Lost Boys | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files

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the series of crimes in a small farming community left people reeling in shock and fear as the hunt for the suspects expanded they turned to the fbi for help [Music] they traveled over a thousand miles to find the deadly perpetrators before more innocent victims crossed their path [Applause] [Music] [Music] in june of 1997 a crime wave swept iowa like a tornado it left a trail of robbery kidnapping and murder in its wake and then it moved on no one knew where i'm jim kallstrom former head of the fbi's new york office the fbi committed its resources to tracking down the suspects by the time they were identified they already had a 12-hour lead the pursuit would take the fbi across six states in their efforts to catch the killers [Music] june 11th 1997 south central iowa [Music] the farming region rich with crops and livestock began to stir as dawn became mourning most farmhands had arrived hours earlier to begin their chores but one who never missed a shift without calling it failed to show that day her boss and nearby farmer became worried when he called and got no answer since she lived alone he went to check on her he noticed your pickup truck wasn't there and the front door was a jar [Music] inside he found the lifeless body of his farmhand barbara garber [Music] mahaska county sheriff's chief deputy paul deguist responded to the 911 in 20 years of law enforcement i've been involved with about five or six homicides so it's not something that happens a whole lot in oskaloosa iowa or mahaska county when we went into the living room we observed barb garber's body she was sitting upright fully clothed in a chair she was leaning over to the left side and there was blood coming from her head sheriff called specialists from the iowa division of criminal investigation to process the scene the middle-aged woman had been shot four times at close range while she sat in the chair technicians recovered 22 caliber shell casings close to the victim at her feet they found her half-eaten breakfast [Music] the absence of defensive wounds on the body indicated the farmhand had put up no struggle according to iowa special agent michael barrier the house did not appear to have any forced entry it looked like someone had just entered the house either been let in or had gotten in without having to break in the residence had a lived-in look but was not ransacked and there was nothing obviously taken from the residence other than her vehicle was missing from the driveway the farmer described the victim's vehicle as a late model dark green pickup truck detectives issued a be on the lookout for the missing truck to all law enforcement in the area investigators spoke to her closest neighbor who lived a quarter mile down the road she had noticed something earlier that day when she was on her way to work in the pre-dawn hours she saw an unfamiliar blue hatchback or station wagon backing out of mrs garber's driveway but she didn't see who was inside and she didn't get the license plate this vehicle was described as a older not in very good shape station wagon type vehicle blue in color the vehicle was not a vehicle that had been seen at the garber residence before and was not really associated with the garber residence and so we felt that it may be and probably was a suspect vehicle as police were talking to the neighbor an alert came across the police radio [Applause] what you got okay i'll be in route a bank five miles away in the hamlet of gibson had just been robbed deputies from two counties responded because deposits are insured by the federal government the fbi was called in yes the closest field office was 77 miles away in cedar rapids two males armed okay all right we'll be hitting right there larry we got a bank robbery okay all right fbi special agent scott french was assigned the case where they are worth right right the small savings bank in gibson had just opened for business for the first time that day to the town's population of 70. [Music] it has one paved road to the community of gibson the rest of the area is surrounded by farmland with a few gravel roads leading away from the community it would take agent french over an hour to get there sheriff's deputies arrived first to secure the crime scene and take witness statements employees told investigators that the robbery had occurred at about 10 a.m they had no customers at the time and there was no guard on duty only a teller and the manager were inside when the robbery took place [Music] all right get your hands up two armed robbers wearing dark ski masks gloves and brown coveralls burst into the bank one held a shotgun while the other carried a handgun [Music] the robbers scooped stacks of cash and bank notes into plastic trash bags come on hurry up let's go no up against the wall now go they had gotten away with 65 000 in cash though they wore masks bank employees believe both men were white males the gibson savings bank did not have any security system that is no video cameras no film to have recorded the robbery this makes it difficult for investigators to have some evidence other than witness statements investigators found only one person who had seen anything a ten-year-old girl if you had to guess what kind of car would you say she told agents that she'd been riding her bike across the street when the robbery occurred two men in ski masks holding bags had jumped out of a gray car and had run into the bank she rode away before the men came out [Music] the girl was either too young or too scared to get the license plate police put out an all points bulletin alerting units to be on the lookout for a gray sedan as a possible getaway vehicle i felt the robbers in this particular case were from the immediate area first of all the gibson bank is a very isolated location second of all both individuals were wearing coveralls which are somewhat indigenous to the working people in these communities [Music] the deputy on his way to the robbery scene headed for likely routes the bandits would have used to escape central i'm going to check this out with our match in the description two and a half miles from the bank he noticed a gray sedan apparently abandoned in the middle of a farm field no one was in sight he checked the car and radioed in the license plate number it was registered to a teenager by the name of island schultz who lived nearby he thought it was extremely unusual that this vehicle would be setting where it was and knowing that they were only just a couple of miles away he drove to their house iowa communities are tight-knit and the officer happened to know the schultz family at the teenager's home he got no response the deputy found the front door unlocked inside he discovered 18 year old island schultz lying on the floor shot to death he radioed for assistance [Music] mahaska county chief deputy paul deguist felt strongly that this second homicide was likely related to both the first murder and the bank heist we're relatively sure in our own minds that these were all connected they were in a five mile radius of each other and again that's just not something you see a lot of in rural iowa where you would have two bodies and a bank robbery all within a matter of two hours recent high school graduate had been shot twice in the head from close range an audio cassette and two 22 caliber shell casings the same caliber found at the first murder scene were recovered close to her body like the earlier homicide investigators found no indication of forced entry and no defensive wounds on the young girl iowa's special agent michael barrier discovered another important connection to the first murder victim barb garber a neighborhood canvas in the area of the schultz residence gave us information that a green pickup truck newer in good shape was seen parked in the schultz driveway at about 9 30 a.m that morning that's interesting to us because barb garber's pickup is a newer uh dark green dodge pickup truck and so we believe that after her truck was stolen from her residence that it ended up at the schultz residence and that tied the two homicides together both bodies were sent to the county medical examiner for autopsy analysis of the bullets confirmed what investigators had suspected each victim had been killed with the same weapon a 22-caliber semi-automatic pistol the fbi and local investigators assembled a command center in the mahaska county sheriff's office they set up a hotline and contacted the media with a description of the farmhand's late model dark green pickup truck we occupied a large debriefing room which acted as a command post we began to collate leads that were coming in from all parts of the community there was also significant media attention at this point which increased the volume of phone calls that were coming in deputies chase down dozens of leads one was from a teenager who had seen a green truck that fit the description of the farmhand's pickup he was in the town of oskaloosa in the late morning when he noticed the truck drive past with two men inside the witness didn't see their faces and he didn't get the license plate it wasn't much to go on since that particular truck was so common in the area we received dozens upon dozens of sightings most of which turned out to be absolutely nothing it was just a green 1997 pickup and everybody that was driving one at some point in time that day in the mahaska county area was stopped everyone except the driver of the murder victim's truck investigators fanned out to search the various small towns in nehaska county for more promising witnesses they found one who said he noticed something at around 10 30 or 11 on the morning of the crime spree he saw a dark green pickup truck near the town of oskaloosa the witness identified the driver as a local man whom he'd never seen in that truck before he claimed there was a passenger inside but the truck pulled away before he could see who it was the individual who reported it recognized the driver of that truck as being jamie mcmahon a person that he knew and knew well enough to have recognized him and was positive that it was jamie mcmahon he also said that there was a second individual in the truck but he could not get a close enough look to tell whether it was even a man or a woman just that there was a second person in the truck hey guys what i want to do is uh don i want you to take background at the end of the first day investigators now had the name and face of a possible suspect in the two killings in bank robbery [Music] 22 year old local jamie mcmahon [Music] agents and detectives hoped they could catch up with him in his unidentified accomplice before any more lives were lost on june 12 1997 the day after two iowa residents were killed and the bank was robbed the fbi and local authorities had the name of a possible suspect 22 year old jamie mcmahon mcmahon was last seen driving a green pickup that fit the description of the missing vehicle owned by one of the murdered women investigators believe that an unidentified passenger traveling with him may be an accomplice special agent michael barrier of the iowa department of criminal investigation learned that jamie mcmahon's last known address was at his parents home in oskaloosa iowa [Music] his parents were concerned to hear from agent barrier because they hadn't seen their son since the crimes that occurred when we spoke to friends and family about jamie mcmahon we found that he had been a good kid hard worker but that in the past few months prior to these crimes his personality had changed somewhat they began to lose weight that he had stopped working and that it just appeared that he was having problems you mind if the investigators arrived at mcmahon's home to search the house and find out more from his parents over the past several weeks mcmahon had been spending a lot of time with his 18 year old stepbrother christopher coughlin kaufman lived close by but the two had different sets of friends and normally didn't see each other much lately they'd been inseparable now both were missing the bank had been robbed by two individuals and because the witness had seen mcmahon driving a truck with a second individual we just had to assume that chris kaufman was the second person with jamie mcmahon detectives interviewed mcmahon's friends who remembered seeing him with christopher kaufman late on the night before the crimes driving an old blue station wagon one friend had lent mcmahon the car for the past few months since the suspect couldn't afford one according to mahaska county sheriff's chief deputy paul de geast this vehicle was a blue station wagon which would appear to be a hatchback type vehicle if you just drove past the back of it this would also tie in with the vehicle that the neighbors seen in barb garber's driveway earlier that morning investigators searched the car but found no evidence that physically connected mcmahon or kaufman to barbara garber's murder any um unusual behavior that man's friends mentioned that he had always wanted a dark green pickup like the victims but the sticker price was out of his range jamie had an infatuation with this particular type of vehicle earlier that year he had one on order that fit the same as what barb garber's husband did not have the money to pay for it so he canceled the order his friends added that the day before the murder mcmahon had stopped by with kaufman to borrow something else a 22-caliber semi-automatic handgun that he claimed he was going to use to shoot stray cats the same type of gun was used in both murders investigators asked his friends to call immediately if the suspect contacted them for any reason authorities learned from several other friends that the suspected murderer had recently been abusing the drug methamphetamine [Music] fbi special agent scott french was concerned about mcmahon's mental state since the illegal drug is an addictive stimulant abusers of methamphetamine suffer a variety of side effects one of which is they can be awake for several days second is they have loss of appetite but of a greater concern to law enforcement is they have significantly clouded judgment they become increasingly paranoid and they may be easily agitated a widespread manhunt was launched for the step brothers in the dark green pickup truck that was still missing 5 30 the neighborhood campus revealed that a small blue car was seen at the residence agents and police also notified additional law enforcement agencies and media outlets throughout the midwest warrants for murder and unlawful flight to avoid prosecution were issued for mcmahon and kaufman initially we felt that they had left the state and we could only speculate as to where most of the investigators there felt very strongly that they were probably headed for mexico investigators revisited the homes of the pair's friends and family figuring they would try to contact them mcmahon's ex-girlfriend gave the fbi permission to install a phone tap and recorder figure out where he's at if mcmahon called agents would be ready to trace his location [Music] as the manhunt for mcmahon and kaufman continued a call came into the task force office two sets of local parents reported that their teenage daughters were missing the high school girls 16 and 17 had not been home since the previous evening they were best friends and were always together with two killers on the loose the parents feared for the girl's lives investigators discovered that mcmahon and kaufman had been partying with several girls at a motel in oskaloosa the night before the crime spree at the motel a clerk told investigators the girls had stayed overnight and were still in the room on the morning of the crimes yeah those are the girls the employee saw mcmahon and kaufman with a green truck later on that same day she said the two girls left with the stepbrothers yeah investigators issued another nationwide bulletin that the fugitives mcmahon and kaufman were last seen in iowa when traveling with two teenage girls we were concerned for the safety of the girls i believed at the time that if jamie mcmahon was willing to kill someone he knew that the girls may be in danger investigators responded to a promising tip that came into the hotline mcmahon and kaufman had been spotted at a trailer several miles away from their family home investigators had no way of knowing if they were still armed high on methamphetamine or if the teenage girls were still with them not wanting to take any chances and not knowing their mental state we had the fbi swat team come in basically we surrounded the the cabin and came in from several different directions heavily armed agents hoped for the best but were prepared for the worst officers yelled for mcmahon and kaufman to come out there was no reply police team stormed in ready to use deadly force in june of 1997 the fbi and iowa investigators stormed a trailer in a remote field from the second day of a nationwide manhunt for 22 year old jamie mcmahon and his 18 year old stepbrother chris kaufman the pair were suspected in two murders and robbing 65 000 from a bank two missing teenage girls were believed to be with them investigators found no trace of the fugitives or the girls sightings of the stepbrothers in the stolen green pickup were reported from as far south as texas to as far north as minnesota with sixty five thousand dollars in cash in the 12-hour lead iowa special agent michael barrier realized the pair could be anywhere by now we were unable to really come up with any place that they may go we had information that they might have gone to minnesota we also had information that they may have friends or relatives in florida but we didn't really have any solid direction of travel where they went after seven days of searching the fbi got the call they've been hoping for looking all over the place agents were ready with a phone tap when jamie mcmahon called his ex-girlfriend during the call mcmahon asked if authorities had any idea who killed mrs garber and ireland schultz he was fishing for information he was trying to see what we knew and whether we even knew that they were suspects in the case and she just told them you know what did you do and and why are they looking for you and he became aware quite quickly that he was a suspect that we did know that they were involved and he hung up [Music] the agent called his supervisor at the mahaska county command center fbi special agent scott french learned mcmahon had been on the phone long enough to trace his call after we received the phone call from mcmahon i began the process of trying to track down the number from where he called at some point we reached a snag with a phone company outside the area wherein they could not determine or provide the number until the following day agents learned that the suspected killer had called from a hotel in kissimmee florida the employee recognized photos of the two fugitives and confirmed the two teenage girls were with them are they in the hotel at this time please check no i checked out but they had all just left when did they leave what's up the phone company's delay had given mcmahon and kaufman just enough time to stay ahead of law enforcement agents were concerned that mcmahon and kaufman would be more difficult to find now since they knew the fbi were on their trail all right well thanks and i'll uh get back on this all right though authorities had missed mcmahon and kaufman in florida the two teenage girls who had been traveling with the fugitives returned home safely to their parents my parents take a seat investigators questioned the girls about the time they spent with mcmahon and kaufman the teenagers confirmed that they had stayed with the young men at the oskaloosa motel on the night prior to the crimes the next morning mcmahon and kaufman came by in a green pickup with a lot of cash mcmahon the eldest of the group at 22 offered them a free trip to florida the impressionable teenage girls agreed to go with his stepbrothers and didn't ask a lot of questions the girls told us that they weren't aware that there'd been a homicide and they weren't really aware that there had been a bank robbery as such but they were aware that something had happened to allow mcmahon and kaufman to have so much money the girls told investigators that on their way out of town they stopped by the des moines river one of the step brothers threw a duffel bag into the water but he never told them what was inside after that the four of them drove south toward florida for the first week of this uh trip with the mcmann and kaufman the girls treated it like it was a vacation they were having a good time they were eating out they were going to amusement parks one of their first stops was in branson missouri there the four entertained themselves on carnival ride the girls said they took photos along the way they had with them a couple of instamatic cameras and we took those cameras and had the film developed and we had photographs of mcmahon and kaufman and one picture in particular is of chris kaufman sitting in barb garber's pickup truck after their trip to disney world the girls said that mcmahon and kaufman finally confessed to them about the murders in the bank robbery kaufman had dyed his hair blonde to disguise himself high on methamphetamine the armed men also told the girls they wouldn't mind killing them as well the girls were frightened and told the fugitives they wanted to return home they told investigators they had no idea where the stepbrothers were headed well they didn't say where they were going they just gave us money and we left investigators concluded the girls were not involved since they remained at the oskaloosa motel when the crimes had occurred they released the teenagers into their parents custody without filing charges on the des moines river an off-duty iowa trooper happened to come across a bag in the water he opened it to find a pair of black ski masks and brown coveralls the officer also found a wallet with a driver's license he contacted police and gave them the evidence the wallet and driver's license belonged to the murdered island schultz the clothing matched with the robbers were wearing when they made off with sixty five thousand dollars in cash from an iowa bank jamie mcmahon and christopher kaufman remained the prime suspects and they were still out there armed and strung out on june 30th 1997 19 days after the search for mcmahon and kaufman began a call came into the escambia county sheriff's department in florida the motorist in pensacola wanted to talk to police [Music] he told him he was driving on a nearby highway when he noticed a green pickup the night before he had seen a story about the manhunt for mcmahon and kaufman on television the truck seemed to fit the description of the fugitive's vehicle the motorist pulled alongside to get a closer look he thought the driver looked exactly like the man featured on the show the truck also had iowa tags the motorist pulled off and phoned police the escambia county sheriff's department realized the motorist description of the truck matched the one iowa authorities were looking for iowa authorities wanted to be sure this wasn't just another false lead it seemed promising since the suspected murders were last seen in florida they confirmed the license number and sent photos of the step brothers to the sheriffs in pensacola iowa investigators alerted them to use caution since the fugitive pair were considered armed and dangerous [Music] an urgent be on the lookout was issued for the green truck in the pensacola area deputies searched local roads shopping centers and motel parking lots for any sign of the fugitives or the stolen green pickup truck in the parking lot of a local motel two officers spotted a green pickup truck motel residents usually park close to their room entrance but this vehicle was obscured near the back behind a fence its iowa license plate and description checked out it was the murder victim's stolen truck from iowa authorities had no time to lose if they hoped to bring in the fugitives before they eluded them once again at a pensacola florida motel authorities had finally located the stolen pickup truck driven by jamie mcmahon and christopher kaufman stepbrothers suspected of two murders and a bank robbery in iowa escambia county deputies needed to confirm if the armed fugitives were staying there i know if you see these gentlemen yes the motel clerk recognized the photos of mcmahon and kaufman but she added that there was a third man in their room she gave deputies the room number possibly a hostage situation police told her the motel had to be evacuated fearing that the step brothers had possibly taken a hostage deputies called in a hostage negotiating team already this gambia sheriff sergeant jerry cox was in charge i want to establish a command post in this area we knew they were armed we knew they were murder suspects we knew their bank robbers uh they were seriously violent criminal individuals so we got to call out our swat team and crisis negotiators got the call out and and we responded to the motel the motel was evacuated the hostage negotiating team set up an emergency center nearby swat teams took up positions near mcmahon and kaufman's room snipers set up on a nearby roof no one knew the situation with the third man or his relationship with the step one they had no way of knowing if they were all still inside the negotiators secured the line and attempted to get them on the phone [Music] from the man's tone of voice the negotiator believed he was likely a hostage when i made contact with the room the first individual that i talked to was the hostage himself he gave me a false name and i began to try to talk to him a little bit knowing that was not the correct name of course and try to find out what his situation was what his physical condition was and what the situation was in the room the man said he had just met the fugitives hitchhiking and stayed with him to party forgotten the stepbrothers had been awake for almost four days high on meth and now they were finally crashing there's no way the man had since become aware they were murder suspects and that they were still on and out he was absolutely frightened out of his mind he did not know what to do and he knew that they were willing to take life they had made statements to him that they would not be taken alive and therefore he was afraid to make any moves because of what they might do to him bobby the negotiator tried to convince him to leave the room the rescue team would be at the door when he emerged while the man considered what to do mcmahon woke up all night [Music] one of my major concerns was the fact that they were known drug users and had been partying for a number of days when people are on under the influence of drugs or alcohol when it comes to negotiations one of the things you have to be aware of is how those chemicals can alter a person's personality and alter their reactions uh they might be extremely aggressive due to their three-week drug binge it became clear to the negotiator that the fugitives were not thinking clearly if at all talking to the cops calm down man his first concern was to get the third man out safely without more bloodshed authorities were all too aware that the situation could turn violent quickly paramount in my mind was was the fact that if they killed two already and though those both those murders based on my information were cold-blooded calculated murders with no thought given whatsoever to to the consequences that they could easily do that again hold on everybody calm down just sit down calm down man hold on no man put that away put that away man who is this [ __ ] sharpshooters stood at the ready the negotiator tried to convince them to let the man out of the room before someone else was killed you shouldn't have done that man man what do you want he's not he's one of us just no i'm out don't worry just gonna walk out there's no way all right fine you don't mean not crap though all right man chris let him go after two hours the armed men finally allowed him to leave unharmed swat members spirited the hostage out of the line of fire to where the negotiators continued to work the hostage said he met the fugitives in new orleans and had been with them for several days he said they had a lot of drugs and a lot of cash in the room they only had one handgun as far as he knew with two armed fugitives still barricaded in the motel room a peaceful resolution did not seem likely in june of 1997 hostage negotiators and a swat team surrounded a pensacola florida motel where two armed fugitives wanted for two murders in a bank heist in iowa remained barricaded inside their room strung out on drugs escambia county sheriff sergeant jerry cox was the lead negotiator it's the most difficult segment of the negotiations for me was to try to overcome the emotional state that they were in as a result of their drug use their prolonged activity of being awake for so long and to try to to direct them in a peaceful resolution he spoke to 18 year old christopher kaufman for some time chris the young fugitive was aware that he was surrounded by police sergeant cox tried to convince him to do the sensible thing and come out unarmed but one of the things i was able to learn from kaufman was that he was tired that he was just too too physically and mentally exhausted to be making an offline decisions worn out kauffman passed the phone to his 22 year old stepbrother jamie mcmahon hello what the negotiator noticed that mcmahon seemed more lucid more mature than his younger brother he used it as a hook to separate the two so i told him i said it's obvious to me that you're the one who's running the show in there i need you to take charge and do something for me and he said what is that and i said well what i need you to do is i need you to take care of your brother i need you to get him out of there the strategy worked just go i started this let me finish chris i just want you to go that man didn't want his brother to suffer whatever consequences mcmahon was going to face by staying in the room swat members secured christopher kaufman now only his stepbrother remained mcmahon teetered between indecision and despair he knew his options were limited the 22 year old began to weigh life in prison versus suicide i heard what was sounded to me like a weapon being charged it was an automatic pistol that he had in there so it sounded like somebody had slid the slide back and and ejected a shell into the chamber arming the weapon for firing gave me some concern i passed that information on to our commanders and our swat team the man's judgment was clouded he didn't want to spend the rest of his life behind bars confused and desperate he looked to the negotiator for guidance and the thing that seemed to work the most was constantly reminding that as long as he was alive he had a he had some hope he had a chance once he was dead there was no chance and that in iowa there was no disability he had an awful lot of years ahead of him to figure this out mcmahon relented to the negotiator's insight four hours after it had begun the last fugitive walked out of the room unarmed the negotiator was able to defuse the situation without death they recovered 29 000 in cash of the 65 000 that was stolen they also found the 22 semi-automatic handgun on every table rested empty beer bottles marijuana and powdered methamphetamine ballistics tests later confirmed the 22 was the weapon used to kill the two women in iowa authorities questioned the pair separately i understand from your brother that you committed both of the murders no kaufman told investigators it was his stepbrother's idea to rob the bank to pull off the heist they needed a car mcmahon already had his eye on the first victim's pickup truck the truck he initially wanted to use as the getaway vehicle i think i may left at a different friend's house you might have to use your phone real quick mrs garber knew mcmahon and allowed the brothers into her house man just put the phone right back down please [Music] he wanted mrs garber dead so she wouldn't report the vehicle missing kaufman said he shot barbara garber twice then again to make sure she was dead since mcmahon loved her truck so much he wanted to keep it and steal a different vehicle to use in the robbery mcmahon decided to try another friend of his island schultz hey [Music] like mrs garber their second victim let mcmahon in along with kaufman pair claimed they needed money for gas she lent them five dollars as she bent over to put a music tape on kaufman told investigators his stepbrother shot her in the back of the head to make sure she was dead mcmahon shot her again between the eyes the stepbrothers took schultz's car keys and wallet over the next three weeks the pair spent thirty six thousand dollars on hotels prostitutes and drugs before they were apprehended in pensacola florida though iowa had no death penalty jamie mcmahon 22 and christopher kaufman 18 faced the federal death penalty for two carjackings resulting in death they faced another federal charge for bank robbery to avoid a death sentence the step brothers pled guilty to all federal and state charges their convictions left many unanswered questions for the people of iowa and mahaska county chief deputy paul degeste these two guys were as common as any two boys next door i can't explain why they would would go to this extent to to get a vehicle and and to go on vacation or just to impress a couple of girls it's just it's just crazy you'd never guess that they would be the two type of individuals to do that knowing their parents knowing their backgrounds i mean it just just didn't make sense jamie mcmahon serves the rest of his life in leavenworth kansas christopher kaufman serves his time in solitary confinement in the tough super max federal prison in florence colorado [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 214,588
Rating: 4.7431355 out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail, robery, kidnapping, murder, multi-state crime, fbi chases, police chases
Id: K4JaGXtAurA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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