A Francis Chan follow-up.

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it's the wretched radio mail code in every bag QA infotainment nationwide extravaganza featuring your voicemails correspondences communicate now here's your host this is wretched radio went out to the car yesterday looked at the hood it's started in the south the pollen is back so if I'm a little lucky please forgive me for that would invite you to contact us one of two ways here at wretched radio beep talk at one-eighth 77282 beep or you can send an email to idea at wretched org as many people did this week regarding one person Francis Chan most likely you know who he is Francis Chan and this kind of makes a lot of people blush but nevertheless he graduated from master seminary certainly received I think the best seminary education you can get these days pastoring a large Church in California he wrote crazy love became very popular on the YouTube machine left his church started promoting a home church movement he's still on the speaking tour and increasingly he is hobnobbing with the kookiest of the kooky the worst of the worst and this has been going on I'm just doing this from memory for maybe a year it started when he was invited to preach at IHOP a lot of people said Francis do you know where you're going so he researched it and he decided I can go and do this conference I don't know what was running through his mind I I think that he's perhaps under the delusion that he can move that mess in the right direction that's speculation nevertheless he went there and he said quote I love Mike Bickle I love this guy that isn't good more recently at the send conference in Florida Francis was seen hugging literally hugging Todd white he's he's just a false teacher deluxe Todd white and he was seen praying with real down on their knees with Heidi Baker we don't throw those terms around liberally here but she is if you've seen drunk in the spirit this woman I'm telling you she's the one who gets drunk fallen on the floor and hysterical laughter that's Heidi Baker and he's hanging out with her say what then he's seen in a picture with Benny Hinn now I could perhaps understand not knowing who Heidi Baker or Todd white is if you're not initiated into that but these Benny Hinn in a picture hugging him knowing full well that this type of stuff gets out to social media very very troubling and in passing in the context of a conversation we were having here at wretched I brought up Francis Chan and I think I said something like it is my hope that the guy isn't lost I he is he is definitely showing signs of of straying wildly and I think I said something like but would I say that he's too far gone not at this moment and a lot of people responded to that and I have to tell you thank you all of the exchanges of everybody who either were wondering exactly what I was saying or meaning or even challenging it it was so well done which is precisely the point of this thing called discernment here's what I see happening a lot into the discernment world is that it's very black and white you hear one thing and that's the end of it that's all I need to know is just the one thing no consideration no time no hope that this is a misunderstanding miscommunication and it can be worked out just circular firing squads and so when these people sent in these emails to challenge it was done in the spirit of hey let me understand what you're talking about were you saying that did you mean by that that's outstanding stuff and even for the people who said I think Francis is too far gone I wouldn't fight with you on that uh I could have said more about Francis when we talked about him on whatever day of the week it was I could have said more but I didn't so let me just tell you where I think it's that with Francis and if you disagree on this here's here's what shouldn't happen I shouldn't say if you don't agree with me perfectly about Francis Chan I can't have fellowship with you I see that type of treatment a lot and that is not the way we should be dealing with one another look we're talking about the art and science of discernment there's rules there's laws here but there's also an art and if you disagree with me I okay and if I disagree with you okay it doesn't make one of us apostate what is your issue you're flailing which is wildly is it okay to call you a Bible twisting heretic well like to ring did somebody no I was just working on it okay you you determined when I cross that line there was there were some people for instance just in having the conversation about our tone towards certain people like four minutes ago I think I just labeled Heidi Baker as the kooky of the kookiest okay we haven't gone soft and yet some people said up there it is wretched another ministry that's gone soft no we we haven't we're just trying to mature that's all so there's still kooky and we identify that but there are times when you got to be slow and patient and work through and watch it and I think that's the case with Francis Chan on paper he's not a heretic he's hanging out with bad teachers it's a trend that started I think it was about a year ago could be wrong and it's not been a constant thing it's not like he's touring with Bethel but nevertheless it is absolutely troubling so this is just to be a little bit more clear and precise I would say I wouldn't recommend Francis Chan would I say that he's a heretic not at this moment I wouldn't and I would be hopeful that he's not and that he repents recants cleans up the mess that he's made and then what gets back to preach and better that's where I think we're at and by the way the folks at gate who usually don't write articles like this titled this headline farewell Francis he was talking about Francis Chan's appearance with Todd white todd Bentley Benny Hinn he said this in crippled gait I think it was Jonathan's standards I think I think it's time to say that Francis has shifted so far that he has embraced false teachers and is disqualified himself from the benefit of the doubt okay I think is if nothing else he's really really really close to that I think maybe just a little more time and some questions but I can appreciate crippled game saying but the benefit of the doubt but now here's what's interesting he now defines what he means by that and I agree totally so I I kind of disagree with this statement benefit of the doubt but I agree with like the bottom line conclusion a bad discerner would say how he doesn't think you should give him the benefit of the doubt and I do he say I'm not gonna re great any more no slow down that does not mean rights crippled gate that he is a false teacher nor that he is beyond repentance but it does mean that as far as me and my house we will not only not recommend Francis Chan as a trusted resource but I encourage you to stay away from him I agree with that totally I agree with that totally he writes now again this is not getting soft Benny Hinn and Todd white are some of the most despicable people on earth now Francis is hanging with them to what degree I don't know yet it's been going on a little bit and I don't know if it's 12 months 24 months 36 months that you give somebody I don't know the exact number I don't know what's gonna happen in that time I don't know what he's gonna be saying in those contexts but if we aren't there already with Francis were really really close and I agree that we should not be recommending that's for certain don't recommend Francis don't read his stuff pray for him because hopefully he has not immersed himself into this world now why would I say that maybe he's not beyond the benefit of the benefit of the doubt he just preached about the prosperity gospel and how wrong it is and then a few days later he was hugging Benny Hinn little dissonance going on there and so we wait and see but we don't recommend well we can live with that can't we do we have to call him a heretic when you let me tell you calling somebody a heretic that is the last thing to call somebody you can call them crummy a charlatan long before heretic so I received an email from Zack can we agree a Francis Chen just did this once another strong godly Wiseman came to him and pointed out Mike pickles errors and Bethel and Benny Hinn and Chen repented I'd be grateful and rejoice but it appears he's habitually continuing to be with false teachers and didn't take correction I agree with you and that is why I put him on the shelf but then Zack writes I would agree with you but not with the habitual joining with false teachers so we're not labeling him heretic but we are warning people unfortunately Francis Chen is not a reliable teacher and we should I think at this moment be praying for him thank you for everybody who sent an email to ID at wretched org and work through this lovingly which is certainly the way that we should be doing it this is wretched radio you you
Channel: Wretched
Views: 152,071
Rating: 4.2584434 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel
Id: 9cthoCvxDf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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