Camille Vasquez Finishes Amber Heard's Cross

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foreign thank you you'll be seated all right your next question uh Tom may I please have you put up a plaintiff's exhibit eight eight one a Miss heard I'm going to ask you to take a look at Plankton's exhibit 881a um this is one of the articles containing the counter claim statements by Adam Waldman is that correct I haven't seen the article yet okay why don't we go to page eight of this article Adam Waldman Deb's lawyer said afterwards quote Amber Heard and her friends in the media use fake sexual violence allegations as both the sword and shield depending on their needs they have selected some of her sexual violence hoax facts as a sword inflicting them on the public and Mr Depp do you see that yes I do is that one of the statements that you allege are defamatory it's defamatory that's correct okay um can we please go to plaintiff's exhibit 881b and if we could go to page 10 and 11. thank you and exhibit plaintiff's exhibit 881 B tops lawyer Adam Waldman said the various discrepancies prove that nothing hurt and her friends said about the events of May 21 2016 could be considered credible quite simply this was an ambush a hoax they said Mr Depp up by calling the cops but the first attempt didn't do the trick he told the the officers came to the penthouse as thoroughly searched and interviewed and left after seeing no damage to face or property so Amber her friend spilled a little wine and roughed the place up got their story straight under the direction of a lawyer and publicist and then placed a second call to 9-1-1 but even this didn't have apologize you're fine [Music] okay and if we can please uh pull up Plankton's exhibit 881c and go to page 11. this is another article and it's heard where you argue that Mr waldman's statements are defamatory correct I don't know if this is taken from that article because I can't see the article in full it's page 11 of the article and the statement reads foreign we have reached the beginning of the end of Miss heard's abuse host against Mr Depp is that correct is that one of the defam what you claim is one of the defamatory statements said by Mr Waldman I believe so okay thank you Richard you're not aware of any career opportunities that you lost or as a result of Mr waldman's statements are you well it's kind of hard to point to the jobs you're not offered right the gigs you don't get you were not replaced in Aquaman 2 were you they released me from my contract and I fought to stay in it and they kept me in it I just don't know how much I'm in actually I love the Final Cut and you testified yesterday that L'Oreal actually extended your contract in April of 2020. is that correct in part they extended it and held me and you testified yesterday that L'Oreal extended your contract again in November of 2021 correct not exactly they extended it because it couldn't use me or any of the materials for me and that extension was for 20 months right that's correct okay Miss heard you testified yesterday how Mr waldman's statements quote torture you every day do you recall that testimony I do and then um and that you look at them every day I look at the online attacks the media you can't avoid it to be honest that those statements are often attached to I don't look at his statements every day and you testified that you just want to move on with your life right I do very much want to move on with my life but you've gone out of your way to engage with Mr Waldman on social media haven't you uh I have made a comment I believe once I did not I would not characterize that as engaging with him let's please pull up plain to this exhibit one two six six I it's right there your microphone your microphone I don't have this yet so I'm asking for it's probably given to me before it's a photo I think it's just a this is your Tweet right Miss heard that is correct I'm going to move to admit and publish this tweet the relevance ejection I'm sorry what's the objection I'm sorry relevance all right I'll rule the objection 881c in evidence [Music] can we please have it published to the jury I'm supposed I'm sorry one two six six I apologize thank you your honor this is from March 26 2021 right that's what it looks like yes and this is after he made the statement you claim the statements you claim are defamatory right Miss heard 21 yes Miss heard you tweeted at Adam Waldman quote yes Mr Waldman I may be wearing makeup on this occasion but on every occasion you will still be short did I read that right yes we can put this down thank you this word since your relationship with Mr death ended you have completed your level three sommelier training haven't you I haven't completed it yet no I'm on level three you also have had a baby right I have and you enjoy being a mother more than anything you still love to cook I do and you love to hike I've taken a break on hiking for a minute you have friends right I do have friends and you spend time with those friends occasionally when I can and you exercise regularly every day you just filmed a movie in March of 2022. isn't that right yes the one I just shot in Guatemala that I spoke of earlier and you have you had a major role in a major film that's scheduled to be released soon is that correct Aquaman 2. as I said I don't know if I will even be in the Final Cut or how much I will be it was difficult to stay in the movie he struck Mr Depp multiple times during a relationship didn't she misheard there were many times I had to use my body to defend myself and that included swinging wherever I could if it meant I could get away absolutely if it meant a difference between a sore face and a broken nose you bet I would that's your testimony under oath that you never struck Mr Depp as the initial aggressor well he was holding me against the wall by my neck you know I might be the first person to have been the the first one to slap which happened in Australia you know and he was choking me but I wouldn't say I was the initial aggressor in that situation you got physical with Mr Depp often during your relationship didn't you I had to defend myself as best I could um didn't seem to make much of a difference you just couldn't control yourself could you misheard I tried to defend myself when I could um but it was after years of not defending myself five six and you're on our portions of exhibit were entered into evidence yesterday but we moved to admit the entire recording and I can confirm that there's no other voices besides Miss herds and Mr Depp's and I intend to play from 129 27 to 1 30 0 7. so I have 356a in evidence due to any objection to the entire 356 coming into evidence if you make if I may okay just for a moment you're on I have to check on something which one foreign for now and we'll double check our notes on that because there was one that had something in that that couldn't go and I just can't find my notes on oh we'll just call it 356b for now that's fine thank you your honor could you just give me the the times again yes of course one two nine twenty-seven to one three zero zero seven all right and I'm just told that we already have a b so we have to do 356 C okay thank you thank you your honor so much I can't promise you that I'll be perfect I can't promise you I won't get physical yet God I [ __ ] sometimes get so mad and lose it I can [ __ ] promise you I'm you know do everything to change I promise you I'm not gonna go around divorce I will not say the doors unless it's it and then I hope you leave me nothing and me too I will leave you fair I can't do it you know and I think honestly if we hold each other accountable to that it's fair [Applause] it's heard that's you and Mr dab on that recording correct that's correct and you told Mr Deb quote I can't promise you that I won't get physical end quote correct that's correct he was accusing me of instigating something in a situation I explained yesterday and you also told Mr debb that sometimes you get so mad you lose it correct that's correct I also explained the context of that fight yesterday it's not exactly what you told Ben King on your way back from Australia that you get so mad you lose it absolutely not I know that that's what Ben King testified to but I never had that conversation with Ben King we could please explain I'm sorry um I checked and I have no objection to the entirety of 356 coming so 356 in its entirety will be in evidence all right thank you thank your honor if we could please play from what's now been admitted plaintiff's exhibit 356 in its entirety from 705 to 743 I'm not gonna be invisible [ __ ] altercation with you then don't you [ __ ] hit me last night you [ __ ] well the other times you split come on you cannot act like that's about that well we're on a plane I can't spit no and you hit back so don't act like you don't [ __ ] participate I pushed you I'm not gonna get into the detail fight you and I both know that you split when there is no physical violence and that you do it at me like at the very beginning of fights these days and if you split and you go into a different room and you don't actually leave that house it does nothing but perpetuate the fight and you don't actually do it respectfully you don't Miss heard is that you and Mr Depp on this recording yes it is can we please uh pull up Plankton's exhibit three four three and I believe that one's been admitted already into evidence yes ma'am thank you and just for the record um we're playing from two four six zero one two two four seven two zero I said Travis I said no I said to you hey tell Travis we'll just have oh you're telling me to do it you told me to he said go do that I said no tell them what you said and I lied and that you punched me you figured it off and you said no [ __ ] I didn't what the [ __ ] are you talking about and I watched you lie and then they punch you and by the way you I'm sorry that I didn't uh uh hit you across the face in a proper slap but I was hitting you it was not punching you babe you're not punched don't tell me what it feels like to be punched you know even a lot of fights been around a long time I know yeah when you [ __ ] have a closer you didn't get punched you got hit I'm sorry I hit you like this but I did not punch you I did not [ __ ] deck you I [ __ ] was hitting you I don't know what the promotion of my actual hand was but you're fine I did not hurt you I did not punch you I was hitting you how what am I supposed to do do this I'm not you're bitching about it am I you are that's the difference between me and you your [ __ ] baby I did start a physical fight yes you did so you did the right thing the big thing the you know what you are admirable that's you and Mr dab on that recording right mister that's correct and you said you hit Mr Depp right yeah I had to hit his body to get turned the door my question was you said on that recording that you hit Mr Depp right yes I did okay and you accused him of being a baby for not wanting to be in a physical fight with you right incorrect I accused him of being a baby for complaining about me hitting him when he was trying to get through the door I was trying to barricade right can we please pull up plaintiff's exhibit 368 and again your honor this is a recording of just Mr Depp and Miss heard I'm going to move for the entire exhibit to be moved into evidence or any objection to 368 uh I don't think so no you're under all right no objection 368 in evidence in this entirety this is anyway let me open the bathroom door when you're knocking on it times I open and you know you just commit he just kept going you just kept going kept going I tried to close the door three times you know please please just don't you know and then wait and then then I I I I accidentally I swear when I was trying to close the door I guess it scraped your toes I I didn't mean to do that bent down and you either pushed or you kicked I think you kicked the door open that means to court the door get more open so that it would hit me in the [ __ ] head but I did not mean to do that I was bent down behind the door I did not do anything to her I did not kick a door or push a door so that it would hit you I did not I swear it died I don't even that did not it was not my intention I I think I remember when the door scraped my toes I um I reacted but this whole the door thing I I remember I never did that that wasn't on purpose I might have done it on accident okay all right so let's say that was an accident I then stood up I don't even know if I said I mean I might have said like what the [ __ ] with you know whatever because I just been hit in the head with the [ __ ] corner of the door I'm so sorry I did not I'm sorry and then I stood up and then you [ __ ] clock me I I remember hitting you as a response to the door thing and I'm really sorry about hitting you with the door it was or hitting your head I did not mean to nor you don't mean to hit me in the head with the door but you meant to I didn't punch me in the jaw I meant to hit you and I I did not do this thing with the door I do I did mean to hit you so that you didn't mean the door no God no I didn't and for punching me in the joke I didn't okay I'm sorry I hit you I did mean to hit you but it was interest in response I just reacted in response to my foot I just reacted and I'm sorry it's below me your foot that was why you punched me yeah but but I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry if I again that's you and Mr Depp on that recording right that's correct and Mr Depp was hiding from you in the bathroom isn't that right misheard well Mr debb said on that recording I opened the bathroom door when you were knocking on it doesn't he I don't know if he said that and I I didn't hear that and Mr Depp said when I was trying to close the door I guess it scraped your toes he says that doesn't he correct and then you kick the bathroom door into his head didn't you no I didn't and then you punched himself in that audio you can hear it for yourself right and then you punched him in the jaw I also did not do that I tried to make that clear on the audio tape too in futility so Mr dub said you meant to punch me in the jaw right are you asking me what he said on the yeah on the recording yes he said that and then you respond I meant to hit you didn't you as I explained yesterday I was trying to get him off the door and you said I remember I did mean to hit you meaning the door the door was on my feet I reacted instinctively to that yeah you've heard this audio before haven't you misheard yeah we've already had this trial before yeah you've played it was played for you when you were to post in 2016 in connection with your divorce from Mr Depp wasn't it that's one of the times I've heard it yes okay so you've had plenty of time to think about how to respond to this recording haven't you I don't know what you mean by that well let's take a look at how you responded to it the first time can we please pull up what will be marked Plankton's exhibit 1261. foreign [Music] so your honor for reference and I'll provide a copy of the deposition misheard's deposition in the divorce it's uh page 372 lines starting at line five through 377 line 12. all right I think yes ma'am thank you thank you thank you in honor with permission may we please play if we just get to that page make sure everybody's at the oh could you could you say the page number again absolutely oh page 372 lines 5 to 377 line one is what I have 12. line 12. all right three seconds if we could have a moment you're under to read it before let's play thank you okay yeah I I I I still don't think it's an impeachment after reading it all over the rejection thank you your honor if we can please have it published to the jury in the gallery all right the next thing that I'm going to play to you uh as Hugh would you listen to this please anyway [Music] s [Music] try to close the door three times [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is possible program [Music] then they can do a problem they can do it through reading the deposition you're on and they don't need to do that I asked him to take it off the screen did you take it off the screen for a moment foreign okay that's fine thank you I have no objection we please uh start it over the next thing that I'm going to play to you uh as Q would you listen to this please anyway [Music] [Applause] in the bathroom [Music] three times [Music] stretch your toes [Music] I've been down [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did not do anything to him I did not kick at the door or push the story I swear but it was only intentions I think [Music] okay so you told him in that uh excerpt that you hit him with the door but did not intend to hit him correct did you say that I I said whatever I said in that recording I don't um when you play it for me it's hard for me to remember everything and that's a recording marked as exhibit The Punchy would you continue to listen to exhibit Q are these from the same day I I reacted but this whole took the dwarfing I never did that that was it all purpose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so on the tape you tell Johnny Depp that you did mean to hit him and it also misrepresents represents that would actually happen which is him trying to get into a room I'm trying to keep him up at night runs the door over my toes trying to get into the room I try to push him out of it which is what the hit is referred to and Johnny whenever he was injured or touched it always referred to it in these ways of punching or clocked or whatever and whether you didn't discussed it with him or not the last thing you do in in talking to him afterwards are trying to reconcile with him is to get into what the definition of those words mean to him never I never even addressed it he would if he was ever pushed it was it was a quote he called it a a cold clock I mean it was just very dramatic isn't it true you're smiling as that audio is recording is being played in your deposition aren't you misheard not smiling because of the audio I'm smiling because of what's happening around me you even roll your eyes at one point don't you I was sitting opposite a whole table full of lawyers who were snickering laughing and rolling their eyes at me while I was talking is there something amusing about kicking a door into your husband's head no I was rolling my eyes and commenting on what I was experiencing at that time in recounting the story there's something amusing to you about punching your husband in the jaw that is not what I was smiling about and no I do not think it's amusing Miss heard you testified yesterday that all you want to do is move on do you remember that testimony yes I do yeah your exact words were quote I just want him to leave me alone I want to move on with my life and he won't let me do you remember that yes that is correct but that's not true is it misheard it is very true haven't been able to move on with your life have you from Mr debb I'm here aren't I in fact on October 11 2018 you actually commenced an arbitration action against Mr Depp for defamation didn't you um I don't recall that no your honor may I approach may we approach pull up plaintiff's exhibit 219. I misheard if you could please read to yourself the first page of exhibit 219. all right and if you can also read to yourself the second page of exhibit 219 [Music] and if you can scroll down Tom again miss her just to look at that page and then scroll down to the next page please [Music] thank you and the next page does that refresh your recollection misheard that you did in fact in October of 2018 two months before you published the op-ed in this case that's the subject of this case you initiated an arbitration against Mr Depp for defamation it's not my understanding I initiated an arbitration I it's my understanding that our lawyers sent a lawyer I'm in a letter to his lawyers after he called me a liar again effectively in an interview and that's two months before you're op-ed that was published in December of 2018 right that is correct and that's six months before Mr Depp filed a case this case against you correct that's correct so you fired the first shot not Mr Depp I disagree we sent a letter thank you foreign [Music] isn't it true that you once filled out a customs form falsely so that you could maybe approach okay Mr you testified yesterday that when you left the courthouse after obtaining the domestic violence restraining order against Mr Depp you walked out to quote a sea of Paparazzi and cameras right that's correct you testified that you were surprised to see the sea of cameras that's correct because it was quiet when you went into the courthouse that morning and the divorce had remained under the radar up to that point you testified that no one knew about your divorce so you thought it was going to stay that way right no I always figured it would come out I just trying to buy time you knew the media had been alerted that you were filing for divorce right that's heard no I just knew that it was impossible to do that privately so you could just hope it was a matter of time you knew they were going to be there didn't you no I did not I assume I assume since it's a public building that there's that likelihood or not likelihood but possibility but um I was you know I was I was shocked your publicist Jody Gottlieb was there at the courthouse with you wasn't she yes she was so you anticipated that you might need your publicist I thought the filing might make um well I was told the filing was public that it would be impossible there's no way for you to do it a private filing and then the second that I filed for the tro it would be public news I didn't expect all these photographers and cameras to show up at the courthouse in real time but they did we could please uh pull up plaintiff's exhibit uh 1280 which is a clip from your divorce deposition and you have at page if I can alert you you have the transcript there page 74 lines 22 you said 3874 74. 74. line 22. through 75 line 13. I'm sorry just 72 lines 74 line 22 through 75 line 13. if we could please play and display to the jury plant exhibit 1280 is responsible misheard did you send a text message to Jerry judge on May 24 2016. telling Jerry judge quote I'm desperately trying to reach Johnny it's extremely important please tell him I remember sending the text message that is in front of me right now to Jerry and I would like I remember sending this because I wanted to tell Johnny or have him told by Jerry or someone who knew him or was close to him basically I didn't want him to find out online that I had or was about to file or I had already filed for divorce I wanted him to know verbally so I was trying to reach him through a third party to tell him when I say reach I'm specifically saying I would like him to know information coming from me or coming from Jerry for me so that he finds out about the divorce filing or my intention to do so from some other source other than TMZ which was alerted [Music] he slipped up there didn't you misheard you let it slip out that TMZ had been alerted to your filing of the domestic violence restraining order didn't you I disagree that's not what I'm talking about team Z is the same outlet that you released the video of Mr Depp attacking the kitchen cabinets the day before this deposition was taken wasn't it I didn't do that I don't know how to do the copyright to that video now doesn't it I have no idea what TMZ did they pay you for that I never got paid for it because I had nothing to do with that so TMZ was just lucky in getting the inside scooped to your divorce for Mr Depp huh I have no idea it is not that's not my area of expertise I wouldn't even know how to do that and also what does that get me if I wanted to delete things about Johnny I could have done that in a much more successful way in a bigger way for years now when you were extorting him for seven million dollars I got a fraction of what I was entitled to in the state of California by the way what extortion tossaband reads your ex-wife right that's right she's my ex partner she's the one that told that you told this jury Mr Depp was jealous of right yeah well that was a 2013 fights around March yes you testified that he tried to burn one of her paintings right that's correct you testified he tried to burn um one of your favorite paintings that she did right I don't know if it was one of my favorites you committed domestic violence against Miss man read during your relationship didn't you no I did not you assaulted her at a Seattle airport in 2009 didn't you no I did not and people saw that that's not true and it was covered in the Press isn't that true it was a it was planted in the Press by Johnny's team two days after I got the tro uh not coincidentally please pull up plaintiff's exhibit one two seven nine your honor may we approach you could please have that article displayed for the witness this is an article from two years ago correct misheard I don't know when this may of 2020. that's not when it came out no this story started getting planted after I got a tro after I got a restraining order against Johnny the headline says Amber Heard a legendary struck objection your honor I I think your honorable she can't say that if you want to approach again the title reads Amber Heard allegedly grabbed draw corrects girlfriend at the airport doesn't it yes and that's not true [Music] may we approach okay so the article the title is Amber Heard allegedly struck her ex-girlfriend thank you if I may start over Amber Heard allegedly struck her ex-girlfriend Tasha van Rie at the airport in 2009. did I read that right yes this is another example of this mayor campaign so Mr Depp is not the only domestic partner you've assaulted is he misheard I've never assaulted Mr Deborah anyone else that I've been romantically linked to ever no further questions your honor all right cross-examination I mean I'm sorry redirect Miss heard did Ms van Ray come out after that article came in and make a public statement it was false of course objection your honor here say you're right I should be at least overruled thank you of course she did okay now let's talk about the TMZ alerted explain to the jury what you meant by the TMZ was alerted uh so when you make these kind of filings meaning divorce marriage things like that they are public record and so when we filed for divorce when I filed for divorce I asked my team to file in the most discreet way literally to put it under a stack of papers and file it at the end of day so kind of hide more of a shot of being missed by the paparazzi and by TMZ and those sorts of publicity Outlets I believe that we had been remarkably lucky following the divorce that it wasn't picked up and that it gave me a precious few days of of Peace at that really fragile time when I found out that they were going to run the story or that they had the information I was trying to get a hold of Johnny to clarify that I did not do this in a punitive way I didn't want him to be mad at me I didn't you know I didn't want him to find out in that sort of context online and who had connections to TMZ objection calls for speculation do you know I do know Johnny spoke about you're on our calls for speculation the objection did Mr Depp tell you about who had connections with Mr with TMZ yes we talked about it his lawyer Laura wasser okay now I'm going to start at the very beginning here um you were asked by Miss Vasquez about why Mr Depp won't or can't look you in the eye and she read out or she played a tape in which Mr debb said you will not see my eyes again you recall that I do and that was during the mediation process in July correct instruction leading first one sustain misleading when was this that was in July of 2016 that was the first mediation attempt we met after that and Johnny very much looked me in the eye police tell the jury about the next meeting after he said you will not see my eyes again we met in the lawyer's office they gave us a moment Johnny kissed me again held me I cried he cried and then we had a short exchange and he put a note in my pocket that said I'll love you dead or alive my slim with his new phone number on it I'd like to bring up Michelle if you can defendants exhibit one five eight one L [Music] ol I'm sorry oh foreign do you recognize this abstraction your honor may we approach yes ma'am could you tell the jury what the coaster was that he slipped into your pocket what it said he said I love you forever my slim dead or alive and what if anything did it have an addition his new phone number and to be just so we're clear on how many occasions in that second mediation did Mr Depp look you in the eye um many okay and when Ms Vasquez asked you if you knew why Mr Depp couldn't or wouldn't look you in the eye here or in the UK you said yes you know why please tell the jury why because he's guilty because he's he knows he's lying otherwise why can't he look at me I survived I survived that man and I'm here and I'm able to look at him thank you you were asked about a bruise that was on your arm from March 15 2013. do you recall how long before the picture you had sustained that bruise I do how long two weeks you were asked a number of times by Ms Vasquez if you took pictures from your incidents earlier in the relationship yeah why didn't you it was something I started doing only kind of incidentally you know I was commenting to my best friend I was looking for support from my mom things like that I you know there was I'm ashamed to say never a thought that that this would happen I mean not until December and my best friend taking pictures of me to capture it did that even that wasn't even a thing it has been suggested by Ms Vasquez to you and your questions that you didn't tell anyone about the abuse until the tro is that true objection honor leading all right what offended all right who did you tell about the abuse during the time it was happening objection your honor bleeding not offered and hearsay sustain your honor is prior consistency it's leading it's sustained next question okay what if anything did you tell to anyone about the abuse your honor may I approach that's fine misheard how many people have you shared the fact of abuse prior to 2015. objection honor leading calls for hearsay how many overruled though roughly about 10. can you name them protection your honor hearsay I think she can it's not offered it's just to show that she had that she informed people before their suggestions can we approach this is again now you were asked whether you had consulted a medical doctor about any problems with your nose correct that's correct and you indicated that you in fact had after the divorce destruction leading I I did did you did you or did you not consult an ENT after the divorce construction leading okay did you produce medical records to the defendants relating to this objection leading cause I'll sustain the objection thank you next question or if we could see if witness could be instructed not to answer until I Lodge my objection for the objection please could we bring up defendants exhibit 1077 do you recognize this document my my screen is black yes I do and could you tell us what it is that's the uh what my ENT the ears nose and throat doctor um told me was objection all right when there's objection please stop sorry thank you all right I'll sustain the objection as to hearsay okay I'm uh what if any you were asked if you had it was suggested that you had not produced this in discoveries that true objection your honor leading she absolutely it's leading is its leading question though sustain the objection as to Leading what if anything did you do to produce medical records to the defendant to the plaintiff in this case I turned over all of my devices and they had a um the Johnny's team had a third party or something they selected as a third party go and pull all relevant documents from those devices which I handed over do you know how many were handed over hundreds of thousands I believe maybe maybe injection Iran or lack of foundation okay all right I'll sustain the objection next question and do you what if anything did you produce to the plaintiff in connection with your consultation with an ENT specialist relating to your nose distraction leading assisting hearsay what if anything is not the cure-all it's sustained when did you see an ENT specialist 2017 or 2016 or 17. and as a result of that consultation what did you learn about your nose objection honor hearsay I'm not asking her to tell what they said no I'll sustain the objection [Music] what if any production did you make to the plaintiffs of your medical records with the ENT objection your honor lack of foundation if you're only a foundation do you know whether the records medical records uh from your EMT were produced in Discovery objection honor lack of foundation calls for speculation I'm just I'm in the world if she knows thank you yes okay and do you re do you recall trying I'm trying um what if anything did the medical records reflect about your nose rejection on her hearsay I was just any objection [Applause] do you have injuries to your nose yes please describe those to the jury I'm going to object to the extent it calls for hearsay and lack of foundation which is overruled and improper expert opinion well she can certainly testify too we'll see where it goes go ahead okay go ahead I have a significant amount of scar tissue in my nose protection your honor not sustain the objection what if any difficulty do you have breathing attraction leading what if anything and that does cure it doesn't but I'll I'll overrule dejection thank you do you remember the question I have um a significant amount of trouble breathing at night and I I've been putting off having surgery for it now you were asked about December 15 2015 and Ms Vasquez suggested that you did not report the abuse of the injuries to Aaron fellati do you recall Jackson honor leading yes I'm entitled to go into what Ms Vasquez is the objection is leading I'll sustain the objection okay um did you report what if anything did you report to Aaron fellati about the abuse you sustained on 12 15 2015. objection leading and hearsay approach foreign did you tell nurse fellati on 12 16 2015 about the injuries you sustained from the 1215-2015 attack I did I believe I sent her pictures too okay and did you text with nurse fellati on 12 16 2015 about the injuries that you had suffered as a result of Mr Depp's attack on you on 12 15. yes she guided me through a concussion check foreign did you tell Colonel Cowan about the injuries used obstruction your honor hearsay it's prior consistent statements all right I'm going to sustain the objection at this point next question do you recall Dr Laurel Anderson testifying that she saw two black eyes objections sustain is the leading okay what if anything do you recall from Laurel Anderson's testimony in this case about what she observed on 1217 2015. objection your honor this is outside the scope of cross-examination Prior consistency observations for the 1217 the same day sustain the objection next question may I approach okay when in December did you see Dr Laurel Anderson objection lock a foundation over room I saw her two days after the attack so on what day did you see her then that would have been the 17th of December 2016 and I told her what happened okay objection your honor hearsay no sustain the objection and when did you see Dr Connell Cohen I saw him the next day December 16th is my best recollection let's jump to East Asia for a moment and we saw a number of pictures from the backless dress oh what if any motivation would you have to claim that Mr Depp was kneeling on your back knowing you had a backless dress objection your honor I think you can bring culture speculation no it's still leading I'll sustain the objection okay why would why did you say that Mr Depp was kneeling on your back in East Asia in the closet of the hotel room in Tokyo um I said that because it happened to me and it would have been much more convenient if I was inking it up to not include that detail knowing I had a backless dress and I walked a press line and got photographed now we've heard testimony about Mr Depp making a total of 65 million in 2015 and 2016 from his experts objection your honor why leading I haven't asked hearsay I mean why did you not ask for 32.5 million for Mr Depp your honor leading I said why did you not asking the objection is the same objection to Leading next question why why can I just ask why did you not ask for 32.5 million for Mr down Austin answered relevance oh over real good because I didn't want it I realized that that's what I was entitled to but I didn't want it simple the tape recording that was played that has you laughing quite a bit can you tell the jury what the context of that particular tape recording was I don't really recall a whole lot about what was going on I know we had been inviting kind of ad nauseam and in this sort of loop if you will and I'm doing my best to um not show my pain that's what I was trying to do it's trying to be tough I'm not sure what kind of pain I was in now Ms Vasquez asked you about how you got your role in Aquaman could you please describe to the jury how you got your role in Aquaman I auditioned not Johnny I auditioned I worked really hard and I went to where we were filming the the first movie Justice League I went I think five or five and a half months early before filming commenced when I heard that they wanted to fire me and so I put myself in the jaw and rejection your honor hearsay to stay keep it away I worked really hard on that and had to prove myself and I did that for even though I was only filming for six days I was there for six months just worked my butt off that's why what if any role did Mr Depp play in your getting Aquaman he tried to have me fired from it objection your honor speculation all right a sustain his speculation how do you know that he tried to have you rejection your honor calls for speculation and hearsay and lots of foundation I'm trying to lay a Founder all right Chick-fil-A Foundation I saw it I saw the emails I saw the text I'll sustained the objections to hearsay next question you were asked about Isaac Baruch and why he and and that he saw no marks what is your recollection of your interaction with Isaac Baruch during the week of May 22nd I saw Isaac when I was coming or going meaning I was leaving or arriving to the building I saw him at a distance we did not have a in-depth conversation nor would we um and I told him actually right after it happened what his friend injection in your honor hearsay I I don't think it's offered to prove the truth of the matter assert it or I'll sustain the objection next question okay from what was said can you just tell us what what interaction you had with him and and his opportunity to observe you with absolutely no makeup objection your honor leading sustain the objection is leading please describe for the jury your interaction with Isaac Baruch during the week of May 22nd well not only did I have makeup on but I I did attempt to kind of let him know what happened objection your honor hearsay a sustain the objection next question you were asked some questions about officer Melissa science's testimony what if anything do you recall relating to officer Melissa signs's testimony relating to your injuries objection your honor hearsay your honor said I could redirect after the cross-examination thank you what if anything do you recall of Officer signs's testimony in this case relating to your injuries and the property destruction I recall her saying that she didn't feel that my that state I was in um was enough of an injury to her was an injury seeming to her okay and what about the property damage she claims she did not see any property damage but I walked with her over broken glass so I'm I don't know why she's saying that what if any interactions did you have with Alejandro Romero during the week of May 20 too I spoke to him briefly rejection here on Earth to the extent it calls for hearsay overruled at this point you spoke to him I just I spoke to him briefly in passing as I was entering maybe when I was exiting the building but always when I was on my way out or in from being outside meaning makeup I had makeup on always as I do why did James why did James Franco visit you on the evening of 5 22 2016. objection calls for speculation do you know yes please tell us because he was my friend and he lived next door quite literally next door and I had frankly exhausted my support network with my usual friends and was happy to welcome as much friendship at that time as I could possibly get now the video showed him laying his head on your shoulder can you describe for the jury what the interaction was without saying what was said what the interaction was that led to that he after seeing my face put his rejection head on my calls for speculation that doesn't call for speculation if she sees that he sees her he touched the side of myself okay again your honor if we construct the witness she could wait till after the objection please all right what question what did Mr Franco do on the elevator before laying his head on your shoulder he I'm gonna touch the side of my face and responded to what he saw foreign we talked about the uh you were shown a bunch of newspaper headlines and there was one in particular referring to sexual violence what if anything did Mr Waldman do to you relating to that article objection your honor lack of foundation calls for speculation what did he do to her unintelligible I I don't understand the question overall we'll see where it goes uh he was carrying the paper that had that headline on it that he leaked and threw it at me at the UK trial we were unfortunately set kind of actually literally next to one another with covet spacing in between us and he threw the paper down at me as he sat down with that on the cover and where was that in the UK at the UK trial objection your honor this is beyond the scope thank you why did you tweet about the makeup and Mr Waldman because he was calling me a liar and a hoaxer and that this was an elaborate hoax just to get Johnny objection your honor hearsay a sustain the objection next question next question yeah okay um I don't have any more questions you're on all right donkey all right ma'am you can have a seat next to your attorney okay foreign extra that's fine all right ladies and Gentlemen let's go ahead and take our afternoon recess then for 15 minutes to not discuss the case with anybody and don't do any outside research okay [Music]
Channel: COURT TV
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Keywords: court live, court tv, court tv full trials, court tv live, court tv live stream, court tv live stream free today, court tv live stream today, court tv trials, live court, live court cases, live court trials live court tv, live court tv full trials, johnny depp, amber heard, camille vasquez, amber heard johnny depp, johnny depp amber heard, johnny depp amber heard case, camille vasquez cross examination, johnny depp v. amber heard defamation trial, amber heard testimony
Id: nzu6aYgOXBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 43sec (4063 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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