Joe Rogan on The Importance of Being Kind

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the Joe Rogan experience I just think I mean it's a [ __ ] up thing I mean it's a weird thing to say but I really think we all collectively as a species need to emphasize and learn how to be nicer to each other hmm nobody teaches you that it's rare they teach it to you in school be nice when you go to offices there's you know there's certain standards of behavior that you're supposed to behave in but there's not like an emphasis on kindness and just being friendly and I think that that doesn't diminish competition you could be friendly and kind to people that you're competing with as hard as you can that was also a thing that you find in jiu-jitsu guys who are just trying to kill each other all the time or like really close friends yeah really close and you know very competitive like [ __ ] I'm getting you tonight and no [ __ ] you're not like that kind of [ __ ] but friendly well because there's a safety because there's rules yes and in the workplace the rules are much more nebulous and what you do to get ahead kissing a boss's ass sabotaging a project is that part of competitive or is that over the line whereas with jiu-jitsu you'll get called on a foul yeah sabotaging a project God imagine working with somebody and they're sabotaging when you're trying to accomplish now go to the boss and talk and [ __ ] behind your back about your project and what you're trying to achieve that's one of the most soul-sucking things about jobs the fakeness yeah the the office banter nonsense fakeness I just think as I as a species it's just the human race especially us as Americans because they're so goddamn competitive tell her I'd be nicer I think it starts with manners I think it starts with I mean arrant manners they seem trivial but it creates the paradigm for nice you just thank you please hold the door don't eat like don't eat until everybody serve their food they're all little signals to people that you care about them and respect them yeah and I think it spills over and it informs your other actions when you have good manners right people in the eye yeah yeah yeah beep Lloyd and what people do that to you you get a good feeling you know well you know when someone holds up in the door for you or someone says thank you like I said hi to some guy the other day I was walking by him in the hallway of a hotel I go how you doing man he just stared at me and immediately I was like wow I was angry yeah you know immediately like part of my instinct was like [ __ ] you man yeah then part of me was like that poor bastard right you know and I went with that poor bastard like oh that's his life I said hi I'm just trying to be nice yeah but he looked at me like I was almost like I was weak saying hi to him alright you know I was raised to like like if I see somebody with bags I help them and it makes me feel [ __ ] great it feels good to help people yeah I think I was raised and that's the thing about being raised Catholic because I was raised very cab were you raised Catholic I was raised Catholic to first grade after first grade we kind of abandon it yeah but even up until then it's it it's it gives you a lot of it's a life of service you know it's very much about helping people it's very much you know you can say what you want about the Catholics but you know they were in the trenches in a lot of third world countries nuns and you know they they did a lot of good yeah and and I think that rubbed off on me my parents both always did a lot of charity work I do a lot of charity work with my kids and you know that's that's gonna stay with them I think we throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to religion and even just rigid ideologies I think there's there's something about religion that can absolutely help some people and there's aspects of it that are very beneficial having that code to live by you know even if it's because of the [ __ ] spaghetti monster in the sky like whatever it is that you believe but if you really act that that thing act like that thing is watching over you and that there's codes and tenets that you have to live by like most of the tenets of Christianity if you look at them if you really follow Jesus's rule which most people don't but if you really did you'd be doing a lot of great work you know you'd be helping people you'd be treating each other as if they were your brothers and sisters the neediest I mean that's who Jesus helped you help the beggars in the street and the prostitutes and you know that was some hardcore [ __ ] he was doing but you yeah and um yeah I think it's like the 10 commandments you can live by how do I eight of them mm-hmm eight of them are pretty good to live by I'm still gonna cover up my neighbor's wife covet she's [ __ ] hot do you know what that was about though it wasn't about that what was that your neighbors watch she was possession she was covet like she was a possession of the neighbor yeah like she owned her right oh that's right yeah and the same thing stood for the commandment if you really read it says do not covet thy neighbor's wife or thy neighbor's slave is it slave slave it's a donkey I think it's donkey and slave really yep Wow that's crazy yeah yeah don't don't try steal their slave you could keep slaves just don't want them from your neighbor it's just so obvious that what they were talking about back then was all wrapped around the way people thought about things then yeah you know but they knew even then even thousands of years ago they knew there's a right way to do things and there's a wrong way to do things there's when you pick up the people's bags you feel good let's tell kids that let's teach people that you pick up the bags you feel good you hold the door open you feel good you help someone you feel good like okay let's this is obviously that we all want to feel good right how do we feel like I there's moments in my life where I feel terrible where I've done something wrong or [ __ ] up something or just failed and I just feel terrible and I always think when I do have that feeling god I [ __ ] hate this feeling why can't I feel great why can't I just feel awesome right now well because it didn't go well and this is like the psychic reminder this is that jolt of energy that's letting you know like hey you went on a wrong path you [ __ ] up you you tanked this you crash that you did wrong like you're supposed to feel like [ __ ] right so that you don't do it again yeah but conversely when something good happens when you help someone when someone can't get their bag in the overhead cuz it's too heavy and you help them and you hand it to them they smile at you and you smile at them you walk off the plane you feel good you feel good you got to teach that too like you have to remember that to go why do I feel so good I felt so good because I helped that lady yeah you know I felt so good because I said hi to that guy and that guy say hi me back and we looked at each other and go you know made some niceties or whatever yeah and that's that's part of the joy of life man is those friendly fun nice interactions with people but when you got your [ __ ] in order it's easier to have those experiences when you don't my personal experience when I don't have my [ __ ] in order and I've made mistakes and I'm [ __ ] something up it's very hard for me to enjoy anything yeah I just go through the motions I just I feel like oh if I have something that I [ __ ] up and then I have that terrible feeling but I have to hang out with my family and my kids I just ride it out and I just have to ride it out I try to be real friendly and real sweet but I don't feel good inside I feel terrible and I go well this is gonna go away with contemplation with understanding it's gonna this feelings gonna go away but you got to ride it out you know and I know I can ride it out because I've read it out rode it out before yeah but for some people man they don't know what to do they're right don't they don't know what that feeling is they feel like this is their life and then that feeling if you don't conquer it you get comfortable with it you get used to it you used to failing you get used to that terrible feeling and then you start pouring booze on that terrible feeling right or pouring drugs or whatever well it also becomes like I was in therapy and I remember the therapist told me that you we all have a narrative of our lives and you can choose that narrative it's that [ __ ] simple that's basically what behavioral therapy tells you is that it's all a projection everything in your life is a projection you know you say I have these attributes I've accomplished these things or you can say I lack these things and I [ __ ] up these things mmm and you can live your life putting that energy out to people and it's as simple as just literally sitting down and thinking about how you want to see yourself and just keep keep reminding yourself of that and you'll start to live it I mean this sounds so [ __ ] hokey don't oversimplified but it's real but it's real yeah yeah and part of the thing the downside of religion is that I was raised with a lot of shame and guilt and so those periods you're talking about where you [ __ ] up and you're feeling bad and you got to ride it out you throw shame on top of that and it extends it and it makes it more profound and it's not just about your action and how it might have affected other people it's about original sin you know heavy original sin [ __ ] Garden of Eden we're evil you know we're dirty we need to confess we need to be cleansed throw all that on top of a simple mistake and again it makes a complicate [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 1,997,245
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: vsEns2L7Q20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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