Overcoming Frustations When Starting Jiu Jitsu - Jocko Willink

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please cover overcoming the frustrations of beginning jiu-jitsu and this is coming from a 54 year old by the way but not quitting good good for him that's awesome glad you're picking up the jujitsu at 54 years old okay so how do you the frustrations at beginning JJ and it is absolutely if you have the wrong mindset it's viciously frustrating because of everything we just talked about and you think oh I'll just do this and let's go little bit harder and I just won't put my on there and I'll be able to win you're not gonna win you are gonna lose you're gonna lose over and over and over again to people that are smaller than you weaker than you not as tough as you are literally not as tough as you are you know not as tough as you are you know jiu-jitsu has a faction of of nerds for lack of a better word straighten nerds and no offense to the nerds out there but you know people that are not physically active and then some for some reason they fall into Jersey at some point and and the and the whole sudden it got a guy that's and they're not tough but they'll know the moves and I'll finish you so that so those the people you're gonna lose to so and it's a it's a long long slow journey that takes a long time now that being said if you train for a month and someone's train zero that journeys not that long you but that guy yeah you you will beat that guy I mean you know again you take two people one of them knows jujitsu for a month and one of them doesn't that guy's gonna win I mean you know basic way same way basic same you know he can't have somebody that's completely weak but in six months you're beating anybody that sound for the ninety five percent that maybe you 99% of people I don't train but but but as far as like you think you show up and in six months you're gonna be beating a blue belt it's not happening yeah yeah it's not happening a beating a purple belt is not happening you you're not gonna you're not gonna catch a purple belt you know in in your first two or three years unless you got just somebody that does lets you yeah yeah of course you're given like Jeff Glor he'll let people put him in all cut he does that in companies you saw that Metamora see he lets all kinds of great things happen so yeah can that happen of course but as far as legitimately yeah taking someone down yeah it's not gonna happen to me so so that's all that's what I'm saying is a long slow journey especially to because everyone's on that bus we've talked about this before everyone's on the bus getting better so that blue belt that started that you started six months behind or a year behind so he's a blue belt you're a year behind him he's not stopping getting better so as you start to pursue his game his game is evolving and changing and improving so you're not going to get there and then on top of that when you do learn something new it takes time to incorporate it into your game so if I taught you echo and new move tonight I said hey here's the school it's here's this new setup for the armlock and we drilled it ten times and you went now and started to apply that it would make your game worse because you'd be trying to apply a move that you don't know 100% yet like you've got some good solid moves that you do and those are you know those work really well so when you start incorporating this new move you don't know it well you don't get it all together so you're gonna fail out at a hundred times it's not gonna work a hundred times before you get it and by the way every time you tried it on me I got on top and then I smashed you in the night so you're you're sacrificing and it's in every time so you're actually going backwards a little bit before you can go forward so that's problematic and that's very very frustrating occasionally you might learn something that like really improves your game dramatically almost instantly that happens from time to time someone will say hey put your own position here or hey you know whatever the case may be but generally when you incorporate something new it can take some time you're gonna get injuries you're gonna get little injuries you're gonna get big injuries you're gonna be sore you're gonna so yes you will be frustrated so how do you counter all that you just got to embrace it you've got to embrace all those things you gotta enjoy all those things and I hate to be cliche here but you got to enjoy the journey you got to enjoy getting tapped out by somebody that small yeah be amazed by that you know say dang how did that just happen that is impressive you know you know say hey got a little war scar on my face I got you know split the eye open okay cool chicks dig scars you know I mean just gonna go don't don't don't look at all that stuff as negative look at it as you know it's like don't rush to the end don't rush to the end don't mean a rush to get there take your time and enjoy the sights that you're gonna go for also I've said this before select your training partners carefully especially like you're 54 years old you don't want to be rolling with a 20 year old steroid freak that's going white belt trying to kill you you want to be rolling with a cool mellow purple belt that's wants to do jujitsu yeah in in train and finally I would just say remember that jiu-jitsu should be fun it should be all those other things all those frustrated all those challenges all those things all that humiliation and humor and getting humbled but should be a good time you should have fun we're doing jiu-jitsu I know I do yeah yeah like a video game right you know I'm in town for a couple of days man and I came back and I had a little injury that I figured figured out took me a little while got my jacked-up finger it took me a little while to uh get the right get the right apparatus to splint it properly and protect it but it's but tonight I trained and I was so happy I was so happy go on you're getting on the mat just saying yes yeah that that is how we're all these all the junk parts that come with it were quote-unquote jumper you know like the is yeah I got choked out aware that's all part of the game seems obvious right yeah it's all part of the game but be happy that that's the game you're in you know so I mean jiu-jitsu basic I mean if you don't do jiu-jitsu this would be kind of kind of an insight basically all it is you go if you go to a class you go in you you may or may not warm up you learn a move whether it be a submission move or just a move you learn a move two moves three moves sometimes four moves and then you cut to rolling straight up you guys are fighting no strikes that's it you're fighting no strikes if you whatever moves you know go ahead and do them want one in real life against this guy that's it if you don't know if that's your first day and you learn one two three moves first day you better try to do those moves that's it so of course you know two three moves that you learned once by the way and you roll with someone who even if he's still a white belt or whatever he knows those moves and then you know three four more and he's practiced some in you know in real time or whatever I'm crazy is gonna get you you know that's just how it works but keep in mind the more you go the more you do the moves more moves you learn the more you practice some in real life the better you get at them and you know let's go ahead and just apply this to life as well cuz jiu-jitsu such a great metaphor for life whatever you're doing whatever goal you're trying to achieve if you're letting those frustrations when you hit those obstacles if you're letting them control you and get you down that's the wrong attitude to have you know look at it as a learning opportunity look at it as something that's good that's happening look at it as a chance for you to try something new look at it as the journey that you're trying to let you in by the way anything that's easy to achieve and you don't hit any obstacles well that's not worth it right that's not it's not gonna get the full satisfaction that you want out of that so in life as in jiu-jitsu don't get frustrated embrace those challenges because those are what is making this goal worthwhile I'm telling you when you let's see you well back to the avoiding frustration specifically it does how you're saying training partners that doesn't make a big difference because sometimes everyone small like I've heard of people where their schedule doesn't allow them to catch like the beginner class for example so they're like hey I've no choice I got to do this more intermediate or advanced class so they're the only white belt and the next you know guy even close to the team is like a advanced blue belt so that's gonna be a steep learning curve it's gonna be tough cuz it's how are you gonna practice your moves in the while ever you won't get to work your offense yes really but here's kind of a good thing you get to work your defense so when you get the opportunity to exercise like your offense whether you you get in another class or he just comes but just takes longer whatever but you know how good your defense is gonna be yeah and I actually so from training with Dean for so many years you know he's just got some positions that are brutal brutal positions and you know for instance his mount is is outstanding he's when he gets the mount when anybody else that I've ever trained with in my life has mounted with the exception I guess of Hicks and Gracie I felt like oh it's not being this is not you know this is not horrible scenario right and not that I'm not that worried I'm not trying to degrade people I've trained with but that is a grip Dean has an incredible mount and on top of that Dean kind of knows my escapes so whereas if I roll with a random other really good you know wolf class black belt they might not know the particulars of my escape Dean actually does know those and he's good and he's good at it so so you're right in that the more you train with people that are better than you your your defense is gonna be very good cuz like when you mount me I mean you got a good solid mount but I'm not I'm like I'm like okay cool all I'm gonna be out of this and in a short period of time with with no real threats in in the Riu bed I mean I'm sure it's the same way you've got Dean mounted on you I mean my mount because I don't have a great mount my mount is nothing compared to Dean's nothing yeah yeah fully yeah and that's absolutely true and at the same time though so what if you fall in and I don't wanna say it's like a small see because it's pretty big chance where if you enter a beginner class there's gonna get be a guy who's just as much of a beginner as you could and that's where you can really flourish because you're you can practice moves your new moves which I mean for lack of better term your junk moves you know and junk people I will say this though whoever you roll with whether they're worse than you the same as you are better than you you're gonna get a lot out of it all three of them yeah so you should roll with all three of those types people I have a tendency to wanna usually roll with guys that are you know like good and and I should spend more not I do I mean I definitely I train with everybody that we got at the altar and everybody but I always prefer of course I guess I shouldn't say of course because there are people that are like white belt hunters that want to go out there and be bullies I'm not like that I'd rather get bullied right I want to get I want to feel the I want to get after it you know yeah but you definitely get benefit from training with people that are better than you worse than you and the same as you because you is one of them you're practicing defense one of them you're practicing pure offense and someone that's equal than you you guys are practicing your setups and and your approaches and you gotta learn how to defend and do offense and defense at the same time so it's all good bro oh yeah that's basically the concept here roll yes get after it consider that scenario you bro with then you're talking from an ideal standpoint roll with people better than you same as you worse than you or you know not as good as you for a beginner that's not really the option the worse than you guys that's not an option for a beginner yeah really ya know so there's no one to sole them well as far as overcoming the frustrations or whatever it is a good situation where you can get in with guys just as beginner as you and and hope that they hang around this after a certain amount of time those guys who aren't as new or I could see where it could become frustrating if you were the guy he was I wonder let's say a guy that's you have to work late and you can only go to the advanced class and all of a sudden you think jujitsu is just getting crushed yes like and I can't learn this really you know so I guess leading distance to understand but yeah that's that's a good point so keep in mind that if you're in that situation it's okay you're gonna you're gonna when you eventually get to roll with people that are more your skill level you will be you'll be that much better off yeah yeah for sure and watch the first time you tap someone out with a move that you learned celebrate that did you yeah that's a good that's a good time
Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 1,065,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discipline, freedom, military, extreme ownership, leadership, advice, jocko willink, echelon front, navy seal, jocko podcast, excerpt, echo charles, leader, lead, win, defcor, discipline equals freedom
Id: xpZasMHhDDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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