John McAfee: Decentralised Exchanges Are Coming (EXCLUSIVE)

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[Music] I'm Clara and I'm here with John McAfee how are you doing today I'm doing good thank you for having me on the Malta summit that's happening now is is I go to many of these and you know maybe a half a dozen a year all around the world this is one of the most energetic one of the largest and one of the most positive energies that I have seen everybody here is excited about the future all the speakers are excited the audience is excited everybody is engaged to me in the middle of a bear market where everything is depressed to have that sort of energy and positivity that's an excellent sign it tells me we are growing and we're here to stay you've said that you're worried about the fees and the scams and power of the centralized currencies do you think that these centralized currencies is dancing well we're not gonna go to the scams the cryptocurrency is the Wild West there's no laws really 9 out of 10 companies are fake that is they have no intention of actually doing anything they simply want to raise money and buy a yacht and disappear we audit many of our companies that we work with in fact all of them read nine out of towner scams we audited one company a few months back where every single member of the team from the CEO on down to the developers were non-existent people they had taken photographs and people who had died put them up on their website created fake curriculum vitae and they were not real and this is how bad it gets so you can't get rid of the scams you can get rid of the scams off exchanges by dodgy centralizing and you can certainly get rid of the threat of government interference by decentralizing decentralize exchanges are coming and when that happens the crypto community will be told totally free you cannot regulate it you can't make laws against it you can't tell us what to do or what not to do it's also a big problem in in politics around the world but with voting or scams or fake news and how do you think blockchain can can make the world when in politics better the blockchain is e is the obvious solution for all of these things where we have multiple votes from one person you know in America happens all the time ok they move from one precinct to another and continue to vote now with the blockchain you can you can validate each person they have one person and one vote the blockchain will solve most of the world's problems of deception let me give you an example if if we had the blockchain since the beginning of human history we would have a totally different history why what is history it is a record written by the Conqueror the winner and the winner gets to decide what happens right the losers don't have any say-so their story and their perspective and their reality has disappeared from the human record if we had the blockchain since the beginning of time that could not have happened we would have the totality the truth of everything that happened we would have a different history and that would benefit us because we define ourselves as humans from our our human history and with a different history we would define ourselves differently so it's a very powerful tool to be applied to their all of history and I think one day we'll be all the way down to voting or for mundane things like the supply chain problem it will permeate every aspect of our lives and it will permeate even the the unfortunate individual aspects at some point in the in the long future you will not be able to cheat on your spouse because it will be impossible correct the record of everything that you have done will be there so you're gonna be giving up a little bit of privacy for what you get in exchange is freedom because you're living in the world of truth why is the blockchain so powerful it is not under human control it's under the control of mathematical formulas which don't lie 2 + 2 is always 4 now you can tell your wife or your husband at 2 + 2 is 3 and they might believe you but not with the blockchain so it will transform culture and transform human relationships for the better now it will be difficult at first for those of us who are used to deceiving lying telling tall tales you know calling your boss and saying I'm sick today but I'm playing golf that will disappear ok you can still play golf but you'll have to be honest about it job say boss I'm not coming in today I'm playing golf well the boss will have to get used to it or you will have to get used to it it will transform society and and you are politically active why would I wrote vote for you what would you to vote for me I'm running for president I ran for president in 2016 under the libertarian banner what that gave me was access to the national stage where I was able to talk about things that I thought were important and in 2016 I thought the problem of cybersecurity was a major problem in America and it was and because I said the things that I said our cybersecurity in America has become very tight this time I want to talk about the blockchain and cryptocurrency and how that can free people to make individuals responsible for their own financial freedom and from financial freedom comes all other freedoms so that's what I'll be talking about I don't want your vote I really want the I have enough followers and enough of fans that I can legally take the stage and run for president but I want to say I don't want to be President I don't care if you vote for me because I can't be pretty impossible for me to be elected president if you know anything about 5 background please god no however I still have the right to run this morning there was a in your discussion you said that something about the prostitution coin is that still about there was actually there was a it was a for a period of months I was contacted by an organization run by a number of prostitutes called pink date and they wanted to create a token for prostitution well it made good sense because if you're using tokens and your wife is not going to get a credit card statement and say where's what was this $500 for right and no no it's it made good sense and I I advised them the problem was you know their pimps are always moving them to different parts of the country they never could stay organized and it fell apart but you know I'll advise anybody and ultimately tokens in the blockchain and cryptocurrency will be in every aspect of the world in America there was a young student 7 years old who created in the ERC 20 token called the Billy token and everybody in school was using that as currency what's wrong with that you know make as many tokens as you like and do you think that maybe Bitcoin will be overtaken by a terraeum it's not a matter of Bitcoin or etherium there are now 5000 coins I don't know which one was going to win and it's not a matter of winning it's a matter of of choice it's a matter of which coin do I want to use for any specific function I think in the end there will be everything there'll be an ice cream token or your ice cream corn and if you had the ice cream power you don't have to worry about using the token your wallet will have all the intelligence in it's a no bomb at the ice cream store I'll get better value if I use the ice cream token and so it will do all of these changes and you'll be paying into ice cream tokens then you go to the movie and you'll playing the movie token I mean there's nothing wrong with that so there's not a matter what Bitcoin where or theorem note Bitcoin will have its place the theorem will have its place and the ice cream token will have its place can you tell me about the mcafee alliance yes one of the problems in cryptocurrency is that we have no regulations we have no rules it's like the Wild West you know if you have a gun you go in and you you rob the liquor store and that's that's what you do so you have to take care of yourself you have to be cautious and we don't need enforcement what we need is education if you know for example that an exchange is stealing from you and everybody knows it we don't need to shut exchange down it will shut itself down because it will have no customers because no one will use it so it's a different world with the blockchain we're based on information on reality and truth do you need policemen to shut someone down if all their customers walk away no they shut themselves down so the McAfee Alliance is is a way to collect the information which we try to validate about those main scammers in this field then most of them are exchanges because they have unlimited power no one knows where they are we don't know what country they're in we don't know who works there so they're free to do what they want and they do so all we have to do is notify people listen if you put your money there they're likely to keep it take half of it who knows so if people stop using it now Malta is trying to be this big hub for blockchain and ICS and everything do you think it was changed the way that Malta is the way people think well temporarily yes because we still have centralized exchanges which can be shut down by governments that's the power that they hold over us if we do not adhere to their regulations and rules then they can shut us down in two years we will have decentralized exchanges where the exchange is running on 10 million devices tenley and smartphones and and pads all around the world and is constantly changing and in fluid you can't shut it down when that happens government regulations become meaningless because if you have a regulation or a law but there is no power to enforce it nobody pays attention so all the laws that are being passed now in Malta and I and I agree with them that's great it will help us grow in two years time no-one will pay attention to them because we will not have to that's the tragedy of what's happening governments will eventually have to accept the fact they will have to change [Music]
Channel: AIBC World
Views: 177,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John McAfee, Malta, Blockchain, Malta Blockchain Summit, Blockchain Summit, John McAfee Malta
Id: vBvBbR79-Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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