guy the guy was thirteen and four record he said keV gone got the crew and come got me or like let pro you guys left you got slapped me even so nothing you don't do nothing you understand and it's all good man why do we want to keep this going Asus guys my brother's you you are part of the story Connor called you a terrorist listen let me ask you a question yes why don't you defend yourself I do you know I do you know I need to defend myself yeah because I guarantee you this man will not say this in front my eyes I mean he said it right in front of you in the post 100 security with cameras you understand with cameras listen to me i'ma tell you something this girl talk did these all these guys they say it's not over these days these days this guy isn't Dana about this life they have this guy have to does this life they're not about this gangster talk life when you go to an arena huh are you pro I'm a father but I got I'm amber I'm down for my friend I'm down for my family if I see you on the street so I'm going down guarantee I'll be there for you this is who I am that's who I grew up but guarantee you all this talk they did they didn't back it up inside the cage they didn't back it out inside the cage you know I'm saying you gotta go get people calling somebody Muslim rat and and I denied it of course they denied it but that's what he said on Instagram and Twitter throughout the week you understand it Dylan brother I don't even he is one mother I see him I promise you I'm gonna smack him why look brother this guy listen Conor McGregor is the world champion yeah you understand he's the double champ yeah you understand you won an OBE um never wanna I never won a black belt Jiu Jitsu tournament as a for the gear as a world champion you understand you live in of this man legacy you know and this is Connors problem he's an idiot you know everybody's suck in his blood but since I am now the world had changed you see a guy like Habib he meeting the president erdogan he's going to do Abu Dhabi meeting oldest these great shakes he's going to Morocco to meet the King to Morocco and he got a guy driving a truck selling liqueurs so I understand so he has been meeting a lot of people but you know a lot of the people that he's been meeting are polarizing figures in this world controversial figures in this girl's Putin is contracting yes put actually is Connor has to take a picture with him why doesn't make it right Putin and Kerry work these are controversial figures well this guess what everybody's confidential you understand you don't think it Trump is controversial yes internal state president right when you get invited by these people yeah you know what we've been doing lately and this is honestly more important than anything okay we working on a fund whose United Lex ten million dollars in one year we're gonna do one thousand will in Africa Habib might be going to Nigeria next week we don't things now for us to make a people can go out there and make crazy money right now right millions but he said I want to do something I want to go to Africa and I'm said that people you want to help and we don't know when I advertise in it we're not doing it but this is what he wanted to do you know I want him to go make what to be honest I want him to go make these appearances make millions of dollars you know I got probably five million dollar contract for him alone and he's like hold on hold they were probe to meet people appearances like like people pay him to meet you understand is little different he become the king of the Middle East right now the king of Africa you see oh he becomes different man I'm not gonna compare him like Muhammad Ali like Dana Dana and I told Dana man how we gonna compare his trash it's white trash to Muhammad Ali like it's crazy it's disrespectful to the community to Muslims with respect to compare this pig to Muhammad Ali you can't Muhammad Ali never quit you understand in a way this is what we're doing this is our path you understand like you have faith I'm not expecting by our faith but that's what our faith ask us to do to help other and this is not me this is what can we want you to do you know this is why I'm so inspired by this guy this is why I'm so fired up by this guy you understand somebody try but why are you keeping it going is Mike Rowe it's not it's not why are you going on his Instagram and right why are you calling the prostitutes that's not good that's not a good representation of who you are right saying things like that listen to me I'm gonna do something yeah if this man is not a prostitute who is a project what does that even mean this guy does anything for money he talking about anything oh no you said you want him to go get my I want him to make money no that's the question I don't talk but listen to me this guy he bring people father mother religion accuse him of terrorism you know this man said I was and have five passport I must be a baddest terrorist on his planet because I'm free baby I'm here yeah I understand I mean the only person got terrorists he got terrorized inside this cage and I'ma tell you something - if her boudin was not there conor mcgregor been dead today you understand cuz he talking about killing people and doing this I'm telling you he's not about this life they know about this life that's what he intimidated all these guys around here but this guy cannot intimidate us he cannot if those labels and accusations aren't true why don't you come out and deny them once and for all so that I can give a fly-in what but what people say it clearly bothers you okay let me tell you something if someone called me a terrorist I would be doing everything in my power if I wasn't to deny it correct but so why don't you do that I don't care you know if he talks about your past why don't you if he says that you're an informant a double agent someone says like are you crazy keep saying it keeps but that's your reputation that's what that's what so you see Jane here in this business no this is he right he's right he's a lot he's a liar you understand why are you saying this now but I'm gonna tell you something I don't eat know I learned something why don't you just climb in I've been ten year in this game right yeah ten years I have one only guys left for reasons Rafael dos Anjos yeah sit down my friend did is they just have a baby outcomes related right didn't Brunson even and come back yeah yeah you understand that's true good memories yeah but that's what I'm happy I'm grateful and that's what I'm not a manager but everybody out there if you're looking for a manager don't call me I'm not interested I am a full-blown promoter a manager can pick up the phone do your flights I got people does that I don't I don't do that I got team does that yeah like you know I I am a promoter you know I said we will change the game in so many different ways but I am doing it you understand who do you work for I work for me I promote the UFC brother they will murder for you they wish that can't afford how are you the only guy who's allowed in the cage what do you mean you're like the only manager who's a lot in the case I was a positivist a problem if another manager yelled at Conor McGregor the way you did at that press conference they would have been banned from the building how is it possible you are allowed to do whatever you want you know what it's it's I have this relationship you have to understand everybody think me and Dana and Hunter bro I just got a fight with Hunter the other day me and Dana yesterday I went off on a text message and he called me and honestly he poked me my place because I was wrong what was it about Floyd I understand you know flirt but the whole thing is like whatever problem we have I don't let I don't I don't air out and this when you do business on this level I can't make a personal about me but guarantee you me and these guys we bark on each other you understand me and Shawn friend we cool John she's a great guy me and him we honestly he's the one of the meanest guy he'd go out everybody I agree but he just kidding but he does he's shy he's one of the best him you know maybe make us a nice guy but makes the most in the planet but don't let it fool you make make will also put your new place if you need to put you a lot a lot of managers think you have some kind of deal with the UFC that you get some sort of how do you get all these fighters how do you get all these title fights how do you get how do you how is it possible I thought some other guy who's getting all this time fights I listen to me every manager out there you know they do you know do good job do good work for you guys get out of Africa guys this is my job you can nobody can blame me for doing my job right by my guys getting tired of fight this is good or bad no it's great by my joy game pay more money it's good or bad great that's okay that means I'm doing my job whoever relationship I have with the UFC it's nobody's business I I guarantee you nobody nobody on this planet fight with who Dana what more than me but it's a different when I speak with this man I respect what he doesn't from the sport he does a lot for everybody I don't care I know you have beef with him no beef you always bring this up it's okay because I think he did a lot for you on either a lot for him this is my thing yeah this is what I look at you like Muhammad Ali have this guy interviewed him all the time and I think you guys did but you guys fell off you know I hope you guys get back to good graces because I think you guys need each other at one point you know but my relationship with the US the other day with his cabbage I will not which one which one with lower lawyer athletic commission over life show up and he said sit down you crazy mother but he would look I need you know like sometime I go off on certain things sometime I'm wrong but sometime I'm right I'm right you understand but the whole thing is I'm not intimidated by these guys I'm not sure we friend to those guys I don't kiss up these guys everybody every manager out there have an opportunity for this relationship they burned it or they got too close or something happened you understand and and I say man whatever I think a lot of your Habib fans got mad at me because I said he's stealing Connors playbook the whole Floyd thing please enough with the Floyd thing Habib is supposed to be the guy who brings some sanity back to the sport we saw the Floyd story I'm dead now now that Floyd is going to Japan I made two point about this week we end this i'ma you know I don't want to see Habib in a boxing match I want to see him in MMA where he's best okay I make two points okay first of all and I'm not kissing you ass stubble doesn't hate matches for this man doesn't matter Jewish is Christian if you are Muslim economic financial that's number one thing number two things this is none of your business i'ma tell you why with this none of your business okay if the whole thing is Kabir created twenty seven fights 27 win the man never got cut never been dropped never got a black eye in 27 fight his legacy is there sure his legacy is there now me as the big brother as the manager Tony first wanted the greatest irony of see today the longest you know long winning streak yeah me happy was thirty years old right yes still young yeah if I have a hundred million dollars payday a few the manager or 50 ml underpaid any in an air hockey and [ __ ] basketball why can't you get this whimsy how can't you get that in the UFC do you think the UFC is like what is they stupid they're gonna print money they're gonna give you 50 ma he's not as a us at what I got more flour than 220 free cuisine okay but at what he's best at you can't get the money you're looking forward to fight Conor or to fight GSP I tried logistic just kind of just to make it clear yeah I textures III talked to Dana about GSP this he didn't know when you come on this show I love DC this is my big brother what's not sure than what is my brother but you know when he talked about George he have no idea right but the whole thing is you have to understand George it's a fight can be wanted welcome I can be father of the Managua it it's a fire so why don't they make it five mean something bro you think they know type is arguably one of the greatest promoter of all the time he will give JSP a fight at 55 pound and after they just be maybe become even bounced again do it like hens oh not not heads a hoist fought Matt Hughes a UFC 60 catch weight fight legend vs. champion okay Kabhi George beat khabib ya habibi steel the champ so his value go down no I won't do the Georges fight you know it's like if DC lost his DePace value doesn't go down when he went up you still the light heavyweight champion and it happens all the time it's like when BJ Penn lost to George at UFC 94 his volley didn't go down not up these guys can bring this kind of revenue I understand you have to understand today to me it just felt like deja vu of the whole Conor Floyd thing like you guys are supposed to be the ones who are above the money you guys are the ones who don't want the show and all that stuff first money yeah meaning broad anybody's above the money the purity of the game listen to me sanctity of the sour stop anybody above the money nobody would be fighting because a lot of these guys don't even like fighting they fight because money because you know it's a lot of pressure this fighters people's on fighters they go through so much like training family they have to be separated from their family come up Nazis family he fought for time I think three times twelve called me and you told me Habib is never gonna speak to you ever again you said that right and I took care of it what happened why'd he say why what did I say but what did I say that's a threat you're trying to fight o me I tried to get me to speak in a different way because you're telling me he's not speak again nobody can control you listen you know i'mma tell you some about you stuff you don't know yeah the reason you got from fox thing because nobody could control you how about of I'm supposed to control you but I can't control how am I supposed to respond to that I think you can control me you think they know I could control me you know the only person tried to that song is my wife but she can't - you try to pull this is as I am this is who I am I'm not a bully and listen I would I go for I can go for a coffee with you we talked yeah we could but the whole thing is like I said I never [ __ ] you I never you the b-word like other other people just the D word disappointment I said I'm this listen he said did you want me to read it right now I'll show it on the screen you can sure I don't yeah you you you put it I don't need to read it it is what it is I said it just it is what it is but the whole thing is right now we'll talk about this money fight whatever course Kabhi is the next fight I don't care what do you think because this is my job I have to make sure he's taken care of what what is he gonna do next we have a battle with the Nevada Athletic Commission these guys mess it up once that gets cleared listen listen honestly never a third Commission I think my opinion D whatever can be fight next he have to fight in Las Vegas yes yep no they have to make up only half his purse huh they're holding half is nobody knows his real person okay yeah this is what you want they're holding a million dollars they hold a million dollars you okay with that and we are we have we have lawyers we talk it about Bennett we cooperating you know we're gonna kind of try this this hope we thank you sugar I'm not gonna verify the Commission I want em to get nothing okay zero suspensions zero money but they have to show teeth they have short screen because whatever happened cannot happen but whatever happened happened before but new people doesn't do [ __ ] about it DC and John Jones what they do nothing corner jump out of the kids before he got nothing Connor hate Habib on his head and the press come for got nothing right but they understand the magnitude the people's their you know listen listen they are in there they we want ya happy I'm so happy you said that either even why even it was 55 I'm so happy you said that he wants we happy can we just calm down can we now why are you so fired up why are you it's too much man but you know why did you write last week I have news that's you know you can I tell you my theory you said I have news that's gonna blow everyone's mind remember that yes I tell you what my theory is my theory is you didn't have news I didn't have news what was it but but you know guess what what listen I I tell you I share publicly tell and if any mother mother effer out they're gonna deny I have proof okay what is it what was the hell we out you know anims we was talking to Freud team they actually Freud reach out directly and he said want to talk and he answered cuz I don't know his number we talked after that I talked to his people you understand and I I I picked up the phone and I'm and I let the UFC know because we're under contract with the UFC and I let him know that I'll make the fight what's what's happening and things was going but now Dana DS have some meetings with his team you know but then I have this is where me and Dana are different we don't agree on this thing right now he think he can bring flowy to fight in the UFC right hands for me yes he think you can do this I don't doubt the man because he's a lot of I don't think he can do right but you have to understand fluid is not a row fighter he's not he's a boxer okay you understand you know I'm saying fighting corner it was okay because car is narrow fighter to Conor is like you know he get tired he quit and I'm saying and that's what we don't attempt but the whole thing is you know if you're gonna bring Floyd Mayweather I think as logic the guy how happy he would kill him you know it was you be no human take that this is what Dana wanted to do he said I faced like this he's like Conor guys ass whipped for 100 million right he wants to bring hobby a Floyd get his ass whipped in the Octagon like James Toney did for if you wanna make the money you gotta take - were very much is the Japan thing affect us at all no it's a show man you know I think that you were getting jealous that Maki Cal was getting so much credit that you were like oh I want some attention that was my theory he orchestrated the biggest trade right the first trade he orchestrated that he was getting all kinds of love for they Don Joe and I felt like you thought like I need so I got text messages I got voicemails I got I got everything and if anybody from Floyd team or from the UFC gotta say something I'll put everything on social media you said listen when Floyd Mayweather call you directly yeah this is a big news it is big news because if have you can make hundred million dollars he's under contract with UFC so you have to get the money left one yeah that's it yeah how much did he make for the Conor fight he made very good money he's good how much eight figures over ten listen you said you won't fight for 50 million Dana laughed at that that's okay one asked him he said yeah he's the promoter that's the whole thing is listen they know what his job to get the best product for the lowest money he can this is his project here I'm saying so ideally give me yeah one can fire khabib it was a very good deal that's what he want he treated us very firmly but times that thing's time change if you pay this guy thirty million dollars are you upset i Connor made that much more than you deserve how I can be upset up he earned he deserved every bit of it listen to me one of the things I will never take away from Connor he's one of the best promoter he changed the game everybody's making more money because koruna you know that I think you know he's a prostitute yes I think he's one of the guy changed the game and every I we all make money because him yes 100 percent but if I understand them Connor is is popular among American people some Irish people a little bit of Europe but khabib is is you know guarantee you if Israel today who's more popular Connor or Habib Habib Habib a bigger star worldwide for much much bigger star wars right now everybody's gonna what about you what about you because you just came on the show right now and you said I'm a promoter now I got to meet Flynn a promoter you are telling the world that that if they think it's been too much it's going to be even more it's good man everybody's up in for rude awakening because I listen to me I've been promoting my guys yeah I been promoting my guys and I don't work with pfl no I don't work as a fan I got into them whatsoever no I love this guy don't work this any promotion no no zero BFL I feel all this sorry out media out there they're even seen reporter there your honor this guy spending millions of dollars you understand they're gonna play guys guys and he fought for 20 years right ten years they never make a million dollars he got Lance Palmer Steven Tyler veiny all these guys might be making a million dollar Rashid you know now why these guys cannot get love you know I Kayla Harrison yeah she ever did to go to the UFC and to go to be FL when I looked if she going this time I'm gonna win she's gonna make close to three million dollars right it's about money the UFC is amazing to be there if I'm a fighter I want to fight in UFC me but when you look at the money I think VfL everybody think I work that I don't work there I used to work at it and I used to manage at the same time right guess what and I said it I didn't deny it but guess what I am my promoter I will promote Frankie Edgar Cody gar brand Marlon mariah's khabib nurmagomedov islam makhachev i will promote this guys the UFC become this huge machine a lot of people will get left behind whatever I'm doing people say I'm talking you never hear me talk about myself I'm the greatest manager and this and this it was always about my guys Henry sold right now you think I have a good relationship with the UFC we have the biggest beef right now do UFC about Henry you know it's a problem it's listen to me let's talk about the meter chanson dimensions on the meteor Johnson if he wanted a rematch we was willing to give him a rematch Dmitry's left because for two things because one F Caesar is a good promotion gonna pay him a lot of money shot tree out there is a smart guy man he does a good job but he knows that mystique is gone Henry sir who is the man now you know used you you rain much respect for this kid man I know I said a lot of things before but I have nothing but love and respect but he understand he cannot beat Henry anymore and he moved on how are you gonna trade that greatest of all the time like everybody said and I think that greatest of all the times I have to be John John's Orca beep and John Jones have to come back because if you never lose around he never lost nothing he should be considered of though you know just be the Conor McGregor's two-time champion but I think the meters was not the greatest of all the time I think you have to be John Jones khabib George Sam piano composition to now Anderson self you know now at is itself ten economy of course yeah you know but then you have to of course he you have to be considered but he have this John drones lost right to tie all this what's your hunting but I'm talking about they got a badass scream right for the trade yeah the UFC did not trade Demetrius Johnson I'm saying they probably not gonna like it they got ready of Demetrius Johnson well they got something in return what they got in return then ask I'm happy for Ben Askren yeah I went to him this weekend but you can't trade the Greens of all the time for the same money it's like this is like the Patriot traded Tom Brady for Marshawn Lynch how this possible so what is your point though the whole thing is this trade is the Henry cejudo thing why are you in a beef with UFC bottom because they want me finish that mean first of all that UFC got ready of the Henry Giroux and Henry allowed him because sorry Demetrius cuz Demeter is gonna make so much more money guarantee you you make three times as much money right look who's calling me right now who Malky that's okay okay maybe he wants to refute what you're saying no you did a good how are you feel he did a good job he make Demetrius gonna make so much more money right you understand Dimitra is gonna make so much more money he did a good job and he brought Ben Askren man ask you should give him a gift because man asking will never fall turn EFC Rocky is nothing to his monkey you understand but Demetrius Johnson did whatever he did that was the best thing for his family but the whole thing is I believe part of me I think he kind of got the rematch because he didn't want it but the UFC didn't wanna - because they thought Henry anima come to you Henry with Henry you play ball and move up you know and move up and and and and just be like no more one 25 that's what they want to do yeah why no idea I don't know because I don't think anybody gold-medalist a guy who speaks Spanish Portuguese good-looking guy if they pay enough Henry's gonna go up like everybody is about money this is about money right now and that's your job let me ask you this yes when Connor listen I'm not dissing about Melchior Henry they did a good job yeah cuz I know I know Demetrios got paid a lot of [ __ ] money most of the UFC champion they're not gonna make what what I'm not this in the Train what the meter is gonna make he's gonna be making eight figures maybe make more even than 80 right you know said that mean he secures future but the UFC very much did this train just get rid of Demetrius but he's smart I think that UFC lost and he went ok fair enough this is my opinion let me ask you I know you I know you're active online even though you blocked me in on your active online I know you look at the comments every time I have you on the show I get killed for it right when he why you have this guy on why you haven't monta to put out his negativity and his past and I've asked you a million times about it your past right I've asked you a million times why don't you come out and clear the air once and for all Connor is there writing about you in the Washington Post I'm gonna sue them why when time outages once and for all I know when I sue them when I sue them everything will come out why it's what my lawyers just do right now know why why I gotta talk about what I did what every calling you a terrorist other people on my thing they're like this guy's just anybody want to call me that come sit in my face that's all I'm gonna tell that's if you wanna say it in my face just shut the [ __ ] up right that's it whatever I do I'm gonna shoot the Washington Post Connor they say after so Connor but I don't want to sue Connor I really didn't want to do because I know he's promoting a fight I don't I agree what he said I have no intention of sooner but I'm in the process showing the Washington Post 100 gonna see why she posed for what for saying that you think they call you they reported what he said it's a lawsuit because it's a bit libel defamation of character bro I have people said they want to kill my children they want to kill us with that they want to rape my family like it's great of course Connor Gator a lot of prop if me I believe that village I grieve with you hundred percent religion family should not be discussed but in this fight you were attacked right religion was discussed and your family was brought up and you didn't want to talk about this right what's what you know what I talk about it more I'm gonna make news and more is gonna affect you it doesn't that bother you it doesn't bother me because you don't know the air and just I don't know I don't need to clear nothing because more I talk and more people around you know you know when you speak people you know people are drawn to it right but listen you become a character in the sport it's not part of becoming famous part of becoming in the public eye is sometimes having to address things that are said about you right I know you can't address everything that is our address it in this lawsuit because when you do a lawsuit everything is gonna have to come who are you suing just the Washington Post for now but they're not the ones that said it they were reporting this is my lawyer job to do what he does they did not bother you that it got personal about you that you became a story in this fight to be honest with you I think a sign of weakness I think it's sign of weakness for somebody to talk about people's family children and and religion I think his weakness because he know he doesn't happen and he sholde he's short when he went inside this cage he wanted to get in habib is mine he that's a Conor McGregor that's either the great job getting in people's mind this is what he does you know whatever this is what he that he's good at but what he did was khabib it backfired on him it's put her later a fire under cabbie B's but and he was training three four times a day he never does that and motivated more see how come you were in the back during the fight because I felt I didn't wear a suit I was with my sweats and my sneakers I felt doing this fight I was too much in the I was I was too much I was too much yeah in conclusion I felt it's time for me to stop back and now you gotta watch to the best light weight in the world ever fight each other so if not felt it bother you that you were brought up that you were part of the story but yet you made yourself part of the story right you you were the one before even on this show back in the day you were calling out Connor before right because I know this is the fight is gonna take cubby was like it's like as your different level of course so if you're gonna interject yourself you have to sort of listen to your body apart I didn't talk about Connors family children you're right wife yes father come on in short talk a lot I did not say one bad thing about it no you're right and I never will you're right and I never will this is not who I am so why didn't you respond when he talked about your family the whole thing is the only response I want to give it to him punch him cross his nose and breakers usual 100 percent if you talk about my family let me talk about your family hi this is why I want to fight somebody talk about my family is nothing you know if anybody talk about your family in a bad way you have to smash him how you do want to smash him and this is why for me I'm my mindset talking it's gonna make me more hungry you understand you understand my family never have nothing to do with this my son never did nothing to him my wife this and that there understand all this no you don't think my family's upset about this right all the emails all this hating it doesn't matter if you Muslim me Christian you this you do see this it is this is horrible do you want to clear the air huh do you want to clear the air CLE was what about your family about what he said about your family oh is my family is my family what does asking do you want I don't want I can't why I want to discuss my children my brother it got brought up in the first well guess what he's a low-life piece of [ __ ] that's what he is this I know you will never do that I know John zone like certain guys you know but the guy he have no values you understand you understand like like me and Matthew right we have we are beef right before it stay between us we talked all the time we arguing when this stuff come out Malky call me they all mochi Peter up whatever you know like the whole thing is and we happy before but that's what we men will keep things but but you never see me come out and say bad things about him or he said bad things about me or I have problems other manager or this person or this person is that why you're continuing this thing is it's so personal it is personal a rich person even though you want doesn't matter this man insulted my family my religion where I come from it is personal because khabib God's revenge I didn't what do you think what do you want you taking her I don't know I do I'm gonna I tell you I'm not gonna sue him you're not know I have a loss or crazy loss organs Connor why you crazy how we gonna talk about somebody like that but the whole thing is I'm not in it so people because he called you a terrorist brother listen to me doesn't matter I'm over this whole thing okay it is what it is him to be honest with you I'm not gonna say it's over everything is okay everybody make money no no isn't you wanna fight him again you wanna beep to find out listen to me right now whatever one copy what I'm gonna do but what is he telling you he wants don't even wanna talk about fighting right now right we have we have the Nevada Commission this is a big problem you know but you know but you know the whole thing is like I understand I feel like it's better for everyone if we move on a little bit from this for you for your sanity a UFC job is the UFC choice our choice is not your choice I mean I mean I could say but the whole thing is when you talk about money who's gonna bring them the biggest money fight like DC and John Jones right you think it was guys far for the third time it would not be even bigger of course you'd be bigger I'd heavyweight you know you got one of the greatest of all the time John Jones come back he beat DC DC become the heavyweight champion if they come back a lot of things got said you know sir but I believe John Jones and DC they did not talk about their religion or their families they did not and you felt that was too much no they did the John Jones and DC didn't talk about each other's no I know what you guys do you go within your friend or goes down deep John Jones Jones talks about it a little bit but it's a little pretty but it's not the same I know he says I go to your house is it but I guess but the whole thing is like these guys have values man these guys don't have nothing that's what I say it's a prostitute not because actually is getting Bank I'm talking about because he does everybody heard him saying that he called him a chicken and where they're from is that true do you know about that these guys would not first of all these guys should not be any OC on his record right right this you number one play him like crazy what do you mean you play me see you know the goat is it you come on come on seriously you you play and he believed that no he does if this guy is not gonna friend is gonna be in the UFC 100% he's a draw people like him draw because he is a clown you understand fight his way out us but he got he's not a [ __ ] in the cage never got outside the kids huh never got finish so they look at his record he got finished like so many times no no you see in the UFC what is the matter me though I don't care about this guy he's nothing honestly okay he's honestly I feel like he's gotten to this middle thing he should not go in the middle of it but he puts himself in it cuz he talked about cubby if he if he shut his mouth if he shut his mouth and nothing what happened to him right but he open his mouth you up done this man these guys from Dagestan I'm not sure they one of the nicest people most generous respectful guys but certain things you don't cross with him when these guys guys not over this is not over hey what happened now you know so my impression is this isn't over they said this cannot be over but I'm telling you this cannot be over this is gonna be over because it sits like that throughout the history created holy wars yeah right and this guy he created a holy wars it tried to Conor yeah with a knife but he doesn't understand it was a lot of Tanks and everything's a mess when you talk about things like that it's it's a bit scary I must say it's not supposed to be like I'm telling you I'm defending you nobody should be talking to because it's disgusting yeah if somebody talked about being a Jewish big knows about your family this is disgusting Islam didn't say that Christianity say that religion say that if you are Kirby fans should not talk to you this way we're not with us you know our brother you understand cuz nobody should talk about this this is the you cannot do this is so bad you understand so what's somebody's wife somebody's kid somebody's son why why they say home they don't do nothing to nobody they innocent what's your wife what's the religion do to everybody everybody talk about all these people all these people talk to me you know what that do to me I swear to God do not bother me one bit Connor bother me you know but these people wanna bother you because this Conner birthday because he started a lot of started a lot of hate he started becoming hate when he called you terrorist I don't hate him I don't hate nobody I do not hate him but this guy this type of people I would never even shake his hand you understand I forgive him to be honest are you forgiving me are we good now we are good I know you're never gonna talk about my my mother my wife my son I mean have you finally realized what the job of the media is yes and honestly I think I wanna apologize too because I expect so much from you but I think but I shouldn't but it's one of those things like there's so much information out there about you and there's Conor McGregor talking about you and the fact that guy said a lot of things the most powerful though he's now he don't want powerful what he's the movie he's draw he's brought use draw and then you come out and you say this guy is not gonna talk in this guy and we're gonna it's just the whole thing is a bit I think you need to go on vacation and calm down I am good okay yeah like I want to say a couple things here okay right okay like one of the things do okay let me ask you Malky wants to talk to you do you want to talk to him no cool mouth if you want to talk we can talk why everybody that's fair I don't think it's fair to you to put you on the spot he wants to say something to you but I mean everyone say something to you on the air but I don't think you can talk to me if you want to talk to me i'ma call him I said they did a good job yeah I know I say you [ __ ] up he suck he'd be mad but if you want to talk asking me they're asking me so that's all I don't think it's fair to you to put you on the spot so that's why I would ask you first and that's fine don't forget about it yeah okay he had it up what did you want to say Henry Henry is just not gonna go to 35 and just be like okay I'm a nice comical 35 number one thing like like you know I gotta mention him are Lamar Iceman Amano for us I think is getting screwed being it just does being a fighter in UFC suppose the fire crews said no supposed to fight I sense ow doesn't some somehow he's you know I don't know what why he said no so now the man stuck with not without a fight you know it's a lot of things man I'm I'm kind of tired I'm done you're done yeah I win ten nine hewan II draw Rumble Johnson III III talked Rumble last week right hmm and he said if John drones fought DC as heavyweight and John win if John win he wanted to come back and this is the only fight he think he will come back to fight John drones but a heavy weight or light heavyweight bro John Anthony Johnson is 285 pound okay that's it so he's considering you to come back or he is coming back he want to come back as a heavyweight okay but but I think it'd have to be something different he can't just come he missed a sport yeah he means the sport and he said he will come back to fight someone like John John whatever to the bodybuilding he just having fun man he's thick he's been in support for a long time he's rest in his body and you think he'll fight again he will fight again Wow for sure 100% so he has to go through your side again though over kids he responds yeah six months Wow so we good you calm down I'm calm stop threatening the media I'm not you know you don't only I John Kavanagh I never trained him right I don't know having Shawn Morgan I never I don't know the last month is not going to be on I be honest with you I didn't talk to you for the last three weeks I was I was in heaven it was so great without you bothering me and threatening me and bullying me it was amazing my shut up it was amazing I was like wow this is a great life listen I don't need this guy you're gonna have a relationship I'm gonna see but now that wasn't stopped with the block the block that what do you a 12 year old kid with the blocking and honestly like it's it's I know sometimes I see [ __ ] [ __ ] why did I say this yeah you understand I see a lot of things I shouldn't and I shouldn't say you know but it's funny that people think that were like buddy-buddy well now we understand when we talk people listen well I don't know about that it was great not talking to you for a month I loved it it was amazing for me you know you know who's responsible for all of this the vault without him none of this is happening he was telling Danny my man area is a good guy you guys have a good relationship and he said he said I was wrong he cannot expect from him he's not your partner he said he's not your partner he's doing his job when you need to do your job and they say listen I shouldn't blocked you I gotta admit you shouldn't send me threatening messages I didn't train you yeah I just thought you said all this stuff all right okay all right we're good mr. Jarrah here Foster Joshi yeah she's her - she was mad at me also she would - I have no reason to be mad at you okay and I have to kind of defend you on this one you know you know so Jarrah she just you know she's a great girl man and she worked really hard but at the end of the day we have to make wait it was our fault Jilly McQuaid she blew she at her next fight was a guarantee a title fight she probably not gonna get it now she have to Connor she gonna talk to you and she can okay let's do I do thank you for coming you got it Salam alaikum please tell me you by say hello okay text them I don't have his number he changes it every week all right sir he probably bought me two there he is ugly Abdulaziz good times Wow
Channel: ESPN MMA
Views: 422,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ali abdelaziz, conor mcgregor ali, abdelaziz, helwani show, ariel helwani espn, ali abdelaziz helwani, ariel helwani ali, ariel helwani ali abdelaziz, ariel helwani, conor khabib, conor mcgregor, khabib nurmagomedov, dana white, ufc, khabib, floyd mayweather, conor vs khabib, conor mcgregor vs khabib nurmagomedov, mcgregor, espn, ufc interview, espn ariel helwani, ariel helwani mma show, ariel helwani's mma show, espn ariel helwani mma show, helwani espn, espn mma
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 51sec (3411 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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