Caught in Providence: EPISODE 005, SEASON 008

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before you say anything I want you to listen to me he was so right to my truck and I pasta dish with the sea telling the truth please dismiss well you have shared rights oh I know this is there anything you wish to say that light was red you went you went right through there a big date or something you're gonna get this this is Kortney provenance Patricia Polanco this is someone's number one six four zero nine six four two six two zero it was an avid Parkway and Valley Street okay Weiss please Wow Ju yes it is okay let's look once more ladies green it's yellow and she changes lanes and I didn't have time to break we're just gonna hit the car in front of me if I Dan go to the next Lane beg your pardon if I didn't go to the next Lane I was scared that I was going to hit the car in front of me fact matter is that she's approaching the white she's going too fast and that's why she can't stop you know and but if she was going into the regular speed she would have had plenty of time to stop and slow down the light turned yellow we're gonna hit the car in front of you just were in a hurry that's who caused my I had to bring my daughter to school no you were in a hurry he was a very thick I refer a good person it's just it but you know what you just said you said listen I was going so fast right that I would hit the car in front of me right under the circumstances light was turnin red I saw it you saw the brain you'd meant he went to the light and it's not a crime the world turpitude you went through life and I avoided it in the car in front of me as well which I was trying to avoid this is our first rodeo you know $85 Amanda Gonzalez this is Emma's number 164 0 9 6 4 2 866 North Main and branch on April 27th good morning your name I'm Shirley Egan my sister Amanda I was driving you were driving we're going to take a look at it like we do it can I see this again please which resist the right or the right collisions a lot of left does that hurt just making the turn yeah ok vice please and your first name Shirley Shirley ok ok do you want to tell me about this show come on tell me it's Amanda's fault no it's the bad girl fall and every one of these you see a beggar stand a man and it's a stretcher from the light and when the light turned green to go straight I seen the green and I took the left it's like every single corner you see beggars and it's like they stress you out so bad you don't pay attention we were Tim millions at all she was intimidated or you're trying to counsel her I'm sorry your honor your Amanda yeah it's your car yes she had the car with your authority she had she didn't steal the car no no but she was intimidated alright you don't know how to tell them no she don't know who know the pain headache oh you agree with what she said I do I have a hard time saying no oh I need 100 bucks I don't have everything oh yeah I had it pretty quick oh if you had it you'd give it to me I probably would probably was about 50 I don't have anything I broke my daughter my grandchildren already got me I have two autistic grandchildren they get everything we've had the difficulty with that particular intersection with some people who are intimidated and distracted by individuals who are there and I have I've usually given the motorist the benefit of the doubt and I'm going to do the same with you thank you they were waiting for please profits and make them people I mean it seemed legal isn't it I'm going to tell you sorry right when do you win your case don't say anything else if you keep talking you're going to talk me out of dismissing the case you want anything else you want to tell me no thank you okay next I caught Robin sir do you understand English I explained through the interpreter your honor who wants me to tell you that my late grandmother is your wife's cousin [Applause] is much more caught in Providence I head looking for more caught in Providence catches on some Facebook Twitter the YouTube and say Instagram and tell us what you think [Music] this is caught in Providence Christian core donors spinosus has an open container of an alcoholic beverage Heisley pleads no contest drier the uneventful arrest he was drinking a bottle of Coors beer police officer said brought it to his attention he started laughing at the police officer it's not a good idea to laugh at police officers hey right we spent the night in jail inspector Quinn what's your recommendation recognization it's a three-month filing with a $35 court cost the council have you explained this disposition to your client yes I have your fries with it yes sir do you understand English I explained through the interpreter your honor yeah that's pretty good sometimes the judge I believe is the best English teacher in the world people come in don't speak English they leave here speaking of fluently you've heard the bike ask him if he understands that the matter is going to be filed for three months Cathy MPN fiscal castle ba Allison Sacramento de train messes ask him if he understands that if he has any please contact in the next three months right that this matter will be reactivated SI tienes algo copepod contacto con la policía es o premises el caso basurin a reactive odd oh good yeah is there anything else you want to tell me hi algo mas cerca de Sciglio voice no matters continued for a period of three buds there's no further police contact the matter will be dismissed Chelsea Lorenza good morning Chelsea have a red light violation at point field in Pocasset I am the daily question the car was indeed at point view of Auto Sales Chelsea if you read the summons you know if you had indicated that on the river the summers then we would have sent the summons to the person that you indicated you know I had actually called and they had told me just show their a/c in court I'm not going to hold you responsible for it thank you read the rear of the summons now she wants me to tell you that my late grandmother is your wife's cousin [Applause] I have a conflict here $85 Nicole decosta the queen of riddle 8 and Roger Williams Avenue in Elmwood Avenue this is some of number one six four zero nine six four three zero three one waits when you want to tell me about this you're whispering I can't hear you you think you stopped you do how fast were you going when she made the turn sixteen sixty miles an hour you consider that stopped though you slow down oh yeah okay okay but you either stop you have to stop all rights $85 coming up on Fortinbras okay what do you want to tell me about this I actually want to tell you that the white car behind me is my ex-husband's girlfriend and I have a restraining order against her from back in September it's now the anomalies they never thought of when the planet came out and a little white HS and houses in Cranston the streets in private that is great and I hadn't seen you in a few years so that says something there's more straight ahead now back to the judge and cotton brothers to mean the Simone good morning Your Honor we'd like the big gavel by the way this one yeah yeah okay great and good luck there honey go to the judge go over there go over there my friend take your time what is your name please you want the small gavel oh you don't want this one no okay he wants to spoil gavel hi mind if I put him in my lap not at all he's going to take your job quite a bit of the people come in and they'll uh they'll realize that it's judge Caprio s day and then they start putting it together to it to let the shows on and and then he starts getting a little giddy or they start or start going the other way where they so I get real nervous and the excuse thing we're going to give now all of a sudden might not sound as good as they practice on the way yet you know hang together father's an attorney his father's attorney oh you might be an attorney someday that'll help you I need all the help I can get okay this is some is number one six four zero nine six four three seven three seven I'm the one with the sign on the window she was the SUV inspector Clint Weiss please okay what do you want to tell me about this I actually want to tell you that the white car behind me is my ex-husband's girlfriend and I have a restraining order against her from back in September of last year and she was behind him I guess something you want to show me yeah it's a restraining order against her and I'm really nervous um she was behind me and she was honking her car her horn but that's not her car so when I looked up and I seen that it was her I got nervous with him in the car and so I just went because I I I was just nervous I don't want a confrontation with her I came to the police station after that I came here and I told him that she was harassing me but they said that I didn't have any proof so there was nothing they could do give a parking ticket on benefits trick yes that's for Thursday and my mother was in the car she's handicapped and we have a handicap plate so it's going to bring the proof of her handicap can't play that right now know how I know I hear the kid yeah so we were parked where it says you can't park those minutes those hours Braden I just let him be it doesn't bother us you're gonna let him play the game okay anyway there's a handicap sign they're a couple of handicap spots and my mother was coming to court with me and we parked on the next bus over because she can't walk very fast and they gave us a ticket for shaving in the cab certificate yes was it this void I'm sorry was it displayed on the bed yes Madison Smith thank you your honor there's more straight ahead and I hadn't seen you in a few years so that says something let's assume somebody told you they then you get a ticket at 4 o'clock then you get a second ticket at 4 o'clock and then a third ticket at 4 o'clock and then a fourth ticket four o'clock and then a fifth ticket for like when was it goes down upon you that you couldn't park Oh the parking situation over there is bit confusing because they have two hour parking three hour parking for our paid parking not parking between eight and ten parking all the time and it's a musical chair there's a whole lot more right around the bend [Music] you are watching caught in Providence cahuita Miller give a parking ticket on 6th Street good morning your honor good morning yes I do have a parking ticket because that day on the 27th I had to go to Miriam hospital and I was admitted that day but before I went into before I popped on 6th Street I will circle in parking lot and they had no parking so I had to park on the street and it was a little sign so I popped it I didn't know that I'd be admitted into the hospital and the reason for the delay is because I was in the hospital for five days and then after that when I left the hospital I went right to Chelsea Everett because my father was in the hospital on life support which is why I wound up in the hospital because I was stressed out behind him so I went right to the hospital to Everett when I got out of the hospital and I totally forgot about the ticket and then I tried to ask my son to try to take care of it and he did but it was too late so he was told that I had to come here and I do have documentation stating that I was in the hospital to show you just in case you don't believe me and I hadn't seen you in a few years so that says something you were a regular down here I was at one time yeah for parking tickets but I've been very good you parked the car you went to the house where then you get admitted and then you go to overtime parking tickets Merry Christmas thank you there we go biz you have a parking ticket on Sinclair Avenue Maryland yes I live on the Cranston side of st. Clair Avenue but I was ticketed by a Providence police I called before and they usually taken care of live in Cranston yes and you were parked in front of your house yes it's Providence oh yeah problems the whole street is problems the houses in Cranston for us I'm one - it's now the anomalies they never thought of when the planet came out and I don't know why they just houses and crayons from the streets in private but it's prolific I've just explained to the motorists and also to the court your honor that's that's an issue that it's up to them to try to figure out on at the traffic engineering well I figured I've been to be honest a ticket so can I get a permit to park there from Providence or we can you know that's what I was just explaining to you there are houses that are located in the city of Cranston where you pay your taxes directly Franklin your registration says granted the street that you popular in his Providence the wiggled landline he goes I don't know I don't know how to prepare it if I did we would fix it well that's why I get the big bucks I have to solve these problems case right the case is dismissed thank you all right in this case listen you got it wrong it happened natassja Burgess you have six parking tickets rather you want to tell me about these I went to this last year with parking on my street I was told that if we're not allowed to park between hours of 2:00 and 4:00 and those arms were given a little bit after 4:00 and I guess the law change we were told by whom when I came to the judge last year no another doesn't know is no reason falling for so much for 205 Church before usually wanted cert they changed it to say fun yeah but when does 18 of them say it was changed and I didn't know that I was told when I came to court for those tickets level was four o'clock and well used to be one to six now was good 101 into six in the morning well in the absence of two to five the configuration of preferences you know were that our streets are narrow yes we were we were founded in 1636 we are not a new city with a grid roadway so it's very difficult and I'm sensitive to that let's assume somebody told today then you get a ticket at 4 o'clock then you go to second ticket to 4 o'clock and then a third ticket at 4 o'clock and then a fourth ticket four o'clock and then a fifth ticket for like when was one zone upon you that you couldn't park well I wasn't I'd have time to come into court all those times that I got those tickets so I assumed that when I came in they're going to be dropped dismissed just like last year okay it's $120 you have our contreras it was a terrible day for me you want to see it my brother died that day how was that meant to be okay I'm going to charge you $30 for the parking ticket so it's going to be 115 dollars shipping Modi you have two parking tickets good morning honor what do you want to tell me about this yeah I actually I'm a fellow at Brown and I work over there on Brown Street and meeting and well the parking situation over there is bit confusing because they're two-hour parking three hour parking for our pay parking not parking between eight and ten parking all the time and it's a musical chair and I'm doing experiments a couple of times I've just kind of missed going there and that the enforcer over there is does not show any mercy we do have some very fast parking enforcement officers I I once suggested that maybe the two top sneaker manufacturers should have a contest with Providence wearing one and someone from other disabilities wearing other sneakers the province would win every time I guarantee you it's $40 thank you oh my god what's this question Gracie good morning so you have to light violations when I North Main Street the other one admiral straight this is my mother's vehicle she's away at a funeral right now so all right so Halloween is your mom yes all right does she want to come back on another day or you want to pay the tickets I'll just pay it I guess because I don't know when she she's out of the country so I don't she bought a one-way ticket I don't know when she's coming back okay so 170 dollars here's a man want to say you doing a fabulous job and keep up the good work later DiCaprio you have a human being this is Miss Brown and that's my first time seeing like a production and I think judge Caprio is very fans every type of person to look at behind the bench I think judge Caprio is fear v I've rewards programs and I think he just a marvelous man what people like them to be in this city [Music] I'm Frank O'Donnell tune in next week and until then don't get caught in provenance
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 1,025,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court, judge, law, providence, rhodeisland, cases
Id: WtYjh_Wdv00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
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