John Osteen's The Holy Ghost and Fire: Are You Thirsty? (1996)

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join pastor John and Dodi Osteen for the next hour as they make God's Word relevant to your life where you can find the you need turns into is the life it's a plane we welcome you to our program today during I and the congregation always glad to have you we're here to bless you we're here to help you so we want you to stay tuned because we have some good singing we have good praying for the sick we have good testimonies and we'll have the Word of God and we're so glad to have you tuned in we don't take it for granted so we want to bless you today and I know God is going to help you yes and we serve a good God a God who is loving and kind and always is interested in his children and your needs and listen to this the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am help therefore my heart greatly rejoices my heart trusts in God and my heart rejoices because my trust is in him if I didn't trust in God the way that things are going in the world now the way that things come against us my heart would not rejoice but we have hope me as a children of the Most Holy God how the hope that if our heart is in him we can fully trust him and we will not be troubled in our heart because he will take care of all the people say maybe oh praise the Lord everybody shot my heart is fixed I'm full of joy and you know I want to encourage the people you know many of you maybe have tuned in for the first time and you don't know what liquid church is all about we are a teaching center to teach people how they can believe the Word of God and have victory in their lives you know we don't teach religion we teach eternal life which each the Lord Jesus Christ we teach the Bible and we're teaching a series now on the Holy Spirit many people do not even know anything about the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer so if you'll stay with us during these days will bless you with these messages and you know change your life the Bible says the insurance of my word gives life and we want you to have life I drag through life for 19 years as a denominational preacher without the baptism in the Holy Spirit and I found out I could have more than just being born of the Spirit I could be filled with the Holy Ghost and God could give me revelation knowledge I've never had before in all of my life and I know the change this makes in the life of a housewife or businessman or young person oh my you can have reality reality Plus can I have any man so stay tuned today we're going to be preaching and teaching on the Holy Spirit and God's going to bless you give our congregation out there in television a good hand clapping a shout one of our Bibles and let's make our confession together everybody saying this is my Bible I am what he says I am I have what he says a hell can do what it says I can do today I will be taught the Word of God I boldly confess my mind is alert heart is receptive I will never be the same I am about to receive the interruptible indestructible everliving seed of the word of God I will never be the same shouted out never never never never be the same in Jesus name Amen you may be seated television audience we're reading for the book of John chapter 7 verse 37 on that last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and break he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the Spirit which say they believed on him should receive but the spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified and he is he did not going back to heaven and sent the Holy Ghost into the world now we're talking about the Holy Ghost and I can't hear you the Holy Ghost and you know it's wonderful to know that God has not left us alone in this terrible world of wickedness and sin where Satan is the god of this world and demon powers attacked our families and our bodies thank God we are not alone what the television notice to know that God has sent forth the Holy Ghost into the world to be our helper to be our strengthener to be our standby to be our advocate to be our intercessor and to be the one to help us in every situation everybody shot thank God for the Holy Ghost you know the reason I I'm preaching on this well the reason is because God is leading me to do so but but so many people do not understand that you do not have to drag through life as a Christian overcome by the devil oh one fella one fella met another one he said how you doing he said well pretty good under the circumstances he said what are you doing under there no we're the head not to tell you we are male and not beneath thank God we're blessed and we cannot be curse and God wants you to know that even though you are in the world he said in the world you shall have tribulation heartache and sorrow but be of good cheer I have overcome the world and the amplified said I have deprived it of its power to hurt you thank God God has sent the Holy Ghost into the world so Christians will not have to act like little orphans Jesus talked about that in John chapter 14 15 and 16 he said ah it's expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come it's necessary without him you are helpless you are like orphans in a storm but we don't act like orphans in a storm without a father without a mother without anybody to help us little helpless children in a storm he has not left us that way he's not left us with all kind to above being forlorn and desperate and downcast no he said I'm going to send into the world the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost is going to come and not only give you the new birth but inhabit your body and give you power and strength and ability and that's what this church is all about oh we are a happy Church if you come in a few be here for the first time you you might think we've lost our mind where we've got the mind of Christ hey man well you know you may have never been in a church that clapped like this and rejoiced and made noise like this listen we got something to make joy and noise about amen oh we've got the resurrection life of the Holy Ghost but you see it's not just being born of the Spirit after you're born of the Spirit then you have a right you've made worthy to receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost and Jesus talked about that and all Christians and all denominations can receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost and when I got the baptism in the Holy Ghost God became so much real Jesus became so much more real the Bible became a different book I'm telling you it just revolutionized my life and I won't everybody everywhere to experience what I experienced and have the baptism in the Holy Ghost you know Jesus talked much about the Holy Ghost in Acts chapter 1 it says while it was yet with him he commanded them do not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which saith he you have heard of me but John truly baptized in water but you shall be baptized in the Holy Ghost not many days hence that's what Jesus said he said you should be baptized in the Holy Ghost not many days here now you know they that happened over the day of Pentecost but you know Jesus talked even to Nicodemus in Acts chapter 3 I mean a John chapter 3 about the Holy Ghost and the new birth it says there was a man of the pharisees a ruler of the pharisees named nicodemus the same came to Jesus by night and said master I know that you're a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that you do except God be with him you know what caused it to get out of bed you know what causes interest arise it was the supernatural power of God manifests in the life of Jesus he said no man can do these miracles oh he's saying it between the lines I'm a theologian I'm a ruler of the Pharisees I know all about religion but I've watched you I saw the crippled healed I saw the blind began to see I saw the Deaf begin to hear I saw the demon-possessed delivered I saw those who were crippled and ban bow down release I saw the miracles and no man can do these miracles except God be with him and it was over a callous the supernatural that drew him to the Lord Jesus Christ I want you to know today the world is so hungry for the supernatural that's why when the church denies it and you go to a church and they say there's no more signs and no more miracles and no more supernatural things happening is it any wonder that your crowd goes to the see once's is it any wonder as they seek to psychics and pick up the psychic line well I'm here to tell you you don't need a psychic you need a Holy Ghost we turned our people away from the supernatural and we've said stay away from the signs and the wonders and the miracles stay away from people who talk in tongues and cast out devils and as a result to satisfy that inner feeling for the supernatural they've reached out into the occult I want you to know that the occult will never satisfy it takes the Holy Ghost in thank God and that's what the church needs and I believe there's going to be a Holy Ghost bursts of fire and I'll tell you I believe all with all of my heart that whole denominations are going to start dancing in the spirit and speaking in tongues and falling out under the power of God and Jesus he came to Jesus said Lord we know we know you're a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles except God be with him and Jesus didn't even address that he said verily verily I say unto you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God and Nicodemus said to how can a man be born again can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born and Jesus said that which is born of flesh is flesh but that which is born of spirit his spirit except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot see the kingdom of God he's talking about the Holy Ghost he's talking about the fact that when you accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior you have a birth in your spirit we are born again and God becomes our Father and Jesus spoke of that to Nicodemus but now in chapter 7 he goes further and he's not talking here about the new birth he's not he's talking about receiving the Holy Ghost which they that believe on him should receive I want to say it again I've said it so many times one day you're going to get it when you as a law person come to God you cannot receive the Holy Ghost Jesus said whom the world cannot receive you cannot receive the Holy Ghost as a lost person jesus said whom the world cannot receive talking about the Holy Ghost you can't receive the Holy Ghost but you can receive Jesus and when you receive Jesus you're born of the Spirit of God and now you're ready to receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost and that's what we all need you know why people are not receiving the fullness of the Holy Ghost because they educate us in college and seminary that is all done away with listen I've been there I know they told me no more signs and wonders and miracles no more baptism in the Holy Ghost no speaking in tongues there's nothing after salvation they told me that I know and as a result the world is out there without the power of God but jesus said jesus said on that last day that great day of the VC stood and cried If any man thirsts let him come to me and drink out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water well do you have the rivers in you do you have - do you have a rivers in you oh there's no use for holding those people to have a dry spell no the devil walks through Dry places thank God I don't have it to dry places I've got plenty of rivers coming out of it we're going to get into that one day all the rivers that can flow out of us out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but I want to talk a little bit again again today about the word thirst and Jesus death my thought says on that last day that great day of the feast Jesus cried with a loud voice if any man any person first I want to ask you if you're just so satisfied just because you're born again and just got your name on the church roll someplace you were satisfied with all all the power that you've got you with your with all the problems your family has and all the things you have to face in the world are you dissatisfied that way or is there a thirst in your heart for more of God see if any man thirst if any man thirst Oh that comes up here I don't know how many preachers come home and listen to me after you get through with your service on Sunday night or maybe you listen some other time but I'll tell you preachers God deals with you and puts a thirst in your heart and finally you've drowned that out you've drowned that out I remember when I first got saved and born again and I was happy in the low but I knew there was something more and I saw it and I prayed and I sought and I prayed and I asked and I asked but I asked the wrong people and it was a rough I just I just laid it aside and gave up Widow pastor in my church helping those coming down to how rededicating their life again and again say go pastor I won't bore I said you got it all you got it all not what Homer said god I want more see I knew they did get it all but I still have the head at all of what a frustrating thing you know I just went out but but you know through the years periodically God would revive that's something in me to see God whoa we oughta we ought to reach out when God's reaching out and God would revive that can i I've read I remember as pastor of Central Baptist Church in Baytown who read the Gospels can I read the book of Acts and all my heart leaped up with joy and I said oh god I'd cut off my right arm if I could have what was in the book of Matthew Mark Luke and John the book of Acts who god I would cut off my right arm I cry out to do more than become a denominational servant but every voice of every professor and leader I knew rose up like a voice of an archangel to say no no no that's all there is you can't have that that's just for Bible days kind of tragedy I believe God is going to do something to this generation I believe there's going to be a revival I believe I believe there's going to be a burst of power listen no wall is high enough job to hold in the hungry people who are crying out to God whose family needs power attention God is going to lose Sam he's going to send this lightning and break the walls in them for you thirsty thirsty you're not thirsty if you don't if that's not creating your desire to have more of God and we just leave you alone we put you on a back burner let you simmer a while we're not going to bother you but I'll tell you there there are thousands of people today who pushed who thirst who thirst that thirst for God's power that thirst and you know if you get thirsty enough it's not it's not hard he's not hard to receive the Holy Ghost if you're thirsty enough tell you about that Baptist preacher I've told this many times but I got a call from the east coast and he said mother seen he said or are you that Baptist preacher that as the as the are you that Baptist preacher that has the ICG I got the baptism in the Holy Ghost he said well he said I'm I'm interested what I said I want you to know right off now so you won't waste your time calling me if when you get the baptism in the Holy Ghost you go to speak in town and you're going to have a supernatural language you go to you're going to pray with the sick and cast out devils and he hung up never didn't know it was at that time later on several days later I got a call said I called you the other day and hung up he said hi I'm I'm so thirsty for God's power oh I'll tell you whether you're a housewife or whether you're a businessman or a young person or a preacher if you're thirsty God is going to move in your behalf so he said I'm calling back I'm Way up on the East Coast he said I'll tell you I'm so thirsty I'm so disturbed he said ah I want the power of God in my life he said I can't read the newspaper I can't listen to the radio I can't look at television I just I'm seeking God he said I went to visit my relatives with my wife and said I couldn't even say that if his ademma god the car drove out in the in the country alone seeking god they're people like that all over the world and we need to tell him my power of God is available he said while I was sitting in that car he said I I felt a handle me he's I was alone for though see he said I felt a hand laid on my head well I'd say that's spooky Here I am sitting out in a car alone search searching for God's power and a hands ladled me and he said I heard a voice and that boy said to me go to Houston and let John Osteen lay his hands on you and I'll baptize you in the Holy Ghost I said now listen to me brother I said you don't have to come to Houston John Osteen is not that important I'm not the Baptizer and you don't have to spend all that money to come down here I'm not that important when I pause he said you didn't hear the voice so he got on he got on plane you flew down here now see him flying for the East Coast all the way to Houston there's the hunger there's the purse we're not going to waste our time for people who want to argue and don't want to have the power of God but I'll tell you there are those who apply across this nation to get the power of God even I thought how will I ever recognize him I never saw him before don't have a sign with his name on anything but I seem like the Lord said to me said you you can always recognize that long lean hungry look at firstly look now got out you know and I saw this fella coming out he's crying you grind I said that's him glory to God I've got him we put him in the car with Bob boos and brother brother bailed and I we're not there to get him and he's sitting in the back seat with me and he's a grandeur oh oh and you know I start to lay hands on him they're in the car but I said this fellas gonna have to have plenty of room we went to brother bales house brother bail you know I had a little place to keep people to ward the baptism the Holy Ghost and we went in and as soon as we got in the house we sent his suitcases out and turned down the lights that's why we used to do first got to baptism we were we were too ashamed to put our hands up in light turn off the live little badness hands went up turn on the light little baby's hands came down now that's the way we work so we were still in that so we were totally in the dark we were willing to have a little light so we I said you pray over here you probably and you pray over here and while we were praying it and the Lord said did not tell him if he'd come down here you'd lay hands on him and he'd get the Holy Ghost I said that's what he said you said he said what are you doing praying over here get up and go lay hands over and I'm telling y'all ain't got up slipped up behind him I put my hands gently on his head he is on his knees I didn't say rise I didn't say do anything he does the power of God hit him and he rose up speaking in tongues and he just preached this tongues and spoke in tongues and spoke in tongues he kept on and on and on and on and on I mean he kept on speaking in tongues have you spoken some more and he and you continued and I'd find out look at my watch I said it's getting late and and you just wouldn't talk talking and dog finally I put him down took took took him by the arm put him down on a bed Indian little bedroom took his shoes off put his legs up in there he's talking in tongues I put him down to bed he's talking in tongues I left him talking in tongues listen he said the next morning if you thought it was wonderful when you let me you should have been here when I woke up I'm talking about there is power in the Holy Ghost no speaking in tongues is not all there is to it but that's the first initial evidence there is a language you can praise God with then you either in and I'm going to be talking about this between down the end of the year you later into a supernatural dimension you've never been it in all of your life thank God for the power of the Holy Ghost and it's for all who are thirsty ahead you may not understand all I'm talking about today but if you're thirsty for God if you want the supernatural in your life you have to turn to the occult you had to go to see once's you don't have to go to the psychic line listen God put that desire in you for the supernatural and he can satisfy that desire in your heart for the supernatural through the Holy Ghost but you know the first thing of course I as I always say on this telecast is for you to be born again like Nicodemus God Jesus told Nicodemus you must be born again and when you accept Jesus as your Lord and your Savior Jesus comes into your heart and the Holy Ghost gives you a birth in your spirit you live in your body your spirit you live inside that body and that spirit is dead to God and you need to be born again when you accept Jesus that's what happened then you are able to receive the fullness of the baptism and the Holy Ghost so why don't you just pray this prayer they're going to be real still out there and and listen and agree with you as you pray because you can have peace with God that's the most important thing in the world is to know that you're born again so just say this out of the depth of yours Oh God I know I'm a sinner you know of us god I want to know for sure that I'm ready of death and ready for life and ready for heaven so today Oh God let heaven Nicorette then I turn my back on the way I've been living I turned my back on sin in the world I'll never go back never never never Jesus come into I accept you now as my Lord and my Savior I surrender my life to you thank you Jesus you're in my heart I'm Yours you're mine I've got eternal life not fill me with our Holy Ghost and let me have that heavenly language and the supernatural that alone Hank
Channel: Keith Alan
Views: 82,625
Rating: 4.8612719 out of 5
Keywords: Sermons, John, Osteen
Id: tz0Z7viW5P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 06 2014
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