John Hagee: NIne Mysteries of the Prayer Shawl & Matt Hagee: 6 Days Until We Shout

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[Music] the mystery of the prayer shawl reveals the Word of God on the side of the prayer shawl or this series of nantes representing the 613 commandments in the Word of God the Jewish people were to memorize those remember the text that you may remember the Word of God and let me give you the word remember there does not mean vaguely remember they memorized it before the word was printed by the Gutenberg press before the word became flesh and dwelt among us it was transmitted in the symbolism of these 613 principles of truth that's why David said thy word have I hidden in my heart the word hidden means memorized thy word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against thee I want you to hear this very clearly the word you memorize is the word you will utilize when you get in a spiritual battle you need to know the Word of God when Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness trying to sabotage his mission to Calvary Jesus did not say Oh dear me let me run home and get my tape series on spiritual warfare he said it is written it is written it is written he had the word and as soon as he began to speak the word Satan knew he was defeated Satan is not afraid of your education he's not afraid of your intellect he could care less about your opinion he is terrified of the Word of God Church of Jesus Christ speak the word act upon the word attack the adversary with the Word of Living God I am what this book says I am I can do what this book says I can do I can have what this book says I can have I can say but nothing is impossible to those that believe give the Lord praise and the house of God [Applause] the first knot thou shall have no other gods before me sound familiar we do not worship rock stars our athletic stars that means on Sunday if there's a ballgame going on that's really interesting and it's church time you go to church before you go home and watch a football player [Applause] yeah we worship the bright and morning star the day star Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God don't get hooked on anything but Jesus the second not thou shalt have no graven images and you should not serve them don't worship the statue on the dashboard of your car with the little head that bubbles the statue in your house it offends God God says I'm a jealous God I don't want that in your house I want to be the only thing in your house that's the object of worship statues can't save you statues can't hear you statues can't heal you a statue can't touch you a statue can't deliver you Jesus Christ is your Redeemer he is your high priest he is your burden bearer when you pray he can move heaven and earth he can answer by fire he said call upon me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you know not when you pray touch the throne of God in Jesus name hallelujah to the lamb of God the third note you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain God's last name does not begin with D and if you want a one-way ticket to hell keep using it because the book of Revelation says that's where you're going I know that you may feel like that you have the political Liberty to say what you want but in the final analysis God could care less what the Supreme Court thinks [Applause] and there's another application to that watching a reading porno while claiming to be a Christian is taking God's name in vain don't live like the devil and run around and tell people you're Christian you're not a Christian you're hypocrite but you're not a Christian I'll move right along to the fourth nod I feel the fire is burning low remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy say that with me remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy remember in the sermon on the first fruits I told you that what you do were the first day of the week consecrates the next six days of the week what you do with your first offering consecrates the rest of the income that you have that's the Bible teaching on firstfruits when you come to the house on the Lord's Day it consecrates the rest of the week to God you are covered by the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ when you are telling God I'm not there because I don't want to be there maybe God can say if you won't come to my house why should I take you to my house think about that the six days six days you should work nothing in your life is going to work until you do quit going to the post office box looking for a check from the government praying for Prosperity you're a slave to the state the dictionary is the only place where success comes before work the Bible says he that provides not for his old is worse than an infidel get a job and go to work is the godly thing six honor your mother and your father if you've got kids that run around the house calling you old man an older lady you need to stroke their gluteus maximus until their cerebral cortex has a brand new revelation about who you are stop that right now the seventh thou shalt not kill I'm gonna touch on this thirty Seconds the news media is carrying the story and I'm talking about abortion the news media is carrying the story about Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts you people in Planned Parenthood don't look at Hitler and the Nazis and turn up your nose you are just as bad as Hitler and the Nazis ever thought about being Hey thou shalt not steal the Bible says if you steal God put you under a curse he financially cut you off I don't care what you stole take it back because until you get it back you're under the curse of God hang on I have 603 more knots to go the word is alive it is powerful it is eternal the word is unchanging the word is sharper than any two-edged sword the word is milk for infants and it is meat from in the word is the star of hope in a hopeless world this word can conquer sickness it can conquer disease it can conquer demons it can conquer the power of death the word can transform lives that are twisted and stained by sin is there hope for America indeed there is back to the Bible be ible basic instruction before leaving planet Earth back to the word give the Lord praise when Satan comes against you and he roars like a line saying you're defeated hold the Word of God and say the Lord is the light of my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid I know that some of you in this room this week are facing things that to you are terrifying but God will give you the answer the moment you get in that difficult situation he will give you the words to speak and the knowledge to act because you're his and the word of God will fall out of you like rivers of living water give him praise in the house of God when Satan sits on your shoulder and says your business is going to fail fire back with blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of living water his leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper bill gates David Rockefeller and Donald Trump may starve to death but you're not you're the property of the Living God give him praise in the house of God when Satan whispers you're sick and you're never going to get well fire back with this message by His stripes I am healed it is the Lord that healeth all of my diseases he sent His Word David writes and He healed them all bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name who forgives us from all of our sins and heals all of our diseases how many oh how many oh how many Oh our God is an awesome God give him praise in the house of God thank you for joining us today we pray you're blessed by this timely message I want to pray a blessing over you so stay with us to the end of today's program but first we have something special just for you every year millions visit the Western Wall to worship and feel the presence of God the prayer shawl has become a symbol of God's infinite healing power his name Jehovah represented in every tassel through prayer you too can receive his supernatural blessings and be made whole for your generous gift of any amount to Hagee ministries you'll receive an exodus pendant for your gift of $200 or more you'll receive the exodus pendant measure Maria candleholders handcrafted by jewelers in Jerusalem and a prayer shawl made in Israel welcome these gifts into your home today and release the power of God through prayer I know they will bless your life send your tax-deductible gift today call the number on your screen or visit jhm dot org slash Jehovah [Music] the fourth mystery of the prayer shawl is the prayer closet Moses had a congregation of about 2 million if a man never needed franchise on Tylenol it was Moses the Tabernacle in the wilderness was 18 feet by 45 feet 2 million people couldn't get in there so every man had his own tabernacle this is it right here the prayer shawl every Jewish man wore that from the age 13 David said I was glad with him he suddenly let us go to the house of the Lord pop there it is I'm now in the prayer closet David writes in Psalms 104 bless the Lord O my soul who covers himself with the light as with a garment that's what they say when they put this over their head jesus said enter into the prayer closet every Jewish person instantly knew what he was talking about I've seen many Christian people build a closet in their house and say this is my prayer closet there's nothing wrong with that except you're wrong this is what he's talking about here very important what you do in prayer determines the quality of your life God said to the children of Israel I wanted you to build this way but when I asked you to go this way you got in your tent your prayer tent your prayer shawl and you murmured and so I'm not going to take you the short way to the promised land I'm gonna take you 40 years and you're not ever going to get there and Moses you're not going either think about that what's the message the message is when you want something from God don't whine don't stop I don't know how I'm gonna make it through a man if you really want God's presence praise your way into the presence of the Lord enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise then when you're in the inner court tell the Lord what you need he will supply your every need give him praise in the house of God bless His Holy Name bless His Holy Name we worship You Lord [Applause] the fifth revelation of the prayer shawl is the revelation of the cross the cross is represented in the Old Testament Israel was camped around the tabernacle the Tabernacle held the Ark of the Covenant and the presence of God hovered over the Tabernacle in the Shekinah glory of God let me tell you this the message of that which is a 45-minute humdinger is that if you're not living next to the presence of God you're not where you can receive the answers from God but back to the revelation of the Cross they are around the tabernacle there are three tribes to the west three tribes to the east three tribes to the north three tribes to the south the largest three tribes which were twice as long are in the south what am I looking at the cross the cross when all of the tents of Israel were lined up in the twelve tribes they were looking at the cross that's why the Prophet Balaam said how beautiful are thy tents o Jacob what was Balaam seen he was seeing the cross he said the shout of a king is heard among them what was that the men of Israel were standing before the tabernacle with their prayer shawls shouting the praises of God this is the Lord that brought us out of Egypt this is the God that drowned Pharaoh in the Red Sea this is the God that rains manna every morning and gives us food to eat this is the Lord that provides water from the rock this is the God that provides the cloud by day and the fire by night and they stood there and they worshiped and they glorified and they magnified the Lord with the highest praise when you come before the Lord with singing and you come before the Lord with praise saying he has saved us he has healed us he has delivered us he has prospered us he has protected us and defend us let the shout of a King be heard in the camp of the righteous do it church [Applause] the sixth mystery of the prayer shawl God designed this Isaiah saw it in the 11th chapter of the 12th verse he said God will raise the banner that's a flag for the nations of the world to gather the exiles of Israel when these two bands of pure blue all you have to have to have the star of Israel is the Star of David in the center like that one right over there the flag of Israel is the prayer shawl with a Star of David in the middle I'm gonna say this in a prophetic sentence when the enemies of Israel attack God Almighty he's going to defend this flag when the enemies of Israel attack in the future hear this word from King David he that keepeth Israel that's a military term neither slumbers nor sleeps in Ezekiel 38 Ezekiel said that in the future from right now Russia the king of the north is going to come with Persia it's Iran by the way with Ethiopia which are the Islamic nations and they're going to come against Israel and the moment they put their foot on the Covenant Land of Israel Ezekiel 3839 says God is going to destroy five out of six of them that's 84% so you people in Iran who are strutting about what you're going to do when you get to Israel you're going to get a grave that's what you're going to get God's going to bury you there [Applause] the mystery of the prayer shawl reveals God's double portion of miracles Elijah had a leather girdle that produced miracles what was that leather girdle it was the prayer shawl made out of camel's hair Elijah hid the Jordan River with that mantle and the waters parted then Elijah prayed for the widow's son by putting the prayer shawl over the boy's body and he took the seat seat he took v's and he wrapped it in the corners of the boy's body and prayed three times and the boy came back to life how many of you recognized that as being in the Bible fast forward to Jesus the rabbi mark 541 a 12 year old girl is dead Jesus put the corners of the prayer shawl in her hand and shouted Talitha koum II it says in the King James Version damn shall I say unto thee arise that was put there by monks Talitha koum me does not mean dem soul arise had she been thirteen to seventeen it would be al megumi which is teenage girl arrives had she been over eighteen and unmarried it would have been battle ax coup may miss arise Talitha koum a means she who is in the tallit the prayer shall arise our God is the source of eternal life there is no death to the believer you and you and you who have received Jesus Christ are never going to die he that believeth in me shall never die because we have everlasting life in the Son of God hallelujah to the lamb of God [Applause] the seventh mystery is in mark five when the woman with the issue of blood said if I can touch the hem of His garment this is what I was speaking of earlier the eighth mystery of the prayer shawl is in Peters vision in Acts the tenth chapter Peter saw a sheet being held by the four corners that sheet was a prayer shawl he was at the house of Simon the Tanner God was trying to get Peter go to the house of Cornelius a Gentile a Roman centurion to carry the gospel Peter looked inside the sheet and what did he see creatures that was us why Gentiles were unclean Jews were not supposed to have anything to do with Gentiles we were nobody until Jesus died for us at the cross and at the cross we were adopted we became heirs and joint heirs he took our sin and gave us forgiveness he took our death and gave us everlasting life but until the cross we were nothing and God said I want you to go to the house of Cornelius because this was the prophetic statement that Jesus made he asked the disciples who do men say that I am Peter said you're the son of God he said blessed art thou simon barjona what does that mean there was a prophetic statement Jonah was the Jewish prophet to the Gentiles Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh God kicked him out of the boat and let off jaws number two or number one swallow him and take him to the coast it took a miracle a great fish to get him to go to preach the gospel Peter had a vision and he went to the house of Cornelius and when he preached to them Cornelius house was the first to receive the gospel they were filled with the Holy Spirit even before Peter finish because he was as Jonah the reluctant Jewish prophet who went to the Gentiles to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ was Paul a tentmaker or did he make prayer shawls the Bible says the quyllur and Priscilla made their living making tents the question is what did people living in Corinth a city of marble need tents then and now rabbinical students make prayer shawls it is my opinion that Paul made prayer shawls when he was a rabbinical student not tents in a city where there was nothing but stone just a matter of logic and Bible has nothing to do with your salvation the last appearance of the prayer shawl in scripture revelation 19:11 it said and he has a name written that no one knew remember that I said in Exodus 3 no one knew the name of God for many hundreds of years and then we see this last appearance the Bible says in Revelation 19 Unown his vesture and on his thigh is the name written king of kings Jesus Christ of Nazareth is coming back again when he comes back there will be on his thigh his name it's this he will have his seat seat that spells Jehovah God is one he will be writing it in Revelation 19 when he all of the angels all of the Old Testament Saints every person in this building who is redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ are going to be mounted on a milk-white stallion you talk about the posse of all posses this is going to be it the king is coming ladies and gentlemen the king is coming the king is the king is coming glory glory to his name when you see these signs lift up your heads and rejoice your Redemption draweth not giving trees in the house of God giving praise in the house of God Flores stand with me everyone stand with me I want you to pray this prayer with me if you're watching by television you can join us Heavenly Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to forgive me of all of my sin cleanse me from all unrighteousness come into my heart in life today to be the Savior to be the same Lord of my life I will serve you from this day forward amen give the Lord praise and the house of God go go and tell the world that Jesus came died and rose again for the forgiveness of your sins go and share the good news of your salvation take it into the furthermost corners of the world this charge is for every Christian but not every Christian knows how to preach amongst the day-to-day rhythms of life we do and we can do this together and that's your passion with powers become a legacy partner tonight hold the number on your screen or go to JH an org forward slash legacy Cornerstone Church is hosting feast 19 October 25th through the 27th this annual event is a time to celebrate the joy goodness and many blessings of God reminding us what the feast means Feast 19 includes daily midway games food free rides and spectacular fireworks each evening offers inspirational speakers special guest Tony Evans and worship with CeCe Winans including pastor Matt Hagee and Sunday evening will conclude with a night to honor Israel featuring Pastor John Hagee [Music] Friday October 25th through Sunday October 27th at Cornerstone Church for more information call the number on the screen or visit sa Cornerstone org slash feast we pray that you've been blessed by the first part of today's program I want to thank all of our partners who through your prayers and financial giving have allowed this ministry to participate in Bible prophecy and make world history I want to ask you to join me in something that is very important will you join me in lifting up Israel in your prayers our enemies are plentiful but our God is greater than the enemies of Israel because Israel is the apple of his eye it's no doubt we live in uncertain times but we can be certain of this our God reigns while anti-semitic rhetoric is becoming commonplace and even accepted david says pray for the Peace of Jerusalem may they prosper that love thee the promise of God's word is that when you pray for Jerusalem God's blessings are on you stay with us to the end of today's program I want to pray a blessing over you and your family and now here's the message pastor matt has just for you you know whenever you face a Jericho size problem whenever you're looking at something that you can't solve sometimes we have people who don't want to address the problem they want to analyze the problem have you ever met the kind of people that just simply want to always talk about how the problem got there and not do anything about it many of them run for office often we face issues and rather than address them we analyze them the reality is you can analyze your Jericho all you want you can look at your problem all you'd like to but you're not going to change what you will not confront whenever you see walls that are so stubborn and so defiant that have been built over such a long period of time it's totally natural to wonder why how did get built and it doesn't matter if it's a Jericho in the book of Joshua of the Old Testament or it's a Jericho in your marriage in your finances in your physical body a Jericho in the Church of the United States a Jericho in our nation or in our world every Jericho no matter where you find it no matter how high its walls are has one common cause and that cause is simply this the absence of righteousness the longer that righteousness is absent the higher the walls give you see here's how it worked in the book of Joshua Canaan where Jericho was built one of the Canaanite cities Canaan was covenant land God was in a covenant with Abraham and the book of Romans says that abraham believed God and it was counted unto him as righteousness so when Abraham and his descendants were in Canaan land righteousness was present in Canaan land and one day Abraham and his sons decide that they're going to go from Canaan back to Egypt because Egypt has food and the rest of the world has a famine the descendant of Abraham Jacob finds out that his son Joseph is on the throne in Egypt so Jacob and all of his sons leave Canaan and the descendants of Abraham walk into Egypt and they don't come back to Canaan until Joshua comes back four hundred years later so for four hundred years righteousness was absent in Canaan land and the pagans and the idolaters got to build the walls just as high and is stubborn and as defiant as they wanted the point is the longer that righteousness is absent the higher the walls get the same is true in every area of your life the same is true in every church in America the same is true in every system that our nation has and the things that we see happening in the world the longer that righteousness god-honoring behavior biblical principles christ-centered moral values the longer that those things are absent the higher the walls of rebellion and stubbornness and idolatry and disobedience get the more we see them in our society and in our culture we've built up stubborn walls inside our churches not based on God's Word but based on our man-made traditions we've built up areas of rebellions and given it the opportunity to make those who are outside the church more comfortable in the church this is not Christianity it's complacency this is not passion for the things of God it's lukewarm this is not Bible based this is benign in our nation righteousness is absent it's absent in our government it's absent in our schools it's absent in the daily the daily decisions we make in our businesses and now the ungodly are gathering in the streets and they're yelling in defiance for more chaos because they prefer disorder rather than righteousness now there's three principles that God teaches us in the lessons of these laps and they're these three first God expects you to work now I know that's a shock to some of you but God expects you to work the second is that God expects you to wait and we're going to describe two kinds of waiting one is patience which requires strength and the other is procrastination which is an excuse but God expects you to wait the third thing that God expects you to do is win he did not create you to be a victim he bought you with his precious blood that you could be victorious so in every conflict if there's gonna be a winner make up your mind right now it's gonna be you [Applause] let's begin with work when God told Joshua that he had given him Jericho he didn't bring it to him gift-wrapped in a pretty box with a red bow on top here you go son dog told Joshua I have given you Jericho and then he gave him instructions about how he was to take the city in Joshua six and three God told Joshua you shall march say that with me you shall march so lesson one lap one you cannot finish what you are unwilling to start the victory of day seven does not happen unless there's a start on day one if the walls of your Jericho are going to come down then work has to be in the equation because if Hebrews 11 is true by faith the walls of Jericho fell then work was holding faith hands because James tells us faith without works is what then everywhere you find faith in the Bible work is right alongside of it and it must be the same in your life to have faith and not put forth effort is it thing to do in vain you're not going to see Jericho fall unless you are willing to go to work the victory of Jericho doesn't come on day seven it starts when you decide to take the situation into your hands and address it yourself Joshua six and twelve after the Lord had given him instructions the Bible says another shocking thing it says and Joshua rose early in the morning I know many of you would go well why is he up that early he's he got up to go about doing what God gave him to do he didn't allow time to delay what God had asked of him he went at it as soon as he heard it let me ask you what are you doing about your Jericho how are you addressing the problem that you want God to solve are you complaining and whining about it whining is not working whining is a waste of time complaint is a restraint say that with me complaint is a restraint complaining doesn't give you power over a problem complaining handcuffs you to the problem so the longer you complain the longer you drag that problem around and you can't get away from it if you want to solve a problem don't complain about it go to work do something you say well I'm trying to do something but I'm planning and I'm strategizing I mean we have to discuss these things don't you believe we should wait upon the Lord I do think you should wait upon the Lord but you should work while you're waiting lap 2 lesson 2 you've got to give others something to follow if you're going to succeed in seeing your problem solved others are going to have to come along and work with you you cannot do it on your own teamwork makes the dream work but in order for the team to work together they've got to have something to follow and when it came to the children of Israel around Jericho Joshua made the focus of all who were involved the ark he told the men of war who were in front of it go before it and protect it don't get too far stay close enough that if the enemy attacks you're there to defend it he told the priests who walked around it stay alongside of it and blow the horns as you go he told the children of Israel who were coming behind it don't let it get out of your sight stay there and focus on that art follow the ark and in doing so what Joshua did for the children of Israel is he made the Word of God and the presence of God the central focus for their mission he didn't walk up to the children of Israel and say follow me he said follow him in your life when it comes time to solve a problem if you follow a man the only thing you'll get is the best that man can give maybe but if you follow God you'll get exceedingly and abundantly above all that you could ever ask think or imagine because our God is an all sufficient and ever-present help in a time of trouble everyone who was involved at Jericho was focused on the ark in every organization in every family in every business in every church everyone has a role to play and they all need something to follow here at this church every individual makes this place possible but if we ever lose focus of looking at God and his truth and his word then we've lost sight of what we're here to do everyone in Israel looked to the ark the ark was the symbol of God's Word and God's presence in Exodus 25 verses 10 through 22 God has a very direct conversation with Moses he instructs him how to build the ark he tells him specifically in verse 16 put a copy of the testimony inside the Ark the testimony was a written promise that God had spoken to the children of Israel and then God told him in verse 22 and I shall meet with you and I shall speak with you there now you and I whether you know it or not have a written promise of God's spoken word he's printed it right here and it sits on your coffee table most of the time but he's promised you just like he said to the children of Israel with Moses when you open this I will meet with you and I will speak with you whenever it comes time for the problems in your life to be addressed don't follow the words of a man open up the lamp unto your feet and the light unto your path and walk in it God has given you a victory through his word that you couldn't even imagine in your personal battles follow his truth through the difficult days whenever you're in darkness opened the light of the world whenever you're searching for an answer open up the solution that's found in his truth whenever you're looking at a giant like David did declare the word you've come to me with a spear and a sword but I come to you in the name of the Lord child of God this does not return void this word brings life this word gives hope this word conquers darkness this word heals broken hearts this word will anoint you with gladness this word is a rock and a refuge and the shield and your banner in battle in your day of victory when you're walking around the greatest problem you've ever faced pick up the Word of God and follow that to victory [Applause] every year millions visit the western wall to worship and feel the presence of God the prayer shawl is a powerful reminder of what happens when you engage in prayer through prayer you too can receive God's supernatural blessings and be made whole for your generous gift of any amount to Hagee ministries you'll receive an exodus tendon for your gift of $200 or more you'll receive the exodus dependent measure Maria candleholders handcrafted by jewelers in Jerusalem and a prayer shawl made in Israel welcome these gifts into your home today and release the power of God through prayer I urge you to request these resources now send your tax-deductible gift today call the number on your screen or visit jhm dot org slash Jehovah [Music] two laps down five to go God not only expects you to work but he expects you to wait now this kind of waiting is not the kind of waiting that we assume leads to procrastinating look at what Isaiah said he said they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength now let me ask you if this kind of waiting was the kind of waiting that we do when were idle like some of you right now are just idling waiting for me to get out of the way of lunch if this was the kind of waiting that did not require any energy why would God promised that he would renew your strength when you haven't wasted any what God is saying here to his people is be patient I'm working out the perfect timing for you to get to your answer on my chosen day not yours but while you're waiting keep working while you're waiting be faithful right where you are while you're waiting stay focused and that's what you learn on lap three remain focused say that with me remain focused why is it important to remain focused whenever you're walking in a process because everything is exciting when it first starts everything ever been married you ever seen newlyweds no hands but lots of giggles I'll take it she's here dude I can't raise my hand you talked to newlyweds thirty days after they're married and everything is exciting I just love him I just love him I know my mom hates the way he last but it's just music to my ears and yeah there's that host snoring thing but I could sleep in his snores for an eternity and six months later it's like Darla the couch on day four lap four the lesson falls in with focus and that is simply this remain faithful remain faithful the more laps you walk the more you're going to need to remember to be faithful focus and faithfulness they go together like faith and works if you don't have works to combine with your faith your faith is dead if you don't have faithfulness to go with your focus there's nothing to look forward to so remain faithful the lesson of lap five comes with the final principle that God wants you to learn first you've got to work then you've got to be patient while God works out his timing the last thing God wants you to learn whenever you're walking around Jericho is that God expects you to win God expects you to win the only way that you don't win according to the Word of God is that you choose not to participate you sit it out instead of suited up and you need to know that the armor of God was not issued to you for comfort it was issued for combat [Applause] you see we read the story of Jericho and we hear about the walls falling and we say victory wrong the walls falling is a miracle after they failed that's when the fighting started Joshua told the men of Israel whenever those walls fall get in that city and kill everybody that walks turn them into fish and chips as long as you breathe you're either coming out of or headed to your next hour of combat I understand that conflict isn't fun I understand that nobody likes to have struggle but I assure you your life as a Christian has an insurance that you will have great success in the midst of every struggle you have the ability to make war in heavenly places and pull down high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God you have the power of his word you have the authority of his name you have the righteous name of Jesus which is above every name and therefore do not fear the fight because the God that is fighting for you is greater than those who are against you and the battle belongs in the Lord lap six day six on day seven there comes a time to shout but on day six not only do you have to prepare for conflict but you have to get ready for a victory have you ever known someone who didn't enjoy success truly they had a good life truly they benefited in many areas financially physically in their family they had everything that someone would want but they didn't ever enjoy it you ever met anybody like that you know why they never believed that they would win they don't know how to enjoy victory because they never cared for it up here you see God told Joshua in verse two I have given you Jericho now that is something that God decided to do on his own and so if Joshua hadn't prepared for victory he would have still won the battle why because God gave it to him God gave it to him but what Joshua had to do was listen to what God said and then begin to mentally prepare for what God was going to do why so that he could enjoy the victory could you imagine what it would be like if Joshua and the children of Israel are walking around Jericho and God tells Joshua I'm giving you Jericho and Joshua starts to talk to his countrymen and says well I know what God said I know what God said okay I was at the church service I wrote down the hashtags I put it on Instagram I know what he said but do you really think he's gonna do it I mean I don't know do you think the walls are gonna fall I don't know it's only day two well I'm still having a good time because we're so close to the beginning you know day one was a lot of fun day twos not quite as exciting I wonder what day three is gonna be like you think God's gonna really answer us well maybe maybe not and the whole time they're taking these laps rather than focusing on what God said they're debating what he had already declared they're not walking in victory they're just walking and God's going to give him a victory he already said he would but when they get it they're not going to enjoy it because they never believed it in the process and because they didn't believe it in the process when it comes time to possess they're gonna say well I wonder if he'll ever do that again you see when you mentally prepare for victory you tell yourself God expects me to when Pastor was diagnosed with myasthenia the doctor said here's what you have and here's the statistics one in a million recover and he said I am the one [Applause] did he feel like the one no but he was preparing for a victory because he had read somewhere in the Bible by his stripes I am healed if God didn't want me to be healed he wouldn't have allowed them to whip his son but because he took those stripes on his back if there's one in a million than I am the one child of God whenever you begin to prepare for victory walk around your problem rehearsing the good things that God has done in the past and prepare yourself for what he's going to do in your tomorrow walk around there saying you know if he could get us out of Pharaoh's brick pit and he could bring us across the Red Sea if he could be a cloud by day and a fire by night if he could pour manna out from heaven and bring water from a rock if he could hold the Sun still while we fought then I'm sure he can bring these walls down I know he said he gave us the city day6 doesn't feel much different than day one but what I know about day six is I'm just 24 hours from victory because he said on day 7 when I lift my hands and I raise my voice [Music] come on Church magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together [Applause] remain standing in the presence of the Lord with everyone's standing in every head bowed and every eye closed I'm talking to a group of people that maybe you've been walking in circles around a problem you want to solve but rather than learn the lesson in the lap you just decided to quit making progress you decided that rather than work you would wait and you've been waiting on God to move and he's asking you to get involved today if you know that you need to take action in order to solve your problem and you're willing to do what God asks you to do so that you can see the walls fall if you're gonna focus on a victory I want you to raise your hand right where you are and I want everyone in this room to repeat this prayer with me Lord Jesus Christ today I thank you that you have made me victorious by your word by your blood I am triumphant father I ask you to give me the faith that is the victory that overcomes the world if the walls of Jericho fell by faith then let the walls in my life do the same Lord I'll do the work I'll wait on you and in Jesus name I'm gonna win because you have given me the victory amen now church I want you to clap your hands and go go and tell the world that Jesus came died and rose again for the forgiveness of your sins though and share the good news of your salvation take it into the furthermost corners of the world the starch is for every Christian but not every Christian knows how to preach amongst the day-to-day rhythms of life we do and we can do this together Kikki ministries is taking the truth to all generations for their online and social platforms humanitarian projects in Israel gospel rallies and the sanctuary of Hope a haven for unwed mothers and their children your monthly support as a legacy partner helps to fulfill the Great Commission by enabling hippie ministries to reach the unreached and call the untold connect your passion with arts become a legacy partner today call the number on your screen or go to JM org forward slash legacy [Music] cornerstone church invite you to feast 19 October 25th through the 27th join us for three days fall of Midway games food free rides and spectacular fireworks each evening offers inspirational speakers special guest Tony Evans and warships with CeCe Winans including pastor Matt Hagee Sunday evening will conclude with a night to honor is really during Pastor John Hagee celebrate at Cornerstone Church October 25th through the 27th for more information call the number on the screen or visit sa Cornerstone org slash feast and now pastors John and Matt Hagee it's time to stop relying on the world for answers it's time to stop wasting our time and resources on things with no eternal value it's time to start loving one another praying for one another and supporting those things that show God's love to each and every one of our partners we want to thank you for being a faithful demonstration of God's love in the lives of others through your giving and your prayers you are playing a significant role not only in blessing the nation of Israel but the outreach of this ministry around the world now here's my father with a blessing for you and your family today extend your hands to receive this blessing and now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you and may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and may the Lord be gracious unto you and give you his peace may the Lord call your unsaved loved ones from the far country into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ may you go from this place knowing that the God of heaven loves you deeply that there is nothing that you can do to escape his eternal love if he loved you in all of your ungodliness he loves you now more than ever because you're his and he is yours let the peace the grace and the mercy of God go with you all in the authority of Jesus name now and forever amen you
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 195,841
Rating: 4.7956347 out of 5
Keywords: John Hagee Ministries, hagee, hagee ministries, john hagee, john haggee, truth, bible, god, jesus, christ, jesus christ, church, ministry, hagee ministry, sermon, sermons, sermons series, preach, preacher, bible story, bible study, word of god, god's word, christianity, christians, teach, teaching, scripture, spirit, spirituality, holy spirit, cross, grace, love, hope, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, encourage, cornerstone church, prayer, prayer shawl, shout, matt hagee, matthew hagee
Id: Y47oTyBbvaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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