John MacArthur names names, and calls out an Evangelical darling.

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it's time for Richard radio with Tom freon John McArthur throwing it down but first this is Richard radio before we get to the intense John McArthur naming names calling out false teaching just in case you happen to be inclined to think Oh John McArthur he's just a funny dog he's just one of those gloomy kind of guys who never has any fun this is John MacArthur at the ligand here conference sir queuing up they had set up a microphone at the Ligonier conference for people to walk up and ask their questions of RC sprawl who is for some reason he's up on the stage they've got his image up on the big screen and John MacArthur steps up to the microphone you've heard the old saying that there are no stupid questions or C doesn't mind uh but I think I'm about to hear one before we let the question asker who's John MacArthur respond this is another example what you got here is a Presbyterian and not a Presbyterian I'm not sure what John MacArthur calls himself but he's not a Presbyterian in other words he rightly baptizes believers he disagrees with this or that with RC stroll and yet listen to the relationship that they have this is a model we separate from false teachers we don't separate from those who disagree on secondary issues we love one another [Applause] RC that was not the Segway I was intent to disappoint but we do have a special questioner here for you I'm working hard to think of a stupid question that I care no I listen I I played golf with you few years ago and you certainly weren't at that point playing the game that you played before and that you loved and I just want to deal with the truth and I know you do too is it true that you got a hole-in-one recently no I got a hole in free recently which was even more extraordinary a hole in three occurs when you're on a par three and you put your first shot in the water and you tee it up a second time and that time you hit it in the hole so I had a hole-in-one twice removed okay if you're if you're a pastor you get a mulligan so it's a real hole-in-one thank you John that's a stitch love that two brothers with disagreements on secondary issues can still get along and joke together and now to the earnest John MacArthur responding to a brand new book by NT Wright you recall this is a man who started off as a theologian who wrote well on the doctrine of the resurrection well then as the years passed his trajectory was revealed as veering to the left when new perspectives on Paul appeared it was quite clear where dr. NT Wright was to some of us now it seems crystal-clear even though it's kind of hard to figure out exactly what empty Wright believes even in evangelicalism there is what is now being called the new perspective on Paul the primary influence of that is coming from a man named NT Wright who is a British theologian he's written hundreds of pages hundreds of pages on the gospel including a very thick book on the resurrection of Christ I have read books for years as you would expect and you would know and I have read his writings and they are a mass of confusing ambiguity contradiction and obfuscation academic sleight of hand I cannot tell you what he believes after reading all of that Wow empty right might be a little fuzzy John MacArthur most certainly not warning of the dangers sometimes you read a book and you go ah again it makes you sound a little bit like Jerry Lewis why because it kind of advice so how do we know what empty right believes about the gospel well it's a lot easier to figure out what he doesn't believe but I can tell you exactly what he does not believe the only time he gets explicit is to make sure we know what he does not believe let me quote the new book by him in T right the day the Revolution began here is a quote we have pagan eyes our understanding of salvation substituting the idea of God killing Jesus to satisfy his wrath for the genuinely biblical notion we are about to explore I see so he calls Jesus becoming the substitute that God killed to satisfy his wrath for us paganism well then you know the doctrine over which the Reformation was fought justification penal substitution Airi atonement empty right calling it paganism hold on it just keeps getting worse or further he says that Christ died in the place of sinners is closer to the pagan idea of an angry deity being pacified by a human death than it is to anything in either Israel's scriptures or the New Testament so he rejects substitutionary atonement he rejects Jesus as the sacrifice that God chose to die for our sins he is very clear on what he rejects he rejects the idea that our sins are imputed to Christ he rejects the idea that his righteousness is imputed to us what is the big question of the Bible the biggie what must a man do to be made right with God so I've got a question for NT right if you're listening yeah then how is a man made right with God if it is not the death burial on resurrection of Jesus Christ what do we do on Judgment Day how do we face the wrath of God how I do our sins get forgiven please NT right let us know because of penal substitution area Tolman tis a pagan doctrine then what are what is our hope sir I wonder if he's considered that or is it possible he just doesn't think sin is all that big a deal and maybe we're confused too about the anger and wrath of God maybe we're a little puzzled on the whole doctrine of hell just like we are supposedly on the doctrine of justification this is not the gospel he says this is pagan ism to worship God as one who justifies by imputation he says his nonsense that's the glorious doctrine that the Reformation was fought over that's not that was the mother of all doctrines right there imputation verses being infused with righteousness credited as righteous that's the gospel empty right says it's not my quote if we use the language of the law court it makes no sense whatsoever to say that the judge impute sin parts bequeaths conveys or otherwise transfers his righteousness to either the plaintiff or the defendant is he reading the book of Romans apparently not righteousness is not an object a substance or a gas which can be passed across the courtroom this gives the impression of a legal transaction a cold piece of business almost a trick of thought performed by a God who is logical and correct but hardly one we want to worship Wow it goes on to say no one will be justified until he reaches heaven well then one wonders how that works is the duck love strawmen love it you call it something that it isn't and then clearly knock it over empty right another man with a beard in an accent he's going to teach us about a new perspective on Paul not a good straw man but that's the that's the modus operandi let's let's paint it as something that it's not to tell people how foolish she thinks it is further he says I must stress again that the doctrine of justification by faith is not what Paul means by the gospel the gospel is not an account of how people get saved really first Corinthians 15 1 and 2 now I make known to you brethren the gospel by which you are saved that pretty much sums it up NT Wright is in T room and he's NT dangerous and he keeps writing NT books and there are more people that are following him if we love the gospel the glorious gospel a penal substitution area Tolman and we do we fight over this one warn people of NT right ask your book keeper your book shopkeeper person why are you carrying a book that is not Orthodox this is wretched radio 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Channel: Wretched
Views: 1,074,157
Rating: 4.4672651 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: UNs0ZVacsrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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