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in today's video we go ahead and play minecraft or we can craft swords from any block in the game anything from a stick sword to a drip stone sword we can craft into today's video and we're gonna see if we can beat minecraft with it so if you guys do enjoy this video be sure to hit it with a like subscribe if you guys are new and be sure to go ahead and check out the data pack down in the description below if you want to download it for yourself now we are getting super close to a million subscribers so if you could subscribe and help out the channel i really really really appreciate it without further ado let's stop straight into the video okay so we are on this beautiful world right here that we call minecraft we have a forest right here and a village right behind us let's go ahead and start off by just punching down a tree like usual getting all the wood and getting everything that we need to start off this video here because before we even do anything today we need to make something very very important if we go ahead and click on advancements you guys can see right here we have something called a sword craft it's just going to be very very interesting but the thing we need to craft first of all is something that takes a wood sword a stone stone two pieces of mine a crafting table and four pieces of wood so let's go ahead and get ourselves a bunch of wood where is that how did you get in here buddy you're okay paul guy's stuck in a little hole i guess that makes this whole process a lot easier for me i might even be able to oh no no no no no no okay you know what i'll stay from a safe distance please just drop us two iron that's all we need is just two iron if you want to drop four go ahead but two will do the trick but now that we have a four or three pieces of iron we can go ahead and make exactly what we need here which is the sword crafter which should just be like this and there we go the one and only sword crafter now this is where things are about to get interesting because i'm going to go ahead and place on this crafting table to get us some wheat for food but now i'm also going to go ahead and place down a sword crafter and look at this beauty it's all like 3d and it's like an awesome looking carpet table but now let's go ahead and make our very first sword which is going to be the stick sword oh this is this is quite depressing great for practice with two attack damage there's also a couple other swords that we can go ahead and craft to start off at oh my why are there so many villagers you know what while they are here i guess i'll go ahead and kill the other angler maybe another one would spawn as well have we just oh god oh my goodness that was a mistake waiting to happen let's go ahead and grab all of our stuff back real quick thank you thank you thank you thank you did you take all of my bread did these villages they stole all of my bread okay all right let's let's try this again mr iron golem come here and say goodbye ah that time's lucky uh there we go we got four more okay perfect the sun is going down so i think it's about time that we go ahead and make a couple more swords here one of them being the one and only red sword right click to restore some hunger not bad this is actually pretty useful okay let me go ahead and make a couple of these because i feel like this could be pretty useful to go ahead and use in the long run another thing i want to go ahead and check out is the apple sword here which is makes mobs drop apples so that's another food store so we've got a lot of food sources right now but as the sun does go down here i'm going to go ahead and pick up my sword crafter and take all of these books because we do actually need a bookshelf you guys will see exactly why in a second and yes it does have something to do with the custom store but before we do that uh let's steal this village's bed um there's no villager bed in here okay this crystal this village is bad ah sorry buddy and good morning world i want to go ahead and make two bookshelves so i can go ahead and craft the bookshelf sword now this is gonna be pretty useful because it says sometimes mobs drop enchanted books depending on what types of enchanted books these are they could be pretty awesome so mr villager drop me a book i just i just needed to shut the books i'm running oh wait wait what about this rabbit come here come here stop running stopper oh this is embarrassing okay no book from him what about you mr villager give me no book from him either okay maybe he has to be hostile mobs i mean it would make sense i wonder if we can go ahead and take a couple of these and put them together to create a character suit maybe there was damage to the user and for eight damage okay okay this is pretty good oh okay we got a lava pool right there that's pretty good also if it does turn nighttime that could be pretty good for us because it means we can go ahead and kill those mobs and hopefully get some enchanted books from it and look look at that adjustable okay break this grab some of these thank you wait i wonder i wonder i wonder if we can make ourselves a tnt sword sweeping edge again really not all that useful and two gold novels i'll take them all right guys don't mind me just munching on my my oh it's called a breadstick i thought i came up with something cool there let's see how much damage this this cactus soda she does to us i'm sorry little bunny i'm sorry i'm sorry i have to do what has to be done it's science science okay you know what yeah just that was just that you you do your own thing uh let's have a look any other iron golem no it does not look like we have another angle okay well here's sent into this cave that was like directly under the villager see if we can find anything down there okay we got coal we got copper not exactly what i'm looking for the characters so definitely damages me as well still no books okay i know i'm not do i i think the bookshelf sword might be a little bit of a scam but i did see lapis back here and there is a lapis sword we can make and there we go we got a bunch of lapis now we should just be able to go ahead and make a couple lapis blocks here and then put our swordcraft why do i have so many sticks in there let's place down our snowcrafter put two lapis blocks with a stick and now this will give us a randomly charged sword with lapis and oh my goodness this is pretty op hold on let me do another one of these oh my goodness shot this three i'm breaking through okay this one's definitely better than this one this one can go away there's this way to do it we need to find lapis lapis is extremely overpowered let's throw our cactus sword this already does more damage than the cactus sword let's eat this bread stick to heal up but i think there's also another sword that i can make called the deep slate sword now this deep slate sword says that wait what deep slay how do you make it is it like hold on this guy's coming for us here's the wrath of my newly enchanted lapis sword oh okay he almost exploded okay now we've got two pieces of normal deep slate let's go ahead and put these into the and there we go there we go deals more damage when low in the world and i am very low in the world right now i'm negative six that should be pretty good let's set up a furnace once we find some coal maybe okay there's some coal wait no that's not cool let's go okay wait wait this is this is exactly what we're looking for okay hold on let me go ahead and start smelting this up with some of the wood we have i guess i can't find any coal now that we've found one of these amethyst geodes we just need two amethyst shards so that is the fully grown ones like this bad boy right here and now we can go ahead and craft the amethyst sword so now if you do this with a couple sticks or just one stick right there check this thing out this looks crazy cool and it makes amethyst grow below the mob which is quite interesting okay there's there's some mobs over here so let's go ahead and try out the deep slate we're currently at like i think y zero pretty low down let's see how much damage this does okay two hits three hits to that guy that's honestly not too much damage i think we might need to be a little bit deeper in here i want to try the amethyst oh there's a mineshaft down here okay okay let's do this let's do oh and more lapis more lapis okay always grab the lapis that's what we need to learn okay maybe we can find some minecraft there's literally double ones right here okay keep out an eye out for mobs another one as well okay okay just coal okay i guess i'll take it for smelton blowberries actually i think they could be pretty useful you guys will see in why just a second and some more iron and some more bread okay perfect oh okay i'll take some diamonds i'll take some diamonds we're also getting very very far down in in these caves so i think it's probably worth maybe testing our deep state sword again to see how much more damage it does now that we're so deep all right crafting table place one of these bad boys down oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no you guys stay away you guys stay away you gotta stay away from my stuff okay stay back stay back and get nice just grab this and stay away from the spawner actually it's probably not the greatest idea to make make make sure it's right next to a smaller there's not more lapis right here waiting for us to grab it okay okay so we got a bunch more lapis here let's go ahead and turn this all into blocks and see how many stores we can really make here oh my god i can make seven swords i can literally make seven swords okay let's do it let's just do it let's just do it seven swords just like this okay well let's see what we got we got a sharpness four okay that's that's replacing this one man oh looting two illusion two okay okay let's hold on to the loot and two because that could be pretty good now we have a sharpness four i'm breaking three sweeping edges not back too that's that's pretty op but oh my goodness is that more diamonds i made this jump though oh my goodness call me dream that was very very close to death right there it seems like diamonds spawn more often now but in way smaller veins which is a little bit annoying more diamonds don't mind if i do don't mind if i do how many times do we have right now we have four okay let's go ahead and make ourselves some boots there we go getting a little bit more armored up here oh okay okay i see yeah i see you okay perfect perfect this is exactly what we're looking for so let's go ahead and grab this i have so much stuff in my atmosphere and so many different swords okay honestly i don't think although the deep play stores get stronger stronger than we go down i don't think we're gonna be staying in the caves here much longer so i'm gonna go ahead and get rid of that but hey let's go ahead and see what this sword is so if i go ahead and place down a stick right there with a pointed piece of drip stone right there and i drip some block above it or actually i think it's probably the other way around we get the drip stone sword which drops the pointy drip stone on mob's heads now if you guys don't know anything about pointy drip stone it does a lot of damage so i'm very very curious to see how much damage this does and how high the drip stone drops from um i wonder if we can find a mob a little bit deeper down here okay oh my this is a big hit this is a massive cave oh my goodness okay all right there's a skeleton right over here let's see what the strip stone sword does look at it it's like a little dagger this is so cool let's hit him oh he missed this doesn't do much oh actually it doesn't do bad damage it doesn't do bad damage maybe that's because we're like in a caved area only dropped it from that distance i wonder if in a bigger area you could drop from like a higher distance and just like damage to both of them if they are like a little hurt here okay it's not bad but i think my shot this full lap is might be a little bit better and also i it just takes like a lot of durability very very quickly it only has 32. so drips are sword i'm sorry but it gets uh it gets maybe a three out of ten for me now here let's grab this water and head into the nether because there's going to be some other swords that make things a lot easier for us all right let's go like this go like this now is there any gravel around here that's what i'm kind of looking for oh i missed diamonds right here as well oh my goodness okay let's grab these diamonds okay we also have gravel so let's go ahead and get ourselves some fluid real fast there we go perfect all right now we just need to fill this back part in right here and we should have a nether portal in no time if i can remember how to do this exactly oh oh oh no okay you know what we'll have some more of it it's fine we have a massive lava lake just waiting for us so we should be a-okay you know now this portal should do us the trick so we'll just grab our flint grab our eye and pop into the nether and that's with a few more swords i do have my sock after me i do okay great now welcome to the nether why am i in a world like this i wonder what stores i can make there's a few there's just a few blocks right here already let's go ahead and place the bad boy down see if we can make a magnus but we can has a chance to burn okay we don't we don't wanna just a chance to burn we want fire aspect okay and what does another netherrack store do netherrack sword occasionally makes mobs drop quartz oh gold that's actually gonna be super useful for trades okay we'll hold on to this we'll hold on to this hey let's get out of this little head that our portal spawned us in and get to the here okay and oh not bad not bad not a bad area okay we have some zombie pigmen there i'm not sure if i want to test hitting my nether xor with them but we also have a bastion over there i think that might be the better option out of the two oh okay slowly does it slowly does it henry oh hey buddy oh okay not bad not bad nice little one two one two of the combo there nothing coming down from above oh there is there's some people up here go ahead and he's gone the knockback two just made him fly is there anything above me that's gonna drop down i don't think so i don't think so okay we need to be careful because that brew is on the bridge boost on the bridge oh buddy okay there's lava right there as well okay great i guess we go around here hey buddy and goodbye buddy oh oh guy okay i fell oh that does a lot of damage she does a lot of damage she does a lot of damage okay just keep him in that distance keeping my distance how is he not dead yet let's get rid of this spawner thank you and i guess we should drop down in here and see what we got oh i'm kind of almost glad i didn't make a helmet now oh okay hey buddy stay away you stay away from me let me put the protection full helmet on that might that might help just a little bit apparent obsidian probably not worth it i hear all of this gold definitely worth it here let's go ahead and grab all this gold because we're gonna need it for trading okay that's 16 blocks of gold oh my goodness that's more than enough okay some quartz don't mind if i do okay and we're out we're free we're free and we got we got we got some we got some enemy which is really good because we also have a loot in two so let's go ahead and see if we can get some looting pearls real quick come on ow ow oh we did we got we got looting pose okay how many how many how many do we get two posts okay perfect hey buddy you want to go ahead and give me some give me some pulse of your own oh is that two or three more three more let's go okay not bad not bad do you guys see what i see here we go we got ourselves a little bit of fortress him there's also a traitor boy right outside hey buddy i got you i got you some gold here just go ahead and go ahead and take yourself there you go yeah just get in the hole you just stay right there and just take all the gold nice and thanks for the recipient as well that's very kind of you oh here we go here we go we've got a place where we've got a blessing all right buddy it's time for you to meet your maker and drop all your blazers please please struggle you just shuffle your bases please thank you and we already have four i think if we can just get like a handful more maybe like three or four we should be good while i'm here i'm gonna grab some chords because i'm pretty certain we can make oh hey hey guys sorry to run the fun here but i'm gonna have to kill both of you and that will be just enough thank you so i'm pretty sure our trader boy was just down here question is he spoilers is he loyal to the cause oh he's loyal he's loyal to the course guys all right buddy what have you got for oh you got some of that goo good i see you i see you okay let me go ahead and just drink some of this thank you no ender pose no no no no buddy you're kind of lacking on the whole enderpear department but i do like the look of those arrows so let me just go ahead and there we go thank you hey oh you gave me some more thank you you know i like them very very nice but here now we have everything we need i want to make myself a couple more stores just to see see exactly what they do so the first one is something we've been holding on to for a while and it's cool that the glow berry sword makes mobs glow for a short time okay here let me spam click this so this there's no damage to this guy but hey look at that he's glowing i don't really see any other any other use other than that so oh that was a really short time as well okay well you know what get 59 durability get out of here glowberry okay the next thing i want to try out is the blaze rod sword which we go ahead and need a crafting area for so we need two of those then we need a blazer down here two blaze powder we get a fire spec three sword the next one here is actually gonna be a wait let me just place down this crossing table make a couple of blocks wait how do you make another block oh we just need two of those okay we need to go ahead and make some of these some of those and we get ourselves a quartz sword that says it has more power than another but not in the overall so test it on our way back and then the very last sword here is the obsidian sword and now what this does is it says right here it gets weaker the more damage it is but it does 10 attack damage right now holy that's a lot that's a lot that's more than my sharpness for right here okay but you know we do have to test out these swords right now so here i have a quartz sword on me so let's go ahead and test this out on this guy and it's still too short if i test out the obsidian right here no let's just go chris it's still two shots that's not too impressive i would say so i think i might have to say goodbye to the quartz okay buddy you gotta go okay who wants to taste this blazer of soda is there anyone around here that wants to taste my blaze road sword nope no one over here i see some skeletons over there but they're too far away oh i see i see our target i see our target hey there buddy taste out the what is it called fire aspect three how's it feel you like burn buddy oh my god he burns for along with fire aspect three bus to death with fire oh my goodness wait is that is that some pose okay um um let's pop down here how many posts we get oh my god okay okay i see you more obsidian as well so what i'm gonna go ahead and do actually let's go ahead and kill this guy with an amethyst sword real quick so we can go ahead and see that again and just watch it explode look at that easy peasy and then we'll go ahead and grab our gold back okay there we go oh hey there buddy let me just go ahead and stare at you make you mad real quick oh there's another one up there i'll make you mad as well oh hey okay okay maybe maybe getting too mad at the same time wasn't the greatest idea oh okay rematch oh i wish you said it that would have been really really bad okay okay oh oh my god okay okay okay yeah let's not do that again let's not do two again because that was kind of dangerous but we have 15 points okay that's perfect that's perfect actually i just spent this time getting posed i'm an idiot i'm an idiot i completely forgot we don't even need all these pearls put two of these with two of these and then all we are gonna need here is to go ahead and put one of these with two of these eyes can we get ourselves the eye of ender sword attacking mobs tell you how close the stronghold is now i'm not sure if we're still going to need yeah we're probably still going to need ice to actually get into the portal so that's why we still kind of need them so i i think it's still good that we got them okay and home sweet home let me go back through i just realized we're gonna be at the bottom of the world we're gonna make our way all the way back up now just great you know what you know what this is our obsidian sword on you guys not bad at who not better too okay let's go down to nine attack damage now so we do need to be careful but we do have more obsidian in the head the next mob i see i actually want to go ahead and kill with the eye of ender sword see if we can find out how close the portal really is like it says this is a long drop i really hope i don't fall oh is that the surface swim swim swim and we're free we're free okay but we are on the surface now so let's go ahead and kill something with the iron sword one of any of these mobs right here and see oh wait that's so cool okay so it's 1400 bucks away that's further so i'm guessing it's this way and look where we're back to back to the village right next to the ocean here okay i felt like we must be getting close now i know i see some dolphins over here but i'm not gonna hit those instead let me go ahead and hit the squid and see see how close we are now because we've been swimming for a while and oh my goodness we are 264 blocks away okay does it happen to be over by this dark oak forest maybe i don't know there's nothing spawning over here that i can hit so do i just use one of my eyes i think i think we just used one of the eyes real quick it is it is towards the top go first okay perfect ah of course the one i use breaks right before my eyes you know mr sheep give me your apple please thank you and now tell me how i've got 69 let's go a little bit further let's go towards these pigs maybe see how far they say it is can we have a 100 okay no no we're going way too far these fish are actually closer let's go ahead and see 33 okay are we getting close to here i had 33 right over here so i think i'm just gonna trust the fishies right here and dig oh wait can i just swim down is there like a underwater cave anywhere no we just have one of these back 34 you keep following me this way you keep following me this way i want to see if it gets like lower or higher if i go this way 19 okay yeah it's definitely in this direction so i'm just going to dig right here and then go go straight down i think he said 26 so it's gotta be somewhere close right okay oh let's go okay we were right we're right okay okay we're right we're in we're in we need to go ahead and get more apples and let's go ahead and hope for the best right here because honestly i'm not too sure oh without that was very easy that was extremely easy hold on if i just get these i just have infinite apples right yeah i have infinite apples okay this is great this is actually great all right 19 apples real fast that shouldn't be too hard okay i think we can do this i think we could do this let's go ahead and break this we had two eyes as well this was perfect this was perfectly coordinated and there we go i think just to be safe let's go ahead and make ourselves a bed real quick is there anything else i want to do before we head oh there is actually if we go ahead and place down our sword crafter real quick we can go ahead and make this another item this is why it's holding them to the two other ender poles and it's called the anime sword right click to randomly teleport so that could be pretty useful i don't think we're gonna need the ender eye sword you've done very well but we don't need you anymore but i think yeah we need this we're gonna need one of these we should probably take some blocks with us all right well here let's hop into the entertainment fight and kill this buddy okay where's he at oh oh i'm fully okay let's get me okay i'm gonna right click the enemy so to randomly teleport and see what happens oh that worked pretty perfectly very nice go ahead and take out all of these spawn points real quick on the like what are they called respawn beacons real quick and we should be able to go ahead and get this guy really really easy one thing i do want to check is if we can hit him with the amethyst thought i think that would be super super cool if he could let's go ahead and see can i hit him is that gonna spawn the amethyst on him it's not supporting the amethyst no oh no okay oh buddy buddy buddy buddy that was a lot of damage there was a lot of damage that i did not like i did not like any of that okay let's get rid of this one and i think last but not least we have a big one up here can i hit it no mess still too low oh boy can i hit it please wait i hit it he's not rejecting from that one anymore okay perfect perfect oh okay it's just coming it's coming it's coming in okay okay we just need to get underneath here and we need to go ahead and test out see how strong this obsidian sword really is okay okay so we go ahead and just head out right here oh my goodness look at that chunky damage look at that chunky damage that was just with one obsidian sword so it hasn't dropped down to nine attack damage yet so i think i'm gonna throw this one out because we still have three now all the ten attack damage as she tries to shoot us with a little a little dragon's breath right there okay she's coming back down she's coming back down okay we just get underneath we need to get underneath and we just need to start chunking with the obsidian sword as soon as possible okay where is she where she where she and she's facing this way and oh my okay i think it dropped off tonight that one definitely dropped off to nine oh my look at this damage look at all that damage oh my goodness are they all on nine now okay no these ones are still on ten and i'm officially out of hours let's just come back down okay these last two swords this one has 49 this one has 53 so we have at least four shots with this one but let's go ahead and hit her with this one like once or twice first okay one two and let's go with the obsidian sword there we go oh i forgot to test out the blazer zone okay well maybe next time guys that has been minecraft but you can craft a sword out of any block in the game this has been a bunch of fun again if you guys want to check out the daily pack for yourselves the link is down in the description below and if you guys did enjoy the video be sure to hit that subscribe button because we have so close too many subscribers i'm really thinking we're going to hit it soon it's going to be great now hope you guys enjoy the video i'll see you guys all again next time [Music] you
Channel: Henwy
Views: 274,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: henwy, henwy minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, crafting swords in minecraft
Id: mbay_rW8uUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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