John McAfee at Blockchain Nation Miami 2018

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good morning good morning where to begin there was so much happening today uh the last conference i presented at was in the middle of the crash everyone had these dour expressions some had panicked expressions everybody's smiling here today we're at the very beginning of a new age of civilization human communication and human understanding i'm 72 years old i have seen a lot in my 72 years i saw the creation of the computer the advances in software the internet everything that we have today in terms of making life easier our smartphones laptops pads and with everything comes a black and a white and up and down a positive and a negative the smartphones everybody here has one by the way does anyone not own a smartphone let me see your hand no now five years ago there were a few people no i'm not doing this smartphone has given more utility and power to your lives than any device that i have seen developed and at the same time as i am speaking and as you are sitting if anybody has visited a pornography site for example your phone has been compromised by just accessing a website and there are bots software massive computers that are listening to you right now turn on your microphone possibly your camera they're monitoring your phone calls who your friends are what you purchased on amazon so on one hand it has made your life easy on the other hand it is taken away from you your privacy and if you're an important person with lots of money in the bank and a wallet on your phone it's taken away your security this is the way of development this is the way of technology and we are entering a new phase of technology that is like nothing that i've experienced in my years nothing what did the internet do it created an entire industry separate from the brick and mortar industries the sears macy's the department stores the massive malls what has happened to these very gradually disappearing and amazon is where we go when we want to buy our shoes facilities a garden tool so that changed this the blockchain the advances in cryptocurrencies will make the internet look like a sleeping dog in comparison because what will the blockchain do it's not going to just change an industry from a brick and mortar to an electronic it will take society as a whole and turn it upside down and people who are in power now in ten years will have either shifted their focus into a new world and become part of the masses well they'll be on the street in san francisco with a hat and a puppy dog saying please give me money to feed my dog and this is the truth this is not some wild fantasy of an old man's mind because i know that it's in many of your minds those who understand both the technology and the impact on our culture our society our financial systems and more importantly our system of government now when is this going to happen it's happening now we have just gone through four months of a massive onslaught an onslaught i'm calling that because we are at war we in this room or those of us in this room that are adherents of cryptocurrency are at war with banks financial systems and world governments if you doubt that please randomly pick up a newspaper or go on to google and check the news for any day you'll hear jamie demon the ceo of jp morgan going bitcoin is a fraud those are his very words you'll see the chinese government banning icos in fact i was speaking supposed to speak at bitcoin in beijing in december one week before the speech china banned icos and banned even talking about them what was my topic icos the conference was moved to hong kong one week before we were supposed to be in beijing to everyone's credit every single speaker assigned to speak in beijing showed up in hong kong and 80 of the attendees showed up in hong kong when i took the stage i abandoned my prepared speech and said please see who we are we are refugees we were and we still are so china bans icos nothing changes they shut down every exchange in china did anything change watch the bitcoin went up in america the securities and exchange commission has issued 400 subpoenas i'm one of these they haven't served me yet why i'm pretty hard to serve 400 400. and then sec subpoena is nothing to whack your finger at i'd be rather served by the fbi for child trafficking or something because the sec can shut you down not just economically put you in prison and ban you from doing business forever in america so these are serious issues that we're dealing with and every government on the earth is looking at ways to shut us down why is that it's because we represent the greatest threat to every world government that has ever emerged and that threat is governments run on money where do they get the money from you and i the people and how do they do that through a thing called taxation how much money do you make last year would you want to take 20 of that thank you very much on down the line and with that money they fund their their junkets their trips to spain their yachts whatever how do you collect taxes when we're in a world and i'm using monero or a privacy coin that nobody can trace the origin or the recipient of any transaction it's impossible so what happens to the income tax we then rely on us we're honest people now the government doesn't have a clue how much money you've made but you're gonna go through and write down every penny and give it to them do you honestly believe that that will happen and do you think our governments honestly believe that that will happen it is human nature if we know we cannot be punished by not reporting our full income or even any income we will cheat i'm sorry you may look at yourself no no not me i'll put the full amount but actually spent half of that money already and you're looking at what's left i've got to give that to the government or i'm going to buy another car what will you choose your car your garage is going to be full of cars so governments know that cryptocurrencies if they succeed and have widespread or universal acceptance their funding is gone who's going to pay the congressman air force one fuel for that massive uh traveling hotel that the president applies in it'll be gone now do you think world governments are going to sit idly by and go well let's see what happens you know we have this great meeting it's going to end us all well don't worry about it we'll see what happens no they have a war room now planning on what do we do to shut it down but they can't technologically it is impossible when china shut down the exchanges that's when all the exchanges were centralized okay how easy is that i can go and just pull the plug on the electricity exchange over or raid the offices bomb the building whatever piece of cake but exchanges are coming out now using a thing called atomic swap that require a central server and they work so if you have a wallet with an atomic swap capability you are the exchange or you are if there are 1 million wallets you are 1 millionth of that exchange and the combination of all of the wallets make the full exchange and you're in every country in the world and nobody knows who has the wallets how do you shut that down now those in government who think this through go whoa oh my god we're lost but no one listens to those people why no one wants to lose the power that they currently have you're a senator in america i mean you know my wife yesterday was going through he realized that senator feinstein was worth 240 million dollars before she became a senator she was worth 30 000 now run these numbers please if you are a u.s senator your power is immense and there are no u.s senators that are not worth at least 10 million dollars so are you going to give up the money the power the influence just because a bunch of radical people with mohawks and then piercers are writing code no yet you cannot win and we cannot lose we can't that doesn't mean it's going to be an easy road because even knowing you will win the war you will have to go through atrocities and pain and suffering and loss we just went to a four-month summit now i i'm one of those people i will never sell because i know where we're headed you can push bitcoin to 50 cents i don't care and then two years it'll still be half a million dollars i do not care in the short term and neither should you but you must be prepared not just for market manipulation by those who think they're still in power and not just threats from the bank to take your credit cards away which they've done will not let you buy cryptocurrencies with credit cards close your accounts that are accepting money from coinbase but the actual threat of jail which i am facing right now fortunately i've been in so many jails that i'm comfortable in the jail right you know i don't have to worry my wife's not nagging at me to move along no i'm just sitting there i'll sleep give me something to read i get fed three times a day and it's comfortable a little bit cool because that keeps the bacteria down i understand but beyond that it's all right so now we are facing a real war and you you're facing real possible hardships are you willing to do that this is a question the question of whether or not we succeed in the short term or the long term we will succeed depends on you how strong are your convictions what are you willing to suffer to take this world as you see it now and transform it into something of extreme beauty do you realize how rare an opportunity this is to transform this world into something that your children and grandchildren will thank you for because if you're happy with this world as it is well that's fine you probably never read a newspaper that or check google or know anything about the reality of this world and what power does to corrupt because i'm not happy with this world as it is i'm not anyone who is satisfied with the status quo is already dead inside as i see things because who who runs this world the rich the powerful the people with the guns why is america so powerful sophie goes the world loves us i promise you it does not i have traveled this world and in some places i am afraid to say i am an american i'm canadian why we are hated universally we are your soldier you know how the rest of the world sees us is this what you want is this the world you want to live in living in a powerful country because we have bombs that can annihilate hundreds of millions of people do we have airplanes that can't be seen by radar or anything else they can target not just a town not just a building but a very room inside a building we have a presidency that sits down on monday morning and goes who are we going to kill in the middle east today these are our options we have the drones up and running right now tell us which button to push this is the reality of this world and you are all paying for it and me you are you have an opportunity to change that because what does the blockchain do it takes the power from those who push the buttons make the decisions chooses who is who dies decides how much more you're going to have to work for the government for free so that you can live a normal life it changes that into something where we are all equal participants this is not communism this is not socialism this is not you'll be fine we'll take care of you no you still must work for yourself and be responsible for you here now today in this room you can make the decision to say yeah i'm with you give me my uniform yes sir i'm sorry you're desperate to ask a question yes sir this is nice i'm can't sorry taxes i'm sorry what governments can't collect taxes okay all right now fortunately does this gentleman ask how do you envision a world where governments can't collect taxes fortunately i ran for the presidency under the libertarian banner in 2016 and i got to answer this question a thousand times do you realize that when america first was first founded there was no taxes nothing why was america founded we hated taxation the boston tea party they are taxing our key no sir throw it in the ocean that was the beginning of this country for 100 years there were no taxes how did they do it there was a thing called use pay for use what would that mean in today's world how many people drive on freeways all of you yes who does not ever drive on a freeway okay now who created the freeways mostly the federal government we're doing it for free i get to drive on this nice road and people come out and maintain it two or three times a year and it's smooth i can almost sleep while i'm driving why don't you pay for that those of you who drive long distances what if they charge you 10 cents per mile you can afford that 10 cents per mile run the numbers please we could run this country just off taxing if you want to call it taxing paying for what you use not what i don't use i paid 40 million dollars one year in taxes in the mid-90s what did i get for that audited i wasn't using anything right nothing and so i actually called and said okay i've calculated the average wage for the american federal worker i want to talk to my 800 employees where are they please no they're not there so if i'm using the road i should pay for the road if i'm going to a national park and enjoying something that has been preserved for hundreds of years i should pay for it that's not taxing you it's something you choose to pay for you don't want to pay for the federal homies and don't drive on them take the backwards i used to do that i'm an off-road driver it's more scenic anyway so yes this is how you do it we don't have to think in that same box that we're living in how do you want a government without taxes pretty damn easy america did it for a hundred years did that answer the question anybody asked by the way a pressing question now because i may not get you later yes sir let's just make this question time yes i'm sorry so please come forward i'm old and deaf benefit from the internet with that said with blockchain there's currently so much growth in innovation i understand your question what is the price for what our benefit is well it depends on us let me give you an example the promise of the blockchain and cryptocurrency is a transformation of our world it has not happened in the way that i would like to see it icos for example initial coin offerings there are some that have been spectacular that i've worked with let me give you an example a coin called outings outing city o-u-t-i-n-g what does this do okay let's assume and there's an app that comes with it let's assume it's the weekend i want to take my family on an outing there are two parts of their app one as you wander around town you go there's a street musician here you put this in oh my god there's something else are you in a bar a high class oh my god that's tom cruise over there that's he's tom cruise now i'm wandering around and i go you know we went we went we saw madonna last week at a bar it wasn't very interesting i would like to see a mime i love mimes now if everybody had this app and everybody was actually interacting with it can you imagine how that would change your world what do you want to do let's give me the famous movie star today no no i want to see a street musician so now you put your input of everything you have seen and everything you want to do the app goes okay well there's a bunch of options you want to see some movie stars there's tom cruise in this place great now they don't tell you exactly what the place is until you click the button then the guy that has that says yeah for 50 outings i'll tell you where it is or someone else said i'll tell you we're just for 40 or whatever or i want to see a street musician yeah there's one over here for three outings i'll tell you where it is now it's an economy is it not and it's in that economy your life is enhanced because i love street musicians and in every large city there's always one or two but where the [ __ ] are they i don't know they change every day every day i got some money here last week we ran out of it going over here now no but what happened the ico completed people grabbed those coins and stored them away not even interested in what the coin could do for them interested in one thing god damn it's gonna go sky high it's gonna go to the moon i'm gonna cash in and buy a lambo no please god this is not the proper way to view what we're doing this is a thing called greed manifesting in the worst possible way yeah they're coins that triple in value in an hour some of them okay birds for example which i unfortunately promoted um not unfortunately i did it was when it was one half a penny i said good god this thing is under price it'll finally go up to two pennies that's a 400 percent increase well it went up to 11 000 and then i go ah people what are you still with words well you know i still think it's worth four cents and then they trash me i said in the very beginning it's worth four cents would people go john mack if he recommended it good god almighty that's not what this is about greed filling our pockets i mean my pockets in my life have been filled too many times and it buys you nothing except a headache i had houses all over the world what did it cost me phone calls 50 a day yeah you know we had uh the ice destroyed the uh whatever it you know the colorado house or your boat in puerto rico is sinking christ almighty you don't own that [ __ ] it owns you so do not think that lining your pockets is the purpose of living it is not now i realize that what i just said is useless no one will ever take that and actually act on that vice but if you've been there maybe you will i just don't know we have to stop taking this opportunity to change the world we have to stop taking that opportunity and changing it into changing my life for the better buying the stuff that i want no no no no that's got to stop to some extent sure enrich yourselves please god that is one of the reasons that we are here together but it's not the only reason we can't enrich ourselves and at the same time build the world that you want to build for your children not if the enrichment is 100 of your interests because you do have children most others i hope or some of you and grandchildren and if you are human a part of your heart your mind your entire being is concerned with the welfare and happiness of your offspring good god that's why we have survived as a species our mothers and fathers will sacrifice from 18 to 21 years of their life to make sure that you survive and are given the tools and talents so that when you leave home you have a good chance of thriving now that's part of our dna if you allow that part to give any any access to your intelligent decisions then you will at some point choose yeah i've got these outing coins i'm going to store a bunch away i want to take half of them and see if i can have some [ __ ] fun please because in that having fun and using and relating to and interacting with this new technology your life will be enriched in ways you never dreamed your happiness will be fulfilled in ways that a lambo can't possibly do but it's up to you that's up to you now really there's no other time if you can't decide now to do something i promise you won't decide tomorrow you have the opportunity to take what i have said let it sink in and then choose mcafee is full of [ __ ] it's okay or maybe mcafee has something to say that's okay too or i wish he'd shut the [ __ ] up because i'm bored and hungry i don't care but at least listen for a moment not just to me but to your own hearts your minds your entire beings and i'm going to open it up to questions now if you haven't you're recommending that effectively we need to express behavioral psychology and code in order to go from an i mindset to a we mindset right well you know i don't know about code okay but behavior psychology is not my field my friend we have to understand what human nature is who let's start here who are we we're a mixed bag everybody here has experienced love at some point because all of you are over the age of 12. is that true anyone not experienced love yes you've experienced caring grace happiness dreams and hopes and that's a beautiful package but for every element of this package you got another package grace and generosity greed compassion jealousy love fear hope and on and on what are we we are hateful we are greedy we are jealous we are angry we are fearful let's just manage over here we are loving we are kind gracious embracing hopefully you can't get rid of this side and you can't live totally in this side we are a mixed bag let's start with there now ask you a question again my friend and then i'll answer it so let me let me rephrase that we are as a species evolving through different stages of yeah much better psychological yeah we're right now at the cost of going yes yes yes in order to accelerate that in order to actually create a digital backbone for this for this mindset we need to build go beyond just the current blockchain technology and build another layer on top of that that is accounting for this evolutionary step right and let me phrase this a little differently we are at you said the word the cusp any balancing point where we have a choice for the first time in the evolution of life on this planet the human intellect can be put into play to determine what our next evolutionary step is history let's look at history what is history history is a series of lies starting with the first written word by the first conqueror of the first subjected civilization because history is written by whom the conquerors now sometimes history is obliterated by the conquerors the spanish when they came to the north uh eastern coast of mexico they met the mayan civilization and found hundreds of thousands of written works through the beautiful art what did they do to cherish that to preserve it they burned all but four books why they were ungodly unchristian diabolical what if the blockchain were there and the minds were were part of it and they go uh you got that the smashers came in and burnt this book and this book was history becomes inviolate please god see the power of this that if history and it will at some point will apply the blockchain to the constant growth of human development which is history and there will be no more lies because consensus says i'm sorry that just did not happen i mean even today people looking back at world war ii for people who actually believe that maybe the jewish people were not annihilated in germany i mean it's a question if the blockchain would hear there'll be no questions well yeah go back here the block number one one seven seven three three four five you can see right now to that effect do you realize that when the blockchain is applied to every aspect of our life that human deception will disappear lies cannot exist in a technological system where every act has a consensus as an observer an actor an interplay so that when you call home and say you know i am working late you know your wife doesn't have to say yeah i don't yes no you left the office with so-and-so and you checked into this hotel and you're now in bed with her when you get home you have a long talk with me in fact you may not want to come home you may laugh or smile or just shrug that off but believe me god this is happening this is the power of what's happening now how we implement this because i do not want a world where my every act is written in an immutable ledger i still believe in privacy but if you do not think of it now and make your choices appropriately there will be some smart [ __ ] it will end up being the world dictator and he will implement that system because the blockchain gives the vision that george orwell wrote about in 1984 it gives that potential power to anyone willing to take it so we can't let that person do that we cannot let that person take that because the blockchain has taken that centralized power and distributed it to you for god's sake don't give it back another any other questions am i running over what you are but you're good i don't think you have the power to say i'm good here they're actually organizers um this gentleman writes this down for us yes sir two questions um do you think we as a society are ready for the internet of truth no sir but it does not matter it doesn't matter when when barack obama ran for the president can i just give you the other question quickly okay yes how do we solve the banking roadblocks as an industry oh my god sorry was i supposed to talk about that that's why don't you come to me afterwards it's a long question a long question but the bigger question is are we ready for it we're never ready for it when barack obama was running for president i remember speaking to a very wise senator state senator from wisconsin said america is just not ready for black president i said you're absolutely right but you'd better get your ass ready because he's coming that's what we are as people we are never ready for the inevitable beginning with our birth and absolutely certain death how many people are ready for that absolute certainty very few but it's coming whether you're ready or not it's coming life is coming in its fashion ready or not get used to that anybody else no wait uh i'm sorry this gentleman had a question yes sir what do you visualize with security currently utility tokens are not backed by any asset and then now there's a new trend of asset-backed tokens what's your thoughts there okay you want the truth yes okay like i said you're not ready for it but here it comes okay asset-backed tokens are a scheme please see this by the powers that be to prevent us from separating from those things that they call valuable assets like gold please god do you see that we're walking backwards why do you have to have a token backed by an asset because number one it doesn't work try to get your money there give me that percentage of the assets now you're not going to get it anything with value permanent value is backed by your belief and commitment and nothing else what is the asset that values a marriage the goal behind it rolls royce ten dollar bill divorce settlement no the asset is your acceptance of that system of one man one woman we're gonna have a bunch of children why is where's the value there the value is in the fact that your children will have stability they wake up tomorrow and have the same mother and father hopefully now we know that doesn't work all the time but that is the intent that is the value of marriage and you accept that value because you will sacrifice 21 years of your life for these squealing squabbly things that you'll be happy to get rid of in 21 years but you do it it's for these things that marriage exists not for you not for the fact that your wife's not going to sleep around or your husband's not going to sleep around because it's going to happen no for the children that your commitment to stay together and be a mother and a father until your children leave the nest they say thank god goodbye and you're gone so now this concept of backing a token or anything with a value that has been created what technologies or what applications [Music] adoption of the blockchain that anything that happens with this is the application no the blockchain will be applied to everything securely it's a public security decision the problem with current bill i think is goodbye the blockchain is being applied to one of the greatest problems the support imagine walmart selling ourselves of retirement they asked me no implementation so they worked with plantations that built uh the growth of the fire the process is what we're doing that we that transport the fiber that create the actual circuit and then shift into a long sentence you realize the opportunity for fraud self-gain writing and supply chain it's where most of the money leaks out you buy the watching and we all know that including guidance next to life to get what you should have listed there will be no application no utility which is why this is the opportunity to sit down and accept it's not going to understand it's not going to accept to make sure that we apply it to some way that a dictator will control us and our children and grants will be foreign and in a way that enhances your life and the life of your hospital the understanding of nuclear physics you know it has to be applied you have choices now everybody thank you
Channel: CWJ Crypto World Journal
Views: 146,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John McAfee, blockchain nation, bcnation, cybersecurity, cryptocurencies, ico, tokens, cwj, crypto world journal
Id: 8-AirSCMa18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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