No Remorse | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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in Minnesota a gruesome murder left few clues by [Music] became a suspect but he was well insulated against police FBI agents and local detectives had to infiltrate a dangerous cartel imperative to get to a pair of gangsters who killed with no remorse [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a burning body in a dark alley shed light on a cold-blooded killer his partners in crime would tell the story if they live in the underworld of the drug trade even a childhood friend can quickly become an enemy I'm Jim Kallstrom former head of the FBI's New York office a trail of drugs and money but FBI agents - a murderer who underestimated the power of forensic science [Music] June 24th 1990 at about 3 a.m. a st. Paul Minnesota resident was enjoying the quiet of a summer evening when he noticed a car drive into the alley behind his house moments later he heard the distinct sound of a fire erupting then the car speeding away [Applause] checking the alley he discovered a large object engulfed in flames he feared the fire would ignite his property he called 911 st. Paul emergency units responded when firemen extinguished the flames they realized it was more than an act of vandalism the object was a charred human body wrapped in a melted plastic tarp homicide detectives arrived at the scene they questioned the resident but he hadn't seen the car who was in it police found no identification on or near the body [Music] investigators hoped an autopsy would provide more information [Music] if they could identify the victim it might help lead them to those responsible a medical examiner determined the victim was a black male in his mid-20s and that he was dead before the fire was set cause of death multiple gunshot wounds to the head the examiner extracted three small caliber slugs they would be sent to the ballistics lab for examination despite the fire damage the examiner found powder burns on the victims head indicating he had been shot at point-blank range if enough of his fingerprints remained they might help identify him the prints were entered into the automatic fingerprint identification system a facism database containing the prints of 23 million persons the body had probably been burned to make identification difficult with the APHIS technology it might be possible but running the prints would take some time police believed such a gruesome murder was probably drug-related the Minneapolis st. Paul area had recently become a popular import spot for narcotics [Music] with the drugs came an increase in violent crime Special Agent John Tyndall of Minnesota's Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigated drug running in the area the primary way that people moved cocaine into the state at that time would have been through public transportation that being either by bus or by airplane police created drug interdiction teams assigned to the Minneapolis st. Paul Airport to try to stop the influx agents monitored traveled to and from cities like Miami and Los Angeles where the drugs originated their job was to spot drug traffickers among legitimate passengers On June 25th 1990 the day after the body was recovered in the alley agents were watching the counters where same day tickets were issued these two guys approached the ticket agent and stood there for quite some time doing what we felt was negotiating the sale of some tickets they pulled out a wad of cash they paid cash for the tickets they then left the ticket counter the agents would check at the counter and learn that the men were flying under the names Jeffery English and Harry Babs [Music] agents caught up with the men at their gate as they waited to board their flight they asked if they would answer some questions we explained to them that they had no obligation to talk to us if they didn't want to they weren't under arrest they were free to leave both men consented to be interviewed once said they were just heading back home to LA he said they had come to st. Paul to visit a friend named Ken Jones the officers asked for permission to search the bags they'd checked at the counter both agreed so a search warrant was unnecessary the bags hadn't been loaded on to the aircraft yet inside the one belonging to Geoffrey English was a plastic bag containing rolls of cash totaling $13,000 tucked into a shoe was a 22 caliber Derringer pistol it would have been easy to miss it was a tiny revolver five round capacity with a barrel that was only one inch long and the entire gun was approximately four inches long a gun that could be concealed simply by palming it in your hand in the other bag was another handgun neither had been declared that violation plus the suspicious amount of cash provided enough probable cause for an arrest out of the mall the officer radioed his partner [Music] they had to detain Babs in English before they took off the plane was still of determined [Music] the agent boarded the plane and found the men already seated in a later interview English would claim that the money was from selling a car he said he bought the 22 Darren's are on the street in Minneapolis and he went on to add that he has no idea where the gun had been I thought that was a strange response for a person to back away from the guns history and that was the first inclination that either of us had that the gun might have been used in some type of crime simply by the way he framed his response to the question agents became more suspicious when English admitted he was flying under a false name his real name was Jeffrey Barnes there was no evidence against Barnes or his companion for anything but misdemeanor weapons violations both men paid fines and were released their guns were held until agents could check police records to see if they've been used in earlier crime two weeks later st. Paul police received the fingerprint comparison from the man found burned in the alley there was a match from Southern California the victim's name was Duan Walker the 26 year old Los Angeles area resident had a record for intent to sell narcotics Walker's death made the papers in his hometown his uncle read the article and called the st. Paul authorities st. Paul police please he told detectives his nephew had gone there to meet a man named Ken Jones yes sir thank you very much for your information we appreciate that yes officer my name's when Walker didn't return from st. Paul the uncle had contacted Jones who said Walker had already left st. Paul narcotics detectives were familiar with Jones they had been investigating him for years [Music] he was reputed to be the largest supplier of cocaine in the region Jones was careful with his drug business and well insulated against investigation [Music] by publicly donating to urban charities Ken Jones also portrayed himself as a community benefactor police knew it was a covered like his legitimate businesses they believed he used to launder drug money his reputation was different on the street among dealers and addicts Jones was known to rule his interests with an iron fist if he didn't get paid people got hurt for years detectives had been searching for a way to shut the drug boss down detectives knew that murder victim Duan Walker was with Jones before his death if they could prove the dealer was involved they could finally take him off the street but they needed more evidence investigators went to interview employees in owns his business they hoped someone would know about Jones meeting Duan Walker never seen this person at all but none of the employees were willing to talk [Music] drug boss Ken Jones continued his narcotics trafficking he seemed to be beyond the reach of the law on June 24th 1990 st. Paul authorities had found the body of 26 year old Duan walk burning in an alley just before his death he had met with drug boss Ken Jones police believe Jones was involved in the murder but witnesses wouldn't talk and no physical evidence implicated him [Music] investigators got an unexpected break three months later when st. Paul police stopped a man for a routine traffic violation [Music] a computer check revealed there was a warrant out for the arrest of Charles shuck police took him into custody they contacted the investigator who had issued the warrant special agent John Tyndall of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension the arrest warrant was issued for Charles Chuck for importing 2 kilos of cocaine we attempted to find him at the address that he had given and he wasn't there and we had no way of knowing where he was at that time several months earlier a drug interdiction team at the Minneapolis st. Paul airport had spotted the courier they watched chug paid cash for a full fare last-minute ticket to Los Angeles that would be one way around trip round trip Chuck didn't check a bag and was right only one onto the plane boarding pass here the next day agents saw him return now with two bags the new couriers often had extra bags when returning from a drug pickup I told Chuck that they could not arrest him but they could hold his luggage for inspection authorities could not open his bags without his consent and he did not give it Chuck's response was not that of innocent travelers to tell them that you're going to detain their bags typically if they have nothing to hide they want to stay with their backs they don't want to leave those bags behind Chuck had none of that he had no questions he had no concerns is his primary concern was getting out of there just as fast as he could [Music] shortly after shucks left a k-9 unit examined the bags one was clean but in the other the dog smelled narcotics you can't get a search warrant based strictly on the actions of the dog the dog was an integral part of it in the request for the search warrant but it wasn't the only part we also had to detail the fact that we had seen chuck the previous night come in buy a high dollar roundtrip ticket to Los Angeles with return flight being the following morning these things are unusual the fact that he carried one small bag on the aircraft and carried two off is also unusual agents secured a search warrant to open the bags inside they recovered two kilos of cocaine investigators suspected chuck was carrying the drugs for someone else at that time we weren't able to make a connection as to who he might be working with or working for but my gut feeling was that he was a courier for somebody at a higher level now that he had been arrested Chuck learned of the evidence against him he had his attorney propose a deal in exchange for sentencing consideration he would give up information on the man he ran drugs for more importantly he would also provide details about the unsolved murder of Duan Walker [Music] Chuck said that the man who employed him as a courier was the same man who had ordered the murder the man's name was Ken Jones for every kilo of cocaine delivered Ken Jones would pay shuck $1,000 chuck had worked for the drug boss since high school it was precisely because their relationship was so strong that Jones did not retaliate for the loss cocaine but Chuck o is not the only Courier Jones girlfriend also played a major role in the trafficking organization Charles Chuck told me that she was intimately familiar with his drug-dealing operation in fact she had been a stewardess for an airline for a lot of years and had acted as a courier for him bringing in kilos when she was working as a stewardess investigators asked Chuck if the girlfriend knew about the murder he said that around the time Walker was killed she had been very upset [Music] Eirene she told him the Jones had ordered her to clean up the bathroom of his condo what's going on there was a great deal of blood by the bathtub Chuck had heard Walker had been shot there he said the killer's name was Jeffrey Barnes and enforcer for Jones and the same man whose suitcase held $13,000 in cash and a 22 Derringer pistol he felt that Barnes had shot the victim do on Walker in the head and that left town the following day after being paid by Ken Jones for that hit shock alleged that the $13,000 cash that was found in the suitcase was at least part of the hit money that was paid to Barnes by Jones for doing the hit and that the 22 caliber revolver that was found was the murder weapon Chuck knew the calibre of the murder weapon and other details of the crime that hadn't been made public so we felt that there was some credibility on chucks part that Barnes and Jones could be considered as legitimate suspects in the murder of Walker agents realized they might have the murder weapon already in custody if they could prove it was the gun that killed Duan Walker they could move forward as a murder case on drug boss Ken Jones and his enforcer Jeffrey Barnes let's take it they retrieved the 22 caliber derringer from the evidence Locker investigators sent the derringer to the st. Paul ballistics lab for testing examiner's compared grooved striations inside its barrel to the grooves on the slugs removed from the victim but their report is disappointment [Music] the results were inconclusive in part doing the fact that it only had a one inch barrel and the opportunity to pick up striations from the lands and grooves within this barrel were limited the longer the barrel the better the opportunity to pick up the striations a short barrel like this gives you very limited opportunity without a forensic examination matching Barnes's gun to the bullets that killed Walker authorities had only the word of a drug smuggler to bring to trial agents shipped the gun to the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms lab in Washington DC the feeling was that their laboratory was somewhat more sophisticated they were custom doing things like that on a routine basis and with their sophisticated equipment they might be able to come up with a determination that was more specific after was examined by ATF they came to the conclusion that it was in fact the weapon that was used to murder do on Walker investigators now knew that enforcer Jeffery Barnes was in possession of the murder weapon the day after Walker was killed but they still had no proof that he had fired the fatal shots or that Ken Jones had ordered the hit agents and detectives sought witnesses who could connect the two men to the homicide [Music] whether due to loyalty or fear authorities were met with silence one after the other the people we attempted to talk to would not talk to us and they would not give up anything so we were back to the point of having only the statement given to us by Charles shuck and no palpable way of corroborating into the information that he gave us through other witnesses investigators applied for a warrant to search Jones's condominium but the judge refused to grant one because they couldn't corroborate the story of the blood on the floor after almost a year investigators realized that the case would not be solved without additional resources they contacted the sink Paul FBI's drug task force for assistance having worked narcotics for 20 years sergeant Tom doneski was well aware of the reputations of Ken Jones and Jeffrey Barnes both of them are very intimidating imposing individuals they had a violent background and when we do an interview people everyone would pretty much try to avoid either heaven in contact with us or they wouldn't tell us the straight story the taskforce believed that the only way to get to the drug boss and his enforcer would be through a cooperating witness they needed to find someone who could give them first-hand information and perhaps solicited taped confession [Music] the investigator approached a confidential informant he had developed on earlier cases the informant couldn't place Barnes with the victim but he did know that the enforcer had a nephew who had recently been released from prison his name was Russell Barnes known on the street as ice after leaving prison he had come to st. Paul to begin dealing cocaine with contacts provided by his uncle Jeffrey Barnes the nephew was anxious to make money let's hope to use his eagerness to their advantage investigators developed a new strategy in the fall of 1992 the enforcers nephew would become their new target [Music] FBI Special Agent grant BC the specialist and wire intercepts was called in as part of the plan we went after Russell number one because he was a pretty good-sized dope dealer number two he dealt with his uncle Jeffrey and we felt that if we could get a case made against Russell that would help us make a case against Jeffrey to get him agents would somehow have to infiltrate the toys-r-us of a dangerous drug underworld [Music] in 1992 investigators believed a st. Paul drug boss and his enforcer had killed Duan Walker [Music] they had already recovered the murder weapon [Music] but sergeant Tom doneski assigned to an FBI Drug Task Force needed corroborating evidence in order to arrest drug boss Ken Jones and his enforcer Jeffery Barnes just having the weapon alone wasn't enough to get him prosecuted for it we felt that we're gonna have to identify some people or bring some people in to court that'll be able to testify that Jeff Barnes and Ken Jones were involved you know in the murdered FBI Special Agent grant BC believed that if they first arrested the enforces nephew drug dealer Russell Barnes he might provide the information they needed we had sources of information that who were close to Russell that gave us the indication that he knew that his uncle had committed the murder we didn't know to what extent that Russell knew about it all right to build a narcotics case against Russell Barnes the FBI enlisted a trusted informant with credibility on the street I can hear what I'm saying agents wired the informant who would engage in controlled drug buys with the enforces nephew task force members would record each buy it was a risky operation if the informants wire was discovered he would likely be killed [Music] agents wanted to build trust and avoid any possibility that Russell Barnes might suspect it was a Sena at first the informant bought small amounts over time the transactions increased in size and frequency and each was recorded [Music] everything's everything but Russell Barnes refused to speak about knowledge of the murder agents were no closer to solving the crime [Music] the FBI needed to plant someone closer to the enforcer himself in May of 1993 they discovered their way in and inform working for the st. Paul FBI on another case mentioned that he and Jeffrey Barnes had done time together he claimed they were very close and that Barnes trusted him he said he was sure he could get Barnes to sell and cocaine and to talk about the duan walker murder [Music] agents tested the informants credibility by having him call the enforcer [Music] within moments it became clear Jeffrey Barnes was comfortable talking to the informant it was the break investigators were looking for now they needed to find a place for the drug buys but in my controlled environment that could be adequately wired at the time the informant was living with a relative and couldn't really do things at his home we obtained a house from HUD and moved the informant into the house and the informant agreed to record certain conversations that he might have with Jeffrey Barnes investigators set the informant up in a government owned house on the west side of st. Paul he was to contact the FBI anytime the enforcer was planning to visit the house for a drug deal FBI technicians wired the house with electronic listening devices in three borders agents knew Barnes liked to boast about being a hitman referring to himself as murder incorporated with that information we tried to encourage the informant to try to bring him to a point where he would talk to him about you know acts of violence that he was involved in things like that and this is something that Jeff Barnes reputation was all about and something that he liked to brag about agents coached their informant how to draw Barnes out about the murder of Duan Walker he was to lead the enforcer into talking about the hits he performed in the past [Music] in one tape conversation got the informant pretended he wanted Barnes to help him rob a drug dealer Jeffrey Barnes suggested that they just kill him Barnes told the informant that doing the hit on somebody is not a problem and he described how he could do it he would walk up behind the individual pop him in the head with a handgun let him fall on the floor wrap him in plastic and drag his body outside and put it in an alley and this was the exact same way that duan walker had been killed we get down to business it was good circumstantial evidence but by itself it wasn't enough [Music] because the bhai's had been arranged by telephone investigators secured a warrant to tap the suspects phone lines although the wire intercepts captured no information on the Walker murder they did produce details of the drug operation in January 1994 the task force decided it was time to arrest Russell Barnes and hope he would turn on his uncle On January 29th they set up another controlled drug by with an informant it would happen at a downtown st. Paul hotel investigators wired the room for sound the reliability the eavesdropping devices was essential [Music] testing 1 2 1 2 the recordings would be used in court and agents would be monitoring from an adjacent room if Russell Barnes discovered the setup they would be able to protect their informant ok go ahead and give me food testing 1 2 3 when everyone was ready they would have the informant call the enforcers nephew and order several ounces of cocaine mary had a little lamb' testing 1 mary had a little lamb mary investigators in st. Paul Police Special Investigations Unit were conducting the surveillance at Russell barns residence and after the phone calls were made with very short delay Russell went to the hotel Russell Barnes had delivered to the informant before he brought cocaine and the equipment he needed for measuring it [Music] he suspected nothing to him it was just another deal he set up shop and began the transaction unaware that every word was being recorded it was important to get a drug dealer off the streets but what agents really wanted was for Russell Barnes to give a statement about drug boss Ken Jones and enforcer Jeffrey Barnes committing murder when details of the drug deal were on tape investigators moved in hands behind your head okay we're clear they had indisputable evidence of Russell Barnes selling roughly two ounces of cocaine investigators explained to him that is a three-time narcotics offender Russell was looking at a minimum of fifteen years in prison they wanted a statement about his uncle you know sat him down and we talked at some length about Jeffrey Barnes and his involvement with the Dewan Walker homicide being somewhat reluctant because this was his uncle it took some persuasion and after a while we gained his confidence and he eventually told us his knowledge about the Dwight Walker homicide Jeffrey Barnes had told him Walker tried to steal cocaine from Ken Jones so they killed him the enforcer said they then dumped Walker's body in an alley doused it with gasoline and lit it afire nobody it was at best a secondhand confessional Barnes was taken into custody agents also arrested their informant so no one would know he cooperated jugg boss Ken Jones was still on the street as was his enforcer Jeffrey Barnes but the FBI task force was closing in [Music] by 1994 while trying to dismantle a Minnesota drug ring and solve a four-year-old murder the FBI and st. Paul police had arrested dealer Russell Barnes who agreed to cooperate [Music] he offered details on the crimes committed by his uncle Jeffrey Barnes including nationwide drug trafficking and the 1990 murder of Duan Walker according to sergeant Tom doneski investigators had plenty of evidence against Jeffrey Barnes a known and for certain drug boss Ken Jones we've got a weapon that's been recovered at the airport we've got Jeff Barnes making a comment to one of our informants that he this is how you murder somebody that's a dope ripoff type of situation and the actual procedure that he went through when he killed Duan Walker and now we have his nephew telling us that he's been at his house blood relative that were gonna have testify in court that he actually told him about the murder in August 1994 when investigators staked out the apartment where Jeffrey Barnes was staying they knew the enforcer was often armed and willing to kill he had no time to react great witch hands up on the car come on move prosecutors did not yet charge of murder they went forward with a drug conspiracy case instead dealing drugs to his ex cellmate earn Barnes 30 years in prison they would hold the murder case until they had more evidence against him and Ken Jones special agent grant BC believed having Barnes in prison who would make witnesses more willing to talk Jeff Barnes had the reputation of being an enforcer he scared people we felt that getting him off the street would take away the intimidation factor against some of these other people and it would be better for us to be able to talk to these these other folks with him being locked up the plan worked after Barnes arrest investigators met with an associate of Ken Jones facing a long prison term on drug charges he offered to be a government witness he said he had extensive knowledge about Jones's drug cartel and that he had met Duan Walker just before his murder in mid-june 1990 Jones had ordered the cooperating witness to drive a pickup truck to st. Louis where he was to meet Walker the truck had been fitted with a second fuel tank upon arrival in st. Louis due on Walker's stuffed several bags of cocaine into the false tank when full the tank held about 30 kilos of the drug that amount of cocaine would have been worth more than a million dollars [Music] the cooperating witness then drove the truck back to st. Paul where he turned it over to the drug boss [Music] Walker had arrived earlier and was staying with Jones at his condominium Jones hadn't paid Walker for the drugs in fact he and his enforcer decided not to the two of them conspire to take the dope and eliminate the problem and just execute Duan Walker the witness's testimony would explain the motive for the killing he told the agents that several days later he got a call from the drug boss he was ordered to come over to the condo immediately [Music] it was Sunday morning June 24th 1990 the day following Duan Walker's murder Ken Jones seemed very nervous he ordered the cooperating witness to get rid of the truck he had driven up from st. Louis the one with the false gas tank the drug boss demanded that no one be told about the cocaine the witness said Jones's girlfriend had also told him about cleaning up blood in the bathroom after the murder in the summer of 1995 prosecutors convened a grand jury to secure witness testimony under oath [Music] Jones's girlfriend was subpoenaed to testify but she denied telling anyone that she cleaned up blood and Jones Kenzo if authorities couldn't prove she was lying they might never be able to indict Ken Jones and Jeffrey Barnes for murder in June 1995 grand jury testimony from others proved that one witness perjured herself when she denied cleaning up blood in the bathroom of drug boss Ken Jones I'm not sure what you're talking about sir On June 21st the grand jury indicted Jones and his main enforcer Jeffrey Barnes for the 1990 murder of Duan burger [Music] Barnes the alleged hitman was already in prison on drug charges the day after the indictment investigators staked out the home of drug boss Ken Jones oh he had insulated himself well against the investigation Ken Jones was finally arrested for murder Robert FBI Drug Task Force members sergeant Tom doneski was determined to find physical evidence to back up witness testimony of the tribe through the investigation everything focused on the fact that Donna Walker was murdered in a bet in the bathroom and he was shot in the head there I was thinking that we might be able to still find a trace of blood and the grouting on the floor in the bathroom Bureau of Criminal Apprehension technicians processed the bathroom after Jones was arrested new tenants had moved into the condo they gave their consent for the search [Music] the technicians tested for the presence of blood using luminol a relatively new technique at the time luminol reacts with proteins in blood rendering minut traces of invisible under ultraviolet light we were able to determine on the underlayment underneath the tile that there was a significant amount of blood they were unable to obtain a DNA off that test but they were able to obtain a test that showed that it was a significant amount of blood and it was human blood that was still traceable back even five years mr. Barnes it was the evidence investigators needed on October 31st 1995 Ken Jones and Jeffrey Barnes went to trial in Saint Paul but also for the murder prosecutors outlined what they believed occurred and do on Walker's final hours gentlemen here are responsible for all of this Walker had delivered roughly 30 kilos of cocaine to Jones the drug boss decided he didn't want to pay that night he and his main enforcer Jeffrey Barnes partied with Walker eventually Walker headed into the bathroom Jones and Barnes had planned the hit to take place there [Music] do one Walker was unarmed Barnes fired three stars from his 2012 uber derringer as always Jones maintained his distance Walker died immediately [Music] later that night they wrapped Walker's body in plastic sheets to contain the blood and loaded it into a car they drove to an Allen dump the body to make identification more difficult they doused the body with gasoline and set it ablaze Jones used his girlfriend to cover his tracks after the murder the bathroom floor was covered with blood particularly the area around the tub where Walker had fallen she was able to clean his surface but blood had seeped down into the subflooring five years later technicians would find it there Ken Jones and Jeffrey Barnes were convicted of murder and drug charges in March 1996 they were both sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole [Music] Jeffrey Barnes who had once boasted he was murder incorporated was no longer a threat to those outside the prison system ken Jones had tried to create an image of himself as a community leader but his breed led to murder and he will never leave perler alive [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 1,654,328
Rating: 4.4916124 out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail, no remorse
Id: bDN7a-z-Ns0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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