John McAfee | Soft Focus with Jena Friedman 2 | adult swim

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♪♪ Friedman: He's one of the most notorious cybersecurity entrepreneurs in the world who made millions off of his antivirus software. In 2012, amid allegations of murder, he fled his then home of Belize to Guatemala where he faked a heart attack to avoid deportation. He eventually made his way back into the U.S. and rose to prominence once again as a 2016 Libertarian presidential candidate. To this day, he remains a controversial figure, and he's here with me now. John McCafe? McAfee. But that doesn't matter. McAfee. For people watching at home in their mothers' basements, they don't necessarily see that you have... Can I reveal that you have security guards? Of course, absolutely. So you have... Everybody knows it., two, three gentlemen. Actually four if Jimmy is here. Do you fear death? [ Laughs ] No, not at all. Despite the military presence surrounding you? Yeah, but that doesn't mean I fear it. That simply means I choose not to voluntarily wander into it. Let's talk about McAfee 2.0. What's that? You now. I would call it 400.0 or something. I mean, I have reinvented myself, but you can call it two. That's fine. That would be the newsman's perspective. Newsperson. Newsperson? What does that mean? Women also work in the news, so "newsman" is kind of reductive. I know, but listen. You need to cut me just a little slack because, number 1, I am 72. You don't look it. You look like you're in your mid-40s. Why, thank you so much. Oh, well, gosh, in that case...[Laughs] ...well, I'm going to call it newslady. Well, that's also condescending. But, newsperson -- you're right. You know why? It's an extra [Bleep] syllable. Too much effort to make 52% of a population see themselves in an aspirational way. All right. Please, I apologize. You're putting me down tremendously well, and I admire your intelligence and drive. Um, you recently announced that you are running for president in 2020. Yes. Why? I ran in 2016. I didn't succeed to the level that I desired. For those who don't know, what is a libertarian other than a white guy too cheap to pay for birth control? [ Laughs ] A libertarian. You are a free individual, free to do and think and believe as you choose. In 2016, you lost to Gary Johnson. Yes. How did that feel to lose the unpopular vote? It didn't feel like anything. I had a good nine months of national attention, because really that's all that matters to me. Did you think Trump was going to be president? Yes, I hoped he was, actually, because the alternative was not very palatable to me... Did you think he -- ...and I will not tell you why because it will implicate me in horrific situations. Sounds like you're asking me to inquire, but I'm not going to. I am. I am actually, because I'm not sure I'm going to say it or not. Do you understand? Well, it sounds like you're egging me on to ask you. I am. I am. I want to respect your privacy. I am, actually, because I'm not sure I will say it. I've never said it ever, ever. Well, if you want me to... Not in six [Bleep] years since I left Belize have I ever stated why. Do you want to? Absolutely. Okay, well, then, you're welcome to -- Okay, so, when I went on the run in Belize, I had friends in the U.S. Embassy in Belize. I knew what was coming down. I'm not stupid. I had arranged for the head of security, I was going to come in. He said, "Sir, we have it from the highest authority we are not to allow you entry into the U.S. Embassy." Understand me. Who was the highest authority in the State Department? Hillary Clinton. I'm an American citizen with a [Bleep] American passport. I'm sorry. I'm not wanted in America. I've got no crimes in America. Is it not reason to say, "I don't think I'm going to vote for you"? And yet you're here now. For a month and a half, I was on the run. The reason that the government wanted to collect me was that after they had raided my property in 2012 in the jungle, shot my dog, abused me, destroyed a half-million dollars worth of my property over a bogus charge, I was pissed off. And, so, I donated to many secretaries within the government laptop computers, really nice ones that were preloaded with viral spyware. Within a week, the entire government computer system was under my control. I was watching, monitoring, listening. I was looking for information that they had set me up for that raid. I didn't find that. I did find out that the Minister of National Defense was the largest drug trafficker in all of Central America, and the Minister of Immigration, the largest human trafficker. We don't want to get killed by them either, so we're probably not going to air that. You're not going to -- That's fine. That's fine. Friedman: It was getting a little hot in John McAfee's compound, so we decided to step outside. Cheers. To you. To you. Let's get into Bitcoin. Okay. Explain Bitcoin to me in terms you would use if it were real. It is real. You tweeted that if the price of Bitcoin doesn't go to $1 million by 2020... I will eat my member, yes. will eat your own [Bleep] Eat my [Bleep] Now, I may choose the mode. If I choose to get a Bangkok prostitute and ask her, would you please eat my [Bleep] over the next 5 years, that's fine. But that's different than eating your own [Bleep] Is it, now? Because if a Bangkok prostitute ate your [Bleep], you wouldn't be eating your own [Bleep] Do I not have the privilege of subordinating my task to a subordinate? To someone who doesn't know a lot about Bitcoin... Yes. sounds like you, John McAfee, want to eat your own [Bleep] Eating my [Bleep] is not something that is difficult. For me eating it, I have no interest in doing that. So it isn't that you, John McAfee, want to eat your own [Bleep] It's that you believe in the power of Bitcoin so much so that you'll put your [Bleep] on the table, chop it up, put it in your mouth, swallow, if Bitcoin does not -- Absolutely. If it doesn't reach at least a million dollars by the end of 2020. What if, God forbid, you get prostate cancer, have to remove your [Bleep] anyway... Well, then I won't be able to eat it, will I? Well, you can have the surgeon put it aside, and then you can eat it, but either way -- I don't think that people would expect me to eat a 2-year-old dead [Bleep] I'm sorry. If John McAfee is to eat a [Bleep]... Yes.'s going to be the freshest [Bleep] right away. And eat it raw like I eat sushi. Farm to table, [Bleep] to mouth. Farm to table and [Bleep] to mouth. If you could murder someone...else, who would it be and why? It would be the entire leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel. Off the record.... ...did you kill your neighbor in Belize? I did not. Why don't we take a bathroom break? Keep your mic on. Feel free to... [ Laughing ] "Keep your mic on so that we can hear you while you're in the bathroom talking to your wife about murdering everybody, including all the people here on this set." Right, no. That was funny. I'm sorry. That was a joke. It's so funny if you didn't all have guns. If I had done this so many times, do you think that I would forget that I am wired and mic'd and I'm going to say something while I'm in the bathroom? Please, God. [ Laughs ] I'm sorry. But go ahead. Let's say I'm a female voter. I'm fed up with both the Democrats and the Republicans. I don't know you're wanted for murder in Belize. How do you win my vote? Well, first of all, I would tell you I fled Belize because they were wanting to collect me for a person of interest. That's all. A person of interest. But I'm not a politician, and I don't have to be one. I'm just a human being running for president. What are your thoughts on the Me Too movement? The Me Too movement? Do you believe that alleged victims of assault should be believed? Let me tell you about assault. I have been assaulted more than any man on this [Bleep] planet that's still alive. Do I complain? [Bleep] no. So that's a no? You share many qualities with President Trump. You're both iconic American brands. You both have been accused of sexual assault. And you both have been rumored to engage in sex play with bodily waste. Why should Americans vote for you? Well, obviously, forcibly forcing myself on someone, that would be an issue. That's absolutely untrue. As to the rest, what I do sexually, please God, is that not my business? Your body, your choice. It's my body, my choice. The nomination -- Why do you keep touching your gun? No, I'm sorry, I always do that. Does that concern you? Yeah. Why? No, please. No, no, I'm sorry because my hand goes there. Everything okay? You guys are cool? -Everything's good. -All right. If these guys are not cool, we're all in trouble. -[ Laughs ] -Okay. -We're still rolling. -Okay, hypothetically, please don't shoot... They never do. ...what would the hand signal be if you were in trouble? It would be, like... No. ...this, okay. Okay. All right. So, if we're in trouble, I'm part of them. Okay. I am not letting these bastards take all the heat. Why? I'm one additional guard. Do you think -- Now, please don't pull out your firearm again without telling me. I won't. Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. Do you think that you should have a firearm on you while you're drinking? Yes, I do. Okay. Women get shit on a lot in our culture. You know what that's like. I do. I think you would make a better president than Donald Trump. Okay. Narrator: John McAfee is a Washington outsider who's tired of politics as usual, a tech entrepreneur, alleged murderer, and businessman who might not grab you by the pussy. If you're a woman thinking about voting for Donald Trump in 2020, think again. Women get shit on a lot in our culture, and I know what that tastes like. John? McAfee: Yes. That was beautiful. Yes. I'd like it again a little softer, and I'd also like you to mention that you're pro-choice. Right. McAfee: This is actually going way better than I thought. I don't think these people are trying to [Bleep] us. I don't. I think that they're truly going to do one of the greatest documentaries. Let me warm this up. [ Microwave beeps, turns on ] And this is Turner Broadcasting. I mean, this is huge, hundreds of millions of viewers. Now, this is some big [Bleep] here.
Channel: Adult Swim
Views: 1,155,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jena Friedman, Soft Focus, adult swim, promo, video, comedy, john mcafee, security, software, entrepreneur, 2020, president, presidential, campaign, misogyny, bodyguard, gun, murder, charge, crypto, cryptocurrency, blockchain, belize, guatemala, libertarian
Id: tfe4Fjf3sds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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