John McAfee: I'm Behind Edward Snowden

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it is a problem let's switch to ed Snowden if you don't mind John and I want to talk about it because there's a lot of talk whether he is a hack or a hero what do you think it depends on which perspective you you want to look at mr. Snowden from my perspective I think he revealed something that we all knew I mean we're being spied on by our government duh who does not know that I mean it it's simply the mrs. Snowden has says put a quantitated value on it and given the exact means and if some of the exact means of how that spying takes place to that extent he's a hero and telling us what we already knew and making us have to face that fact the US government probably does not consider him a hero bad Vlad Amir Putin the Chinese government I think they both considered him heroes uh you know he started Booz Allen with the intent of getting this type of information and then exposing it now another similarity you have with him is that you two worked at Booz Allen I don't you obviously know had intention to be a spy and a vet but but what do you make of that okay I work for Booz Allen Hamilton from 1980 to 1982 I did not work for them to be a spy it's a management consulting firm and the jobs they get you are very cushy and they pay extremely well and they're very easy that's why I work for Booz Allen but Booz Allen is is well one of the top three consulting firms is BCG right boss consulting McKenzie and Booz Allen and so clearly if the government wants high quality tech talent they're going to go to one of those three consulting firms a great job and and I don't know whether mr. odden started at Booz Allen with the intent of trying to aspire or not I have no no information on that but it's a great company and through that that relationship he was able to get access to information that most of us can't get access to yeah he said that was his goal those are his words that I'd want to get to get to that I guess there is what I'm asking is to your point it sounds like you Lila's I'd that what he did was something good whether his intentions were noble is still up to be decided is that about right well yeah here's what I feel any any any disclosure of any information is good why should we be kept in the dark on anything good lord you know we're all adults here I want to know what's happening in my world otherwise I'm in the dark and I'm bumping into things and so are you so are we all so to that extent you know I'm behind the guy let's find out what the world is all about what is our government actually doing don't you want to know people I do so to that extent I back him fully I also back his balls if you can see if I can say that that on Fox or I I'm behind his courage all right he has the courage to actually do something knowing its risks and now he's on the run having been on the run many times in my life the first many times when I was in Mexico certainly the the the last time in police I know how difficult and how frightening that can be and the man is half my age if he were here I think I could give him some very good advice and and and what what was he telling what would you tell him well number one I told him to stay in Hong Kong how the back alleys of Hong Kong are notorious for being susceptible you can disappear into the back alleys of Hong Kong you can become one of the masses the Chinese government certainly has no answers in interest in tracking him down neither will neither will they cooperate with any American agency you don't want to join come on John do you don't think the Chinese would have interest and a lot of the stuff he knows well well they would but I mean you know unlike the Russians I don't think the Chinese would be very harsh on him I mean maybe they would detain him for a while but you know the Chinese are very what's the word they make good hosts okay and if you're if you're a guest in their country you can live fairly well and by the way I'm not dissing America here and I'm not saying I'm not trying to give them in illegal advice I'm just saying that had it been me I would have stayed in Hong Kong absolutely now before we go to a quick break here the one thing that has come up with with him John is that if you were a genuine whistleblower uh that it's it's a family show good but it it it was a it was a move to not be a whistleblower and do some good but to get out of the country and do some bad that he there is a procedure for going your higher-ups are going to a you know an independent council or an Inspector General he didn't do that he immediately went to Hong Kong which means to some of the people who don't like him very much he's a spy and had spy intents what are you saying well you know having having dealt with governments I think all governments are the same they they they do not have much of a heart sir human beings have hearts I mean you can you can talk to a human and say here's the situation I am in what would you do and they say oh okay I would run you know I'm not in his shoes sir like I can't I can't justify or cast aspersions on his decisions I know from my own experience what the Belizean government wanted me to do would be would be my death and I know that for a fact so I simply chose to go underground all right if you could stick around John we're going to get into that what
Channel: Fox Business
Views: 335,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John McAfee, virus, computer, software, Snowden, CIA, NSA, Scandal, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Organization), Windows, Linux, whistle blower, FOX Business, Neil Cavuto, News, Business, Fox
Id: PjQ-AfRNG18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2013
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