John Osteen's The Word Is a Seed (1997)

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throughout his life one thing that made most to Jesus was people he sacrificed everything to lead them to his father and to love them no matter what Jesus loved everyone that was what made him so different and so necessary to our lives I'm John Osteen pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston Texas through many years of ministry we've discovered that there's no greater joy than loving and caring for God's people that means you no matter your denomination race or walk of life your dreams and desires are important to God and that makes them important to us we've dedicated our lives to bring in the compassion of Jesus to everyone by building faith in God through the teaching and preaching of his word Lakewood helps those who have been overcome to be overcomers we're interested in God's very best for you so please just as you are join the people of Lakewood for the next 30 minutes as we open God's Word together at judge we're here for hello everybody we're so glad to welcome you to Lakewood Church we're here for you we're here to bring the Word of God to you and I know God is gonna bless you today so get your Bible get ready to learn something from God's Word and I've gotta said hey and I want to remind you about what John the Baptist said about Jesus he said there he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and then he goes on his said he I told you that there's one far greater than I am that's coming and he's the one that will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire and then in the little part on down in the chapter it says the following day as John was standing with two men's disciples Jesus walked by John looked at him intently and said behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world did you know that Jesus likes for you to look at him intently he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world but when we look at him intently and focus in on Jesus then he will move for us so I want to encourage you if you're here or watching by television look at Jesus intently he is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world all right let's hold up our Bibles and let's wave them around a little bit to make the devil nervous and us all saying this is my Bible I am what it says I am I have what it says I have I can do what it says I can do today I will be taught the Word of God I boldly confess my mind is alert my heart is receptive I will never be the same I'm about to receive the incorruptible indestructible seed of the word of God I will never be the same never never ever I'll never be the same in Jesus name Amen television audience if you will with this audience here open your Bibles to the book of Mark chapter 4 in mark 4 chapter 30 it says and he said unto them where do shall we liken the kingdom of God or with what comparison shall we compare it it is like a grain of mustard seed which when it is sown in the earth is less than all of the seeds that are in the earth but when it is sown it draws up and becometh greater than all herbs and should have that great branches so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it could I have an amen you know it's wonderful to know what Jesus taught when he was owner and he taught a lot about the Word of God and among other things you know the Bible's full of statements about the Word of God jesus said heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away could I have an amen and the Bible says no word of God shall be void of power that's what Mary said or the angel said when he came to Mary and said you're going to have a child by the Holy Ghost and she said how can these things be he said the Holy Ghost shall come upon you and you overshadow you for no word of God shall be void of power if God has sent it he will do it could have an amen the Bible says that God watches over his word to perform it the Word of God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword what translations of the word of God is alive and full of power energy is in the Word of God now Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God could I have an amen of all the things that sit in the Bible I think about Isaiah 55 as the rain coming down and the snow from heaven and one of the earth that it may cause it's a brain vaulted but then he may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and prosper in the thing whereto i sin it could I have an amen it will not return void thank God for his work but of all the things then he said about the word the thing I want to emphasize today is that jesus said the word is a seed now you know over there in the first part of that chapter it talks about the parable of the sower and Jesus said the sower soweth the word and another imagine I believe it says the the seed years the word so the Word of God he is called incorruptible seed it is the divine life of God thank God the word is full of power and it's like a normal ordinary seed you plant in the ground and the Bible says that you know that that seed it will will germinate and become something now I read the story about them finding in one of those pyramids a bottle of seed that had been sealed up airtight for 2,500 years sealed in that bottle but it's real scene you know what they took it out they planted into the ground miracle happened it bursts forth and produced the crop did you know some people have had their Bible on the shelf for 2,500 years they put roses in it cards in it and it's sitting up there and it doesn't produce a thing in the world because they haven't put it in action yet thank God the Word of God is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword now this powerful here Jesus is talking about the word being a seed now I know that the seed has power in it I tell the story about my dad II haven't get me to work in in a cotton patch I don't know anybody ever you're working the cotton patch anybody old enough to work in the cotton patch I'll tell you I'm going to have to be mine any hungry if I ever work in a cotton patch again oh my I just I just I hated it I hated that I hated it I remember my little sister Myrtle and I used getting a half a bale of cotton or before daylight buried down in that keep warm and daddy taking the whole crew out there in the god batts to chop cotton or whole godrick cotton I'm telling you it doesn't matter I don't want it to cut and big and work in my life oh my picton - my fingers have bled you know it I can I can remember some of my first memories his mother pulling me on her on her cotton sack me on the cotton sack she pulling that thing along be riding on that now that's my son my first memories and I ain't going back I said I ain't going back unless I'm mighty hungry but anyway daddy had me out there dropping seed in these holes he's going along and the dig holds you know it and my on my job I just big as a minute you know maybe half a minute but he had me this little bag you know and I was dropping these these these discount seeds you know down in there and covered him up with my foot and drop them in there when this is tires from his hot el hot oh oh my I didn't like that at all and I had a whole lot on seed left daddy was down with the cultivator some other place and so while he wasn't looking I took a great big hold at the end of the road and I poured the whole cotton pickin seed bag in there and covered it up and went home happy but the Bible says be sure your sins will find you out and you know a few months later me I'm going along and all of my ignorance you know it and I feel like I got away with something you know but I'm telling you I look down there one day and there was a nice little roll of cotton and at the end there was a forest I I'm talking about the whole thing was full of for a full of Cotton's plants and my sin had found me out what I'm saying is the word is a seed if you plan it is going to come up but here are the points that I want to make here this one of our favorite sermons to preach it says you know the Bible says when you look at the seed it it seems like I say listen mustard seed jesus said and the Word of God is like that it's less than all you'd look at a promise of God compared to your problems your problems financial problems marital problems and health problems and just some words it just seems like it's less than all oh it's just mocks you what are you going to do you can't pay your bills and yet the scripture says my God shall supply all your needs it just seems so little so little and and then when you're sick in your body and you you want to cook that scripture and you do a by stripes I'm healed but you're hurting your ears are hurting your nose is hurting your head is hurting your feet are hurting your back's hurting everything's hurting but you read that oh by His stripes I'm healed it's less than all it seems like it's nothing nothing there on the pages of Scripture but all the Bible says it seems like it's less than all but when it is song I'll tell you when you take it out of the Bible and show it in your heart the Bible is going to do you no good on the pages of scripture here it's got to be taken out of the scripture and place in your hearts Paul said I have planted and Apollo's watered but it is God that gave the increase oh that plant you need the water with praise and adoration as Gary preach wins tonight praise God and worship God in the face of the storm it's planted water it water it but be sure of this not John Osteen or anybody else is going to give the increase it's God who's going to give the increase I have planted called set a policy has watered but it is God who gives the injuries it's God who would stand behind his word it's God who will make it grow I think about you know the Bible says well it's less than all but when it is sold the Bible says it groweth thank God when you put when you put a seed in the ground you may not see it growing but that little miracle life of God is in that ground I think about I think about planting two seed in there you know and cover it up with a little tiny tiny seed and covered up with some dirt and the dirt is worth is heavier than well a hundred times here how to two hundred times everything that little seed and I hear the earth said I got you I got you you will never get out you'll never get out you'll never get out you'll never get you a little old tiny nothing down in there you will never get out you'll never get out I've got you I've got you in that tomb you're gonna die you're gonna you're never going to have your needs met you will never get out I hear that little seed saying I've got the life of God in me I've got the life of God did me I hear it singing I'm coming up I'm coming up five coming up and the earth gets so mad why you foolish seed you don't have any power to come up I'm a hundred times two hundred times everything you are you were down in there you don't have it astray you never get out but the little seed begins to saying I got the life of God I got the life of God and one day he just burst open and the life the miracle life of God begins a move and that dirt begins to move and it becomes a rise up and it sticks its head out and find it just pushes all the rocks away and comes up and you know it may be that way today you have a scripture down in your heart you may have a scripture down in your heart television audience you may have another scripture down in there it looks like it's just a tomb it's never going to come out and ever every boy says you'll never get it you'll never get it you'll never get it but I want you to know that the miracle life of God is in the promise of God and you may not see it and you may not feel it but the Word of God is working mightily in you hallelujah the Bible said the word of God prevailed the Word of God prevail my delay I want you to know the word that we put in our heart and confess with our mouth and believe in our heart I'll tell you that word is working mightily it'll push cancer out it'll push push eggs out it'll push blindness out it'll put push dead out it has the miracle life of God when you saw it it begins to grow it grows up not down the Word of God always lifts you could I have an amen it grows up and then I like the next scripture it was less than all when you begin but when you saw it it grows and it grows up and it becomes becomes what whatever God has promised you if you got if you got financial seed in you it becomes money if you got marriage problem sees in you it becomes a good marriage if you got health problem it becomes held it becometh oh when you start it just seems like it's nothing I'll think about when Dodie came home from that hospital the doctor got me in that little room as you know he looked across at me and he said now pastor he can't let me all alone he's a now pastor I got to give you this report by pathologists have to say say that your wife has to die she's got the fastest killing cancer known to meta-study cancel deliver they couldn't find the primary tube we couldn't do anything we can't treat her we don't know what to do you just take her home she'll be dead within a few weeks not much not much for a few weeks and I looked at him and I said doctor we believe in miracles he looked at mr. nees and you're gonna have to have one I look back Stern and I said we'll get one we'll get one you know I think about I think about how little the Word of God seemed to us I put her in that five o'clock traffic lifted her out her clothes swallowed her she weary way to 89 89 pounds yella as a pumping at cancer all out of her liver all in her body and just making her her color you know just so yellow and we went to that traffic at five o'clock and I got a home out almost I'm trailing humbled and and we got in that house and we laid on our faces before God and commanded that cancer to leave and so forth but you know when would when when Dodi would say you know I stripes I'm healed it's just it's just him so little less than all he's just like this and you know she she didn't set this way but you know I stripes I'm healed she never stripped my stripes I'm here and it seems like the devil roared cancer cancer my stripes I'm healed my stripes I'm here seem less than all but it's growing it's growing it's growing is growing it's growing as grow it's growing destroy Dodie put some of the Scriptures down in there I'll live and not die declare the works of the Lord I'll live and not dying declares of the work works of the Lord he wants his always word to perform it yes his word is prospering in me it's prevalent in me cancer death in a few weeks Lloyd roared but I'll send you after a while when Dodi walked the floor not that word growing we watered it with tears and watered with praise and watered it and watered it and watered it and wanted it and watered it and wanted it watered it and we kept old watering it month after month and month after month we kept on watering it one day it was by his tribes I'm heal and a little tiny boys down here says cancer cancer cancer the Word of God prevail mightily and 15 years plus have gone by and here she year Stein of dota hit the Word of God prevail over cancer come on let's praise the Lord I'm not going to ask you to turn to the scripture but I'll read it to you fear you not me saith the Lord will you not tremble in my presence which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree and it cannot pass and though the ways there I'll toss them by themselves you they cannot prevail though they roar yet they cannot pass over it what is God saying he said I put my perpetual decree my word in those little tiny grains of sand and I have commanded that the sand will hold the ocean to its boundaries and the oceans will not go past its boundaries not because it's not greater than the sand but because God spoke to the sand and he said I put my decree in you little grains of sand hold back the ocean and I can imagine the ocean and the sand getting into an argument the ocean says hello there You little puny sand how're you doing today puny sana puny science says I'm not puny I'm strong I'm stronger than you God's Word and decree is in every one of us we may look little but the life of God is in us Oh roars the ocean say you've got to be out of your mind you're not stronger than I am look at my waves look at the power I've got and so they argued back and forth so one day a typhoon came you know and and uh Tintin began to turn and churn and churn and churn and churn and and finally it just keep running with ass and run on the inland you know it and just just overwhelm the sand and and I hear the ocean saying ha ha ha ha ha Toad's yourself but the little grains of sand begin to sing like a cries you got to go back you got to go back you got to go back you got to go back you got to go back you got to go back you got to go back and did you know slowly this ocean just began to recede recede when the storm was all over it was back in the bounds and the little sand was saying thank God thank God the decree of God is in me I drove you back I drove you back not by my car but by God's power and you know sometimes when you have the Word of God in you and you're quoting it and it looks like the whole ocean is overwhelmed you and it doesn't look like you're ever going to get out everything is lost the Word of God begins to say to that sickness and that disease you got to go back you got to go back you got to go back you got to go back you gotta go go back hallelujah go back he goes back not because of you but because of the word of the Living God it become a greater than all thank God we got the word in us that's the basic thing that's built this church and built our lives and we challenge people everywhere whoa get the Word of God in you get in a church where they teach the Word of God no it's so good to teach you about the Word of God it's the Word of God that has the power of God in it we're called to preach the word you get the Word of God you get healing see didn't you get healing you get financial see then you get finance violence and you get salvation see did you get finances as you get salvation you get salvation from salvation see so here is what God says that if thou shalt believe that that if thou shalt believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved for with the heart man believeth and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I don't know about you but I want to be saved thank God I'm saved and I know I'm saying because I got the incorruptible seed on the inside of me whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved whosoever shall confess Jesus as the Christ is born of God now I didn't know how to pray when I came to Jesus somebody had to teach me so I want to pray a prayer with you and while we're very quiet here I want you to pray this prayer I don't you just put your hand on your heart and pray this prayer say Oh God I know I'm a sinner you know I'm a sinner God I want to be saved I don't want to die I'm lost and go to hell I won't peace in my heart now want to go to heaven when I die so today I turned my back on the way I've been living I turned my back on sin and Satan and the world and all it stands for and I opened my heart to you Jesus and I ask you Jesus come into my heart be my Lord and be my Savior right now I accept you as my Lord and my Savior and I'll serve you all the days of my life thank you Jesus you're mine and I'm yours thank God I made it and I'm saved
Channel: Keith Alan
Views: 43,459
Rating: 4.8575497 out of 5
Keywords: John, Osteen, Sermons, john osteen
Id: WhyTwx_xmWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 17 2014
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