John Deere 8R 370 fuel tank replacement

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hey welcome back to zk master tech today we're working on another 8r 370 but this one has got a little boo boo on the fuel tank yeah the inside right uh dual the wedges came loose and the tire went into the fuel tank and rubbed a big hole in the fuel tank and leaked out a bunch of fuel i went and looked at it in the field and i got the tractor jacked up and i got the wheel back out to where it wasn't touching the fuel tank anymore just so we could get this thing on a trailer and get it back to the shop now we finally got enough room and time to get this cab off because we've got to remove the cab on this thing to replace the fuel tank we already got a fuel tank on hand so now we're just going to go through the steps of removing this cab to replace this fuel tank i hope you guys enjoy the ride let's check it out [Music] all right so here is where the tire rubbed through the tank i don't know if i can get in there but there's a big gaping hole somewhere right there because uh she drained out like 100 gallons or so you know wherever how many gallons is about right in here so [Music] she was leaking just like full stream out that hole so now we just got to figure out what all we got to take off to get this giant cab off and this is that new style 8r cab so we got our work cut out for us here today um luckily this one doesn't have cap suspension so that's going to help us out quite a bit not having to deal with that so it's just a matter of getting all the electrical and hydraulics and ac and heater core lines and all that stuff disconnected so we can yank this thing up off here and then of course we'll probably have a bunch of hydraulic lines laid over the fuel tank a line bundle that'll have to be removed and then you know we can lift that giant thing off because the cab has to come off because the fuel tank goes it has like a big section on this side and then it goes over the top and then back down so it's all one piece you can't just pull it out the side or anything so that's reason why the cap has to come off all right so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to get this rear end jacked up and we're going to fully delete the rear duals because we got to get those out of the way to get to the rear cab mount bolts so first thing we're going to do is just get rid of the all the tires completely all right new milwaukee does not give a crap about these wheel bolts i'll try on the ledges i got the outside dual already off [Music] this is the new three quarter one key it's a bit tight [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we got the hub off now we got to get this undone it's just got wedge bolts here as well and then we can slide this axle uh the wheel off the axle and it's keyed right here so we'll get the forklift underneath it put a strap around it yank it off so we got the wedge bolts loose now we're using the adjuster 32 millimeter and that's turning gear in there it's going against the teeth of the axle bringing the tire out we'll get her so far out and then we'll hook her up with a strap around the top put the forklift at the bottom and pull the wheel off all right so the reason why we're taking these tires off is so we can get to these cab mount bolts right here and they are super duper tight and have a bunch of loctite on them and you need all the throw you can get in there with this giant snap-on three-quarter bar to get those broke loose and out of there then we put a little extra safety stand in there just to make us feel warm and fuzzy because we're going to be removing a lot of weight off this thing and we want to make sure that she's stable so you know that's mainly holding the tractor up and then the other one's there just in case something tips it'll catch on that all right so we got the other outer dual and hub popped off here if you look in here you can see where that wedge used to sit and she scooted in is actually farther than that because i actually pulled it out about a half inch when it was in the field but the adjuster here slips it it no longer bites these teeth in here like it's supposed to so that's as far as i could get this thing so i don't know if this is going to be a little bit more difficult to get off on this side but we're going to replace the wedges in here since it's ran loose and we're going to take a real good look at that axle shaft so this is what i'm talking about how it wouldn't move it's just stripped out click that gear doesn't engage into the axle anymore see this is what this wedge looks like see it's supposed to move like this but she just slips in there now so i don't know what got damaged in there but we're gonna have to get creative and get this off here all right well we we got the wheel off fairly easily just pulling it with the forklift but the teeth in here it's hard to see they are chewed up a little bit but the main problem was was it was shoved in so far that gear was trying to engage this tooth right here which there's nothing to bite on there and that's why it was just slipping if it would have grabbed on this tooth right here we could have wheeled her off but uh now that we got the tire off you can see the the battle wound on the fuel tank where she rubbed through right here she's got a big hole in her right there so whatever it was full when we gave him the tractor so whatever level that was that's how much fuel it drained out of it so that's cool you see how it just ate right into that so we are on 30 inch rows you're actually fairly close to this fuel tank if those wedges and that come loose and that tire can come in at all it'll rub into this fuel tank great so you can see i've got another cab mount bolt here but this is that line bundle i was talking about we're gonna have to get into [Applause] so it's gonna be a lot of fun okay status update we drain the engine coolant here at the block down into a clean barrel we've got the ac machine recovering the refrigerant because we've got to undo the ac lines of course got the old john deere fuel circulator 9000 we sucked out most of the fuel in the tank we just put it on the drain on the bottom and sucked it out of there now we're just kind of draining out the residual in the bottom of the tank there so it should be done draining soon but we're trying to figure out how to get to this front cap bolt and we got this whole menagerie in our way so we got to get this all taken out to get to this cab mount bolt that's up in there so we got the ac lines right there that we got to get undone and then cab ground figure out what this electrical wire is going to got a lot of little things going on just to get to the cab mount bolts and getting everything unhooked from the cab and we're going to have to get all the electrical undone from the back of the cab so we'll have to take this green panel off and then start unhooking controllers and power wires and all that fun stuff got a new technician working with us today his name's josh he's been with us for a couple months how you like it so far here josh loving it loving it loving it every day is a new adventure oh yeah so i got him tag-teaming this project with me so we can get her done pretty quickly so we appreciate josh and all his hard work so far he's doing awesome job here we got the back panel off now we got to take all this electrical off as much as we can to just we're going to lay this electrical back and probably leave the controllers and everything on the back of the cab so controllers will go with the cab and the wiring harness will stay with the chassis so we got the electrical peeled off the back got it all hanging off to the side there and next game plan is getting to the this cap bolt it's way up in here it's kind of rc but it's right around there so we got to remove this def tank anyway so we're gonna pull that def tank out and hopefully that gives us enough swing in there to get that bolt out we were planning on getting to it from here but you can't get to it from there after a little bit more investigation so we're gonna leave that as is for now rip this def tank out yeah you can see that those are torqued to what 435 435 foot pounds and they have a crap ton of loctite on them so they're a lot of fun to get out of there a good time well i think we're going to call it a day we'll come back in the morning and go 100 full speed on this girl good morning everyone so this morning we already ripped the depth tank out here they're sitting on the floor had to take that out so we could get a better chance of getting this cab bolt out up in here plus it sits in the fuel tank anyway so it had to come out so we've got that apart got the ac lines just taken off now and they changed that they used to just thread together right about in here with o-rings but now they go in kind of through the floor into those guys so a little bit different got ceiling washers on there instead and now we're going to go on the other side and start taking the lines off the brake valve all right here we go we got the brake valve right here take those lines off we got some more heater core lines down in there that we need to take off but we got to get into this steering cylinder on the other side of this brake valve so coming up with the game plan for that but i'm sure we'll figure something out so that's what's next so we got all the lines off the brake valve there and got our feeder core lines off and clamped off there i'll show you the other side how to remove another shield to get to the steering valve we got all those lines taken off and everything's capped and plugged so we don't get any contamination in any of the lines um got three out of the four cab mount bolts out you can see these bolts lock loctite on there they're they're pretty gnarly [Music] that one's out that one's out come around here that one's out now he's trying to go through a hole in the bottom of the lower plate of the fuel tank to get to the bolt that's way up in there a real good spot for it so that's probably the hardest bolt was the right front corner but we'll get her won't we josh yeah so my big long three-quarter extension you couldn't get it in the hole because it's too long so we had to build this little conglomeration here and kind of build the extensions to get it up in that hole and that's how long we needed to have it and then we were able to bust that loose and then i just put the milwaukee three-quarter on that extension we zip that little sucker out all right well it's time to remove this cab we got the uh jlg all set up here so we'll be pulling this with the forklift like you see me doing the pass we got a little upgrade here so we got the eyelets attached to the top now all we got to do is hook this load leveler up to our eyelids up there and then we can yank this cab off i think it's time for a time lapse in some music possibly sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well there she is that wasn't bad at all that new jlg didn't even know that cab was on there [Music] here we go here's our giant fuel tank we gotta get out of there looks pretty funky without a cab doesn't it that is all one piece so i guess the next thing we have to do is we got to get this harness off there got to get that line bundle off of here and uh another obstacle that i've seen that might be an issue not sure yet is it goes underneath this exhaust stack and i'm not quite sure how we're gonna get it to go up and out of there with that under there like that so we're gonna have to wait and see here we're gonna just start removing stuff and then we'll just have to make a decision on what else has got to come off of that thing we've decided that we're gonna have to take the whole after treatment system off and we're gonna try to do it in one chunk as much as possible he's taking that top cap off there so we can get to some hooks maybe this goes under this it goes under that well i think there's a clamp that you can do to take the the tip off and hopefully we can get to the hooks on top of the the scr there and uh we gotta get this giant thing out of the way because you know you'll think right underneath it and then we can take this big cast piece off here so we got some work to do up in this region and then of course we'll get those lines and the harness off too so we got everything unhooked off the after treatment stack here so we got the top off to where we can get to the little lifting eyelets on top we got uh one bolt holding it in so all we need to do now is uh hook up the load leveler on the jlg and pick this guy off of here [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign well there she is we've got room for activities now we just need to get that gas piece out of there and everything on this side should be out of the way look at this [Music] so [Music] lime bundle's coming out got it yep okay now we gotta get this plate out of here and we gotta get this all these wires and harnesses flipped over the top trim stick so the only electrical and depth lines we got left on the front side of the tank that lines that are clamped here there's so many little things [Music] zip tie fasteners and clips oh they put two bulbs in it oh boy that's gonna take me a minute all right so we had to get the the batteries out and the def dosing unit out because you know it sits on the fuel tank you know why not so that's got to come out and basically the way that this fuel tank is i think it literally has to just come straight up you know there is no cocking it to the side and trying to get it out this way just the way everything just fits so tight so i think this whole electrical load center slash step assembly is gonna have to come out because you know that piece right there's gotta go straight up and all that's in the way so we got everything stripped off the top line bundles out and everything we had a had a block like a they call it a brake valve block but it's like if you had like trailer brake options and stuff you'd have like sensors on this block those right here and then those line bundles came down here and attached to it and also even though we got the after treatment enclosure off i still think the exhaust pipe is going to have to come off because look if this thing's got to come straight up it's going to hit on this exhaust pipe and probably this other pipe that goes to the exhaust tip it helps suck dirt from the pre-cleaner of the air cleaner assembly aspirator hose i think is a good word for that anyway yeah this has just turned into one heck of a project [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] there she is well here's the aftermath all this stuff we had to take off we got the chassis harness just kind of laid up there at the moment but look she's naked naked got the fuel tank over here of course we're going to have to rob some fittings and some clamps and a bunch of stuff on it so we're tomorrow we'll get the new tank in here and we'll just you know swap stuff from one to the other and uh yeah quite the project and we did have to you know take that exhaust pipe off the aspirator hose did have some flex it moved over the side but uh yeah she's got to come just absolutely straight up out of there or she ain't coming out but we got her well good morning boy did we tear up a lot of stuff yesterday that was a lot of stuff we removed off this tractor i hope you guys enjoyed the ride but uh got a new tank in this morning i'm gonna show you this bad boy look at this giant crate [Music] well it looks like it already came with new fittings down here so that's cool we'll have to transfer those and this is 192 gallon tank and i don't think they could have squeezed one more gallon in this thing they literally filled every nook and cranny to fit in this tractor i mean that is a crazy fuel tank so it's already got a vent in it we don't have to swap that out looks like we got to swap the fuel tank sender and i went ahead and i ordered all these little clips here zip tie tie bands all that stuff's new um it probably won't those those probably won't be until monday we had some of them but not all of them i'm gonna have to transfer these clamps over and that's just about it so [Music] should be getting a lot more parts in today's saturday so i don't think that i got the parts i need again this morning but we'll just have to wait and see so this morning i just picked up all our tools made sure we're just going to reorganize you know kind of hit the reset button here you know get this all swept up get rid of those drain barrels maybe clean up this plate here so it isn't just muddy and soaked in fuel um maybe clean up some of the dirt around the tractor stuff like that just kind of getting my area cleaned up getting prepped to get this fuel tank to sit in there and uh yeah all right it's fuel tank time got that one out of the crate got it kind of hung in place and willie's going to help me slam her down so this is this right here is going to run about here you can see where this one goes here they go in these little slots here so you got to kind of line me up where it'll go down we're gonna this is good these lines are gonna be tied in there all right you'll probably have to hold it it looks like i need to come that way well there it is sorry i ran out of storage space on the sd card just as it was about ready to go down and i thought it was filming the whole time so i apologize about that but it literally just went straight down right into position i just had to kind of work with these lines right in here and to get those fished in to where they needed to go but uh she's sitting in there now new tank so now the fun begins just putting all the stuff back on yeah you know basically everything that's laying over here so that's a good time all right so we got the fuel tank sitting in there so basically everything we got to do is just reverse order of what how we came apart right so no big deal we'll get all the wiring harnesses and the hoses and the clamps and all that stuff you know i'm pretty sure i know where everything goes it's it's locked up in here but you know i took a couple pictures just to make sure so we'll be able to refer back to our pictures and our our brains and put that thing back together no problem and we'll get the cab slapped on there and you know everything will be good to go appreciate you guys watching i'm kind of blown away by the support of this channel you know we're we're almost reaching 50 000 subscribers we're getting real close so you guys can help me push me over the the edge there to get to 50 000 and uh i think i'm going to do some sort of giveaway when i hit 50 000 and i don't know what that looks like yet and what i'm gonna do but i'd like to give back uh to show you how much i appreciate your guys support and everything so uh if you're interested in becoming a john deere technician you'd like to do you know what you've seen me do here today you know check out the john year ag tech program if you want to really kind of jump into you know more of the diagnostics and learn more of the you know how electrical hydraulic service visor engines transmissions hydraulics everything works you know john deere ag tech program is a really good program to go through but if you're more of a hands-on person you just want to you know jump into a job and learn from an experienced technician maybe you already got experience turning wrenches or you know something like that then maybe the salons apprenticeship program would be more suited for you you know for more of a hands-on learner so check out the links that i'm going to put down in the description for the john deere ag tech program and for the sloane's apprenticeship program and check out you know look at all the cool tractors and combines and john your equipment we have on our website you can also check that out check out sloane express i'm gonna put that link down in there we got all kinds of stuff that's long express that i think you guys will really dig but until next time keep that green iron moving and i'll see you on the next one [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: ZK MasterTech
Views: 198,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, john deere 8R 370, zk mastertech, millennial farmer, larson farms, fuel tank replacement, john deere fuel tank, ZK MasterTech, John deere ag tech program, Sloan apprenticeship program, john deere ag tech, diesel technician
Id: YN4zdqLeu1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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