John Hagee: The Miracle in Your Mouth

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[Music] you're anointed proclamation based on the Word of God is a supernatural power in the mouth of every believer Jesus had a miracle ministry that shook the Roman Empire and he looks to you and I today in the 21st century and he makes this statement whosoever believes in me will do the works that I have been doing and they will do even greater things than these John 14:12 Jesus raised the dead he walked on water he healed every disease known to man and he said you have the same power mark 11:22 24 read with me ready so jesus answered and said to them have faith in God for assuredly I say to you whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done he will have whatsoever he says therefore I say unto you whatsoever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you will have them nothing could be clearer than to say that the super natural power of God is available to every person in this audience and the millions of you who are watching television across America and around the world and I'm praying at the end of the service when we release it it'll touch you and change you forever let's pray father thank you for the privilege of being here bless this word because it is your word to this congregation to America and to the world in Jesus name we pray and all of God's children said amen you may be seated consider first the Bible is a book of miracles Thomas Jefferson who was the third president of the United States of America invented his own version of the Bible he deleted the virgin birth the resurrection and every supernatural event in between now why is this shocking it's not shocking because we do the same thing in America we may not use a razor to pick and choose the scriptures that we will and will not obey but we pick and choose nonetheless listen to what I'm about to say we put scriptures on the chopping block of human logic and we end up with a neutered powerless pathetic gospel we commit what I call intellectual idolatry we create God in our own image the end result is that America has produced a generation that slaughters its unborn that are Danes pedophiles to the pulpits of industry in America's churches we have television networks that traffic in decadence and they exalt sin what have you cut out of your Bible what truth is there that you refuse to obey let me tell you you will never have the full blessing of God picking and choosing what you will and will not obey the Bible is either all true or it's not you obey at all or you do not obey it at all there is a miracle in your mouth consider this Bible evidence the Bible opens by presenting an Almighty God who creates the universe by his spoken word sounds 30 36 David writes by the word of the Lord the heavens were made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth the word breath is the Hebrew word Ruach which means holy spirit-inspired life-giving miracle-working power how was it released by the spoken word because there's a miracle in your there's a miracle in your mouth and in your mouth and in your mouth and in your mouth and in your mouth and those of you who are watching by television Genesis one in three and God said let there be light and there was light Genesis 1 and 6 and God said Let there be firmament and the heavens were created Genesis 1 and 9 and God said Let there be ground and it was so Genesis 111 and God said Let there be grass and we've been cutting it with a John Deere tractor ever since Genesis 1:14 and God said Let there be lights the Sun the Moon the four blood moons that are telling us what the future happens to be Genesis 1 and 20 God said Let there be see Genesis 1:24 and God said let the earth bring forth every living creature 2 points nothing happens on earth or in heaven until God says secondly God speaks eight times in the creation story eight is the number of new beginnings in the Bible the mathematics in the Bible are just intriguing beyond words but eight is the number of new beginnings there were eight people on the ark God was starting over with a brand new earth there were eight adults that began Cornerstone Church in a home not far from here September 1966 now we're 22,000 plus members strong with a message by television that's covering the earth to God be the glory boy when you open your mouth and speak in faith believing God's miracle working power will explode in your life bringing a new beginning the anointing of the Holy Spirit you are going to have will be a new beginning in your life a new beginning in your physical health addictive habits are broken in the authority of Jesus name a new beginning in your emotional health some of you in this room and many of you watching by television or bound by fear by resentment by bitterness you're living a life that's hopeless you're going on a merry-go-round that's going nowhere you can experience a divine explosion of joy joy this unspeakable and full of glory give the Lord praise in the house what is the proclamation in the Bible the word to proclaim comes from the Latin word meaning to shout forth when you hear someone make a proclamation that's not it's hear ye hear ye that's a proclamation in the New Testament there's a related word to proclaim that means to confess or say the same as on to say that again to confess or say the same as so for us as Bible believers confession means that we say the words with our mouth that God has already said in his word in faith believing and release a supernatural force that can defeat anything in your life physically or spiritually give the Lord praise in the house there are two spiritual connections you must make one Jesus is the Living Word say that with me Jesus is the Living Word Saint John chapter one in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God verse 14 and the word became flesh that would be the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem's manger and had dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as the only begotten Son of God the Father beholding his glory happened on the Mount of Transfiguration as they saw the dazzling light of God into him and he went into heaven Jesus is not only the Living Word according to Hebrews three and one Jesus is the high priest of our confession say that again he is the high priest of our confession which means what exactly it means that whenever whatever we say with our mouth exactly what the Bible says in faith believing that we have Jesus as our high priest in heaven who releases his authority on what has been said and the blessing comes to that confession Proclamation and confession or critical weapons in spiritual warfare its aggressive its aggressive warfare we're not in a fight just for the exercise we're in a fight to win it Paul said fight the good fight endure be the victor we are victorious in Jesus name it's a word from God that breaks a yoke it's the word that brings victory in our supernatural warfare your Proclamation releases the authority of the Living God into your situation into your battle into your crisis into your marriage into your business into your health it's a word that bring complete victory without complete victory there is no victory you know kind of and anointed proclamation is God's atomic bomb in the mouth of every believer when you're in a spiritual combat find a Bible verse that heaven gives you believe it and receive it and proclaim it Jesus your high priest gives it authority in heaven and all of heavens power instantly attacks your problem which is crushed by the power of the Living God there's a miracle the Bible is filled with promises that will change your life forever but to earn God's blessings we must be faithful servants to obey his word when you make God the top priority in your life you will see your faithfulness rewarded beyond measure for your generous gift of any amount to Hagee ministries you'll receive a signed copy of response able by Pastor Matt for your gift of $75 or more you'll receive the power of expectations sermon series a Hagee ministries prayer journal and a signed copy of response able by Pastor Matt claim the life that God intended for you you too can live with expectancy of his blessings when you are obedient to his word request these resources today I know they will bless you send your tax-deductible gift today call the number on your screen or visit jhm dot org / expect returning to the rock garden of your failure and watch Almighty God turn it to a Rose Garden run back to the giant that you ran from and like David say I'm coming for you in the name of the Lord and you take his head off with his own sword the victory is ours through Christ the Lord [Applause] [Music] Moses is 80 he's lost all the confidence he had in himself when it was Prince of Egypt Moses is broken but the god of this Bible uses broken things the Bible says the broken and a contrite spirit God will not despise have you been broken by the crisis of life let me tell you something your finest hour is just before you your finest hour is just before you the best is yet to be put your hand in the hand of the god but living your life looking in the rearview mirror pick up your head rejoice Square your shoulders tuck your hands shout for joy go back God's divine authority was released is that rod in X's four-and-twenty it's called the rod of God say that with me the rod of God when he arrived in Pharaoh's court he cast his rod down and it became a snake genny's and jamberries who were two warlocks entered they threw their stiff staffs down and they became snake two snakes against one Moses no eight Janice and jamberry snake when the waters of the Red Sea needed to be divided Moses lifted his rod put it in the edge of the water and the water split and they walked across on dry ground when the Egyptian army pursued the Jewish people Moses held up his rod and the water swallowed them up and made fish food of Pharaoh and his army he was the most powerful man on the face of the earth defeated by a crooked stick in the hand of a preacher the only thing that Moses needed for 40 years of miracle ministry was one Shepherds rod that he didn't think had any significance when he first put it in his hand every Bible believing Christian has a rod of God in your hand it is this it is the only instrument you need to defeat the powers and principalities of darkness Christian's of America this jerrod it's supernatural it contains unlimited power it's alive its anointed it's sharper than any two-edged sword it separates the Mara from the bone it separates light from darkness it separates good from evil it separates wheat from tares this is the bread of life this is living water these words that are spoken under the supernatural anointing of the Holy Spirit there's a miracle in your mouth waiting to happen in Jesus name Jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you you can ask what you will what what abides in you his word on creations morning God and God's anointed Word was released and the universe was spoken into existence King David writes in songs 149 let the high praises of God be in their mouth hear that the miracle in your mouth they the Saints and a two-edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance on the nation's listen to bind their Kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of irons this honor have all the Saints say that with me this honor have all the Saints that's every person in this room who believes in Jesus Christ God's Word is medicine proverbs 4 2022 my son attend to my words that would be these for their life unto those that find them and health to all of their flesh Psalms 107 20 he sent his word and he healed them your confession of the words releases the healing power of God which is already yours by virtue of Christ's work at the cross by His stripes we are isaiah 55:11 so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void set the Lord now listen let's put that teaching into practice you've heard me say many times that information without application produces frustration and all that I have said is absolutely and literally true but until you light the fuse on the stick of the dynamite you just have a lifeless package we are getting ready as a congregation to have a proclamation service some of you have never seen this in your life stay steady everything will be just fine but God is getting ready to hit this place wide open confession confession listen if you need or your family members need health or healing I want you to stand and make this confession remember that confession literally means a bold Proclamation say this with me Lord Jesus Christ I make this confession in faith believing you are my Lord and Savior you are the Great Physician you are my healer by your stripes I am now being healed by your precious blood I have victory over every sickness and disease father God you have set before me life and death you have set before me life and I choose life you have set before me you have set before blessings and cursings blessings and I choose blessing I choose listen I will not fear I will before you are with me for you are with your word is my strength my fortress my high tower my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit type I is the temple of the Holy I will praise you I will give you thanks how does the Clare of your greatness and bless your name forever bless for those who wait upon the Lord those who shall renew their strength shall we do this they shall mount on wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they show honey they should walk in out thing they shall walk I shall live and not die I shall live and declare the works of the Lord giving prayers in the house [Music] be seated please if you need God's help in a day of trouble for guidance or for protection for yourself or for any member of your family I want you to stand I have a proclamation for you for guidance and protection for yourself or any member of your family ruddy father god I make this Proclamation in faith believing the Lord is my light in salvation the Lord shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life Lord of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked come against me to eat up my flesh my enemies and my foes stumbled and fell though an army shouldn't camp against me my heart shall not fear my heart the war should rise against me who is this will I be confident that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life poor in the day of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion decent he will set me high up on a rock he will sit me high and my head shall be lifted up above all my enemies therefore I will sacrifice the sacrifice of joy the sacrifice in his tabernacle in his turn I will sing praises unto the Lord I will sing praises for he is my God for he is my god and my deliverer in mind hallelujah give the Lord praise in the house [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you need provision God's provision for finances and prosperity I want you to stand [Applause] this is our final proclamation father god father God I make this proclamation I make this Proclamation in faith believe it is the Lord that gives me the power to get wealth it is the Lord that gives me the power to get wealth it is the Lord it is the Lord that shall plant me by rivers of living water that supplant me by rivers of living water my leaf shall not wither mildly shall not with and whatsoever I do shall prosper and what he will make me the head and not the tail he will make me he will give me houses I did not build he will give me houses I did not vineyards I did not plan genius wells I did not dig wells because I have honored the Lord with my living and giving with the harvest will return to me with exceeding abundance above all that I could ask or imagine press down shaken together running over I will be blessed in my going in and coming out I will be blessed in my basket and store I'll be blessed my harvest is coming an abundant harvest the giver of every good and perfect gift it's Lord of my life and I receive divine abundance in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] consider what would happen in your life if you expected the unexpected from God his unlimited power is available to those who seek him with expectation we know that our God reigns so expect supernatural things to happen in your life today stay tuned for a blessing from Pastor before this program is over go go and tell the world that Jesus came died and rose again for the forgiveness of your sins go and share the good news of your salvation take it into the furthermost corners of the world this charge is for every Christian but not every Christian knows how to preach amongst the day-to-day rhythms of life we do and we can do this together connect your passion with Cornerstone church invite you to feast 19 October 25th through the 27th join us for three days fall of Midway games food free rides and spectacular fireworks each evening offers inspirational speakers that show guest Tony Evans and warships with CC violence including pastor Matt Hagee Sunday evening will conclude with a night to honor Israel featuring Pastor John Hagee celebrate at Cornerstone Church chuck's / 25th through the 27th for more information call the number on the screen or visit sa Cornerstone org / feast do the hardships of life caused you to question your faith through prayer and the gospel of jesus christ Hagee ministries prayer line hopes to bring healing and restoration to every caller call the prayer line or go to jhm org and let us share the gospel with you and now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you and may he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you giving you his peace may you walk in his powr proclaiming the promises found in his word to conquer every demonic thing that comes against you may they bring healing to your body and Morrow to your bones God's promises conquer every form of sickness and disease they put your enemies to shame began speaking God's Living Word to conquer lack or want because he's the king of the universe he is the yes and the amen may your life be blessed with joy unspeakable as these promises ring true and His Holy Spirit invades your life in his name amen [Music]
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 512,729
Rating: 4.7893758 out of 5
Keywords: John Hagee Ministries, hagee, hagee ministries, john hagee, john haggee, truth, bible, god, jesus, christ, jesus christ, church, ministry, hagee ministry, sermon, sermons, sermons series, preach, preacher, bible story, bible study, word of god, god's word, christianity, christians, teach, teaching, scripture, spirit, spirituality, holy spirit, cross, grace, love, hope, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, encourage, cornerstone church
Id: obtL7Q2StX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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