John Deere 2440 Hi-Lo, PTO, Transmission, Oil Lines Installation

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yeah okay so this is the hi-low rebuild of the 24:14 the reason I'm taking this video is because the book misses you up on how to do this and so I've had this out three times getting everything in here so this is how how you doing it you put the high-low in get it in there then the first thing you have to do is put this tube in so high low tells the book tells you to put the higher low in then it tells you to put the transmission pump on top of the high-low and then put the shaft in and then put all your tubes in that won't work if you do that you're going to be real pissed off like I was yesterday so start over put the high-low in and then you put this tube first this one right here it goes it's got a tube in the back that goes in the case and this tube goes all the way up beside the high-low on the front into the clutch housing into overing hole up there so this tube first then once that tube is in with only the high low end transmission pump not in then you put this tube in then you put this tube in then you put these two tubes in then you put this tube in that's this process okay now this tube here is going to be the one on the top back up here this is all loose just sitting in here okay so you get all those tubes in you will not have this on there you just can have these four tubes up here kind of flop it around without the transmission with you better okay so the transmission pump is not in at this point then you take just the transmission pump housing and you bring it in here it's like it's shaped like this okay shake like this phrase plan on top of bottom wide here you bring it in it just slides in here as soon as you get that far housing the far metal housing part of it flange as soon as you get it in here you turn it 90 degrees up and then you slide it all the way and pass all these pipes and then you'll get it in and be like this they'll get it up here and the top of that flange will be up here and then you have to take each one of these pipes and bring it over the flange over the flange and then once we got over the flange you go in a little farther and then you can rotate it back into position and slide it in and then you'll have it around all these pipes now as you slide that in you need to be make to be mindful that you're going to get this pipe into the hole then this pipe as you're sliding as you rotate this back into position you need to make sure that because this will be laying down this will be laying down as you bring that back around you bring this pipe up and this pipe in as you bring it around and then you'll have these in here these in here and then you only have these three pipes left these are the last tubes you'll have this two is pretty easy it just slides in here that is actually the easiest pipe to put in and then these two will go up front up in here through here so I will get all this buttoned up and then you'll see what it looks like here time work so go ahead turn it off okay so here it is all buttoned up now one thing I had to do was I had to take this plate off this has to come out and these two pipes had to come out and just have to come out because you've got to move this pipe is rock this pipe back this way so you get in there because the bottom righthand bolt that holds the transmission pump on is behind these pipes so take that off you slide this pipe back get in there get that bolt in then after you get the transmission tighten then you can put this on top put these two pipes in this pipe can go in completely from the top of this end just read it right through it'll go right in this hole and then there you are it's all buttoned up everything's buttoned up ready to go ready and there it is that's how you get all the keys back in [Music]
Channel: guy leppin
Views: 50,570
Rating: 4.6716418 out of 5
Keywords: 2440, Hi-Lo, Oil Lines, John Deere, Shop Manual is wrong, Transmission oil pump, PTO
Id: jeHxcVgceeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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