JoJo Siwa Finally Acknowledges Dance Moms Was Different For The Other Girls!

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juder siwa has finally acknowledged that other people on Dance Moms had a much different experience than she had I didn't realize for the last probably until about a year year or two years ago when I honestly was in a messed up head space of being like Dance Moms is great why are you on it but then I was like wait different experiences you know what I mean and once I realized that and once honestly once I got to know these three more obviously I know you two very well but it's interesting how everyone did have a different experience but what I've really what I've loved to see in getting to know u3 is that u3 had some of the most foul experiences on dance boms but yet you choose to come sit in this room do the reunion say positive things say that you're grateful for the experience cuz
Channel: createchaosgossip
Views: 64,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zj0ARWVUyjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 47sec (47 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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