John Wayne Gacy: The Demonic Killer Clown

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hello everybody welcome back to another episode of the casual criminalist we are taking a deep breath today because this one's going to get dark uh we're talking about john wayne gacy more famous or i mean infamous obviously not famous infamous simon come on get it right uh he was the dude who killed people and wore clown makeup and that's basically what i knew him as and i've even made a video about this guy before on my channel biographics where i do biographies of famous people check it out if you want to david who wrote this script was like simon this is there's more to this it's it's a lot darker than you think and i was like how dark and he's like oh boy you're not gonna have a good time and i mean he's like i hope you enjoy my writing but this one is horrible like really really horrible it's also really really long david kind of took it upon himself he was like i am going to write the most definitive piece on gacy that exists or as a as a video on the internet uh it's about three hours i'm scared because i think if i die i might really miss you he's like this will be youtube's biggest most in-depth gacy video and i was like that sounds pretty exciting uh and horrible and uh absolutely something that will get horribly demonetized but that's what we do on this show we make stuff and i'm like well if it's not getting demonetized it's not bad enough is it simon that's that's the that's the motto here oh my god please support our sponsors uh so this is john wayne gacy the demonic killer clown look we got 39 pages to get through uh what happens if you're new here i should probably explain the format is uh david has written this to me i've not read it before uh i hope you enjoy it this podcast is uh yeah made thank you so much for watching please leave a review if you're watching this on youtube hello there subscribe like or maybe dislike this one it's not gonna be likable let's get into it [Music] it was the evening of the 26th of july 1976 a young man david cram aged only 18 stood by the side of the road on ellston avenue in a rather sketchy part of chicago illinois a silver oldsmobile pulled up alongside him the ugly-looking 1970s station wagon was driven by an equally unsightly man dumpy obese and greasy looking in roughly his mid-thirties and sporting a rather weak porn star pedo moustache john wayne gacy leaned across the passenger seat and offered cram a ride this is um also i should point out dave was that i am going to assassinate this guy like his character i mean no one's like john wayne gracie he's got a great character that needs assassinating no no no but david was david david like took it upon himself to make it his mission to destroy this guy and already we are there do not hesitate show no mercy there's something about the word greasy isn't that it's like yeah obese sure weird moustache sure but greasy it's like not nice it turned out that gaysy and cram were not headed in the same direction but cram noticed a sign in the back window of the car that said pdm contractors cram always eager for work ask the driver hey buddy how'd you get into construction what kind of money does that work pay gacy replied i started the company myself if you're looking for work i could offer you three dollars and sixty-six cents an hour the 66 cents would go towards taxes and you'd have three bucks an hour to spend wait when is this nice okay 1976. so that's obviously more today although it's not a lot different from what i got paid when i worked at a store when i was 16. i think it was like three pounds 80 or something an hour when i was 16 which seems like super low nowadays that doesn't even buy you a beer not that i was 16 and i could drink beer legally have i told this story before it's like a friend of mine he's like one of these guys they'll just ask anyone anything and he's i wasn't there but he's just walking he told me the story he's just walking along in london he lives in london and he's just like walking along and he sees a guy on a rolls royce and just sitting in a car in the rolls royce smoking a cigar and he said oh my god who smokes a cigar inside a rolls royce who cares so little about their roles freaking royce that they're smoking a cigar inside it so he goes up he knocks on the window the guy winds down the window and my friend asks what do you do for a living and oh my god i just realized this is exactly like those tick tock videos you now see where people do this and publish it on tik tok i just realized this story became a lot less interesting since that actually became a thing but he just asked this guy what he did for a living because my friends like he's one of these guys who'd like you know he definitely aspires during the rolls-royce he's this guy and uh he just asked me what do you do for a living and the guy just says i've been playing the lottery my whole life and last week i won didn't i annie and i'm just like oh no that sends such the wrong message it's not like oh it's not working hard he just won the lottery and that's why he's smoking a big cigar inside his brand new roller you won your freedom absolute freedom while not an exorbitant rage that was pretty good for unskilled labor in 1970s chicago and david cram wasn't exactly bursting with prior experience casey gave cram his phone number and said give me a call if you're interested then the clunky station wagon pulled away and disappeared heading north down elston avenue a couple of hours later crammed called gacy's number from a pay phone in the back of a dive bar cram informed casey that he was interested in a job 20 minutes went by while cram sank a couple of beers another young man arrived an employee of cases and the two set off northwest towards chicago suburb of des plaines oh david gave me a pronunciation i think i got it right this plains yeah i know it's got this weird american product because i'd want to say diplo or des plaines or something french but uh david specifically says this is the yankee pronunciation thank you david the two arrived at 8213 west summerdale avenue david spoke in front of me because he says how do you pronounce 8213 and he says 8213 um because there was a previous video or i kept saying like 7210 something something avenue and everyone in the comments was like simon just say it like this 82 13. it's much easier and it is and yeah now i understand thank you americans but i still think you could have more streets with less numbers that's a really big street i live at number eight and i live in a city so allegedly i live at number eight you can't you don't know what street i live on so that's okay we'll keep that secret this was the house of john wayne gacy a gaggle of teenage boys were loitering outside the front of the house as gacy chatted away idly to them that's a weird scene david cram got out of the vehicle and walked up to casey they shook hands glad to have you aboard casey said pompously is this all happening in the middle of the night this is so strange because we started off in the evening then he went to the bar and had a couple of drinks and then as the evening's gone by he's gone to gacy's house to have to do some work after having a couple of beers this is all happening very fast what sort of work are you doing at the middle of the night on the first day you meet someone without any you know i don't know doesn't the job take a few days to get started i feel like he explained their last minute job to do that evening painting a hot dog stand the other boys on the job piled onto a pickup truck and headed off casey meanwhile instructed david to hop into the oldsmobile with him they were alone together for the ride on the way gacy did most of the talking he lied to cram that he had an undergraduate degree in sociology and another degree in psychology this was uttable in case he had neither such degree nevertheless gave you a pined the psych degree is good to have in the construction business because it allows you to manipulate people you plant a seed in someone's head and you let it grow like a forest this is a weird conversation to be have when you to have when you first meet someone casey went on to exaggerate because someone if someone says that to me i'm not immediately thinking oh wow you're so smart i'm thinking even if you do know this uh then i don't know you well enough to be your friend so you're probably using this against me it's hard to believe that fear of offending any stronger than the fear of pain but you know what it is casey went on to exaggerate his construction company was projected to earn somewhere between five hundred thousand and a million dollars in profit in 1976 alone good lord that's a lot of money uh like especially in 1976 money which is between 2.5 and 5 million dollars in today's money okay there we go and yet the owner of pdm contractors was headed off that night with a bunch of teenagers to paint a hot dog stand casey explained to cram that if he proved himself a reliable worker he'd get a much greater salary than the starting rate you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours casey winked it was at this point that gacy clumsily worked into the conversation that he was bisexual he added that he had a bunch of booze back at 8213. someone delivered you and that he regularly had his workers around for drinks after the job was done dude this is getting so weird i mean if like i don't know i can imagine being broke and getting a job working construction and you're like okay it's a bit weird but you know i need some money to pay for my beers and look the guy wants me to start now i'll start now and get paid tonight hell yeah and then i'm sitting in this car with this dude and i'll be like uh what it's like okay yeah let's go to the hot dog stand i'm definitely gonna paint the hot dog stand and not run away and uh yeah hard pass on the drinks later mate he also likes throwing cocktail parties for important local figures he said graham seeking a steady source of money commented as little as possible about all of this yet exactly what i would be doing i'll just be shut in my mouth the crew painted the hot dog stand without incident and gacy joined in the work the teenage boys were duly paid and sent on their way despite some of the creepiest [ __ ] that gacy came out with in conversation david cram kept working for pdm contractors one day gacy hired graham to clean out his garage at 8213 summerdale avenue there cram found a bunch of wallets and driver's licenses oh my god dude like john mate what are you doing if you've been collecting people's driver's licenses as some trophy because we i mean we all know where this is going right john wayne gacy is a serial killer uh spoiler alert everybody um and if he's got a collection if you're a serial killer and you're collecting like some slides like dexter or driver's licenses which does seem to be quite a common thing that people collect as serial killers um and then you bring someone around to clear out your garage is that really is that really a good idea to have those there are you bragging i think if i discovered that i'd be like what is this and then i'll go to ask the guy and hopefully before i got there i'd think twice and then i'd open the garage take the stuff and go to the police station and tell them exactly what happened because that is some serial killer if you find a collection of driver's licenses somewhere leave the scene doesn't matter where it is even if it's someone you know well and take it to the police station unless they i don't know run a fake id business or something in that case there's an explanation if not there isn't one go to the police okay psa over let's go back to the story they all belong to young men kram found one of the men at age 21 whose picture vaguely matched kram's description aged only 18 david cram could not yet buy booze in the state of illinois cram asked casey if he could take the driver's license so he could use it as a fake id he didn't ask john mate where'd you get all these ids what the [ __ ] david is his name david i already forgot yes good casey laughed sure i don't want to keep those wallets anyway those are all ids left over from my work with the syndicate an organization of hitmen i occasionally work with i don't kill people myself mind you but i sometimes help set up their targets oh why are you admitting to your crimes i don't know if that's worth bragging about you even if i mean look you're not working for a group called the syndicate that could be the most that's the most generic hitman squad that i've ever heard but why would you admit this david crown wasn't quite sure whether to believe casey since he had long established himself as a blowhard and a fantasist but living in the rough side of chicago cram was no stranger to talk of organized crime and he had no love for the police so cram shrugged it off and pocketed the driver's license so he could get hammered that night a month passed on august 21st gacy approached crown with a proposal casey had a few spare bedrooms at 8213 summerdale he told cram that he'd rent him one for 25 a week that would mean cram could pay his rent with just a little over one day's work and the rest of his weekly earnings could be spent on himself cram leapt at the idea and moved in without delay the next day august 22 david cram went out with friends to celebrate his 19th birthday cram got absolutely paced that night along with smoking a couple of joints staggering in the front door of 8213 summerdale around 1am cram's eyes immediately landed on a fat clown standing in the middle of the front room his sinister grinning face illuminated by the light of a single lamp at that point i'll be like oh good lord how much did i drink pogo the clown stood at 5 foot 10 and weighed 230 pounds or that's 177 centimeters 104 kilograms wow so he's a chunky dude his perfect clown suit was half solid red and the other half candy stripes of red and white a couple of pom-poms of various colors hang off the suit as fake buttons pogo's collar was a white and red rough shaped like an old tee doily the clown also wore a red and white pointed cap which was also adorned with multi-colored pom-poms while foundation was slathered on the clown's fate around his eyes were large triangles of light blue drawn at sharp angles and stenciled with black the bottom half of the clown's face was painted bright red with the corners sharply upturned into a facsimile of a ghoulish smile the bright red had the effect of making pogo's already yellow teeth look a shit-stained brown and pogo bore those putrid bangs at david cram an exaggerated and psychotic grin i'm just preparing for a charity event i've got tomorrow pogo explained in a deep normal voice david cram blinked and nodded graham was already aware that john wayne gacy occasionally worked as a party clown dressing up in a ridiculous and creepy outfit and going by the name pogo the clown okay so that's going to be less weird if you know that he does it although why is he dressing up as it in the middle of the night would be another question but as we've already established john wayne gacy is a weird dude casey continued to explain i thought that given it was your birthday it'd be rather cute if i left my costume on to greet you dude that's weird it's not cute it's weird you're a pudgy middle-aged greasy dude dressed up in a clown costume and the 19 year old 20 year old now who's coming home from his birthday party a little bit faced doesn't want to see his weird landlord slash boss dressed up in a cat in a clown costume it's just psycho mate stop it that was a bit weird yes it was but cram was drunk and didn't care the two walked toward the living room at the back of the house where gacy kept a massive bar the clown poured the already sozzled birthday boy a shot of everclear grain alcohol which had a strength of 190 proof on 95 what are you doing it's like hey what a shot of everclear it's like why not just have a regular drink and just make it bigger john what's wrong with you the two men also smoked some weed and gacy busted out the valium it was turning into a real party oh you're mixing those uh no not benzes what's uh what's valium it's like a sedative right mixing that with booze and weed that's not going to lead to a good time that's not going to lead that's you know or maybe it's going to lead to gaseoum and again oh god that's so no no no no no let's not go there a few more shots of ever clear later and gacy began playing around in his pogo persona his voice becoming high-pitched and cartoonish the clown showed cram some of his puppets that he used to entertain the kids pogo then offered to teach cram an escape artist trick where one could escape from a pair of handcuffs maybe someday you'll need it pogo joked in a squeaky voice giggling a little let's not do that i can't i don't want to do his creepy clown voice i felt weird even doing that let's not do it and it makes this funny where this should just be really horrible so let's let's not do that you'll just have to imagine it dear viewer or listener david cram let pogo cuff him for a brief moment of silence pogo stared into cram's eyes just inches from his face the clown spoke the trick to escaping a pair of handgufs pogo locked walkingly is dab the key kramm told pogo to get the handcuffs off him instead pogo grabbed the handcuffs by the chain linking them together and started to spin around in circles was forcing cram to swing along with him as if they were playing ring around the rosie pogo's bulky weight made it difficult for cram to resist the spin yeah these are [ __ ] off me daby cram slurred with some difficulty pogo ignored him and they spun around yet another time then pogo started to chant in a sing-song voice i'm going to rape you i'm going to rape you suddenly pogo let go of the handcuffs and the dizzy david cram staggered backward bumping into the large tv in the living room pogo grinded him laughed and charged forward david cram turned to the side and snapped off a quick high kick which hit pogo square in the face snapping the clown's head backwards the clown immediately collapsed into a massive corpulent pile of blubber and brightly colored cloth wow david cram he pulls out that karate move can you that is quite impressive he's a young dude against a fairly big guy and i get the feeling debbie cram's not a big guy um and he manages to get his hand his leg up to five foot ten wasn't his height or five foot something like that and clock him in the face while drunk david graham they were legends is david cram the one that survives oh i just i throughout this whole thing i was like oh my god david cram's gonna get raped and then he's gonna die die however i think david cram might survive and he might be the one who takes him out and leads to the horrific discovery of the rest of john wayne gacy's crimes fingers crossed for you david you seem like a legend david cram scrambled over to wear the handcuff keys now lay and unlocked himself with a groan pogo raised himself again to his feet cram stood there with his fists at the ready pogo and his intended prey stood there for what felt like an eternity staring at each other pogo was no longer smiling no words were exchanged but it was clear to cram that pogo would not dare to make another attempt to rape the young man for now cram quickly turned ran to his bedroom and barricaded the door he was too drunk to consider leaving the house or going to the police despite the horrific incidents which had just occurred david cram had consumed enough alcohol marijuana and sedatives that evening to quickly drift into unconsciousness as the teenager slumbered in a dreamless sleep so too did the corpses of other young men it rotted just a few feet below him buried in the dirt of the crawl space beneath john wayne gacy's house david cram had no idea how close he'd come to joining them it also makes me think that because we have quite a lot of details of this story i don't think they come from john wayne gacy it feels like david cram's perspective so i think david crown might be telling this story however i said this once before and then it turns out that i think it was a girl got murdered and it was just the killer's story or witnesses story and stuff and i maybe it was david i think david had put it in the first person just to like mess with me i was like you bastard i was really i was like at least she survives and then she didn't meet john wayne gacy john wayne gacy was born on march the 17th 1942 in chicago to parents john senior and marion gosey he was the middle child of the family and the only son his older sister joanne was born two and a half years previously and his younger sister karen would be born in 1944. his father john cena was the son of polish immigrants whose name was originally gatza before it was anglicized ellis island as gacy john cena was a veteran of world war one and he later worked as an auto mechanic and local handyman john senior was thoroughly assimilated into american culture and behaved like a typical chicago blue collar working stiff his wife marion was an american of scottish and danish descent and lived quietly as a housewife raising her three kids the baby john was named after his father but also the movie star john wayne in the hopes that the actor's masculinity and grit would rub off on the boy it didn't much to his father's bitter chagrin oh no here we go uh you know it's gonna be a classic story isn't it here we go john cena is definitely going to bully maybe abuse his son um because i mean look serial killers horrible people like this the psychos they're um they're born and they're made i think it's like something i've learned from i mean some are just born and some are just made but generally it's a combination john cena was a drunk and a violent one of that absolutely no surprises here in 1944 when john was just two years old and his younger sister karen had just been born the family were sitting around the dinner table suddenly an inebriated john cena picked up some hot food and threw it in his wife face and then punched her savagely instantly breaking marion's nose and knocking her off her chair dude you need to be shot john and his four-year-old sister joanne started screaming mary and gacy got off the floor blood streaming down her face and bolted out of the house she began running for her life john cena only broke off the chase when her neighbor intervened instead john cena went back into the house collected a gun he stashed there and took off without a word for a few days of heavy drinking oh my god mary and gacy went and stayed with her brother for a few days while she investigated her options for separating from john cena good for her i really the the terrible thing is because like there's this victim i seem big victim mentality what's the words like um where women don't leave and like in this i almost expected marion to go back and just get more physical abuse which is so crazy so good for her for uh getting out of that back in the 1940s the support system of single mothers wasn't that good yeah and this is one of the reasons it's the heart you know back in the day getting divorced and stuff that's not easy and then you know you've got kids and you women were working much less back in the day so where's the money going to come from if the husband's not going to support and yeah it was a super screwed up situation uh the sports system of single mothers wasn't very good marion's brother said that he could not support two families so marion went back to john cena oh god never mind i take it back and they reconciled marion herself said that she never learned what led to john cena's violent outburst that night and it wouldn't be the last john cena is that the surely that's not the first to just escalate from nothing to that so quickly would be insane john cena was physically abusive to all three of his children of course he was the girls as well as his son his disciplinary tool of choice was a leather strap that he used to maintain his straight razor for shaving the thick leather strap hung on the wall of the kitchen it was double layered and it was heavy john cenia used it as a flogging device for even the slightest infraction or mistake he also used it to drive home a moral lesson or after he had won an argument even when the children had done nothing wrong because john cena was also drunk during those floggings it was not used sparingly when john wayne gacy was four years old he was lured to a field undressed and molested by a 15 year old girl with downs down syndrome wait he was molested or he molested he was lured to a field undressed and molested by a 15 year old girl okay so he was the one oh because he was four oh my god that's whoa whoa whoa he was four what is what is up this caused an uproar in the gatey household that the young john did not quite understand i mean of course he didn't understand he was four meanwhile the sexual assault was quietly internalized by john's fragile psyche that same year jon was watching his father repair a car and the young boy picked up an engine part to try and hand it to his dad despite being just four years old he was thoroughly beaten with a thick leather strap for messing up the car parts that his father had carefully laid out in 1948 when john was six he stole a toy truck from a store his mother marion made jon take the truck back and confessed to his crime this okay so far so good i mean he's six can still if he wants to but you know you gotta he doesn't understand so take him back an apology great she later told her husband at which point the young john was beaten so brutally that marion started to refrain from informing her husband about the boy's misdeed good for you marion yeah i wouldn't either when john was seven years old he was discovered naked with a neighborhood boy and the boy's sister john and the neighbor boy were both molesting the young girl dude john was again brutally beaten by his father also when john was seven he was regularly sexually abused by a work colleague of his father oh my god no wonder this dude is so screwed up this is a crazy story he was taken on car rides engaged in quote-unquote wrestling with the man and the situation always devolved into inappropriate touching and the man forcing the boy to fellate him ah what the [ __ ] john's father never found out about these particular incidents because john jr was fearful of being punished by his father if he told him i i know this is this isn't his father's fault this is the predator's fault but uh if there was a healthier environment at home then he could tell him and that other guy could hopefully go to prison for a very long time john's father never found out about these essentially john cena's abuse had cowed his son into silence even when he desperately needed to ask for help against a rapist pedophile john's abuse is seven years old seven john's abuse driven timidness affected his schooling he became drumpy and paranoid about a strange collection of things he was afraid of loud noises and the sirens of fire trucks he was afraid of urban myths crime reports from the news and tall tales for which john was relentlessly teased and bullied by his classmates as a fraidy cat that being said john was a kind friendly sort of boy and he did make a few loyal friends most of them felt sorry for him and they regularly stuck up for john nice those sound like good kids as a child john wayne gacy was interested in animals in gardening and building things he was fat he was in poor health and he had no interest in sports which disgusted his father in his early years casey hung out in a treehouse that had built an empty in an empty lot next to his home then when construction workers came around to build on the empty lot the treehouse had to come down the construction workers kindly left tearing down the tree house till the last moment so the boy could enjoy it for as long as possible but when it eventually came down john cena beat his son till the boy bled for the disgraceful offense of crying at the loss of his tree house john senior you're a real piece of [ __ ] i mean also we know john jr turns out to be a piece of at this point in his life john jr is just being [ __ ] up in pretty much every way possible john junior built a second hideout under the porch of his house and he spent a lot of time there hiding from his father from that point forward the idea of concealing things below a house held a fascination for him this subconscious association may have been doubled by the fact that his father john cena spent most of his time in the basement not allowing anyone to disturb him while he got roundly faced all afternoon until it was time for dinner again in 1949 the same year of his repeated sexual abuse by his father's work colleague john was caught stealing his mother's underwear one evening when john cena and mariam were dressing up to go somewhere marion found her underwear drawer was empty the garments were found in a paper bag that john jr had hidden in a hideout under the porch again john was severely beaten by his father oh yes the classic beat the weirdness out of him great work dad great work later when john was a teenager his mother marion would make him wear her underwear as a quote unquote punishment this was worse than it may seem his mother's punishment was cruelly psychological since she'd make john sit in his room wearing nothing but her underwear fearful but his penis shamefully erect until his father came home if john cena saw his son he would be in for the beating of a lifetime however marion never went into details of jon's infractions to her husband and kept her own brand of punishment secret from her spouse okay marion isn't a bad person marion's just super misguided like this was back in the day and they had also i don't know like punishment and stuff i feel like that's come a long way like how we treat our children um and i think this kind of psychological punishment wasn't really like established as damaging people so much back in the day was it and now it's like obvious that this is this is not good i just don't want to be too hard on marion i feel really bad for marion also during john's teenage years he graduated from the leather strap in the kitchen to john cena frequently punching him in the face and kicking him while his son laying agony on the ground jon never tried to resist his father's beatings so unlike many accounts of casey it's clear that he was abused by both his parents though john senior definitely took the lead yeah okay i know it is abuse i know that that's psychologically traumatic and stuff but also marion has her own going on i mean jesus christ living in this situation i think i don't know i just i still feel sorry for marion i've noticed him and at this point i feel sorry for john wayne freaking gacy because john cena gacy is such a massive dirt man i think i feel like this is one of the worst upbringings that we've ever seen on the casual criminals which is probably why it led to one of the worst serial killers that we've seen on the casual criminalist in many cases marion took sides with her son against john senior and tried to shield the timid boy from his father's drunken abuse john wayne gacy's parents certainly were not allies in their abuse of him yet they were both abusive all the same in different ways yet john never really denounced them for it he'd always make excuses for them and claimed that he loved them though he would later opine that there was a thin line between love and hate that sounds like something people say but doesn't really make any sense i don't think that makes sense john would always justify his father's behavior saying quote i was never good enough for him he was always trying to make me better to teach me with punishment that is such an insane sentence i get that punishment can work but this isn't punishment this is physical abuse and psychological abuse you can't teach people with abuse when it came to his mother jon could not praise the one highly enough the two were extremely close driven to each other by their mutual victimization by john senior and also by marion's perverse and psychologically abusive routine of sexual humiliation and feminization of course the patriarch of the family did not like the fact that his son was so close to his mother saying that quote that mama's boy will probably grow up to be a queer although marion gates tried to protect her children from their father she was also his enabler as is far too common with the spouses of violent drunks marion cooked up wild justifications for her husband's excessive abusiveness she told her family and the neighbors that john cena's violent outbursts were the result of a medical condition according to marion he had a blood crop clot in his brain when john cena drank he inflate his inflamed blood vessels pressed against the blood clot restricting blood flow make him go a bit crazy then it's still his fault and he needs to get off the source doesn't he marry him stop making excuses for him although it's not your fault you are a huge victim in all of this even though you are yeah some abuse going on you are way way more victim than abuser the best thing one could do argue marion was not to agitate him further just agree with whatever he had to say so you did not send him into a rage now the best thing stop drinking or i don't he doesn't have a blood clot in his brain he's just abusive violent drunk he's a psycho and he can [ __ ] off if this story sounds somewhat delusional to you rest assured that this is not even the most outlandish justification that i've heard an enabler give for their violent spouse i once heard a woman who lives just down the street from me give justifications to a bartender as to why her husband nearly beat a man to death in the restroom of a local pub apparently it was a tragic misunderstanding and her husband was a good guy really and it was mostly the man's fault for his head knocking a sink off the wall you see the other man had bumped into her husband aggressively at the bar as far as i know husband and wife are still together with a troubled teenage son and this is in the 2020s not the 1940s and 1950s yeah it's like guys i don't know like this violent thing i don't know i'm not it just from someone who's not a violent person i've never been in a fight i've never beaten anyone up um and it's just like to i guess i just don't understand that like but i also like i'll rage like i'll get super angry at something but and i've definitely broken plenty of items but like to do that to a person just seems quite alien to me but i guess like just some people are wired that way but it's like god you gotta reign in don't you jesus if there's any reasonable excuse for john cena's violent outbursts beyond the fact that he was a massive alcoholic it's the theory that john cena suffered from ptsd after his time in world war one and that he had adopted binge drinking as a coping mechanism yeah now that sounds like an actually reasonable explanation rather than he's got some special blood clot i don't think that's how blood clots work it's ridiculous why can't we just be like he's super [ __ ] up from world war one i guess because they didn't have being super [ __ ] up from world war one as a thing they were just like grin and bear it you'll be fine nothing happens the war's over you'll be you're you're a good boy it's like oh my god ptsd is real abbott he retained as he became a husband and a father decades later combined with his alcoholism recurrent memories of the war may have set jon set off john cena's temper though to be honest there are enough violent drunks in the world who don't have such an excuse so it's more than likely it was just a nasty piece of work i don't know i think serving in world war one world war one was trenches and gas and all sorts of unimaginable horror i it's not an excuse for his behavior it certainly doesn't excuse him beating his children but it does offer something of an explanation for him being quite as bad as he is in mind or it's also i mean we don't know maybe his father was also abusive towards him and it just perpetuates this cycle of abuse um yeah that's probably an unfortunate reality in 1951 john wayne gacy allegedly gained a heart condition causing him to have regular fainting spells from the age of 9 onward he would fall unconscious for anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour his medical condition also made john engaging in any strenuous physical activity impossible so that ruled out any kind of sports naturally having an already effeminate timid and quiet son who had been caught wearing women's underwear constantly fainting and refraining from sports gravely displeased john cena he accused his son of faking his medical condition because he was lazy a coward and a panty waste no matter how bad the fainting spells got john cena never believed that they were real john wayne gacy later said that quote i was a disappointment to my dad because i was weak and he was strong he hated a weak person even weak emotions and physical illness even when it couldn't be helped was a weakness in 1957 at the age of 15 john began complaining of severe stomach pains his father again accused him of faking in reality john's appendix had burst and the boy nearly died oh good lord it's like dad my tummy really hurts i getting your appendix almost bursting out as i understand is incredibly painful so and then apparently it bursts and i'm probably just basing this online an episode of house i saw back in the day but apparently then it burst and you're like ah but that's really bad news because then a bunch of bacteria is entering your body from your intestine it shouldn't be doing that it's a bad time when casey was 11 his father invited him to go fishing this was a tremendous honor for john junior since there was nothing his father liked more than going fishing it was a clear opportunity for father and son to bond oh my god at that point i'll be like no dad i'm sorry but you've beaten me so much that i don't want to do that anymore although i know that's not reality because john cena is an adult and john jr is a kid and kids want to please their parents you know i guess at certain ages and stuff and then they definitely don't as points when they become teenagers but yeah i mean while you don't understand it as an adult you're like okay he was 11. but it began raining heavily so john cena began drinking heavily as well of course i mean whenever it rains outside i have a drink it's like any excuse jesus he began hurling verbally abused his son for the slightest mistake and even if the boy began fidgeting the fact that they did not make a single decent catch of the trip somehow became his son's fault the following year john jr was disinvited by his father and he was never asked to go fishing again john nevertheless did his best to impress his father throughout his adolescence but nothing was ever good enough his father already an unpleasant misanthrope absolutely loathed his son in 1958 a 16 year old john was playing cards and drinking a couple of beers with a few friends in a neighbor's basement john passed out and when he was later revived john became having some sort of fit kicking and screaming as a result he was placed in a straitjacket and taken to the hospital where he spent a month being examined by doctors and his violent fits became so frequent that he was briefly threatened with being permanently committed to a mental health ward wait he can't permanently commit someone to a mental health ward it's like what if they get better it's a hospital the point is to make people better and it's like yes sure some people will never leave because they have an untreatable mental condition but what if that suddenly something changes they're like no i'm good they'll be like well unfortunately we're committed here perfectly so you got to live with the crazy people for the rest of your life well great that sounds illegal this pleased his father of course it did john cena to no end you see it ain't something physical my son is just a degenerate who is looked up in the head the young man was released soon after without serious psychological evaluation but john jr made frequent returns to hospital between the ages of 14 and 18 he spent a total of 12 months in hospital beds but the exact cause of his condition was never satisfactorily diagnosed by doctors john's teenage years did not involve dating many girls or even surreptitiously hooking up with guys since it was coming pretty clear that he was bisexual john had thoroughly suppressed his sexuality at the time due to childhood trauma and also due to the bizarre pseudo-fandom relationship that he had developed in his teenage years with his mother not that john wayne gacy was very much in demand he had developed an appearance that one of his schoolmates would later liken to mr potato head yeah also it's like the 1950s yeah 1950s early 1960s um i don't think that like especially with john cena around being like dad i'm bisexual it'd be like that is not going to go down a treat with your dad or with society so no wonder he didn't come out of course he didn't the past was the worst as john approached his 18th birthday although he never had the makings of a varsity athlete john was more physically capable of standing up to his abusive father who was that point pushing 60 and had put himself through the ringer with a lifetime of hard drinking one night john cena had gotten horrendously drunk and was beating marion john yelled at him to stop john cena turned and threw a punch at his son but he was too drunk and the fist landed on a nearby refrigerator the old man yelled in pain and then charged his son john jr now weighing nearly 200 pounds or 90 kilograms simply used his immense bulk to press his father up against the wall and hold him there father and son stood there grappling in the kitchen for half an hour they stood face to face as john cena struggled to get free and drunkenly threatened to kill his son john wayne gacy later remembered the incident vividly he said that he could remember his father's hot booze wreaking breath hitting his face he could remember tears streaming from his own eyes as he begged his father to stop and john wayne gacy remembered one more thing as he stood there pressing his father up against the wall casey remembered becoming incredibly unbearingly achingly aroused once his father's anger and energy subsided gacy released him and he hurried to his room where he furiously masturbated this is his it is so his i i imagine you know obviously it's nature and nurture as we said it's a combination of two but this is the most [ __ ] up upbringing that we've thought i think we've ever seen like we had pedro lopez who was the big like that is the that is the episode that i've struggled with the most and i still think about how screwed up that whole thing was and his upbringing was super screwed up i think john wayne gacy is uh is competing with pedro for this for this because this is not right an attempted normal life one of the things that john wayne gates inherited from his monster of a father was his capacity for hard work gacy had held jobs since he was a child when he was little he ran a paper route and mowed his neighbor's lawn in 1956 at the age of 14 gacy got a job delivering groceries he also volunteered around the neighborhood enacting household repairs for the elderly and people in need it was clear from the start that john wayne gacy had a talent for being a tradesman something that was fostered when casey transferred to a local vocational school where he became a star pupil casey also served as a civil defense captain an organization set up in the 1950s during the ineffectual duck and cover mentality of the early cold war casey's responsibility was to rush off as a first responder to fires accidents and disasters or god forbid a nuclear war yeah the 1950s is super intense there's a 1960s it's got to be 1960s now right early 60s all these undertakings actually gained the otherwise troubled timid and sickly teenager quite a favorable reputation in his community in 1960 when casey turned 18 he began getting involved in politics chicago was and still is sebastian to the american democratic party with every democratic mayoral candidate since 1931 being guaranteed election regardless of how many scandals or allegations of corruption may plague their campaigns and so gacy quickly realized which pay masters he should serve if he wanted to advance in the city he got a job working for the democratic candidate for the alderman of the 45th ward i have no idea what any of that means alderman 45th ward okay american politics like i have an understanding of the big picture of american politics there's a president there's a senate there's a congress and then it's like there's the older men of the 49th ward and there's mayors and honestly i don't even understand this in the uk so but it's a bit never mind some low-level politician at some point around the same time gacy a nominal catholic got involved in the holy name society he began calling to reform the youth program since he felt the teenagers were getting tempted away from the church by sex drugs and rock and roll in response casey founded his own youth program the cairo club which which held dancers get-togethers seminars and charity events casey was volunteered to fix his local church which was in constant need of maintenance and spent much of his spare time playing cards with the parish priests it was at this time that gacy became effortlessly charmed effortlessly effortlessly effortlessly that's the worst word david has even put a pronunciation guide in here as a joke he's got a little winky face next to it don't listen to that man he just said it to be mean like effortless effortless effortless effortlessly goddamn that word that word and effortlessly why is that word so impossible to say it's almost as difficult as the word effortless god damn it's like why do you even try and effortless and easily stay informed and i still can't get it i knew i was saving myself for something as special it was at this time that gacy became effortlessly charming that word should not exist i can say it alone effortlessly can i why do i have such a nightmare with this goddamn word let's just move on sorry totally irrelevant i can't say that word there's actually a sponsor read i do and they one of them the top talking point is like protect yourself something something and effortlessly the biggest thing that i like about hellofresh is the uh how effortless is it how effortless the biggest thing for me about how the biggest thing about hellofresh for me is how easy it is and every time i'm like just let's just use the word easily because it's easier to say isn't it it was also around this time that gacy considered becoming a priest himself he liked the idea of helping people and he had still largely repressed his sexuality which meant that the vow of chastity was no problem let me tell you about the catholic church several decades later queso and what trysts he did have had not gone spectacularly well once when casey was still 18 he had been making out with a girl in a discreet location things moved to second base and before he knew it gacy had gotten the girl undressed and it looks like casey was going to lose his virginity then he fainted when casey regained consciousness the girl was fully clothed again and freaking out because she did not understand what was happening needless to say casey did not get laid that night john's medical condition also got in the way of his schooling at age 19 he still had not graduated from his vocational high school despite his obvious talent as a tradesman his illness caused him to take long breaks from school for months at a time and his teachers were concerned about letting a student with a propensity for fainting work with heavy machinery in short casey did a wall despite his recent progress and he began to feel hopeless trapped and wretched once again yeah these last this last page i'm like casey's turning his life around he's taking i mean obviously we know how this ends it ends with him becoming a complete psycho killer um but this he's like i'm considering being a priest i found a skill that i'm good at i like helping people and it's like oh my god he's gonna break the cycle he's gonna he's kind of gone from a horribly abusive crazy pedophile-filled childhood and he's gonna become a decent member of society he's going to break the cycle he's going to have his own kids and he's not going to abuse them obviously that doesn't isn't what happens so let's carry on meanwhile gacy's festering bag of a father was up to his old tricks john senior had bought gacy a new car since his sounds like a rather nice thing to do since his teenage son didn't have not did not have the money to buy one on his own you'd think that this was a nice thing for a father to do but it only became another source of abuse since john senior had paid for it he considered the car his until his son paid him off well then he didn't buy him a car he bought himself a car that he lets his son use as such john senior would randomly confiscate the keys at the smallest pretext this carried on for years and it made it difficult for gacy to go to work go to school attend any of his volunteer obligations in 1962 when casey was 20 years old he became so frustrated that he simply got the car keys copied excellent move and then he kept driving the car into fires of his father john cena responded by removing the distributor cap from the car's engine so that the thing wouldn't start and he kept the cap for three days casey not realizing you could just buy a replacement got so agitated that he fell ill yeah this is the thing like he doesn't i feel like dave saying he didn't realize he could buy a replacement how did he not know that if someone took like some hose off my car or something and it didn't start i'd be like all right well that's it i guess i gotta get take it or get someone to pick it up and get it repaired because i have no idea i mean although with modern cars you open it up and there's no engine in there there's just like a big plastic thing covering it clearly implying you're not supposed to go digging around in there and uh yeah i'd have no idea what to do i'll be like i guess it just broke i don't even know what a distributor cap is the khan's even still have distributor caps the same day that john cena returned the distributor cap marrying casey asked her son to give her a ride home casey did so and upon dropping his mother off he told her that he was going to get some air in the tires and drove away she'd not see him again for three months good for you i mean yeah they'll be like look someone bought me my freedom and i'm going to use this freedom to go the [ __ ] away casey had decided that the only way to be free of the tyrio's father was to break out on his own he drove all the way to las vegas there without a high school diploma casey got a job working for the palm mortuary casey at first worked as an ambulance driver for the mortuary for a few days but when his employers realized he was 20 years old and said the minimum age for that job of 21 he was switched to the job of attendant in the morgue his job was to help load and unload bodies and to fetch things in order to save money gacy lived in the morgue and slept on a cot in the embalming room holy sh aren't they gonna be like john mate you can't live in the morgue and it's creepy that you chose to live in the embalming room john why are you doing this i mean i know where you're doing it but it's not allowed stop it you can't blame him for being weird during the night casey conducted little experiments of his own on the corpses oh god taking particular interest in the bodies of young men who had died prematurely old double god the exact nature of gacy's little experiments is unknown but gacy himself implied that they were sexual all we know is after three months casey found the work unsatisfying he called his mother to ask if his father would alarm to return home oh john no don no you were doing so well and now you're becoming a weirdo and again be like simon people have kinks they'll be like yo yo yo yes they do totally fine with that playing with the dead bodies in the mortuary is not something i'm okay with that's not okay good lord despite his shame at returning home gacy did not let the grass grow he managed to bluster his way into northwestern business college despite not having a high school diploma something unthinkable today after taking a standard year-long certificate he scored a job as a management trainee for a shoe company for 65 a week or roughly 600 in today's money what is that two thousand four hundred months twenty four it's not bad it's not good it's like late twenties that's not very good it's not great not bad for a training program with minimal education but not great either nevertheless casey threw himself into the minimum education he went he took it like a year of business school and i guess they thought he had a high school diploma i mean okay so minimum it's not bad it's not bad and i guess it's a training program so once you've completed the training program the pay is probably gonna be a lot better cool nevertheless casey threw himself into the work and impressed his employers and his colleagues meanwhile he moved out of his parents abusive household and in with his aunt and uncle in springfield illinois but who were by all accounts well-adjusted decent people in case he was finally free of the ego blistering assaults of his father and the perverted coddling of his mother yeah it's got to be super good to be out of there it was like taking the first breath of fresh air as a fully fledged human being rather than the malformed quivering wretch that gacy felt that he was during his entire childhood casey began dating on a regular basis increasingly being considered something of a catch despite his superficial physical deficiencies and lack of stereotypical male grit didn't we say earlier they became effortlessly charming you did it no you didn't he was uh volunteering he was talking to the priests all these adults and stuff and i think you know he might what do we describe at the beginning kind of like oh this was when he got all like greasy and overweight and he's a big guy he's a chunky guy um that charm though that charm does a lot that's that can be a good thing he also joined the united states junior chamber of commerce or the jaycees this was a young person's leadership organization that also functioned as a networking club it was designed to instill the values of free enterprise liberty and public service numerous politicians and business magnates had moved through the jaycees over the years including u.s presidents ronald reagan bill clinton gerald ford and richard nixon along with businessman howard hughes and my former patron of sorts bill gates what david you can't just throw that in there used to work for bill gates in some capacity all right maybe that'll get explained maybe not maybe that's just a david sprinkling in another mystery of his life to leave us all interested all right the wikipedia page listing notable usjc's is a bit [ __ ] hilarious among its lists of just two dozen grandees on the page are the names john wayne gacy and edmund kemper what both serial killers i'm not sure what this implies that i'm fairly certain that several other people on the list not not to name names are also psychopaths functioning psychopaths in the same way that one could be a functioning alcoholic but psychopaths all the same anyway let's move on before we get sued for slander well this must be a very large organization then the united states junior chamber of commerce that feels just like anyone who could be interested in politics would join that like a what do they call like the model u n or whatever so it's got to be a lot of people right from all across the spectrum because you've got like bill clinton and richard nixon ronald reagan in there i don't know what politics joel fought has is gerald ford still alive i know there's one president who's really old and he's outlived like people who get no that's jimmy carter isn't it jimmy carter still alive gerald ford's probably dead i get confused it's perhaps illuminating that the jaycees absolutely loved gacy he was charming hardworking and conformed the core ideals of the networking organization to a t in 1964 when gacy was 22 years old the jaycees nominated gacy as their quote unquote key man for the month of april the next year gaity was elected the vice president of the local chapter of the jaycees and was declared an outstanding first year member and he attained third place as the most astounding member in illinois this guy sounds like he is on track like okay if we didn't know about the weird touching of the bodies in the morgue and his upbringing and all of this stuff you'd be like this is this guy is on track for a high office like he's charming everyone likes him he's getting involved he's doing all the right things things are obviously going to change but this is so interesting it just goes to show that one can express devotion to a set of ideals without actually believing in them as we shall see gacy didn't give a toss about classic liberal ideals he was merely interested in self-advancement and he'd be far from the only politician or entertainer or anyone in the public you know people say they believe in a whole ton of stuff just because it gets them elected or it gets them popular all of this stuff i mean it's a little i don't know nice it is what it is he'd pay lip service to any prevailing set of societal morals capitalism stalinist fascist or otherwise it just happened that he lived in 1960s america he was perfectly happy to parrot those ideals as he put it himself he drove himself hard during this time to prove his father wrong that was his primary motivation he was worth something he could and would succeed casey would obtain prominence no matter the cost and he would have done so as many psychopaths could have done if his more subterranean appetites had not come slithering toward the surface at the forefront of gacy's demons were sexual damage and confusion he had only been in springfield six months before he married a co-worker of his marilyn mars blinded by false hypergamy it's a new word to me look up hypergamy the action of marrying or forming a sexual relationship with a person of a superior sociological or educational background there we go i learned a new word today which i'll soon forget i always wish you know when you look up a new word and you're like i wish i could use that but i never do and it's like i learn these new words and then i'll read them again i'll be like i know this word but then i never use it in conversation i always just end up using my simple vocabulary that i've used forever nothing wrong with that we all do it i did learn a new word and then i like started to use it um god i can't remember what it was but it was really useful and now i use that word and i'm like look how smart i am so stupid right oh i also learned i i like the way i learned the correct pronunciation pronunciation of demonstratable like to demonstrate something is demonstrable i love that uh that's clearly demonstrable but i pronounced it correctly look at my big brain sorry let's get back to it she admired gacy as a hard-working charming man who was going places little did you know that a few weeks before their marriage john had his first fully fledged sexual experience with a man richard stewart was gacy's co-worker and a closeted gay man they went out drinking after work admiring the local skirt and doing their best and failing to gain any interest from the local lasses the two men continued to drink getting fairly hammered at which point richard stewart gave his sales pitch saying you know you go out looking for women you strike out and you probably go home and play with yourself me i don't give a [ __ ] you blows me a mouth is a mouth so if i strike out with a woman i pick up a guy which means on any given night i got twice the chance to score that you do a clever play in that day and age little did richard stewart know that gacy was bisexual he didn't exactly need that much convincing or alcohol but in the end it was richard stewart who wound up blowing gacy however when casey woke up the next morning lying next to stuart he felt violated not because he had disliked the night experiences because he felt it undermined his attempts at proving his father wrong it worked hard professionally but here he was behaving like a quote unquote queer his father had won this round casey also resented how stewart had chatted him into the sexual encounter casey felt outwitted less of a man as a result casey vowed that if he'd ever dabbled in gay sex again he would make sure that he not the other man had the upper hand suddenly sex for gacy became not just a matter of satisfaction or social validation but also power and control somewhere somehow at this point in the script i can hear pogo's clown laughing yeah it's super interesting how i mean this script is so in-depth and we're looking i mean we're still in casey's background but you can see how because even if you are i feel like everyone somewhat is familiar with john wayne gacy through the intro we know that he killed a lot of people and he buried them in the basement there's no spoilers there but you can really see just because we're going so far into depth and i love it how each of these little things points i don't really know how we've gone into the clown makeup yet but i'm sure that'll be explained as well just how all of these little threads from his past come together and point towards the psycho killer that he becomes i'm loving this i mean i'm loving this simon it's a so far it's been horrible i mean i'm loving the structure i'm loving the threads coming together i'm obviously not loving the content because i'm not a psycho i don't feel i need to explain that but just in case someone will be like simon loved john wayne gacy's upbringing no simon did not the point of no return [Music] there comes a point in every person's life where there is a line no matter their past traumas no matter what they have suffered there is a line where a human being has to choose between remaining human or becoming a monster most people choose to retain their humanity they back away from the brink and they're lying just beyond the realm of human decency lingering in the back of your mind is the line wait david you're kind of saying there comes a point in every person's life where there is a line where this i don't feel like most people have this there's been no point in my life where it's like oh man i'm so close to becoming a super villain and or just a villain in general there's like i feel like that line would be really far off for me for me to become like a like i'm not the most wonderful selfless glorious person who ever lived i would say i'm not even a particularly i'm quite a selfish person i work quite hard not to be such a selfish person because i'm kind of aware of that facet of me i'm narcissistic and self-centered and i try not to be but still that line of me becoming like a monster is really far away like i'd have to travel a really far direction in to be like oh wow let's not become a monster i don't think that's just me david oh david almost became a serial killer i've given it my best shot and they're lying just before the beyond the realm of human decency lingering the back your mind is the line a set of actions so horrific so repugnant to the human soul that if you chose to cross it you ultimately have to be responsible for your actions again david the because of in every person's life where there is a line david's laying the seeds of us thinking he's a psycho killer no matter what sort of madness fills your head no matter what sort of poison affects your soul you just have to be because at a certain point the story ceases to be about you and it becomes about your victims and with john wayne gacy we're fast approaching that line john wayne gacy's bride marilyn came from a well-to-do family her father fred meyers brought three bought three franchise restaurants from for kentucky fried chicken in waterloo ah 300 miles or 480 kilometers northwest of springfield in illinois that'd be awesome if my like father-in-law owned three kfcs you can eat you if you go in right you must have some special magical god dallas i'd be so fat i'd be so fat it would be unbelievable oh my god i want a kfc franchise this would be amazing i love kfc fred wished to set up his daughter with a good life mars hired gacy to be the manager of those restaurants where gacy insisted that his employees and colleagues refer to him by the nickname the colonel legends that's so weird though casey also lied that he was an honorary colonel in the illinois governor's brigade myers also brought casey his and his daughter a new home in iowa and he paid casey 15 000 a year or 188 138 000 dollars in cases in today's money plus giving gacy a 20 share in the profit from the three restaurants which were considerable yeah if she's her family's well-to-do he's buying them a house and then he's giving gacy 20 of the three restaurants wait did they get married they were married right bride yes sorry bride um pay attention simon this guy that is gacy has gaseous got it good my dudes gacy also became a rising star with the iowa jaycees where he soon sat on the board of directors and became the club chaplain it seemed apparent to all and sundry that gacy had politics in his future gacy himself planned to run for aldermen in waterloo followed by running for mayor then the iowa senate ultimately gacy saw himself taking a crack running for president on the democratic ticket imagine a president gacy for a moment if you will this is i mean i think when i was younger i was like i can do anything i will do this i will do that and then as you become an adult you're like you get things in check and you're like okay well i might you know i might be quite good but i'm not that good like i'd have no illusions of i i mean i don't you know you you check your you at some point you become realistic but i do admire people i i do really admire people who are like i i will do that and it's like and then they get older and they're still like i will do that and i'm like okay i mean it's at some point they don't and it's like well yeah but sometimes they do and i bet everyone who becomes president they're these people they're like they know from a young age they're like i can probably do this and that's so intense have you guys seen that tv show oh god what's it called i saw it like a year ago now it's on netflix it's okay it's about this young kid who is like in high school and he's the school president or whatever he wants to be and he's running for office and then he's like no i'm just doing this because i'm going to be president and he just goes around telling her i'm going to be president someday and you just like believe him and you're like yeah he's going to be president i i think the storyline of this show is that this guy is going to become president like however it happens and you're just watching him and you're like that's quite impressive isn't it marilyn gates had two children they would not be named their birth dates would not be specified in 1967 gaisey and marin were having dinner at the house of charles hill the president of the local waterloo jaycees as marilyn and hill's wife were in the kitchen clearing up from dinner casey turned to hill and asked do you like marilyn's dress hill replied that he did casey pressed him do you like her hill replied platonically she's a good woman i've always liked her casey then leaned toward hill and whispered conspiratorially marilyn likes you too do you want to [ __ ] her hill was caught off guard he started john marilyn and i are just friends you understand casey suddenly smiled and pushed back laughing he said that he was just joking around but he was not unbeknownst to charles hill casey had created a gang of wife swappers within the jaycees evidently marilyn volunteered and enthusiastically took part in this arrangement also gacy and his fellow jaycees circulated hardcore pornography amongst each other the kind that was illegal in those days they did hard drugs and they ran a prostitution ring where waterloo strippers would give the jc's a share of their profits from their after work activities in exchange for access to wealthy local clients holy [ __ ] what is going on in this i was like okay so they're wife swapping it's a bit you know it's definitely alternative it's not something you'd probably expect to be going on in this like local politics club in the 1960s or 70s or whatever but what and then they're swapping hardcore pornography it's like okay fine like now we don't need to swap hardcore pornography because we can go onto the internet um did hard drugs and ran a prostitution ring now we're getting like mega okay so maybe they were doing cocaine or whatever but okay so running the prostitution ring is the one that really gets me that's like that is fully illegal you're pimping basically so we're just like going from like okay so they were like alternative they were doing this they were doing drugs and they were also pimps that feels like a major step four step different step in terms of criminality right meanwhile casey kept the cops at bay by staying on friendly terms with them occasionally getting a prostitute a honeypot a cop at one of gacy's sex parties so the cop wouldn't come asking questions about the wider operation and more mundanely by giving the cops free fried chicken well you know fair enough guys if someone gave me free fried chicken i'll be like your secrets about your prostitution ringer save with me i'll have one more wing please obviously not i'm joking although i do love fried chicken honey do you think kfc is still open in 1967 gacy's father john senior came to iowa to visit his son john senior kept relatively sober for once and treated his son with a certain degree of respect he was genuinely impressed with how gacy had secured a fabulous wage a wife and family and was proving to be the big man on campus with the jaycees not bad for a simpering panty waist i don't know what a panty waste is it's an old school insult i guessed when it came time for john cena to leave he profited his hand which casey shook john cena looked his son in the eye and said i was wrong about you here without question was the crowning moment of john wayne gacy's life everything was about to fall apart in august 1967 john wayne gacy was driving to work when fifteen-year-old donald voorhees shouted out from the side of the road for gacy to stop the two knew each other four he's had a father in the jaycees who was actually a political rival of gacy's the adult men asked the kid what he was doing out by the side of the road four he's explained that he had been at his girlfriend's house and was walking home casey then abruptly asked the 15 year old boy you've been laid yet the young boy replied that he had and then voorhees asked whether it was true that gasy had shown porn films at his parties casey replied yeah we showed some films i still got them over at my house you're getting to an age where you can get a good educational experience out of watching something like that come on back to the house i'll set up the projector and we'll watch a couple of them dude no no no no no no no what you're doing casey drove the boy to his house and then led him down into the basement he set up the projector and put on a porn film for the 15 year old to watch casey's wife marilyn wouldn't be home that night she was sleeping with another man gacy plied the child with alcohol when the film was over gacy began peppering the boy with inappropriate questions stuff about how often he had sex with his girlfriend or whether she'd ever gone down on him gacy then launched into a diatribe about how some men have sex with other men before they start having regular sex with a woman casey then performed oral sex on voorhees when it came time for the boy to form oral sex on gaity the older man assured him that quote it tastes no different than suck dude dude no i don't want to know before he's returned to casey's home several more times demanding money and again gacy engaged in sexual acts with the miner a line had been crossed and casey had no intention of going back yeah gacy just has he done any crimes yet no he's been the victim of crimes but now he is perpetuating it and he has become a criminal himself his activities widened and intensified for the rest of 1967 and in the early months of 1968 gacy engaged in sex act with several underage boys some victims gacy paid in another instance gacy arranged the boy to have sex with his wife marilyn and in case he blackmailed the boy into engaging in sexual acts with him as well after numerous requests for increasing amounts of money donald voorhees demanded a hundred dollars from gacy or 807 in today's money so that he could buy an amplifier for his rock band casey negotiated with the boy and gave him enough money to rent an amplifier instead he then told voorhees that he better not come around demanding any more money when for he's threatened to tell people what was going on casey replied that he would just deny anything everything and quote who do you think they're going to believe [ __ ] yeah i mean the i guess it's different these days is it i don't know um but if a kid makes an accusation like that the police are going to look into that they're not just going to be like oh it's john he's the alderman or he's you know he's got a bright future in politics they're going to be like all right john we know all of this we're also going to make sure that you're not a pedo okay in march 1968 donald voorhees informed his father that gacy had been sexually assaulting him the boy's father immediately went to the police well okay let's find out how this plays out then the authorities launched an investigation into gazi brilliant who denied the charges it was his word against the boys casey also alleged that vorhees's father had manufactured the charges because he opposed gacy's bid to become president of the waterloo jaycees that is an absurd thing to say surely people didn't believe that eventually police got a warrant and they found pornographic films in gacy's house corroborating the boy's story yeah i mean there'd be ways to corroborate this you'd be like okay well describe gacy's penis that could work or like tell us some distinguishing mark about him something right it's small it's brown it's made of leather it has my initials on it i believe that's it as the pressure mounted gacy demanded to take a polygraph test which took place on may the 2nd 1968. for some reason gacy felt certain that he could beat the test instead the test showed a spike in his heart rate when he was asked about sexually assaulting vorhees nevertheless casey continued to deny the charges why would you think you could i mean also polygraphs aren't the stats like 51 percent of the time they're accurate so they're a percentage better than a guess which is crazy and obviously we shouldn't listen to polygraph tests at all wasn't there a famous case in the uk where a guy ended up killing himself uh because there was a it was a reality tv show or like a daytime trashy trashy i don't want to say it was jeremy kyle but it was one of these trashy daytime television shows and they made this guy take a lie detector about him like cheating on his wife or something and the lie detector was like yeah you cheated on it on your wife and he was like no i didn't and he killed himself or something and it's crazy and then the show got shut down which is like good because that was insane and lie detectors are not accurate i don't even know why they exist it's just basically witchcraft another one of gate's victims came forward edward lynch who worked as a busboy at one of the kentucky fried chickens that casey managed ah that's the other thing right i forgot about that as well if it's like one person comes forward they'll be like all right it's your word against theirs but if two people this is like the whole me too thing it's like okay it's like well one person came forward and accused someone of something and it's like okay well that's probably not you know i don't know i don't know what it is you guys it's very hard thing to comment on as a dude or like as just a i don't know it's a hard thing to comment on because you don't want to take someone who's accusing someone of doing something horrible lightly but then also if like many women come forward and are like yeah this dude is up to stuff then it's like that obviously changes things and then it's like okay yeah forgot about that that is a uh that is an issue lynch claimed that at the end of august 1967 like voorhees he had been lured to gacy's house where he had been shown pornographic films and where casey had attempted to talk lynch into sex acts at one point guess he threatened lynch with a knife and backed him into a bedroom a struggle ensued where gacy cut the boy's arm but lynch managed to fight gacy off the older man got a band-aid for the cut apologized and managed to convince lynch to stick around to watch another pornographic movie oh my god casey then convinced lynch to quote unquote try something and allowed him to bind his arms behind his back with a chain and padlock he reassured the boy that he wasn't going to hurt him after you just cut him with a knife i mean gacy i know he's charming and stuff but wow you can talk anyone into anything that's crazy lynch only being 16 years old in the face of the only boss had ever known oh yeah also okay i forgot how young he was and he also works for the dude so i just gave gacy credit for being able to talk anyone into anything when it's basically his boss telling him what to do i take it back i'm sorry yeah he's just trying to keep his job and he's 16. the power dynamic here is crazy uh he permitted this to happen when gacy tried to initiate sex lynch head-butted him and demanded gase he removed the chains ignoring him gacy left the room and came back wheeling a folding cot gacy then pushed the boy onto the cot and began to strangle him lynch partially lost consciousness but he remembered as he was blacking out that gacy relented and began rolling onto his side and freeing him of the chains casey then apologized and lynch demanded to leave casey let him go a few days after the incident gacy fired lynch from his job at kentucky fried chicken dude i know he's the victim here i don't want to take this i don't want to take anything away from that um but yeah you got to go to the police you got to go to the police especially after he's fired you and he doesn't have any leverage over you anymore although you're 16 an adult can be scary like a person like that that's even though like at 16 you're you know you're a lot smarter than you are as a kid because you're like almost an adult but it's like still you're not mature enough to be a you're not mature enough to stand up to someone who's got years more experience than you and is a scary psycho predator oh my god this is really uncomfortable american predator [Music] on may 10 1968 gacy was arrested as home for the crime of committing sodomy with a teenage boy and attempted sodomy with a second teenage boy oh wait of course i'm sorry this guy did go to the police of course this is the second guy who came forward um i take it all back follow the story simon come on casey to continue to protest his innocence and claimed that all of this had been cooked up by his political opponents a staggering number of people believed casey including charles hill the outgoing waterloo jaycees president casey was one of the most respected members of the community and moreover gacy had deliberately fabricated a reputation of being something of a ladies man constantly telling his friends about how many women had slept with that week it was still unsure whether the case would go to trial gacy was nominated as a candidate for the waterloo president he withdrew from the nomination site in the current controversy in the eyes of his supporters gacy was making noble sacrifice for the greater good of the organization to spare a controversy at the same time people felt that the conspirators against gacy had won which only increased sympathies for gacy only a couple of months later in july 1968 the jaycees defiedly awarded gacy another one of the key man awards this was a guy looking down the barrel of charges for being a pedo such was the faith of gacy's supporters that he had done nothing wrong and not just being a pedo but he basically kidnapped someone he assaulted someone he cut someone um and then he fired someone because i mean there's many crimes here there are many crimes casey tried and failed to beat a second what are you doing you're like i can beat a polygraph test i'm excellent it turns out i can't i'll take another crack at that it consistently showed that he was lying when he denied having sexual relations with voorhees people in the county prosecutor's office joked that quote the only thing casey got right was his name it was at this point that gacy got rattled and made the blunder of altering his story he claimed that he picked up voorhees and asked him about a rumor that he gave [ __ ] for cash according to gay sibo he said yes claimed he was a regular prostitute and that he charged forty dollars casey claimed he negotiated for he's down to five dollars casey told police that he couldn't maintain an erection because he was super duper 100 straight according to gacy voorhees insisted on trying again another day and it was at this point the voorhees began harassing gacy for sex and more money casey claimed on two more occasions that he relented and paid for the service out of quote curiosity dude so you're soliciting a male underage prostitute and you're like no no no no i don't he won't i don't want that how does anyone still believe you you idiot despite the fact that gazia just admitted to soliciting the sexual services of a minor thank you a number of democrats in iowa were still putting pressure on the county's prosecutor's office not to take the case to trial are you fighting me here was a future presidential candidate after all a lot of them had been caught up in wife swapping at gacy's parties and had allegedly participated in the use of hard drugs and the running of prostitutes oh so he's kind of got he's kind of got like they're not all going to be in this pimp ring that they've set up there's got to be someone who's not corrupt i'm going to show the people at gotham their city doesn't belong to the criminals and the corrupt good luck with that or am i just being naive god damn the same went for a few of the local cops there were concerns that gazi could expose them should he be prosecuted even at this point gacy might have skated by without the issue ever going to trial because he was not aware that the county prosecutor was wavering about bringing him to trial so casey took matters into his own hands on the 30th of august 1968 gacy burglarized a lumber store with 18 year old high school student russell schroeder pretty much for kicks and to win the kid over and during the course of that evening gacy mentioned that he wanted donald vorhees intimidated from testifying dude this is so intense on august 31st gacy promised to pay schroeder 300 to intimidate voorhees from providing witness testimony at trial on september 5th 1968 schroeder lured to a park five miles outside of town claiming that he had recently stolen 20 cases of liquor which he wanted to share with him there schroeder sprayed voorhees in the face twice with the can of mace that casey had supplied told him not to testify against casey and then repeatedly kicked the ball in the ribs while he lay on the ground schroeder drove over to gacy's to return the mace casey did not pay him that night nor would schroeder ever collect voorhees immediately went to the police on the 6th of september the police arrested schroeder for assault after several days of interrogation and pressure from his parents to come clean schroeder admitted that he had been put up to it by gacy i am almost lost for words in the fact that all of this has gone on casey has very quickly become a major criminal and just because i know there's so many pages left in this story and i know vaguely the story of john wayne gacy i just can't believe that he's going to get away with the rest of the crimes he gets away with in his life given that he should be so hot on someone's radar and on a sexual predator watch list and i mean just ideally in jail and then on probation or whatever they call it way they watch you super closely for the rest of his life surely these are these are major crimes like witness intimidation and pedophilia kidnapping did he rape anyone yet i mean well i mean uh statutory rape i don't know what that how that works exactly but wait yeah cause they're under 18. okay so he's it's rape it's not what's going on why is he not in prison on the 9th of september gacy was arrested for witness intimidation he was bailed for a thousand dollars on september 12 casey was arrested again for pointlessly burglarizing the lumber store and bail was set at ten thousand dollars two-thirds of a year's wages an amount that gacy could not raise he remained in prison and that same day a judge ordered gacy to undergo a psychiatric evaluation meanwhile under interrogation gazi began to do what his fellow jaycees and allies in the democratic party had feared he spilled the beans and he named people involved in wife swapping hard drugs and prostitution and as casey languished behind bars even more victims started to come out of the woodwork seventeen-year-old richard westphal the another employee at kentucky fried chicken claimed that marilyn gasey had seduced him and when john wayne gacy caught them in the act he coerced westfall into fellating him another boy claimed that gacy got him drunk and held him at gunpoint forcing him to play a game of russian roulette uh as in the game where you put a bullet in a gun and spin it around dude another boy how is he not going to prison forever another boy claimed that gacy was constantly getting boys drunk at his house where he kept a well-stocked bar there the boys would play pool with gacy constantly badgering them to bet on pool games where the prize was oral sex the most perverse part of the underage drinking club at gatey's house was at the perpetrator charged the boy's monthly dues for access to the club as it was a privilege to be preyed upon i just like there's there's crimes across the spectrum here this is definitely a crime like underage drinking and supplying alcohol to miners uh also selling it is also that's probably another crime there's crimes from all levels here why wha how are you not in prison i mean you are you're in jail but how are you how is how are you not going to end up in prison for ages another unblamed boy claims that gacy had told him he was a sex researcher dude dude acting under orders of iowa's governor to explore the browns of homosexuality and sex with teenagers okay really gacy met with a child on several occasions got him good and drunk and then sexually assaulted him in several ways during the so-called experiments allegedly gaseo used the same lie with multiple boys and bear in mind that all of this happened in just a few months between august 1967 and march 1968. on november the 2nd gacy was transferred from prison to a mental institution to be evaluated over the course of the next 17 days he complained about the lack of cleanliness in the place but he also charmed the nurses whom gacy believed came to actually like him in reality they were creeped out by him and considered gacy something of a slimy con artist and a bully casey told doctors of his fainting spells as a child claiming to have a heart condition upon physical examination the doctors could find no evidence of a heart defect and no signs of heart disease whatever had caused gacy's fatigue spells as a youth along with his violent fits it had not been as hard john cena had it been told would have likely smiled trumpingly the news conversely the doctors found that aside from being fat casey was in fairly good health whatever was going on with him it was clearly psychological when gacy was evaluated by psychiatrists he ran his mouth as usual his testimony was wildly inconsistent with the testimonies of all his victims doctor eugene gauran wrote john gacy prided himself on being a good talker there was an element of control in his gruelessness another new word for me look up i don't know if this is useful like this is uh i don't know these words maybe people like simon of course we know the word gurulessness we don't need you to define that would you define another simple word excessively talkative especially on trivial matters there you go learning new words all the time that i will never use it was apparent that the quote continues it was apparent that john would twist the truth in such a way that he would not be made to look bad my general impression was that he was a smooth talker and an obscurer who was trying to whitewash himself from all the wrongdoing gowan found that gacy had an iq of 118. gown also determined that casey had a high level of social intelligence neurologically garen found nothing wrong with him no brain damage yet gauran wrote he had a total denial of responsibility for anything that has happened to him he can produce an alibi for everything everything points to a diagnosis of sociopathic personality disturbance in an anti-social reaction this amounted to diagnosing gacy with either sociopathy or psychopathy for those of you tuning in to the casual criminals for the first time this denotes the an utter lack of empathy and conscience we get quite a few of those around these parts gacy's psychological examination concluded that he was fit to stand trial but added that his mental pathologies were likely were unlikely to benefit from known medical treatment both of which were accurate however the psychiatrists fell short in other aspects of their analysis they had bought the story that gacy had been harassed by voorhees who had allegedly been acting as a male prostitute and that gacy had purchased the boy's sexual services out of curiosity the psychiatrist's bleeding hearts that they were also recommended that gacy shouldn't get jail time but be let off on probation not okay what are you up to psychiatrists how you screw up and those boys get fried he's soliciting sex it doesn't matter if the kid's a prostitute he's a kid what are you talking about that's insane things looked even better for gacy he struck a plea bargain where he admitted to sodomy in exchange for the charges of burglary and witness intimidation being dropped but the prosecutors pushed the judge for the maximum sentence for sodomy in the end on december the 3rd gacy was given 10 years imprisonment at iowa state reformatory in anamosa gacy who had been sure he would skate he would skate free was furious on that same on the same day his wife marilyn who had allegedly been complicit in his predations on young boys filed for divorce and custody of the children gacy never saw any of them again um well there's a couple of insane things here one 10 he went to prison the most insane thing is he went to prison for sodomy for ten years which is like what and also he didn't go to prison for all of the actual crimes that he committed like preying on children what what is going on 1960s this is super pogo's adventures in prison while in prisons at anamosa john wayne gacy stuck to doing what he knew best he became a society man he quickly rose to become head cook in the prison mess all and secured higher wages for the other inmates who worked there he went around the prison as a convict turned handyman and fixed things up so conditions were generally better for the inmates he converted increasing numbers of inmates over to the jaycees from 50 to 230 members in the prison population now devoted to liberty entrepreneurship in the american way oh god he's getting released from prison early isn't he because he's basically a model prisoner casey was always busy with some damn project the guy never seemed to sleep in the spring and summer of 1969 gates even built a mini golf course within the prison with the assistance of his jc compatriots and gacy himself put 370 hours into the project the story even hit the newspapers casey was regarded by regarded by the prison warden as a model inmate casey was thus given special privileges he didn't have to wear prison denims like the rest of the inmates he wore a white business shirt the guards snuck in cigars for gacy somehow he got his hands on a black business briefcase which he always carried around though god knows what he really needed it for it's part of his weird image isn't it it's just like obviously he's a narcissist and he's just uh continuing that somehow it's a bit weird however i also totally get like this sort of thing in prison it's like if you're in prison what else are you gonna do and they were like you could build a golf course i'll be like cool because i was just gonna sit around like i would desperately want things to do i'd be like yeah cook sure golf course sure fixing things sure carry a briefcase whatever just be like hell yeah just get into something otherwise you're gonna be there for ten years and it's gonna feel like i mean it'll probably feel like forever anyway but you know i don't know i'm like yeah okay this sounds good and he's got this jc's thing going on why am i saying he's good he's [ __ ] john wayne gacy he should be in solitary confinement for the rest of his life you'd think that the prisoners would immediately despise a guy like gacy yeah you would but also i know what's going to happen i know what david's going to say i'm going to guess but it's like okay so this guy's basically a predator and uh he's in prison for sodomy so the inmates are going to assume he's homosexual um which i'm imagining in prison i don't know i don't know how prison works but that's probably in 1960s that's not going to be a good time however he is incredibly charming apparently as we've discovered throughout this whole thing and that he can talk people into whatever and that he's good at making people like him and i think that's gonna work for him to the extent that he's gonna be okay so a child predator who swanned around the place dressed like a businessman kissing the warden's ass and chumming about with the guards who'd usually would usually have the ship beat out of him or worse yeah but he's also he's chummy with the guards and he's getting raises for everyone who works in the kitchen he's chummy with the guards and he's getting them a golf course he's chummy with the guards and he's you know it's not just to his own benefit it's because it helps other people and they will like that and also they don't know he's in prison for child for being a child predator he's not in prison for being a child predator he's in prison for sodomy um but i don't know if they'd find out somehow yeah gacy spun some lies in order to earn himself some respect he told the other inmates he was a prominent politician who had been framed by his enemies for showing porn movies to 17 year old girls girls not boys who are nearly of adult age which in the eyes of the inmates soften the charges of being a kitty fiddler um okay okay but wait they don't know what he's actually in prison for plus he was framed gacy also told the inmates that his ex-wife was the daughter of colonel sanders the founder of kentucky fried chicken rather than the daughter of some rich dude who had bought three of the restaurants casey also told the lie that he'd once served faithfully as a u.s marine a falsehood he also circulated in his waterloo days with the jaycees wait isn't this the sort of thing that you're like i was in the marines and then someone was and i don't know what happens in like all those movies where it's like oh yeah what branch i was in the marines and then you're like and then that guy beats the out of you because he was in the marines and you weren't and you're lying about it while this story was not enough to win over the more hardened criminals at anamosa it was enough to win over the non-violent offenders and first-timers casey also told his new friends that he had recently developed a heart condition and that if he engaged in the slightest bit of violence it would probably kill him this prompted a lot of the men to give keep gacy out of conflicts and warded off more of the violent men who would have liked to take a pop at casey but didn't want to make it a murder charge for simply punching a guy in the face on the subject of sex in prison this is a perplexing topic regarding gacy whom you think would be having the time of his life no not appropriate dave especially given the major predatory sex drive that landed him there we don't have any admissions on gacy's part and in order to maintain an air of respectability amid the overwhelmingly straight prison population gacy expressed more disdain and hatred for homosexuality than many of the other prisoners so if casey was having sex at this time he was doing it very very surreptitiously on the other hand gacy had preferred underaged boys so it's possible that gacy avoid derming sexual relations while in prison in order to avoid the risk of becoming the bottom as we've seen ever since his night with richard stewart gacy's entire approach to sex was about power and control something the overweight relatively weak gacy may have been forced to surrender to another stronger male inmate in june 1969 after serving just seven months of a 10-year sentence okay good i read the next line gacy's application for all was denied why are you allowed to apply for parole after you imagine going to prison for a decade and after several months like you want to apply for parole or not be like it's been seven months why would you even try but i get a feeling that even though this is denied um it's an indicator that he's going to get out of prison pretty early on june 28 1969 the iowa supreme court rejected gacy's appeal against his sentencing after studying behind bars in november of 1969 at the age of 27. so that's only a few months later casey finally got his high school diploma if he was going to be stuck in prison for a few years gacy was determined to keep busy yeah okay this is saying makes perfect sense outside of alamosa's walls hundreds of miles away in chicago illinois on december 25th john gacey senior dropped dead from cirrhosis of the liver he had lived just long enough to see his worst fears about his son realized that he was homosexual in the worst possible way his son was also a homosexual who preyed on underage teens allegedly john cena cried when his son was sentenced to 10 years in prison for sodomy i can't confirm this yet it seems more likely given his history that john cena was more crying out of shame and frustration than a deeply buried love that he felt for his son oh yeah i don't think he cried because his son went to prison i think he cried because he's so wildly disappointed in his son don't really i don't have any comments there other than these are both two really terrible people when john wayne gacy got the news he fell to the floor sobbing in later years john would assert that his quote unquote innocent curiosity about young gay boys had killed his father while in prison john commissioned a man who had murdered someone in a bar fight to paint his father's portrait in may 19 okay in may 1970 didn't isn't gatey famous for being in prison later and painting weird portraits of clowns is that a gacy thing i feel it is it's like all these little threads will come together won't they in may 1970 gacy applied again for parole his good behavior whilst incarcerated spoke for itself he was released on june 18 1970 with 12 months probation after serving just a year and a half of a ten-year sentence for what amounted to the repeated statutory rape of an underage boy in the assault and attempted rape of another boy and kidnapping and solicitation wait did we have that that was there yeah oh my god there were so many crimes drinking with uh selling booze to underage miners uh buying booze drinking um all of the weird [ __ ] he did there were many crimes year and a half what is going on it was white along with a number of other likely acts of sexual assault and predation on teenage boys that never made it to trial yes when gacy was released from prison his old friend charles hill former president of the waterloo jaycees picked him up and took him to dinner with his wife in hill's eyes gacy was innocent had been raped over the coals for political reasons hill said to casey john now that's over keep your nose clean surely your political career is over you went to prison for that he just sodomy then your political career is not going to be over because obviously people's that stopped being a crime and people don't know what else he went to prison for he didn't go to prison for other stuff this is crazy people still think he's got a political career ahead of him even though we know he did all this horrible stuff gacy stared at his friend for a moment and then replied i'll never go back to jail hill nodded and smiled and the conversation moved on to other topics little did he'll know that what gacy meant was that he planned to never let another victim like donald voorhees live to tell the tale the murder house despite claiming to his supporters in waterloo iowa that he intended to remain in the town to fight to re-establish his reputation gacy immediately relocated back to chicago illinois feeling that it would be easier to ply his trade with a clean slate charles hill casey thought traitorously could go himself chicago was a big city in another state and it was where he grew up most people had little awareness of what had befallen gacy back in our he moved back in with his now widowed mother marion and got a job as a short order cook at a local dive bar bruno's restaurant and lounge this is a this is a fall this is a fall from having those three kfc's and making a ton of money and 20 of the profits and being married and kids and now you're living with your mother at mother and working as a short order cook which isn't you know not banging on that it's just uh it's a distance isn't it on february 12 1971 eight months after john wayne gates he was released from prison he was arrested for sexually assaulting a teenage boy in case he had picked him up from the greyhound bus terminal simon's favorite mode of transportation yeah i made a video on one of my other channels just which was basically talking about the craziest stuff that's happened on greyhound buses and i mentioned that i had once taken a greyhound bus all the way across the united states just for fun and it was an experience that i don't want to repeat the charges were eventually dropped because the victim failed to show up in court in order to testify i do not know if the boy was murdered or moved on casey meanwhile lied to his friends and associates that the charge was for beating up a homosexual who made a pass at him the iowa parole board never got wind of the incident thanks to gacy's old democratic party friends in iowa and he faced no consequences for violating his probation john wayne gacy disliked his cooking job and sought to go into business for himself so in june 1971 he started pdm contractors standing for painting decorating and maintenance initially a one-man company gacy got his start doing odd jobs on his days off from the dive bar one of gacy's first gigs was to paint the apartment of one of his fellow fry cooks while he was working at the apartment the cook's roommate came home no sooner the roommate said hello and who are you then the roommate declared that he was gay a few days later this same roommate showed gacy a picture of himself in drag and asked if he could give gacy oral sex casey accepted afterwards the two got talking the cook's roommate told gacy about how at the corner of clark and broad bay you could pick up young male prostitutes for sex the following month in july 1971 gacy was trawling the corner of clark and broadway when he encountered a young man named mikhail reed the two had sex and talked about gacy's construction business reed was in need of a job and gacy agreed to make use of him pdm contractors on august 15 1971 john wayne gacy and his mother marion moved into 8213 west summerdale avenue is that the one from the uh the introduction i think so a 1950s a 1950s home with multiple bread rooms and a large crawl space for quote unquote storage casey agreed to co-own the house with his mother to whom he made monthly payments mikhail reed helped gaicie and his mother move in and took one of the spare bedrooms another man from the dive bar gate he had worked at took another room gacy's aunt florence also moved in for three months all three of the tenants paid rent and financially this seemed to be a pretty good move occasionally gaisey and reid would have sex but not on a regular or passionate base it was more of a way for gacy to scratch a niche for gacy something was obviously missing from these encounters reed and gacy would go out on jobs together for bdm contractors they argued occasionally mostly about money but it was not like they had a tempestuous relationship once without any hint of an argument between the two men casey came a reed with a tire on while the younger man's back was turned but stopped short of hitting him when reid turned around and caught him oh my god dude you came this close to being murdered my guy then why does he stay on another occasion reed and gacy were in the garage at 8213 summerdale and out of nowhere gacy hit reed in the head with a hammer casey was going to hit reed again when the younger man grabbed gate's arm and asked him what the hell he was doing again casey relented and patched up the wound on reed's head the next day reed moved out good move like you're not moving out when you see the guy coming at you with a tire on jesus in retrospect there's very little doubt that gacy would have murdered him if he had stayed meanwhile yeah but has casey killed anyone yet no at least not that we've told and i feel like this is the exposed narrative it's not like we're keeping anything um okay so yeah he's about to increase his level of crime again meanwhile casey rekindled a relationship with carol lofgren a woman he had briefly dated in high school in 1971 carol had gone through a divorce and had two daughters whose birth dates won't be revealed and who's who will remain unnamed carol had been experiencing trouble making ends meet so rekindling things with gacy seemed like finding water in the desert according to carol he swept me off my feet i don't think i loved him but he treated me well he told me his time in iowa for showing pornography to younger boys he told me he was bisexual at first i didn't understand what bisexual was i took it as a joke i really didn't believe it it was the 1970s after all on december 25 1971 the second anniversary of his father's death casey had some sort of nervous breakdown beside john cena's grave he began sobbing uncontrollably something for which it was very unusual for him he was utterly wailing he was brought home but he was unable to stop weeping for hours at the time gacy was fairly incomprehensible but according to carol he was upset that he wasn't able to attend his father's funeral two years ago because he was in prison although the details of the christmas day breakdown are sketchy at best many analysts attached some significance to this event hazarding i guess that something finally broke in gacy's mind at this time this was because only a week later gacy would brutally murder a teenage boy i don't know i mean i guess okay so he's breaking down but also he attempted murder on um the other dude twice so what's the difference i mean what's the difference between attempted murder and murder the only difference is you in this case he got stopped in the first time so i think he was already a murderer he was already on the path to be a murderer maybe yeah now he's already there okay the greyhound busboy [Music] on new year's eve 1971 gacy had to work at the dive bar but carol had her mother watch her daughters so she could show up to bruno's in order for gaicie and carol to ring in the new year together they got back to 8213 summerdale 3am on the 1st of january 1972 slept for five hours and then gacy drove carol back to her own house gacy informed carol that his aunt pearl had just died and he wouldn't be able to see her for a few days and then drove off that afternoon he picked up his mother marion and drove to a relative's house there gacy threw a big new year's day party in case he got stinking drunk his mother refused to drive home with him and stayed the night casey yeah smart move in like 1970s he's like yeah yeah i'm super dry i'll just drive him so what are you up to don't do that casey meanwhile took off at 12 30 a.m on january the second hammered but he insisted on driving anyway apparently at random john decided to drive to the civic center in downtown chicago to look at the ice sculptures then maybe he'd pick up a young gay man from the nearby greyhound bus station take him home and have sex with him casey duly admired the ice sculptures then at 1 30am he picked himself up a 16 year old boy from the greyhound bus station he was hanging out there in the freezing cold in the middle of the night with a group of other young boys possibly waiting for the next but next bus connections the following morning possibly for the express purpose of prostitution from this point forward there were no independent witnesses and we're entirely dependent on gacy's later version of events this account is almost certainly full of inaccuracies and of course by accuracies i mean goddamn casper snake sucking lies police didn't even know the name of the greyhound busboy until gacy identified him as timothy mccoy who was from michigan traveling on his way to nebraska this was later confirmed via missing persons reports and forensics according to gacy picked up timothy and they drove around chicago so that gacy could show him all of the sights all the while john peppered in with questions about sex casey claims that mccoy was getting hungry so they drove back to 82-13 summerdale where nobody else was staying that night and gacy fixed the boy a sandwich he cut the meat for the sandwich with a big butcher knife along with food casey plied the kid with beer and shots of everglare 95 alcohol john has a real thing for that everclear which i don't think is even a drink isn't it like a cleaning fluid or something or like a disinfectant the two discussed sex quite a lot apparently including mutual fellatio but according to gacy nothing happened between them given his future mmo however it's almost certain that sometime during the course of this conversation gacy attempted to rape timothy mccoy yet according to gacy he offered mccoy a bed to sleep in and with that casey staggered off to his own bedroom then around 4 am casey claims he awoke timothy mccoy was allegedly standing in the doorway of gacy's bedroom with a butcher knife in his hand according to gacy timothy was stealthily making his way toward the bed in order to murder him it does you can really tell that we've now flipped into gacy's perspective can't you because it's suddenly like gacy's not the horrible bad guy as reported by literally everybody uh who was a witness and not gacy and now it's like no no they were trying to kill me no one believes you i don't believe you gacy leapt from the bed and grappled with mccoy in an effort to defend himself in the ensuing struggle gacy claims he sustained a rather nasty cut on the arm as they fought gacy claims that he asked mccoy why are you doing this indeed there seems to be no clear reason why timothy would attack gacy probably because this entire story is bull it's what followed was conveniently unclear in gacy's own memory evidently gacy's bulk forced timothy to the ground and gazi managed to turn the blade against the boy from there the account is probably true casey proceeded to stab timothy mccoy five times in the chest casey attests that timothy choked on his own blood for a good long while and then the year old died what is more likely to have happened is that after picking timothy up from the greyhound bus station at 1 30 a.m they drove around chicago while gacy spun his usual yarns leading into sex talk we do not know if the boy was receptive straight or gay and we don't really know whether he was working as a prostitute or whether he was merely on his way to nebraska and the idea that gacy went to sleep only to wake up at 4am doesn't add up driving around chicago plus food and drinks at gacy's house would have taken time it was also a fairly long drive from downtown chicago to west summerdale and casey usually made sure his victims were good and drunk before he jumped to them which again would have taken time and casey liked to run his mouth thus it's likely that the rape or attempted rape happened at around 4 am without either of them going to sleep it is then likely that the 16 year old put up a fight against the flabby relatively weak 30-year-old gacy and so in the course of the struggle gacy turned the knife on the boy having his own arm cut that detail seems unlikely to have just been fabricated given his sister joanne late to testify to the wound but rather it inspired the whole attempted murder story then casey finally managed to overpower the inebriated and terrified victim stabbing him to death yeah so at this point we have the story which we made up and we have the story that gacy made up and even though gacy was there it's like whose story do you believe from there by gacy's own account he washed the blood off the knife and put it back in the kitchen then gacy walked to the bedroom and washed the blood of his hands face and clothes while he listened to matthew mccoy suffocate on his own blood jesus by the time gacy returned timothy was dead katie dragged the corpse over to the trap door leading to the crawl space he opened the door and simply rolled the body in according to casey he gone he could not bear to enter the crawl space or bury the body at the time he did that at a later date closing the trap door casey cleaned as best he could the blood that had spilled out from the murder the next day after checking studiously for any further signs of bloodstains in the house that his mother might notice upon her return in case he rested easy to quote gacy himself it was just a nicely kept secret nobody knew about it bodies under the house john wayne gacy married carol lofgren on the 1st of july 1972. nine days before the wedding casey was arrested for sexual battery he had impersonated a police officer to force a teenage boy into his car where he forced the boy to perform oral sex on him when gacy stopped at some traffic lights the boy jumped out and ran away casey tried to run the boy over with his car the charges however were dropped uh what i don't understand evidently the victim made the mistake of trying to blackmail gacy for money following the crime which caused the police to drop the case you sh me black okay uh so he basically kidnapped someone forced them to have sex with him and then attempted to murder them and then afterwards the kid tries to blackmail gacy and the police are like well because you tried to blackmail him we're just gonna let him go that doesn't make any that means they're both guilty of a crime it doesn't make gay see any less guilty of a crime police do you understand how this works apparently not casey convinced his wife carol that the kid had simply attempted to rob him and he was lying about the sex stuff carol moved into 8213 summerdale and gacy's mother marion moved into an apartment to give the newlyweds some space carol's two daughters immediately took to calling gacy daddy throughout july and august 1972 carroll complained about a rotting smell coming from the crawl space which was worsened by the summer heat oh my god casey claimed it was probably a broken sewer pipe casey eventually put down a layer of concrete on top of where it buried timothy mccoy's body and the smell subsided nevertheless carol claimed that as long as she lived there every now and then she got a whiff of the faint sweet putrid smell of rotting flesh good lord a tip for criminals the smell is everything exert all your chemical research on that issue dispose when possible beyond that it is unlikely any land or come looking for bodies that you have in your place oh my god what's this no tips for criminals i'm scared we went too far in 1973 gacy quit working at the dive bar to focus on pdm contractors full-time gacy told carol that the burden of his work made him too exhausted to have sex carol found gay porn under the sink and found a pair of semen stained men's silk panties which did belong to gacy in their bed the couple began to argue in case he occasionally got violent with carol casey increasingly spent more time sleeping on the couch he would frequently go out in the middle of the night for quote unquote business meetings also in 1973 one of casey's teenage employees came to the house and beat gacy up cara was told by casey that the employee was angry about money when in actual fact casey had attempted to rape him previously a few months later carol accused casey of having an affair with a woman casey denied this and so carol said well you're having affairs with boys then in case you denied this as well carol would continue to accuse casey of having affairs for the rest of their marriage which i hope was short gacy claimed that he murdered another teenage boy in january 1974. we don't know who this boy was casey said he put the body in a closet before burying the victim under the house according to gacy fluids leaking from the body stained gacy's carpet and this apparently caused gacy some distress here's a bloody dead body staining my carpet all right casey what's wrong with you on mother's day 1975 carol and gacy were in bed together at this point gacy told his wife this is the last time we'll have sex he said he was just too exhausted from work to have a sex drive anymore carol felt confused and humiliated the truth was in may 1975 gacy had met tony annette antonucci a 15 year old and had grown infatuated casey hired tony to work for pdm contractors several times casey tried to pressure tony into sex which the boy resisted each time casey said that he was either joking or quote testing the boy's morals in late 1975 gacy showed up at tony's house while his parents were out he showed tony several porn films after which casey grabbed him and placed some handcuffs on him casey left the boy on the floor and went into the kitchen to find a weapon while gacy was out of the room tony managed to wriggle loose at the cuffs when gacy returned tony tackled him to the ground tony then turned the tables and handcuffed casey it was at this point that gacy asked for mercy and promised to leave don't do it man tony uncarved him and the older man left tony my dude come on come on he's done so many crimes how does he keep getting away with it uh tony i come from the old man left it's now clear that if tony had not managed to wriggle loose of his restraint that gacy would have raped and murdered him john buckovich wasn't as lucky buckovich was 17 years old a high school dropout and worked for pdm contractors he proved a hard worker and a kind young man occasionally coming over to the gacy household for dinner where he played gleefully with carol's two daughters on july the 30th 1975 just a week after gacy's attack on tony antonucci butkovich came over to casey's house with a couple of friends to threaten the old man buckovich had done some work for casey who was disputing how much money he owed the boy carol and her daughters were in arkansas visiting relatives so gaicey was alone that night casey immediately offered the young man some drinks and struck a compromise with buckovich about the money and casey promised to pay the boys soon the group drank more and smoked and pot together after getting thoroughly wasted the boys left the next night july the 31st casey was drunk again he was cruising around chicago in his car he spotted buckovich on the street the boy was also drunk having been at a party casey wait for him to get in the car the two argued again about buckovich's paycheck in case he suggested they go back to 8213 summerdale have a drink and discuss things the two get back to gacy's house carol would still out of town according to gacy buckovich was pushed over the edge by having one more beer and became absolutely wasted at that point gacy convinced buckovich to try on a pair of handcuffs claiming he wanted to quote show him something cool casey then pushed the boy onto the floor katie claims he lay beside the boy for a while as buckovich struggled against the restraints then at around 3 a.m casey straddled the boy's chest and used a rope to strangle buckovich to death casey has denied raping buckovich but take that claim for what it's worth leaving the boy's body where it lay in the living room a drunken gacy got up and he went to bed the next morning gacy rolled up kitchen's body in a plastic tarp and stored the body in the garage he initially intended to bury buckovich in the crawl space but carol and her daughters arrived home before he had the chance to move the body from the garage now casey was in a quandary he could not move buckovich's body out of the garage without being spotted by his wife instead casey buried butwitch under the concrete floor of his garage carol and the kids weren't permitted to go in there while gacy was working the entire job took two days of work casey excavated a hole where he was originally going to place a drain tile placed buckovich in the hole and poured fresh concrete over the top of the body sealing him inside it's very i can't believe that was the easiest way it's pretty intense can't you just wait for people to go out to like the supermarket or something not that i'm no tips for criminals but what are you doing i don't know what i'm doing also is storing the bodies in your house really the best idea in general when buckovich's car was found by his father marco and it contained his keys jacket and wallet when marco reported buckovich's disappearance to the police he was told that the boy had likely run away police come on all of his stuff who runs away without their wallet who runs away without their car even who runs away without all of these useful things without a jacket what are you doing it's chicago it's up north it gets cold right and legally the police told him a 17 year old was free to leave home if they wanted to is that true they're not they're not uh they're still a kid right don't you get to say what your children do until they're 18 allegedly when marco phoned allegedly because teenagers oh god i'm not looking forward to this i got another decade though a little more than a decade when marco i mean i'm looking forward to it'll be fun it'll be fun when marco phoned casey trying to track down his son casey denied all knowledge of buckovich's disappearance and offered to help him in any way he could shortly after murder in buckovich casey was appointed secretary treasurer of the norwood park street lighting committee i love how he's just like there's these he lives these two lives doesn't it's crazy it was a thankless pen pushing job and mostly just involved balancing the books and dealing with complaints about street lights this sounds like ultimate bureaucratic job but it was casey's first foray back into politics gacy also volunteered pdm contractors to clean the local headquarters of the democratic party for free later that year gacy was named director of chicago's annual polish constitution day parade and as a result became well known and respected among chicago's polish population casey the politician was back in action it was clear gacy wanted to pick up where he left off before his arrest was sodomy back in waterloo i don't know was in the past but nowadays when people run for office don't their opponents go through absolutely every detail of their life to like find something to ruin their campaign or if they find anything they'll make it up um this seems like at some point if you do get further in your political career people are going to really look super hard into your past esp if you end up running for like presidents they're going to dig through all of your dirty laundry and look john wayne gacy there's a lot of it so is this really the best idea maybe you should just lay low and or don't be a horrible criminal either one at the end of 1975 gacy joined the moose lodge a local fraternal club which people used for socializing and networking it's there that gacy volunteered to entertain the children of the other moose club members by acting as pogo the clown you shouldn't be around children you should be on some sort of list or register to keep you away from children all children forever or maybe just put you in jail forever so you're kept away from you know anyone who's not a criminal or just in solitary confinement so you're kept away from everyone forever or or where's chicago illinois is there the death penalty there who knows maybe it's the 1970s yeehaw although i know casey doesn't get executed because i'm pretty sure now that i think about it more he's doing those paintings in prison which is weird of creepy clowns right that is casey it's gacy weirdo is he still alive i hope not sicko casey made the costume himself that's not creepy at all he kept fairly busy as pogo the clown doing the easter christmas and halloween parties of the club picnics for the democratic party along with visiting sick kids in hospital and taking part as pogo in about a dozen parades a summer casey provided all of these services free of charge katie laces casey lacey said pogo was aware of running away from myself i enjoyed making people happy i loved the laughing faces especially the children it was like regressing into childhood becoming someone else a whole different person and as a clown he was permitted to say and do things that he wouldn't have done as john wayne gacy gaser recalled walking into the crowd at a parade and groping a woman's breasts making a honkong noise as he did so the crowd including the assaulted woman just laughed and did not bat an eye uh okay it's weird dude there was one story that casey told about being poe the clown that stands out to me pogo was working at a birthday party and was handing out candy to the kids one child with already bulging pockets came up to the clown and lied that he hadn't been given any candy pogo leaned down and pinched the kid's cheek which is usually an affectionate gesture albeit one that is less commonly seen nowadays but pogo deliberately applied so much pressure to the child's cheek that it was actually painful pogo then hissed at the child get your ass away from me you little and went immediately back to clowning for the rest of the kids while the lone little boy cried in the corner the boy did not explain to his parents why he was crying this is so no one likes clowns clowns are weird did is it john wayne gacy did he ruin clowns there's also that stephen king book right it and the movie there were a couple of movies clowns are creepy no doubt i don't like clowns does anyone like clowns clown's got a bad rap it's got to suck to to be a clown and then all this come on you'll be like oh man i loved being a clown i was just a good non-predatory clown i just loved seeing the smiles on happy children's faces i'm a good person and then this happens and you're like oh man i gotta find a job that i like less than being a clown [Music] 1976 horrific escalation carol and gacy's marriage was on the rock rocks how could it possibly not be carol begged husband to quit pdm contractors and get a job where he had to work 40 hours a week casey replied that he needed to keep managing pdm because he needed to play pay for carol's frivolous spending on her children of course casey didn't actually work the long hours that he claimed he was spending the majority of his time engaging in various perverted activities with his employees and chicago prostitutes things did not improve in october 1975 carol asked gacy for a divorce casey leapt at the opportunity realizing it would be easier for him to carry on his activities without her in the divorce papers carroll cited the reason for the separation as casey's infidelity with other women generally speaking however the split was fairly amicable carol and her daughters continued to live with casey until february 1976 and continued to socialize with gacy thereafter sometimes coming to his house for parties why did casey get married in the first place i feel it would be to like hide stuff to make him look normal from the outside but i don't feel like he's needed that before like yeah he was married before but also because he's apparently so charming and can talk anyone into anything that i don't really feel he would need that so why did he get married just to be excited about getting divorced it's a bit weird i mean although can we really explain the behavior of john wayne gacy he is completely [ __ ] in the head after carol moved out gacy began drinking heavily and at the same time developed an addiction to pills taking various uppers and downers to get him going in the morning and putting him to sleep at night he also began cruising downtown chicago twice a week for gay sex casey said that he did not find consensual sexual encounters satisfying oh my god i guess i guess we already knew this occasionally he'd recruit the young gay men to work at pdm casey later claimed to have no memory of any of the boys that he murdered in 1976. the first was daryl sampson aged 18 on april the 6th gacy buried samson in the crawl space of the house underneath where the dining room was on the afternoon of may the 14th casey abducted and murdered 15 year old randall refered as he was returning home from a dentist's appointment that same day at 11 pm gacy abducted 14 year old sam stapleton just one block away from his house and took him back to 8213 summerdale and murdered him as well casey buried both boys who were known to be friends in a common grave in its crawl space on may the 22nd casey met 16 year old my god this is this is all so close together dude i don't like this on may the 22nd in case you met 16 year old michael rossi and invited him to work for pdm contractors casey later claimed to have developed a sexual relationship with rossi after tricking the boy into handcuffs and attempting to rape him when the events turned quote unquote consensual rossi has denied under oath ever having sex with gacy being handcuffed by him or knowing anything about the murders rossi went on to work for gacy for a total of two years will be returning to rosie shortly so he's still alive or i mean he survived this period of time on june the third casey abducted and murdered 17 year old michael bonin who was traveling from chicago to nearby watkigan waukegan bonan was later found to be buried in the crawl space underneath a spare bedroom with a rope still tied around his neck strangulation had fast become gasey's preferred mo only a week later on june the 10th casey murdered 16 year old william carroll after picking him up from the streets of chicago's uptown then between the 13th and the 4th of august casey murdered three more victims who've never been identified all these victims were later discovered in gacy's crawl space on the 5th of august gacy abducted and murdered 16 year old james harkinson via suffocation or strangulation his family last heard from him that evening when he phoned them possibly when he was already at casey's home the next day august the 7th 18 year old rick johnson was abducted by gacy as he was coming home from a concert in chicago's uptown he was buried on top of hagenton's body in the cruel space gacy murdered two further unidentified victims in august and september we talked earlier when he went to the grave and just broke down on front of his father's grave and then people said that that the psychiatric psychologist at the time were like something broke in his mind at that point and that's when he started his real string of terror it seems like this the the divorce and his wife moving out is really what causes like true escalation this is an insane degree of escalation on august 21 1976 pdm employee david cram ah the guy from the introduction moved into a spare bedroom in gacy's house on august 22nd cram's 19th birthday gacy had tried to rape cram while gacy was dressed as pogo the clown but the younger man had fended the clown off and barricaded himself in his room crown was exceedingly lucky at this point gacy had murdered over a dozen men just like david cram and buried them under his house one or two of those victims were murdered and placed in gacy's crawl space while david cram was still living there surprisingly david cram did not move out following the attempted rape this was due to the fact that rent was low giving cram a large disposable income to spend on partying and the youth thought he could quote unquote handle the old man's lecherous advances over the course of the next month gacy would occasionally enter cram's bedroom while the teenager was asleep casey would not be wearing trousers and would have his erection in his hand slowly stroking himself cram had taken to wearing jeans fastened with a belt instead of pajama pants in order to give himself time to wake up and fend gacy off before he had a chance to rape him dude i mean i don't want to judge and i don't he's obviously the victim here but how much is that low rent worth dude like you gotta get out of that situation this is so crazy but david cram was playing a dangerous game one night in late september cram awoke to hear the high-pitched sing-song voice of pogo the clown calling out him from the master bedroom david david david you know what i want a few minutes passed gasey then appeared at the threshold of cram's bedroom masturbating and said quote david david oh david you don't really want to know who i am what i'm capable of oh baby boy maybe it would be a good idea if you gave me what i want i feel dirty saying those words good god gaity then leapt onto the bed and grabbed david crown by the throat casey was apparently growling like an animal cram kicked gasey off it gacy immediately lunged back at cram grabbing a hold of david's jeans which ripped as cram pulled away the two struggled and cram managed to get on top of gacy and cram was about to beat the living sh out of the older man that would that would be nice then gacy either fainted or pretended to faint after cram got up off home gacy quickly quote unquote regained consciousness casey got up walked to the door of the bedroom then turned to cram and smirked at him casey said still using pogo's voice ah shucks you ain't no fun david cram moved out the next day good job david good it's unknown how many of casey's victims in 1976 the older man raped and murdered while using the clown persona michael rossi moved into casey's house not long after david cram moved out rossi also occasionally took part in gacy's clowning performances as pogo sidekick named patches david man you are way too involved in this dude's life for how much of a psycho he is to you in the early hours of october the 25th gacy picked up 16 year old kenneth parker and 14 year old michael marino at the gay cruising corner on clark and broadway and brought them both back to his house and murdered both of them at once a day later on august 26th william bundy age 19 who worked for pdm contractors was invited by gacy to 8213 west summerdale avenue where he was murdered and buried beneath casey's bedroom then sometime between november and december of 1976 casey abducted and murdered 21 year old francis alexander whose body was later found buried beneath gacy's home office on the 12th of december 1976 gregory godzik 17 years old and a recently hired employee of pdm contractors dropped off his girlfriend at house after a date godzilla had recently been digging some trenches in gracie's crawl space which the older man had explained were drainage tiles in reality by this point casey had murdered approximately 17 young men and he was tired of doing the grunt work himself when it came time to bury the next victims under his house isn't it super suspicious that all these people who work for his company are dying is it someone going to be like your staff turnover is really high because of death and that's you know police where are you i runs are through a lot of the story where are the police and why are they letting everybody down godzik had strict instructions about where to dig and when not to dig casey lied that this was so godzik did not damage any sewer lines but in truth it was so godzig would not disturb any of the graves the lie about the sewer lines also conveniently explained why there was a foul stench emitting from the crawl space of the house once godzik completed the work he was invited to gacy's on the evening of december 12th where he was murdered katie later recalled waking up the next morning and finding godzik on the living room floor with his hands cuffed behind his back and a rope wrapped around his neck casey buried godzig in the trenches that the boy had just dug when godzilla's family later contacted gays he asked me if he knew anything about the lad's disappearance casey lied the godzilla told him that he was planning on running away this was enough for the chicago police not to investigate really really really i don't understand why people why every [ __ ] person is so bad to each other so often the guy who has a police record who spent time in prison you believe him really police come on do your job casey also claimed that godzilla had phoned him while he was already on the road leaving a message on casey's answering machine when his family asked to hear the message casey lied that he had deleted it all right how how is he getting away with that that's insane when later asked why the police did not investigate the disappearance of gregory godzik officer harold thomas of the chicago police explained quote you must realize that you don't treat every missing person case as a possible homicide but there's so much going on around john wayne gacy there's so much going on and he's got a criminal record oh man i don't know and he's got all sort not just criminal records but so many arrests for dodgy stuff that surely this deserves special attention any crime that happens around him deserves him to be considered as a culprit because just of his crazy arrest record for all sorts of crimes with kids i don't know it's just so disappointing the police just disappoint me so much so often which is a shame sad all right the slaughter of 77. at the beginning of 1977 john wayne gacy was appointed precinct captain of the democratic party at norwood park his star continued to rise in local politics because of course it did this is so bizarre he's got these two parallel lives one that seems barely believe the surface and would be just exposed if the police even started scratching just a little on january 20th a little over a month after he had killed gregory godzig grace casey was cruising the streets of chicago when he came across 19 year old john uh old pronunciation guideline john schitz unfortunately but often pronounced by american commenters as zik well let's give him his proper name shall we i think look i don't think we're gonna get in trouble for swear words in this video to be honest because uh well you you're about two hours in so you know why the teenager claimed he wanted to sell his car in order to have money to leave town casey offered to take shits back to 8213 summerdale to discuss the sale gacy said that he could not remember if his young student michael rossi was there at the time or not gasy and shits drank heavily while they chatted casey then claimed that he blacked out waking up at 7 30 a.m the next morning discovering shitz's body on the floor of one of the spare rooms handcuffed with a rope tied around his neck michael rossi was according to gacy sleeping on the couch in the living room casey dragged the victim's body towards the trap door to the crawl space and dumped it down there he did not have time to bury shits at that time possibly because rossi didn't know about the murders but also possibly not over breakfast casey told rossi about the boy's car they drove to clark street to get it a 1971 white plymouth satellite casey forged the registration with a sloppy approximation of shitty signature and sold rossy the car for 300 though gacy himself had never paid for it rossi made weekly payments that gacy simply deducted from the young man's pay check rossi later told the police that he had never met john schitz and had believed the lie gacy had told him about buying it police said that the state attorney's office decided that rossi's version of events seemed like the most plausible one if casey had killed shits in front of rossi then the teenager could have blackmounted gacy to get the car for free two if rossi had killed [ __ ] himself then why would gacy feel that he owned the car police did not consider a third explanation at the time that rossi had fallen under gacy's spell and had become his lover remained loyal and was implicated in other murders so it never occurred to rossi to blackmail gacy i have no how is this even possible how can someone fall under gacy's spell who knows this much about him damn nonetheless rossi was never formally charged by police who did not see much chance of getting him convicted and casey himself was always vague about rossi the only difference of opinion gacy and rossi seem to have is that gacy claimed rossi was his on-tap source of sex while he lived at 2213 summerdale while rossi denies ever sleeping with gacy giving gacy's proclivities and his conduct toward david cram it seems unlikely that young michael rossi could have lived with gacy all that time without ever being costed and sexually assaulted by gacy he's quite frankly lucky he wasn't killed but the extent to which rossi participated in gacy's murders if at all or will never be known this i mean it's impossible that it's impossible given gacy's track record of pretty much every young man around him him assaulting at some point that the guy who he lives with he doesn't especially after david cram i mean come on we can't believe that i mean whether he was involved or not we don't know we can't believe that he had no idea that gacy was a bit you know in the same month of january john wayne gacy began dating a woman regularly her name has been withheld on march 15 1977 john prestige was last seen leaving a restaurant in downtown chicago he had recently claimed to have landed some construction work but he didn't name the company his body was dumped in the crawl space on top of francis alexander's rotting corpse who had been killed at least four months earlier around the same time casey murdered yet another unidentified victim and buried him in the crawlspace in april 1977 michael rossi found an apartment and moved out so that gacy's new flame the unnamed woman could move in at 8213 summerdale why is casey doing this i like the smell it's i mean he clearly doesn't i don't understand why he gets into relationships with women which he doesn't seem to get any satisfaction from and then he ends up leaving i don't get it and it doesn't seem like i mentioned earlier it doesn't seem like anyone's doubting that he's a normal guy for some absurd reason rossi continued working for gacy for the next few months casey's murders ceased he got engaged to his new female companion there was friction almost immediately in their relationship when they attempted to have sex casey would fail to sustain an erection something which he blamed on the fact that his fiancee had a colostomy bag which put him off whenever she disrobed furthermore gacy disliked how his new fiance was into feminism she didn't like to cook and she refused to clean the house insisting gacy hired a housekeeper casey was further annoyed that his fiancee unemployed talked a big game about sharing expenses and women in the workplace but didn't help out with pdm contractors and hypocritically seem to have no problem spending gacy's money casey broke off the engagement in june and went on a business trip for a week and told his ex-fiance quote by the time i get back i want you gone on july the 5th a few days after the women's departure gacy struck again he abducted 19 year old matthew bowman as the young man was making his way from south chicago to a courthouse to dispute a parking ticket his body was later found in gacy's crawl space he went to court to dispute a parking ticket how bad is the parking ticket going to be that you go to why would a court waste time with this a parking ticket you just pay it i get like if you've got a huge speeding ticket sure go to court if you think you can fight it if you want to but a parking ticket you just pay it it's not i mean how much can it be is it really worth your time going to court is it really worth the courts time what are you doing don't you realize that this can cost you your life a month later in august 1977 casey instructed michael rossi to dig more trenches in his crawl space casey was very specific about where he wanted rossi to dig and marked the area out with sticks he'd also get rossy to supervise other workers digging in the crawl space but gacy would frequently stick his head through the trap door to monitor their efforts becoming furious if the boys started to deviate from the root he laid out this account from rossi is possibly one of the most significant exculpatory testimonies that might imply though not prove that the teenager had no knowledge of the murders well good news for rossi we don't have to prove that he doesn't have knowledge of the murders because in a civilized country you are innocent until you're proven guilty um yeah that same month rosie was caught stealing gasoline for his car the 971 plymouth satellite the license plated the card still registered to gacy's house when questioned casey told police that he bought the car from a young man john schitz before selling it onto his employee rossi police confirmed gacy's story informed it's his mother that her son a presumed runaway had sold his car in order to have the money to head out as gacy told it to the state of california to become an actor again gacy's being questioned by the police don't they have some record of this and i know he's not getting charged with any of this stuff but he's getting arrested all the time and he's suspect he's he's giving all this testimony about missing kids all the time it's no one at the police station being like why is that named gacy come up so often it's really i know i know it's kind of like that what the policeman said earlier like you don't treat every runaway as a homicide because otherwise it would be impossible to do work but i mean he comes up all the time all the time and he's been to prison what's going on a few weeks later on september the 15th 18 year old robert gilroy was hitchhiking just four blocks from 8213 summerdale to the blue ribbon stables his body was dumped in the newly dug trenches the date of this abduction is puzzling because casey was known to be in pennsylvania on business at this time which is why some analysts theorize that gacy did indeed have accomplices who were carrying out murders of their own rossi of course is foremost among the suspects 10 days later on september 25th casey picked up 19 year old john mowry as the young man walked to his apartment after visiting his mother casey claims to have had no memory whatsoever of this murder yet his body was later found in gacy's crawl space a month later on october 17th russell nelson aged 21 who was in chicago from minnesota visiting friends was seen was last seen outside of a bar not too far from the city's gay district casey murdered him and buried him in the crawl space nelson had a fiance back in minnesota and they'd already picked out the names of their potential children on november the 11th robert winch a 16 year old run away from kalamazoo michigan was abducted and murdered by gacy and thrown into the crawl space the following week on noon the 18th tommy boyling age 20 had been hanging out at chicago bar on north street watching the movie bonnie and clyde on a television there tommy exited the bar going home to his wife and one-year-old son when his body was later exhumed from gacy's cool spaces wife identified him by his wedding ring on december 9th david tolzman a 19 year old still living with his mother had just finished his basic training in the u.s marine corps waiting to be deployed and departed from his home at 7 pm in order to go to a rock concert in indiana he hitchhiked his way there and somehow wound up in john gace's crawl space instead this rounded out the year of 1977 with gacy's total body count big 28 or 29 victims the torture of robert donnelly but the year was not over on the night of december 30th according to john wayne gacy he pulled up to a chicago bus stop on montrose avenue a little after midnight there he found 19 year old robert donnelly and offered the teenager a lift as they were driving gacy proposed to donnelly that they make a bdsm sex arrangement donnelly named a price for his services casey claimed to police that this was all worked out consensually that night casey said they bound each other and role played through several dominance and submission acts using dildos casey then claimed after about seven hours donnelly took a shower and gacy drove him to work casey later told police he didn't wind up paying donnelly for his services probably in order to avoid the charge of soliciting prostitution wait well you still solicited prostitution and then you also committed fraud is that what it is like you didn't pay someone or theft or whatever you told someone you'd pay them and then you didn't that doesn't mean you didn't do one crime it just means you did two crimes how can you be such a big criminal and not understand crime donnelly however staggering into a local police station on december 31 told a slightly different story he said that gacy had impersonated a police officer and held him at gunpoint telling him to get into the back seat where he was immediately handcuffed there was no talk of payment donnelly was not a prostitute he was not gay driving back to 8213 summerdale casey forced the teenager inside there he threw a glass of everclear in the young man's face and forced another down his throat donnelly claimed he was then raped several times during which gacy wrapped a rope around donnelly's neck and choked him casey then aimed a gun at him and played a game of russian roulette casey pulled the trigger multiple times one click followed by another click then bang the gun went off but donnelly was still alive the rounds in the gun had obviously been a blank gacy laughed at donnelly mockingly then gacy choked only with his hands forcing the teenager to pass out it's like jesus christ whose story do we believe here well obviously this guy because this sounds exactly like what gacy does doesn't it when donnelly awoke he was in gacy's bathroom handcuffed and gagged his head was then dunked repeatedly and held under water while casey mocked him in a hypeish sing-song voice saying things like are we playing fun games tonight on the fourth time donnelly's head was submerged he passed out at one point donnelly was in so much distress that he begged gacy to kill him casey merely giggled and replied i'm getting round to it the next morning gacy drove donnelly to his place of work and dumped him there telling them to enter the police that nobody would ever believe him as casey drove away donnelly took note of his license plate number casey was pulled in for questioning [ __ ] finally by detective ted janus on january the 6th 1978 when janus called state attorney jerry lathro asking to charge gacy with kidnapping and sexual assault lathro refused he stated in both versions of the story casey had quote unquote offered donnelly a drink he had driven donnelly to work the next morning casey was oh here we [ __ ] go here we go gacy was a respected member of the illinois democratic party donnelly by contrast was in and out of therapy after the death of his father um how is that [ __ ] relevant he also appeared mentally unstable according to lathro and he spoke with a stutter how is that relevant lathro added even though gacy had a sex conviction offence from iowa from several years ago he was much more credible than donnelly why how what are you talking about why would donnelly go to the police station report this crime he has zero motivation to frame gacy for anything what the [ __ ] is wrong with you and with that utter miscarriage of justice gaity was free to continue his crimes in 1978 you bastard what's your name latharo what the [ __ ] are you up to you piece of [ __ ] allegedly in my opinion given the gacy later claimed amnesia about a lot of the murders and given that donnelly was the only survivor so far who didn't manage to physically overpower gacy and escape donnelly's account gives us the clearest idea of what sort of sexual sadism casey would inflict on his victims once he had restrained them it gives us the best idea of what gacy's two dozen or more victims who he killed in 1976 and 1977 must have suffered before gacy murdered them yeah so he was essential he was torturing them it wasn't just rape and murder it was torture which i mean it's just a horrible story this was not just a matter of rape and strangulation gacy toyed with these young men abusing them both physically and psychologically what is also notable is that even when not dressed as pogo the clown his persona appears to have been on display and in control during the multiple acts of rape torture and murder hence why the title killer clown was not just a clever headline to sell newspapers it was all too horribly accurate as for why gacy let robert donnelly go in light of gacy's total dishonesty when recalling his crimes we'll never know for certain but it is possible that gacy had a good reason to believe that he could not be touched by this time pdm contractors was making over 200 000 a year on nine hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in today's money making gacy a respected local businessman he was also becoming a grande in the local democratic party it is possible just as in iowa gacy had made friends in high places your friends in high places should not in any sort of country that calls itself a democracy and to have rule of law should be able to get you out of something like this uh like they shouldn't honestly like corruption is super [ __ ] up you shouldn't have a friend in high places you can get a [ __ ] parking ticket and that i don't know if it's true but i was watching that tv show uh billions and the guy gets pulled over and he has like a little card that says like he's a friend of the policemen's union and it gets him out of speeding tickets and i'm like is that real cause if so that's [ __ ] up and should not be a thing sadistic 78 william kindred was 19 years old a tough bugger with the nickname shotgun who lived on the rough side of chicago he was the sort of man you didn't want to mess with even if you too were at the pinnacle of health and strength on the night of february the 16th he left the apartment of his fiance mary jo paulus and went back to his own place there he told his roommate he was going to go out to a bar and get a little bit hammered that's where gacy found william shotgun kindred it abducted him at gunpoint and took him back to 82 13 summerdale tortured him and murdered him oh man i was really hoping this was the guy this was the one guy who it's like gacy finally bit off more than he could chew and this guy beat the [ __ ] out of him and then went to the police with him in handcuffs and was like look at this piece of [ __ ] i found you should search his basement sorry it didn't work out that way william his corpse was later identified by mary jo by the religious medallion that she'd given him as a symbol of their engagement william kindred was the last victim interred in john wayne gacy's crawl space at that point the trenches have become filled to the brim with bodies gacy also added under interrogation that he was worried about the effect all that digging would have on his quote unquote heart condition on march 21 1978 jeff rignal aged 26 left his girlfriend's apartment to head to a bar rignl and his girlfriend have been arguing over the fact that despite being in a relationship together rignal seemed to prefer sleeping with men as rignal walked to the bar an old mobile pulled up in front of him blocking his path gacy stuck his flabby head out of the window and complimented the young man on his tan i just got back from florida rignal explained casey asked right now where he was off to and the latter named a local gay bar casey offered him a ride all the way gacy offered rignal a hit from his joint they continued driving while gacy ran his mouth as usual rigdl made appropriate noises and just stared at the road when casey offered rignol a second hittled the joint rignal turned his head to accept and to his surprise he was hit in the face with a rag soaked in chloroform instead wait oh no i was kind of thinking there's no more bodies in the basement but he's just gonna find somewhere else to bury the bodies isn't he ah when rignor regained consciousness he was strapped to a car seat and he couldn't move casey hit him again with chloroform and again rignal's world passed into darkness when rigmarook a second time he was still in his car he noticed the exit sign cumberland and realized his kidnapper had been driving on the kennedy expressway and was just turning off it rignor was chloroformed yet again and he passed out when rignal awoke the third time he was lying on a couch in somebody's home there was a foul smell emanating from the place it smelled like rotting flesh and it seemed to be coming out of the floorboards he noticed a large bar in the room stuck with a legion of booze bottles he took note of a painting of a clown above the bar and the picture was bordered by twinkling christmas lights despite it being late march it was almost like the clown picture was some sort of shrine then rignal spotted gacy who was at the bar fixing a drink why did you do that to me rigged the last groggily casey didn't answer instead he said there's a gun under the bar and i'd sooner kill you as look at you rignal froze in fear casey sipped his drink and walked over to where the young man lay on the couch casey casually looked down at him and lit up another joint casey even offered his victim a hit which the younger man confused and frightened robotically accepted the second time gays he offered rignola hits from the joint just as in the car he suddenly jumped on right now and chloroformed him rignl awoke sometime later with glace gacy slapping him in the face to rouse him wrigley been stripped completely naked and his arms and head were trapped within the holes of some kind of pillory device the pillory was attached to the ceiling with long dangling chains so that rignar was forced to stay upright no matter what fell him rignal's legs were spread apart and similarly locked together with a smaller plank of wood rignal just hung there as gasy stood in front of him the old man was also naked his bloated folds and stretch marks making him look like an obscene object as he stood there rhythmically stroking himself rignl took note of the fact that casey's stomach nearly obscured his genitals and the man's bloated pubers and thighs had reduced the length of the penis to almost pitiable proportions oh man this is this is gross um but i get the feeling i get the feeling we're back in uh another person's testimony this feels like witness this feels like the witness rather than gacy or forensics so i'm getting the feeling that orignal here is going to survive which is great although jesus christ to go through this then rignal saw the collection of several long leather whips metal rods and pokers and a number of large plastic dildos katie then forced rignal to folate him ordering him to mumble and go the entire time saying i love it i love it rignor was chloroformed yet again when he awoke gacy penetrated the victim with one of the metal rods again casey demanded the wrinkles say i love it another larger metal instrument was then inserted into him and then rignar was chloroformed again when he wrote woke rignl felt gacy's head on his shoulder as the older man raped him there was also a second man an accomplice on his knees in front of wignal fellating him when the second man realized that rigor was conscious he was chloroformed again so at this point we know that gacy did not work alone whether the accomplice was michael ross or another of gacy's pdm boys or a friend from the moose club or a fellow grandi in the democratic party is not known all that rignar got a glimpse of was some brown hair parted down the middle we do know that michael rossi had brown hair which he indeed parted down the middle but given gacy's previous ability in iowa to form a large ring of co-conspirators and criminal associates it really could have been anyone whatever further violations and degradations befell ignored that night he wasn't conscious for them when rigdl next awoke he was lying in the snow in lincoln park at the base of a statue of alexander hamilton he was clothed again but his pants were not zipped up and he was in pain all over his body he was bruised burned bleeding his face was badly scarred rignl managed to stagger back to his girlfriends where she embraced him and comforted him before calling the police rignaw spent a week in hospital being treated for facial burns rectal bleeding and chronic pain the chloroform rignal had been dosed with multiple times had severely and permanently damaged his liver this is insane why i don't know what i know i don't want to say it but why did gacy let him live he could identify him and he went to his house and then he lets him live when he doesn't let anyone else live why what's going on he's asking this is gonna be big this is gonna get in court i mean if the police were competent this is gonna get him caught over the next three months never mind i take it back i take it back it's not gonna get in court apparently because apparently gaity just doesn't get caught over the next three months casey tortured and murdered an unknown number of victims and given he no longer interred the bodies under his house and the fact that he's a lying sack we'll never know i am at this point so angry that i had to stop writing to know that so many victims probably experienced a similar fate to rignorth before they died it fills me with rage yeah i'll also say i have taken i mean i've been recording this all day basically because otherwise i'd go insane tell me about it it's like even david when we were emailing back and forth about this he was telling me that he had to stop writing it and he was saying it you'll need the problem is i can't record these over two days because i've tried it once or twice and i totally lose track of what happened earlier in the episode so i knew i had to do it over one day and david was like well just dedicate a day so i dedicated friday to record this quite looking forward to the weekend i mean yeah it's just it's it's a rough one it's a real rough one the police told rignal that his description of the oldsmobile a common car and partial identification of a custom license plate would not be sufficient to catch his torturer however rignor was not easily dissuaded gathering together two friends rignal spent the next month staking out the kennedy expressway near the exit sign labelled cumberland where which he remembered in between being chloroformed in the car regnal felt certain that this was the route to his torturer's home all he needed was to wait for an old mobile to drive along the same route and follow it in april there was a groundbreaking ceremony for a retirement center for which gacy had built the refreshment stand and donated trucks for the construction gaseo also worked as pogo the clown alongside michael rossi's patches at various events to raise money for the center is michael rossi guy obviously we don't know but some suspicious behavior right i think we're all thinking that but we're not saying that because obviously i guess michael rossi has never been charged with a crime but uh suspicious isn't it at the ceremony gacy volunteered to watch the gate and do crowd control michael belanded chicago's mayor attended the event and he was photographed shaking hands with gacy meanwhile in mid-april rigner was taking out the kennedy espressway with a couple of friends when they spotted an oldsmobile with a custom license plate they followed the car to 8213 west summerdale avenue rignal took note of the license plate number pdm 42 and went to the police there please come on come on come on there police told rignor that john wayne gacy the owner of the car had been questioned for kidnapping and torture of robert donnelly only a few months ago and that he'd done jail time for a sex offense how is this not going to end up in him getting arrested and them searching his house finding the bodies police please stop letting me down come on let's go at this point in the interview the police asked right nothing was gay riggal said yes and then to quote rignal from that point i got no cooperation at all what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] get your [ __ ] together police this is not okay [ __ ] homophobes [ __ ] useless homophobes two weeks went by with rignor phoning the police twice daily asking if he could she would see a mug shot of john wayne gacy in order to identify him finally police relented and rignar was given several books of unlabeled bug shots from which he correctly identified john wayne gacy this wasn't enough for the assistant state attorney who didn't believe the victim's story and refused to press charges to quote rignal when i started getting physic into the physical aspect of what the man had done to me they began to make me believe that i was the crazy one and that he was a model citizen i hope all you people feel horrible about what you did you the police the courts all of these people involved and they're just ignoring this i hope you feel bad you should feel bad on may 6 1978 gacy was organizing a parade for the visit of first lady rosalind carter to chicago for some reason secret service background checks failed to discover that casey had a criminal record in iowa because of course they [ __ ] did and had a checkered past with numerous accusations in chicago that evening at a private reception john wayne gacy was photographed shaking the hands of the first lady of the united states mrs carter later signed the photograph to john gacey best wishes rosalind carter christ almighty rignal's revenge on the 7th of may the day after mrs carter's visit for not getting help from the state's attorney's office jeffrey nor's lawyer issued a civil assault warrant calling for gacy's arrest i don't know what that is a civil assault warrant is essentially the lawyer informing the accused person that a warrant has been issued and giving the victim authority with police assistance to escort the accused to a courtroom where a civil trial rather than a criminal trial would take place whoa what is that i've never heard of this or basically follow is the accused being sued by the victim rather than facing a conviction and jail time sort of like how o.j simpson won the criminal trial for the murder of nicole brown and ron goldman but lost the civil trial however the chicago police refused to participate in the arrest of gacy while officer even had the sheer audacity to say to rignal that 8213 summerdale was quote too long of a drive i've got no words for the police incompetence in this one or just ignorance or just ignoring or just ignoring people it's horrible on the 20th of june john wayne gacy abducted tortured and murdered 20 year old timothy o'rourke who had left his apartment had gone for some cigarettes timothy had recently been hired by pdm contractors given that grace casey's crawl space was now full of bodies he threw a rook's body off the i-55 bridge into the des into the des plains river his body was found two weeks later and it was not identified at the time on june 15th rignal himself drove out to 8213 summerdale there he met gacy's mother marion who was visiting with the summer marion casey said that her son had just popped out and will be back soon she asked rignal if he would be attending the party that they'd be having that evening orignal said are you kidding me i don't know if your son told you but there's a warrant out for his arrest do you know that your son was convicted of a sex crime an hour marrying gacy slam the door in his face casey returned rignl talking to police on a nearby pay phone finally managed to get some officers to show up and serve the warrens but they couldn't find gacy while he was waiting rignal claims that he was approached by michael rossi who allegedly asked rignal not to tell gacy's mother about the details of the rape at long last gacy was found and served with a warrant the court date was set for september 13th wait i don't understand how a lawyer can issue a warrant is that allowed i mean if you're suing someone which is what this is a civil case you get i don't know it's never happened to me touch it's a wood but you get served and then you have to show up to court you're like legally obliged to and if you don't well they're just gonna be like they're ruling the other person's favor and then there'll be a judgment against you and you'll have to pay and if you don't pay then i guess they'll force you to pay somehow like through some i don't know how it works but there'll be some like legal thing that you have to but to get someone take them and then take them to court for a civil charge i didn't even realize that was possible fascinating and in this case fantastic casey meanwhile filed a counter-complaint in which he said that rignal had assaulted him holy [ __ ] again rignal and his lawyer demanded that the state attorney look at the charges to which according to rignal the man replied what the hell this is only a butt people get shot in the city and they're not charged with a felony who the f do you think you what the [ __ ] do you think you're saying you're just saying oh you know i'm at my job for the big thing so how can you expect me not to be my job for the little things you [ __ ] idiot in my opinion on september 13th 1978 casey did not turn up to the civil trial rignal's liar got casey's counter-charge dropped and the civil arrest warrant reissued michael rossi who had shown up to the trial okay so gacy's uh you know patches to his pogo who had shown up at the trial testified that gacy was in new york on the night of rignal's assault uh oh rossi you just committed perjury that's perjury right where you lie because if you lie in a civil court about something that's perjury which is a crime which can carry jail time right i see am i imagining that is that what happened to martha stewart like she did something wrong that was a civil offence and then she lied about it was it martha stewart someone got into trouble this week i ended up going to jail uh someone famous i can't remember what it was but i i find that interesting but look if rossi has been involved in this is some other way i just gotta say that perjury is probably the least of his problems here a few days later gacy's lawyer got in touch with rignor's lawyer ultimately casey settled out of court agreeing to pay compensation rign's revenge amounted to getting three thousand dollars which was the best rignaw's lawyer thought that they could do meanwhile rignal who was badly wounded and scarred from the incident and who had since lost 40 pounds or 18 kilograms in the month following the trauma had medical bills that exceeded 25 000 in the 1970s this is crazy and he has a permanently damaged liver from the chloroform don't forget that a bridge too far [Music] on november 3 1978 frank land jinn age 19 a known drug dealer and pimp was released from prison on bail for the charge of assaulting his girlfriend at 2 am on november 4th frank met his father at a bar on the north side after getting drunk frank said he was going to look for his girlfriend he was last seen at 3am staggering long foster avenue near the gay cruising corner of clark and broadway he was abducted tortured and murdered by john wayne gacy his body was discovered eight days later naked but gagged with his own underwear floating in the des plaines river the cause of death was that something had caused the victim to be sick whereupon he drowned on his own vomit all of these deaths following when the police could have and should have taken action and the justice system i hope they weigh heavily on the people who failed these people on november 24th casey murdered pdm employee james mazura who disappeared after having thanksgiving dinner with his family his body was similarly found in des plaines river only a mile downstream from the i-55 bridge where casey later claimed he dumped four or five bodies four or five he's killed so many people he doesn't remember it's disgusting on december the 11th 1978 gacy entered the nissan pharmacy in des plaines there he encountered 15 year old robert pist who was working there part time robert was an honor roll student a boy scout and an avid photographer and a member of the school's gymnastics team he was straight rob was working the shift from 6 pm to 9 pm where upon his mother elizabeth would pick him up bring him home to celebrate her 46th birthday with ice cream and cake casey had been summoned to the pharmacy by the store's owner who wanted gacy's assessment for some possible renovations casey examined the place and his work estimate was rejected by the owner gacy left only to return again at 8 pm because he had accidentally left his appointment book at the store during gacy's second visit he offered robert pieste a job at pdm contractors claiming the pay to be between five and seven dollars an hour for new hires considerably higher than the 2.85 pieste was making at the pharmacy when elizabeth pierce came to pick up her son at 9pm robert asked her to wait a little as he wanted to talk to some contractor about a job that it offered him elizabeth said that she was fine and she'd browse the aisles while she waited robert went outside and talked to gacy who sat in his car casey claimed that he didn't have time to talk to beast right now but they could chat if he jumped in the car well he quickly picked something up from his house casey then promised to return robert to the pharmacy or to his home back at 8213 summerdale casey claims that peace drank 7 up and refused to touch any booze casey suggested peace wanted to make money that badly he should become a rent boy paist didn't respond to that suggestion and insisted on the construction job casey then asked if he would do anything for money and pisces replied that he was a hard worker the lad was totally unreceptive to sex talk refusing to even be taken aback by the innuendo perhaps the 15 year old was just too innocent to notice at that point casey claimed the offer to show rabbit poised a handcuffed tricky a deception that had long become part of gacy's mo robert was unfortunately fooled no sooner had the boy been cuffed then katie said i'm going to rape you and there's nothing you can do about it at this point robert burst into tears casey took the boy to one of the bedrooms casey claimed that he then fixed a rope around the victim's neck stuffed a wad of cloth down his throat and took a phone call with his business associate richard raphael while peace suffocated to death on the floor raphael later testified the casey spoke calmly with a normal toner voice and that he didn't seem even the slightest bit troubled or distracted casey promptly picked up piste's body and stored it in the attic back at the pharmacy around 9 20 pm elizabeth beast sat at the candy counter waiting for her son none of the staff had seen him so elizabeth went home worried to wait for him to call at 9 45 pm elizabeth communicated her misgivings to her husband she called the pharmacy and robert hadn't returned elizabeth asked who the contractor who offered him a job was john gacey the pharmacy owner replied this i know i've said this a million times and there's still a few pages left in this script but please come on police i've said this i feel like i've said this two or three times already stop letting me down get you together it's time it's time it's [ __ ] time the investigation the pisces family filed a missing persons report with the police who told them to go home and wait they couldn't do this on the night of the 11th and 12th the pisces family older sister kerry older brother ken and father harold drove around des plaines looking for any sign of robert elizabeth stayed by the home phone they even used the family german shepherd to give them scraps of rob's clothing to smell and set them loose at various points around the suburb seeing if the dogs could sniff him down the next morning the pies were back at the police station where the police determined from interviewing elizabeth that robert probably wasn't a runaway detective james pickle looked at gacy's record and found that he'd been convicted of sodomy in iowa and he had an outstanding civil warrant for sexual assault he also had been arrested and questioned in connection with several other sex crimes wait why does he have an outstanding civil warrant for sexual assault did he settle that that's weird i thought they'd settled that by now and he'd got the three thousand dollars or maybe this was happening during that time we might have gone back in time a little bit i assume we did that there's a lot of dates i'm not i'm sorry i'm not 100 keeping track at 9pm on december 12th lieutenant joe kozensiak paid a visit to 8213 summerdale michael rossi was there and was told to wait outside under questioning gacy denied that he had offered robert pist a job kozenzak asked casey if he could come down to the police station to fill out a witness war casey phoned his mother to say that he couldn't help with arranging a funeral of an uncle who had just died kozenzak asked casey when he could come down i don't know maybe in an hour casey replied you guys are very rude don't you have any respect for the dead at the time robert pist's body was still lying in the attic after the police left casey did some jaws sank a few beers dropped a valium and smoke had joined he then went up to the attic wrapped pieced body in a blanket and carried it to the trunk of his oldsmobile he deposited the clothes piste was wearing in a salvation army donation box and drove to the i-55 bridge on the des plaines river and there he dumped the body at 2 30 a.m on december 13th running four hours late to the police station gate he had a patch of ice and spun off the road he required a tow truck to pull her car out of muddy ditch at 3 20 am casey entered the police station caked in mud asking for lieutenant kozenzak the desk officer said the lieutenant had waited until 1.1 am and then gone home casey returned to the police station around noon under interrogation gacy denied having talked to robert peace at the pharmacy he filled out a written statement detailing his movements on the night of the 11th the police kept casey talking for four hours enough time for them to gain a search warrant to 82-13 summerdale hell yes and gacy grudgingly gave the police a set of keys here we go at 82 13 summerdale police found several bottles of valium and atropine capsules of ammo nitrate a bottle that smelled of chloroform a stash of marijuana some porn a scoring from maine west high with the initials j.a.s a pair of handcuffs a 2x4 with holes drilled in it which looked like a restraining device books on homosexuality and pedophilia several police badges a start pistol with some blank shells an 18-inch dildo a blue parker like piste was wearing the night of his abduction a length of nylon rope and a photo receipt from the nissan pharmacy in the trash they also found a blood stain on the carpet in the hall in front of the bathroom when police looked into the crawl space they saw no signs of recent digging and concluded robert piste had not been buried down there casey was taken down to the station with further questioning where he was informed that his oldsmobile and all pdm vehicles have been impounded casey was released from the station at 8pm that evening in case he spent the night at his sister's house reluctant to spend the night inside 8213 summerdale why did you lay progress the [ __ ] put him in prison don't give him bail he's suspected of murder ah oh my god and at that point he fled to mexico no he didn't but jesus christ what the hell on december 14 the next day the police decided to place gacy under 24-hour surveillance using two-man teams which alternated 12-hour shifts the same day they brought michael rossian for questioning but the young man denied any knowledge of pisces disappearance on december 15th police spoke on the phone with carol lofgren who said they might want to look into john budkavid who had disappeared three years earlier wait who's carol lufkin is that his ex-wife i think that's his ex-wife right the second wife that same day rossi phoned and said they might want to look into greg godzik who had disappeared in december 1976. meanwhile the high school ring found in katie's house was linked to one john a schitt who had disappeared in early 1977 his mother informed the police that he'd sold his plymouth satellite at the time of his disappearance the car was quickly traced to michael rossi and by extension john wayne gacy wait why is michael rossi phoning in and saying that they might want to look into someone isn't rossi supposed to be on his side the car was quickly traced to michael rossi and by extension john wayne gacy at this point the police had some inkling of what they had on their hands and the entire des plaines police department began working the gacy case with each staff member putting in 16 to 24-hour shifts good finally finally let's go on december the 16th police interviewed richard raphael and david cram who both said the gacy was extremely scared and paranoid since the 11th that night a two-man surveillance team followed gacy to the moose club where he was the life and soul of the party a waitress brought the two police officers drinks claiming that quote mr gacy wanted to take care of his bodyguards later gacy walked up to the table and said he was leaving they followed him to a nearby restaurant there casey interrogated the two surveillance officers about who they were which they fessed up to casey then reasserted innocents and left heading to three more bars that evening with the police following in his wake at the third bar six or seven drinks in gacy started talking loudly intending for the officers to hear about how many politicians and high-ranking police he had in his pocket okay yeah but at this point they suspect you of multiple murders and while you have managed to get out of some truly crazy sh which is mega corrupt as we addressed before the multiple murders is uh you know that you're not going to get out of that one at 5am gacy by now quite drunk went to the golden bear restaurant a local greasy spoon at this point gacy proclaims that he was connected to the democratic party and donald and a notorious chicago mobster casey warned the police that he would not be harassed casey then threatened the officers that he had his own real bodyguard that quote carried a 357 magnum and wouldn't think twice about wasting you holy [ __ ] when the officers were unmoved casey turned friendly again chatting with them for about an hour at 6 a.m on december the 17th after a sleepless night out on the lash casey went home what are you doing though like also in a completely unrelated thing who goes out by themselves and just goes around to different bars getting super [ __ ] up and then goes home at six o'clock in the morning by yourself it's a very strange evening you've had mr casey that morning police let sniffer dogs with robert peice sent into gacy's oldsmobile one of them laid down in the back seat giving the death reaction that afternoon gacy was drinking again and sat down and chatted with a different two-man team of surveillance officers again he talked about all of his friends in high-paced places he talked about his fictional bodyguard with the magnum among other things he talked about being a volunteer clown casey said quote you know clowns can get away with murder he's losing his mind i mean properly like i mean he's obviously insane he's in a psychopath but now he's like falling apart gacy continued to drink into the evening chatting up the night shift officers when they came to relieve their counterparts babbling for hours at a time but revealing nothing incriminating the officers observed that casey's mental health was deteriorating there we go on december the 18th police traced the serial number on the nissan foughtness and photo receipt they found at gacy's house to pharmacy employee kim baiers on questioning baz explained that on the evening of december the 11th she had put the receipt in the pocket of rob robert peist's blue parker which she had borrowed momentarily to keep out of the cold she recalled that pisces had left wearing that parker elizabeth peice confirmed that the blue parker had belonged to her son the police could now place robert pist at gacy's house on the night of the 11th michael rossi was interrogated again that evening where he divulged in 1977 that he had spent had spread lime across the crawl space of gacy's house police began preparing evidence to apply for a second warrant to search casey's home on december 19th casey's lawyers sued the des plaines police for 750 000 citing harassment and demanding that they drop the 24-hour surveillance the court hearing was set for the 22nd it seemed likely that the police would be forced to drop the surveillance they needed to get that search warrant fast there's enough evidence just go get the [ __ ] search warrants let's go come on that same day gacy invited the surveillance team of two men to 8213 summerdale for a voluntary tour money officers kept gacy talking while the others snooped around the house unsuccessfully trying to copy down the serial number on a small motorola tv which officers suspected it belonged to jon sits back in 1977. when he was in the hallway the officer noticed a faint putrid smell he went to the bathroom and flushed the toilet at the same time a gust of air came blowing through the vent next to the bathroom emanating from the crawl space it was the smell of rotting flesh on december 20th police pulled in both michael rossi and david cram for questioning rossi submitted to a polygraph test but became agitated and cut the test short he did however reveal that he thought casey had buried bodies in his crawl space and had been previously ordered to dig trenches david cram was more forthcoming he recounted gacy's multiple attempted rapes of him in the summer of 1976. revealed that he had also been tasked by gacy to spread lime and dig trenches that clinched it for the police casey had been murdering young boys and had buried them in his crawl space now all they needed was a damn warrant to go and look for them michael rossi returned to his house that evening and found that gacy and the two-man surveillance team were waiting for him rossi said he wasn't comfortable being alone with gacy and asked the two police officers to accompany them inside after a while casey managed to assure rossi that he meant him no harm and the surveillance team were asked to wait outside gacy and rossi talked for 30 minutes during which rossi communicated to casey that the police were onto him at that point casey be like no [ __ ] [ __ ] they're following me around 24 hours a day and they know there's something in the basement and when they dig it up they're going to find there's something in the basement thanks michael at 11 pm gacy came storming out of rossy's house he sped up the highway with the police following him hitting 100 miles an hour until he arrived at his lawyer's office there gacy went inside leaving the surveillance team out on the street up in his lawyer's office gacy popped several pills of valium and drank three quarters of a bottle of scotch that his lawyers amarante and stevens had in their office casey pointed out a copy of the daily herald on the desk featuring a front page article on the disappearance of robert heist casey slurred the boy he's dead he's in the river casey then proceeded to ramble drunkenly for the next four hours confessing to his lawyers all of his crimes at 3 30 am casey passed out on a couch his lawyers emerged from the office to talk to the surveillance team amaranth and stephen said to the police that what casey just told them was privileged material but then they begged the police to immediately arrest casey amarante suggested that the police block gacy's car with her own vehicle or shoot out his tires steven started taking drags off a cigarette that had forgotten to light the defense lawyers were terrified of their own client um they can't be as defense lawyers can they if you know isn't it supposed to be like i mean obviously it doesn't always work like this but if you know your client's guilty you can't represent them if they write isn't that right i mean in an ideal world i know it's not probably how it actually works in reality but i mean oh my god oh my god these poor lawyers jesus christ what they must have just heard god damn i'd be like i'm not [ __ ] representing you [ __ ] piece of it this place is full of kids upon waking up on the morning of december 21st amarante informed gacy that last night he had confessed to killing over 30 people and the lawyer informed him that it arranged a psychiatric evaluation of gasey at 9 00 am casey said he couldn't think about that since he had things to do and gacy took off where the police arrest him the lawyers his lawyers begged you to arrest him his lawyers police what the [ __ ] the same morning police submitted a search warrant application for gacy's house using the photo receipt to link robert pies to gacy's home using the testimonies of rossi and cram to point a finger at the crawl space and using the surveillance team's detection of the smelling of rotting flesh is probable cause a judge granted a search warrant at 4 30 pm police arrived at 8213 summerdale that evening they discovered that casey had flooded his entire crawl space with water impeding the search once the water had been pumped out the smell of rotting flesh became unmistakable within the first hour of digging police uncovered a human arm a kneecap four femurs two skulls and a rib cage upon finding the first human arm within the first five minutes csi technician daniel gently shouted out from the crawl space arrest him murder i think this place is full of kids these are man this like sends chills down my spine it's [ __ ] scary i mean we know what's down there but it's still it's still like to be to put yourself in the mind of these guys discovering this now especially some csi technician he's not been incompetent throughout this thing and he's just in a basement finding it's full of dead teenagers good god meanwhile casey had progressed into full nervous breakdown he drove to a gas station where he tried to pay the gas station attendant with a bag of marijuana the employee immediately handed it to casey's surveillance team claiming gaicia told him the end is coming these guys are going to kill me casey then drove to the house of fellow contractor ronald road where gacy hugged the man burst in tears and confessed to murdering around 30 people he wasn't sure of the exact number gacy then met with michael rossi and david cram had confessed the same thing to them gacy then had cram drive him out to his father's grave as they left cram told the police i'm really afraid this guy might try to kill himself and me with him when we leave here don't lose us please police had a suspicion that gacy was going to try and commit suicide at his father's grave after consulting with lieutenant kozenzak over the radio they used the pretext of casey trying to give the gas station attendant a bag of marijuana to pull cram over point a gun in gates's ear and arrest him not long after news came through of the horrific collection of bodies found underneath gacy's house a further two bodies were found one under gacy's garage and another under the patio near his outdoor barbecue pit on december 22nd 1978 at 3 am gacy and his lawyers draw a former statement confessing to the murder of around 30 people some of the victims casey mentioned by name including robert pist others he said he could not remember casey stated that most of his victims were buried in the crawl space of his house while he had thrown four or five victims into the des plaines river over the next three months 29 bodies were exhumed underneath 8213 where summerdale avenue several of the victims were found with ropes still tied around their necks or with gags stuffed in their mouths so they asphyxiated several of the victims also had different items from metal rods to pill bottles lodged in their anuses three more bodies were found in the des plaines river tied to gacy but the additional two bodies casey said he dumped there were never found all told 33 victims were definitely tied to gacy police estimated that he may have murdered up to 45 people to this day several of the bodies found at 8213 summerdale have not been identified trial and death john wayne gosey spent 300 hours being examined by psychiatrists at menard correctional center throughout the course of 1979. during these interviews gacy claimed to have multiple personality disorder and paranoid schizophrenia casey claimed that he had four personalities the contractor the politician the clown and a policeman called jack hanley who hates gays and wants to kill them all gacy attributed all of his murders to jack hanley who he referred to as bad jack casey also claimed that during the murders themselves when bad jack took over he had amnesia and so little or no conscious memory of anything that happened someone is spinning a tail certainly gacy had forced multiple victims into his car by impersonating a police officer and holding the young men at gunpoint however if bad jack hated gays that certainly wouldn't explain the multiple reports we have from survivors who said that gacy's attacks were sexual and ended up in rape or attempted rape or the fact that he dressed as the clown when he was murdering people on occasion so that wouldn't make sense either the sexual nature of these attacks but also accord with gacy's behavior back in iowa as for the amnesia we only have gatey's word for it and it seems a bit too convenient allowing him to avoid giving incriminating details similarly it's puzzling that some of the attacks like those on david cram seemed to involve the clown persona not this bad jack homophobe exactly furthermore gacy's self-diagnosis seems to have played off the hollywood version of paranoid schizophrenia with concrete different personalities the sort of thing common in movies but less common in real life john wayne gacy stood trial for 33 murders between february the 6th and march the 12th 1980. his jury was taken from rockford illinois because of the immense press that his crimes had generated in chicago his lawyers saw fit to plead not guilty by reason of insanity the defense also suggested at some point that all 33 bodies had died as an accident during erotic asphyxiation a laughable contention given some bodies bore signs of strangulation and one of stabbing along with the fact that many of the victims were straight the prosecution argued that gacy had full composure of his mind in the several years that he had committed rapes attempted rapes and murders against young men prosecution psychologists refuted the idea that gacy had multiple personality disorder they pointed to how gays he had on multiple occasions either dug or ordered pdm employees to dig trenches in the crawl space during the diggings gacy would keep a close eye on as employees and make sure they only dug in highly specified places this confirmed that gacy was fully aware of the locations of the bodies while not in bad jack mode since the trench digging happened many days apart from the haze under which gacy claims to have committed the murders and gacy wasn't digging the trenches to bury past victims he was digging them in anticipation of future ones yes um as we well know it was all massively premeditated jeff ignell whom gacy tortured in march 1978 somewhat surprisingly gave testimony for the defense really in recounting the brutality and sadism involved in the attack on rignal the defense hoped to establish how no sane person would do such a thing rignel suffering ptsd wept the entire time he was questioned upon cross-examination about the details of his torture rignor vomited on the stand and was excused from further testimony why would you do this you don't have to give testimony if a defense calls you to give testimony can't you just not do it do you have to do it i guess they could say like you have to give testimony as a witness can't you refuse to do that jesus i would you gotta be able to i mean this is horrible for him donald vorhees whom gasey had been convicted of sodomizing in 1967 tried to give evidence but was too traumatized to do so and was dismissed robert donnelly whom casey had abducted and tortured in 1977 testified with greater clarity and although visibly upset the testimony stuck while donnelly was speaking to the prosecution gacy burst out laughing at him in the courtroom at the beginning of march gacy wrote to the judge asking for a mistrial gacy did not approve of the insanity plea and claimed his lawyers had prevented him from taking the stand in his own defense casey over the smooth talker arrogantly thought that he could lie his way out of this one good luck with that the judge rejected gacy's request for a mistrial in closing arguments their defense argued that gacy was the subject of homosexual and sadistic compulsions which he could not control in response the prosecution argued that the facts of the case showed that gacy for years was able to evaluate and control his actions by covering up the murders regardless of how compulsive or monstrous his motives may have been the prosecution then with a flair for grotesque drama displayed the photos of 22 of the victims before flinging them through the open trap door to casey's crawl space which had been removed from the house and was on display in the courtroom as evidence the prosecution then asked the jury to show gacy the same mercy that he had shown his victims the jury deliberated so oh okay so no mercy i thought they were saying show show the mercy by killing them so they were asking the jury to go away and come back with the death penalty i think the judge decides on death no no it's this it's a it's a death belt in the death penalty case the does the jury decide whether they get the death penalty or not well i guess we're about to find out although i don't think he although he said death i i thought he was not alive i thought he was i think he was alive for a while because he did the weird clown paintings in prison but i don't know if they executed him or not we're about to find out aren't we maybe they did execute him the jury deliberated for only two hours before finding john wayne guilty of 33 murders yes they deliberated for more than two hours before passing 33 death sentences on him [ __ ] yes casey was also found guilty of the rape of robert peist he was not convicted for the attacks on robert donnelly or jeffrey rignor casey was placed on death ra menard correctional center he filed several appeals against his sentence casey disputed the validity of the first search warrant on his house in 1978 and the validity of his defense team's insanity plea when that failed casey began to claim that he had not committed any of the murders but rather they'd all been committed by his pdm employees who had keys to his house accordingly come on mate you just give it up give it up and you know it's gonna happen now you're gonna die accordingly gacy only claimed to have quote unquote some knowledge of five murders which the circumstantial evidence overwhelmingly connected him to namely the murders of mccoy butkovich godzik shitz and paist it is clear that gate felt no remorse and was willing to lie through his teeth to get out of the noose until the very last the supreme court of illinois rejected gacy's appeal in 1984 and the u.s supreme court rejected his appeal in 1985. gacy's petition for a new trial was rejected in 1986. when gacy appealed the death penalty and asked for life in prison this too was rejected by the illinois supreme court in 1988 and the u.s supreme court in 1993. on may 9 1994 casey was given a last meal of a bucket of kfc a dozen fried prawns french fries strawberries and a diet coke a thousand people gathered outside the site of his execution and stateville correctional center they chanted for hours for his death which was delayed by a clog in the iv tube being used for gases execution but one case he was finally killed by lethal injection on may the 10th at 12 30 at 58 am the crowd erupted in a massive cheer gacy's last words before being put to death kiss my ass [ __ ] [ __ ] dismembered appendices number one on researching this one i dwelt too long and dug too deep i can convince i can definitively state that i hate john wayne casey not hard to hate and uh well good news been dead penis number two gacy's house was demolished in april 1979 the chicago developed and continued to grow in size a new house was inevitably built on the land and significantly reduced property prices given what was once buried there in 2010 the house was the set of the asylum horror film that was based on paranormal investigators spending the night in gacy's house talking to ghosts that is [ __ ] distasteful that's more than distasteful that is uh like i've got another channel where often without a capitalism while being in [ __ ] horrible people who made this i know simon is a big ghost hunting buff so i thought i'd appreciate that i don't appreciate it that's not cool number three although the official body count is 33 some estimates range up to 45. numerous bodies found at 8230 in summerdale have not been identified and theorists have suspected that gacy buried bodies at other sites around chicago in his capacity as owner of pdm contractors for instance a retired police officer has alleged that gacy dug more trenches in an apartment building on west miami avenue where he served as a caretaker sniffer dogs and ground penetrating raider have not yielded signs of any bodies until this day no excavation has been attempted number four while in prison gacy produced several paintings mostly of clowns including those of pogo and michael rossi's character patches casey also paints pictures of jesus birds 8213 summerdale skulls john dillinger and disney's seven dwarves his paintings have sold for between two hundred and twenty thousand dollars at auction in the past four decades family members of gece's victims have already purchased and publicly burned some of these paintings yeah i was just saying you know what be fun what be a good thing to do i mean you can't do it all at once but to buy up all of these and destroy them just quietly let's get a gofundme going and we'll just buy all of gacy's paintings and we'll destroy them that'd be a nice thing to do i mean i'm sure there'll be so many public collections but anyone's that make it publicly any ones that come out or remind people of this piece of [ __ ] we they should be purchased there should be a fund for purchasing these and uh you could burn them burn them all so this piece of shit's arts never come out again that'd be real nice but the problem is if you start buying them like that as some sort of collective as a group a gofundme whatever then uh they're gonna go up in value supply and demand which is disgusting um yeah be good to destroy all of those wouldn't it that'd be fun number five in the two years prior to his execution gacy wrote a book called a question of doubt the john wayne gacy story it's a rambling solipsistic version of events where gacy attempts to whitewash himself of any true guilt most copies of this book were destroyed before they were ever released to the public the ones in circulation today come with a hand signed letter from gasey himself saying greetings reader there are always at least two sides to a story thank you now for reading it from my point of view john wayne gacy galpies of these books sell for between 1 500 and 5 000 and that price will probably jump now that they've been mentioned in this video i think fortunately we're not quite big enough to move the price on gay c books and hopefully no one listening to this is like oh that sounds like a goodbye if you are thinking that check yourself number six although john wayne gacy was only charged and convicted of 33 murders many analysts today are convinced that jon that gacy acted with an accomplice i mean we know he was because there was the one person with the brown hair uh in the torture so we know someone at some point the most likely suspect is michael rossi aka patches the clown he was identified by rignal as a participant in his torture and he willingly gave gacy a false alibi while in civil court he's also heavily implicated in the merger of john schitz having been at 82-13 summerdale the night of the murder and having gained use of shit's car casey also claimed that rossi was his lover rossi then seems to have sold gacy out when police got too close in december 1978. okay yeah that's why because remember he called in and he said you might want to look into this which was weird casey pointed the finger directly at rossi after his conviction as he did towards david cram the latter is less likely to have been an accomplice given his testimony and behavior at the time of gacy's arrest that said if true if cram was an accomplice it is possible his accounts of gases attempted rapes were lies casey also implicated several other pdm employees including ed hefner philip pasque robert young and an unnamed employee who was the roommate of one of the murder victims john mowry casey has also been connected to john norman who ran a sex trafficking ring in chicago in the late 1970s then there are hazy implications that gacy was connected criminally to other members of the chicago democratic party just as with the jaycees in our if true this might explain why it took so long for the police to actually prosecute gacy despite the numerous red flags and accusations made against him over the years it is a distinct possibility that someone high up in the chicago police or government was protecting him and it goes without saying that none of these potential accomplished accomplices are ever likely to be discovered and brought to justice especially now that we're talking 40 years later 30 years something is a long time later this that's the end of today's episode um good it was awful oh i feel sick even thinking about it yeah pedro lopez in this one two of the most intense episodes i've ever made i don't really know what to say at the end of these it's just uh yeah just um that's it thanks for being here [Music] you
Channel: The Casual Criminalist
Views: 1,349,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 27sec (11727 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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