John Deere 9460R transmission locked up!

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hey welcome back to ZK Master Tech today we got a service call on a 9460r customer says that it starts and runs fine and it steers and everything works but whenever he puts it into gear to move the tractor the engine dies so what do you guys think it is let's check it out [Music] all right well here she is 9460r customer told me that I needed to bring some oil with me because it was low on oil and you know I got the cover off here because I'm going to add it straight to the hydraulic Reservoir because I'm not too far away from the do not start line I want it here right at the full cold so before I even fire this thing up I'm going to get it full of oil and then we'll see what it does when I put it into gear I know what you guys are thinking you're probably thinking well why don't you just use that new fancy Milwaukee transfer pump that you got well it's a good point but uh I don't have the oil hoses made for it yet and the last hoses um I used had coolant run through them they still got kind of cooler residue in it I don't want to cross contaminate but I brought easy to pour jugs so we're good to go drink up little buddy huh well it's going to take a lot more than that I might dig into my oil Reserves took about 15 gallons to get to see what a full bolt Mark so get this thing removed now whoa this acts like the Heartbreak [Applause] ER that almost killed that 13-5 it's almost got to be something in the park break but you know it's monitoring that Park Freight pressure pretty closely um but the park break on the 18 speed transmission is spring applied it's got these big giant Belleville Springs in there so there's no hydraulic pressure to release those Springs the clutches are seized onto that output shaft and it won't move but man I've never seen that before but you know half today all right I got a Lube pressure gauge just a digital hydraulic pressure gauge got it snapped onto the lube Dr right here and now we're going to disengage the park brake so it should give a hydraulic pressure we're going to see what the lube pressure does see if we got a leak in the park brick element at uh 40 PSI Lou Let's uh disengage the park brake a little bit that's normal it'll dip a little bit huh okay all right so we got good Lube pressure right so that that's a good thing and it tells me that the Piston that is inside the park brake housing the seal on it's probably good and that it's working okay but the next thing I need to do is I need to check the park brake pressure the actual pressure at the park brakes so the way that system works is we take transmission system pressure I don't know like 230 260 PSI and then whenever you disengage so you go from Park to neutral it's going to close a sump valve and it's going to open a supply solenoid to allow the pressure in pushes the Piston releases those Springs and then off you go whenever you put it back in the park it closes the the pressure off opens up the sump solenoid releases the pressure off which then backs the Piston off and those Springs re-engage the clutch pack to hold the output shaft solid so I need to check the PowerPoint pressure but you got to Mono you have to plug into it from the the park brake pump off hose which there's a hose going from the left's rear bottom side of the transmission and it goes up to underneath the cab usually you can pull it out underneath the cab and kind of go out the the side step but it's got a male ISO coupler on it and I need to be able to put a female ISO coupler with a Dr attachment on it which is um I got that part in the uh the pump the park brake pump off tool say that 10 times fast um got it in that kit I don't have it with me um I went ahead and ordered the park brake supply and some solenoids um so whenever I come back I have those handy because we could have an issue with one of those solenoids um probably most likely the sump solenoid because I think pressure is going in there but it's just possibly dumping through the sump and so the the Piston's not engaging like it should so it's most likely a sump solenoid but there is another reason why this transmission can't move and I got a good story about it so you need three clutches to move three clutches need to be engaged you got to have a direction a range and a speed right three clutches well if you engage four clutches it'll lock the transmission up when these 9rs first came out I had a 9510r that the customer said when he shifted into 12th gear it would lock all eight tires up going through the field okay so I drove all the way up there to get in the cab I'm not thinking that this tractor is just kind of like dead stop so I'm just shifting through the gears had my laptop in the cab with me and I shipped up and I hit 12th gear and I kid you not the tractor went from I don't know seven mile an hour to stop immediately that tractor stopped on a dime threw me forward smashed my ribs into the steering wheel my head hit the windshield and my laptop flew off the seat and smacked the windshield I'm lucky I didn't break the freaking windshield but man that rocked my freaking clock and uh always wear your seat belt if the customer says Hey dummy the the tractor locks all eight tires up when you shift to 12. anyway learned my lesson there but anyway got the tractor Hull back to the shop and um ended up being a drill bit was broke off in one of the clutch ports on the end of one of the shafts for um one of the stages in the in the transmission there's little ports drilled into the shaft and somehow the factory broke a drill bit off in one of those ports and I don't know how it ever passed a calibration but uh yeah whenever the you would go into 12. there would be one of the one of the clutches couldn't disengage because it couldn't return oil fast enough through that drill bit so you'd have four clutches engaged and it would just stop that thing on a dime so it was under warranty and uh deer sent us a brand new transmission put it and we swapped the transmission out and then it was good to go but uh yeah that's where I learned the hard lesson of three clutches good four clutch is bad so now we're going to I'm going to go back to the shop it's like three o'clock in the afternoon or so so I'm not really going to have enough time to come back with more test Equipment Plus I want to have the the park brake solenoids on hand so I got them um come in the next day tomorrow hopefully so if the parts come in in the morning I'll gather up some more testing stuff and we'll come back at it oh and one other thing I know what you guys are thinking you're like well where did all that oil go that's a good question I just looked all over this tractor climbed underneath it and it's dry as a bone can't find a leak nowhere I mean there is a possibility that one of the axles could be just locked up solid but it's highly unlikely I mean especially you know on the final drives you know if we had a bearing out on one of the final drives or something you know it would probably be some oil built up there but they are literally dry as a bone there's not even any dirt built up on the end of the final drive so I it must have lost it out the SUVs in the implement or maybe one of the couplers on the SUVs bad and it's just draining to the ground I'm not sure yet but I can't find a leak anywhere on this machine so just wanted to point that out all right one more thought it seems like there's like park brake locked up on transmission but I didn't try to go forward because the tractor's like nosed up right to the edge of the side of the shed here so I'm gonna put it into gear go forward and just see what happens can a guy just easier forward let's go to first gear try bumping her up a little bit now will not move reverse boy she is just angry cleared all the codes out of it let's see what we got going on see if it's set of code and I missed it or something because I didn't catch it on film but before I filmed this little segment I did put it in the Ford and I thought it bleeped the code at me see see if we got it in here now see if we got a transmission code AS codes right here that's because I had the the sensor unplugged to get that gauge on what's this clutch Focus let's see solenoid circuit fault return shift lever to neutral that wasn't in there for because I cleared the codes out history grows all right I apologize for the scatter brain uh this video is gonna be a nightmare to edit because this this tractors just got me kind of flustered so I'm kind of scattered brained a little bit but uh after I got done telling you guys you know I was just gonna wait get some park brake solenoids and come back with more testing equipment and stuff I got down then I am like where the heck all the oil go so that's when I checked didn't find the oil and then I thought well I didn't try to go forward because you know it's kind of nosed up against the wall but let's see what happens when it goes forward and then it bleeped code real quick and kicked itself into neutral and then I went to film again and then when I went to move it acted like it was just locked up in both directions but I went and looked up that code and it was for uh solenoid current low on clutch C so went into the clutch engagement chart and I want to see you know what clutches are engaged remember we need three clutches so I wanted to see which ones um clutch C were engaged well if I go to forward eighth gear or reverse fifth that uses c as their clutch and when I do that it sets the code every time let's check this out okay so if I go forward seven it oh now wants to move what the heck like I said this thing's got me scattered brain but if I bump it into eighth gear look why once you go to Aid all right restart the tractor it'll do it I promise just gotta restart it all right you're starting fresh let's go forward seven it doesn't want to move bump it to eight watch the watch the screen here I'm gonna bump a date Boop let off the clutch what the heck no it's not acting up let's try reversed five now moves what the frick did show an informational light there for a second foreign [Music] now it's working what it just set the code I promise now it's seeming more like I got an issue with one of the clutches like you know we've got four clutches engaged and we should only have three and it's not one to move because I can go to different gears sometimes and get it to move and sometimes it won't sometimes it's locked up and I went ahead and ordered that shift valve for clutch C so may or may not get it tomorrow I don't know set that code see it's set it twice now on me reverse forward see that blue light comes on [Music] now it's one to work oh we've still got that [Music] boy this is a [Music] strange problem what's working the life of a John Deere Tech all right so now I'm kind of leaning more towards a problem with the clutch and transmission one of the speaker just clutch C to be exact because I got the code to set twice and when it sets the code it actually defaults the transmission in neutral but then sometimes when I go to other gears that don't use clutch C the transmission is locked up so what could be leaning towards that problem like I told in the story which I highlight out this has got a a broken drill bit and the shaft because it's been running for thousands of hours so um I went ahead and ordered that shift valve so the next time I come back I'm going to be a little bit more prepared but at least now I got a better idea what's kind of going on with this machine but it seems like sometimes I can break it free and then everything's moving just fine and then sometimes it's locked up and then sometimes it throws that code so I think when I come back I'm going to go more towards that clutch C solenoid valve which is directly behind the transmission mount so pretty sure I got to take the right rear transmission mount off so I'll probably have to jack up and support the bottom of the transmission so I can get the mount off so I can get to the shift solenoid so could be a fun adventure all right next morning I'm back I got Parts everything came in what we're going to tear into first is that shift cylindered right there see how it's marked C on the case so I believe that that shift valve is intermittently sticking open and giving pressure on that c-clutch when it's not supposed to which is I think locking up the transmission so you could tell that's in a Dandy spot so we got to get the the nut off the coil take the coil off and then the hex on the valve on the stem valve is a one inch I have a 12 point Crow's foot I'm hoping is going to deliver a win today well come to find out that is the C shift solenoid not this one even though that c lines up with this I think they're pointing to these test ports on here because I got I had to take this Mount off because I couldn't get in here very well and I got the coil off of this one and then I just wanted to double check I'm looking here in the book and looking see it's standing on the case here it says C and then R and they're saying this black one here is C so I guess we'll go after that yeah transmission mount is off foreign yeah so you can see I took that one off but really it's this one down here so the marks on the casing are a little deceiving see see an R but really it's that one down there great so now I gotta get that off I had a heck of a time getting that coil off because of the the nut on the coil has these paint blobs on it see that little blob there and I could not you can't get a wrench on it and couldn't get my socket to go over it eventually my socket caught just the edge of it and it wasn't tight enough to where I finally got it broke free and off there but yeah I gotta dig into that all right 72 hours later I got this out that is a one inch hex but this thing is recessed into the housing and the distance of Gap they give you you cannot get a wrench on it socket on it I mean this is a Snap-On one inch 12 point Crow's foot and that's it's pretty thin I mean you're gonna get much thinner than that and this wouldn't even fit in there and bite it guess what came to the rescue get our nippex cover pliers gripped it on the stem wasn't even that tight came right out so I cleaned it off some brake clean I don't see anything wrong with it doesn't mean that it isn't bad didn't stick in but you know I can't I'd have to take that little snap ring out of the top here and pull that little cover off and pull that out but anyway got a new one got a new one here so we're gonna stick this guy in and see what happens it just sucks I gotta do all this work too to do the test but I gotta eliminate this because I think this is what our problem is all right I just got back from lunch and I tossed in the new valve and put the coils back on and had to sand the freaking paint off those nuts so I could get a socket off of that big paint blobs on them but got it in there and I'm going to put that transmission mount into place um it didn't move when I took the the transmission mount off sometimes you got to put a a jack underneath the transmission kind of support it but it didn't even Flinch you know three won't hold it four one either right sure so let's get that mount in and then we'll test this thing out okay sweetheart you know you want to be nice to me you can do it [Applause] thank you what's here four day okay yes take that nine fourths CR all right got the shield back on it's time to go for a cruise all right it's time to take her down the driveway Safety First ain't gonna get me again nice easy cruise down the driveway the Chisel and here we go shooting thank you still these things still make me a little nervous well better watch that pull okay [Music] I'm gonna shift to 12th gear ever since I hit the windshield oh there's 11 12. all right we didn't die 13. 14 more throttle 15. 16 running out of driveway 17. 18 and slower down [Music] all right there's all the gears car is coming we're just going to turn around here back up the driveway first second third fourth fifth six seven eight [Music] nine twelve thirteen 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. okay successful test drive all right everything's good to go but since I put a new ship valve in it I'm going to go ahead and calibrate the transmission you need to calibrate the transmission anytime you change all the hydraulic oil or a shift valve or you know some component in the transmission that could affect the calibration because we need to figure out how many you know milliamps it takes to move that coil to provide hole pressure and and fill pressure into that clutch so that calibration is going to really dial that in and it should smooth out all the the other shifts you know on all the other gears on the transmission so I've eaten the oil up right now and entering into the calibration I'll calibrate this transmission and then we'll be done with this job at uh man that was kind of a challenge kind of racked my brain a little bit uh that's only the second time I've ever seen a transmission lock up due to four clutches being engaged at once never had it be a ship valve I mean on an 18 speed transmission of this tractor I haven't seen that before so you know we're learning things so the next time I get into a another 9R and it does that you know I'm probably gonna have a little better Insight of what's going on there so you're always learning if you ain't learning anything then you might as well just give up because every day is a technician you're learning something so that's what I love about this job I love learning and I love the challenge and until next time keep that Green Iron moving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ZK MasterTech
Views: 102,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, powershift transmission, 18 speed powershift, transmission locked up, tractor will not move, park brake, 9460R, 9510R, 9560R, zk mastertech, farming videos, tractor repairs, snap on
Id: CVgqRn3Lj8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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