Ed Kemper: The Co-Ed Killer

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today's episode of the podcast is brought to you by curiositystream an incredible and Incredibly affordable place to watch thousands of non-fiction movies and shows got more on them in just a bit Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of The Casual criminalist as always hello there I'm your host Simon this one uh it's gonna be a long run I was considering breaking it up into two parts but then I looked at the stats and for some reason contrary to all my understanding of YouTube I mean YouTube's weird and I don't understand it that well but that we did a very very long episode on um oh my gosh Simon you just published this like a week ago two weeks ago uh John Wayne Gacy the the killer clown and that did really like that did surprisingly well and YouTube decided to monetize it which is nice because that means I actually get paid for all my work and I mean I can pay my writers and stuff which is nice so I was like no let's not divided nothing to do let's just do another Beast episode I don't think it's gonna be three hours but it's definitely gonna be over an hour maybe over an hour and a half 30 pages from David could be here all morning let's go oh it's Ed Kemper did I say that there were words of The Co-Ed Killer this is the guy who was uh God there's that fantastic show they got a new season of that yet mind Hunter um with uh is it Lawrence Fishburne here's Lawrence Fishburn right and the other dude the younger guy who's less well known but is also fantastic and that the woman from Fringe oh my God that is such a good cast it's such a good show I like it a lot it's so stylish anyway speaking of that let's get into the horror [Music] it was Good Friday April the 20th 1973 Ed Kemper drove his 1969 hardtop two-door sedan to his apartment in Alameda a town in San Francisco Bay area in the state of California by his own admission the whole time he was thinking about committing murder Kemper shared the apartment with a male friend of his he had been a little short on cash of late so it was his friend who picked up the tab for most of the rent that's nice good friends we're like mate where is your half where is your half I don't know when it arrived at the apartment he looked in the mailbox to see if his work is compensation check had arrived it had but it was only for 40 or 263 dollars in today's money oh my God inflation in 1973 40 was 263 today and I don't know I've never lived through a period of super high inflation but now I am Welcome to the Jungle baby and you see like I got a a loan like a mortgage on a property just literally the month before it more than doubled in interest rates and I'm like wow my savings account now pays more than the interest on my mortgage which is incredible like and I locked it in for seven years which I know Americans you get these like 30-year lock-in mortgages which is just like oh my God I wish but uh yeah I locked it in for seven years and I was like that is some you know some incredibly good timing fact boy yeah that's good to know edit expected it to be more he got on the phone with the state office to see if they'd be sending him any more money they weren't it became agitated but his friend told him to relax and not worry about it his roommate said that he had the rent covered no sweat this was a kind gesture but Ed began to feel like he was leeching off him and so after a moment's contemplation Ed resolved to move back in with his mother until his financial situation improved that's not the sort of thing that you'd normally like there's definitely a bit of a a running theme with our criminals that we look at on this podcast that they don't really have a lot of empathy or understanding for other people but the fact that he's like oh no I'm leeching off you I feel bad about that is not a common trait in our in our little psychos that we look at is it living with the mother as an adult though probably is Ed Gein anybody Ed returned to his car and drove back to work he might as well start racking up the hours as soon as possible although Ed was a very bright Chap and could have gone to University he'd opted to be a simple laborer for the California division of Highways only 24 years old Ed Kemper made for a strong and sturdy worker he was a towering six foot nine inches tall or 206 centimeters bloody hell I knew it was tall but I didn't realize it was that tall that is a giant of a man and Kemper wasn't a beam Bowl either although 1973 did not have the Hefty load of fat that he'd gain in later life he was strong and solidly built weighing over 300 pounds or 136 kilograms weighing 136 kilograms and not being fat you are a machine in short Kemper was a giant and he intimidated a lot of people with his stature yet some people did refer to him as a gentle giant because of his polite and generally Cooperative demeanor Kemper was also clean cut unlike many of the hippie youth in California at the time his brown hair cropped close his only facial hair being a large well-trimmed mustache capping off the rather square look with a pair of Granny glasses It's gotta be like it's got to be interesting to be so tall and so massive because it's like I'm just gonna dress how I want like No One's Gonna pick on me because I am massive you dress it like a nerd yes what are the bullies gonna do nothing cause I am an enormous man I get clocked out and drove South to Aptos a small town not far away he arrived at 609 a ORD Drive the house of his mother Carnel strandberg a three-time divorcee formerly named Turnquist formerly Kemper maiden name stage she had split from her latest husband Harold Magnus strandberg four years earlier in 1969. meanwhile clonell easily supported herself as an administrative assistant for one of the provosts of the University of California Santa Cruz politely knocking on the door Ed found that clarnell was not at home so he used this spare key to let himself inside Ed had lived with his mother for the majority of the past three years since he was released from a state hospital for the criminally insane oh my that's a twist everything seemed quite normal up until this point he's a big man he's working labor he's smart and polite and kind and he's also spent some time in a hospital for the criminally insane do they even say that anymore I feel like a hospital for the criminally insane is the sort of thing what's that song needs therapy he's criminally insane it sounds like something from the past you know Ed made his way into the kitchen he felt terrible or as he put it quote like a ticking Time Bomb I felt that I was going to be caught pretty soon for the killing of those girls or I was going to blow up and do something very open and get myself caught a long time ago I had thought about what I was going to do in the event I got myself caught and the only choices I saw were just to accept it and go to jail and let my mother carry the load and let the whole thing fall into her hands like it did the last time with my grandparents or I could take her life wow okay never mind it's like Simon look look how much everything he's got he's like he doesn't want his roommate to pay all of the rent and he's like I could kill my mother holy bed headset beside the telephone and made a couple of work related calls before dialing the number of his mother's office at the University clonell picked up Ed informed her that he'd be moving back in with her for a bit until his monetary situation looked a little bit brighter doesn't he also see he's like yeah yeah move it out and it's like mate either way I'm paying all of the rents although I guess his roommate can get a new roommate who might be able to help pay for it anyway plano's response was Stoney and Kurt betraying only a hint of dismay at the news she brussely told him not to wait up because she'd be attending a work function at the University that evening then would be going out to dinner and would not be home until late and by late she didn't mean a quarter past 10. glenel was something of an alcoholic she could be out all night camper told her he understood and hung up the phone in that situation I could understand why she's cut it's like look I'm sure why not like my kids have left home I'll still I'll still love them but if they want to come back and live with me they're gonna have to [ __ ] ask to be honest it's not just going to be like hey Dad um just letting you know I moved out of my apartment and I'm going to be living here for a while maybe like well yes yes there's a there's a word you're missing and it's please who raised you Ed went out and got himself a six pack of beer returned home and then sat down and watched TV he didn't eat he just waited for his mother to quote I'd wish to talk to her really before anything happened it was my hope that she would go on good terms well I guess it would be on good terms because we hadn't really argued or anything when we talked on the phone wait is he just saying he wants to have a chat with his mum before he murders her again holy [ __ ] that's very thoughtful friend Ed waited for his mother until midnight before turning off the TV and going to his old bedroom and falling asleep he slept two hours waking up at 2 am he went to his mother's bedroom to see if she got him home her bed was empty she was still out Ed went back to sleep he awoke again at 4am walked to his mother's bedroom to see if she was there but now was in bed reading a book one of those cheap trash novels she always had she looked at it as he entered the room what are you doing up she asked nothing just wanted to make sure you were home had replied clonell then said sarcastically oh I suppose you're going to want to sit up all night and talk now a ripple of hatred course through it tears welled up and stung at the corner of his eyes it was at that moment he knew for certain that he was going to kill her this is one of those interesting situations where this guy is a serial killer but he clearly has emotions like he's not your typical you know psychopath just has been abused um maybe he has well I guess we'll find out more maybe he's been abused all of this stuff that is like always just born you know without emotions or whatever or you know the empathy and such and it's just that no no he's just his emotions are all like messed up no Ed replies well we'll talk in the morning clarnell declared ignoring the fact that it was already 4am you know it's like yeah we'll talk in the morning you don't reply it is the morning unless you're a tool if morning means like breakfast fine good night Ed answered he then turned on his heel and went back to bed but he did not go back to sleep to quote I lay there in bed thinking about killing her it's something hard to just up and do I had the most insane reason for going and killing your mother someone just standing off to the side watching isn't really going to see any kind of sense or Rhyme or Reason there was times when she was yelling at me that I felt like retaliating and walking over to the telephone in her presence and calling the police to say hello I'm The Co-Ed Killer just to lay it on her but I had done some things and I felt that I had to carry the full weight of what had happened I certainly wanted for my mother to have a nice quiet easy death like I guess everyone wants yeah or they don't want death they don't want to be murdered they just want to die when they're old in their sleep Campbell laid in his bed until 5 15 am when he could be certain that his mother had long since fallen asleep quote I went to the kitchen and got a call Hammer I picked up my pocket knife opened it and carried it in my right hand and the hammer in my left I walked into the bedroom very quietly she was sound asleep and she moved a little bit and I thought she was waking up I waited and waited but she just lay there so I approached her right side I stood there a couple of minutes and then I hit her with a hammer just above the temple on the right side of her head I struck with a very hard blow and I believe I dropped the hammer or laid it down or something immediately after striking the blow I looked for a reaction there really wasn't one blood started running down her face from the wound and she was still breathing I could hear the blood running into her windpipe it was obvious I had done severe damage to her because in other cases I'd shot people in the head and I heard the same effect of blood running into the breathing passages all of this happened in a few seconds dude that is properly grim and that is like not it's like yeah this is how all people want to die a hammer blow to their head blunt force trauma that's it that's it no no that's not how we want to die in their sleep head you psycho Kemper then rolled his mother onto her back he held up her chin with his right hand and bearing the knife in his left he slashed his mother from ear to ear across her throat clarnell began to bleed out then Kemper inserted the knife deep into his mother's neck and began to sore away at the flesh oh my Lord moving in a circular motion around the back of her head returning to the front after a jagged line of broken skin and sinus separated the head from the rest of his mother's body with a sharp crack Kemper broke off clarnell's neck and ripped her head clean off the mile mannered wouldn't hurt a fly Ed Kemper ripping his mother's head off Jesus Christ the whole decapitation took no more than 30 seconds Kemba was very experienced at cutting women's heads off I don't remember how brutal this was I know he's in that mind Hunter show so it's like yeah they're literally studying him because he's a serial killer and just one of the worst but I forgot how bad it gets because you're kind of hearing talk and you're like oh yeah yeah not too bad not too bad and then it's like no no oh God the sign you the blood the fill in the ah dude are you okay boss Kemper proceeded oh God I forgot about this yeah I forgot about the necrophilia on his own mother Jesus Kemper proceeded to insert his penis into the mouth of his mother's decapitated ahead in an act of neurotic fellatio he then did a similar act with a hole at the base of his mother's neck oh my God quote I'm not a lizard I'm not from under a rock I came out of her vagina you see I came out of my mother and in a rage I went right back in for seven years she said I have not had sex because of you my murderous son this was one of her arguments and so I cut off her head and I humiliated her corpse oh my God they super I mean obviously Ed Kemper like Beyond insane like what the [ __ ] are you doing but also is mum to say that to him is also like well she was pretty as well and she definitely did a solid job of putting him up for sure then in a symbolic act Kemper cut out his mother's tongue and vocal cords he took them into the kitchen and put them down the garbage disposal the vocal cords however were so tough in their texture that the garbage disposal spat out chunks of them into the sink Kemper was amused and thought quote that seemed appropriate as much as she didn't screamed and yelled at me over so many years no kember then placed his mother's head on a shelf and screamed abused at it for an hour then he threw darts at it then he bludgeoned Carnell's head until he had smashed in her face you couldn't if someone wrote this as a screenplay it'd be like no no that's too much it's just unrealistic you know it'd be like you've gone too far think more American Psycho that was just how far you could go it's like no today the reality is worse Kemper returned to his mother's body in the bedroom clonell strandberg was a big woman six feet tall or 183 centimeters with her head attached weighing approximately 225 pounds or 102 kilos as such Ed Kemper classed a pair of handcuffs to his headless mother's wrist so he could pull her using the chain out of bed across the bedroom floor and into the closet Kemper closed the door in his mother's body concealing it he then proceeded to clean the bed sheets flip over the mattress so the Bloodstone wouldn't be visible wipe the blood spatter from the walls and shampooed the slug trail of Blood on the bedroom carpet by mid-morning the bedroom looked good as new as if nothing untoward had ever happened in there well I'll tell you a couple of things Ed one you know you're shampooing the carpet you can't just flip over a mattress and hope that that blood pool is going to disappear it's gonna start to smell also your mum's body is in the closet mate you're gonna do something about that the head is in the kitchen the vocal cords are in the garbage disposal good Lord man it was at that point the camper became physically ill and thought that he couldn't remain a single minute longer in the house he had to go and have a drink at a local bar his head a complete mess quote I still loved my mother and it's hard for somebody to comprehend that you murder your mother through love it isn't a rational process it's a very painful process and I've still got to live with that six young women dead because of the way she raised her son and the way he grows up and what are our closing words I suppose you want to sit up all night and talk God I wish I had um I am willing to proportion a decent amount of blame for how messed up you are Ed to your mother however how about a little bit of self-ownership like we're all a product of our environments but we're also I don't know you can't blame everything on other people because there's lots of people the upbringings who I'm sure had a much deer up bringing than you and turned out to be possibly troubled but non-murderous members of society some probably turned out totally fine and yeah you've gotta you gotta own some of it my dude you can't just be like it's her fault you've murdered many people you put your in your dead mother's mouth some of that mate is on you now let me interrupt today's video tell you a little about today's 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he was the middle child of three children born to Edmund Kemper Jr in Clan Al Kemper the baby's father was six foot eight or 203 centimeters tall which paired well with Cornell's already considerable six foot frame this resulted in baby Ed being born weighing 13 pounds or 5.9 kilograms that is a big baby that's why you're such a little bastard from the beginning he was destined to be a giant Ed III had two sisters Susan who was born almost six years earlier in 1943 and Alan who was born two and a half years after red in 1951. his father Edmund Jr had served in the U.S Special Forces during the second world war sometimes taking assignments that were described as suicide missions after being honorably discharged Edmund Jr transitioned to civilian life as an electrician at which he made a decent living his wife clarnell however Snidely described her husband's new profession as quote unquote menial um Jesus snob budge theirs was not a happy marriage what a surprise if you'd chosen a career and you're always like that's a menial job be like I don't like you you're mean between 1953 and 1955 when Ed was between the ages of four and six years old Ed's father departed for the Pacific Proving Grounds to take part in various atom bomb tests leaving clonell to raise the three children alone Ed's father would later say of his wife that quote suicide missions in Wartime in the atomic bomb testings were nothing compared to living with her she does sound like a challenge I realize oh no I've got to go and do this thing with the military with the atom bombs really far away from you for a really long time I'm sorry oh no oh no and that his marriage to Cornell did more damage to his mental health than quote more than 396 days and nights fighting on the front did yeah and the second world war was no picnic in Ed's own words his mother had quote a very strong and violently outspoken position on men my mother was a sick angry hungry and very sad woman I hated her but I wanted to love my mother clonell considered most men to be boorish and stupid she thought that all men can control the world for much of History by sheer brute force and that the world in fact would be much better run by women she thought men's sexuality came from an entirely negative Place filled with Savage and primitive desires and that to some degree romance and marriage simply legitimized the rape and enslavement of women um okay your takes went from like a progressive to well slightly insane if you don't want to get married don't get married it's your free choice and I'm just gonna go after a bit like 99 of women are getting married out of their free choice I mean like not let's just discount the the crazy parts of the world where they you know Stone people to death but like for the most part women are getting married by their own free will right I'm in a marriage I'm pretty sure I had to ask she also thought the men were fundamentally weak creatures compared to women empathetically could not live up to the moral and ethical standards set for them clarnell also chafed to traditional gender roles and the marriage in which she found herself in the 40s and 50s in America to quote her son father worked and he brought in a big paycheck we had a nice house we went to school we had birthdays we had Christmas we had vacations he had Saturday night with his poker buddies in the guest house by the garage we were living pretty good and she absolutely hated that the stereotypical response of this deadhead this button head she was married to I've wanted to go out and play cards in a smoke-filled room drinking beer with his old war buddies I mean this I have to say like I'm also not one for like super like old school gender roles traditional [ __ ] but it's also like well you sound like a really difficult women and playing cards and having a beer with your friends I loved having a beer with my friends in a smoke-filled room like I also love my wife and I spend most of the time with her but also she was super mean like this woman sees I mean like not just rather just have a drink with my friends Jesus Ed recalled that his mother showered his father with frequent downpours of verbal abuse belittling his intelligence and emasculating him whenever possible and you're like why does he love playing playing uh drinking a bob why does he like hang out with his friends oh I don't know maybe because you're this resulted in Endless Rouse between the two of them where clonell goaded her husband with stinging remarks until he was insensible with rage and stormed out he was never physically violent with her clonell's disdain and verbal abuse also extended to her son from an early age calling him stupid and useless completely eviscerating the young boy's self-esteem to the point that it just meekly to as he was told quote I had no faith in myself at all I was not an individual some experts now speculate that clarnell may have suffered from borderline personality disorder which may explain a treatment of her family though I'm not entirely sold on this diagnosis since it was conducted entirely postmortem and is mostly dependent on Ed's depiction of her yeah I mean it's like I don't obviously there are mental conditions and stuff but there's also just being a or being you again it just comes I I realize I'm walking like a fine line here because I don't want to say that someone who's got a mental condition and is a kid because of their mental condition that's not an excuse but there's also a degree of cell phone everything's a scale right it's not like yes or no it's gonna be a scale of gray all the way from like full on has this condition to full-on does not and then there's everything in between and at some point there's got to be more self-ownership doesn't there I feel like that is not an unreasonable thing to say like this woman seems very mean and you can't just chalk that all up to her not being right in the head I feel like you've got to like I don't know is self-ownership such a bad thing ownership of your own problems and issues I don't know I feel I'm treading fine line here but anyway when Ed was eight years old his farmer came home from work one evening and was shocked to discover that Cornell had sent their son out earlier that day selling newspapers telling the boy not to come back until every copy of the paper was sold it had been missing all day and it was getting dark his father searched the neighborhood and after a couple of hours he found Ed sitting miserably next to a stack of newspapers desperately trying to sell them so his mother would let him come home Ed's dad sounds like a really I I'm like I'm I'm in Ed's dad Camp he sounds like a good dude anyway it would appear that clonell's abuse of Ed was mimicked by his older sister Susan when Ed was four and Susan was 10 she tried to push him in front of a train holy dude when Ed was five and Susan was 11 she threw him into the deep end of a swimming pool and he nearly drowned when Ed was eight and Susan was 14 she invited him into her bed and sexually molested him oh my God we've just gone from like uh like holy Mr holy oh my God what are you doing this is like don't [ __ ] your kids for sake boy that escalated quickly on a similar note when it was 10 years old while visiting New York City he was also molested by a male cousin what is going on in your family my dudes come on my life into pieces how about just a little bit less molestation I'm not saying no molesticks just less no I mean no would be best that was a joke as a lad Ed joined the Boy Scouts where he learned many of the Wilderness survival skills and methods for concealing burials that would serve him well as a murderer years later Pro tip there if you want to be a criminal Wilderness survival I do feel unlike Wilderness survival people are probably more likely to be murderers as well I don't know why they just got that Vibe don't they I mean I love it like I'm a big fan there was this TV show called Ramirez Extreme Survival or whatever it was called when I was a kid he was like Bear Grylls but less piss drinking and more sensible and it was this great show we'd go into the jungle and it'd make like camps and stuff and it'd catch little fishes and it was awesome and I love that stuff but I do feel it's also like more the gadoodle lives in the woods sort of like Unabomber style is more likely to you know cut someone's heart out and eat it right especially if you're like a survivalist if you've got a bunker I also feel you're more likely to be a murderer they just feel like you know that Venn diagram is going to overlap more than the like person who loves crochet right for some reason which is maybe it's the love of knives and guns what are we talking about oh yeah molestation at summer camp a visiting member of the National Rifle Association taught her how to use and maintain a gun while this is the staff of an All-American boy in the 1950s it did not relate easily to other children was socially stunted and generally inept the other kids often made fun of his awkward mannerisms shy and dos our nature and abnormally large size it demonstrated low self-esteem and even suicidal ideation at a young age to quote one of my favorite tricks back then was to lay in front of cars in traffic now I'm walking down the sidewalk with a friend and we're clowning around and I'll say hey check this out and I'll go lay in the street like a stiff I'd lay like I got run over and a car comes driving by and of course I'm expecting this guy isn't drunk I'm expecting this guy isn't slightly demented and he'll say hey there's a kid lying in front of me hey it's another guy's fault Thump Thump and then shift gears driving right over me but they all what the [ __ ] you thinking about it also I'm really struggling with your like I I know this is often one of those things where it's like this is obviously a transcript of spoken words really hard to read sometimes but they always stopped and they get out of the car and get all upset when I'd get up and walk away but it was a little game we played my friends didn't lay in front of the cars though I was doing that it indicated I think how little I thought of myself that a part of me would rather I got run over right then than continue my life because looking at myself and how I was developing inside nothing good could come of that similarly at the age of 10 when Ed was visiting New York City climbed over the protective Railing at the top of the Empire State Building and had to be pulled back down by his panicked Aunt again for Ed this wasn't just stupid or Mindless Behavior he had a legitimate and deeply rooted disregard for his own life his own worth as a human being and in many ways he thought it would be better for him if he did not live anymore we now know that Ed Kemper was born A congenital psychopath wait I mean I know it's like a complicated definition and all that stuff but he does seem to have like a lot of emotions and emotions close to the surface like many serial killers on casual criminalist Ed Campbell was one of those one to five percent of people neurology incapable of feeling empathy for others so what's up with him feeling about him leeching off his friend that does feel isn't that that is empathy isn't it I mean it could be manufactured empathy so he can think about it in a more calculated way but it didn't felt feel like that and I guess like when he got all when he got all teary-eyed because um his mum was mean to him that's not empathy that's just you know feeling for yourself but it doesn't feel very psychopathy but again not an expert casual criminalist not criminalist as such he had difficulty figuring out how to make friends or even what one did with them once one had them but unlike many serial killers like Ted Bundy for example Ed Kemper did not suffer from a corresponding narcissistic personality disorder which forms another third of the so-called dark Triad since his ego had been thoroughly obliterated by his mother during childhood as for the final third of the dark Triad Kemper did exhibit early signs of Machiavellian thinking and selfish dishonesty as he quote came up with devious ways to get around down the rules of the household this ability to lie and conceal the darker side of his personality continued into adulthood Kemper did not however lie compulsively or erratically lie like some serial killers and notorious conman he was always very deliberate and organized in his deceptions only lying when he felt he had to the dark Triad is so interesting the narcissism the uh psychopathy and the um machiavellianism it's like there's tests you could do for this right I wonder like I definitely I don't know I don't know where I'd fall because I also you know when you're doing the test you're like oh I know you know do I tick this box I kind of feel this way but I know that's the wrong answer it's like do you think you're awesome yes I mean yes but no you are awesome meanwhile Ed psychopathy was severe enough that enough people noticed to get creeped out by him like many Psychopaths Ed had no concept that he had been staring at someone too long as such he'd look at people quietly without saying anything until they got upset committed this habitually he had difficulty relating to friends and also having healthy interactions with girls a deficiency exacerbated by denigration and shaming inflicted by his mother as a preteen a girl who Ed liked tried pressuring him into physical intimacy and he panicked and rejected her quote she was pretty aggressive a beautiful young girl but I wasn't ready for that kind of relationship and I was scared by it she kind of cowed me into backing away from the relationship she wanted to kiss a neck and smooch and imitate what she saw in older kids and that kind of terrified me because I didn't understand the feelings inside like many Psychopaths Ed also did not try very hard at school and was constantly skipping class despite the fact that he was later determined to have an IQ of between 136 and a 148 which is very high it's very very smart uh where's genius level late 30s it also exhibited the classic signs of violent psychopathy by fantasizing about the murder torture and abuse of other people and actively inflicting harm on small animals he was pulling the legs off insects at a very early age or trapping them inside bottles and stabbing them with sharp implements at the age of seven he stole his father's wartime bayonet snuck out of the house at night and watched to set his second grade teacher Through the Windows of her house when it dude this is like I mean when he starts killing cats and we need to get him to a psychiatrist maybe do that already yeah I mean yeah don't be like putting the legs off insects and just standing outside your teacher's window it's it's pretty worrying Behavior dude when Ed was eight he confided in his older sister Susan that he had a crush on her school teacher she teased him oh why don't you kiss her to which Ed replied I can't I'd have to kill her first uh oh that's another that's another warning sign where it's like what's he up to oh yeah he's killed a cat and uh he said that he would have to murder a woman before he kissed her date night at age 10 it killed a cat by burying it alive well there we go once it had suffocated to death Ed dug it up brought it into the house in his room he cut off the cat's head and stuck it on a makeshift Pike so that he could look at it and then disposed of the cat's remains and felt a sense of pleasure that he managed to successfully deceive his family about it that's all sorts of [ __ ] up dude around the same age Ed was playing around with a cap gun and in an argument had it broken by his younger sister Alan in retaliation had stormed into a room popped off the head of her Barbie doll and realizing the head could just be reattached he took a pair of scissors and cut off the doll's hands after handing it back to his seven-year-old sister he said quote here now you've got a toy that doesn't work too and I don't have a toy that works too good after that incident Ed developed a taste for mutilating toy dolls and it became a sort of ritual for him I have to say light of all the worrying Behavior I don't know I thought I probably did that to my sister's toys as a kid like you should be like you well you broke my toy so I broke yours I'm not sure I'd cut the hands off that is a bit I go but you know kids being kids that is not burying a cat waiting for it to suffocate taking it to your room cutting his head off and sticking it on a pike there is a big difference between those two activities at age 13 Ed shot a dog that belonged to another boy in the neighborhood Ed did so for no other reason than to see what it would be like if someone shoots a dog and then you ask why did you shoot the dog and they're like I wanted to know what it was like to shoot a dog oh my good Lords we need let's let's just start figuring out the cocktail of drugs that you need to take like ASAP after that he became a social Pariah and was bullied and physically threatened by a mob of teenage boys already standing at six foot four none of them dared threatening one-on-one but at one point the threats nearly turned into a lynching and Ed had to flee to a nearby house where a woman had to call the police to disperse the crowd of angry teens oh my god when you are such a crazy like dog murdering cat burying psycho the a gang of people get together to chase after you and beat you up you know like who why is someone not stepping in at this point and putting him in like a special school or like putting him in with like I I don't know whoever looks after people like this I know it's back in the day but still come on that same year when Ed was 13 he was in his bedroom sharpening a knife and his father's machete he observed the family cat a Siamese asleep in a nearby chair I disliked it because it seemed to favor his younger sister Alan and she did in response to his attempts to train it yeah it's a cat mate and also it's not gonna like you because it's probably like well you cut off the head of my like my mate didn't you you psycho he's like why don't you like me cat because I can see the cat skull on your shelf you weirdo why would I like you you're just gonna cut my head off and picked up the cat by the Scruff of its neck took the machete and cut off the top of the cat's skull so the brain was exposed oh my God the cat started to have a seizure and then took his knife and stabbed the cat multiple times in the ribs and stomach he then dissected it and buried the majority of the cat in the backyard keeping some of the cat's intestines wrapped up in an old shirt in his closet when his mother later found those remains please tell me the next line is she called the emergency helpline for crazy people and got him committed please good Lord please she asked him where they'd come from and I've heard something to do with the cat's disappearance Ed not very convincingly lied about the intestines and denied harming the cat we know you did it Ed on his arming of animals Ed later said quote it's not for me to judge these mental health professionals when they look at me here on Monday morning after the football game and they say gee here's all these little parts of the puzzle oh well harming animals indicates what he was going to do and if that's the case I want to know about the teenage kids or the pre-teen kids who are going through these raging moods and attitudes that go out and kill Neighborhood Cats and hang them up from a telephone pole or hang them from a tree shoot him full of arrows and set fire to him where are those children today are they serial killers or are they police Chiefs and Mayors and aldermen an assemblyman ed what are you talking about I I you're smart so I'm just trying to decipher like what you're actually saying because it probably makes sense and I mean just because he's smart doesn't mean it's going to make sense because obviously he's the psycho but what's what's he getting at here he's kind of saying that not all people who torture animals grow up to be psychos and it's like no sure but it definitely is like an indicator Ed people should have looked at that to answer a question in case anyone is curious not all Psychopaths even those who harm animals in childhood go on to become killers of the roughly 100 people who display all the signs of psychopathy and the one in 20 people who display some of the signs many become functioning psychopaths in the same way that one could be a functioning alcoholic their lack of empathy their ruthlessness and impulsiveness do not bring them into trouble with the law or at least they don't get caught in some professions being a psychopath can actually be a positive asset and Psychopaths tend to Cluster towards careers as businessmen lawyers politicians media personalities no no David I uh sort of a businessman and a media personality I also studied law sales people haven't done that I mean sort of I worked on the phone as a sales but oh God surgeons journalists police officers religious leaders chefs and civil servants well okay that's also a huge number of people because that's a lot of career paths essentially any career that has a high level of influence and social status that could be potentially lucrative and requires a high level of confidence a somewhat Cutthroat attitude and ability to divorce themselves from the harm and distress they may cause other human beings in the course of their duties Simon is an unusual subject oh good lord I mean yeah I I do something that I suppose there's a fairly higher level of influence and I mean social status these days I don't really feel like what I do it's like weird that it has social status but I guess it does it's definitely lucrative um does require a high level of confidence I don't think it really requires a Cutthroat attitude and that's what I quite like about making podcasts on YouTube there's like loads of people and they're all successful I don't like in another business if you're selling widgets and Jeff across the street is selling widgets Jeff is your competition and I don't know I look at the other like shows like this and True Crime and stuff and it's like I don't know I I don't really see it's like there's loads of viewers everyone like is watching loads of stuff I don't really feel it's like competition it's just like people who do it as well which is nice I like that it's it's less intense that way although I don't really feel I'm why are we doing an analysis of my job here this isn't really what we're here for I was just fascinated by the uh correlations but of the roughly 1 in 100 people who were Psychopaths and exist all around us including many people you know including the few thousand High Psychopaths watching this video I want name names you know who you are that is intense right only a tiny percentage of them become Killers according to FBI estimates somewhere between 1 and 500 000 people to a maximum 1.2 and 100 000 people become the classic serial killing monsters like John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy it's a bit in other terms there are 4 000 classic type serial killers currently living in the United States today oh my God that is so many that is so so many some of them are already in prison others are still at large or to put it another way London and in the United Kingdom has a population of roughly 9 million people meaning there are between 18 and 75 classic serial killers potentially roaming the streets there or to put it another way there's a statistically good chance at least one serial killer watches this video I think it's higher to be honest I think serial killers probably are more likely to watch videos about serial killers so if statistically if I make a video about I don't know whatever [ __ ] that's not related to Crime I don't know I've got a lot of other channels make a video about the space shuttle then it's like okay it's there's maybe one person but if it's a video about a serial killer I'm gonna say it's higher I reckon there's probably more than one serial killer laying a snow listen let me know in the comments below and don't forget to leave your name and address for the FBI we cover a lot of predators on the gadget criminalist but it is almost certain that there are monsters out there quietly Taking Lives who will never be caught 100 I don't think we'll catching the majority of them to be honest I think the majority of the ones we catch are the ones of like uncommonly good police work uh or uncommonly stupid people the other the most if you're really smart I think you'll probably just continue to get away with it to be honest sadly the fruits of maternal abuse to quote very early my natural parents were always loud and arguing which terrified me emotionally of anything loud and pushy as I was growing up I shied away from loud noises and arguments my mother was very strong and she wanted a man who was strong my father was very big and very loud but he was very weak and she wanted the opposite you know wooing and dating you're one thing but after you're married you let it all hang out she was just too powerful she would drive the men in a life away attack them verbally attack their manhood Ed's father walked out in 1957 when Ed was still eight years old clarnell and Ed camper Jr began a formal separation clano moved her three children from Burbank California to Helena Montana where she got a job as a secretary at First National Bank quote my mother started drinking heavily she was working to raise three kids however not being cooperative about it she'd rank more she punished us harder probably out of desperation so character sets were being developed at that point Carlisle's abuse of Ed became more intense once she had the boy to herself this mostly came in the form of constant and withering verbal abuse occasionally her abuse did however become physical particularly after she had been drinking she told Ed that he was just like his father and that no woman would ever love him she made fun of his looks once in a telephone call to his father Ed overheard her call him a real weirdo and she did not show him any affection or tender loving care because she thought it would quote turn him gay to add his life with clonell was a living hell as he later said quote my mother was there to beat me she was there to humiliate me she was there to use me as an example of how inferior men are well this is this perfect combination isn't it you have someone who is born in that small percentage of people who are like classic Psychopaths and then also raise an environment which turns them into monsters so that's great well done clonell on that one congratulations yeah clarnell also seemed to have picked up on the very real signs that it might become dangerous one day and was justifiably concerned with some of his behavior she feared Ed might harm his sisters part of this was also colored by her opinion that men in general were nothing more than deviants and predators and her response to these concerns only made things worse in 1957 when Ed was still only eight years old she forced him to sleep in the rat infested basement while clonell and her daughters slept in the upstairs bedrooms quote the basement looked like a dungeon out of a castle or something I was very susceptible my imagination was very Vivid and there was an old furnace in the basement that had been converted from burning coal to burning gas if you ever lived in a home like that you know the binging the clanging the rattles the pops the weird sounds at night could be spooky to a kid well at a certain time in the evening the family left the living room of the house my mother and my sisters go upstairs to bed where I used to go to bed I had to go down to the basement and an eight-year-old child had a tough time differentiating the reason in that why am I going to the basement I'm going to hell they're going to heaven Earth is the living room and I'm going down to deal with demons and monsters and ghosts and all the things that scare me they don't have to if you can imagine me going down a staircase if rough Hoon wood there's no guardrail One Step wrong and you're off into this black pit it's pitch black ahead of me the only light is behind me hanging down from the ceiling I walk these gradients of light to complete darkness groping around and I've got this horrible Terror going on inside of me and this is every night why this is just I know why are we expecting good parenting at any point but Jesus like why why who broke you clarnell in 1958 after the child spent eight months living like this his father came to visit his family in Montana it was then he discovered the dead had been forced to sleep in a windowless basement populated by rats to quote Ed's father he was terrified of the place there was only one way out someone had to move the kitchen table and lift the trapdoor I put a stop to it and threaten clonell with the law from that point forward Ed was returned to his upstairs bedroom good but oh my God can't you just take Ed can't you just take him because his mother is horrible she's a horrible mother anyway but she's a particularly horrible mother to her son because she thinks men are so horribly terrible so please come on just take him and go live with him that would be much better it's no coincidence that it was only after Ed's parents separated and the abuse from his mother intensified that his most troubling behaviors killing cats and dogs fantasizing constantly about murder began he started keeping her death list that had a fantasy about everyone in the world dying and him having the run of the place all the cars all the food in the stores with no rules or authority figures no mother when that fantasy became boring he imagined that people were still around but were frozen in place like statues entirely helpless which he could do with that he pleased it was a direct result of his mother's abuse that Ed's fantasies were drawn toward harming women rather than men yeah because she's set up this crazy dichotomy of women being good and men being evil like two sides of a battle so of course he's gonna be on that other side and it's just such a [ __ ] up thing to do to a kid carnellon Ed's father officially got divorced in September 1961 when Ed was still 12 years old two months later Ed's father married another woman who already had a son from a previous marriage who was 14. they lived together in Van Nuys California meanwhile back in Montana had felt that he had been replaced in his father's affections in February 1962 clarnell married her second husband 45 year old Norman Turnquist a meat packer in a factory Norman tried his best to bond with young Ed taking him fishing and hunting another male bonding exercises yet however despised his stepfather and at one point he claims he fantasized about bludgeoning tank Chris with an iron bar when the old man had his back turned but Ed do not follow through with this thought because he feared the threat of the old man's physical retaliation clonell and turquoise divorced a year and four months later in June 1963 with Durk was claiming extreme cruelty he died of a heart attack two years later yeah of course she she literally caused him to get a divorce because of extreme cruelty and then he died of a heart attack I mean holy [ __ ] women what are you doing during the summer of 1963 when Ed was 14 his mother permitted him to go to California to visit his father Ed desperately asked his dad if he could stay for good his father agreed excellent knowing all about clonell's abusive habits and enrolled Ed in a school for the coming Autumn but Ed's father began to notice his son's increasingly disturbing traits he would leer at people and not look away he displayed Mark cruelty towards animals his new wife was felt extremely uncomfortable around it he would never leave the house and he would always be lurking around someplace which once caught Ed peering at her while she was naked in the bedroom Edward later claimed that he had done this deliberately as a come on in early cheese as Christ in early September 1963 Ed had only been in school for a week when his father sent it back to Montana claiming that he could not afford to keep him on in California this is a flimsy lie and Ed knew it yeah this Ed Senior this was your one chance like I mean I'm not saying you could have turned things around but you could have taken a crack at it you could have been like edmate we need to have a bit of a father-son sit down look this is a little bit weird isn't it my dude you need to like not stare at people you need to be less creepy and in like a positive way like I you know I always think of like Dexter and I know it's a fictional TV show but he was born like a psycho and he had that crazy childhood trauma and then his uh adoptive dad was like I'm going to do something about this and I'm not saying that's a realistic thing because it's a TV show but at least take a crack at it I mean not turning him into a serial killer but turning him you know teaching him how to pretend to be normal nevertheless two months later in November 1963 Ed stole his mother's car drove it to Butte Montana where he got on a bus back to California to be with his dad again taking pity on Ed for his nightmarish home life back in Helena his father agreed that he could stay but a month later at Christmas Ed's father took him to visit his paternal grandparents he lived on a ranch near the Sierra Nevada mountains in the middle of nowhere two miles west of the small town of Norfolk North Fork sorry then Ed's father left head behind to live permanently with his aging grandparents he changed and delisted his phone number so Ed couldn't even call again Ed felt rejected and betrayed although honestly anything is better than going back to like psycho mum right Ed It's gotta be better live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere that sounds kind of nice as you could probably even kill animals and not be thought of a psycho for it you know like chickens and cows and then he them maybe your grandparents will sort you out they won't this is Ed Kemper we know he goes on to become a serial killer but you know I can we can dream when Cornell heard the news the dead had been left with his paternal grandparents she contacted her ex-husband in California and said you're taking a huge chance leaving him with your parents you might be surprised to wake up some morning to learn they have been killed for all of her many faults and abuses against husband and children clonell knew something was deeply wrong with their son yeah partly she caused it and then she made it much worse Ed's grandmother Maud Kemper was 66 years old and wrote children's books and dabbled at being an artist his grandfather Edmund camper senior aged 72 was a retired laborer with the California division of Highways he now did his best to farm their seven acre ranch but he was suffering from dementia at the third now age 15 thought the Maud was a lot like his mother in that she was quote constantly emasculating me and my grandfather she would also micromanage Ed's day never letting him go off for an hour alone without calling out asking where he was she also did not like letting him into the town so for the most part Ed was confined to the ranch which he felt was like a prison to what extent Maude Kemper was actually verbally abusive to Ed like clarnell and would what extent a disturbed teenager was just projecting those traits onto another female authority figure will never know for certain I imagine there's a good amount of protection there like it's very unusual it's going to be real it's not it's not clonell's mother it's his father's mother so just the chances of being so crazily abusive I don't think so I mean even if it's a little bit of abusive it's not just just you know a smidgen of abuse it's not going to be the same Ed later claimed he fantasized about murdering his grandmother at this time Ed's grandfather oh and he was a lucid mind tried bonding with his grandson he gave it a 22 caliber rifle and said he'd pay him a little bit of pocket money for every rabbit and go for that the boy shot the Only Rule was that Ed could not shoot at the birds naturally he had ignored this Rule and quote I was blowing them away so fast the birds started flying in a square just to avoid the place Ed enrolled at the local school got good grades and never had any disciplinary issues he also got a pet dog which kept in company on the ranch and which he fortunately did not butcher he befriended a lad on a neighboring Farm named Mike Dozier but the Friendship came to an abrupt end when dojo's family cat disappeared along with a pillowcase from the house oh my God it's like the cat's missing there's a pillowcase missing and there's the psycho Boy Next Door well don't hang out with a psycho Boy Next Door Mikey meanwhile back in Montana clarnell married her third husband in May 1964 Harold strandberg a 43 year old plumber how is clonell marrying how has she been married three times she sounds awful the first two years the marriage seemed to have gone fairly well but once clonell's abuse set in Harold stopped having sex with her for the remaining three years of the marriage according to Ed she had verbal capabilities like you wouldn't believe I used to watch her field strip grown men in emotional little contests and when they got to the point they wanted a Smacker then she started attacking them on beating women oh slap the woman around you know she'd toy with them on that and I'd watch these guys dance around the room having fits knocking out windows punching holes in the door and stomping off Harold strandberg had an affair with another woman and he formerly divorced Lionel and married his lover in 1969 and no one can blame him meanwhile at the end of June 1964 Edwin back to Montana to visit his mother and sisters he spent two weeks there when he returned to his grandparents Ranch maudekember was alarmed at his Sullen and creepy Behavior she wasn't before how much worse could it get you put the cat the neighbor's cat in a bag and killed it allegedly it seems clear that I did regressed while spending time with clarnell his actions became increasingly ominous Edward stare at his grandmother constantly and would not look away until she told him to stop according to Ed he fantasized about locking her in the Outhouse and shooting it full of holes more than once he aimed his 22 caliber rifle at his grandmother when she wasn't lurking Maude later confiscated the rifle because Ed kept shooting birds and she made her promise not to touch his grandfather's 45 caliber automatic pistol or the ones she took the 45 with her in a purse when she and her husband went into town Ed felt insulted and thought about calling in a tip to the police claiming quote there's a little old lady walking around town with a 45 in her purse and she's planning a hold up yeah it's going to go nowhere though he's going to be like were you planning hold up no I just have a gun this is America we're allowed guns it's just nonsense on the 27th of August 1964 Ed was at the kitchen table with Maude proofreading her latest children's book Edmund senior was out grocery shopping in town at one point Maud looked up and saw that Ed was staring at her again she told him to stop it it abruptly got up from the table took his 22 caliber rifle from the hook on the wall whistled for his pet dog and then told his grandmother he was going hunting he walked out the door while she protested saying you better not shoot any birds Kemper stood on the porch for a minute and then quietly re-entered the house he walked up behind his grandmother raised the rifle and shot the woman in the back of the head according to Kemper blood immediately spurted from her nose and mouth Ward collapsed on the kitchen table for good measure Kemper shot her twice more in the back the dog frightened ran off and hid in the bushes outside this is his first kill right his first murder no murders so far just lots of murders of little animals and bugs dude to quote that was an outburst I felt I had to my grandmother had agreed with me from the gate that she wouldn't get into little humiliating mind games with me like my mother had done and I agreed I wouldn't do certain things and then this mind game stuff started up again I could find no evidence that Maude Kemper subjected dead to any severe form of abuse of the kind we can thoroughly verify from eyewitnesses that Ed suffered from at the hands of clonell it's more likely that Ed came back from his visit in Montana thoroughly unhinged and later used claims of abuse to justify Maude's murder or perhaps it was true either way to this day it's a story that Ed himself seems to resolutely believe Kemper got a towel and wrapped it around his grandmother's head distort the bleeding he then dragged her body into the bedroom minutes later Kemper heard his grandfather's car drive up the hill and pull into the driveway Edmund senior began unloading groceries again Kemper raised his 22 caliber rifle and shot his grandfather straight through the back of the head Kemper then grabbed his grandfather under his arms dragged him into the nearby garage and lowered the door Kemper then went back outside turned on the garden hose and washed his grandfather's blood from the driveway kemper's justification for killing his grandfather was that he feared Edmund senior would have a heart attack when he saw his wife's body yeah great justification there so he's like well he might die so I just thought you know it's better that he absolutely is sure of dying he feared his grandfather might become so angry that he'd grab his 45 and seek revenge well if he had that would have saved a lot of people a lot of Anguish Kemper also stated that he did not want his increasingly senior old grandfather to live without his wife well in that case Ed how about you don't kill her in the first place dick in that sense Kemper argued it was a mercy killing Kemper also said that after killing both of his grandparents he briefly contemplated suicide but thought he could not quote leave this mess for others to clean up oh Ed if only you had you're getting carried away you think too much just do it imagine the less suffering that happened in the world if only a bit like yeah yeah no I should have killed myself you should have killed yourself you should have Jesus Christ not encouraging suicide or anything like that but well this is the story of Ed Kemper let's just go on to Sir let's just say that he goes on to cause just a little bit of misery in the world all right because of the remote location of this grandparents Farm it would have been many days before anyone investigated and discovered the double murder Kemper could have done a runner and been gone long before any of that happened instead Kemper telephoned his mother in Montana he told clonell that both his grandmother and his grandfather were dead Kemper initially lied and said that it was an accident from her hair trigger malfunction on his rifle clonell saw through this immediately and demanded he tell the truth Kemper told the whole story whereupon clarnell ordered him to turn himself into the police Kemper called the local sheriff's office and two officers came up to the ranch and arrested him under questioning Kemper admitted to the killings and said quote I just wondered how it would feel to shoot grandma and wow okay this but no prison for the rest of his life come on what's what goes on how is this man free to go on to become The Co-Ed Killer good Lord the dangers of a bleeding heart s in late summer 1964 Madeira County newspaper ran the headline North Fork Bay 15 mad at World kills grandparents Kemper sat in juvenile always 15. okay so that's how he can get back out because he's a kid so he's only going to be in prison for a shorter while and he's going to get released as an adult and then guess what it's not going to be any different as an adult because he's Ed Kemper isn't he uh while the California Youth Authority decided what to do with him he was analyzed by a psychiatrist who diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia and as such Kemper was judged legally insane on 6th of December 1964 just prior to his 16th birthday he was sent to Atascadero State Hospital for psychiatric treatment Kemper would later quote saying I was born there it is significant that the court psychiatrist concluded the following about Ed's case quote he was psychotic at the time of the murders confused and unable to function he has paranoid ideation growing more and more bizarre it is noteworthy Lydia is more paranoid towards women all except in his mother who is the real culprit in the first three weeks of Ed kemper's clinical observation at Atascadero State Hospital doctors throughout the diagnosis are paranoid schizophrenia are reporting quote he shows no flight of ideas no interference with thought no expression of delusions or hallucinations and no evidence of bizarre thinking instead doctors concluded that Kemper was suffering Trauma from severe and prolonged abuse at the hands of his mother impairing his Judgment at the time of the murders they also classified him as quote having a personality trait disturbance passive aggressive type Atascadero State Hospital housed approximately a thousand patients whoa the majority of them adult male most of them murderers some of them serial rapists some of them pedophiles at the time in 1960s California Atascadero prided itself as a progressive institution which put a lot of effort into the treatment and Rehabilitation of its inmates back into society I don't think Ed Kemper should go back into society to be honest and probably the same for a lot of these inmates and I don't want to say like prison isn't about reform I think prison should be about reform but double murder um is that is that is that what reform should be aimed at pedophiles rapists are these people changing I don't probably think so this reputation arguably put pressure on the staff to judge a disproportionate number of patients as rehabilitated after only a few years there yeah that is not a good thing and I'm imagining that's why Ed Kemper gets out of this place pretty sharp-ish despite a [ __ ] double murder double murder of his grandparents at the inmates originally sent to Atascadero roughly 50 of them would judge beyond help and sent to prison okay another 10 of them would never leave Atascadero in their lifetimes are whopping 40 of inmates were considered rehabilitated and returned to society according to their own statistics approximately 10 of the inmates released back into society would reoffend although other mental health authorities have argued that percentage was higher and ignored due to a lack of follow-up research yeah there's not a lot of motivation for them to do that follow-up research because they're like oh it could be bad it could be bad and we need to keep our statistics good it's like um oh it was it I don't know if this is how it actually works remember that episode of that TV show House where he couldn't get a surgeon to perform an operation because he was like I don't think it'll succeed and house is like yeah but the patient's gonna die if you don't do this so they're gonna die anyway and he's like yeah but it affects my stats like I want to be known for doing the surgery really well and if the patient dies then it's going to affect my stats and I'm like that is insane sales ends up like blackmailing him to do the surgery classic house that show was great until it wasn't Ed Kemper polite and compliant with all requests were subjected to the full gamut of psychological and personality tests he soon learned how to tailor his answers to tell doctors what they wanted to hear he was also given an IQ test for the first time in his life and was bound to be highly intelligent and high functioning as such some of the doctors took Kemper under their wing viewing him as a pet project in their view Kemper only 16 could not only be fully rehabilitated into society but could probably become a highly distinguished and productive member of that Society they even fancied the idea that Ed Kemper could become a mental health expert himself a fantasy that Ed Kemper did nothing to discourage yeah Ed Kemper is a smart D what's that dark Triad the machiavellian-ness exercising it here to the max like just pushing those buttons to get out of Hospital like of course as the what else would he be doing all you'd be thinking about is what buttons am I pressing what answers am I giving to get out of this Hospital and getting away with a double murder so I can go on and do more murders and eventually cut my mum's head off holy I put my dick in it what the [ __ ] things escalated to the point that they gave Ed Kemper a job shadowing the doctors of the institution to quote Dr Frank vanisek director of research he works in the psychology Laboratory Testing patient serving as a crew leader in giving the mmpi and other tests he administered a test that included a hostility scale and helped to score it he was a very good worker and that is not typical of a sociopath so let us be clear about this while incarcerated for the brutal murder of his grandparents Ed Kemper was conscripted to assess the mental stability of the other inmates this was hugely irresponsible in reality Kemper was using all of his hard work as a tool of manipulation in order for doctors to consider him cured and let him out of Hospital obviously and doctors you got to be smart like and I guess the thing is people who are really good at manipulation are good at manipulating all people but it's like these are people who should be looking out for that manipulation they literally probably gave him the narcissistic test they gave him that Machiavellian test they know he's manipulative unless he manipulated the results and if the tests allow for that then they need to be reformatted some because come on quote I broke my butt I was the dynamic young man and they began to say maybe we can let him out sooner than we thought kemper's education not only consisted of learning to fall psychologists and to Parrot their jargon he also spent a long time listening to other criminals about their exploits primarily Kempo was frequently listening to rapists talk about what they did to their female victims he heard the staff at the age of 16. he was a virgin completely isolated from girls as age and his hormones and sexual curiosity were at their Peak and Kemper already had Fairly Twisted views about violence towards women most crucially Kemper learned from the mistakes of these predators in order to get away with a violent sexual act one must not leave Witnesses it's a lesson that Kemper says that he took to heart and we know he took it to heart because this is Ed Kemper we're talking about we're all Vaguely Familiar with what he's about to get up to in order to hasten his release Kemper also lied that he'd embraced Jesus as his Lord and say Savior and he began memorizing relevant verses about Redemption from the Bible he also became active in the Jaycees a Civic leadership organization targeted toward American Youth that quartered the likes of Bill Clinton Richard Nixon Bill Gates and serial killer John Wayne Gacy among his membership I was wondering why I'm familiar with that name and it's because it was in the John Wayne Gacy episode combined with his already docile nature and the fact that he was keeping company with rather stuffy doctors of a previous generation Kemper transformed into what he called quote an old fogy despite the fact that he was still a teenager meanwhile in the latter of the 1960s young Californians his age were casting off the image of clean-cut proto-adults growing out their hair doing hard drugs having promiscuous sex listening to outrageous music and subscribing to all manner of bizarre mystical and politically radical beliefs Ed Kemper missed all of that he was a died in the world Square who emerged from hospital not knowing how to relate to his peers much less chat up women after five years at the hospital Ed Kemper was released on parole overseen by the California Youth Authority five years in hospital for a double murder of his grandparents the power of manipulation there Jesus it was December the 18th 1969 his 21st birthday his final psychological report concluded quote if I were to see this patient without having any history available I would think we're dealing with a very well-adjusted young man who had initiative intelligence and he was free from any psychotic illness I see no reason to consider him to be of any danger to himself or any member of society since it may allow him more freedom as an adult to develop his potential I would consider it reasonable to have a permanent expunction of his juvenile records permanently remove from his records a double murder and indeed the fact that kember and murdered his grandparents was eventually expunged from his record in 1972 as far as the wider world was concerned ED camper was a fine upstanding citizen with no criminal history and nothing mentally wrong with him he pulled the wool over their eyes so hard that he just gave them what they wanted that they could cure someone like this oh my God I'd like to think that if I was one of these doctors I wouldn't be falling for that [ __ ] but apparently I would be on the question of his Rehabilitation Kemper later said quote where might I be if my parole had been successful I believe I'd be married and have children and be heading toward my first grandchildren the staff at the hospital recommended to the California Youth Authority the Kemba be sent to a halfway house receive assistance in finding a job and be encouraged to enroll in college he could then transition to society in a controlled environment they also said Kemper should be encouraged to join social Gatherings so that he could get to know people of his age and have a chance to interact with young women above all Kempa psychiatrist said that he should not under any circumstances be released to the custody of his abusive mother clarnell strandberg since it would Place Canberra at high risk of regressing to his previous mental state and reoffending now that is some excellent advice after three months with a staggering level of competence typical of modern government releasing Ed Kemper to the custody of his mother was exactly what the California Youth Authority did California Youth Authority what the [ __ ] you up to the doctors who I mean listen to them don't do this it's crazy he went there for two weeks and then he came back and murdered his grandparents what do you think's gonna happen when you send him back there could he have actually possibly been reformed I've always liked through this whole thing I've been like no I was manipulating the doctors blah blah blah but maybe he could have been reformed maybe if he hadn't been put back in that dark place with his mother maybe he'd have just kept it all buried and just been a regular member of society holy California Youth Authority you have a burden to bear guys Jesus the urge to kill [Music] strandberg freshman bitter divorce with her abused and Unfaithful husband Harold had moved to 609a Ord Street in Aptos in the San Francisco Bay Area Ed's older sister Susan had moved out but his younger sister Alan now aged 18 was still living at home clarnell got a job as a secretary at the University of California Santa Cruz note to Simon in the UC system this is just how they call various universities in different cities oh okay uses okay so it's all one University of Planet California and then they have all these oh like I've heard of these like University of California Berkeley I want to say is that way is that where Berkeley is okay within a few months clarnell was judged to be extremely good at her job and was promoted to Administrative Assistant to one of the various college provosts she adored Campus Life made numerous friends and Dove deep into the second wave feminist movement adopting a maternal and gearing attitude toward female students at the University Cornell even managed to briefly get her alcoholism under control when Ed Kemper moved back in with his mother at the beginning of 1970 clonell started drinking heavily again and it was not long before the two were fighting raising alarm in some of the neighbors it was Ed who made apologies to them for all the late night shouting as Ed later said quote my mother and I started right in on our horrendous battles just horrible battles of violent ambitious I never been in such a vicious verbal battle with anyone it would have gone to fists with a man but this was my mother she insisted on arguing just over stupid things I remember one roof razor was over whether I should have my teeth cleaned why this woman is ah she's a horrible women having been locked up for five years and had trouble adapting to the outside world he was a 1950s throwback Square living in Santa Cruz California in the year 1970. he might have fit in better in Utah or Wyoming but he was in the one part of the country where most young people were desperate to be as trendy and Progressive as possible not to mention Ed was already inept socially from his congenital psychopathy and years of maternal abuse to quote there was a constant battle in me that was a major thing my whole life I didn't have any social attitude any social personality at all what shocked Kemper most profoundly was the transformation of young women the clothes had gotten tied to their skirts short of their cleavage sometimes absolutely scandalous by earlier standards and they seemed to come and go wherever they pleased a staggering number of them could be seen standing by the side of the road hitchhiking according to Ed the site of these wounds contributed to my frustration my inability to communicate socially sexually I wasn't impotent but emotionally I was impotent I was scared to death of failing in male female relationships I knew absolutely nothing about the whole area even just sitting down and talking to a young lady well I mean that's just something that practice will get you just gotta go and do it just go go go go and it will be super uncomfortable because you don't know what you're doing but eventually you'll get there and it'll be fine practice makes perfect yes master the culture shock was also profound Ed grew to hate hippies the mods the Rockets the neo-marxists and all the rest of what he saw as ephemeral pretentious Boomer [ __ ] with this one uh like I get it like culture changes and movements and all of this stuff but it is pretentious isn't it it's always so pretentious it's like yeah you guys you guys are going in the right direction but do we have to be such douchebags about it Ed Kemper like cops who represented a form of rigid societal order he had gotten used to in Atascadero especially since they were the ones beating on the hippies okay not that far though Ed he was also a big fan of Richard Nixon the Republican president who claimed to be at war with the last vestiges of degenerate 1960s culture Kemper applied for the Santa Cruz Police Force and later the highway patrol only to be told that at six foot nine inches he was above the regulation height limit for officers also was told the fact was prior to 1972 as juvenile record had not yet been expunged and some have speculated the police force did not make an exception to the height regulation on account of his unstable past yeah bro you can't be a police officer if your your record has not been expunged so it's still there and I also feel like for jobs like police officer anything where you could be around guns or potential violence that science kind of stuff there should be a special thing where it's like well it's expunge for everyone else except for the police and those institutions where they could be like whoa bro you double murdered somebody but how about you don't be a cop that sounds like a bad idea for you to be a cop because you double murdered someone even though it's been expunged with the police we know it should be special otherwise it seems slightly absurd for the police forced to shrug off a guy for being too big nevertheless Kemper May well sort of but I mean they must have like boot sizes and uniforms and all of this stuff that it's like if the dude's too big he's too big they'd have to make him special uniforms and stuff and I don't think government works like that they're just like where you fit or you don't fit we're not putting round pegs into square holes it's the government nevertheless made a habit of hanging out at a cop bar called The Jury Room where he unsurprisingly gained the nickname Big Ed he spent hours sipping beer with cops swapping notes on different kinds of guns and discussing with them various criminal cases the Jury Room would later prove a useful place for Ed together Intelligence on the police Manhunt once the co-ed Killers reign of terror began despite kemper's childhood traumas his awkward social graces and seriously messed up feelings towards women big Ed did wind up meeting and having mild success with the opposite sex after all at 21 he wasn't bad looking he was tall powerfully built with a deep resonant voice that he'd later use in prison to narrate over 5 000 hours on of books on takes for the visually impaired bye holy yeah and I'm thinking I make a that is a lot that is a lot of of audio edit is best socializing with the ladies who came into the cop bar meanwhile his mother clonell introduced him to a few women whom she knew from the University in the hopes of fixing him up and getting him out of the house however it took these introductions as personal insult since according to Ed clonell would unfailingly choose girls who were socially awkward and physically unappealing Ed thought this reflected clarnell's low opinion of him this woman is a piece of work instead Big Ed's interests tended toward rather good-looking well-dressed young women who hadn't fallen in with the hippie movement but he was crippled by extreme anxiety when talking to them and also by an immense sexual dysfunction Kemper claims he almost had sex with a woman in a one-night stand but obviously something had gone wrong because the lady blue kept her off when he approached her a second time it also claimed that he had gotten physically intimate with a handful of other women but he'd never been able to achieve climax due to the vanilla nature of the sexual encounters so despite everything he'd later claim in prison Ed remained a virgin while staying with his mother Kemper was initially compelled by his parole requirements to attend the local community college but Kemper did not enjoy Academia despite having an aptitude for it instead Kemper opted to what his mother called menial jobs first laborer at the Green Giant farms near Watsonville and later with the California division of Highways what didn't she say that her husband was a menial job as an electrician even though he went on to like go work with nuclear bombs and stuff oh I'm let I noticed this is video where it's like we should all hate Ed Kemper because he's a violent horror murderer but at this point I hate his mum even more eventually Kemper saved up enough money to move out of his mother's place to an apartment he shared with a male friend in the town of Alameda yet even here kemple was not free of his mother she constantly telephone check up on Ed and frequently demanded to come over sometimes clarnell paid her son surprise visits according to Ed a hazard with my mother made me very inadequate around women because they posed a threat to me inside I blew them up very large you know the little games women play I couldn't play them meet their demands so I backslid Kemper wasn't earning much money as a simple laborer and was frequently unable to pay his offer the rent for the Alameda apartment his roommate however was extremely understanding ah this is a throwback to the beginning of today's episode and was able to cover the rent on his own in fact Ed's friend just enjoyed having the extra spending money when Kemper could pay along with having the extra company at home nevertheless I said frequently felt compelled to avoid Legion Friend by moving back in with his mother on 609a Ord Street oh my God such a this is like the definition of a toxic environment which makes him dangerous the fear of bleaching however was just a convenient excuse edvelt drawn back to his mother time and time again he endeavored during his stays with clonell to stabilize his relationship with her quote with my Atascadero learning I kept trying to push her toward where she'd be a nice motherly type and quit being such a damn manipulating controlling vicious Beast she was Mrs Wonderful up on the campus had everything under control when she comes home she lets everything down and she's just a pure should Buster but being super nice at work and come home at night and be a sh Ed Kemper also claims he made peace with his father for the murder of his grandparents yeah these were his dad's parents dude according to Ed they met in an L.A restaurant and talked in law for hours this claim is disputed by kemper's stepbrother who said Ed's father tortured himself for the rest of his life for dumping an unstable teen on MAUD and Edmund senior yeah of the two outcomes here we've got Ed kembly stories like no no I murdered his parents my grandparents and then we met up for lunch and laughed Raz and had a grand old time is that one more likely or is his stepbrother's recount of no no our dad tortured himself because he left his unstable son with his parents and then his unstable son who he raised murdered his parents and he tortured himself about that which one sounds more likely everybody the only reason he did so was because he felt that the boy was too creepy and unsettling to live with his new wife and son Morden Edmond senior paid the price with his meager funds from his day job Kemper was initially able to buy a motorcycle which he crashed Twice first Kemper injured his head and had to take several days off work the California division of Highways put him on paid leave later camper was hit by a driver and broke his arm requiring it to be bolted back together with a steel plate given it as Ed Campbell we're talking about here it may or may not be significant that the driver was female he sued her and received fifteen thousand dollars in an out of court settlement or roughly a hundred eleven thousand dollars in today's money good Lord with part of their money Kemper bought a 1969 hardtop Ford Galaxy sedan that's a lot of money now that Ed had a car he started picking up female hitchhikers uh-oh and driving them wherever he wanted to go he did so in part so he could gain more experience interacting with women talking to them still gave him extreme anxiety and made him feel a bit queasy giving rides to him and came on a kemper's regular activities like kappa's own Reckoning between 1971 and 1972 he gave rides to 150 female hitchhikers that's roughly one every two or three days Kemper also had a tendency to only pull over for them if they were young and good looking oddly enough Kemper did not mention his new hobby to the cops at the Jury Room probably smart because those cops are going to be like bro the bee blue pickup hitchhikers well that's not true I think people who like 99.9 of hitchhikers who pick up people and drop them off wherever they're going error are good people but the ones who are doing it almost professionally not professionally but like driving around just to pick up hitchhikers and they're driving around and just picking up hitchhikers who are young good-looking women let's just say if I was a cop I'd be like let's just let's just let's do something shall we I mean just to be safe it's probably fine but just in case just in case keep an eye on Old Edo here the settlement money also allowed Ed to move out of his mother's house once again and bunk with his friend in Alameda with the remaining balance of the money Kemper started stockpiling weapons so he bought a collection of knives including one he called the general that he sharpened almost every day Kemper also took a keen interest in guns at first kempen just borrowed a gun from his supervisor at the California division of highways that way he was able to avoid any awkward questions about history of mental illness and prior convictions in the gun store wait you can loan people guns without paperwork isn't that a massive loophole it's like yeah hi I'm in the gun store yeah I'm buying a gun and they're like okay well there's like the cooling off period we need like seven forms of ID we need a criminal background check blah blah blah and it'll be like how much is the gun it's like 400 bucks and they're like oh I could loan you this gun for a period of 10 years and let's just say I might forget about it oh how much has the loan for 10 years oh it's 400 and well we don't need paperwork it's just alone it's just surely not it's surely not his juvenile record was not expunged until 1972 right but soon Kemper was dropping hundreds of dollars on a large collection of firearms from small handguns to powerful rifles which he stored in his car and in his closet when it came to the forms camp out to fill out he simply took no when it came to the box for prior conviction for murder oh my God that's like you know just like no no nothing done no worries that's all it's just on an honesty system smoking crack what the [ __ ] sorry what did you say after his record was expunged there was no way of doing a background check and finding out otherwise soon camper began bringing his knives and guns with him when he offered rides to women he'd conceal them under the driver's seat to this mobile little Arsenal Kemper added garbage bags blankets and handcuffs quote I'm picking up young women and I'm going a little bit further each time it's a daring kind of thing at first there wasn't a gun I'm driving along we'd go to a vulnerable place where there aren't people watching where I could act out and I'd say no I can't and then a gun is in the car hidden and this craving this awful raging eating feeling inside I could feel it consuming my insides this fantastic passion over the course of this little campaign Kemper became better at appearing non-threatening and getting girls in the car if a girl simply asked if Kemper was going her way he'd say yes regardless of where the location was yeah that's that's that more creepy thing it's like where are you going yeah yeah no I'm going there if I'm if I'm a hitchhiker and I get a car I don't ask her to go to some obscure place and the person's like yeah yeah no more that that is it that was exactly where I'm going I'd be like okay I'm just gonna wait for the next person thank you I mean not me but if I was like a young attractive woman there's some strange people in this world I've hitchhiked a couple of times in my life one time was fine the other time was a bit weird because the people were really racist [Music] it was in Georgia I was in Georgia in the south of America and it was like a 10 minute drive and somehow in this conversation that people were just really racist about black people and I'm like oh my God what is happening it was really truly bizarre like I'd never I'd never seen such like just plain overt racism it was very strange if a girl didn't like the look of it she might cleverly ask Kemper where he was going first then lied that she was headed in the opposite direction so that she could wait for a different car that is the smart way to hitchhike where are you going that is the right way to do it pro tip there never thought about that but then Edward simply shrug and say hop in I'll drive you there and circle back uh-oh be like that then it's like no thank you no thank you very much other times Ed would pull alongside a girl and act like he was in a hurry so the girl would assume he didn't have the time to try anything Sinister on the ride once the girl was in the car Edward carefully probe her about the destination and the areas trying to determine whether she had traveled that route before if she hadn't it would be easier for Ed to drive in another Direction and take her to a secluded area once in a secluded area Ed might pull over say he briefly needed to check the tires or the engine and then see if the girl got nervous before they drove off again top it all off Ed convinced clarnell to give him a staff parking sticker for the University of California Santa Cruz it was distinguishable by a large letter A Not only was it good for parking closer to the buildings at Santa Cruz the same parking pass was also valid for every single campus for the University of California system from UCLA to UC Berkeley there we go there we go I knew it big brain and having a parking sticker usually Reserve University staff on Ed's Car Made Girls more comfortable with the idea of hopping inside with him for roughly 150 rides Ed never threatened the girls never sexually assaulted them and never did anything illegal that simply arrive unharmed at their destination but that wasn't going to last forever Kemper began to feel sexual and homicidal urges when he was with the women he called these Sensations his quote little Zappos Kemper also began to fantasize vividly again like he had done at his grandparents Farm to quote I had fantasies about mass murder whole groups of Select women I could get together in one place get them dead and then make mad passionate love to their corpses taking life away from them a living human being and then having possession of everything that used to be theirs all that would be mine everything oh my God is there a sentence so far in today's episode that speaks more to the insane mind of Ed Kemper that is just I you know when someone says something logically that absolutely makes like their truck they think they're being logical but it absolutely makes no logical sense whatsoever to anyone who's not insane that is the definition of that thus spake Kemper to quote again on May the 7th 1972 at approximately 4 pm I picked up two girls on Ashby Avenue in Berkeley they were carrying a sign which said they wanted to go to Stanford I'll ask them a few questions and determined to my satisfaction that they were not familiar with the area without pressing too hard and doing a few loopy loops around freeways and bypasses I managed to think of some way of following through with the act of killing them with the least amount of Jeopardy on me what I did was I stopped for gas in Alameda where I was living then I took them in the opposite direction from Stanford along the 680 oh which would come out on a rural highway I told them a story about how I was working for the California division of Highways they were impressed with the radio antenna on my car and thought I was a secret agent or something I kept telling them that I wasn't a policeman and they'd give each other little knowing looks I didn't really make much of an effort to deceive them because they were terribly naive anything I said went over just fine Kemper drove toward the small town of Livermore looking for a Country Lane that might end in a secluded cul-de-sac he found one and stopped Kemper then withdrew a nine millimeter handgun from under the car seat he had passed the point of no return to quote again I was scared I kept telling myself I didn't really want to do it but I was determined I was frustrated because it was like a game to me up to that point it always had been it was a big adventure a Big Thrill but I never bothered myself to follow through and take a chance on getting in serious trouble to commit rape I decided from my past stay at atakastero and listening to a lot of stories but it was better to not have someone unless you are absolutely sure that they weren't going to tell anybody and in this case now that I think back on it I honestly think I could have gotten away with doing exactly what I told the girls I was going to do which was rape them I didn't say that word but one of them asked me what do you want and I just lifted the gun between the two of them and I said you know what I want the one girl Marianne assumed command over the two of them and over the conversation I turned to her and ascertained that she was not the talkative one but the one who was more in a leadership position the other girl was Anita who was overwhelmed by my presentation of the weapon despite there not being any verbal threats the quote ends there Fresno State University Marianne pesh aged 18 tried calmly to convince Kemp to let them go he hadn't done anything yet and they promised to tell no one Anita La Chaser a student at the same University who also aged 18 remained perfectly quiet Frozen in fear Kipper told the girls that one of them had to get into the trunk so he'd only have to keep an eye on one girl as he drove back to his apartment and Alameda where he said he planned to sexually assault them and let them go the whole story was a lie quote again at this time of course I had the full intention of killing them both right then and there I would have loved to have raped them but I do not have any experience in that area I had very limited exposure to the opposite sex and from 15 to 21 I had been locked up with just men anyway I decided that Anita was more gullible and would be easier to control so I told told her she was going in the trunk I took some handcuffs and I reached one of Marianne's arms as I pulled it back I picked up the gun like I was going to hit her with it and told her not to do that again I said you know I'm running the show here or some such cliche so she allowed me to Cuff one of her arms and put the other one around the seat belt behind the lock and I left her there I took the other girl to the trunk just before she got in she reiterated something Marianne said please don't do this or something like that I said what are you going to start in on me now too Kemper locked Anita Le Chaser in the trunk and returned to the back seat where Marianne was struggling to break herself free quote I almost stuck the gun up her nose to impress on her that it was real then my lips started quivering and I started losing control I told her if she kept this up then they both were going to be in a lot of trouble at this point she cooperated I coughed her behind her back I think I accidentally brushed the back of my hand against one of her breasts while I was handcuffing her and embarrassed me I even said something like whoops I'm sorry or something like that I tried to get a plastic stick bag over a head I had this Nifty idea about suffocating her she was complaining that she couldn't breathe I said I tear a hole in the bag not intending to really I had a long rope I started pulling it down over what I thought was her neck I pulled it tight and that's where I almost blew it while Kemba strangled Marianne as she lay face down on the back seat the Rope snapped in two meanwhile Marianne bit a hole in the plastic bag allowing her to breathe enraged Kemper pulled out a switchblade quoting again I poised the blade over a bag trying to decide where her heart was and I struck her in the middle of her back it's stuck a little bit she said something like ow oh and I pulled it back out and I did it again at the same damn tough spot I was getting mad and told her to shut up she said she couldn't since began moaning I struck at several places on both sides of the back and I noticed as I went further down she was getting a little louder and more pain in her cries but none got really loud that always bothered me I couldn't figure out why it was almost like she didn't want to blow up or start screaming or something she was maintaining control that it got too much for her she turned completely over to see what the hell I was doing I stabbed her once in the lower intestine I did not want to stab her heart which would have made her death less agonizing because I was afraid to go anywhere near her breasts it was getting pretty messy there in the back seat she turned over on her stomach and I continued stabbing I don't know how many times I stabbed her I'm trying to think usually I keep track of something like that comparing notes but in this case I didn't I did it with Anita because that really amazed me with Marianne I was really quite struck by her personality and her looks and there was almost a reverence there I didn't touch her too much after that that is other than to get rid of physical evidence such as clothing and later the body anyway she was crying out a little louder and I kept trying to shut her up covering her mouth and she kept pulling away one time she didn't and I still heard her cry I could have sworn it came out of her back there were several holes in the long area and Bubbles and things coming out at this point she turned her head called out her friend's name it was slow it was not loud that was the last thing she said yeah I assume we have all these records from like all of those like confessions and tapes and writings that he's made over the years it is super disturbing I felt like I was getting nowhere the quote continues not that I was getting any kicks out of stabbing her I reached around and grabbed her by the chin and pulled her head back and slashed her throat I made a definite effort at it and it was extremely deep on both sides she lost Consciousness immediately Kemper got up exited the car and headed to the trunk he opened it and Anita asked him with alarm what had happened to Marianne Kemper showed a knee to the blood on his hands and told that Marianne had gotten smart with me and that he had been forced to hit her Kemper told her that a broken Marianne's nose and that Anita should come help Anita duly climbed out of the trunk the reason why Kemper lied was quoting again I didn't want her to know what had happened she's about to die why does she need to know that I couldn't deal with telling her that and when I attacked her she at first didn't realize what was happening the knife didn't go through she had very heavy coveralls on the blow knocked her right up onto the liver car I just kept on mindlessly attacking she fell back into the trunk I slammed down the lid of the trunk she isn't dead she's dying and I panicked and I thought I just locked the car keys in there because I didn't find them in my pocket so I'm kicking on the trunk and yanking on it oh no I don't believe this I started to run and I tripped over the gun that I had in my pants that I totally forgotten was there and I stopped and said stop and think I collected my wits I picked up my gun and stuck it about in my pants I checked all my pockets and there's the keys in my back pocket I never put him in my back pockets I thought I was pretty slick and I went and tripped all over myself those first two murders after calming down Kemper moved Marianne's body to join Anita's in the truck he walked around the car looking for anything that had fallen on the ground he found Mary Ann's wallet which she may have tossed deliberately to leave a trail of her movements in kemper's struggle with Anita he had asked accidentally cut his hand but was so worked up that he did not realize it until an hour later the wound ultimately required stitches due to kemper's agitation and inexperience the whole Affair had been rather sloppy quoting again the first 24 hours there were three clear times where I should have been busted and I wasn't because three different individuals or groups of people got scared and minded their own business and looked the other way the first was just down the road where two married couples were looking at a property they saw red blood's battered car trunk lid and windows further down the road he was pulled over by a highway patrolman of having a broken tail light miraculously the officer did not take note of anything and he let it go Upon returning to Alameda Kemper carried the bodies of the two women concealed under blankets from the garage to his apartment during the process he dropped the blood-stained life in front of a neighbor who seemed frightened but did not report anything to the police yeah this is again we bring this up often in casual criminalist like people don't take action and if you see something like this if you hear something suspicious what did we talk about before like if you hear screams coming from next door just in case call the police maybe you're wrong maybe it's nothing maybe they're watching a movie too loud but if you've got any doubt in your mind just you know just in case the worst what's the worst thing that's going to happen no one will knows you just give a little ring why not see what the police think about it it's not a big deal just in case just in case once in the apartment with the bodies his roommate fortunately not at home Kempa took polaroid pictures of the corpses had sex with them and then dismembered them he performed necrotic fellatio on the decapitated heads quote rather than enjoying having an orgasm with a dead woman or something my fantasy was more along the lines of a not so forceful rape I would be in command and she would not be that unwilling I imagine everybody likes to have dreams like that mine did get a little more lurid than that Ed what are you talking about I imagine Everyone likes our dreams of that Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed only people who are super [ __ ] up have dreams and then don't describe them as nightmares because we can't control what happens in our dreams but people don't have desire dreams about the head of a dead body head that is [ __ ] up no one no one likes that edge that's just you Kemper disposed of all the girls property in the trash he placed the remains of the young women in plastic bags and put them in his car he drove out to the mountains of Loma Prieta to dispose of them while burying some of the evidence he was spotted by a couple walking their dog they grew very quiet whistle for their dog quickly got in their car and drove off the parents of Marianne passion Anita lucchesa put up missing posters while missing persons reports and searched the route between Berkeley and Stanford that they were supposed to be traveling that day police initially told them that the girls were just likely to be runaways in response Anita's parents I had a private investigator and he found nothing I am like if my kids are like especially my daughter's like Dad can I have a car I'll be like [ __ ] yes you absolutely can do you want a gun be like no hitchhiking Drive in classic serial killer style Ed kember returned to the dump site a month later in June 1972 to relive the murders and masturbated the thought of them Marianne skull was found in August 1973 but the rest of her body was never found Anita's remains were never discovered given all the details that he's revealed since hasn't he said where they are can't they go find them and reinter them and stuff hasn't he said a 15 year old girl aikoku was born to a single mother in a low-income household in Berkeley California daiko's mother worked at a library in Aiko's grandparents fully supported them by sharing their meager pension by all account psycho was a lively cheerful intelligent girl from the age of four Aiko had been trained in classical dance her family scraped together what little money they could descended to private school to develop her Talent Aiko managed to stay there by continually achieving scholarships by the time Ico reached the age of nine she was helping out her mother by earning a hundred dollars per one of her public dance performances that's roughly 700 in today's money she did an average of three performances a year it's pretty good money for a kid due to the low family income they never owned a car Aiko had seldom ever ridden in one instead she depended on public transport on the evening of September the 14th 1972 Aiko was heading to dance class at a studio in San Francisco she waited for the bus on the corner of Shattuck and University Avenue there Ico briefly spoke to a witness a girl named Anne for roughly five minutes then Aiko told Anne that she was tired of waiting for the and decided to hitchhike to quote there was absolutely no problem apparently she was not an accomplished hitchhiker I didn't come across any of the normal problems I had with girls and their curiosity as to where I was going or what I was doing after blowing her off ramp and making it sound like an accident I said whoops and oh and I told her I'm afraid you're not going to make that ballet class tonight she panicked and said please don't kill me you know that sort of thing and she was shrieking sort of I pulled out this great 357 Magnum and said do you know what this is now behave I don't want to hurt you or anyone else but if you try to Signal a policeman or anyone else I have to kill him and you you wouldn't want to be responsible for the death of a man who probably has a wife and kids would you Kemper put the gun back under the driver's seat he told Aiko that he was going to rape her and then drive her back to Berkeley and let her go he drove into the mountains and parked in an area masked by trees from the nearby traffic camber got out of the car and reached some rope and medical tape from the trunk it was then that he discovered he'd locked himself out of the car the 350 seven Magnums still under the driver's seat most astonishingly the 15 year old Ico then quote let me back in the car I'd lock myself out she opened the door for me my gun was under the seat this is the thing she's what 15 years old did we say it's just I don't know I just have no words it's like it is not good despite haiko's innocence and naive compliance Kappa still felt drawn to kill her quote what the hell am I doing telling you that am I a masochist am I looking to be tormented further I'm trying to show you how awful this got how commanding these rages got Kemper told Ico to put the medical tape across her mouth she complied Kemba then lowered his body onto the girl and roughly shoved his thumb and index finger far down her nostrils as her mouth was already sealed with tape she began to suffocate Aiko began to fight for her life she grabbed his testicles and squeezed them painfully she kicked at the car window but eventually she fell unconscious Kemper lifted one of our eyelids just like a doctor to check for eye movement Aiko then regained Consciousness and to quote for a moment she just looked at me and I guess she became conscious enough to remember what was happening and went back into extreme Panic for another 45 seconds again Kemper suffocated her but he made sure this time the daiko had completely stopped breathing before he released the pressure he took Aiko out of up later on the grounds and raped her quote I achieved orgasm I guess it was 15 20 seconds it was very quick at that time I noticed a hair falling over her face and nose she was breathing again I took the muffler but she had around her neck and just wrapped it very tight and I tied a knot in it and choked her around the throat for a moment then I was convinced she was dead I picked her up by the shoulders she wasn't a very heavy girl I she told me she weighed 104 and a half pounds Kemper wrapped Aiko in a blanket and placed her in the trunk he placed the lack of his hand against Aiko's skin she'd gone cold Kemper drove back home stopping off at a bar for a couple of beers Jesus Christ while iko's body was in the trunk of his car after Kemper was done drinking he went to the parking lot and opened the trunk to make sure Aiko is dead he stood there looking at the girl's body for a good long while and quoting again I suppose I was admiring my work and admiring our Beauty and admiring my catch like a fisherman there's nothing to admire about this Eddie Kemper closed the trunk and drove to his mother's house where he went inside he spoke to clarnell for approximately 30 minutes while again Aiko's body was still in his trunk exiting his mother's house he again opened the trunk and had barred his handiwork to quote again knowing already she was dead feeling her body to see which parts were still worn partially out of curiosity I wrapped her body up very firmly in the blanket the trunk this very dirty area Kemper got back on the road and arrived at his Alameda apartments at 11 PM he carried Aiko's body inside and placed her on the bed he stripped her naked and throughout Aiko's possessions in various trash bins Kemper proceeded to commit an act of necrophilia before dismembering iko's body and stuffing the remains into several trash bags the same time at 11 PM Aiko's mother began to worry she called the dance studio who said that Aiko had never arrived at 12 30 am she called the police and reported I go missing over the coming weeks baiko's family put up hundreds of posters around Berkeley contacted the newspapers contacted the police in three states and contacted the FBI they interrogated dozens of people at bus stops they received little to no information and no response from the public until a girl named Anne said she had seen Aiko get into a two-door sedan with a male driver a trail went cold two days after the murder Kemper went for a psychiatric exam which he passed with flying colors while he was in there Aiko's head was in a bag in the trunk of his car yeah because he's got that Machiavellian in that dark Triad he's able to manipulate people he's able to manipulate these psychiatric interrogations because he's been doing them for years and he's intelligence and yeah we need to be better at those apparently in the brain scan can't we just scan his brain and realize that he's a psycho that he doesn't have any emotions and he's lying I know this was back in the day but they've got machines now those big FR fmri machines don't they do that those pet scans or whatever they're called come on let's start scanning people's brains to see how they are under Mother's Window in the Autumn of 1972 Ed Kemper now aged 23 met an 18 year old University student from Turlock California they met on a beach and they began dating seriously according to Kemper she was young and she was beautiful had the same advantages the same upbringing and the same Disneyland values Kemper proposed to her in March of 1973. the request of her parents this woman has never been identified but numerous Witnesses have attested to her existence she was small blonde she dressed well despite having little money and she had neatly coughed hair to his exact opposite of Ed's mother she was gentle she was kind it described her as not particularly bright and that quote a man would be a fool to marry a woman who was smarter than himself the kemper's increasing success with women did not seem to diminish the urge to kidnap them murder them and defile their corpses his lack of romantic experience was never the problem the psychological Legacy of his mother's abuse was campus trigger and at that point clonell was still alive and well Kemper had run out his settlement money and again decided to move back in with her the clock on the ticking Time Bomb was reset why Ed can't you just kill your mother just kill your mother who has [ __ ] you up and made you miserable and also combined with your natural psychopathy and just kill her and maybe that will solve your issues I mean it probably won't and you'll carry on killing but maybe I think he does kill the mum right yeah we already discussed that earlier in this very long episode with the head and the vocal Jesus meanwhile another Predator began working in the Santa Cruz area Herbert Mullen the drug addict also afflicted by paranoid schizophrenia believed that his father telepathically ordered him to murder people as a sacrifice to prevent earthquakes now that is a proper crazy person like Ed kemper's a psychopath he is in control of what he's up to someone this person is arguably not even the person that the earthquake persons arguably know even guilty of murder like they're not intending to kill people they're intending to prevent earthquakes which I mean oh my on October 13th 1972 he murdered a homeless man with a baseball bat on October 24th he abducted and murdered 24 year old Cabrillo College student Mary giefoyle her body was not found until several months later but a disappearance finally set off the alarm that somebody out there was abducting female hitchhikers young women began to hesitate to catch rides with strangers and began locking their doors a local women's group loudly and angrily demanded great police action the tip line was established universities began to implore female students not to hitchhike and if they must to only get into cars with friends or into cars with the University of California staff sticker wow which of course Kemper already had on his car why would they not why I mean why would it not potentially be a staff member at the University why are they staff members at University somewhat suddenly more trustworthy than regular people why that seems like a very strange thing to say on January the 8th 1973 nearly four months after his last murder Kemper felt the overwhelming urge to kill again the urge was exacerbated by his excitement of purchasing a Ruger 22 caliber pistol that same day quote it was on Mission Avenue I was cruising around close to five o'clock or so I picked up three different girls that were possibilities but I'd canceled them out because there were too many people standing around that possibly knew them when they got in but all the other conditions were perfect then it started raining real hard and people were getting any ride they could get and windows were fogging up nobody was paying any attention I spotted her standing there with her thumb out a large girl five foot four inches maybe 160 pounds straight medium-length blonde hair and very large chested are rested I should say this was 18 year old college student Cynthia Ann shawl nicknamed Cindy a keen student she was unsure whether she wants to be a high school teacher or a police officer to support herself Cindy had a babysitting job with a family downtown she'd hitchhike there and back Kemper did not appear to be a threat with his university sticker and the fact kemper's arm was in a cast he had genuinely broken it in another car accident and was again suing for damages within minutes of Cindy Shaw climbing into his car Kemper pulled the Ruger on her and proceeded to drive out of town towards Watsonville Kemper preted that he was suicidal and that he was sick of people walking away from him this was just to convince Cindy that she might be able to talk him down and survive the situation but in reality this was his kemper's way of ensuring Cindy's compliance with his demands quote I manipulated her to the point of resolving her behavior until we got to a place oh where she could be killed and I had the biggest problem with that on a guilt basis because obviously that entailed unusual trust between the captor or the perpetrator and the victim of the crime I was playing a little game I convinced her that I didn't like guns that I wasn't going to use it I just nonchalantly tucked it away and my leg there and didn't refer to it again until later I did everything but handed to her to calm her down several times she asked me not to kill her and I got to the point that my reassurances were very nonchalant I was lying through my teeth quote ends Kemper pulled into a wooded area near the small town of Freedom their Kemper told Cindy to climb into the trunk of the car quoting again she actually got into the trunk under her own power I had a cast on my left arm it was broken and I walked her back to the trunk of the car where I told her that I was going to keep her undercover so I could get her to my home where we could talk but I didn't want neighbors seeing her coming to the house or leaving the house and I made that sound realistic to her so she didn't want to get in the trunk but she was willing to when she got into the truck a shot at when Kemper initially pulled the trigger it clicked but it didn't fast and he realized what was happening and scrambled to get back out of the truck could pull the trigger again and the gun fired Cindy was killed instantly by the bulletin to quote there was no jerk of the body every other case there had been a little jerk little reflex there was absolutely nothing it amazed me so much because one second she's animated the next second she's not and there was absolutely nothing in between just a noise and absolute Stillness Cindy's blood had splattered on kemper's arm cast which we covered with white shoe polish he wrapped Cindy's body in a blanket and drove to his mother's house clana was not at home Kemper carried the body into the house and threw it in the closet minutes later his mother arrived home they had a conversation then both of them went to bed Kemper awoke the next morning and waited for clonell to leave for work Kemper then proceeded to commit access graffitia on Cindy's corpse he then took the body to his mother's bathroom dismembered in the bathtub with the power saw that had stolen from the California division of Highways he decapitated the courts and dug the 22 caliber bullet out of the skull he placed Cindy's head in a box and returned it to his closet Kemper placed the rest of Cindy's remains into plastic bags and drove to Monterey County where he threw them off a cliff and into the ocean he disposed of Cindy's belongings at a dump and tossed a jacket into a dryer at the local laundromat on full heat and left it there the next day an irritated owner pulled out the melted ruined jacket and threw it in the trash Kemper kept a small homemade ring of Cindy's for a while but later flushed it down the toilet good plan there don't keep trophies it's like that's you're asking to get caught Kemper kept Cindy skull in a box in his closet for a day periodically taking it out to perform necrotic fellatio and talk to it even at the time Kemper was aware that having a conversation with a decapitated head was not the act of a sane person over the course of the next 24 hours the pieces of Cindy's body wash back on Shore she was one of the first Kemper victims to be discovered after hearing the news over the radio Kemper grabbed a shovel and buried Cindy skull in the garden he made the skull face upward toward his mother's bedroom window because at the University clarnell had taken up the role of affectionate mother hen to all those college co-eds and quote mother always wanted people to look up to her foreign hell of a tweak meanwhile police had confused the disappearances of three young women and the murder of Cindy Shaw with the Santa Cruz slayings of Herbert Mullen okay yes he got you got two people killing the same group of people at the same time California it sounds so scary why is there so many killers in California police abuse rent control pot Parks seniors issues the previous year on November 2nd 1972 Mullen stabbed 64 year old man to death on January the 25th 1973 Mullen committed two home invasions and shot one man two women and two young boys differences in age and sex Mullins victims provided a smoke screen for kempa's ammo police entertained the theory that there was a single predator in the Bay Area and that his victim profile was just entirely random on February 5th 1973 not even a month apart since Kemper killed his last victim nevertheless he began to feel the urge again to quote it was speeding up it was coming to a head it wasn't a cyclical thing it was coming more often this may well have had something to do with the fact Kemper had moved back in with his mother quoting again my mother and I had a real Tiff and I told her I was going to a movie I went straight to the campus because it was still early I said the first girl that's halfway decent that I pick up going to blur brains out Rosalind Thorpe was 23 year old student at UC Santa Cruz she has nearly finished her degree Rosalind had just exited her even in class and stuck out her thumb it was raining quoting again I said to myself well she's not bad looking so I stopped She hesitated then she saw the a tag and ran right along and hopped in basically she carried the conversation she was very outgoing and I was just trying to be amicable I was trying to decide if I was going to kill her I had my little zapple through my body that confirmed it I never had one of those where it didn't actually happen it's where everything would click just right circumstances were perfect she was not the least bit suspecting we were talking and she was more or less popping little questions here and there talking along then I noticed Alice standing on the side of the road she saw us coming throughout a great big beautiful smile and stuck out her thumb this was Alice Liu age 20. also a student at UC Santa Cruz quote she was very good looking built nicely in everything and intelligent and moderate in address nothing outlandish I imagine she was a cautious hitchhiker and she always made sure of a ride before she got in Rosalind and I appeared to be a couple and with that a tag alist didn't hesitate at all about getting in it surprised me her being Oriental that she was built like she was nothing fantastic I mean but you know a very nice build anyway she had long black hair rather coarse and a very Square sort of face very wide high cheekbones Kemper and Rosalind started chatting while Alice sat quietly in the back seat Kemper came to the crest of a hill near campus where the city likes twinkle below Kemper asked Rosalind if she minded him slowing down so that he could look at the beautiful view Rosalind said that she don't mind Alice piped up from the back seat and said she didn't mind also but Kemba got the impression she was just being polite and it was actually rather uneasy and quoting again we slowed down there almost to a stop we were barely moving when I moved my pistol for under my leg a solid black pistol the interior of car was dark so they couldn't see it in my lap while I was talking to them I just picked it up and pulled the trigger Alice gasped as she saw the gun Rosalind fell against the window Dead the bullet lodged just above her left ear quote she had a rather large forehead and I was imagining what her brain looked like inside and I just wanted to put the bullet right in the middle of that because kempa's car was a two-door sedan Alice Lou was trapped in the back seat she sealed at her face with her hands and tried to darken to the corner of the car kepard Two Shots the first one through her hand the second Mist the bullets made two holes in the seat cushions third Bullet at Alice in the temple crediting again she was making a very strange sound I almost threw up as we were going down the hill it was a sigh a constant sigh over and over it would start out very sharp almost like a sniffle then it would taper off and become more of a masculine side than the fine petite girl that she was the blood started running and she was this is too much there's too much I don't need to hear about how a young person is dying let's just skip ahead so there's a person dying in the back seat of his car Kemper drove home stopping the gas on the way and lied to his mother saying they'd fallen asleep during the movie so they wouldn't have to remember the plot kepper then said he needed to go get cigarettes and went back outside opened the trunk and quickly decapitated both of the women in full view of the street Kemba then went to a local bar bought a packet of ciggies had a drink and went back home watched TV and fell asleep the next morning he carried Alice's body into his mother's house in broad daylight rosalind's body remained in the trunk Kemper washed Alice's body in the tub and then laid it out on the bathroom floor and had sex with it he cut off her hands and returned her remains to the trunk the car wrapping the bodies in a blanket he then grabbed Rosalind and Alice's heads took them into the house removed the bullets and defiled the heads he then placed them in the back of the car that evening Kemper drove to Alameda and visited his fiancee to quote I was fairly agitated that night and she noticed it my stomach was killing me I thought I was developing ulcers because of all of this I was in a great tension whenever something like this was happening especially with people in the trunk of my car to dispose of after leaving his fiancee Kemper took himself to dinner and found that he could not eat he then went to a movie after that he revealed his car at the gas station Kempa then drove out of town towards Eden Canyon around 2AM there Kemper dumped the two headless bodies he then drove across San Francisco and through the heads and the hands of the two young women off a cliff and into the ocean quote it was easier to do I was getting better at it I was getting less detectable I started flaunting that invisibility some people go crazy at that point I felt it it was one hell of a week leaders not into temptation then things moved quickly and in a model that was advantageous to Kemper The Disappearance of Alison Rosalind hit newspapers on February the 8th three days after their murder on February the 10th the other Santa Cruz Predator Herbert Marlin shot and killed four teenage boys at a makeshift campsite on February the 11th the woman's left hand was found on the 13th modern shot and killed his final victim a 72 year old man before he was arrested by a highway patrolman on the 14th Alison rosalind's headless and Handler's bodies were found in Eden Canyon all of these Grizzly events got lumped together in the police investigation Herbert Mullen had killed a total of 13 people and this occluded kemper's own activities and Kemper had left the police no trail that could lead back to him all kepa needed to do was now resist the temptation to kill again yeah good luck with that he's definitely gonna kill again this isn't something that he's just gonna stop in March Kemper did not kill anyone and he announced his engagement he says during this month he resisted the temptation to murder any more co-eds in the way a person may resist the temptation to have a drink or smoke a cigarette in early April a police officer came by clonell's place when Kemper was there with his fiancee Kemper had purchased a gun recently and had not declared that he had a criminal history on the form Kemper pointed out his record had been expunged the officer asked to see the gun in question Kevin began taking the officer into clonell's house to fetch the gun from his closet then Kemper realized he had a bunch of other questionable guns in there along with a bag of Alice and rosalind's possessions Kemper started to sweat then he remembered he had left the gun in question in the trunk of his car Kemper quickly turned the officer back around the officer confiscated the gun until the matter of its legality could be resolved and bid Kemper a nice day Kemper felt sick that was too close for comfort then on April the 14th 1973 Campbell was driving along Asbury Avenue the same road that he had deducted his first two victims quote I had a weapon in the car I'm not hunting I'm seeing if I can maintain and let this thing go and marry my young lady and move on I go driving up there and there's these two young ladies five foot two one dark-haired one blonde head they're in granny dresses I'm having outfits because it's like deja vu they were just like my first two victims they want to go to Mills College we drive up Highway 13. we get to this Clover Leaf interchange they wanted to go under the freeway and to the left and I happened to know that a couple of miles down the road there's a secluded spot where I took Anita Lucchese and Marianne pesh and killed them Mills College was to the right back towards downtown the girls don't think so they want to go the other direction I'm saying gee you don't want to go that way and I can't tell them why they say well no we go there we would know we live there we want to go that way and as we approach The Interchange I explain why they don't want to go that way and I can't say because that's another step closer to you dying if these urges take over and if I go that way it's not encouraging me to stop it's testing me Beyond where I want to test I was actually scared to death I was going to kill him and I'm trying to save their lives playing a super super deluded quote continues I don't want them going that way because I know Mills College is the other way they get scared let's oh my God we shouldn't have gotten in this guy car and they're all puckered up and I say just be patient if I'm wrong we'll turn off and take you right back your way trust me please and they couldn't talk and they looked straight ahead I had pushed it the other way and refused to take them away they wanted to go that's what scared him the irony of it was if I had gone their way I would have said to myself oops let's kill him one more time how do you oops to human lives I don't know where they are today and I don't know if they remember that little incident but when I drove them to Mills College right to their dormitory they got out of their car and flew up those stairs never even looked back I don't think they know to this day how close they came and that day I knew I could not stop killing I had no control over it it was going to happen again and between that weekend and the following week I built an image in my head that my mother's going to die I'm going to kill her and I'm going to go to the police we're going to hold Court in the street and they're gonna pound me into the ground and they can fill in the blanks because I don't want to be around to explain it all that week it was a conviction that just got deeper and deeper in me almost every minute of every day I knew that's what next weekend held dinner and a movie after killing his mother defiling her remains and cleaning up the mess Ed Kemper left the house he went driving while traveling down 41st Avenue he spotted a friend Robert McFadden Kemper proposed they go get drunk together it was still late morning they proceeded to a liquor store they sang some beers in the parking lot and then drove to a gun store where Kemper tried to purchase another gun but was refused by the owner due to the current legal confusion over kemper's last purchase at this point kemperum thadson parted ways kind of impressed with the gun regulation here that this is like back in the day they didn't have like computers like right to sort this stuff out but somehow he's not getting a gun because they know about this legal confusion over the previous gun that's cool I like that Kemper returned to clonell's house he knew that his mother's absence would be noted on Easter Sunday the next day and it would also be suspicious if she did not turn up to work the next week quoting I decided that someone else had to die too A friend of hers as a cover-up an excuse I started thinking about who would be the best victim who would be the most available who would be the easiest to kill and who would be most likely to leave with my mother for a spur-of-the-moment trip Kempa decided upon clarnell's best friend 59 year old Sally Hallett he called her number and got no answer he tried again several more times that afternoon although while Kemper was drinking more beer trying to keep down the rising sense of panic Sally called 5pm and asked Ed if she could speak to his mother Kemper replied that his mother was not at home but that she should come over at 7 30 pm to join clarnell on him for dinner and a movie Sally leapt at this invitation Kemper then closed all the windows and doors in the house so that the sound of Sally screams would not carry he brought a rope and a makeshift bludgeon into the living room he placed a gun in the adjoining bedroom just in case Sally arrived late at 8pm Kemper greeted her at the door he told Sally that his mother was also running late Sally accepted this explanation and the two went into the living room together quoting again we were crossing the living room toward the couch my first intention was described at her midsection her solar plexus and knocked the wind out of her so she could not cry out and then to strangle her it was the first move that I was kind of dreading I guess what worked me into it was that she said let's sit down I'm dead and I kind of took her at her word there I hit her hard and she dumped back and said stop that I hit her again immediately into last words were oh and then she stumbled back I threw my left arm around her neck I put her in a Chokehold and pulled her up off the floor in fact she was dangling across my chest with absolutely no sounds coming from her she was holding my arm with both her hands there was no real tugging her legs weren't really kicking at all I thought at the time that she was so shocked and so embarrassed at what had just happened that she couldn't really say anything and was just waiting for me to make a move I looked down into her face her eyes were bulging badly her face was turning from a bright red to Black later on I realized that I had crushed her larynx when she went limp I dropped her to the floor Kemper dumped hallett's body in his closet alongside his mother he removed all the money Sally and clarnell had on them and stole their credit cards on the corpse of his mother kembler fined a note for police which read approx nearly 5 15 a.m Saturday no need for her to suffer any more at the hands of this horrible murderous butcher it was quick asleep the way I wanted it not sloppy and incomplete gents just a lack of time I got things to do so he's kind of trying to make a really diversion this is really and also if someone's mother and best friend are murdered and the son has previously got a double murder for killing family members bro the police are going to be looking into you so hard and if they're not what Kemper left the house and drove to the Jury Room he spent an hour there drinking beer he then returned home and slept in his mother's bed for six hours on Easter Sunday Kemper moved all of his guns in his possessions to Sally hallett's car at 10 AM camper drove out of town he drove Eastwood all the way to Reno Nevada Barry dumped Alex car and transferred all of his guns and belongings to a rental car Kempa continued to Drive East stopping only at a gas station for gas soft drinks and some caffeine pills to stay awake after 18 hours of driving Kemper was pulled over in Colorado for speeding he was fine 25 and he kept on driving long into Monday night the Spy kemper's determination to flee his fatigue and his growing sense of paranoia that he was already the subject of a Manhunt he felt as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders Kemper claimed this was entirely due to his mother's death yeah like we said earlier it'd be better if you'd killed her earlier on and maybe that would have said satisfied your bloodlust because obviously she's the real problem here here I'm encouraging him to kill his mother at the beginning we were like oh no he's killing his mother and that's like oh maybe it would have been for the best oh God Kemper arrived in Pueblo Colorado after a thousand mile or 1 600 kilometer Journey without sleep he listened to the radio and found that there was not yet any news of clonell and Sally's murders indeed they were still undiscovered in kemper's closet back home it was that point Kempa decided to turn himself in quote the original purpose was gone it wasn't serving any real or physical or emotional purpose it was just a pure a waste of time emotionally I couldn't handle it much longer toward the end there I started to fill the Folly of the whole damn thing and at the point of near-exhaustion near collapse I said to hell with it all off he telephoned the Santa Cruz Police Department in the middle of the night knowing that he could not wait until morning he confessed the murder of his mother and her friend but the desk officer thought it was a god of variety nut case and told him to call back another time Kemper called the Santa Cruz Police Department again the following morning this time he asked for an officer he knew from the Jury Room he confessed to killing his mother and Sally Hallett again and he waited for two Colorado officers to arrive and arrest him thereupon him confessed to murdering the six college co-eds on the long drive back to California Kemper and the arresting officers stopped off at a drive-through there a group of young women passed by the car kemper's involuntary response was to form it all over himself a talkative murderer Kempo was kept in police custody in Santa Cruz and questioned about all late murders that he had committed in 1972 and 1973. he spoke for several hours confessing in great detail on May the 7th 1973 Campbell was indicted for all eight murders at the initial hearing he pled not guilty by reason of insanity Kemper tried to kill himself twice while in prison awaiting trial adding his grandparents Kemper had murdered a total 10 people on 23rd of October 1973 his trial began they had death penalty I don't think so right when was Manson when was the Manson stuff because he was spared the death penalty I get the feeling it was as it feels maybe it was maybe it was later than this but he's still alive isn't he Kemper the jury had testimony from three court-appointed psychologists that Kemper was saying this was based on the McNaughton rule which disallowed any plea of insanity where the perpetrator had an awareness of what he was doing showed malice after thought and knew what he was doing was criminal I have a feeling that's a law in in British law as well if I'm not mistaken it's super familiar to me maybe it's that old Kemper was judged sane by all three criteria his alleged Insanity was the result of his congenital psychopathy his complex created by his mother's years of abuse and bisexual and sadistic urge to kidnap and murder co-eds in order to possess their bodies I'll leave it to the listener to determine whether they think that camper should have been sentenced to prison or to another hospital for the criminally insane prison I know we say we're leaving to the audience David but he needs to go to prison he definitely look he needs to go his prison prison time or like a proper never get out psychiatric hospital because he'll just manipulate people into getting out and they'll kill people again because that's what he does he can't resist it for their part the jury clearly thought the kemple was not crazy just a monster on November the 8th 1973 after just five hours of Liberation they found Kemper sane and guilty on all eight counts of murder Kemper requested the death penalty going further to request death by torture for what he had done however kemba's conviction fell during the time in U.S history when the death sentence was suspended as such he was given seven years to life for each counter murder to be served concurrently he was sent to prison in Vacaville California where he remains till this day while Kemper was incarcerated he bullied fellow Santa Cruz Predator Hermann Mullins who can profound to be an arrogant and remorseless killer Kemper himself soon became model prisoner he cooperated with the FBI Behavioral Science unit and that's what that TV show mindhunt is all about in giving insights in the mind and practices of serial killers in this sense Kemper is the real life Hannibal Lecter and a pioneer of the practice of criminal profiling Kemper also gave many interviews to journalists and documentarians over the years many of which can be found on YouTube Kemba was first eligible for parole in 1979 only six years after his arrest he was denied the same went for his parole hearings in 1980 81 82. despite kemper's good behavior and self-aware accounting for his crimes along with his evident remorse for them the parole board did not trust that he would not be a danger to society If released good parole board you bang on he would not be the conclusion was partially colored by how effectively Kemper had fooled the psychologists at Atascadero State Hospital after the murder of his grandparents in 1964 earning his early release an expunging of his juvenile record it is also quite clear that Kemper is a manipulative psychopath possibly incapable of feeling the empathy for his victims that he claims to feel and his protestation that his desire to murderers ended with the death of his mother may not be entirely honest ones yeah totally agree I do think that was probably a turning point but also we absolutely cannot trust him and he will probably murder again he should definitely be in hospital for in uh prison forever Kemper continued to be rejected in all of his parole hearings in the 80s 90s and 2000s he also waved his right to a hearing on several occasions Kemper has claimed that he's quite happy to Live and Die in prison in 1988 he also said quote Society is not ready for me in any way shape or form I can't fault them for that so that implies that at some point Society is going to be ready for you Ed um which they're not they never would be because Society isn't that it's not it's just not that other times however Kemper has made attempts to secure his release he's next eligible for parole in 2024 he'll be 75 years old whether or not the old man would kill or mutilate again should he encounter any young vulnerable women is open to speculation I'd say yeah probably probably it's not something that it doesn't seem like it's something you can turn off dismembered appendices one while awaiting trial in 1973 Kempo was subjected to some quote-unquote truth serum where he admitted to convicting acts of cannibalism where he cooked the Flesh of his victims in a casserole camper later recanted that confession number two Kemper is a direct inspiration for both Buffalo Bill and Hannibal Lecter in the movie Silence of the Lambs yeah number three in 2017 and 2019 Kemper was masterfully depicted by Cameron Britain in the TV series mind Hunter the theme song of which I've been listening to multiple times during the writing of the script for inspiration it's a good theme song it's a good show you should check the show out for sure and Cameron Britain I didn't know the actor before he does a great job number four in the movie American Psycho the villain slash anti-hero Patrick Bateman incorrectly attributes to Kemper quote to Wisconsin murderer and skin suit Enthusiast Ed Gein kemper's quote is as follows when I see a pretty girl walking down the street I think two things one part of me wants to take her out talk to her they're real nice and sweet and treat her right the other part wonders what her head might look like on a stick and that quote is where we end today's pretty brutal episode where I jumped over bits of Parts because it was just too brutal uh Ed Kemper though what did you expect very long oh my Lord very very long anyway thank you for watching or listening if you enjoy in inverted commas inverted quotes this show please do leave a review if you're watching on YouTube please thumbs up subscribe and I'll see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: The Casual Criminalist
Views: 387,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, mindhunter real life killers, real life mindhunter killer, born to kill edmund kemper, real crime
Id: NTexZd90-NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 23sec (8123 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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