Off stage Interview 2020 - Author: Joel Fuhrman - Reversing Disease With Nutritional Excellence

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already we are rolling in your introduction the fast-food genocide what did you mean by we are participants in our own destruction well clearly the title of the book fast for genocide implies that we're having a major effect on creating increased risk of increased tragedy across our country in the modern world with the explosion of fast-food industry I mean I think a lot of people are aware that the risk of diabetes and obesity has climbed these foods are technologically designed to get people hooked and addicted 100 years ago one in 100 Americans were mentally ill today it's one in five Americans in mentally ill and though people are recognizing the link between commercial baked goods and fast food and obesity diabetes heart disease and cancer I don't think very very few people or enough people are recognizing the link between fast food and commercial baked goods and mental illness intellectual dysfunction intellectual impairment dementia even anger increased violence and inability to think creatively logically and compassionately what I'm saying is is that this ubiquitous exposure to these foods have made a tremendous amount of food addiction in the modern world and food addiction now kills more people than drug addiction and food addiction doesn't just lead to the diseases of excess calories it also leads to the ability to think clearly we're meeting your addictions becomes the driving service to your primitive brain and your cerebral brain is no longer the controller of your actions you're not as compassionate and kind and thoughtful and logical and you're into the ability to think clearly is affected by meeting your dopamine needs of the brain now and so it has a negative effect on the future of our society the future our planet and certainly an inordinate amount of medical tragedy there's suffering and suffering is occurring that people aren't looking at or recognizing one of the most important nutritional supplements that everyone should take are there any others that vegans need to be especially careful to make sure they cake well when we're looking at nutritional supplements the most important thing I think is to not take supplements that could be dangerous and we know that there are certain petrochemical or synthetic supplements that are very popular and particularly dangerous like folic acid which is folic acid is even advertised by health authorities to be necessary to prevent neural tube defects which is kind of ridiculous colorful plant foods particularly green vegetables and beans are super high in folate what I'm saying right now is that folate is not biologically the same compound as folic acid people need a healthy diet the blood levels of folate are much higher than normal and not deficient they're more than adequate they're excellent nobody needs to take folic acid eating right a good diet this idea that people should be taking folic acid prevent you know prevent disease and neural tube defects is sparking an explosion in childhood cancers and enables people to think it's okay and don't have to think of eating green vegetables they get the folate they just can take the supplement what I'm saying right now is these modern supplements like folic acid like vitamin A often called acetal and retinol palmitate even isolated vitamin E fragments beta-carotene and a few others actually are particularly harmful and I'm saying right now that we have to get our folate from vegetables not from supplements and this and there's a lot of reasons why this idea that were fortifying all this food with folic acid is particularly dangerous and linked to increased risk of breast and prostate cancer that said as we move towards more healthy plant foods in our diet and minimize animal products there are certain nutrients that we don't get exposed to as much that have beneficial effects on human lifespan metabolism and aging in the brain the one everybody knows about is b12 and when we're on a vegan diet or close to a vegan diet our b12 needs are elevated over and above a person who's eating animal products regularly because we only could absorb a little b12 at one time so if we're taking it only once a day neither the larger exposure to make sure we get enough so that's the main factor but now there's a lot of a lot new of new research information showing that low DHA levels and low omega-3 index is linked to lowered cognitive impairment and shrinkage to the brain with aging and there's been numerous studies I should say all the studies looking at this issue have shown that as the omega-3 index the levels of DHA and your tissues go down with a go down and are low for many years of course you're increased risk of both cognitive impairment and brain shrinkage is evident proportional to the low levels of DHA and that could be a person's risk notches from being a vegan but just not eating any fish not eating any omega-3 containing foods like having a burger based diet or a pizza based diet could be just as damaging but the answer isn't really to add the fish oil to the burger because you know because these foods also cause dementia in another from other direction after real sclerosis causes dementia lack of phytochemicals and antioxidants causes dementia in other words my I advocate a nutri terian diet which means a wide array of natural plant nutrients and a high amount of micronutrient and phytochemical density which is so protective against dementia but it's possible to still eat a protective diet and because of the genetic differences from one person to another to have levels of DHA that are too low and by supplementing that we're assuring people don't get into trouble my 30 years of experience with this taking care of tens of thousands of patients have shown that a lot of the vegan community that I've cared for as a patient has because had caught this impairment or dementia as they got older and it may be I may be seeing that because they lived so long because they got that they wouldn't have seen it if they died at a normal age between 80 and 90 because they lived in their late in their 90's we're seeing more dementia and my goal is to have people unable to push the envelope of youth and longevity live to be 95 205 and still have the full mental faculties intact therefore we follow that omega-3 index people who don't want to take the DHA to protect the brain should at least be conservatively cautious and check up a blood test to make sure their levels are not exceedingly low and I'm suggesting that the studies show that below five-year at some increased risk above five without supplementation probably safe below four difficut increased risk and to let your levels run below four and not do anything about it it's just you know probably is just irresponsible we have to be careful with our advice to make sure we don't get any people in trouble as we enthusiastically are excited about all the other benefits of plant-based eating so those are the main the main issues here b12 but there's some indication that some people could be low in iodine if not eating seafood or seaweed some other people could be might be low in vitamin D if not out the Sun enough you know especially live within living indoors with clothing on all the time and avoiding the Sun from skin cancer so there are other issues we should be concerned about so it's a two-edged sword with any nutrient both being deficient and having an excessive amount can be harmful there's a sweet spot in the middle so just because studies show that too much of vitamin D or taking vitamin D to a synthetic might cause harm doesn't mean allowing your deficiency is okay either because people on on who take both sides of these issues don't look at these issues without bias they kind of try to reinforce their viewpoints by showing some studies that showed excess is bad or that or other people show they're taking more is better but what I'm I'm trying to look at all these studies in a comprehensive manner and we pretty much always see that a mill ground is most conservative and appropriate not taking to high levels of things and not letting them get deficient and we want so we want to be careful of watching for the potential for certain deficiency in a plant-based diet and there's some indication even that zinc may be beneficial for people as they age because if you're not gonna have a heart attack or a stroke then another leading cause of death for me from centuries ago is pneumonia another infection and zinc absorption goes down with aging and on a plant-based diet you only absorbed about 20% of the zinc in the food compared to 80% animal products so it may be the case that zinc is also a nutrient that is beneficial to supplement especially as we age on a plant-based diet well know more in the future is more studies are done right now we've got to make the best decisions with the data we have available today why do some people make it to 90 years old in good health while not following your dietary recommendations you know it's very rare that people make it to 90 years old in good health even in that even in the Blue Zones the majority of death is not doesn't get to 90 years old they usually die but you know around me between 85 and 88 so nice Oh most people do not make it and there's always the that everything's a bell-shaped curve the bell-shaped like at the bottom of the Bell yet some person lives to be 95 but every one of those there's one that side of 65 - you know what I mean so we've scattered the Bell around 80 years old around 80 and somebody lived 20 years less and some of the 20 years to you more but most are but most people died obviously between the 75 and 85 or between 70 and and you know 80 70 10 years more 10 years less between 70 and 90 of the most people died but they don't usually have good health most Americans suffer tremendously and have the we have the worst healthy life expectancy of any population in the world in this country where people are not having a full physical and mental capacity not enjoying their life and have needless medical tragedies in their golden years or not golden is all they're kind of filled with suffering now what I'm saying right now is what we see in nutrit areand diet do and what I've seen it do is it it doesn't just shift the bell 20 years over moving that Bell from a centering around 80 descending on 100 but it narrows the Bell because a diet rich in green vegetables not the colorful plants has a ability to suppress genetic alterations that could lead to cancer and other problems and meaning that people we don't see people having other why differences we kind of allow people even with dough genetic genetic weaknesses to live a long time so it pushes the bell later it narrows the bell and gives most of us the ability to the role longer life without the risks and having the problems development later life that could ruin their help your health and happiness so a nutri terian diet I'm suggesting is giving us an unprecedented opportunity in human history to take the best of the Blue Zones not to duplicate a Blue Zone diet because they all have their flaws they're just eating what people haven't eaten those areas but tech but to look at the best of those and to incorporate that with modern nutritional science picking out the foods of the most powerful anti-cancer effects the most powerful anti dementia effects and coupling that of core with the rights with conservative supplementation to protect us as we age there was the best ability to the long healthy life so now we have a very high probability not a guarantee but a very high probability of living a long healthy life without before in the medical tragedies that befall other Nargis what can we do to prevent dementia or Alzheimer's some one called Alzheimer's type 3 diabetes and said all the things that cause diabetes also lead to Alzheimer's do you agree yes I agree with that even though it's an overly simplistic and somewhat distorted statement it's correct however that the causes of diabetes also causes Alzheimer's but there are other causes of Alzheimer's not included in that in other words we're saying that when you have high insulin and high glucose levels glucose spikes destroy brain cells and eating commercial baked goods in highly glycemic diet as a high glycemic load has been shown to increase risk of breast cancer by 87% and quantico and lose brain function in intimate and cognitive no brain shrinkage so yes it's known that diabetics have higher rates of Alzheimer's and higher rates of depression and also higher rates of cancer we know a diet that makes you gain weight and makes your Sugar's high also destroys the brain but that's not the only cause of brain shrinkage atherosclerosis lack of blood flow to the brain eating a diet high in cholesterol I in saturated fat accelerates dementia not eating these high nutrient antioxidant and phytochemical containing plants the brain is a you has a huge demand for phytochemicals and antioxidants and not eating sufficient the these foods I call G bombs GB o MBS greens beans onions mushrooms berries and seeds and even Tomatoes we're highlighting foods that are rich in brain protective nutrients and cancer protective nutrients people eat regularly so we want to widen the diets a large exposure to phytochemicals not consume foods that are hormonal e unfavorable or glycemic ly unfavorable like pasta white bread you know I always say the white of the bread sooner you're dead I always tell people that obviously we want to eat most of our carbohydrates from foods that are moderately to low glycemic and the most favorable carbohydrate our beans for example when you put a diabetic and you switch them from white flour products like bread and pasta onto intact whole grains like steel-cut oats or quinoa switching from we see diabetes risk go down by 30% but when they switch from whole grains to beans we see another 30% reduction in diabetic risk what I'm saying right now that's a 60% total reduction in risk beans are the most favorable carbohydrate when we're looking at glycemic load and it's not that people can't have grains or even a potato but we want to structure the diet so we're getting sufficient amount of vegetables nuts and seeds and beans and holding the more higher glycemic carbohydrates to fill in lower amount a lower amount of our total caloric portfolio we don't want to have our diet be mostly filled up of our caloric portfolio with foods that are higher glycemic furthermore when we eat greens and beans and onions and mushrooms those four foods I'm saying to raw foods the raw foods are the Guru green vegetables and the raw onions and to cooked foods meaning the cooked beans and the cooked mushrooms you particularly thicken the microbe the you build a beneficial microbiome with a biofilm that covers the villa in the small intestines with the most favorable intact protection which slows the glucose absorption through the digestive tract wall from anything you eat so when you had that mango in the morning for breakfast the glue the glycemic effect of that mango was lowered because you're a regular bean and green vegetable and onion consumer so having the favorable bacteria in the gut occurs from a high fiber high nutrient diet particularly eg bombs and scientists call that the second meal effect the second meal effect means even that next meal will you had the oatmeal with some raisins in it and whereas a mango or banana glycemic effect of that meal is lowered because the day before you had your bean soup and your salad so we've learned so much about nutritional science in the last decade and we've have we can help people have learn the information to maximize their health and when you eat a diet to maximize your longevity and health you know what happens it becomes very effective to reverse disease it becomes therapeutically effective so now people doesn't just prevent diabetes but they reverse diabetes pretty quickly they reverse heart disease effectively they reverse early stage cancers as you know we've been occuring an autoimmune condition including things like asthma and far myalgia and chronic migraines go away but even serious autoimmune conditions like psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and host of colitis people are able to achieve complete recoveries and that's the beauty of this and and so satisfying to the physician working with these people because now we have the tools enabling complete recoveries compared to the conventional physician just giving people drugs drugs which result in a higher risk of cancer and other serious side effects what I'm saying right now is that you pay a price when you use a drug approach to get well even even blood pressure medications are a source with high rates of cancer but the drugs used for autoimmune disease are particularly dangerous it's shortening people's lifespan so you have signing a pact with the devil to get a little better now where the result is you're gonna shorten your life and get cancer down the road is there a better way are people getting informed consent are they told that possibly they could reverse their disease with nutritional excellence and avoid the need for drugs that we know cause cancer and that's why that's what I'm so excited about and my mission is to give people that informed consent to let them know there's this option because I'm telling people you don't have to be sick and nutritional excellence is a hundred times more therapeutically effective at getting people back to normal from serious diseases than just going to doctor and taking drugs or what do you eat for lunch and dinner every day you know I try to follow my own advice for lunch because lately I've been telling people to have a big salad for lunch every single day get in for lunch because lunch is a B is the most important meal of day and then have a bowl of vegetable bean soup with it your beans in during lunch vegetable bean soup or chili or a stew with beans in it or if you're not doing that put some beans on the salad at least and then I make a dressing for the salad made from nuts and seeds not oil because oil is too fattening it's 120 calories a tablespoon it absorbed very rapidly and it gives and and it causes you to interfere with losing weight whereas nuts and seeds the calories absorbed more gently they facilitate the absorption of phytochemicals effectively into the body from the vegetables and are associate with low rates of heart attacks low rates of cancer and low rates of all cause mortality when people make that switch from oil-based dressing to a dressing where the fat component comes from nuts and seeds instead of oil we see dramatic enhances and life expectancy healthy life expectancy and likes an overall lifespan that lunch is so important I'll repeat again a big salad with some cruciferous vegetables on top raw like arugula or cabbage or something like that of kale and salad or baby bok choy or some sprouts maybe tomatoes maybe some onion family roar like scallion or a red arrest little red onion slice then with a healthy dressing and that's my specialty so to speak is showing people how to make these really healthy dressings to make salad tastes great and I put our cookbooks and I have thousands of recipe on my website where people rate the recipes and give them stars and it's exciting to see that people really feel that this way of eating is not just protecting their health but it but they're excited about the taste the flavor and the delicious recipes we offer people okay so then dinner we want to be somewhat of a lighter meal in an earlier meal so maybe it's a cooked vegetable dish with a frozen fruit dessert maybe it's some raw vegetables of the dip maybe it's some leftovers we want people not to go to bed on a full stomach not to pig out at dinner time not to eat heavy hard to digest foods not to go to bed with food in your stomach that's the secret they're learning from of these what we're learning from nutritional science that that extends human lifespan is sleep without digesting finish digesting eat during the day and don't eat at night and don't digest at night you get much more benefit from the anti-aging lifespan and hansung effects of sleep if you can affect finish digesting your food for the day before you go to sleep at night we want people to either early or dinner get done eating by 5:00 or 6:00 o'clock and if they can't I get home late at night and I have to eat it just eat something light do not eat a heavy meal before a bedtime so breakfast maybe some steel-cut oats with some hemp seeds and flax and berries or maybe a glass of vegetable juice or a green smoothie lunch we know as a salad the soup dinner may be a mixed vegetable walk you know or cooked vegetables in some way with a some frozen fruit dessert or something lot of a lot of options of foods that you can eat that are healthy but keep that lunch fixed to get that big salad and shoe it really well and don't eat heavy at night those are the most important things which fats and oils do we want to avoid and which do we want to consume and what's the basis for your opinion well that's what I've been talking about here already in this interview and in many of my lectures that is a tremendous biochemical and biological difference between walnut oil and walnuts and pistachio oil and raw pistachio nuts and sesame oil and sesame seeds what I'm saying right now there's no nutritional scientists in the world could argue that the oil from that particular food is more nutritious or healthier than eating the whole food in its intact form when you eat the whole food in its intact form you get a host of additional benefits and you get less calories and because these foods are rich in sterols and stanols that bind fat it makes all the calories not biologically available so you get less calories from a hundred calories of nuts when you do from a hundred calories of nut oil do you follow me 100 calories of nuts doesn't give you 100 calories you lose some of them in the stool when those fibers suck the fat into the toilet bowl they pull along with it saturated fats and LDL cholesterol these fat magnets from nuts and seeds attract the negative fats the oxidized fats that can increase the risk of inflammation heart disease so they're effective and they're effective at preventing heart disease they have beneficial nutrients that protect cancer and they facilitate absorption of antioxidants and phytochemicals so what I'm saying right now is that the biggest marketing success in human history is probably convincing the world's population that oil is a health food oil is not a health food it's a major contributor to obesity it gives people a rapid intake of concentrated calories and it prevents them from losing weight so even though olive oil may not be as heart attack causing a bar but as butter or lard or cochlear or though the cholesterol effects of evening in coconut oil even though olive oil may have some benefits we don't buy a car by comparing it to a junkyard wreck we want the best and we're just because olive oils better than butter and show some benefits it doesn't mean that it's as good as eating walnuts sesame seeds or pistachio nuts a matter of fact the Accord study showed just that there was some benefit when people ate more olive oil instead of eating another fats they were eating but when they switched the olive oil to nuts there were a huge amount of further bet cardiovascular benefits what I'm saying right now is it's a different way of thinking about food it's making address you know a sauce or a coating for your bread instead of margarine or oil we're using a garlic nutter made with roasted garlic mix little hemp seeds and maybe a few cashews blended together to put on our pita pocket stuffed with a portobello mushroom some sprouts and red onion and some delicious pesto sauce or something what I'm saying is it's a different way of thinking and cooking and it results in incredible desserts that we make like banana and ice cream I call it made with frozen banana and really some macadamia nuts or some walnuts with a little real vanilla bean powder delicious weak but good for you as opposed to pouring oil on your food and pouring sugar on your food and you know what when you take the oil out oils and not only does it rich in calories make it preventing you from losing weight but it's an appetite stimulant it makes you want to eat more food one reason we want the salt and oil and sugar out of the diet is because salt oil and sugar drives the overconsumption of calories and feeds people's food addictions and makes them into a calorie consuming monster if we didn't have 8090 percent of a population being overweight would be as big a issue but how do you have an overweight person and tell them that oil is good for them because oil because you have a rapid influx of fat calories it stops lipolysis it stops the break and a fat your not burning that oil for energy you're putting storing it so much oil into the bloodstream when you have nuts and seeds because the calories into the bloodstream so slowly one or two calories a minute anybody preferentially burns it for energy doesn't have to store it as fat when you're consuming oil you're storing calories as fat on your body what I'm saying right now as radical as this sounds I'm saying olive oil increases risk of breast cancer reason I'm saying that in other cancers like prostate cancer reason I'm saying that is because saying that the overconsumption of these oils and the idea that these oils coconut oil and olive oil are good for us has kept people needlessly overweight and the extra fat on their body causes cancer fat cells are pathologic and excess fat on the body is cancer-causing and you're not if you're not gonna likely get that weight off and get to the lean you you should get to unless you cut out that all that salt and oil and sugar out of your diet can we really become heart attack proof is there a way to become dementia proof for cancer proof yes it depends on what you mean by the definition proof it's a little bit of an exaggerated term because there are some people who've eaten poorly their whole life and at what point did they make the switch is it gonna be a hundred percent protection I know the protection may be a hundredfold that I'm taking medications and we could probably become 99% heart attack proof but there still will be some rare individuals that can still have a heart attack on a healthy diet because of likely the way they ate in their prior life and they've developed some calcifications and some other scar tissue in their heart that may crack or fissure or have some damage down the road we can't guarantee that with a hundred percent certainty but we can guarantee that that would be an exceedingly rare occurrence and you can almost make yourself heart attack proof you follow me and then the same thing is true with cancer really cancer was a bizarre disease and we want to stack the odds in our favor and we'd reasonably can't be cancer proof like we take a to smoke cigarettes for 30 years we take them off cigarettes and 15 years later the risk of developing lung cancer goes down almost to a person who never smokes but there's still some tiny risk there and there's some time you know tiny infant testamental risk from getting some disease that once a person's eating healthy but it becomes infinitesimally and the early young life you start eating healthy and what ideally I'm advocating of course which is not really gonna happen that quickly is that everybody eats healthy what they get from birth so when you're born your parents ate healthy before they had you so when you were living as an egg in there from your mother's body you were getting a healthy nutritional exposure when you were just an egg then we're going to really see the ability to wipe out cancers and win the war on cancers when the whole population needs healthy right now we just having people eating unhealthy to the age of 60 learning about some good idea of how changing their diet they change their diet later on in life and they hope that that change is sufficient enough to wipe out these risks and what I'm saying right here it's my experience my last 30 years of practice is that that's why the Nutri terian diet is designed to be so aggressive where you would say a perfectionist attitude towards food because if I give people a moderate something more people are acceptable to them a little bit of salt a little bit of meat a little bit of processed foods but just mostly plants you know what it's selling them out this is not gonna give them the opportunity to really make themself cancer proof a heart attack proof or dementia proof you're just but you're not really taking away their risk if they're gonna put that effort into this they might as well put the whole effort in and get the full benefits and the full benefits are remarkable and dramatic we can't say absolute those benefits are absolute there's not gonna be ever an unusual case that gets cancer or heart disease but we know the benefits are incredibly powerful can you sum up everything we've talked about in 15 seconds yeah why well my I can sum up that we can divide food into three basic categories processed foods animal products an unrefined plant food and I'm saying let's lump processed foods and animal products together in one category because they don't contain fiber and antioxidants of phytochemicals they don't have anti-cancer effects let's take those colorful and unrefined plant foods and magnify that section of the diet into a larger portions you possibly can make it just drinking the other portion the plant foods in the app the processed foods in the animal part portion including oil and then if you really want to see maximize results we want to really try to target your diet your plant foods so they're hormonal e and glycemic leaf Averill they're not toxic they're organic they're high in nutrients and you're eating enough raw and also incorporating those foods we know a powerful anti-cancer effects we target a diet to make it even more protective to making sure we're eating those foods and our regular consumer those foods that have the most proven and consistent ability to extend lifespan and prevent cancer lastly I want people to understand and my message is of course is that this is a message of hope and healing and telling people that don't give up and don't be satisfied with being sick if you're suffering with some illness you can get well because not only is this new trait an arien program with a full portfolio of these high nutrient plant foods preventative but it's very effective therapeutically to reverse disease and I'm saying it reverses even early stage cancers and some late stage cancers we see reversing on this program and we see autoimmune conditions like lupus and psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and scleroderma and Sherbourne syndromes and rheumatoid arthritis and we see these diseases going away and people getting better from those diseases too so don't underestimate the miraculous self-healing powers of the human body when fed optimally and how delicious this optimal way of eating can also taste it's freeing its frees you from fear it gives you confidence it gives you more creativity and the ability to make your life everything you want it to be leads to a happier and more productive person what's the one thing I need to do today well the one thing you will need to do I don't know today but the need is you have to figure out you know how are you going to incorporate this in your life look at your business plan when you're going to shop what you're going to shop for what time have you allotted to cook and to prepare these recipes and maybe you're gonna make a soup on the weekend and make you salad dressing on Wednesday night sir whatever you left overs for - in other words come up with your business plan start to think about how you can incorporate this message into your life go home come up with a plan read and study you know that's why I write books and do these things so people cuz information sets people free and the more you become the expert the more you have the ability to know what to do be confident and make this work in your life with gusto happiness and great flavor - so learn apply it and go on and live enjoy your life what is it about the real truth about health conference that makes you want to come and speak here every year I come back to this conference year after year because I feel that it gives me the ability to reach a large audience and I think an even the combination of other speakers at this conference to a troll' attract diverse amount of people interested in health and nutrition and by having this complete package of information and me being a part of that gives them gives an added potential to reach some people that would not have normally heard this message or make the chain necessary to achieve great health I think we do this myself and others do this because it's all about motivating and changing lives and the satisfaction and pleasure we get when we see people turn their health around and if you're at this conference this week I've had scores of people come up to me and thanked me for my work for the change this had on their life and they tell me about the disease's they've had and have they're well from their you know their diabetes is gone okay I wouldn't we know are they one person was blind in one eye from an occlusion that went away another person got well from their lupus so it's all about seeing that the excitement we see from getting people back healthy again for people that want to learn more about your work where should they go my website is dr. Furman com Dr fu H or ma ENCOM and I have website services and products foods even Pease and asked the doctor forum and I have a retreat to what people who come and stay with me instead of coming for an hour medical visit they can come for two or three months to stay in my retreat beautiful place where they can really get rid of their food addictions lose 50 pounds and for some people it's really helpful if there have trouble following eating healthy to get rid of their to have a period of time away from their food addictions a period of abstinence they can learn how to do this right learn to love it and go home and be able to apply it so yes my career has means I've developed the tools for people to remove the obstacles that were impediments to their or complying with eating healthfully and fully enjoying it so I have certain products and services to make it easier for people to do this [Music] you
Channel: The Real Truth About Health
Views: 18,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joel Fuhrman, End dieting, cure for diabetes, nutritional researcher, eat to live cookbook, #1 on the New York Times best sellers, nutritional science, eat for health, disease proof child, ANDI food guide, Standard American diet, food choice, Macro nutrients, micro nutrients, Unrefined plant food vs. the killer diseases, Four dimensions of hunger, Detoxification, withdrawal, Basic Nutritarian prescription, Comprehensive Nutrient Adequacy, nutritarian diet, phytochemicals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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