Knives Out (2019) MOVIE REACTION!!

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hey guys coral blindly I'm Shane Rick I'm Erin and we are here to this is a movie that one to watch for a while tricked by Brian Johnson Brian Johnson yeah he did blooper in the last unit very much and while he was so late they loved this movie I ain't gonna see the theaters nervous on geez Rick so we're all here to watch it all together we have a good time people that have full-length over at patreon I can actually watch the entire movie with us but if you don't have it fret not the highlight will be right here to watch so you guys excited not only doesn't classify the knife no they don't New York did anyone besides the family so face Marta Orleans caregiver good girl hard worker families from Ecuador Harlan's mother how old you see we have no idea your son ransom give you this book yes yeah no it's it's my company Arlen started out with a rusty smith-corona and built himself into one of the best-selling mystery writers of all time seems like all this kids are self-made overachievers I mean we're all gutted but I was happy to have that night with him to be by his side to think about our books and what we've accomplished with them yeah with them until his hand on my shoulder this has been Wahb blanc Wow Wow Blanc yes mr. Blanc is a private investigator of great renown I read your profile in The New Yorker I found it delightful I just buried my 85 year old father who committed suicide and if you think I am dumb enough to be baited into talking family business into [ __ ] talking my baby brother in front of a police detective and a state trooper Walt doesn't run [ __ ] film right what Richard said what no Jesus we did not get into it I'm just trying to get an accurate impression all it took you aside at the party when you return you would chase and it what at Holland Stadium dad are you firing me we paint details tomorrow not fired you three good boy yeah speaking of getting into it Bob you were at the house early to help the caterers set up I've put all of it in this letter to her tomorrow she gets it Harlan I'm warning though she does you stay out of my marriage is there so no and you're gonna tell us how I do tell her or I will you tell her yes all right oh it's gonna be smart yeah so we all got three like reasonings for Kelly yeah we're just gonna be like more than you want Express like that kind of twisted the end he's still alive he's all testing them figure out who to write in his will yeah who do that yeah he's looking for the information gotcha [ __ ] this is this boy yeah the father has little games right so maybe the person who can tell let me know that [Music] you have a regurgitant reaction to miss Troodon is it true just the thought of lying yeah it makes makes me puke literally mix rebuked there's a Richard having an affair oh yeah yeah I'm here because this morning someone dodged a very important question who me Linda asked who hired me who are you I do not know mystery that's when I wrote down likes games he's a writer he's a murder mystery writer you took mr. thrombley upstairs at 11:30 and lifted midnight very carefully and with as much detail as possible tell us what happened in that half-hour my only hope is that an earthquake will strike what are the chances hello hello tell your [ __ ] old guy today Jesus ransom so much of me and that kid playing life like a game without consequence until you can't tell the difference between a stage prop and the real knife you know I don't fear death oh my god is there a problem this is what I just give you a hundred milligrams up excuse me but what is the good stuffs dosage supposed to be that's not calling that right now three milligrams what happens he's not here I don't know so I'm gonna use the phone okay - call an ambulance martyr listen to me drop it we don't have time your mom is still undocumented and this is your fault she'll be found out and her best deported and your family will be broken but we're not going to let that happen are we huh but you have to do exactly what I tell you he's going to sweat Judis our time shouldn't they've seen in the toxicology yeah and then say goodbye loudly call attention to the time goddess meet now you're ready if you can't wait was he before after part of the car builder no he said before the after for the carpet [Music] you've got to get up to the third floor without being seen and the only way is to climb the side trellis and come in through the trick ball window you gotta be king I am NOT do it don't make any noise get my robe and cap from my bedroom I know Alan get a snack you were seen leaving the security camera show you driving off and 20 minutes later I'm seeing alive and well by my son you see you've gone from suspect number one to an impossibility oh grandma you just like seeing if this guy can solve his last final mystery or something well when would even had time to send him cash you know I don't think it's him if what we've seen so far is true do you want dinner Nana to eat what they're not well she's fine she ate the entire salmon spread already tomorrow morning I searched the grounds on the house begin my investigation I want you to be by my side for it my confidant my eyes and ears hey wait wait detective why me I trust your kind hard she didn't see him cut his throat I promise you saying right I was disproved huh oh yeah we know the mystery hmm how we see more to it it might just be the game maybe he was a stage prop versus the real property used that night before rain mmhmm yeah look like them that look like a knife going through though man they just [ __ ] with you this whole time I don't know could be again I don't know I don't know I don't know what we're going [Music] hold the button down what happened you got to keep holding it down or else every day that thing eats tapes like popcorn digitizes so we could scan it properly yeah I think I got it did she use a magnet or a swap yeah fridge magnet kennel and then exact same meet Clarence okay we got footprints here so I want it Marta stop Martin stay deal with Martin no more sweet beans [Laughter] [Music] No they always park at him oh let me guess three o'clock I just heard two things joyously Bess remained is it my will and then there was more yelling and then I heard ransom say I'm warning you did Harlan tell you he was gonna cut you out of the will yep well when he's done what none of us were strong enough to do maybe this might finally make you grow up but it'll be good nothing good is ever easy up your ass Joanie you've had your teeth and this family's tit for a long time you're very not a fact check he's got it ransom said I'm walled in well you have ransom in there that's the kind of thing he says what exam I'm not gonna get million dollars quick well I'm gonna make it where's that window [Music] oh now like anything blood my shoe tree is a dried mud thanks for ship to go the length of the hallway I harlan thrombi being of sound mind and body and yadda yadda yadda you mean I hereby direct that all my assets both liquid and otherwise I leave in their entirety to market Cabrera oh damn by the way I just something up but it's Frank Oz is it that's [ __ ] awesome that is the lawyer the lawyer SEO why is he smiling just cause he likes discord oh yeah it what's gonna get anything so now they don't get anything I would leave no Richard we need to talk we need to to fight this thing we're not going anywhere I said get out we are the thrombus god damn it this is still our house oh sorry likewise the house at to Dearborn drivin all belongings therein I leave tomorrow Cabrera oh my Marta I know three things one I know he didn't commit suicide I know lying makes you puke because of that mafia game last 4th of July mafia 3 no need to say it a full plate of baked beans and sausage just and tell me what happened in every video ok you could just turn me in right now and still get your cut of the inheritance why because [ __ ] my family ha ha ha I can help you get away with this and then you're gonna give me my cut of the evidence so he gets it either way but at the ending everybody wins he gets the [ __ ] numerous family do you think ransom also what up there that's what she said baby so you're saying that even if it came to light with the family's resources you could help me fix it yeah cuz Harlan gave me all your resources so that means with my resources I'll be able to fix it so I guess I will find the right lawyers ok girl that's better be sure that's blue cash maybe now the same person that hired the time song how's the ecology and the medical examiner now what's funny fire no did she put it in so you do my lord oh she can burn the place down suspect him more than her yeah that's it 12:09 Columbus Road 10 a.m. I'm running [Music] they asked you to drive when he saw me coming say yes you smell that gestation I want a full rundown on everything he said to you I'll catch up on where we add I need to pick something up it'll be very quick risk she's got the detective wither you know this email like got a cop for my car can't not email back yeah follow the ransom erisa cop with him this famous detective Julio it's the housekeeper Frannie why [Music] [Music] I know what the Tubbs report is oh I'm glad you remember weightless says he didn't but we must look a little closer okay and when we do we see the donut hole has a hole in it no donut hole it's another dark walnut donut with its own ball our donor is not hold at all yes exactly who did it mr. Hugh ransom Drysdale yeah no come on tell us all why me the dogs still part usually why he wasn't getting incentive the web right you're right let's back it up to the night of the party you use the syringes in your kid to switch the liquids the to medication vials and as a final precaution you coconut locks on much later that night you'd have to come back to the house to retrieve the incriminating tantric vows however this time the dogs were outside they bought we can mayor no matter you get the vows tomorrow you know a crime has been committed by mr. Barrett you know to be called free you cannot reveal how you know into them then walk long I hear what you're saying just you miss the funeral there is no one whom the wonder why you're going into Harlan study except the caretaker oh right she didn't say you did this she wasn't talking about me she said yeah this is [ __ ] amazing brands alive oh yes friend who will confirm this very story hasn't dammit so it does great news okay we'll be there soon thank you friends gonna miss you why is he gonna throw up she's okay she's ready to talk we let you watch our granddad we welcomed you into our family and now you think you can steal it from us you think I'm not gonna fight to protect my home you vicious little yeah that's right and the confession Oh Nan's gonna say ring jeez it's a prop knife oh [ __ ] oh no it's gonna have a secret message because they had some kind of secret yeah vacation that they did yeah what was it put it over a flame and that reveal husband's having an affair yeah I know what the message is I should help right I have my opinion then I have a feeling you're for your heart [Music] I love it alright that was an extremely fun watch that was a fun great great movie and it's witty like you know Rian Johnson once again entertain now enemy that's one of my favorite reactions we've ever done is this a fellas incredible journey man it was just yeah I mean he turned the formula upside down and by then multiple times I kept going like hey wait turn it upside down that he kind of turns it back and then upside down and back and then he pinched my 316 but yeah like he turned it upside down and then he he turned it around and they turned it back around yes and then he turned it sideways I like the idea of this girl who she can't lie for she pukes I got admit like right at the end I thought holy [ __ ] this has been a conspiracy the whole time and she's been fakin yeah people in the man it's like the pastiche throw up it's just like a long she's just trying to hold it down yeah mm-hmm I love the idea though even like good I love the idea of the big knife though at the very end of it though to prophesize great yeah yeah setup invariant yeah is everything comes back around I love it and I do like like how Hugh was just talking to her and stuff like that but Benny like pushed him further it's like huh ancestral home just yeah just trying to make him hurry and confess before she puked you know what they did like ryan johnson did when he cast this movie is he he got rid of that trope of like the most famous person's always a person that did it and they went the media real sure he had us pretty star-studded cast in here you know yeah it's like well no all of these guys I could be like yeah maybe then you know I think that was really good my only question is is Martha not at all liable for his death Marta Marta because if she caused him to panic because she's the nurse and told him that she gave him something that was going to kill him is she not still responsible I think it's up to Benoit because he's only one who knows everything yeah I think in his judgment he's like you know what you're a good person he's family sucks I feel like out of the law she might still be liable for some damages I mean yes simile that simile but that's enough to take the inheritance away from her yeah I've been while she's convicted if you go that way though you have more though on him who swapped it that's causing the panic definitely you know so and she wanted to call and then he refused she was going through all the procedures you should have gone through and he was stopping her and preventing her from doing so yeah yeah and she technically didn't do anything wrong well she did see him commit suicide and she did you know what's held that for a little while is that a crime maybe that conspiracy but conspiracy to what to commit what crime I don't know yeah yeah I don't know but I think ultimately if there was a crime then wha when saving yeah and then was just a private investigator would be up to the an trooper and the detective to press charges and then if the family knew about that stuff then maybe they can do some kinda soul maybe but there's a funny baby I don't care yeah that's specifically why she had the family stay out of the house except for Hugh yeah Jamie Lee Curtis who was in there for some reason know that my way know that oh that was after yeah yeah she walked in to the study after and got the letter the thing I loved it was just like as soon as that happen he's like okay I'm gonna die I don't want her to go down for this and he started concocting with his mystery novel right they said like oh why you said that if something has come to him yeah fully formed plots and he just come in who started giving her as me excuses he could anything you know I like that it yells like I didn't catch everything there's gonna be some things but you need to watch out for it and try to like do the best you can but I love I love how it all kind of like how Hugh came up with the same plan because they always said like he's the most like him yeah he did the exactly the same thing he said yeah he did research with him he invent this way cuz like it's like me when he was younger before he became like this little this prick like he had his relationship with him played played games with each other and he helped them and yeah so the funny it made me think it was at him especially since like he was gonna help her but he still was paid so he's not that cool you know he still wants his yeah and also like the thing with the grandmother on the Hugh did this thing though the thing that I like I think a lot about it too is that we had subtitles on and I didn't and this somehow you just said you did yeah yeah which I get they weren't on would I like if I was watching the movie theatre without sometimes would I have questioned what was said at all before I actually didn't even some but I'm also glad the subtitles didn't just say huge wait what look yeah I saw I swear I've seen that twist before I feel like as a professor layton game they have that exact same twist it's Batman for Superman you know using a name yeah and pivotal plot thing the only thing I mean lots of nasal emotive there's lot of things yeah it's it's yeah it's not a word like this where it's like being mistaken for two different thing it's another word yeah like I'm Marcin no I'm not Martha you know it wasn't like a weird like you did this to huge abyss yeah but yeah and also like the fact with the grandma Nana or whatever like I thought this old lady something's gonna happen and then I go no she's literally just seen it later aren't you due for testimony and yeah just of the hundreds of things that could be guessed stuff even when I got right was like I think she does seem coming out the terrace yeah cuz the only one I got I didn't even get sweet beans yeah - it's gotta be the thing in the clock hoops in the clock they said it yeah the only thing I got I think was the them being switched already most of my stuff was disproven immediately yeah well you know anything could happen she ever song kill himself he's not gonna see it he's not gonna see the dog carrying the thing of the trellis I don't know why but just like the little cameo Frank Oz in there why not yeah cuz they would have met all the said last jitter mm-hmm that's fantastic let's kept looking I think I'd be like I know this man this man is important to me I don't know his face yeah that was voice Miss Piggy I love Daniel Craig's role yeah it was really good and like at first he seemed like you had no idea what was going on but you knew the whole time yeah yeah yeah cuz of that little wish that you go through so much I forget it's thick you know well I thought that was gonna be the thing oh he's gonna be in confident than she's gonna get away with it but no he's very confident so just yeah I had three different ago he's comput no he's not yes he is he's more competent are you in bed now Daniel Craig and Rian Johnson I've worked together - haven't they have it in Star Wars no that was force awakens yeah okay what's the story yeah I was trying to what was trying on which one I don't know this okay yeah I liked yeah I like to UM pray a lot I like I like watching Marta trying to cover up everything like her thing with like the footprints like what am i coming back to him again also like the cast of family wears all like a really good I was gonna say everyone developed their their role as much as they could be getting lucky much was right I mean he was that was a very believable crappy character yeah yeah I mean I mean everyone the only thing the only weird is like once you hit the inheritance part right of the will like all of them almost just go away oh yeah and then you get Chris Evans for a while that's well cuz you know what actually happened to you know yeah I mean they're brilliant people are suspects anymore well it's like you're bringing and I think it helps to bring on like the actual person who did it later in the game kind of - cuz you don't suspect to be someone we're getting yeah I mean true yeah and they're all in your mind cuz they've all said stuff and they've all been developed yeah I mean and I was I was trying to keep a list of like alright who are my suspects I raised em just because he was it the first person he saw oh he had an argument like okay ransom that's a suspect but then it's like I just miss that because it seems obvious yeah I know that's the thing yeah so but it was done better than the normal like whoa that's wait it's obvious you know well I'm a little things too of like so they know that he was mentioned that he was taking out of the will like that so they said the art was about but I like that you go in and he has that thing saying you know she she beat him more I go then he did yeah it was like well why were you talk about Marta in your argument about the will unless Marta came up about the will and he told you everything not just about you so I like that there's little things like that that when you're looking at it and like listening and thinking like oh and that doesn't make sense why would this be a thing why is that a thing it's always fun seeing in these two of the same events acted out differently how different people remember them like the bird gamete coming down and one point Lyndon Richard yeah and then later on it was like was it Walter and Linda maybe F getaway on the other side but it was different it was it was his wife right the Oh was it there's that one girl who like never any word Joni that's it yeah ain't came out here at all really really nothing I like to think that you know the father would have enjoyed his funeral and the last couple moments you know like that picture were like was him I'm kind of like slightly smirking is like this is the end I wanted yeah I like that was it Walter and Joanie that was the one who was married in than that husband dead duck Neal Neal died him Joanie was married to someone that died yeah okay what and had a child man I think man what was the dodo there was another girl man who Meg was the daughter not Reagan so there was another woman who was like she's like drinking tea and stuff like that I'm talking about when I didn't have like hardly any she was she was like the act that was a mom of the [ __ ] all right kid okay hey Donald that's a that would be Walters Donna is Walt's wife yeah okay Donna Jo Jacob is their son oh yeah yeah hello this Donna Lot's wife Jacob Nazi son yeah I didn't get his computers I thought with all the names but Nazi son masturbating dear it's going past the knives yeah I have the camera work in the framing and this was really good very full is full frame there wasn't my new letter boxes everything but color like I was taking up from the beginning like it was very colorful very saturated like inside the house but when you go to these little like we need to go to the tuition thing a lot of thing was green tented the the note was green the background was more green when he went to the affair thing you should hate the red it was painted register okay but maybe I'm picking up on that and then it's like blam out of the window yeah like the baseball and I feel like all the all the humorous moments really hit because of the editing yeah what ace ball was just there to get Linda back there to find that thing just wasn't a better if he wouldn't have thrown that out the window than I then Benoit would have never picked it up he would never have thrown it to the dog the dog would have never taken it into the study when she was about later hasn't taken when they wouldn't have taken it and put it there and found the letter honestly I don't know why he took that letter threw it down just left taking that thrown away regardless well I ain't gonna be doing pocket he hadn't he he opened it up and he thought that he was just funny he was [ __ ] with him trying to trying to get him to tell Linda on his own without having to to give her the letter but he just didn't know the game that he played because he didn't understand his wife yeah his relationship with her dad well enough how could he fall I was waiting with that because she had said like you know we had our own way of speaking or whatever and I was like what is it I'll aim for more than just like it's like okay big Pete Pete that's the treasure yeah I just like I need more it's where you see where everyone had this relationship with her father at one time we're cooking good or they could have turned out better people yeah all right I wonder if I don't know anything if like how she would feel like that one that guy like she was such a good nurse that she just naturally grabbed the liquid that she felt was the right one nah yeah whatever red but like that guy just killed himself for no reason he did you know it's terrible yeah that's terrible like he was doing it to try to help her yeah I mean ah yeah but not a good enough reason is as a writer like she thinks it's gonna happen instantly I had the entire mystery solved and set together this is how you get out of it and he's like as a writer he's too excited to God do it now you know he's got to follow three that's my good idea my chance to have my life be like I had the end of my life be just as exciting as the other stories I've written you know that's what he wanted he decided words like what isn't through anything he should just have the morphine and the needle and it's like he gave it to himself or something maybe but they have they have a nurse that would be the only connection to the nurse that is doing that yeah the one that I can thing about was like well with a testiment blood there will be the drugs are in there so like how is company that's once you get out of that or you know unless they're just like they just call suicide they don't look into it and they're yeah you know but first life toxicology I should play - he'd roll yeah at first I had thought Harlan had originally switched it to make her think that she had killed him so that she would play along with with his his games the suicide game and so that he'd kill himself anyway and then he still wouldn't be you know the toxicology wouldn't come back like that but I kept thinking about like could Harlan me behind this is there a way he did it but then like are these cops fake cops cuz why would you trick real cops or you know they would know that there's not a dead body you know I mean like if you're like how does this play out like if Harlan paid this guy to bring him in here to be a big ol mystery I don't know like I understood you paid him bail you paid the cops on fire whenever they when they were talk about the idea that like she can just like my feel the liquid nature of the thing like when she was talking it's just like a thing that she can tell it made me think about like when we used to do lightsaber fights and you'd pick up a stick you know and you know this one's not gonna work it's gonna break this one will break you just know it's a good this one's going to break it's like a sixth comes with experience yeah it's like a sixth sense alright well I really love the movie I mean compared to or the last movie reaction we did there's like this when I was in July enjoy the entire week there's one mystery ridden solve yes where's Marta from hey guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed this reaction to movie make sure you guys subscribe to my some future ones and over at patreon you can also vote in future commentaries and reactions that we'll be doing every week so make sure you guys go over there vote on the new reaction that will be coming out here like doing this is prop right [Music]
Channel: Blind Wave
Views: 650,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knives out, 2019, movie, reaction, discussion, commentary, react, reacts, funny, rian, johnson, knives, out, review, best, worst, scenes
Id: NRKSi25OnbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 25sec (2425 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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