Joe to the Rescue and The Iron Mike Look-Alike

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(upbeat music) Marilyn Lavender. Alright relax. Joe are you gonna help her out? Marilyn, (giggles) You want this gentlemen, to help you out? Yeah he was so nice when I came in, so he kinda help me out, because I was about to get a panic attack, so. Marilyn I'm gonna tell you something. This is true, I'm not making a joke, okay? This gentlemen is my brother. Okay. She can't believe it Joe see. I don't believe it either. Get up (giggles) get back over there, he's my brother, so I can tell you that with exception of the last couple of months, his entire life he's never picked up a cheque. I don't wanna start now. (crowd laughing) As a matter of fact his entire life, the only time he picked up a cheque was when he handed it to me. (Joe chuckles) So we'll see how compassionate he's gonna be. But if he can help you I'm sure he will. Alright Joe make her feel comfortable. I will right. Alright Marilyn, don't be nervous, okay. At the end of the day, maybe we can get him to pay something. (Joe and Frank chuckles) There goes your pay Joe. All right we go. Alright Marilyn has two red light violations. Marilyn? Yes On these red light violations, if you're doing two tenths of a second when you go through the light, I dismiss them. Alright two tenths of a second. Lisa what was the time on that one? Two tenths of a second. Judge I'd agree with you but at 40, at 40 two tenths of a second is probably 2.7. All right, let's look at the next one. Let's look at the next one. We can't do much on this one, and then you had three parking tickets in addition to that. Then you had a speeding violation in the school zone and you were doing one mile over the permissible amount. So we're gonna give you a break on the one mile. Okay, so that's gonna get dismissed as well. Now you mentioned something about your son, what do you wanna tell me about your son? He's the one that's driving the car, I'm trying to help him out , he just got a new job and I gave him my car, my new car. So your son's driving the car? And I'm trying another car. So he's the one that's doing all that stuff. How old is your son? He's just turned 28. Oh he's not a kid, he is not a kid. I know , I know , that's why I'm kinda like this, disappointed. And look where I'm at because of him. Yeah do you know anything else about this Joe? Just what she told you. Alright Marilyn it's gonna cost you, for one of the red lights it's gonna cost you $85 and for one of the parking tickets, it's gonna cost you $20. So its gonna cost you a total of $105. Thank you. Can you afford to pay that or do you wanna go on a payment plan? A payment plan, I don't have a job. All right, we'll give you all the time you need and want you to know, I'll pay that absolutely, I'll pay it. Marilyn, Marilyn I guarantee you, listen to me, just take a deep breath, I've never seen this before in my life I swear to you. He'd just said he'd pay for it. Thank You (applauding) Not good for my cheque at Joe. (Frank giggles) Wait till you get home and tell your wife you can't buy her that new dress. (all laughing) As a matter of fact, I'm so pleased to hear this Inspector Quinton, 'cause since Joe was gonna pay, all the penalties that I waved, I'm gonna put them back on. That's correct, court closed on Don't do that. Court closed on every item. So it looks like its gonna be, I don't know $1,462. Marilyn good luck to you. Thank you and God bless you. And this young man, actually he is my brother he's gonna pay the tickets. That's why he's so nice, because you are very nice, I've been seeing you for years, and on TV so I pray for you even though, I don't come here. Marilyn I'm gonna tell you something, and I mean this for everyone, whatever we are, my brother and myself and our family, is because of our parents. My parents were immigrants they came here from another country and all they taught us was to be nice to people, try to help people if you can, all right and to be fair and honest and considerate and understanding. And that's what we try to do, good luck to you. Thank you. I was generally puzzled but I first saw Joe standing with Marilyn. But when I found out she was having a panic attack it made perfect sense. Joe was there to comfort her, it's the way we were raised, to help people who are struggling. The real surprise came later, when he volunteered to pay her fines. But we love to kid my brother Joe about how frugal he is, and he normally is. But when it comes to helping others, he's as generous as they come. You made me proud little brother. And I know, you made mom and dad proud as well. Anthony McKinney, Good Morning Sir. Good Morning your Honor. How are you doing this morning? I'm doing great your honor. You're feeling great? I'm feeling great. Now let's see how you feel after the ticket. (Anthony chuckles) You're charged for parking on the sidewalk on Spruce street and Acorn street. That's the federal hills section of Proverty? Yes your honor. What were you doing up there, buying a pizza? No I do security at the night club over there. I got a picture here that I got on my phone that I wanna show you that there's not a side walk, it's the parking lot of the Pizza Parlor. At the corner of Spruce and Acorn, that's where Corsota's Pizza is right? Yes sir You weren't getting any pizza there no? No, I was parked for work. Did you ever buy any pizza there? Yes I did. Is it good? Excellent Inspector Quinton, you ever had pizza from Corsota's? Yes I have your honor. (Frank laughs) You never know it You know what You never know. Alright inspect Quinton, you're a police officer so you're trained to recognize people who obviously if they are wanted, if they look like someone else, you're trained to do that right? Correct judge. Who's does he look like? The guy from Hangover 3. (all laughs) Of course he look like Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson, how many people tell you that? All the time your honor. All the time? Yes Your not Tyson in disguise are you? No I'm not your honor. Okay, are you pretty tough? A little bit. Yeah okay, he's gotta good self image. I've got Danny. Do you have any photographs? Yes. Show 'em to Inspector Quin. So I'm the white car, and you got two cones and the two comes are out there where it shows the parking spot. It look like they were trying to save some parking spots for the pizza place. Your honor if I was walking down that sidewalk I would have to walk over those cars, in order to proceed without going into the street. Yeah. From the street, whether there's a curb or not seven to 10 feet is considered the pedestrian walk way. Yeah. Which would be considered a sidewalk. Yeah but who put the cones? Based on his picture, the vehicle is clearly on the sidewalk. Who inspired you to get that tattoo on your face? Mike Tyson. Tyson? It's not the same, some similar, but not the same. Yeah, does it hurt? No. No. Maybe it did at the time when I was under the influence but I got seven years clean and sober now. Oh you've had that more than seven years? Yes (laughing) But at the time you had no pain? You felt no pain right. I had no pain your honor, no pain. That's a new form of anesthesia Inspector Quin. He's a brave man your honor. Okay, are your gonna get any more? No I'm all done. You're all done? All done. Alright well you end up getting $100 ticket. The photographs give me a double meaning, I'm gonna reduce the amount to $20. Good luck to you. Thank you your honor. Alright good luck. It's uncanny, how much Mr. McKenny and I have in common. We both love Corsota's Pizza, we're both pretty tough, and we both got hero inspired tattoos, when we were less that sober. And while Anthony seems proud of his Mike Tyson ink, I on the other hand, suffering in silent shame over my Jameson fueled Tom Brady inspired tattoo of a goat with the number 12 on it. Thankfully it's placed where only God and my poor wife Conley can see it. However if Mr. Brady ever needs proof of my undying devotion, I would be honored to drop trow and show my shaggy goat. After all the throws he's given me, I think the least I can do, is give him one back. All rise and hit subscribe, so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one. Share these videos and weigh in on the cases. You be the judge. Subscribe now!
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 674,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv, anxiety, panic attacks
Id: cAnawtzzbw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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