Caught in Providence: EPISODE 001, SEASON 005

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It's gold Jerry! Comedic Gold!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CoWood0331 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2017 🗫︎ replies
before you say anything I want you to listen to me he stole my truck and I busted his with is she telling the truth place is dismissed but you have certain rights long oh I know this is there anything you wish to say that wife was read you went you went right through that that's a big date or something you're gonna get this keep this is caught in Providence okay Patricia Calvert hmm good morning miss Calvert morning judge let me see I know a little bit about you miss Calvert you came to Rhode Island in 1998 from Pennsylvania correct and you had a completely unblemished driving record Pennsylvania then you came to what island you knew all of a sudden you became a hotrod and now you're speeding so I usually set my cruise control on Blackstone Boulevard cuz it's very hard to go 25 you do I do inspector Quinn I don't know what to do with this case this miss Calvert she she hasn't had a violation forever she resented the driver retraining what do you think had a violation I'm sorry on forever several decades forever and ever oh I don't know we have to send for school I think sir may I just make say you want to say anything to me well I would actually my husband gets called for jury duty all the time and I always say I'd really love to do that and this isn't exactly what I had in mind oh you're my apologies you mean you'd like to go to court that's what you meant I'd like to serve jury duty as art is famous in it and you'd like to be a judge no I wouldn't what a nice lady let me guess case dismissed all right evidently you were you taught it rely on college I do teach Rhode Island College I do teach it wrote are you still there yes how long have you been there this is my third year I teach in the graduate program of Nursing in one of my other waves I used to be chairman of the Board of Governors for higher education you know we're now in college was under was under my jurisdiction I know it's a really good school yeah it was a great school yeah I don't think people realize what a great bargain is it is you know yeah best buy in the state we have the best nursing graduation rates and exam rates in the state well that's great when you look at some of these colleges close to $60,000 to go to what aisle in college is less than after that so it's correct yeah well I'm going to take into consideration that you've never had any valuation so I'm going to I'm going to make a determination that this was we're not going to give you a fine on this one fact of the matter was they charge you were doing 35 in a 25 and I'm going to tell you something miss Calvert inspector Quinn you'd be interested in this as well usually the police officers will indicate the actual speed at the top of the summons and they put that in in a circle okay and then down below they will put the speed that they're charging you with well it appears to me you were doing 35 you weren't doing any more than 35 I'm like stone Boulevard and they still wrote you up so mm I think taking all of that into consideration I'm going to dismiss it outright which means that you still have your good driving record thank you very much don't come back here next week no I won't sir all right thank you you know occasionally we have and I'm delighted the fact that this happens occasion we have people that come into the court who don't have a matter before the court but who have an interest in the judicial system or an interest in the war and they come down to observe the court proceedings so I want to welcome to the any war Danny you want to stand up was Annie okay Annie yes [Applause] he's a student it seems Philips school where's that in Smithfield Annie okay and anything with her mom Kristin alright sister Jenny hi Jenny and her grandparents are here as well all right second row now I think I think I recognize I think I recognize a grandma over there right I was a teacher at Hope High School and I know though I had a whole bunch of other wives one of my other wives I think scoubidou high school right and one of them and one of my legs we used to produce great three people like this okay Annie I've been having trouble with court this morning so I'm going to need some help you want to come up here and help you out I come on up here you came in here thinking this job is easy before you leave you're going to know it's easy Yasu morning sir good morning sir you were charged with speeding and South Angel and Patterson Street you have relocated from Ohio sirs that correct yeah just move the flower higher last year I'm just still not familiar with this well it's interesting because some people say well I'm not from Providence you know it but they're parking in a no-parking zone or they're parking on the wrong side of the street or they go through a red light and they'll say well you know I'm unfamiliar with the area so the the threshold question for me is to the two years prior to 2015 did you have an unblemished driving record in Ohio yeah I would say pretty good you would know I needed definitive answer yes or no Ohio good yes okay you understand that that one suite was I turned this in that was I could require you to bring in your record from Ohio I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna take your word for it but if you don't have a good driving record in Ohio they'll kick it back all right okay go understand that okay you got that inspector Quinn yes Ron I need to go to Ohio right off the court hopefully flying all right pursuant to the statute under good driving records matter is dismissed upon payment of $60 course all right thank you looking for more cotton provenance catch us on the Facebook the Twitter the YouTube and Instagram and tell us what you think this is cotton provenance Neri Lima mariya charge was speeding on Blackstone Boulevard yes your uh according to this you get a rely on a license in 2015 yes in in November of 2015 prior to that time you had a speeding violation in 2014 so you do not have a good driving record give any questions why are you so mad okay okay because the officer told me I had a clean driving record or I wouldn't have come today how the officer told you at a clean driving record well if I turning over a new leaf coming to Rhode Island they actually get tickets to come here to be on TV well I understand you're turning over a new leaf actually you have changed your driving habits somewhat because let's see one two three four between 2000 between a year 2000 and 2005 you had three speeding by Oasis but that that doesn't count so you have changing your driving habits which were happy for nevertheless I try to be vigilant on Blackstone Boulevard because of that um 25 mile an hour limit I was following the traffic that morning well that afternoon well the record is one of this hey thank you good luck Cory Hadley mr. Hadley a chance with going to run way down a one-way street this is how I know you're in trouble cuz you got two people now what and everything into right I haven't tested any out yet but she may be pretty tough guess I'll be the gainer I'm gonna find out in a minute answer okay and you're also charged with the operating your motor vehicle failing to exercise due care and this was on George Street and thais Street in Providence so you had a valuation in 2013 in July of 2013 if you were here another three weeks you would qualify to have one of these charges dismissed on your good driving record so a penny so Annie let me explain this here we're going to find out right that okay mr. Hadleigh effective July 7th will have been have an unblemished driving record for a period of three years that is in another six that's another seven sixteen yes it's another 23 days right so do you think we should dismiss one of these and give him a break because he's only 23 days short or do you think we should say listen the war is the war and there are no exceptions and we're going to find you to the full extent of the war like what do you think now it's a tough decision don't you spoil it a little quickly so we should probably pass it considering it's only 23 days short suppose it was 28 days oh that's another story that's not what we're doing so now we have to make a decision whether 23 or 28 that's another decision okay so I'm not quite sure how about 25 days I think that would be okay so you think about anywhere between 23 and 28 is okay but 28 may be the tipping point yeah probably over a month that might be over a month okay well I asked the question inspector Quinn how do you feel about this I'm on the fence right now myself because I don't know whether she's a prosecutor or a defense attorney because she's leaning both ways we're still mapping out a future all right mr. Hadley you have the you have the right to go back and have a trial on these I'll tell you what I'm going to do if you if you admit the offense then I'll dismiss the driving I'll dismiss the operating with failing to exercise due care and fine you mind just going the wrong way and the one-way street you can go back and have a trial on both what do you want to do that sounds fair all right that's what we'll do okay now it's official and he can say that she actually made a decision in court and she actually now has her handwriting as part of the court record Beatrice Rios morning your honor hi Beatrice you were due in court and let's see a week ago actually nine days ago and you were you didn't come to court and it in your excuses I forgot my court date yes it was true I mean you have other things that are more important to come into court yes maybe like paying bills I'm going to work and stuff like that a lot of stuff yes I completely forgot that day yes why would you why would you think of that right okay that's the bad news the good news is that you have a good record thank you so you want justice miss that your good record thank you so much and also I have a comment um I don't miss your show every Sunday night I always watch your show every Sunday I don't miss your show I love it every Sunday I've gotta sleep late watching your show every Sunday night so yeah I first I have to tell you something I appreciate that very much but it's not a show I know it's a court proceeding sorry though there was like we you and I have that met prior to you coming to court today right yeah no no you came into court because you get a summons to come to court right that's a court proceeding all this other stuff you see on our vision those are shows sorry don't be sorry trying to explain something okay don't be sorry I just does most of the court almost all the court programs do you see it on TV but they do is they rehearse that they go out and they they interview people and then they say okay they'd be good you know and then even the audience is hand-picked you know so that they make the right impressions at the right time you know and so those those are the shows but here but the real deal we're going to inspector Quinn chief inspector Quinn he's got the badge he's got the gun yes right my officers send out the invitations go to the FBI Academy do you know he graduated second and the FBI Academy on truth detection he did how many people you think we're in the class - who's the master's program we're going to vacate the we're gonna take eight to default pursuant to the statute the matter is dismissed under good driving record okay good luck [Music] [Applause] [Music] now back to the judge and court in Providence GreenFest billon mr. Bevin is charged with disorderly conduct according to the police report mr. bellend and approximately 1:30 in the morning on June 14th which was this morning police were on a routine patrol on Taylor Street when they saw you and another subject yelling in the middle of the street there were two other subjects in you please approach you in determined there was an argument and you parties dispersed and seemed to be going to separate ways when you stopped walking you mean to yell at the police officer according to the report were given multiple commands to stop screaming in the middle of the street at 1:30 in the morning as you were yelling at police you started screaming you wonder what you all get shot and you use the n-word and then you said when I see you on the block I'm going to shoot you you're telling this to the police please then approached you once again an attempt to the place you under arrest please incidentally exercised great restraint in this matter and they have to be congratulated the police reached out to grab hold of you turned away from poison flail the arms and attempting to break free as a result police apprehended your policeman the police car and charge you with disorderly conduct according to the information I have before me you have no prior police contact respect to Quinn do you want to be heard on this the offer is on the inside I don't know what he does um you want to know what I do yes I work at a corner store a meat market were you drinking last night um yes I was how many drinks uh I had a few Coronas how many a few I a few too many you know but I was working I was in driving you know I'm not particularly pleased with this conduct right you had your last night but I think is thicker called alcoholic muscles people get drinking they become somebody else yeah but you are just lucky that you encountered police officers who exercised great restraint because given the circumstances here in the waivers that you used toward the police officers you're lucky that that they restrained themselves because you could be in a different place right now Spector Quinton is making a recommendation based upon the fact that you have an unblemished record how old do I'm 24 now 24 okay so we know that at least for six years you haven't had any prior criminal conduct because you're brick it begins at the age of 18 so I suspect inspector Quinn that's why you making this recommendation is brighter on and also on the totality of the facts that the city did believe that he was under the influence of alcohol and he has no priors and that was part of the reasoning behind the offer this is your one this is your one chance okay fortunately there was no attacks fortunately there was no physical force and so forth but I was just upset by the language nevertheless I'm going to accept the recommendation of inspector Quint end of your or the matter is going to be continued for three months it's going to be filed how q if you have any further police contact this matter will be reactivated all right and you will be getting such a lenient disposition do you understand that yes I do sir okay the defendant pleads nolo and the recommendation of his visitor knee and with the acquiescence of the prosecutor the matter will be continued for a period of three months what's good walking you young man all right thank you sir you have a good there [Music] you are watching caught in Providence Jenny micarta morning gentlemen all right you missed your court date yes I was in traffic court I just I don't like it well of me I I don't know whether or not I'm gonna forgive you but I you give us a reason you can help me out with this okay now I want you to read the reason I want you to read it out to the court and then let me know if I should accept it I missed my court day because I was in the wrong Court I was in traffic court I asked the clerk and they told me that my court was in Municipal Court please excuse me please excuse me for miss my court you really can't make this stuff up okay so what do you think about that another was you know traffic violations are also heard of the traffic tribunal in Cranston right so she on the assigned date she did go to court but she went to the wrong court by the time she finished there this court have already been adjourned so I have two choices right number one I can say listen I'm sorry you should know where you have to go you weren't here so you were defaulted and you have to pay and I don't want to hear anything else end of story I can do that or I can say well I understand you went to the wrong Court so I'm going to vacate the default and not look at the case anew so what should I do this is a tough one um probably just vacate the default and look at the actual problem judge would here said that I should vacate to default so I'm going to do that thank you world's nicest judge world's cutest kid [Music] I think it should do a good job and I wish there was a motorist with him around around thank you scientists what shall come from England and I think we need more churches like New England I think judge caffee is doing a fine job are you people calling up and complaining you're not behind the bench doing that job it's a lot tougher than you think judge Caprio you're cool [Music] I'm Frank O'Donnell tune in next week and until then don't get gotten provenance
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 389,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court, judge, law, providence, rhodeisland
Id: vJFswVIRwxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2016
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