Joe Rogan: "I Got Robbed in Brazil"

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you got in a fight with some Brazilians on the beach I got robbed in Brazil on the beach oh no they told me were they in their undies uh no they're just in some trunks respectable trunks but yeah they told me not to walk home on the beach by myself and you just did late at night or early in the morning I was like late at night I could see but I was like early in the morning it's sunrise and I got Robbie at knife Point yeah damn so that must have been terrifying get your ass be by a guy in a speedo yeah that would suck what did you what did you have to give up would you it's like seven bucks it was like seven I had a I had like a uh my wallet and then my or had my credit card and then I remembered I had money like in my shoe or something and they were pissed I'm like oh here I have this too they were like kind of nice about it oh that's cool they were like sorry we're really hungry you know I was like hey thanks for not stabbing me guys and then but I was I was like out you get out of your body when you're getting robbed you're completely out of your body and you're just like uh that is a a kind of a cool way to Rob someone sorry we really hungry yeah they were they we had a I had a phrase book on me and my credit card they put up they took out my credit card I'm like yo you guys can take this to the Mac machine just get a bunch of money out and they were like they didn't know what that was and then they took like seven bucks off me they went through my phrase book and they were laughing at stuff that I had circled like it was like a it was like I want you they they like and I was like yeah and then yeah it was like the most it was pretty like cordial the whole experience wow damn yeah they made fun of you that made fun of my phrasebook they were like B they're flipping through it when you land in Rio you drive through the vellas so scary and it's it's like oh my God like the the level of Po you ever see city of God yes bro it makes boys in the hood look like Sesame Street it that movie is crazy yeah they're just living in sheds on a hill it's that game what was that game you're playing Fallout where you like you're like grabbing pieces of metal and that's that's your house it's crazy yeah I know a lot of people that came from there that's not all fighters yeah a lot of UFC fighters came from the faas dude it's terrifying yeah it's a different level of poverty man and it's a different level of scarcity no opportunity nothing violence guns yeah they come the kids are like when you when I was walking around there I was like 21 but they'll like they'll come grab your leg and like hold on to your leg and like poor just like dude here's that city of God such a good movie movie is so crazy and apparently really accurate it really is like what it's like damn that was Roger Ebert days yeah yeah when I was there this like Swedish guy went to the FLL with another guy to buy coke and I was like like you want to come I was like no thank you [ __ ] all he got back he was like he looked kind of like Brazilian a little bit luckily but I was like bro I'm not going with you to go there yeah there's levels yeah there's levels in this world yeah that's a that's scary being that poor is scary but it was nice I was there it's like Monopoly money it's like if it's not your currency I was out there just do that stuff out you love our currency I do we were in Australia dud we were in Australia Matt was like this is USD I tried to pay $20 money and they were like we don't take that I'm like come on man it's like come on man this is 10 times your money it's like dude this is American I treated I was treat like I was in like Honduras I was like yo here's a 20 bucks and they're like we can't take this I'm like you don't give you that that's that's good money some money have like they have like clear little holes in them and there's like little Holograms in it it's all [ __ ] dude it's fake American money is the only thing that matters isn't it wild though that no one's figured out how to completely accurately recreate money it's just pieces of like they had to really stay ahead of the curve for the counterfeits technology inreased that was a major problem when this country was like starting yeah it was an easy thing to do by it was punchable by death wasn't it yeah yeah they used to [ __ ] you up for that I remember the first time I ever saw a fake $20 bill I was like oh wow this is weird yeah it's weird it's like feels wrong yeah I don't think you can buy the paper that's the thing I think there's a specific money is a specific paper but people bleach bills and then you can print you can get the real paper bleach the bill and print like tens on like a one and you can do that and sell you can sell bundles of them to people oh no kidding yeah that's what they do that's what I've heard yeah are you involved in this no I just I just heard how long you been doing this how long you been no I just I've heard there's bad bad money goes around people sell it in like big chunks and you can get it and like it just seems like if they can make fake Rolexes how the [ __ ] can they not make fake like cuz you know they have the light they shine on the dollar bills now there like things embedded in them and stuff yeah I don't know but I think the people who are counterfeiting though aren't they just kind of like like I don't know you'd have to be so Advanced technologically to like do that and if you're were able to make money you could probably do all kinds of other stuff yeah but that's the case with a lot of things that are illegal it's like there's some industrious people that just go the wrong way in life but they're really [ __ ] smart that's true I think I had some fake mushrooms recently oh yeah official say man sueded Mr Clean Magic Erasers while he used ma rather Mr Clean Magic Erasers to transform $1 bills into hundreds Magic erasers so he erased it and then reprinted over yeah you're supposed to clean your wall with that way you can get you you have the good paper but then if I guess that's why they have those strips cuz then you can hold up a strip and be like that's not a $10 bill this is a$1 that's a lot of work man yeah but dude I wonder how much money you made you go to jail forever son it's a secret service PRS the Secret Service looks into this stuff speaking of which what did they arrest Killer Mike for oh yeah that is one of the most ridiculous they don't arrest anybody in La you got people literally doing meth in front of people's houses and Tents what did he do and Killer Mike gets arrested after he wins three GRS yeah what did he do well of course the online conspiracy theory is that he criticized Joe Biden that's that's the online conspir conspiracy I like that that's a great conspiracy that is it's a fun conspiracy having fun why who the [ __ ] would arrest Killer Mike like what is this misdemeanor what did he do did he have a a license plate missing or something like what the [ __ ] did he do that they do they release charge we going to find out Killer Mike I'm guarantee you didn't Killer Mike yeah you think he did something such a good guy Killer Mike as brilliant as he is that is the name of like a crazy Thug it's not the name of a guy who's like a philosopher Killer Mike Killer Mike is like a killer Mike's not even a creative name it's like a name that's like the dumb guy in the neighborhood they're like oh that's Killer Mike [ __ ] away from that guy this is from this is an hour ago he said nothing happen but this is the official report it says a physical altercation happened oh and he was released I miss demeanor battery and then released on zero bail oh he [ __ ] slapped somebody that kind of rules that's awesome but again in Los Angeles there's people that are like literally pulling knives on sheriffs and being out of jail like that day yeah he Smith did at the W at the W right in front of the whole world and he gets arrested yeah that's you think it's like post Will Smith they've changed the rules maybe maybe whenever celebrities smack each other you have to step in right away might be a new task force for that well it depends on who he smacked you know true that's the question yeah right if it's somebody we want him to smack yeah you know now now I'm really irritated you know if you smacked ter Swift that would be a real issue that would be yeah don't put your hands on our Queen not after last night she had she didn't she do well last night I saw the new she did a lot in the Grammys things are going well for Taylor Swift is doing all right find it's so fascinating how many people are for whatever reason are opposed to it they don't like that she's so popular I understand it's normal it's normal human behavior she's ruining the game of football now I can't watch a new thing she's Ru she has ruined the game of football I can't even watch it anymore cuz it cuts to her once or twice and every time during the game and I see her and I go [ __ ] why do you care [Music] [Music]
Channel: JRE Daily Clips
Views: 399,174
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Id: 0wQDEuGiF40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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