Joe Rogan - Teddy Atlas on Mike Tyson

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who was you credit because I had Tyson to that you know he was he came on and um I remember it was funny because when I would put it down like I said everyone lied about that experience but you know they lied about everything but I would put down a you know the age and everything else all this stuff for what it was worth you had to have something to try to believe in right and then figure it out from there so Tyson when I first had him he was a hundred ninety pounds nothing but muscle twelve years old okay that's what he was but that's what he was I mean that's what God made so free so I go down and I put the first fight nobody's seen Tyson nobody's ever seen Tyson but twelve years old zero Facebook okay now you go too far you like more than us you learn a lot from us is it thanks that's a compliment Nelson that's a compliment I mean I take it I guess it is right right I'm not like twelve years 190 pound please please please now I'm not lying okay he's 12 years old it's gonna be thirteen soon but he's technically he's 12 years old okay ah come on I said I'd make you feel better I'll put down 70 thank you now you tell the truth I take that 17 but I know what I have you know like I said I know what I had so I fought a 17 year old I wasn't gonna fight no 12 you or that wasn't gonna happen right and plus I get arrested for murder so oh what was he like well physically mentally weak but physically what what do I mean mentally weak not weak for the average guy but before fighter he still have remanence he still had residual stuff from his upbringing listen you wanna know the truth about the guy I mean you he orders but he used to hide in between a band building walls in Brownsville was a rough place no doubt about it didn't ever father whatever the mother whatever and he he used to hide between walls to not get picked on and I believe when you do that you never get outside of that wall to a certain extent you're always hiding in that wall for the rest of your life that is just my belief that Eddy what are you talking about it became heavyweight champ some people think he's the greatest I'll bet girl I don't have this record in front of me and this is gonna blow some people crazy but what are you gonna do I don't have this record let's just say we're gonna make an arbitrary number because your man's gonna pull it up but let's just say it's 50 and 6 I would say 555 but whatever I think his record it's truly if you're gonna be this and we're not truly in life with anything but if we're truly truly in an absolute world which we don't live in but I would say he's Owen five all right now everybody says everyone who's listening to you think it's just like let me get what Teddy's drinking like I don't see him drinking nothing but he probably had something before he came in to me a fight is not a fight into this resistance so there's something to overcome something to overcome otherwise it's just an athletic venture it's an exhibition I think life is that I think that you don't know if a lawyer is a lawyer in two and two there's something to overcome in the courtroom something goes for okay I know Lori I know he went to I get it nobody has to tell me that but he ain't a lawyer he ain't that until everything goes wrong the judge throws all his crap out and he's he is effed so to speak and and he figures and he still handles it then he's a lawyer a doctor's not a doctor - he opens up this kid a kid just like he's got at home and arteries are bleeding all over the place and and in it's not in the textbook it's not in the freaking textbook and he got to do it and he got to figure it out and he got then he's a doctor then he's a surgeon at that level you you're not you are not in a fight I look I admit it I equate life to a fight I do you're not in a fight and to this pressure resistance overcoming something otherwise it's just an exhibition Tyson's talent was so great his physical ability his talent was so overwhelming just like somebody's intellect to some body's charisma whatever beauty until it came to something else but his talent was so superior that the other stuff never got tested he was blowing guys out and he had never got tested if there was anything in the warehouse so to speak there's anything inside you never knew and then five times whatever the real wreck it is five times there was resistance five times it became a real fight five times there was something to overcome and he failed all five times he was only in five fights in his life and he's on five I'm sorry sour grapes because we know my history with him right am I am I am i capable of that yeah I'm human yeah but I can honestly tell you that I I took I try to be better than that that that I have called many fights where the people know : I couldn't stand them I had no respect for them but if they if they did a good job in a corner to fight it did a job I talked to about him like they were ray yourself like they were Angelo Dundee because that's what it was supposed to be that's all and it's selfish because I don't want I want to have I want to know and I want my kids to know that I can be better than that that that it's it's about it's about the code of the profession it's about you it's about you believing that what you say is should be honest it should be what you believe it shouldn't be tainted or or influenced by lesser things that that it does represent you does represent your family it does represent where you came from it does stay you know you blurt it out for those five minutes or maybe two hours on ESPN but it stays someone can go back to it you could go back to it how do you feel about it it does mean something it really does it and so I'm only saying it because I would say it about somebody else in a way that I calibrate things the way that I evaluate things that I don't think that you know crap about somebody and so they're tested you don't know they're your friend you don't know if they're good wife you don't know if they're good girlfriend you don't know crap you think you do but until they really tested you don't really know and Tyson when he got tested when he had to overcome something when when he didn't run them over like like one of those big monster trucks running over a Volkswagen because he was a monster truck for Volkswagen yeah he was he a was and was he wanted the greatest punches all day yeah yes could he punch from either side of the plate like Mickey man oh the greatest which era was he that and by yes he could punch evenly great with either hand from either side was he all those things yes was he is great an Intimidator Sonny listen yes was he a great finisher like Joe lose to a certain exact yes but he wasn't a great fighter because great fighters when the fight came to them they found a way to do what they had to do he found a way to disappear they found a way to show up yeah show up he found a way to go home and not show up and look you could go talk to psychiatrists and you could go to all the reasons why go hiding between a wall when he was a kid yeah that that's part of it I'll tell you another part of it to be that not to be the power puncher not to be the aggressor not to be just those things to be the Titan to be the Viking to be the samurai to be the warrior to be those things has to be inside you you have to believe it you know a lot of times people lie in life this certain place you can't lie you know sometimes we say that the ring is the chamber of truth you know it sounds good and all that but it is because just just like in other places in life too when the moment comes for those kind of serious things you have to feel like that you say that you're the Conqueror your Alexander the Great you're those things right okay words sounds great makes good sound bites probably bring more people to the TV but when the moment comes and you didn't intimidate the guy that didn't work okay we all try it to a certain extent right probably yeah I'm sure you've looked at guys certain ways when you were younger and and you purposely looked at them in a way to invoke a certain kind of action a certain kind of result from them just just look at him in a real serious way that you hope that it weakened them yeah and it but because I know your background you were prepared to do what came after that but some people aren't some people aren't and Tyson wasn't as great as he was I just said it he's great guys that hate me force today your hero or whatever your favorite guy was he's great just not great in this area and when that moment comes you have to that's where the truth matters you have to believe that you really that guy and if you're a guy that hey listen he was convicted so I think it's fair then raped somebody okay now listen I wasn't in that room and I don't know a lot of people don't think okay but he was convicted or but I know enough people in the business that there was a lot of other bad things that he did that are just not things that that you would probably want to hang around with somebody if you know if you're a halfway decent human being that he did devil week things okay week things so when you do week things and you know you did though and I don't know what but I'm just saying you do week things and you know they were week things and now you got to do a strong thing how do you become strong when you know that you did those weak things and you know that's really you and you got a guy across way from your name to Evander Holyfield that doesn't give a about how hard you punch doesn't give a crap about what a finish who you are doesn't give a crap about how fast you put your punches together he wants to find you're gonna have to make him a believer by doing it and doing it in a difficult place because he's gonna make it difficult because he ain't gonna cooperate when that happens you gotta feel like that person and when you don't feel like that person you got a problem and that's what happened it wasn't a matter when he bit is here it wasn't matter that we hungry it was the savage and he was from this should stop the crap there's a way to get out because he knew he wasn't that guy and when you're not that guy guess what do you have a great talent off recognize when somebody is there as you greatest talent you can recognize when somebody is and he recognized that Evander Holyfield was and I was his way to get out and he did so that's why again it's not sour grapes it's really not because I'm more selfish than that I really do care about what what my reputation is and whether or not a I've been honest about things I say doesn't mean I'm right but means I believe it I do care about that I do and so it's not that doesn't mean I'm right but it means I have a reason to believe I'm right for the way I've lived from what I've seen what I've experienced in the business the human condition how strong it could be and how weak it could be and um he was a strong of guys you're never gonna see but he was as weak a person as you ever gonna find that's intense but I see what you're saying in terms of you are judging it by the highest standards possible you're judging it in comparison to other champions you're judging it you you what else you gonna judge it with Joe yeah of course well you look at guys who are known for incredible heart and their ability to come back like Diego Corrales deal Corrales and some of those Wars when you would say would could steal yes that was one of the greatest fights of all time the far is incredible greatest fight of all Micky Ward or troll Gary the first one right not the second third to first the first unbelievable unbelievable I mean no if you want to go back if you want to go back farther most a lot of people will know this but Bobby Chacon was involved in a lot and unfortunately he paid the price okay yes but Bobby should Cohen in the 70s 80s he was involved in those fights every other day yeah you know I'm just kidding but he was invited to many of those fight yeah and unfortunately you don't know about Bobby Chacon you talked to somebody again I'm not like the baseball thing you talk about the average guy Bobby sure called who the hell is that who the hell's that our force is the guy that wouldn't know his name anymore but he was a pretty special guy in that ring he was pretty damn tough tougher than most people there's guys that unfortunately relied on that toughness right yeah like when it comes to guys known for incredible chins that can be a detriment yes and it can be if that's all you have yeah do you think that's what you have cause used to put it this way cuz just because you wanted me to be a great trainer so coach used to always be with me all the times you know say anything and cuss would say dang got two tough guys okay got you now what stuff it's a prerequisite to being a fighter you better be tough but one level so all levels degrees yeah I got you but how special is being tough because if your fighters should be tough I got you I'm listening so you got two tough guys but one of them is smart taught developed that's him he's tough for now that's how he explained the tougher because he's smart yeah tough yeah and smart he he goes from here he's here because he's not just dependent only on toughness so he's tougher than this guy right because you don't have to depend on just that right you might not even have to get to it it's there's a reserve it's always there to call on like an army you call on you need it right but he's not dependent just on that isn't that the balance though there's knowing that you have it yeah knowing that you have it and there never did see what you just said yeah you have to know that you're it yeah Tyson didn't know he was it will you ever met that no I'd probably knocked me and say this it whatever I don't it's okay and so I get I it's okay well there's certain people that you can't question and the van der Holyfield is one of those people that's why that fight was so fascinating because the whole feel was he is a 100% warrior oh he had to write nickname most um don't most um don't have to write fight nickname and whatever they do right the real the real deal he was the real deal yeah and you know why small heavyweights we want to know why I mean trace it back cuz always told me this but I learned it innately my own - but trace it back to the parents trace it back to the background trace it trace it back to all that stuff trace it back he did he didn't live up to something he didn't face something he didn't do whatever was there was support he had a mother that he talked about a few times and I'm sorry event of I'm not saying exact but but it's it's there that and a great mother obviously but she they had her they grew up in Georgia think it was a land up of whatever suburb of Georgia and she of definite age you know different time down south and all that had a little I guess a little shack in the back with thing called twitches switch switches I'm sorry I'm twitching switches and she basically had different sized switches you know short ones long ones medium ones depending on the occasion and when he didn't live up to what he had to tell the truth whatever be accountable okay face what he had to face whatever she had a switch fam and you know what it um it formed him because he faced things Tyson Tyson on the other hand and listen did he ask for it no no he didn't ask for that I'm pregnant I get it but I know people have that upbringing and they get to a point they can they could make a left turn instead of a right turn it's your ability I think there's also the the overwhelming hype and celebrity involved in Mike Tyson is prime it was probably so difficult for him to even understand himself yeah but but what he did understand and I'm glad you said that right bad words what he did understand what he didn't understand was there was a way out evander learned there was no way out hmm you know frozen whale you know what I mean right yeah somebody would come and pay yeah and he did a lot of things before he became champion and somebody was always there with a check of cash or whatever and and would absolve them from it would would not have to face what he did right and and but there was a switch that banned the hats of his face and that's what made him what had made him and that's what allowed Titan part of would move out Tyson you you look you make your own choice now important life does not make too many excuses but it is part of it that that he was formed by what he was allowed to do when he shouldn't have been allowed to do those things and that was one of the issues that you had with cos right yeah the youth felt like cuss was ignoring his own principles and teaching because this guy was so special yeah and cuz was getting older and cus recognized he didn't have much time left and this guy had a legitimate shot at being a world champion because everything in his you know everything in the world of boxing success and everything he was great he was special cause his whole life he didn't get married for a reason because he was married to boxing as he said that it wouldn't been fair I mean it was a different guy that it was boxing his whole life everything life was boxing and lessons were connected to boxing everything and principles boxing and so there's a you know this is a guy that his whole you know you use that word legacy but really his whole existence was boxing and for him it was heavyweight champs he had Floyd Patterson youngest heavyweight champ ever that was close that was close it wasn't about lightweights listen he had lightweights he had welterweights yeah Jose Torres light heavyweight champion exactly right he had other guys too but it was the heavyweight champion of the world because it was around where we talked about before when box was the biggest sport bigger than baseball and it was a heavyweight champ of the world was Babe Ruth was Rocky Marciano and that and you're gonna say that before you leave this earth that you have a chance to have another heavyweight champ that might be the best could be one of the best ever and could break Patterson's record which was part of the plan part of the plan when Custer's alive you're gonna break Patterson's right he broke it he became the youngest heavyweight champion and so when you float that out there with if you will and and tempt a guy with that even a great guy like us some things are gonna be pushed to the side and he thinks ya compromised and he did you think if he didn't do that the Tyson would have been a different person I'm gonna use his words that was told to me by a great promoter Mickey top he passed away it was close to Jim Jacobs who was close to cause and he was up there sometimes after I left and all that and Mickey wanted me to train all his fighters and he was a great promoter Mickey he had great sayings he was a very witty guy but he was a sharp guy boxer was his life too and he ran everything in London with three partners one of them was Java's Astaire who owned Wembley Stadium so they were powerful they ran everything they were the cartel in London back in those days he told me that before cus died that cus had said some nice things about Teddy Atlas but he said and look I know there's a danger that this can be convenient you know what I mean self-serving crap sometimes you gotta trust whatever I was told by Mickey that he said that Teddy Atlas was right the way it was wrong was he was gonna get in a way of the possibility of making a great fighter if he did things his way as far as the disciplining in the you know whatever he in other words whether he left it like that so I don't know so I know what I think it meant that Tyson wouldn't have been around if you did that if you discipline though he would have left I don't know because I don't know that he had those options because he was a ward of the state and you know he was coming out of obviously a criminal situation he was coming out of a juvenile detention center called Tryon up outside of all 30 miles outside Albany you know so I don't know that he had but basically that if Teddy did it his way he was right but he was wrong because it would have ruined the possibility of a great fighter and I couldn't let that happen so I don't think that's I don't know if it's true actually I don't know you know what I was about to say I don't think that's true because of course it's me right I want to make myself feel good so I want to say you could add the best of both worlds who could have had maybe a better person or within the realm of a better person right boundaries right there were no boundaries maybe there were those boundaries would have made a difference right and you still would have had the talent he was so evident Allen wasn't gonna dissipate because of the discipline you know that you put on him as a human being that wasn't gonna change but right because because for saying that it wasn't gonna happen maybe you lose them maybe it goes to someone else at a certain point in its development maybe that's what he meant I don't know what
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 4,084,357
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Mike Tyson
Id: 3wCZY_vW860
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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