Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Nutritarian vs High Starch diet - Transitioning to WFPB

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hey everybody we are here with dr. joel Fuhrman we're at the National Health Association conference and he has given us some of his time just so generously so we're gonna jump right into a few questions dr. Fuhrman thank you so much right sure we are a group of people that are working on doing it right a lot of us are doing it right and so I was hoping you could start with just a brief description of the nutrient diet generally speaking and lifestyle right well the word nutrit area means a diet rich in micronutrients so the foundational principle here and the most proven methodology to extend to slow aging extend human lifespan is moderate caloric restriction in an environment of micronutrients in other words excess calories shorter lifespan especially empty calories calories have no nutrients in it and shorter lifespan so one ate more nutritional bang for chlorophyll buck and focus on foods that give us some value of some food value to protect our health and all long live societies and all centenarian populations populations that eat 90 percent or more from natural unrefined plant foods that are all rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants so a nutrition diet is really core Monali favorable and it's has a has micronutrient the full symphony of micronutrients we say it's as an excellent explosion of micronutrients boasting the amount and this and the breadth in other words that making sure it has every nutrient that humans need for optimal health in the right amount so we're choosing foods wisely and avoiding processed foods and empty calorie foods such as oils we're getting most of our fat from eating nuts and seeds because nuts and seeds but not just more nutrients but also when we eat oils that are absorbing the bloodstream very very rapidly and when foods are absorbed very rapidly they discombobulated the body's hormones so we make when sugar rushes the bloodstream very rapidly it spikes insulin and insulin is a growth hormone that promotes fat storage promotes angiogenesis and angiogenesis the growth blood vessels to feed the growth of fat on the body and in the processes that fuels the world of tumors and cancers and when facts rushing automatically in a bolus like when you take an oil it feels fat storage and also those oils make us that rush of calories stimulates dopamine production in the brain and gets us more addicted to food and the oils make the carbohydrates we eat more glycemic more unfavorably glycemic so they have so if you're eating a 200 calories of carbohydrates with 100 calories or tonin calories of olive oil with it the carbohydrate calories are more insulin genic they're more insulin promoting more on family was if it all with it now if you had nuts and seeds instead of oil whereas oils increase the appetite make you eat more food nuts and seeds are not old biologically available some of those fat calories are lost in the toilet because the sterols and stanols those fibers and nuts and seeds bind calories and bind fat and pull it out of you and because it absorbs so slowly where the fats come in over three hour period they shut down the APUs tat and the slowly burning calories entering the bloodstream can be burned office or burn for energy as opposed to stored as fat there's a biological difference between food and it's processed state whereas eating food its natural state is like eating an apple versus sugar completely different biological effects because the fiber the pectins the flavonoids shut down the apis taught of course the slowly scenic response and so there's a lot of reasons why natural foods have different biological effects than processed foods so right right so a new treat an arien diet minimizes exposure to process those it minimizes exposure to oils and it minimizes exposure to animal products and we eat instead a large amounts of plant material that's natural especially those g bombs g b om BS greens beans onions mushrooms berries and seeds which are foods that have been shown in medical and scientific studies to dramatically protect against cancer so and also the greens and the onions and the mushrooms and the beans those four foods are particularly protective because they promote the growth of healthy bacteria and the healthy bacteria that they promote it here's to the bio the creases adhere in biofilm that's that coats and sticks to the villi that's the interior warden of the small intestines this finger-like projections that increase the surface of the small tection intestines and the biofilm created by eating those healthy foods create the best most favorable pro-black microbiome or bacteria in the gut and those bacteria slow the absorption of glucose to just attract wall so the low glycemic foods we were like nuts and berries and beans are low glycemic but the moderately low glycemic food like oatmeal and mangoes for example become low glycemic foods when we regularly beans and greens and onions and mushrooms because of the favorable biofilm so our whole diet becomes more quite cynically favorable we eat properly our whole diet becomes less inflammatory when we flood the body with micronutrients the immune system function is better we don't produce the type of bacteria that are built up and it can stay living in your disaster track or a different type of bacteria and we need an unhealthy diet so there's a lot of a whole constellation of reasons why your new tutoring and diet slows the aging process and prevents cancer and prevents heart disease and prevent stroke and it's not just preventative because therapeutically the diet that's designed to be ideal like this also effect enables people to reverse disease and get well from asthma from myalgia headaches digestive disorders and of course earl reverse heart disease reverse high blood pressure reverse diabetes become non diabetic and even reverse many early stage cancers are reversible with this approach okay can you speak to some of the differences or contradictions between a new trait area and say a high starch diet or start your diet well there's really a lot of differences here see there's let us talk about a few difference number one the high carbohydrate or high starch diet what personally without rice and potato and not a lot of beans and greens and nuts is much lower protein okay so it's so it becomes protein unfavorable at the extends of life especially unfavorable and particularly dangerous for toddlers and babies four people have been young children in toddlers when they're growing and it could be it could cause failure to thrive or growth restriction and in the elderly when protein bioavailability go down it could lead to a GF one dropping too low and could lead to frailty and increasing the risk of even cancer or heart disease as igf-1 could drop too low so excess igf-1 from too much animal protein is dangerous but a diet that could be marginally lower protein can be dangerous for some people that are susceptible to that so that's so that's one reason but what we know from the scientific literature unquestionably without controversy is that as we rev up more nuts and seeds in the diet we don't just see less cardiovascular deaths we also see less cancer deaths because you because these bahai phytochemicals cancer protective phytochemicals are absorbed ten times better when there's more fat present in the meal so when you and so the starch diet is too heavy and grains and potatoes are not getting the why exposure to anti-cancer phytochemicals like green vegetables and berries and dot's and beans and I think a full enough with that symphony of phytochemicals but they're not about the final chemicals they are exposed to that are absorbing them well increasing the risk of cancer increasing and making the diet more inflammatory shortening lifespan what I'm saying is right now in the Adventist Health Study published in the early 2000s like two thousand one and two thousand two thousand five showed that those vegans who didn't eat nuts and seeds did not live as long as vegans who ate more nuts and seeds and it showed that those non vegans who ate some regular consumption of alphonse weight nuts and seeds live longer than the vegans who didn't eat nuts and seeds the longest there were the vegans who ate nuts and seeds now in the file for that study they invent this Health Study - which came out in 2018 just a few months ago it showed that people who ate more nuts and seeds had a 40% lower risk of cardiovascular death compared to people eating smaller amounts of nuts and seeds they show both that in the seventh in the Memphis Health Study - it showed that more meat went for more cardiovascular deaths more meat proteins and more nut protein more nuts made for less cardiovascular deaths by a huge amount among people that were eating relatively healthfully and we'll see this not just one study we have a meta-analysis of 39 studies involving about I think it's about 3,000 deaths we're talking about large numbers of people like you know 200,000 people in a study you know many many thousands of deaths analyzing their deaths finding that that regular consumption of nuts and seeds dramatically decreases both cardiovascular deaths and all cause mortality so trying to control you weight by restricting fat by cutting out nuts and seeds is like going because of lots way we can lose weight mm-hmm there's less we can eat just Twinkies to lose weight or just a white just a rice diet that was the counter diet which with nothing but rice to lose weight but follows people 2030 is gonna have more cancer because they're not exposed to enough anti-cancer protective foods just being on a Twinkie diet or cookie diet may cause you to lose weight it's sick of eating cookies you can watch cookies can you eat you don't eat less calories look a little better but those are short and short soft endpoints for a study to have more credence one of the large numbers of people going on for many decades doesn't get hard endpoints like death for heart attacks of cancer and all the studies the meta-analysis of more than 40 different studies so that adding nuts and seeds to a diet regularly more than even if in other words having you know a half an ounce with lunch and a half an ounce with dinner to facilitate the absorb of the phytochemicals and a half an ounce with breakfast having one and a half to two and a half ounces a day we not just restricting your fat calories and restricting putting more of those nut calories in and taking out more of the processed or the cooked carbohydrate calories is gonna make the diet make you age slower and make you much more protective against both heart disease and cancer so a diet that removes the nuts and seeds for the fear being the fact is increasing your risk of heart cardiac arrhythmia sudden cardiac death and cardiovascular death and that's unquestionably can't be denied it's nights one study repeating another study and repeated another sleep repeated multiple studies so the same thing so that's one difference the other difference is that the foods that show the most protection against that a lifespan enhancing and cancer protective are green vegetables and we gotta eat a diet high in green vegetables including you know raw onion and raw and some raw cruciferous like watercress arugula raw kale so we want to eat a lot of green vegetables we want to walk vegetables and cook them for and conservatively cooked and not to blow it all the nutrients and a lot of these diets are heavily cooked and everything the nutrients are lost in cooking people are eating mostly cooked foods and cooked starches and their diet you know on a diet with less nutrients without as much anti-cancer foods and without as much absorbability kids not healthier than a diet that's has healthier foods in it a diet that's not as healthy is not as healthy so people want to believe what they want to believe based on predetermined notion biases and all types of favored eating styles but you like what you get used to eating and why not make the diet ideal for lifespan and then using those parameters make it taste great and make them to do our recipes and I have you know so many new trataron chefs and famous news Rotarians chefs around the world now making making it taste incredibly delicious and you adapt to and you really like the dye you get used to eating so whether you think you like this diet like that that better diet better that's kind of irrelevant right now think about what's best for your long-term health if you want to live an age slower and live to be 100 years old and then see if you can learn how to love that diet make it taste great and that's what we've done over the last three decades we've made a new trattoria diet taste phenomenal so people love it now and so I'll repeat the most proven methodology to extend lifespan is moderate caloric restriction an environment of micronutrient excellence that's it moderate caloric restriction we're not looking for fans to speed up the metabolic rate now I'm not going to cut out fat so you can eat more volume of food we're not trying to have people say I'm never hungry here's much as I want I'm never hungry I'm still losing weight that's not the goal you don't you if you're never hungry you're not eating right because that means you're chronically still overeating if you're never hungry we want people to be hungry sometimes we want people to not keep eating flew over time so they get hungry that means you you weren't over in it means it didn't keep eating over them they're always not hungry because you're chronically overeating we're not looking for ways to speed up the metabolic to people anymore food a not get fat we want to moderately caloric restrict so we can slow down the amount of metabolic rate a little bit so people can eat less food not get too thin because the slower metabolic rate is linked to slowing in the aging process and that's the secret to aging slow and keeping a youthful vitality as you get older so it's completely the opposite of what people think out there right many people that I work with in the group think that they're gonna switch their diet and everything is gonna change in three days and they're gonna feel great but you spoke tonight about some of the side effects when you immediately switch to a nutrient diet and it would be great to review those because so many people are thinking oh I feel terrible on day three and I'm gonna go back to what I was doing when you feel the worst right that's when people feel the worst so if you stop narcotics you stop smoking cigarettes did one day is stopped it's kind of a little that's not feeling good it's tolerable it's really bad on day two and really bad on day three that's when people fall back and go back to smoking again - and the more toxic you are and the more and healthier diet is the more discomfort you have when you try to eat healthfully the healthier you are the less you're gonna feel uncomfortable you try to eat even healthier you know because you there's two phases of digestion there's the anabolic phase and we're anabolic means to build that's who year while you're eating and digesting food you're in a building phase and the livers busy absorbing and storing and then when you finish digestion you're in a catabolic phase you're breaking down and living off of what was stored and that's what the liver can it can enhance its D conjugating toxins removal to make the water soluble the kitty can excreting getting rid of the extra ammonia turning into urea and uric acids the kidney PEP it out removing advanced glycation end-products and we pretend so in other words your body is more effectively healing and repairing and removing waste products more effectively in the non feeding non digesting state so the body needs that time but it's not eating enough digesting food the more you so when people are thinking they're gonna eat food all day long and keep snacking to keep the metabolic rate up that's the opposite of what they should do for longevity we want them to eat food as infrequently as possible so they spend time in non digestive state so the body can actively catch up on its repair and cannot and remove toxins and when you're eating a healthy diet when you go into the non feeding catabolic phase you feel great you feel nothing until the point when you're stored glycogen starts to diminish and then you need to eat again you get a signal to eat which is true hunger felt in the neck and throat which makes food taste great it's not shaking this it's not fatigue it's not weakness it's not stomach cramping it's not Hagee those are symptoms of withdrawal for poor diet so people coming off a standard diet have to overeat and they have to eat too frequently and too much just not to feel ill if they don't keep overeating they'll feel ill when you focus on nutritional quality which enables the body to remove so much metabolic and toxic waste products then you're not eating food you're not feeling ill at all you're not feeling tired you're not needing food to stimulate yourself to keep your energy up food shouldn't you shouldn't be tired from not eating huh feeling fatigued is not a symptom hunger you can get up in the morning and skip breakfast in at the webinar clock you could go to the gym and go plop I'm a tennis match or go okay you should be just as strong whether the food or without food you know eventually gonna get hungry but hunger is not fatigue you know if you but in any case the point I'm making right now is that you're never connected with the instinctual drive telling you how much to eat unless you focused on the nutritional quality of your diet so when I'm saying that people should moderate calorically be strict they don't have to try to go around hungry they just have to eat a lot of vegetables and a lot of beans and nuts because the because part of the calories and beans are resistance starch that is not biologically accessible to the body it's resistant to enzymatic degradation so the calories are lost in the toilet bowl so when you feel like you're eating 200 calories of means you're not getting 200 calories in so it shut down your app a stat by 200 calories but then when she suggests them 200 calories didn't come in you stop the eating because you felt like out 200 calories but you any relate 200 calories when you need cousin scenes the same things happen because some of the fat and nuts and seeds binds so tightly to the spiders to the sterols and stanols that the fact is sucked down into the toilet bowl and so you feel like you're eating in 200 calories the apis that is turned down by 200 calories but you're only taken in 175 or so um again you're not only caloric restricting so the raw vegetables the same way all their calories are not biologically accessible so we're talking here about instinctual eating not recreational eating not eating when you're not hungry not addictive eating habits and the whole event almost the entire American population our food addicts they're not gonna feel well if they try to stop eating that rich diets if I'm coming off a standard American diet how to how much time how patient should I be how much time is it gonna take before I'm feeling really well again on the proper nutrient diet it usually takes six days six or seven days to feel better okay however that's you don't feel ill anymore you start to feel normal but there's a secondary feeling that comes with feeling even better than that a few months later and sometimes it takes longer to live the brain fog and get more get more concentration more focus and more creativity and that usually happens a few months later and sometimes people have a secondary episode of detoxification that occurs once more nutrients are flooded to the body but they start to feel a little fatigued and a little bit of uncomfortable that occurs you know between two and four weeks after the diet change but that's much more minor and it's not as usually dramatic sensation as the first day two and A three and a four it is you know but then they so and also with any addiction it's the same thing take a person who is ill you know cocaine or opiates they put them in these centers for three months because they know it takes about three months for them to lose their tolerance and they lose it so they and it's the normal craving and no long as you lose an emotional attachment to the to the to the dopamine receptors in the brain are tuned down you want the dope menu you're looking for another way to stimulate dopamine a lot of these drug addicts go we want to sugar become sugar addicts okay you know what is the same thing so what I'm saying right now is that being a sugar and being a fast-food at it in many cases can lead to drug addiction an illegal drug addiction and crime I'm saying is that the American diet gets people addicted to food and the food is the gateway drug to more serious criminal behavior people aren't recognizing how food affects the brain and that today we have one in five Americans of mentally ill in hundred years ago is one one hundred Americans were mentally ill and people are popping pills from anxiety and depression and they're becoming angry and violent and aggressive and and no and they can't think do their careers or be creative and think logically and their primary motivation for living becomes fleeing their addiction feeling that food addiction feeling their mouth living from one meal the next and their whole meal is there life is derived around food and they become obese and become diabetic and they cut short their life one of the really fascinating topics that you cover thoroughly and fast for genocide is about food deserts but also an inner city and some of the race related issues around food and lack of nutritive food can you speak to that a little bit it's really a fascinating topic that you I haven't really you know been exposed to until I read your book thank you yeah I you know what it's funny because you know I always felt uncomfortable in medical school when they were teaching us that black Americans had so much higher risk of prostate cancer of stroke of diabetes and poor educational achievement in all as if they they were teaching in a manner as if genetics affect disease risk so much that black Americans are genetically more vulnerable to these diseases like diabetes and strokes and dementia and intellectual impairments and things like that I have never set totally well with it now I had learned is how you can overdo the studies and rent reviewed everything that it's not true it's a form of there's a form of actual form of bigotry there that I went back to this to the history of when when black Americans were first freed after the Civil War now they had growing their own gardens and had vegetable Expos and vegetables they were actually eating more vegetables a lot of the poor white Caucasian Americans with who are they called the 3m diving a diet of largely cornmeal and molasses and meats and pork and their diet was niacin deficient and they derived a lot of a lot of mental problems and emotional problems anymore and that's where the original term rednecks came from cuz when you were nice and efficient of course palabra develop a redneck and you develop suicidal and homicidal and violent and become more aggressive and it's and and and the american health system back then in american physicians didn't recognize niacin as being the deficiency has been the cause of ladrĂ³n they didn't know as a nutritional issue they thought these were genetic inferiority they thought that these poor whites were genetically inferior and these diseases were genetic of the of becoming more likely to propensity for violence and and poor intellectual achievement intellectual filament later to the relator that their diet we're doing the same thing today we're blaming the blenheim we had the violence the Jim Crow laws though and the explosion of violence against black populations driving them into the northern into northern cities we didn't have access to vegetables any more than you had World War two one in World War two where we have the invention of processors and fast foods and convenience foods that have local shelf life and then we have convene oh and fast foods and can be in storing the streets but in any case we had populations without the exposure to produce will have sufficient exposure to be able to purchase fresh vegetables and fresh produce and they suffered greatly from those nutritional problems which affected them intellectually and emotionally and the point I'm making right now is it's not the color of your skin by shown in fast-food genocide that if we look at a particular population based on their food availability around where they're being raised or being are living that the food availability term ins their health and determines their emotional outlook and the risks of these diseases were talking about and for example after the Civil War the black American is one of the most centenarians and then achieved educational and and and and capitalist improvements and then look succeeding it was until they started living in the inner cities with lack of access to food but any population you put with that food deprivation is going to is going to start to have more cancer and less educational achievement and more people resorting to drug use of all those problems we developed so this is a food issue it's a societal issue and our country is founded on this idea of the American dream equal opportunity and the fact that we have a such a a country of tremendous resources that enables us to have a great opportunity and great health if we have exposure to food good food and we it's it's as Americans we I want this information to get out I'm so passionate about it because we have to give all children and all people the right opportunity for good health and for creativity and intellectual achievement and a good life and we could do it we could we could give people it's what Mayor Bloomberg tried to do in New York with the with the food vendor is taking food stamps and taking credit card on the streets with the with the vegetable carts it's what an end and it's amazing because it worked in and they gave them an economic incentive for supermarkets to open up and food and what we considered food deserts and we saw people started living longer lease or disease rates go down and we saw a drug use and smoking rates go down as well people spend less smoking and so when there's the right constellation of factors and we can help people more and I lecture in areas of the inner city and in the white ivory towers thinking oh they're not going to embrace this nobody we're going to eat healthy anyway while you're wasting your time don't even tell people I'm reversing diabetes I just want to eat the fast foods it's not true they see the destruction of people's lives both physically and emotionally all around them they recognized that they when it's explained to them and it's taught to them they can become enthusiastically passionate about changing their diet because they see people dropping dead do you know scientists actually show that there's so much obesity and diabetes in some of these food deserts but the average years of potential life lost can is forty five years of life lost comparing an obese diabetic person living in a food desert compared to a person with good food access living in a suburb like Boulder Colorado or something showing that average age of 90 average age of 45 that's a calf for your life is cut short because of food exposure take this in person put them in that environment the lives be 90 not 45 I'm blue all right I could talk to you all night but I want to hit one last topic and that is you spoke tonight about the metaphor of putting the oxygen mask on yourself and then getting out and spreading the word how do you see the momentum now with social media like the work I'm doing what do you see and any recommendations on what could be done better to spread the word better etc well yeah I mean I'm I do think that more people are understanding that you are what you eat the idea that we can just put anything in our body and not pay a price for it is ridiculous our brain and that are that these foods affect our waistline don't affect our brain function is ridiculous we're seeing more suicides we're seeing more violence we're seeing people shooting other people with guns and who's connecting this with the junk food diet people are eating we've got a you know so so where our society is really moving in the wrong direction and certainly this type of thing that you're doing other people are doing are great and that's what might you know people have to be able to understand and articulate and we have to get the media has to be exposed to it we have to get politicians and teachers and the school system exposed to it and we have to get celebrities exposed to this so they can speak up everybody has to come with more people getting together and every person has a role to play in improving their own health as a role model and the communities and the friends and neighbors and their families and that's the only way this is gonna work with spreads from the bottom up across all of America so we have two people to able to understand it articulate it and to be able to change the what we've been doing for the last 50 years right thank you so much dr. Furman for your time dr. Fuhrman's latest book fast food genocide I'll put a link in the description thank you so much for your time and your great work my pleasure I look forward to a lot more in the future [Music]
Channel: Well Your World
Views: 189,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fast food genocide, vegan, sos free, oil free, health, lifestyle, diet, nutritarian, fuhrman, wyw, dillon holmes, vegetarian, whole food, plant based, wfpb, interview, minorities, mental health, food deserts, urban, inner city, starch, junk, processed, salt, sugar, starchivore, mcdougall, starch solution
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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