John Edward Connects With The Departed | The Meredith Vieira Show

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we are back with psychic medium John Edward he's been reading our audience but he is not done yet John what are you picking up now I want to go over here um in this section and I feel like I have a famous no joke I have a famous feeling so when they give me a famous feeling it means that somebody has celebrity in life in some way because whenever I see this is my symbol whenever I see these lights they let me know that somebody's got celebrity but it's in this section published celebrated whatever they did they were known for in some way doesn't mean that they were like on TV they're also so I'm gonna talk about em like Michael and they're also making me feel like somebody had a brain tumor so all of that in that section is where they're going so if you're in that section you can raise your hand you stand up - thank you hi how are you good how are you I'm good um I don't know if it would be the same but I had a great great grandpa that's celebrated for being Mormon and they just had this huge celebration for him okay was he celebrated in a like he's historical for what he did or he's connected to the church for what he did yeah so I think it was like a couple months ago they had this huge thing done in Provo Utah okay where's the M in the family um cuz the M would not be for Mormon for me the M to me would be for like Mike or for mark or for a Mick or something that sounds like that oh gosh object and somebody had a brain tumor so all of this will be connected there's a there's a brain aneurysm there's a brain tumor my grandmother had a brain aneurysm before she passed okay and she's she's now passed yeah is that grimmer also connected to the side of the family yeah okay and then I don't know if you lost a brother or if you have a brother figure or four friend of yours lost a contemporary like a brother figure um but oh gosh I never lost a brother anybody else here with you no you um I I know quite a few people in this room she works for the show she's an intern so she knows a lot of people yeah I know sir oh well now that opens it up to anybody who's actually listening right now so somebody's brother is talking to me that's using you as the way to get to them and so if you have the person whose brothers passed and I hate to come buddy's gonna say it they passed him a suicide is there anybody that you work with that's here that lost their brother through a suicide brother-in-law to me will do that Pastner suicide it was an act that he meant to go through with correct okay I just need to say this it is very very very important that you know that he is okay and for everybody else that that is watching this that has to deal with suicide I always say that suicide is never the answer that it's always important to hold on find the grief counselor find somebody I find a counselor to actually work with try to move through stuff but he's making me feel like he's apologizing for how he was found he's apologizing for the the way that this happened do you understand okay I don't think that was his first attempt I feel like it had happened before and that they were able to stop this but he's making me feel I see pink roses and pink roses is their way of going to the family I don't know if this is your sister's husband okay cuz I feel like I need to go to the female um and did Deb do they have three kids three at the time I mean two from her first marriage but and then they had one okay he's tell me to talk about Virgo the sign of Virgo so the sign of Virgo would be the end of August into September is there a birthday or anniversary then my sister's first son is a Virgo okay um and is he like in high school how old is he he's 22 did this happen when he was in high school yeah I feel like I need to talk about seeing them graduate and seeing what comes next um and again I'm just very apologetic in tone for how like this happens and how this is found but thank your sister for the way she's dealing with it and then congratulate her on the new marriage congratulate her on what's nice she just got married yeah congratulate her on the marriage oh she got married last year somebody just put their dog down you're telling me that the dog is here so somebody literally literally just put their dog down so it's a very recent just happened this morning I am so sorry and this is an abuser month over am i'm so sorry there did not talk to you about that okay telling me to say like it just happened like five o'clock this morning my mom and dad's dog Molly well I need you to know that the dog is there oh my gosh oh you freaked me out sorry oh my gosh the dog isn't coming through is it I saw the dog actually does show the dog actually the dog actually comes through and the daughters that ever happened yep I remember the first time that happened to me I was at the Westbury Holiday Inn and I made a connection with this woman's dog I thought it was her daughter and well proverbs are baby it was her baby I said your baby girls here and she said yes and she was seven years old when she passed and I remember to go through the entire reading only the daughter came through and then I said very confidently and I was wrong but very confidently I said your daughter was handicapped and she said no I go well she couldn't walk and she goes no she could walk she could run she could jump I looked I said no I said my perspective is very very low in your house and she goes that's because you're talking to a dog have you ever had one of those awkward moments like you're having some intimate thing with your wife and a dead grandparent shows up or something you know can you or can you make sure that doesn't happen no when I'm off like when I'm done like when I'm not doing this I powered down cuz I don't want to take up on anybody's energy I don't want anybody's stuff so you can prevent it from happening 100% meta physics 101 teaches you that if you're a true practitioner of this work you power down when you're done you only enter a person's vibration when they ask you to do it and you don't attack three people in Aisle five of the soup right if they're not gonna your door and you don't want to hear them you know there's no knocking on my door okay yeah it's fine it's gone when you if you want a reading John is kicking off a seven city tour in California this January to see if he's coming to a location near you go to Meredith Vieira show calm you
Channel: The Meredith Vieira Show
Views: 531,888
Rating: 4.7630115 out of 5
Keywords: Meredith Vieira, Meredith Vieira Show, Talk Show, interview, celebrity, special guests, ghosts, departed, connects, psychic medium, John Edward (Author), Reading, Communicates, souls, dead, deceased, audience, studio
Id: Jjgj2chXjA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
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