John Deere 7710 PTO problems

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well here is what we have going on today we've moved tractors around on the mixer wagons we put the 7200 on the mixer in place of the 7720 and we can put thermostats in this and then we put this on this mixer wagon here because we're working on the uh 77 tents we'll help this last load of feed off then we'll show you what we have going on in the shop today we ended up getting the chopper done here yesterday we're going to try to put that away today providing the roads are dry and uh we've got the hammer mill to put a bearing into and we're gonna try to get that put away along with my green truck providing the roads are dry enough so let's go ahead and get this last load of feet dumped off here and we'll get down to the shop [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Applause] alright [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're ready to lift this right off the back of the tractor now i assume that all six of these bolts went all the way through but it's just the upper two that hold this housing on which is a good thing because we're going to be able to hook a clevis into here and we'll just be able to lift that up with the forklift and then we can get the rest of these bolts out i think i've got four or if i've got two i guess i just got two holed here so we'll hook a clevis on this we'll lift it up a little bit and then we'll back it away from the tractor so so [Music] okay so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right we have that very carefully pulled out of there as you can see the back end of the tractor is opened up got the differential inside there and this is the shaft that drives the pto itself and here is the unit here i was able to get it safely flipped over onto this tire here and i've got these four bolts loosened up already and we've got to lift this unit here off so that we can get down into where the shaft is this is the actual driven part of the pto so this is what we're changing right here so we've got to get this thing lifted off in there and then we'll be able to get into the rest of it here oh so foreign [Music] [Music] so so [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] so so all right we are on the reassembly stage here now i ended up replacing the seal so that seals brand new the race that's on the opposite side is new as well and we've got the new shaft assembly which is on the bench here we'll show you what these splines look like in a new uh shaft assembly and this is where the pto shaft is going to come out through the back of the tractor it sticks into this unit here and then this is what the old one looks like so it spun the shaft off the day before christmas we shoved another one in there and there just wasn't enough splines in here i didn't feel um i didn't feel the spines were good enough anyways and and they are they would just spin another shaft off and then once you do that your sol so we had to remove the uh gear from the old shaft and in order to do that i found i found the easiest way to do that is just get a bolt that's long enough and you stick that in the shaft see if i can flip this over uh with one hand here and there's a what there is is a button inside there and it actually changes the uh that pushes the gears together here to either run in 540 or a thousand i forget which is which but i'll have to look at the end of that shaft so you just stick a bolt through that's the appropriate length and then there's a roll pin inside this gear here so what you have to do is you have to push the spring um up through to release this tension on this collar here so if you push that uh down like that it enables you to get to the roll pin and that'll unleash the little pin that's inside there and then you can pull this drive collar off in there and then this roll pin is kind of floating inside this hole right here and without that roll pin removed it will not let allow you to let this disc slide and you need to get this disc slid so that you can get this um drive gear here off now our new shaft is over here and that button i don't remember what the button does if the button does 540 okay so the button when you push the button in the thousand rpm shaft when you push that into the tractor it'll push on that button and it'll make that collar move so that the tractor will only drive the shaft at a thousand rpms and then you could see the end of the 540 shaft when that stuff through the uh tractor that'll allow it to uh spin at a thousand rpm so this is 540 so all you do with these john deere tractors you just flip the shaft over depending on what rpm shaft you're running um now on the 40 and 30 20 30 and 40 series tractors and the 50s and the 55s um they had two shafts you would take one out and then and put one in and alter them alternate them but on the 7010 series 20s 30s yeah and the r series tractor the shaft just uh flips over so we've got a bearing to heat up yet to drop down in there onto that shaft there that's heating up and then we'll start putting this back together here all right we've got the bearing on the bearing heater we're just going to measure the temperature of the bearing temperature of the bearings up to oh like 280 degrees so now what we are going to do is we are going to lift this bearing up and we are just going to drop it uh down onto this shaft here it's actually just going to fall right into place here and there it is we'll let that cool down and then uh that is just gonna kind of seize itself on there because the inner cone of the bearing has expanded some now it's starting to cool it's gonna contract around that uh shaft there so ah we've got one more bearing to heat up now i can send this gear case down and we can kind of start putting everything all back together here so i'm gonna set one more bearing onto that heater there and um we'll get that heating up while we're putting this thing together here so uh all right so this is gonna go in here alright all right there's that [Music] so okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] sleeve bearing there [Applause] so see how slick that is crap turn that disc will ya not this way yeah right there all right there's a couple of dowels that it's going to work on is it wondering if you watch all right we just put our four cap screws in there and now we'll have to wipe that mating surface down and we'll put some jelly on there and then we'll be able to push her right in there how's she rolling now we've got to put this in there and it's going to be a little bit of a challenge with the way it hangs off the back of it we're almost thinking about standing it up get these gents here to hold it and then undo the chain come in underneath it with the forks through the drawbar hole or we can shove the draw bar in it and balance it that way so that we can guide it onto uh the driven shaft here so once we get the shaft lined up the rest of it's kind of easy there's a couple of dowel pins here that are on this housing one on the right hand side and the bottom and then there's another one at the top here so we're gonna go ahead and try to get her lined up on there [Music] so [Music] what about your doll pens are they lining up they're kind of holes lined up [Music] because you guys won't be able to push it because it'll want to go up or down all right very little all right all right now try coming in [Music] now that shaft might be not it might not be lined up on the splines how's our height grab that pto shaft out of there short short little shaft shove it you got to try to line the splines up so you're going to be turned into gear right here you just gotta shove it in there just put it in there all right now you just gotta turn a little bit tim i back up going on up the chain and it breaks the bowl get it on camera all right that took a little bit to get lined up but just right when we were gonna quit and pull it off in there it fell into place and it is good so we just gotta put the rest of the cap screws in and just continue buttoning everything else back up get some oil in it and roll it out the door [Music] all right we're pumping the oil in now we'll be able to start it up in a couple of minutes i ended up taking the suvs right off so that we could get this gearbox on and off the tractor without causing any problems so we've got that all hooked back up i've got a oh i've got to bring the implement plug down and hook that up i've got to put the actual pto guard on we're going to get the oil pumped in then we're going to uh let it run for a little while i've got a brand new uh pto shaft that i'm gonna use so we'll get that in there after we let it run i've got 40 43 quarts in right now so we've almost got enough in it and then we're gonna put it on a manure pump once we get it all going i've got like i said the pto guard to put on gotta slide the draw bar in it gotta bring the implement plug down um get that bolted back i guess that goes right here and then there's also a bracket that holds the third link on there so uh let's see the sight gauge is coming up now so we might as well start the tractor up let it run for a little while there should be enough oil in it right now to let it run and then um we'll make sure we don't have any leaks so so so so all right we just have a few things you have to bought now with 72 ports in it all together um see the oil level is right there right where it needs to be and we'll get the rest of this stuff buttoned up then we'll take this up and we'll put it on the uh manure pump on the front well we've got this tractor all set i was going to put it on the manure pump make sure it's got the 7730 on it i'm just gonna pull this up here and park it out of the way well that's just about gonna do it for this video folks i am in the shop office here right now and the other day i did a video on um the oil change on 95.60 and i briefly talked about this program that i use to keep track of our maintenance records and everything on our equipment this program is called tatum's the only reason why i'm bringing it up now is the designer of this program actually commented in the last video that i did when i briefly talked about it and he said that if there was anybody that was interested in this program and actually mentioned my name or uh that you've seen it on farming fixing fabricating if it was something that you ended up buying or is if it's something that you end up pursuing for your farm or business or whatever he would send you a 50 amazon gift card so this is the chopper page here this is the um equipment summary page here and um this is just a page where i put the serial number in make model and all that crap and then here is the repairs completed um on the chopper now i just put that information in now and i also did the uh work that we did on the um 7710 so this program works really well for us it is it is expensive but um it you know it does a nice job in keeping track of everything and every thing is on the computer so that is going to do it folks i want to thank you for watching and we will catch you at the next video
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 78,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M_n8Iiw9Ax0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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