Speaking the Word of Faith

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[Music] there are people in this audience and millions that are watching by television across america and around the world that are going through a great personal storm the winds of tragedy have crushed your dreams the waves of sorrow and suffering have drowned your hopes about your future you're deeply concerned about the direction america is going in that are their rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are being destroyed and you're right we are going in the wrong direction today from the pages of god's word i'm going to bring you the message of experiencing a new beginning in your life if you're willing to stop being pushed by your problems and start being led by your dreams you can experience a new beginning in your marriage in your business that will bring a financial breakthrough in your tomorrows you can experience a new beginning in your physical health sickness and disease will be broken can be crushed and conquered in your body by the spoken word of faith you can have a new beginning in your emotional health uh created by the fear of the future some of you have the problem of resentment over things that have happened to you in the past are bitterness and hopelessness and heartache that's been created by kobit 19. today through the power of god's word you're going to learn how to speak a powerful bible-based proclamation that will remove mountains of impossibility that will break the change that binds you emotionally and spiritually that will break the change that bind our country because we are being swept by socialism and abortion please hear this all lives matter [Applause] read the text isaiah 55 10 and following ready for as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and do not return there but water the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth look at that verse it shall not return to me void and it shall accomplish what i please and it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it underline that 10th verse and 11th verse they are very important isaiah is saying as certainly as rain falls to the ground and nourishes the seed that produces a crop just as certainly will the spoken word of faith accomplish what i please and for the things for which i sin it and god has given to you the ability to speak the word of faith and you're going to learn how to do that this morning let's pray father thank you god for the word of god and for the power that you have given to the bride of christ to be victorious in this life through the spoken word of faith and all of god's children said amen you may be seated let me give you some bible examples of speaking the word of faith if the process of faith can be likened to climbing a mountain reaching the top of the mountain and seeing the breathtaking view in all directions certainly has to be the end result of your prayer life seeing the breathtaking view is to practice speaking the word of faith too many believers on many occasions stop halfway up the mountain they start praying about a thing and they get halfway up the mountain they get breathless and discouraged how many of you ever climbed the mountain you know that you get breathless and discouraged and they give up and they return to the lodge and drink hot chocolate some hands defeated and disappointed is that you don't raise your hands today i want to take you to the top of a mountain to experience the power of god in your life by speaking the word of faith listen to these heroes of faith and the power of their proclamation abraham abraham was climbing the mountain with isaac and he spoke the word of faith to his servants he said stay here with a donkey the lad he's speaking about isaac there isaac and i will go yonder and worship listen and we will come back to you and we too will come back to you if isaac is to be sacrificed on the mountain why is he saying we will come back it was settled in abraham's heart that god would either provide a substitute sacrifice or raise isaac from the dead which was a powerful statement of faith when abraham spoke the words of faith to his servants we will come back to you angels from heaven were sent to earth they grabbed a ram and tied it by the horns close to that altar where abraham can see it and when he was ready to plunge the dagger into the body of his son he saw the substitute and god had given him the answer because he kept climbing until he reached the top of the mountain listen his answer did not come halfway up his answer came when he got to the top of the mountain when you want to get god's answer climb to the top of the mountain don't give up on the commission just keep climbing keep claiming keep claiming until you get in his presence and the fullness of god develops john gives to jesus the name the word the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and god was the word we also read in the word that everything that was created on creation's morning was by the word of god and god said let there be light and there was light and let there be firmament and there was firmament there was the ground there was the grass there was the stars there was a seven seas every living creature on the earth was created by the spoken word of faith listen nothing happens in the supernatural world until god almighty or his anointed representative on earth you you and you speaks the divine proclamation out of this book a word of faith jesus spoke the word of faith he said to the waves be still peace be still and instantly a sea that was raging became like bathwater jesus taught his disciples to use the spoken word of faith listen you are to say to this mountain say that with me you are to say to this mountain the mountain is the area of difficulty it may be cancer it may be your it may be your attitude it may be a financial problem you speak to this difficulty the mountain and it will be moved the expression the word of faith is used by saint paul in romans 10 and 8 the word is near you in your mouth say that in your mouth and in your heart you speak the word because the word has the power of life and death in your mouth victory or defeat success or failure depends exactly what comes out of your mouth based on the faith that you have in the word of god your desire is not enough your wanting it is not enough a prayer request is not enough god is looking for the word of faith if you will confess with your mouth the lord jesus you shall ask what you will and shall receive it listen to me you get nothing until you ask for it the bible is a very specific book give us this day our daily bread this is who this is when this is what in one sentence your proclamation releases the authority of the living god into the battle that you're facing into your health crisis into your business into your future into your emotions that you're that you're presently experiencing your proclamation makes demons tremble the proclamations makes barriers to blessing crumble like the walls of jericho your proclamation releases the authority of god almighty to crush the adversary there is a miracle in your mouth there is a miracle in your mouth and it needs to be turned loose in faith believing based upon the word of god and you will see it happen [Applause] most prayers would you hear them prayed dear god would you do something sometime for somebody that's not a prayer that's not even an intelligent wish make your petition specific who what when where and why what is it you want because when god answers the prayer if you specifically made it known then when god answers the prayer you will not say well it was the random chance of probability that that could happen when you nail it down and god puts it in the bull's-eye then you throw up your hands and say hallelujah god is on his throne and everything's gonna be all right when you're in spiritual combat find a bible verse believe it receive it proclaim it consider moses and his rod moses had been on the backside of the wilderness for 40 years he was now 80 and god was calling him to a new ministry to go back to egypt i'm glad good things can happen for you after 80. [Applause] when moses was in egypt as the prince people bowed before him for 40 years he's been on the backside of the desert he's been away from the fake news he's been away from all of the political garbage and god says i want you to go back to the place of your failure and i want you to try again moses said you know i i like these sheep they don't bite they don't talk back they don't vote someone in this room the holy spirit is speaking to you right now about a place in your life that there was a failure and if you will go back and try again try again god will give you the victory over that failure and that failure will become the dream you've always dreamed would come to pass try again proverbs 24 16 says for a just man falls seven times listen to that a just man falls seven times and he rises yet again the eighth try is the new beginning eight in the bible is the number of new beginnings god is saying to you you can have a new beginning get out and get asked for it [Applause] is it possible to live with peace in your heart in the middle of a raging storm we are living in uncertain times with chaos all around but there is peace to be found that transcends any situation don't allow the enemy to rob you of your joy open the pages of god's holy word and release healing in your life for your gift of any amount hagee ministries will send you a jerusalem key chain the healing word from israel message and the healing and living word devotional booklet from israel for your generous gift of 250.00 or more you will also receive a signed copy of absolute power our pray for the peace of jerusalem dove handcrafted in israel and a prayer shawl from jerusalem god has a plan for you get busy living your life send your gift today call the number on your screen or visit jhm.org healing [Music] great faith is the product of great fights great testimonies are the results of great test great triumph can only come from great trials every stumbling block must become a stepping stone every opposition must become an opportunity back to the proclamation of moses god said to moses what is that in your hand he said it's an ugly stick a shepherd's death god said throw it on the ground he did it became a snake moses being intelligent ran there was a potential in that ordinary rod that had never crossed moses thinking god said to moses pick it up by the tale anyone who's ever raised in the country knows if you grab a snake by the tail he can bite you he will bite you because you've given him exactly what he wants the leverage to use his back to whip and bite you that fast that's where i would have failed this seminar on snake handling you sent me aaron let aaron pick it up moses picked up the snake and it became a rod god said moses in effect now i want you to take that rod because it's all you're going to need for the rest of your ministry think about this god used this stick as the source of the most spiritual supernatural things that happened in the bible if god can use a stick he can use me and you and you and you if you let him if you analyze the rest of of moses ministry every time supernatural power was released moses stretched out his rod and god took control god's divine authority was released through that rod exodus 4 and 20 is called the rod of god you have the rod of god this is it right here when he arrived in pharaoh's court he cast the rod down it became a snake janies and jamborees who were witch doctors did the same we have a snake fight two here representing the occult one here representing the kingdom of god this one took these two down there was a theological crisis in all of egypt moses snake ate the other snakes moses picked his snake up it became a rod the court of pharaoh was terrified because the living god had been fought had been demonstrated through a rod moses spoke the word and god used the stick when you speak the word god can use anything you have to turn the world upside down at the red sea when pharaoh's army was in hot pursuit and the waters divided moses lifted up his rod and the water split and let all of the egyptian army in and then god drowned every blessed one of them why because one man had the faith enough to do what god asked him to do every bible-believing christian has the rod of god in your hand this is christians of america your supernatural rod it is powerful it has unlimited power it is alive it is anointed it is sharper than any two-edged sword it is living water these words were spoken releasing the supernatural power of god there's a miracle in your mouth in your mouth and in your mouth but you must stand up and let it go based on the word of god jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask what you will the word listen to john 14 23. the word is the way jesus and god come into your life listen to this jesus said if anyone loves me and will keep my word my father will love him listen and we will come to him and make our home with him it's the only verse in the bible where jesus said me and god will show up at your house if you will honor my word without the word god the father and jesus or not in your house what role does the word of god play in your life how much time do you spend reading this book that has the power to terrify the devil in hell listen to the pattern of your proclamation quickly always begin with the word of god always begin with the word of god if what you're praying or saying is not according to the word of god it's worthless i don't care if you pray it in the king james language it's worthless always begin with the word of god the devil is terrified by the word of god personalize the proclamation what are you asking god to do for whom are you asking god to do it and when do you want god to do it thirdly the proclamation of self-defense no weapon formed against me shall prosper say that with me no weapon the pattern of your proclamation the proclamation says whosoever shall say you speak to the source of the problem you don't think about the source of the problem you speak to the source of a problem it may be a cancer it may be coronavirus it may be a business crisis a marriage crisis a financial crisis speak without doubting believe what you say because it is based on the word of god if it's not based on the word of god stop talking job 22 28 and you shall decree a thing and it will be established for you listen to that write that number down job 22 28 and you shall decree a thing that means speak it and it shall be established for you that's an amazing scripture the results the mountain moves the disease is conquered the sickness ends the marriage is healed the finances are met the business crisis is suddenly over the impossible has become possible god has shown up and nothing shall be impossible with god give him praise in the house of god the making of your proclamation you need guidance and divine protection we're going to make two proclamations now you need guidance and divine protection and you're willing to speak a proclamation and faith for that to happen i want you to stand to your feet right now those of you who are watching by television can stand wherever you are faith has no distance matter speak this proclamation boldly and in faith say with me father god in the authority of jesus name i make this proclamation in faith believing the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked rise up against me my enemies and my foes shall stumble and fall though an army should encamp against me my heart will not fear my heart the war shall rise against me in this will i be confident that i will dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion he shall set me high upon a rock and my head shall be lifted up above my enemies therefore i receive your divine guidance [Music] and supernatural protections today in the authority of jesus name based on the authority of god's word i receive it amen give the lord a praise in the house of god remain standing i want us to do a proclamation for america god will hear what we're about to do and it has supernatural power that you can watch when it happens this proclamation for america is from daniel the second chapter verses 20 and following make this proclamation heavenly father heavenly father in the authority of jesus name we come before the throne of god to make this proclamation for the united states of america blessed be the name of god forever and ever for wisdom and might are his he changes the times and the seasons he removes kings and raises up kings let all the earth fear the lord let all inhabitants of the world stand in awe of the living god the lord brings the council of nations to nothing the and makes the plans of people of no effect blessed is the nation blessed is the next whose god is the lord that the righteousness of the living god returned to america righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people let life conquer darkness let faith conquer fear in the authority of jesus name let god arise and let the enemies of america be scattered [Applause] amen [Applause] thank you legacy partners for your faithful prayers and financial support it makes a real difference in the lives of so many we receive countless testimonies of god's power every day as a result of hearing his word through hagee ministries stay tuned because pastor hagie has a special blessing for you and your family men what is your legacy what are you passing on to the next generation how are you raising tomorrow's leaders come experience the two-day legacy men's conference on april 9th and 10th where men can learn god's playbook for raising children running a healthy business and experiencing growth in every area of your life learn more and take advantage of special discounted tickets for fathers and sons at sacornerstone.org legacy today here at hagee ministries we are excited to announce the new digital and web platforms that provide you with live streaming services special messages and series all through our video on demand applications our hagee ministries channel app is now available on apple tv amazon and roku streaming platforms you can also watch our services live on your favorite social media channels including youtube facebook or online at jhm.org watch you've been watching peggy ministries and now your blessing with pastor john hagee and now may the lord bless you and may the lord keep you and may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you giving you his peace may you know that the blood of jesus christ has cleansed you from all sin that his power and presence in your life will make you more than a conqueror in the days that are just ahead may you know that god has already defeated your enemies and the burdens that you're carrying he will carry if you'll surrender them to him now let the lord be blessed and magnified for his goodness and mercy endureth to every generation receive this blessing you and the members of your family in the authority of jesus name amen
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 150,648
Rating: 4.8652911 out of 5
Id: jrHArb4q7ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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