John "Shrek" McPhee talks about how he became "The Sheriff Of Baghdad"

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can Iraq we really started lightning warfare we could clear a hundred buildings in tonight bloody or not that could actually stop us from doing that the American warfighter today is the finest warfighter in the world as an army guy whether it's a unit or anybody your nickname is going to be based off of something you screwed up like I there was a guy that I worked with his code name was crapshoot he gambled on a fart at training and lost you know so this is how where I worked guys got their their names you know the Navy you know what I mean you want to be Thor god of thunder you're gonna have to go to the Navy because they can name themselves but army guys if you screw something up it's probably going to stick you know log day there's a day where you have to do they call it log PT where you get a telephone pole basically and you're in a sawdust pit and they just it's a they smoke you or what they used to call smokings which is just fitness till you can't go no more and they're just trying to get guys to quit and being from Ranger Battalion I was already hip to this game as a leader in Ranger Battalion I had already done this game myself so I knew it so there's a time limit to this your body can only handle so much and then you just keep going anyway and it'll be over in a few hours so my team you know like on the first rep with the telephone pole there's guys already like knees buckle in they're crying so I was like I just thinking myself you know these guys are [ __ ] man this isn't that hard so they're they're doing stuff to cadence right and it's like one two three and then you count the number so I just started yelling zero I was like zero and I did this enough for the cadres like come here you know so they made me go up in front of the class I had my or they gave me my own six foot log which I'd rather be on a log with ten dudes than on the six foot log alone trust me so I'm like well I got my own log I was yelling zero I can't I can't push out now so so they do the cadence they're like one two three right and I'm like zero and the cadre is like I'm gonna tell you right now you better start counting I'm like Roger that's hard Roger that one two three I'm like zero so the the rest the selection they called me zero and then after that I started counting and I'll tell you that six-foot log was heavy but I wasn't given in like I got myself here I'm gonna get myself out of this like a man and I just kind of manned up and zero was gone as soon as sfas was over and shrek really happened after a couple trips to Afghanistan there's a guy still works in the industry it was in my troop he was making fun of me one day and I forget what I did but it was one of those things where it was like an incredible feat of [ __ ] strength like hey we need to pick this thing up I'm like move it and you know and he was like man you're like ogre you're like Shrek and everyone laughed haha you like Shrek I knew it my name was gone about a week or two later I called a buddy of Mines house and his youngest son answered and I'm like hey go get your dad he's like who's this and I'm like it's John go get your dad and he's like who and I'm like it's John go get your dad like I call here all the time go get your dad and he's like who and I'm like it's Shrek and he's like Daddy shacks on the phone right and that's kind of when I knew like its it's stuck nothing I can do about it and you know I mean here's the deal with nicknames you can fight it it'll only get worse so I just think kind of embraced it when I was uh the money SAR major I had a guy that worked for me and this guy was a retired sir major he was the 82nd airborne operations our major when he retired he he worked in the embassy as a crisis management guy and he worked like some crazy stuff and I remember what it was but it was like you know five hours every three days and he was making you know he was pulling in half million dollars a year some crazy number and the truth is the embassy in Baghdad during the Iraq war there's nothing that the Embassy's going to react to because the Army's got a war going on around so he really didn't have a job so he did that for a while and what he did is he made these t-shirts and the front had the sheriff of Baghdad emblem in the back said sheriff a Baghdad underneath the back it said serving strategic policy one citizen at a time so he made these while he worked in the embassy and he thought they were funny and he was going to give him out and nobody in no one no State Department folks wanted them right they didn't think it was funny at all he ended up with all these t-shirts so a couple years later his wife says hey no more deploying you got to stay home we got to raise kids so he came to work came to work for me and one day he was like hey what size you and I was like at double xxx you know and he was like I got a bunch of t-shirts you think you'd want him I'm like bring him in you know use him for working out for fighting in for shooting so he brought them all in and they were all these share for Baghdad shirts and he had green and brown yellow letters so I started wearing them to every pistol match every three gun every sniper match we went to I just wear my Sheriff of Baghdad shirts because I had a ton of them every time I worked out every time you know every time I did fighting or jujitsu I just wear my Sheriff of Baghdad t-shirt and then you know guys just kind of got used to it my buddies and then one day we're we're in Raleigh North Carolina shooting and two of my buddies of the guys that they got to have Starbucks so we're going to stop shooting so they can go get Starbucks and then we'll keep shooting again so I don't drink coffee so they're like hey you know we're gonna go get some coffee so I'm like okay so I go with them and they're like you want something to drink I'm like I don't drink coffee not really no come on just get a coffee come on you never get anything we're buy and get a coffee some like our iTunes whatever doesn't taste like coffee I'll get so they're like I think I get like a white chocolate mocha or some some something foo-foo right so I'm like okay I order one so we just get off the range you know North Carolina's open carry so we got guns and gun belts and so we walk in and they're like yeah and a white chocolate mocha for the sheriff of Baghdad and then my other buddies like yeah throw sprinkles on it and this girl in Starbucks gives me the dirtiest look and I'm like thinking to myself you know I don't even drink coffee but this girl's gonna spit in it I'm sure of it right so she comes over the biggest attitude like hands me my cup of coffee and so when I retired you know you got to have a corporation you got to have a business name tax purposes so you know I was thinking of a business name and a bunny mine was like dude every time you wear that sheriff a Baghdad shirt he's like that [ __ ] cracks me up so I was like man all right I'm gonna go with it Sheriff a Baghdad so that's the army man only the Navy gets the cool names
Channel: Trigger Time TV
Views: 356,195
Rating: 4.8961611 out of 5
Keywords: john McPhee, shrek, sob, sheriff of baghdad, army, delta, sf, special forces, special operations, tag entertainment, troy alan guillotte, iraq, afganistan, sniper, assaulter, ar15, 9mm, 45 acp, 1911, glock
Id: 67a-WndnOws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2016
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