Joe Rogan Experience #1138 - Ted Nugent

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I'm Morgan<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah masters are out there I</font> use one out three<font color="#E5E5E5"> two one boom</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and we're</font> live we're just talking about<font color="#E5E5E5"> target</font> panic ladies<font color="#CCCCCC"> and gentlemen sure those</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> about all that's like</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">erectile dysfunction for archery it's a</font> panic right yeah<font color="#CCCCCC"> free panic because you</font> want that arrow to go so bad by the<font color="#E5E5E5"> way</font> thanks for<font color="#E5E5E5"> having me on my pleasure</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> understand from all the input I get<font color="#E5E5E5"> from</font> all my intelligent friends that you deserve me <font color="#CCCCCC">oh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're your assistant reached out</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> said my people reach out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yes she</font> said I think you'll have<font color="#E5E5E5"> more in common</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">with Ted than you realize yeah I was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hurt that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> her pitch truth logic</font> common sense<font color="#E5E5E5"> spirit physics of the</font> American<font color="#CCCCCC"> Dream perhaps controversial and</font> misunderstood<font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yes</font> boy we're surrounded<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah maybe both a</font> clusterfuck<font color="#E5E5E5"> ring any bells yes indeed</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> target panic</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I got lucky in</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> uh</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I got</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hooked up with John Dudley</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">early before</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I developed target panic</font> he's the master<font color="#E5E5E5"> and he explained to me</font> two choices<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah shot sequences yeah and</font> let's let's<font color="#E5E5E5"> make this available</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">universally to all of our podcast</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">friends out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there okay</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in life the</font> clusterfuck to omniscience<font color="#E5E5E5"> is what we</font> aspire to<font color="#CCCCCC"> yes</font> maximum level<font color="#E5E5E5"> of awareness on all fronts</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I don't care if you're a welder a</font> podcast or<font color="#CCCCCC"> a guitar player or a butcher</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">right</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> maximum efficiency</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> being the best</font> that you can be clear<font color="#E5E5E5"> mind clear</font> conscience<font color="#E5E5E5"> true north compass in the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">world of archery because it does consume</font> you and<font color="#E5E5E5"> Here I am</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> seventy years clean</font> and sober<font color="#E5E5E5"> because I'm currently and</font> forever consumed with the mystical flight of the air which<font color="#E5E5E5"> is the origins</font> of Zen the Japanese religion of not <font color="#CCCCCC">shooting an arrow</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not being an arrow but</font> being the path of<font color="#CCCCCC"> your life</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and if you</font> use the gifts from God to<font color="#E5E5E5"> the ultimate</font> application of efficiency and effectiveness<font color="#E5E5E5"> you can put that fucking</font> arrow<font color="#E5E5E5"> right</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> want it to and the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">baggage</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that all humans have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to deal</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">with in its most painfully manifested in</font> the pursuit of archery<font color="#E5E5E5"> is too many minds</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you can't think about it if you got to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">think about playing Wang dang sweet</font> poontang<font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ain't gonna play it it</font> better<font color="#E5E5E5"> just be you and unleash and with</font> an arrow<font color="#E5E5E5"> because you want to let that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">arrow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> go because they're shooting it now</font> in our jury<font color="#E5E5E5"> I need to put</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that arrow</font> down there and that<font color="#E5E5E5"> bullseye on that</font> pump station or that crease of the Buffalo<font color="#E5E5E5"> and so you want it to go</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that's what you're here for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is to let</font> the arrow go<font color="#E5E5E5"> so you got to tell</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yourself</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you can't let the arrow go you have to</font> shoot so<font color="#E5E5E5"> many arrows throughout your</font> life that no no too many<font color="#CCCCCC"> Minds</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">subconscious physics of spirituality</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">ingrained deep within your origins and</font> Aboriginal<font color="#E5E5E5"> ancestry there it is</font> if ever there was an aim small miss small<font color="#E5E5E5"> perfection</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> its</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> archery and let me</font> I don't mean to monologue here<font color="#E5E5E5"> this is</font> so much of my<font color="#E5E5E5"> life</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I know no</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> matter</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you do and I've done</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> since the 60s</font> when the hippies were trying to get me stoned<font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm gonna no that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not what you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">want to do what you want to do is get a</font> bow<font color="#E5E5E5"> and arrow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what you want to do is</font> escape<font color="#E5E5E5"> what you're trying to escape the</font> pressures<font color="#CCCCCC"> the pressures</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fuck those</font> pressures you be the source of<font color="#E5E5E5"> pressure</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">not the receiver of pressure and my dad</font> raised<font color="#E5E5E5"> me my dad was a drill sergeant</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">god bless that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> son of a bitch</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he was</font> awesome<font color="#E5E5E5"> I hated him discipline</font> discipline discipline discipline <font color="#CCCCCC">especially at the archery range and so I</font> learned archery and when I'm playing <font color="#E5E5E5">guitar and I'm playing all this</font> outrageous Chuck Berry Bo Diddley a <font color="#CCCCCC">little Richard stuff and everybody's</font> getting<font color="#E5E5E5"> high and drunk and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they're</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">really great</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> musicians and the more high</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and the more joint they got they became</font> less great musicians until the point where they weren't<font color="#E5E5E5"> even musicians</font> anymore and so I would escape that<font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font> has<font color="#E5E5E5"> 11 12 and there was no hippies it</font> was beatniks<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'd get back to my</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">little house in Redfern on the Rouge</font> River<font color="#E5E5E5"> in Detroit and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I get me a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> little</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">bow and arrow</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I go down to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> skunk</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">hollow and in River rat</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and even as a</font> stupid mushy brained<font color="#E5E5E5"> idiot child I was</font> able<font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the blonde bono recurs yet you know</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I could</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> shoot a rat in the eye because I</font> had no baggage yet I haven't developed any social baggage<font color="#CCCCCC"> and that has served</font> me<font color="#CCCCCC"> so the many minds what</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> happened many</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">no minds</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bright so that's the baggage</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yeah too many mind</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> does he</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that that's the thing that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">who don't shoot arrows when you start</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">talking about this they don't really</font> understand<font color="#E5E5E5"> what you're saying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">exactly what you're saying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but for a lot</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of people this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> very misunderstood</font> subject<font color="#CCCCCC"> alright you know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that this is a</font> meditation<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a meditation involved</font> in<font color="#E5E5E5"> the absolute meditate</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> uhit's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">out-of-body</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the ultimate arrow like the</font> ultimate<font color="#CCCCCC"> guitar lick I suspect</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font> comedian<font color="#E5E5E5"> on stage which I qualify you</font> can't be thinking<font color="#E5E5E5"> of your routine it's</font> kind<font color="#E5E5E5"> of flow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean I was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">presence of Sam Kinison</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for 5060</font> spontaneous performances<font color="#E5E5E5"> and Robin</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Williams at</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Comedy Store and Lillian</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and Richard Pryor you see remember</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> mentioned<font color="#CCCCCC"> a moment ago I've been on the</font> mountaintop with<font color="#E5E5E5"> Bill strop</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and the</font> Broncos and<font color="#E5E5E5"> Parnelli Jones taught me to</font> race<font color="#CCCCCC"> I played bass for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Chuck Berry</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> Bo Diddley<font color="#E5E5E5"> I mean I married mrs. Nugent</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I mean I've been</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to the peak of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Peaks</font> available to mankind<font color="#CCCCCC"> I hunted with Fred</font> fucking bear when did you do that<font color="#CCCCCC"> I have</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">five</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or six I met him he was started the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">brand-new archery shop and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> grayling</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Michigan my dad was already a follower</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">before I was exploited to people who he</font> is <font color="#CCCCCC">Red Bear people uninitiated</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> powerful</font> story he's like the Richard Pryor of<font color="#E5E5E5"> archery</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yes I was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> expecting his afro to catch</font> fire any moment<font color="#E5E5E5"> it was</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> awesome</font> so I'm already<font color="#E5E5E5"> into bows and arrows I</font> don't know<font color="#CCCCCC"> who fredbear was I really was</font> just<font color="#E5E5E5"> getting you know baptized by the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Chuck Berry</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> abode eerie</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> electronic</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">guitar</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> orgy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and in that late 40s early</font> 50s<font color="#E5E5E5"> it was</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a firestorm of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> defiance and</font> rebellion musically manifested but Roy Weatherby was going beyond the<font color="#CCCCCC"> 3030</font> which everybody used for deer hunting <font color="#E5E5E5">and it was a good</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hundred yard and for</font> real<font color="#CCCCCC"> marksman real</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Zen</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> marksmen could</font> shoot a<font color="#CCCCCC"> 30-30 200</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> plus</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yards where their</font> open sights are<font color="#E5E5E5"> scoped and marksmanship</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and sniper discipline was a powerful</font> force in<font color="#E5E5E5"> a hunting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> family and in</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">family every family I knew we</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> all shot</font> every weekend pistols shotguns rifles <font color="#E5E5E5">22s</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> huntin woodchucks in Fryeburg</font> Pennsylvania<font color="#E5E5E5"> with the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Targetmaster</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">remington</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> single-shot bowl 2012 cents a</font> box at the dry goods store<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's awesome</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> wait my dad taught me to shoot him</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the eye</font> aim small<font color="#CCCCCC"> miss small breathe</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> site</font> acquisition<font color="#E5E5E5"> you have a responsibility to</font> kill that animal<font color="#CCCCCC"> outright if you're</font> gonna utilize that precious<font color="#E5E5E5"> gift</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> flesh and<font color="#E5E5E5"> fur body fluids and bone you</font> better kill him clean<font color="#CCCCCC"> because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're a</font> reasoning predator<font color="#E5E5E5"> you have a moral</font> intellectual and spiritual obligation to kill your dinner humanely<font color="#E5E5E5"> and cleanly</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">duh and so that marksmanship routine was</font> developing with ballistic<font color="#E5E5E5"> Ted Nugent</font> ballistically maximized firepower<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">ROI</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> well it stands</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for I thought</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it said</font> bad motherfucker<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that has a</font> ring to<font color="#E5E5E5"> it maybe then maybe that's what</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it could all right yeah so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> threadbare</font> fredbear so Roy Weatherby was extending <font color="#E5E5E5">long-range marksmanship and developing</font> the the famous<font color="#E5E5E5"> Weatherby Magnum with</font> more powder<font color="#E5E5E5"> more efficient burning</font> powder better primers better<font color="#E5E5E5"> designed</font> ballistic bullets that<font color="#E5E5E5"> would cut air</font> better and go flatter<font color="#E5E5E5"> longer better</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">trajectory and velocity</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and so it was</font> fun to<font color="#E5E5E5"> shoot that deer or a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bull's eye</font> at a hundred<font color="#CCCCCC"> yards that takes a lot of</font> trigger control<font color="#E5E5E5"> and discipline but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now</font> Roy Weatherby was creating whether it be magnums the<font color="#E5E5E5"> 300 Weatherby Magnum shot</font> 180 or<font color="#CCCCCC"> 80 green bullet</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you know thirty</font> to thirty four<font color="#E5E5E5"> hundred feet a second</font> which<font color="#CCCCCC"> was unheard of and so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you could</font> aim small miss small<font color="#CCCCCC"> and if you really</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">got that really intricate meticulous</font> triggered<font color="#E5E5E5"> smoothness you could shoot</font> thousand yards<font color="#E5E5E5"> once</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you learn the</font> trajectory of your gun however 1911 the last of the<font color="#CCCCCC"> yani Indians</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ischium was</font> discovered in Oroville<font color="#CCCCCC"> I can't believe I</font> remember all this<font color="#E5E5E5"> in Oroville California</font> Northern California and there was a bounty<font color="#CCCCCC"> on Indians back then you could</font> shoot a man Indian<font color="#E5E5E5"> and get 25</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bucks</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">19:11</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yep they had bounties on him</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> instead of<font color="#E5E5E5"> shooting this Yanni this last</font> Indian<font color="#E5E5E5"> they called the local sheriff and</font> they took<font color="#CCCCCC"> ishi</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> into custody and they</font> called some scientists and<font color="#CCCCCC"> Pawlenty</font> ologists from California University by <font color="#E5E5E5">the name</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> our Saxton Pope and Saxton</font> Pope came and studied<font color="#CCCCCC"> a Shi</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as a as a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Aboriginal</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> lastin Pope of Pope in young</font> that's right and then he contacted<font color="#CCCCCC"> his</font> buddy art<font color="#E5E5E5"> Young who also studied in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> genre<font color="#CCCCCC"> and they discovered a Shi and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they</font> were fascinated<font color="#CCCCCC"> by</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> his stealthy</font> awareness of<font color="#CCCCCC"> that wilderness in his</font> archery control with his funny<font color="#CCCCCC"> little</font> style of<font color="#E5E5E5"> shooting the bow with his thumb</font> and getting close and<font color="#E5E5E5"> doing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ice-cold</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">River</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bathing before the hunt to cleanse</font> himself to be worthy of<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> beast</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">fred bear witnessed the film that pope</font> and young eventually made of them becoming consumed with the mystical flight of the arrow<font color="#CCCCCC"> now this was in the</font> 20s<font color="#E5E5E5"> and 30s</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they put a newsreel out</font> when<font color="#E5E5E5"> all over the country and showed</font> this newsreel<font color="#CCCCCC"> of hunting with the bow</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> arrow by Saxon</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Pope and aren't young</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">shooting grizzly bears in Yosemite</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> going to Africa<font color="#E5E5E5"> filling Lions full of</font> arrows<font color="#E5E5E5"> because they they weren't really</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">as good as he sheep so they'd fling a</font> lot<font color="#CCCCCC"> of arrows</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and these animals</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> were</font> pretty relaxed almost<font color="#E5E5E5"> tame because</font> they'd<font color="#E5E5E5"> never been hunted like that</font> before and so fret bear come from<font color="#CCCCCC"> Pennsylvania</font> around<font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> time to work at the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for moat</font> company building cabinets for<font color="#E5E5E5"> the new</font> radio<font color="#E5E5E5"> they just invented in the wood</font> dashboards for<font color="#E5E5E5"> the Ford Motor Company</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he was also making</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bows handmade you</font> would<font color="#CCCCCC"> and/or Osage orange bows in his</font> little archery shop with<font color="#CCCCCC"> Nels grumbly I</font> can't believe I remembered<font color="#CCCCCC"> Nels</font> grumbling one of the greatest<font color="#E5E5E5"> Boyer's of</font> all time<font color="#E5E5E5"> so my dad got the archery bug</font> because<font color="#E5E5E5"> Fred defied the trend of easier</font> hunting easier<font color="#E5E5E5"> long-range you didn't</font> have to be very stealthy to shoot a deer <font color="#CCCCCC">500</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yards they don't even know you're</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">there I have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to do is be a disciplined</font> marksman which is <font color="#CCCCCC">a discipline</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and a great accomplishment</font> unto itself<font color="#CCCCCC"> and it was a new</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> challenge</font> for<font color="#CCCCCC"> long-range ballistic capability</font> well Pope and young and a handful fredbear<font color="#CCCCCC"> Nels grumbly went</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and saw this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">newsreel of these guys these doctors</font> these<font color="#CCCCCC"> professors</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hunting all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> over the</font> world with these handmade bows and Fred was<font color="#E5E5E5"> already into it and he was I'll be</font> damned this I didn't realize you could do that<font color="#E5E5E5"> and so now people after</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> seeing</font> the pope and young newsreel started asking<font color="#CCCCCC"> fred to make bows and it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> spreads</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">so he started the bear archery company</font> late<font color="#E5E5E5"> 20s early 30s and he moved to</font> grayling up in the northern part<font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Michigan where the wilderness was and</font> they<font color="#E5E5E5"> had cut</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> down all the trees so there</font> was this new growth of ideal wildlife habitat<font color="#E5E5E5"> because not many animals can</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">live in an old-growth forest an owl were</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">too but you need low-level escape</font> sanctuary<font color="#CCCCCC"> in browse that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the animals</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can</font> access and so<font color="#E5E5E5"> fred was now promoting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">archery in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> michigan won all the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> national</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">field archery championship and</font> Championships along<font color="#E5E5E5"> with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> an</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Marston it's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">awesome</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's so my dad was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a follower because</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">he'd come back from World War</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> two</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and he</font> needed<font color="#CCCCCC"> that escape</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he needed that</font> cleansing to get away<font color="#CCCCCC"> from that horror</font> which is why they<font color="#E5E5E5"> never talked</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> about it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and so we'd go up north</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> every year</font> October 1st the<font color="#E5E5E5"> Nugent family and the</font> Ford station wagon and<font color="#E5E5E5"> I have my little</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">bow and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> arrow with the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> suction cups and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cheap stuffed animals off the couch</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">but my dad</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> would walked the woods with</font> his real bow and we'd stopped at<font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">little brick Shack</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that said</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bear</font> archery and<font color="#E5E5E5"> I had no idea and so I was</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">already</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> into bows and arrows shooting</font> all the<font color="#CCCCCC"> time I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was obsessed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I was under</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">downriver every day no baseball no</font> football<font color="#CCCCCC"> no hockey</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bows and arrows bows</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">narrows critters I think I had the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">songbird world</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> slam by the time I was</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 8</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and and so now I'm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> eating this tall</font> lanky gentleman named Fred bear and didn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> register with me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> until I started</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">seeing him</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on the cover of true magazine</font> and sporting magazines and in Life magazine with a<font color="#E5E5E5"> grizzly bear and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> an</font> elephant<font color="#E5E5E5"> and a tiger and a lion in the</font> newsreels<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'm</font> I'm<font color="#E5E5E5"> shooting River Rats which is so</font> thrilling I can't even<font color="#E5E5E5"> describe it and</font> here's this long lanky tall lanky guy that was building bows in this rust rustic shop in northern Michigan on my way to my favorite thing in<font color="#E5E5E5"> life October</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">first opening day</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of archery season as a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">6 7</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 8 year old boy and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we'd have</font> chocolate<font color="#CCCCCC"> milk and cherry pie with this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">fredbear guy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now it's registering this</font> is the Chuck Berry of<font color="#E5E5E5"> boning</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> This</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Is It</font> this<font color="#CCCCCC"> is the guy</font> so I became<font color="#E5E5E5"> enamored</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with him and he was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">kind to me and he'd show</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> me stuff but I</font> got<font color="#E5E5E5"> to hang out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with him as I grew by</font> the time I was 16 we moved to Chicago as my dad got transferred but<font color="#E5E5E5"> I got to</font> visit<font color="#E5E5E5"> with Fred bear at least every</font> other October never hunted with him<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> I'm now I started Amboy Dukes I'd <font color="#E5E5E5">already had a great band won the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Battle</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Bands in Michigan with the Lord's</font> we opened<font color="#E5E5E5"> up for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> The Supremes and the</font> Beau Brummel's at Cobo Hall<font color="#CCCCCC"> Wow and so</font> now I'm<font color="#CCCCCC"> in Chicago shooting my</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> boner all</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the time started to the Amboy Dukes</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">playing like a madman graduated in 67</font> went back to Michigan<font color="#E5E5E5"> that two years</font> later<font color="#CCCCCC"> and immediately went up to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">grayling where now there's this huge</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cathedral bear archery and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Fred bear is</font> like that dude he's like the sporting dude because<font color="#CCCCCC"> he</font> taught the long-range marksman that <font color="#CCCCCC">there's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> an intimacy there's a a better</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">learning process in a more important</font> lesson to not<font color="#E5E5E5"> kill the animal but to</font> understand your relationship with the animal<font color="#E5E5E5"> and to try to use those god-given</font> gifts I mentioned a moment ago to penetrate<font color="#E5E5E5"> the otherwise impenetrable</font> defense system of game because they are sneaky<font color="#E5E5E5"> elusive crafty God made them</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> get away from guitar players with sharp sticks<font color="#CCCCCC"> and so this caught on because</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> go you know I kill my deer every</font> year with<font color="#E5E5E5"> my 3030 now with the 30 out of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">6 and Roy breath rather be</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> long-range</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> wonder if I'm a badass enough to get close<font color="#CCCCCC"> to a deer with a bow and arrow so</font> it caught on like wildfire<font color="#CCCCCC"> and they made</font> the first<font color="#CCCCCC"> Fred got</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the first legal</font> season in Michigan the<font color="#CCCCCC"> Allegan State</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Park</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on November 1st 1947 where George</font> Nichols my buddy<font color="#E5E5E5"> got the first legal</font> buck in Michigan with a bow and<font color="#CCCCCC"> arrow on</font> that morning<font color="#CCCCCC"> and so I knew these</font> these were the founders these were like you<font color="#E5E5E5"> were I was at the Concord bridge of</font> our tree<font color="#E5E5E5"> and so Fred embraced me and it</font> was real<font color="#E5E5E5"> suspicious of the long-haired</font> hippie looking you know<font color="#CCCCCC"> rocking maniac</font> Motor City Madman but all of his<font color="#E5E5E5"> friends</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">would</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> nah know he's not into drugs he's</font> in fact he's<font color="#E5E5E5"> anti drug and he's always</font> promoting our trash<font color="#E5E5E5"> shot my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bow and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">arrow on stage forever I'd shoot flaming</font> arrows at skulls and a big illegal I think it was a felony<font color="#CCCCCC"> a big turkey</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">vulture I add stuff but it looked great</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">backlit you know and I'd shoot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> fucker off this<font color="#E5E5E5"> amps at night people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">didn't know whether to shit or go blind</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">is this wild</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> man screen the bird lands</font> making all this outrageous racket I come out with a bow<font color="#E5E5E5"> and arrow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a flaming</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">arrow and blow up a turkey vulture</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what</font> more do you want and so Fred look got look past the insanity of the fear factor of rock and roll and he finally<font color="#E5E5E5"> admitted</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to me said</font> every sporting goods show I go to Ted all the young people<font color="#E5E5E5"> anybody under 30</font> all they want<font color="#E5E5E5"> to know is if I know Ted</font> Nugent<font color="#E5E5E5"> because that was the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> first time</font> they<font color="#CCCCCC"> ever saw a bow and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> arrow and they</font> read my<font color="#CCCCCC"> you my interviews about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">spirit the cleansing of escaping the</font> insanity<font color="#CCCCCC"> of whatever</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your job</font> description might be<font color="#E5E5E5"> mind beating</font> maniacal<font color="#CCCCCC"> rock and roll I need to shut</font> the fuck<font color="#E5E5E5"> up</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> take a deep breath get my</font> bow and<font color="#E5E5E5"> arrow let my guitars breed head</font> back<font color="#E5E5E5"> to the woods</font> and and<font color="#CCCCCC"> remember who I am and what I'm</font> here for <font color="#E5E5E5">and I never</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> killed a deer I was just a</font> little too uppity<font color="#CCCCCC"> and we didn't know</font> what<font color="#CCCCCC"> we were doing back then</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you were</font> too uppity<font color="#E5E5E5"> you think what do you mean</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">just I'm high energy so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> too</font> I do I wasn't<font color="#CCCCCC"> the stealthy I'll about</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">too loud I'm a tacit Walker I learned</font> from Fred I learned to walk toe first <font color="#E5E5E5">and I learned to go around anything yet</font> instead<font color="#E5E5E5"> of stepping over and to stay in</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> shadows</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so I knew the maneuvers but</font> coming<font color="#E5E5E5"> out of the tour</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> playing 350</font> nights a year<font color="#CCCCCC"> and then you get</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a couple</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">days</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> off during November you get the bow</font> and arrow<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's hard</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to go from that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> total<font color="#CCCCCC"> songs</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yes but you know what Joe</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">what I've mastered it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I know yeah</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">finally</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean I did but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you've been you</font> might have six<font color="#CCCCCC"> along by the 60s I I</font> don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> know about masters you'll never</font> master<font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but I had mastered</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> trends</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hey what do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> say when people like</font> that one<font color="#E5E5E5"> of the arguments about hunting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that people will bring up is why would</font> you<font color="#CCCCCC"> use in a bow and arrow a bow</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> arrows not as effective if you wanted to kill something<font color="#CCCCCC"> you should</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> use a gun</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's people that don't hunt that</font> think<font color="#E5E5E5"> that hunting should only be one</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">thing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and it should</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> only be killing the</font> animal<font color="#CCCCCC"> from</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me whereas I think that</font> someone<font color="#CCCCCC"> who hunts</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> definitely kills the</font> animal from<font color="#E5E5E5"> me oh there's more there's</font> more<font color="#E5E5E5"> to the whole thing and you ever</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">seen me expound on that fun sport</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> meat</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yeah trophy you can't hunt without</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">having fun or you won't do it it's fun</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to challenge yourself</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's fun to get up</font> and go some<font color="#E5E5E5"> people have a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> problem</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that word just my ass</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if it wasn't fun</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">none</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of us would do it I understand your</font> your take on it<font color="#E5E5E5"> they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can kiss</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your ass</font> but you it means something to<font color="#E5E5E5"> you it's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">not as simple</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> like fuck you this is</font> just<font color="#CCCCCC"> how we're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> gonna do deep yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this</font> is<font color="#E5E5E5"> being the greatest</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> basketball 3-point</font> shooter<font color="#E5E5E5"> isn't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that fun must be</font> discipline you<font color="#E5E5E5"> win but it's all it's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">always fun it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because it's</font> invigorating<font color="#CCCCCC"> right and the bow hunting</font> is more<font color="#CCCCCC"> invigaron</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because it's so</font> difficult so the borderline impossible <font color="#CCCCCC">fun sport it well I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't think sport</font> hunting is good you shouldn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> have sport</font> how can you hunt without<font color="#E5E5E5"> sport</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think there's just too many of these</font> words or and there's like<font color="#CCCCCC"> Kofi hunting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> by</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">can't hunt without</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a trophy you know</font> what<font color="#E5E5E5"> I have on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my wall to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my northern</font> cabin you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> gonna you already are</font> inclined<font color="#E5E5E5"> to love me but now you're</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">really gonna you're going for you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> too</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">but fuck me right here on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it loved well</font> it's a metaphorically speaking<font color="#CCCCCC"> for some</font> of my<font color="#CCCCCC"> buddies</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> anyhow</font> so<font color="#CCCCCC"> on the wall of my</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> cabin in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> northern</font> Michigan<font color="#CCCCCC"> here's my first kill November</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">15th 1969 my dad's pre</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 60 film</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> unlock</font> button buck<font color="#CCCCCC"> do you hear the story yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and I took</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it to the taxidermist</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I</font> said I want this monitor he said here to mount<font color="#CCCCCC"> this oh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but button button</font> buck is a fawn of the year<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> heads</font> little buttons<font color="#E5E5E5"> on his forehead which is</font> a legal deer with<font color="#E5E5E5"> a doe tag and I had</font> that year and I said it's a buck feel <font color="#E5E5E5">you have to feel I'm they had to make</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">sure</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it is a buck is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it such a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> little</font> guy<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's a legal</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> deer and it's a</font> delicious deer<font color="#E5E5E5"> they're deer the year is</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">a fawn</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that's why we have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this hunting</font> season<font color="#E5E5E5"> in the fall because now they're</font> independent they're not<font color="#E5E5E5"> they're been</font> weaned<font color="#E5E5E5"> they're they're independent</font> animals in fact the the button<font color="#CCCCCC"> bucks are</font> their asses get kicked by their mother to throw them out<font color="#CCCCCC"> of the herd</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> get the</font> hell out of the<font color="#CCCCCC"> way for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> more breeding</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">which is what I do and and so I have</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that button buck mounted well who's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">gonna</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> tell me that's not a trophy the</font> the the experiences the memories<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> clothes the bullets the day the sunrise the crows the sandhill cranes the birds the movement<font color="#CCCCCC"> the anticipation</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I got</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">back straps I had fun</font> ultimate discipline<font color="#E5E5E5"> challenge sport</font> ultimate<font color="#CCCCCC"> meat ultimate protein the</font> purest<font color="#E5E5E5"> most organic before it was even</font> hip and if you could I dare you to tell me that button buck is not a trophy<font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> got I have woodchucks mounted<font color="#CCCCCC"> I shot a</font> woodchuck in the eye with my grandson well I have<font color="#E5E5E5"> I have squirrels</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ma</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">always a trophy mountain squirrel</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I sure</font> I'm the squirrels are you know when you when you first<font color="#E5E5E5"> start out and you kill</font> that first squirrel<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's exciting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">stuff</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's it's it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all put a squirrel</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that you mounted on a limb at the in the</font> cabin along with Rocco<font color="#E5E5E5"> Brock my son out</font> here his<font color="#CCCCCC"> first wood duck that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he got</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">very</font> with much<font color="#CCCCCC"> effort and we have that wood</font> duck mounted<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a there's a love</font> affair<font color="#E5E5E5"> with our instinctual stewardship</font> duties to<font color="#E5E5E5"> the wildlife to harvest the</font> surplus to<font color="#CCCCCC"> make room for next spring's</font> productivity<font color="#E5E5E5"> because there's going to be</font> more animals but there's not<font color="#CCCCCC"> going</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be</font> more<font color="#E5E5E5"> habitat</font> hence sustained yield successful wildlife management model that is so perfect<font color="#CCCCCC"> it defies criticism unless</font> you're a lying sack of<font color="#CCCCCC"> shit have you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">ever had to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have a reasonable</font> conversation with someone<font color="#CCCCCC"> who's</font> anti-hunting you ever<font color="#CCCCCC"> liked soft down</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yeah often absolutely</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and to the man and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">woman I mean adamant vagin until I</font> explained to<font color="#E5E5E5"> him well vague and I like</font> that vegan vegan<font color="#CCCCCC"> I can't even</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pronounce</font> much very so stupid<font color="#CCCCCC"> by the way my son</font> Rocco<font color="#E5E5E5"> who I love beyond description yep</font> vegan no yes<font color="#CCCCCC"> yes excited he needs to eat</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">more yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> when he's asleep I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> tried to</font> shove a back strap up his ass but he's got<font color="#E5E5E5"> more muscles than I do</font> anyhow<font color="#CCCCCC"> my point is is that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> how did he</font> become vegan<font color="#E5E5E5"> he hasn't died yet he</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hasn't died Ginny is a great hunter</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he</font> doesn't like to hunt anymore<font color="#E5E5E5"> he's</font> decided not to <font color="#E5E5E5">he's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> our killed great deer great hogs</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I've seen him on your TV show</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah he's</font> a great<font color="#CCCCCC"> hunter but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he just he decided he</font> does not want<font color="#E5E5E5"> to take part in the</font> harvest<font color="#CCCCCC"> I respect it completely but</font> goodie<font color="#CCCCCC"> for you if you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> really want to</font> kill the most things be a vegan<font color="#E5E5E5"> because</font> the farmers who protect your beans<font color="#E5E5E5"> kill</font> everything<font color="#CCCCCC"> I kill one animal</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> per arrow</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">in order to grow tofu you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have to kill</font> every ground squirrel every vole every shrew every snake<font color="#E5E5E5"> every turtle every</font> frog every bird every rabbit<font color="#E5E5E5"> anything</font> that gets in that bean field<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm either</font> gonna plow and dismember which is why the crows<font color="#CCCCCC"> and the and the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> seagulls</font> follow the the<font color="#CCCCCC"> compound that combines</font> over<font color="#E5E5E5"> here and then if anything does</font> survived my first slaughter<font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm gonna</font> come<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with man</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Santo</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and poison the</font> shit out of everything<font color="#E5E5E5"> so you can have a</font> tofu salad<font color="#CCCCCC"> and not be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> responsible for</font> any death fuck you that's a<font color="#E5E5E5"> really good point</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a lot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people ignore in a void because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font> it's uncomfortable<font color="#CCCCCC"> isn't life full of</font> uncomforted<font color="#E5E5E5"> thing and you shouldn't be</font> uncomfortable<font color="#E5E5E5"> to kill game to feed</font> mankind is perfect<font color="#E5E5E5"> to kill cows and pigs</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to feed mankind</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's the system is often</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">less</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> than perfect but until</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> someone</font> comes up with<font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> better system</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I salute and genuflect at the altar of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">farmers and ranchers and people who kill</font> animals<font color="#E5E5E5"> to sustain my fellow man I agree</font> with you<font color="#CCCCCC"> I think you and I would</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">probably both disagree with factory</font> farming<font color="#CCCCCC"> when you see</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> animals stuffed</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">into cages</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but we have come up</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">better system I killed a lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of deer and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I feed more people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> than any any hunter</font> ever<font color="#CCCCCC"> okay kill so many</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> much</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gamer of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yours</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I have to I have to I know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> how</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sharpshooters</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I I kill the animals</font> on my<font color="#E5E5E5"> beautiful swamp in Michigan</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in my</font> Texas property<font color="#E5E5E5"> that have to die they</font> have<font color="#CCCCCC"> to get</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> out of there to make room</font> for the<font color="#CCCCCC"> next</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> year responds so I've soup</font> kitchens homeless<font color="#E5E5E5"> sure I literally give</font> tons and and I'm a<font color="#CCCCCC"> sweetheart but I'm</font> not an idiot I keep the<font color="#CCCCCC"> backstraps but I give tons of</font> venison<font color="#E5E5E5"> to soup kitchens</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and homeless</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">shelters and veterans we make jerky</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> send it<font color="#E5E5E5"> over to the troops overseas</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> mean I have to adjust<font color="#CCCCCC"> my Heil or just to</font> get in<font color="#E5E5E5"> the room so what I do is</font> literally perfect <font color="#E5E5E5">well this the problem is what you do</font> everybody<font color="#E5E5E5"> can't do like everybody's not</font> gonna<font color="#E5E5E5"> have your kind of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> laying people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">could though more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people could yes well</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> are you definitely</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I know the</font> hunters for the hungry<font color="#E5E5E5"> distribute 250</font> 250 million<font color="#E5E5E5"> Joe</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 250 million meals every</font> year<font color="#E5E5E5"> a venison</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there are people that</font> would ban that shame on<font color="#E5E5E5"> you well I did I</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">just think there's a lot of films and a</font> lot<font color="#CCCCCC"> of documentaries that portray</font> veganism as being this perfect<font color="#E5E5E5"> way</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> living<font color="#CCCCCC"> that doesn't have any death or</font> right<font color="#E5E5E5"> habitat</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> loss associated</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with it</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> they look at the extreme of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">meat-eating</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> which is the worst aspects</font> of it factory farming some of these <font color="#E5E5E5">disgusting pig farms and chickens</font> disgusting horrible<font color="#CCCCCC"> horrifying and their</font> the upgrade <font color="#E5E5E5">because more alarms have been sounded</font> not<font color="#E5E5E5"> by paid and not by the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Humane</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Society United States they're just scam</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">artists by people who are coming to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">realize that we do not only have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> responsibility<font color="#CCCCCC"> to kill critters to feed</font> mankind<font color="#E5E5E5"> but it can be done in an</font> environmentally beneficial way I mean if you watch my great late friend Anthony Bourdain<font color="#E5E5E5"> on his shows</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and Andrew Zimmern</font> on the Travel<font color="#CCCCCC"> Channel</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you watch their</font> shows and the<font color="#CCCCCC"> emphasis on</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">environmentally-friendly productivity</font> more and more organic farming more and <font color="#E5E5E5">more conscientious waste dispersal</font> whether it's you know<font color="#E5E5E5"> pig guts and they</font> we utilize those or in Las Vegas<font color="#CCCCCC"> to get</font> all this wasted food and they feed the <font color="#CCCCCC">pigs so it's good food</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> going in and the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">pork tastes better so there is upgrade</font> taking place<font color="#CCCCCC"> and here's the ultimate</font> inescapable<font color="#E5E5E5"> fact of upgrade</font> environmentalism when I was growing up <font color="#E5E5E5">Joe Lake Erie</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> would catch fire because</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of the pollution</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it wasn't</font> environmentalists or<font color="#E5E5E5"> greenies that</font> sounded the arm it was<font color="#E5E5E5"> the duck hunters</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that said you're polluting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this area so</font> bad there's no<font color="#E5E5E5"> ducks there's no wild</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">salary there's no walleyes there's no</font> fish<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's no muskrats for the</font> trappers<font color="#E5E5E5"> hunters fishermen and trappers</font> have sounded<font color="#E5E5E5"> the alarm more often than</font> not about environmental irresponsibility <font color="#CCCCCC">and now</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Lake area that would</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">spontaneously combust when I was growing</font> up<font color="#E5E5E5"> is now the number one walleye</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">smallmouth bass fishery in the world and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's still we're still</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> producing you</font> still got the<font color="#E5E5E5"> industrial revolution</font> going<font color="#E5E5E5"> on there but conscientious higher</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">responsible level of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> awareness is</font> spreading<font color="#CCCCCC"> like wildfire across the</font> country and I believe<font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no</font> mutual<font color="#E5E5E5"> exclusivity whatsoever to</font> productivity<font color="#E5E5E5"> and environmental</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">responsibility I believe that they both</font> benefit each other and I've got so many unlimited examples where<font color="#CCCCCC"> that worked</font> from farms<font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean people who live</font> downwind of<font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> painful</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">big farm are going to be the biggest</font> squawkers rightly so yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> and and so I see a lot of upgrade</font> going on<font color="#E5E5E5"> more organic more conscientious</font> less waste<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's not</font> it's not as regular operating procedures <font color="#CCCCCC">it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> should be but I see upgrade</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I see I</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">think you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the thought process behind all these</font> people<font color="#CCCCCC"> that are upset</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> about factory</font> farming<font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> even that go vegan</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> thought<font color="#E5E5E5"> process</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> behind it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is in the</font> right<font color="#E5E5E5"> place I just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> think there's a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lot</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of misguided energy there because they</font> don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> really understand where the food</font> is<font color="#E5E5E5"> coming</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> from</font> they don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> understand</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> large-scale</font> agriculture<font color="#CCCCCC"> they understand when you and</font> a<font color="#E5E5E5"> lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> large scale agriculture is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> grow food to<font color="#E5E5E5"> feed animals</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> essential yeah</font> yeah but<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's also</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wheat there's also a</font> lot of<font color="#E5E5E5"> grain</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that people consume and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that displaces</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thousands and thousands</font> of acres<font color="#CCCCCC"> of animals sure</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and the the</font> process is not<font color="#CCCCCC"> a clean process</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">clean in terms of there's no death</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's no harm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> its cruelty free just</font> crazy<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's not as if you can possibly go</font> through<font color="#CCCCCC"> a day without</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> having blood</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on</font> your hands do you drive on the highways does any<font color="#E5E5E5"> of your sustenance come on the</font> highways because billions of animals<font color="#E5E5E5"> are</font> slaughtered<font color="#E5E5E5"> on the highways every day</font> and if you<font color="#CCCCCC"> are on planet earth part of</font> that blood is on<font color="#CCCCCC"> your and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you've got to</font> be who doesn't know this who's not willing<font color="#CCCCCC"> to admit this but again I see an</font> upgrade in level of<font color="#E5E5E5"> awareness and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">responsibility</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but the charge began in</font> the hunting fishing and<font color="#E5E5E5"> trapping</font> community because where does<font color="#E5E5E5"> where does</font> quality air soil and<font color="#CCCCCC"> water come from</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I'll go ahead and answer</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that wildlife</font> habitat well it's a lot<font color="#CCCCCC"> of the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that are out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there every day they are</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">recognized in more and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> more</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> used to I still get death<font color="#CCCCCC"> threats</font> because<font color="#CCCCCC"> I murder innocent animals yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">now I get those too</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what the hell</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so</font> it's just so absurd<font color="#CCCCCC"> and I think there</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> their heart like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> nice-nice they just</font> don't know what they're talking<font color="#CCCCCC"> know</font> they're<font color="#E5E5E5"> just haters</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there's a bit of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that how in 2018</font> do you<font color="#CCCCCC"> not acknowledge</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> barbecue how in</font> 2018 do you not acknowledge there's a few dead turkeys on Thanksgiving <font color="#CCCCCC">what emu gotta be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> brain dead I think</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they're so consumed with hate that they</font> fight ignorant is acceptable I'm ignorant<font color="#CCCCCC"> of when I go to the Indy 500 I</font> couldn't tuna Cogsworth<font color="#E5E5E5"> I don't</font> Cogsworth<font color="#E5E5E5"> ignorance is acceptable</font> because<font color="#E5E5E5"> you can remedy it with knowledge</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> research stupidity is when you guard</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">your ignorance if you think that we're</font> murdering innocent animals to feed our families with the purest protein <font color="#CCCCCC">available to mankind</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> balancing the herds</font> with more deer more elk more bison more turkeys more waterfowl<font color="#E5E5E5"> more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cougars more</font> bears<font color="#CCCCCC"> than ever in recorded</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> history</font> except for the<font color="#CCCCCC"> Bison but we're way back</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">we have as many bison as we can</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sustain</font> in North America<font color="#E5E5E5"> lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the Native</font> American<font color="#E5E5E5"> tribes are desperate to get</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">more harvested in an efficient and</font> responsible manner<font color="#E5E5E5"> so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> wildlife is</font> thriving<font color="#CCCCCC"> because hunters implemented</font> regulations<font color="#E5E5E5"> for sustained yield how many</font> ducks can we kill how many will they reproduce<font color="#E5E5E5"> where is their habitat where</font> determines their<font color="#E5E5E5"> reproduction we must</font> safeguard that<font color="#CCCCCC"> Delta waterfowl ducks are</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">limited</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but see this information</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> universally available but the fake news academia Hollywood and half of<font color="#E5E5E5"> our</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">government is stone-cold obsessed with</font> political correctness<font color="#CCCCCC"> and denial yeah so</font> I do what I do<font color="#E5E5E5"> and our spirit of the</font> wild showed<font color="#CCCCCC"> but number one an outdoor</font> channel is<font color="#E5E5E5"> just 29 years now</font> wow I'm getting<font color="#E5E5E5"> old because we say it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">like it is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> play around</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> fun</font> sport<font color="#CCCCCC"> meet trophy sacred</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> beasts prayer</font> for<font color="#E5E5E5"> the wild things resource stewardship</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">conservation wise use walk the wild</font> ground<font color="#CCCCCC"> before you comment</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on the wild</font> ground<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah duh well this is what I'm</font> talking<font color="#CCCCCC"> about when you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> talking</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> about</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> last Indian that they found the guy</font> yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> River study</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Ishii okay I will write</font> it down<font color="#E5E5E5"> what suppose</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I Sh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I you have to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">learn house I'm gonna send you a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bunch</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> stuff I'm gonna get your contacts and</font> I'm gonna send you stuff<font color="#E5E5E5"> it will expand</font> your horizons<font color="#E5E5E5"> like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you didn't know was</font> available<font color="#CCCCCC"> there history of modern bow</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">hunting at the hands of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Fred</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bear and</font> and in<font color="#CCCCCC"> Saxon Pope and aren't young and</font> the families<font color="#E5E5E5"> that wanted</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to get closer</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> game not necessarily kill because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 90%</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of the time you don't kill squat with a</font> bow and<font color="#E5E5E5"> arrow but when you do it's</font> because<font color="#E5E5E5"> you dedicate</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yourself to a</font> higher reasoning level predator awareness and you put your gifts from God to<font color="#E5E5E5"> the maximum</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> efficiency</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and again that's welding and carpentry</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">but ultimately you're going</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to kill some</font> you better kill it clean and being human and failing<font color="#CCCCCC"> overall to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be perfect</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> can be perfect<font color="#CCCCCC"> and put</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that error when</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> learn to read the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> wild signals the</font> the the attitude<font color="#CCCCCC"> and the the the bird</font> indicators when the deers come<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you</font> use the the light the wind the camo<font color="#E5E5E5"> stealthy movements</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> silenced</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> learned time<font color="#CCCCCC"> mad shot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my average deer</font> dies in<font color="#E5E5E5"> five seconds the the top of the</font> hearts taken off both lungs<font color="#CCCCCC"> are</font> penetrated that deer falls asleep on<font color="#E5E5E5"> his</font> feet and there's never been a<font color="#E5E5E5"> beefsteak</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">ever had it so good</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the also there's a connection to what</font> you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> doing that's different</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> than</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">almost any other</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> connection to food</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> mean<font color="#E5E5E5"> the only thing that's reasonably</font> close and it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> pretty far off</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as when</font> you grow it yourself<font color="#CCCCCC"> so if you grow</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your</font> own vegetables you got a connection to that<font color="#E5E5E5"> food but</font> that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> the same it's not the same</font> connection as<font color="#CCCCCC"> you get no because you're</font> just gonna send an arrow through<font color="#E5E5E5"> an</font> animal<font color="#CCCCCC"> you look at its eyes you're</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">looking at size but also that you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know</font> how difficult<font color="#E5E5E5"> it is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and when you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pull it</font> off there's this powerful<font color="#E5E5E5"> connection</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">between you and that animal you earn and</font> you eat you earn it<font color="#CCCCCC"> oh boy yeah and when</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you eat it you feel that you earned it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I'm to tell</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the joy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> out of it when</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Anthony Bourdain came to my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> place he</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was</font> still a little<font color="#E5E5E5"> squeamish with kill and</font> stuff even<font color="#CCCCCC"> though he ate dead stuff on</font> every show and got his paycheck<font color="#E5E5E5"> from</font> eating dead stuff<font color="#CCCCCC"> Greg Manning he's a</font> great<font color="#CCCCCC"> man terrible</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> loss terrible loss</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and we talked about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it and I I shared my</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">knowledge</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with him I'm not</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have</font> an<font color="#CCCCCC"> opinion</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's an animal</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's dead you</font> either<font color="#CCCCCC"> Revere it or you don't</font> you either utilize it<font color="#E5E5E5"> with respect</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or</font> you pretend<font color="#E5E5E5"> you didn't have anything to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">do with it it's dead</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> eating it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you should have been closer to the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">system and the hunters fishermen and</font> trappers of this country still carry on <font color="#E5E5E5">the definitive physics of spirituality</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that the native and</font> original<font color="#E5E5E5"> people's called the great</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">spirit</font> hence the spirit of the wild<font color="#CCCCCC"> the prayer</font> for the wild things<font color="#CCCCCC"> but we're in a weird</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">place Ted with with cities right we're</font> right<font color="#E5E5E5"> where you were</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah but I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mean</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> got<font color="#CCCCCC"> lucky and that your father</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">interested in bow hunting and that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> gave<font color="#E5E5E5"> him an escape which by the way it</font> gives<font color="#E5E5E5"> a lot of veterans today</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a lot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">veterans and good friends of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mine</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are</font> finding the<font color="#CCCCCC"> elds great relief in bow</font> hunting as a discipline<font color="#E5E5E5"> after combat</font> life<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">talking to a guy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that shared many</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">campfires with those guys it's a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">narrator last night great transition for</font> them<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's consuming</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fredbear uses</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the phrase</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> coin the phrase and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I use</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> all the time<font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> cleanses the soul when</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> leave the pavement when I leave the</font> pavement<font color="#CCCCCC"> and I make that transition</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from</font> modern concrete<font color="#E5E5E5"> jungle hand-to-hand</font> combat<font color="#CCCCCC"> City I because that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> where my</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">rock-and-roll career is the ultimate and</font> you take<font color="#E5E5E5"> that deep breath you literally</font> go back to the Year 100<font color="#E5E5E5"> highway nearby</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and I know I can hear trucks off in the</font> distance<font color="#CCCCCC"> and the train</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> whistle which is</font> kind of<font color="#CCCCCC"> titillating unto itself but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> when</font> I get<font color="#CCCCCC"> in my swamp in Michigan or my</font> woods in Texas to<font color="#E5E5E5"> quote Jimi Hendrix</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">ain't no life of nowhere I am the</font> aborigine<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's me my resources and the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">beast</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's a it's a religious</font> experience<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's the spirit that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font> natives call it the<font color="#CCCCCC"> great spirit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thief</font> to consider the Buffalo<font color="#CCCCCC"> there brother</font> and it is so consuming<font color="#E5E5E5"> that I don't care</font> what kind<font color="#E5E5E5"> of stress you could be going</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">through</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the ugliest divorce in the world</font> and I have you could be fighting against <font color="#E5E5E5">people who</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't think that America</font> should<font color="#CCCCCC"> be first and you don't need</font> secure borders and and you don't need<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">earn your own way you're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> able-bodied but</font> you want somebody<font color="#E5E5E5"> else's income you're</font> just crazy shit<font color="#E5E5E5"> and all of a sudden</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">get out there</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'm telling</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you Joe</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's perfect</font> yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm I'm literally intoxicated I'm</font> I'm drunk<font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm stoned</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> trying to pick up</font> all the signals<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I do I do a pretty</font> good job<font color="#CCCCCC"> I've learned</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> over the years</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because I need</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that so much</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to play my</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">music like I play it that it cleanses my</font> soul<font color="#CCCCCC"> and I've been contacted</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> since the</font> 60s with vets who<font color="#CCCCCC"> have gone through just</font> absolute torture in their military <font color="#E5E5E5">careers and when I get them at a</font> campfire<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we go out and sit before</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the Sun comes up</font> I can't tell you how many times they've cried<font color="#E5E5E5"> because it's it's good again it</font> was a great morning<font color="#CCCCCC"> I didn't have any</font> stress<font color="#CCCCCC"> forgot all about that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bullshit</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">when I thought</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I heard the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> deer</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> then</font> when I saw the deer it was perfect so you've expressed<font color="#E5E5E5"> that and I thank you</font> for<font color="#CCCCCC"> that because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're new to this</font> sport<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah and for you to be an advocate</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to articulate</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you learn because</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you're already a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mature man when you</font> entered it I was a<font color="#CCCCCC"> dirtball mushy brain</font> kid but thank God I learned about<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> spirit<font color="#CCCCCC"> I learned about the discipline I</font> learned about stewardship callings<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">responsibilities</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of course pounded by my</font> dad god bless him<font color="#CCCCCC"> and my brothers my</font> sister we all are<font color="#E5E5E5"> happy healthy</font> successful<font color="#CCCCCC"> hard work</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and funny cocky</font> loving<font color="#E5E5E5"> giving people because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> discipline<font color="#E5E5E5"> that revolved around my</font> family hunting seasons<font color="#CCCCCC"> well discipline</font> is one of the big word<font color="#CCCCCC"> that there</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was</font> one of the really important aspects of it because I<font color="#CCCCCC"> recognize the importance of</font> discipline and always have pretty<font color="#E5E5E5"> much</font> my whole<font color="#CCCCCC"> life</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a martial artist</font> especially<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah so I came</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> into</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> handed up you were ahead of the<font color="#CCCCCC"> curve</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> well when I recognized it I was like</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">oh I know what</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this is a different</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thing</font> this<font color="#E5E5E5"> is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not what everybody thinks</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it is</font> and this<font color="#CCCCCC"> is a this is a spiritual</font> experience yes and<font color="#E5E5E5"> because you were</font> around the<font color="#CCCCCC"> Masters Cameron Haynes yeah</font> you had John Dudley<font color="#E5E5E5"> on you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Steve Rinella</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">as the one who got</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me Steve he's a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Michigan boy yeah yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's uh that</font> they were good mentors for<font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I just</font> lucky you got past the mistaken<font color="#CCCCCC"> yet</font> irresponsibly and dishonestly promoted aspect of the drunken hillbilly sighing shooter<font color="#E5E5E5"> hunter well yeah that stereotype</font> is so ridiculous I<font color="#CCCCCC"> mean</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my friends like</font> guys like<font color="#E5E5E5"> Cameron</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Haines</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he's a goddamn</font> ultra marathon runner runs 240 miles in a week and then<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know is on the</font> mountains<font color="#CCCCCC"> all fall long</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I had</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mofo I'm</font> glad he doesn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> play guitar yeah he's a</font> bad motherfucker <font color="#CCCCCC">but he's he's an incredibly disciplined</font> guy sure this is his life is and he he'll tell everybody<font color="#E5E5E5"> all that stuff</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> he does all the working out<font color="#E5E5E5"> that's so</font> can be at his best<font color="#CCCCCC"> in the mountains as a</font> bow hunter sure that he considers his true spiritual calling<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I ever tell</font> you're sitting across from a guy and I'm not<font color="#CCCCCC"> bragging I'm just kind of sharing</font> yeah but it's it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> a celebration</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">know I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have been humbled and blessed</font> beyond description<font color="#E5E5E5"> to share campfires</font> with more hunters than anybody you've ever<font color="#E5E5E5"> met</font> because I've been donating hunts<font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font> years I started<font color="#E5E5E5"> my sunrise safaris</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> i</font> guide<font color="#E5E5E5"> hundreds of hunters every year</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> don't<font color="#CCCCCC"> take them</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> out to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> their stand</font> but we all get<font color="#E5E5E5"> together at my Michigan</font> place have<font color="#E5E5E5"> 24</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and a weekend 20</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and a</font> weekend<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's a campfire</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> get down</font> with uncle Ted<font color="#CCCCCC"> playing guitar but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we</font> shoot our bows we shoot our guns we set <font color="#E5E5E5">things up a lot of them are</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> newcomers I</font> guide on my spirit wild ranch in Texas<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> guide in New<font color="#CCCCCC"> Brunswick and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ontario</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> their</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Kid Rock into bow hunting yes I did</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah</font> that's a great<font color="#CCCCCC"> story as well</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> remember</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that discipline word we're talking about</font> he's working on<font color="#E5E5E5"> that but his</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> girlfriend</font> is a killer<font color="#CCCCCC"> no she is a killer gorgeous</font> gal but that Audrey<font color="#E5E5E5"> is a dangerous bow</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hunting woman I mean always killing</font> stuff it's possible<font color="#E5E5E5"> she's addicted I get</font> I<font color="#E5E5E5"> get peace from her all the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> time</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> never<font color="#E5E5E5"> from Bob that's hilarious</font> she's awesome I'll start sharing that stuff with y'all<font color="#E5E5E5"> turn you on to a higher</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">level of appreciation</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Finance women</font> with<font color="#CCCCCC"> her sharp</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> stick this gal</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> between my</font> wife<font color="#E5E5E5"> Germaine and Audrey I'm telling you</font> yeah but anyhow<font color="#E5E5E5"> the guys that you've</font> hunted with you're talking about<font color="#E5E5E5"> great</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">human beings yeah men of integrity and</font> discipline<font color="#E5E5E5"> and productivity and a drive</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to be in the asset column and</font> misunderstood because because of movies <font color="#E5E5E5">very rarely I get a tough life</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I was</font> about to say I share campfires<font color="#E5E5E5"> with lots</font> of newcomers because they see it<font color="#E5E5E5"> as rock</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> roll guy that they love the music</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we share the appreciation</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for my</font> American<font color="#E5E5E5"> rhythm and blues rock and roll</font> jihad and so they want<font color="#E5E5E5"> to try hunting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and they come to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hunt with me or they</font> make a donation for a military<font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> children's charity<font color="#CCCCCC"> and they've never</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">hunted and I'd tell them what to buy and</font> they show up<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Maddy bump</font> man your daddy<font color="#CCCCCC"> bump oh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no need to get</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">into</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that any help down to spout and I'm</font> gonna<font color="#CCCCCC"> sell Emma said it yeah James</font> Fenimore Cooper he was a character in <font color="#CCCCCC">his</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> last of Mohicans</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> okay that's a new</font> hunter<font color="#E5E5E5"> natty</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bump oh he's like a novice</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of rookie anyhow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I get a lot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of these</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you know I've never met</font> anybody at any of my<font color="#E5E5E5"> campfires that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wasn't honest it wasn't friendly wasn't</font> successful<font color="#E5E5E5"> to some degree whether it's a</font> teacher<font color="#E5E5E5"> on a teacher's salary</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> successful</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">there a teacher</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's successful who</font> care deeply about the wildlife and the <font color="#CCCCCC">wild grounds so when you hear about wow</font> that drunken bombs<font color="#E5E5E5"> just shoot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">everything well nobody's spent more time</font> with more hunters<font color="#E5E5E5"> than I have I've never</font> seen<font color="#E5E5E5"> that or even seen there's not a</font> priest that<font color="#CCCCCC"> butt-fuck kids</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right you</font> know but<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not the priesthood</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> right</font> I hope so there's always gonna<font color="#E5E5E5"> be a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">burnt dipshit demonic behavior by our</font> fellow man somehow somehow but it<font color="#CCCCCC"> is so</font> rare in the hunting<font color="#E5E5E5"> world that I again</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> all I do seven months a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> years</font> hunt<font color="#E5E5E5"> well I haven't hunted as much as</font> you but<font color="#CCCCCC"> I've been around a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lot of great</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> great people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and it goes</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> back to fredbear which is to start</font> off of our dialogue<font color="#E5E5E5"> here great man we</font> hunted until 1987 together in October <font color="#CCCCCC">and he was on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> oxygen then he passed away</font> have<font color="#E5E5E5"> you ever heard the song yeah that</font> bear song and then that song happened <font color="#E5E5E5">with a life of its own because of my</font> love and admiration<font color="#E5E5E5"> for the man and the</font> way and what he represented someone like that<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> just carries</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that torch</font> further than everyone and<font color="#E5E5E5"> it was so</font> important<font color="#E5E5E5"> we had time where there was no</font> indication<font color="#CCCCCC"> that your I'd have to the</font> animal rights<font color="#CCCCCC"> thing hadn't really</font> started meaningfully yet<font color="#CCCCCC"> political</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">correctness which wasn't even coined</font> there was no fake news<font color="#E5E5E5"> there was the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">beginning of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the attack on hunting from</font> you know ignorant<font color="#CCCCCC"> Siddha fied people</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> somehow believed that their food</font> didn't die<font color="#E5E5E5"> or they're not responsible</font> for any death and so they would you know played the holier-than-thou <font color="#E5E5E5">dishonesty move by attacking those of us</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that actually took</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> part in the process</font> of feeding<font color="#E5E5E5"> our families and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Fred was</font> such a gentleman<font color="#CCCCCC"> and he</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was so clever</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and he so efficiently promoted the</font> challenge<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the intimacy of man and</font> wild connection that he will<font color="#E5E5E5"> live in</font> infamy<font color="#CCCCCC"> everybody in the hunting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> world</font> knows that<font color="#CCCCCC"> he was a force to reckon with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and he's always there</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and as the song</font> says<font color="#CCCCCC"> in the wind</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he's still alive and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's power</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from that well a lot of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people know of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> him because of you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> oh</font> yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> but more people have learned about</font> Fred<font color="#E5E5E5"> from me than from the archery</font> industry<font color="#E5E5E5"> do you do you this this</font> conversation you've been having this <font color="#CCCCCC">conversation about hunting forever I</font> mean<font color="#CCCCCC"> I've heard a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of these things</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you're saying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> today before</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from you is</font> this do you ever get tired of<font color="#E5E5E5"> being this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">evangelist</font> no no no I love it<font color="#E5E5E5"> so much</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and the other</font> side is so dishonest that<font color="#CCCCCC"> I know I make</font> inroads<font color="#E5E5E5"> euro to my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Facebook</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and you know</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">sauce do</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you think they're ignorant they</font> know that they know that<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's just gonna</font> be new<font color="#E5E5E5"> phones next year but there's not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gonna be any new grummy</font> know this they<font color="#E5E5E5"> know that venison is good</font> food right but they<font color="#E5E5E5"> don't think of it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> way well they're gonna think of it</font> that's why I<font color="#E5E5E5"> continue to do this because</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I caused them to think I can tell you</font> thousands of<font color="#E5E5E5"> examples since the 60s</font> where people thought I was<font color="#CCCCCC"> a coward for</font> murdering innocent animals that can't <font color="#E5E5E5">shoot back what does</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that even mean what</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I mean they can't shoot back your left</font> trigger fingers<font color="#E5E5E5"> you jerk so I have taken</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">this on and you notice I smiled</font> throughout the whole<font color="#E5E5E5"> thing I don't get</font> angry<font color="#CCCCCC"> so I know that by</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> continuing to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">promote in the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> absence of any education</font> in our education system<font color="#CCCCCC"> fact</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">opposite</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">animal rights gets more time in our</font> education<font color="#CCCCCC"> system our anti education the</font> media<font color="#CCCCCC"> lion sons</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of bitches</font> Hollywood goofy half of the<font color="#E5E5E5"> government</font> out to<font color="#CCCCCC"> lunch so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> guys like you and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> me</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that know the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> truth we should never give</font> up because<font color="#E5E5E5"> there is a scourge of</font> political<font color="#E5E5E5"> correctness and dishonesty and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that's what political correctness is</font> it's denial<font color="#E5E5E5"> and dishonesty</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I know</font> we're<font color="#CCCCCC"> making inroads</font> you should see the bombardment I got <font color="#E5E5E5">Joe's a big hunter now he's really a</font> fighter he speak cleverly he speaks accurately and and passionately about<font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font> hallelujah there's a bunch of us<font color="#E5E5E5"> out</font> there<font color="#E5E5E5"> with the advent of the Outdoor</font> Channel and<font color="#CCCCCC"> sportsman's channel</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">pursuit</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Network</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> more and more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people are</font> getting you<font color="#E5E5E5"> know wind of what we're</font> doing<font color="#E5E5E5"> I think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a lot of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it from the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Internet to nd a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> monster communication</font> yeah people<font color="#CCCCCC"> I think people understand</font> that there's<font color="#E5E5E5"> more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> than they</font> thought<font color="#E5E5E5"> and if they're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> willing to just</font> look a little<font color="#E5E5E5"> bit</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> further</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> look a little</font> bit<font color="#E5E5E5"> further they realize like well</font> especially<font color="#CCCCCC"> Western</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hunting yeah these</font> guys<font color="#CCCCCC"> are running Hills and they're</font> they're they're backpacking<font color="#CCCCCC"> with heavy</font> weights on their back discipline for hours and hours every<font color="#CCCCCC"> day</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just build up</font> their endurance<font color="#E5E5E5"> so they can hike out</font> with me these Western hunters man that <font color="#E5E5E5">are going ahead mofos yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bo hunting</font> elk and then packing<font color="#E5E5E5"> them out by</font> themselves<font color="#E5E5E5"> or of course a five-day</font> edible job<font color="#CCCCCC"> I went to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Alaska first</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> when I</font> was<font color="#CCCCCC"> 20-something I guess I must have</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">been</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 28 my first Alaska trip 77 when I</font> was out<font color="#E5E5E5"> there</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> two weeks and a soggy</font> wet<font color="#E5E5E5"> nasty cold</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> tent</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a pup tent with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">George fair</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bear and I got a giant</font> caribou a great black bear<font color="#CCCCCC"> and a big old</font> moose<font color="#E5E5E5"> and boy humping them quarters in</font> that that<font color="#CCCCCC"> tundra yeah I thought I was a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Superman athletic you know amplifier</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">jumping rock and roll sinew muscle boy</font> my ass<font color="#E5E5E5"> kick carrying a moose shoulder oh</font> just one big moose when you see one in <font color="#CCCCCC">real life</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's hard to believe</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> a real</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> animal and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that goes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> back</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> what</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you were</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> said earlier that when</font> you dine on<font color="#E5E5E5"> that and you put</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that effort</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">forth and you spent all those days</font> skunked and wet and cold and<font color="#E5E5E5"> nasty</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">enjoying it through what it was but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's also a pain in the ass you can't</font> get wait to<font color="#CCCCCC"> get</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> back to some place</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with</font> a wood burner<font color="#E5E5E5"> but when you've packed it</font> out yourself when you take that sacred flesh off that grill<font color="#E5E5E5"> before you even</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">finish the first knife slice all those</font> memories<font color="#CCCCCC"> and it just tastes better and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it really does taste better</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that effort</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it is a spiritual moment</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that this like the natives say you don't</font> kill the animal you accept the gift if you put your heart and soul<font color="#CCCCCC"> into your</font> reasoning predator ship and that's always<font color="#E5E5E5"> been my mantra</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and my kids</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are</font> all raised on venison<font color="#E5E5E5"> that we just don't</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">buy meat that's all we eat is the stuff</font> we kill pheasants and quail and doves <font color="#CCCCCC">and Woodcock and grouse and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> rabbits and</font> squirrels and<font color="#E5E5E5"> ducks and geese</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and gully</font> mules and<font color="#E5E5E5"> snipe pen and and beavers and</font> and deer<font color="#CCCCCC"> and elk</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and antelope and bear</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> cougar it's the greatest food in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">world I'm 70 years old and I'm</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> forced to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">reckon</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of my discipline</font> diet<font color="#E5E5E5"> of the ultimate rocket fuel</font> available on<font color="#E5E5E5"> planet you really do look</font> good<font color="#E5E5E5"> for seven my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> head look fucking</font> fantastic<font color="#CCCCCC"> I had some</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sleep I'd be</font> downright<font color="#E5E5E5"> handsome but you think about</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> know the average person that's been</font> eating the average American diet for seven years oh by<font color="#CCCCCC"> the time they're your age they're</font> deteriorating rapid<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the fructose</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> chemicals the preservatives<font color="#CCCCCC"> oh my god</font> here's if<font color="#E5E5E5"> I may</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the Joe Rogan podcast</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">please do my friends get rid of the</font> goddamn sugar<font color="#E5E5E5"> if you can't pronounce it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">on the package do not buy it do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not feed</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">your children</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> high fructose poisoning my</font> god<font color="#E5E5E5"> people get the poisons out of your</font> blubber --is-- lives<font color="#CCCCCC"> good</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> food is so</font> simple<font color="#CCCCCC"> buy a what catch a fish</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> or buy a</font> fish buy some fresh or grow some fresh <font color="#E5E5E5">vegetables put real butter and use the</font> real fat don't take the skin<font color="#CCCCCC"> off the</font> chicken<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's where all the good fat is</font> that's where all the flavor<font color="#E5E5E5"> is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and eat</font> real food<font color="#E5E5E5"> wow we can't afford that no</font> you can't<font color="#CCCCCC"> afford</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not to everything</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> says diet on it or no sugar is poison <font color="#CCCCCC">it's not my opinion it's a chemical</font> reality and when you when you die<font color="#E5E5E5"> when</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you attempt to digest fructose and</font> preservatives your body goes I<font color="#E5E5E5"> don't</font> recognize this bullshit<font color="#E5E5E5"> we can't process</font> this and it turns into blubber<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">here's a little update blubber</font> is for sperm whales<font color="#CCCCCC"> not</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people if you</font> have to lift up slabs to dry off after the shower<font color="#E5E5E5"> your diet sucks</font> I saw you<font color="#E5E5E5"> in an interview once a long</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">time ago before I started wife done a</font> budget<font color="#CCCCCC"> I know you have but when I saw</font> you I was<font color="#E5E5E5"> like how's this guy have so</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">much</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> fucking energy I remember thinking</font> that I'm like<font color="#CCCCCC"> this guy's so fired up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">then you started talking about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your diet</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">started</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> talking about you said all I eat</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">is venison</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and start going off about</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">backstraps</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and then I started</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> thinking</font> like<font color="#E5E5E5"> what like think about</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the dark red</font> meat of wild game<font color="#E5E5E5"> before you became a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hunter yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well quite a few</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> years</font> before<font color="#CCCCCC"> I flirted with it for several</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">years can't be flirted with I didn't</font> have anybody to<font color="#E5E5E5"> take and get a swan</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> dive</font> into it I got lucky <font color="#CCCCCC">Steve annuity with a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mass on his show I</font> know Steve<font color="#CCCCCC"> doesn't like me but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my</font> huh why say he<font color="#CCCCCC"> doesn't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> like you I've</font> heard comments<font color="#E5E5E5"> with his attacking me for</font> the wacom and stack them because<font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">would be much better if I just butchered</font> them and slaughtered<font color="#E5E5E5"> them because</font> semantics is so important<font color="#CCCCCC"> oh the way you</font> phrase things<font color="#E5E5E5"> wacom and stack them yeah</font> it's fun I'm<font color="#CCCCCC"> whack and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm stacking I got 12 blue</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gills</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that's a stack shut the fuck up</font> well people think that<font color="#CCCCCC"> you're outrageous</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">behavior is somehow detrimental to the</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> movement of acceptance stupid people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">do but the people who come and join the</font> sport because<font color="#CCCCCC"> of my exuberance don't</font> well I would say that<font color="#CCCCCC"> god bless Steve</font> Rinella<font color="#E5E5E5"> and God bless Cameron all those</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">guys I revere them they're masters</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> their craft<font color="#CCCCCC"> I have caused more young</font> people<font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> become hunters than all other</font> forces in the world<font color="#CCCCCC"> case closed</font> because I'm having<font color="#E5E5E5"> so much fucking fun</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they go hey this guy's out of control</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">bows and arrows</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> let's get up don't kill</font> them they<font color="#E5E5E5"> absolutely come to it because</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the fun then they hear about the</font> discipline and they hear about<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> quality diet<font color="#E5E5E5"> and they hear about the</font> spiritual trophy whether antlers<font color="#CCCCCC"> or not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that has guided my passionate life and</font> manifests itself in<font color="#E5E5E5"> these killer songs</font> and killer<font color="#E5E5E5"> guitar licks an outrageous</font> fire-breathing<font color="#CCCCCC"> concert</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and they go fuck</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I can do that and so they get a bone</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">marrow they should get</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a shotgun they</font> start hunting go to my facebook<font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't know if</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's</font> millions but thousands and thousands of young<font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> would be inclined</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> be anti-hunting<font color="#E5E5E5"> are now gun hole hunters</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because uncle Ted is having so much fun</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">because I whack them and stacked them</font> well congratulations with that<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah the</font> the the thing<font color="#E5E5E5"> is that they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't get</font> when they hear<font color="#E5E5E5"> your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> enthusiasm then they</font> go<font color="#E5E5E5"> okay well I haven't had this</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">perspective before</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> their perspective on</font> hunting<font color="#E5E5E5"> that I've gotten</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> before is that</font> these are cruel assholes that go out there and shoot<font color="#CCCCCC"> animals and they don't</font> care and or worse or worse Joe my critics and I<font color="#CCCCCC"> don't mention any names</font> but<font color="#CCCCCC"> you know when they're on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> their</font> hunting TV shows and<font color="#CCCCCC"> they're so ultra</font> cautious not to ruffle<font color="#E5E5E5"> any feathers</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they</font> kind<font color="#E5E5E5"> of come off like mr. Rogers with a</font> Lawrence Welk soundtrack<font color="#E5E5E5"> and young</font> people think<font color="#E5E5E5"> you're a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> fuckin asshole if</font> that's all you've got<font color="#E5E5E5"> in a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> family and of</font> hunting is that<font color="#E5E5E5"> boring I think I'll just</font> smoke<font color="#CCCCCC"> some dope and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> go you know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cruisin</font> tonight which I know you like<font color="#CCCCCC"> to smoke</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">your dope</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in and I'll call</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it dope and</font> go<font color="#E5E5E5"> nuts</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> County called do you call Mara</font> well I'm a cop<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah there</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you go</font> well but hot but I got buddies<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Idriss Deby</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for that I just don't think</font> that comfortably numb' is the way to go in fact I have a song song I ever well you<font color="#E5E5E5"> won</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or better song</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> shit</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> without my</font> new record<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> called uncomfortably</font> dumb my point is is are you a father yes<font color="#CCCCCC"> you want your babysitter</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hi uh no</font> how about your doctor<font color="#E5E5E5"> no but what you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">pilot I don't want my babysitter</font> sleeping either<font color="#E5E5E5"> you don't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> want to what</font> sleeping I want them paying attention <font color="#CCCCCC">you know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> doesn't mean</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that you</font> shouldn't get high ever just means you shouldn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> get high when you're watching</font> kids<font color="#E5E5E5"> damn right yeah or when you're</font> flying my plane<font color="#E5E5E5"> or you know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> compromise</font> me doing<font color="#E5E5E5"> anything delicate you know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> only<font color="#E5E5E5"> guy I want hi who my comedians</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">help like steroids</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I was there when</font> Richard Pryor and<font color="#E5E5E5"> and Robin Williams and</font> Sam Kinison and God knows<font color="#CCCCCC"> go ahead and</font> snored anything you got motherfucker<font color="#CCCCCC"> cuz</font> I need<font color="#CCCCCC"> to laugh till I shit</font> it's hard<font color="#E5E5E5"> to come up with that shit</font> sober <font color="#CCCCCC">I do every</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> night I'm a funny son of a</font> bitch you<font color="#CCCCCC"> gotta</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> come see my show</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I want</font> to<font color="#CCCCCC"> I have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so much fun</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on stage it's</font> stupid I think<font color="#E5E5E5"> the perceptions about pot</font> are very similar<font color="#CCCCCC"> to the perceptions</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">about there's a lot of people that abuse</font> pot they abused alcohol the<font color="#CCCCCC"> abuses</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> abused every sure doesn't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mean</font> you can't<font color="#E5E5E5"> use it responsibly</font> I agree unfortunately<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my 60 years of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">pursuing the Chuck Berry soundtrack of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Ultra James Brown</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> type music I have</font> never seen anything but<font color="#CCCCCC"> heartbreak</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from</font> drugs from the drug use<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> even a</font> mnemonic new<font color="#CCCCCC"> council by the way working</font> with President<font color="#CCCCCC"> Trump to legalize medical</font> marijuana<font color="#CCCCCC"> nationwide we don't want you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to know that and I'm all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for that that</font> is<font color="#E5E5E5"> awesome I deal with a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> lot of</font> terminally ill kids<font color="#E5E5E5"> and there's nothing</font> that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> off-limits to take away that</font> suffering<font color="#CCCCCC"> no I need to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fight for that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">well it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> great for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people with epilepsy</font> as<font color="#CCCCCC"> well absolutely</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lot of kids sure kids</font> autism I got my bag out<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the truck</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">some guys making water with cannabis oil</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">with the CD</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> B's and Marta CBD yeah yeah</font> and it says<font color="#E5E5E5"> it'll help me relax after my</font> sonic bombast<font color="#E5E5E5"> torture</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on stage</font> every night<font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sure</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> will</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> think I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have</font> drinks<font color="#CCCCCC"> unless yeah well I know you've</font> had<font color="#CCCCCC"> some problems with your knees I have</font> both new knees and that will get<font color="#CCCCCC"> them</font> replaced<font color="#CCCCCC"> no ma'am jumping off all those</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">amps</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I never knew I never heard the word</font> meniscus till my doctor said I had none <font color="#CCCCCC">I have a tear Oh mine I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just got a</font> stem-cell shots in<font color="#E5E5E5"> it yesterday</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">tennis</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> light I have two</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> brand-new knees</font> and I ain't dancing<font color="#CCCCCC"> like the 25 year old</font> Ted Nugent put<font color="#E5E5E5"> your walking fine I'm</font> doing fine so I<font color="#E5E5E5"> used to have a bad limp</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right from</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that shuffle yeah yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> now they were both gone<font color="#CCCCCC"> Steve</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Tyler was</font> here from Aerosmith yeah he's good he's got<font color="#E5E5E5"> a new one he's got one new one and</font> he's<font color="#E5E5E5"> thinking about getting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> another one</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">out of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> both the same time yeah how long</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">were you down for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I was walking the next</font> morning so what do they do exactly well they're<font color="#E5E5E5"> going to cut your knee open</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> they get a hammer and<font color="#CCCCCC"> a chisel and they</font> pound out the<font color="#E5E5E5"> old shit and put in some</font> metal stuff have you<font color="#E5E5E5"> ever</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> see</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> actually<font color="#E5E5E5"> available</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> online</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you don't want to watch it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if you're</font> gonna have it<font color="#CCCCCC"> done it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> brutal</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but I had</font> a good surgeon and it came<font color="#E5E5E5"> out good and</font> the pain<font color="#E5E5E5"> going</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> onstage</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for so many years</font> since certainly since the<font color="#CCCCCC"> year 2000</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the Damn Yankees</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> even what</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> years</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you get</font> it done <font color="#E5E5E5">mm what is it 18</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 12 maybe so 12 years</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of pain yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was it was more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> NAT</font> but<font color="#CCCCCC"> up because I jumped off those</font> fucking amplifiers Oh<font color="#E5E5E5"> what kind of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">dirtbag was I somebody should have said</font> you have meniscus<font color="#CCCCCC"> well you know save</font> your meniscus<font color="#CCCCCC"> you know Maynard Keenan</font> the lead singer tool right he blew his hip out from<font color="#E5E5E5"> just stomping on the ground</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">why because the music I have a new</font> record<font color="#E5E5E5"> called the music made</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> me do it</font> the music made him do it<font color="#CCCCCC"> this music made</font> Steve Tyler do it when you get up there <font color="#CCCCCC">it is a world unto itself it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is out of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">body is stream of consciousness yet</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yet</font> you got to<font color="#E5E5E5"> be careful because you think</font> you're invincible invincible<font color="#CCCCCC"> on that</font> stage<font color="#CCCCCC"> with my away that movie invincible</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that you stranglehold best use of my</font> song ever but<font color="#E5E5E5"> best you see your song ever was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Randy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> KOTOR</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> coming out to stranglehold</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">in the UFC yeah you're probably right</font> yes I remember<font color="#CCCCCC"> that yes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and in the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Blackhawks in Chicago every gigs for the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">25-30 years they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> play</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> story he came out</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> stranglehold when he beat</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Tim Sylvia</font> for the<font color="#E5E5E5"> UFC heavyweight title was severe</font> under<font color="#E5E5E5"> car underdog and he came</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> out</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> place went nuts when</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> steroid</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> says it</font> all<font color="#CCCCCC"> so here I come again a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> baby like a</font> dog in heat<font color="#CCCCCC"> she's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> telling me by the</font> clamor baby I'd like to tear up<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> street<font color="#CCCCCC"> I've been smoking</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for so long I'm</font> here to stay<font color="#E5E5E5"> I've got you in a</font> stranglehold bitch get<font color="#CCCCCC"> the fuck out of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> way</font> well<font color="#CCCCCC"> knock an</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> awesome</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you get it's a</font> love song<font color="#E5E5E5"> you getting excited</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's a</font> love song<font color="#CCCCCC"> the connection between</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">rock-and-roll guitarist and bowhunting</font> for most<font color="#CCCCCC"> people's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> like a big stretch</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a wrench</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> how are</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">those different galaxies yeah different</font> universes yeah except<font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the most</font> important elements and<font color="#E5E5E5"> that is</font> discipline<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah the focus to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> create and</font> I've been so blessed beyond words<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> have the greatest musicians at my side for ever for literally<font color="#E5E5E5"> 60 years right</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">now I got Greg Smith on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the bass guitar</font> just a god of thunder<font color="#CCCCCC"> Greg</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Smith the</font> best like a funk brother in heat<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> Jason<font color="#CCCCCC"> heartless 23 year</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> old drummer from</font> Detroit<font color="#E5E5E5"> is just an absolute animal and</font> every band from my<font color="#E5E5E5"> royal</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> high boys and</font> the 50s to<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Lord's and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the 60s</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> the Amboy Dukes and even the Damn Yankees with Tommy<font color="#E5E5E5"> and Jack and Michael</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">are you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> kiddin me</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I've had literally the</font> a list of<font color="#CCCCCC"> musicians at my side</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from</font> Tommy Aldridge and Tommy<font color="#CCCCCC"> Clufetos</font> and Mick Brown and drums and in in<font color="#E5E5E5"> cliff</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Davies are you kidding me Denny Carr</font> Massey<font color="#E5E5E5"> I mean the best drummers the best</font> bass players I've just been the luckiest guitar player but<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's a weird connection right</font> like most people don't<font color="#CCCCCC"> think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of rock and</font> roll<font color="#E5E5E5"> and bow hunting but to say they're</font> so you think it said no do you do<font color="#E5E5E5"> you're</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> only one but there I was</font> geographically<font color="#E5E5E5"> in Michigan a firestorm</font> of musical influence all the best musicians in<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> world they'll tell you</font> come out of<font color="#E5E5E5"> Detroit from Motown Bob</font> Seger now Kid Rock Eminem<font color="#CCCCCC"> and just just</font> kill her<font color="#E5E5E5"> kill her</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bands mc5 I got a</font> great Wayne Kramer story he has a wonderful<font color="#CCCCCC"> book coming out called the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hard stuff</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ever ever talk to Wayne you</font> need to have Wayne Kramer on your show <font color="#E5E5E5">he kisses them from New York they're</font> from the mc5<font color="#CCCCCC"> but I'm struck city I'm</font> thinking yeah I'm gonna turn you on - Wayne Kramer's got no<font color="#E5E5E5"> good book about</font> his tragic mistakes and<font color="#CCCCCC"> near-death</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">heroine prison dirtbag maneuvers but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">he's a great man a musical</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> authority and</font> in the music<font color="#CCCCCC"> of Detroit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and of course</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">50s</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Little</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Richard how do you not get moved</font> by Little Richard and Bo Diddley and <font color="#E5E5E5">Chuck Berry how do you not how are you</font> not touched<font color="#E5E5E5"> by that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and then</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you see him</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">on TV and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is at</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Sullivan's show it</font> I don't care<font color="#CCCCCC"> who you are Steven Tyler</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> or</font> Billy Joel or whoever<font color="#E5E5E5"> your Elvis Presley</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> now the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> stones and the Beatles are</font> you kidding me on and it's Ed Sullivan and<font color="#CCCCCC"> I had a guitar plus I'm in Michigan</font> and I've every kid was<font color="#E5E5E5"> born</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you got a</font> Red<font color="#CCCCCC"> Rider</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Daisy BB gun</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you had a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> whammo</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">slingshot and you had a little bow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> arrow of some kind<font color="#CCCCCC"> I live</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right next to</font> the Rouge<font color="#CCCCCC"> River</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so I was always down</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">there you know chasing critters</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> building forts and crossing the river and the music and<font color="#E5E5E5"> bowhunting music and</font> the<font color="#CCCCCC"> bowhunting I met fredbear</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I got</font> these<font color="#E5E5E5"> great musicians</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the music and the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">bowhunting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> music in the book</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">unbelievable what a life what a dream</font> what a firestorm of cravings<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> fulfillment of those cravings<font color="#CCCCCC"> every</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> day</font> and here it<font color="#E5E5E5"> is</font> last<font color="#CCCCCC"> night where's my six thousand six</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hundred and eightieth concert and that</font> goes all<font color="#CCCCCC"> the way back to I'm all gotta</font> do all<font color="#E5E5E5"> the way back to the 1950s</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 6,600</font> you<font color="#CCCCCC"> write</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> him down</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now I did four years</font> I<font color="#CCCCCC"> took out all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the books and started</font> adding them up<font color="#E5E5E5"> but from the from my</font> musical revue with the Royal School<font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Music in 1958 and then with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Joe pidor</font> sick from the<font color="#E5E5E5"> Capitol School of Music at</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the Detroit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Fairgrounds and then we</font> started<font color="#CCCCCC"> playing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sockets and pool</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> parties</font> and malt shops and everywhere<font color="#CCCCCC"> you know</font> basement<font color="#E5E5E5"> parties</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I counted those those</font> are gigs<font color="#E5E5E5"> and then when the Amboy Dukes</font> started in 65<font color="#CCCCCC"> we'd do</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 300 concerts three</font> plus<font color="#CCCCCC"> 300 a year for many many years and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">even with the Damn Yankees in the early</font> 90s<font color="#E5E5E5"> we did over 200 concerts a year</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so I</font> added<font color="#E5E5E5"> them all up and last year was six</font> thousand six hundred and<font color="#E5E5E5"> seventy nine in</font> Okinawa for the US Marine Corps<font color="#CCCCCC"> pretty</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">intense and then last night at the Coach</font> House in San Juan Capistrano 6680 <font color="#E5E5E5">tonight is six</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> six eighty one Jesus</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah</font> cool<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's why I look tired that's a</font> lot of remedy<font color="#E5E5E5"> how do you have the time</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cuz I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> always figure out I try to figure</font> out<font color="#E5E5E5"> how I have the time to do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what I do</font> but I<font color="#CCCCCC"> think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you do more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> than I do</font> uh I think we can both agree the greatest philosopher of<font color="#E5E5E5"> all times was</font> Dirty Harry<font color="#E5E5E5"> when he said a good man</font> knows his limitations<font color="#CCCCCC"> back in the app</font> with the Amboy Dukes we do over<font color="#CCCCCC"> three</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">hundred</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> concerts a year and I was still</font> craving<font color="#E5E5E5"> my hunting so I'd carve out a</font> weekend in October and<font color="#CCCCCC"> a weekend</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">November</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with my dad and we'd get out</font> there and<font color="#E5E5E5"> hunt but that wasn't enough</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">what about practice time with the</font> archery<font color="#CCCCCC"> I'd yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but we're on the road</font> like a blocked our tab<font color="#CCCCCC"> salutely you've</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">been in a parking lot somewhere</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Morelle</font> targets it's got a<font color="#E5E5E5"> sponsor</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> right</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but no I've</font> shot my<font color="#CCCCCC"> boy</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> here on stage thousands of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">contract</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and then I always have it with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">me and I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> always have friends that have</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">bows nails in fact I wish I'd have</font> brought it<font color="#CCCCCC"> today because I could show</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you some the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Zen of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mystical flight</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> air of manoeuvres</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now you'd</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a really</font> lightweight bow<font color="#E5E5E5"> only</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> fifty</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pounds yeah</font> you see that<font color="#CCCCCC"> new</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Matthews</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I shoot the</font> new<font color="#CCCCCC"> Triax man they're all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's not a</font> bad boy out<font color="#CCCCCC"> there</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not anymore</font> awesome the competition is awesome<font color="#E5E5E5"> so</font> anybody<font color="#E5E5E5"> listening the most important</font> thing you tell<font color="#E5E5E5"> Joe and I love the</font> mystical flight of the arrow<font color="#E5E5E5"> go get you</font> a bow and arrow gets<font color="#CCCCCC"> I know shop fine</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">measured find a bow</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that fits you and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">make</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sure</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's graceful</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> enough don't</font> struggle when you're starting<font color="#E5E5E5"> to reach</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">got to come back mushy archery is grace</font> not power and get that bow so it<font color="#CCCCCC"> settles</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">back here for hand-eye coordination and</font> you don't have<font color="#E5E5E5"> to struggle people should</font> start with a<font color="#E5E5E5"> twenty five thirty pound</font> bow to get that archery thing going preferably an old recruit or<font color="#E5E5E5"> longbow if</font> you can and<font color="#E5E5E5"> find out where you're</font> pointing where's that arrow going<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> you will be consumed with it<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah and</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's the way I can really</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> teach</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you if yeah you have to have a mentor</font> yeah because<font color="#E5E5E5"> if you do it wrong</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and you</font> start getting<font color="#E5E5E5"> a bad</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> rap</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah bad habits</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of play then you get target panic well</font> it's that's a problem with martial arts too it's<font color="#CCCCCC"> really important to start off</font> with a good<font color="#CCCCCC"> instructor if you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> learn</font> things<font color="#E5E5E5"> poorly first and then try to</font> refix<font color="#CCCCCC"> it I'll bet you're still kind of</font> Wired<font color="#E5E5E5"> incorrectly</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah yeah it's very</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">difficult and archery as well right</font> that's why America is in<font color="#CCCCCC"> trouble because</font> people are learning<font color="#E5E5E5"> at schools that's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> really<font color="#E5E5E5"> good analogy I mean to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> really</font> learn the wrong<font color="#E5E5E5"> stuff</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> really</font> is what's going<font color="#E5E5E5"> on</font> you know you get taught that life is boring droning<font color="#E5E5E5"> pay attention to the</font> rules<font color="#E5E5E5"> show me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the racks</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> show me a</font> graduate from<font color="#E5E5E5"> the American anti</font> education system<font color="#CCCCCC"> that can balance a</font> checkbook<font color="#CCCCCC"> does</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people do that anymore</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">well they oughta</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah no unfortunately</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't it's the debt you know</font> pragmatism <font color="#E5E5E5">don't want the way of maps</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yes but you</font> know what I mean that<font color="#E5E5E5"> be pragmatic be</font> responsible be accountable<font color="#E5E5E5"> utilitarian</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">self sufficiency</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be the best that you</font> can be call your body the sacred temple that it's supposed<font color="#E5E5E5"> to be</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the reverence eat good</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be good</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be the</font> best that<font color="#E5E5E5"> you can be be competitive life</font> isn't fair get used to it if you<font color="#CCCCCC"> want to</font> excel in life<font color="#E5E5E5"> you show up earlier than</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the competition you work harder than</font> competition<font color="#E5E5E5"> you do a better</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> job than a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">competition</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you stay later than the</font> competition<font color="#CCCCCC"> you'll end up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on in the damn</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">company</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yeah and learning how to think learning</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">how to think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and learning how to look at</font> things<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah it's something that's never</font> taught in school<font color="#CCCCCC"> and it's one of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">most important</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> lessons</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in your life and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you learn that lesson I think through</font> doing difficult<font color="#E5E5E5"> things</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> absolutely it had</font> a conversation about<font color="#E5E5E5"> you once and</font> someone's like<font color="#CCCCCC"> well what do you think</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">he's like I go look this is what you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have to understand forget about all the</font> public shit<font color="#E5E5E5"> he's awesome at two things</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that are</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> really hard</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to be good at</font> guitar and<font color="#CCCCCC"> bowhunting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> varied if they're</font> both very<font color="#CCCCCC"> difficult to be disciplined</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you have to be an exceptional person</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">especially</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> since you sound like such</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">shit for so long</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in the guitar there's</font> no<font color="#CCCCCC"> satisfaction whatsoever</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you go how</font> many<font color="#CCCCCC"> years</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> took years I was the worst</font> all my buddies learned faster than I did <font color="#CCCCCC">in fact</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> met up with Donnie</font> Henderson he's probably<font color="#E5E5E5"> listening right</font> now<font color="#CCCCCC"> and he was in a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> band called the gang</font> when I had a band called<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lawyers we</font> kicked their ass and<font color="#E5E5E5"> won the battle of</font> bands in Michigan when<font color="#E5E5E5"> I was about 13 or</font> 14<font color="#CCCCCC"> and he and I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are still friends</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> he's I<font color="#E5E5E5"> guess he's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gonna be 70 soon</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> too</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and he played</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> all the Chuck Berry</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and Bo</font> Diddley stuff perfect<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'm stumbling</font> and making stupid noises<font color="#CCCCCC"> but you know</font> what happened because<font color="#E5E5E5"> I couldn't figure</font> out<font color="#E5E5E5"> the exact licks</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I created</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> own</font> style<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I started playing people</font> thought I was<font color="#E5E5E5"> being clever but doing</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">them wrong it still had a good rhythm</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yeah yeah like John Coltrane meets you</font> know a punk kid playing Bo Diddley<font color="#CCCCCC"> lick</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and so I developed my own</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> style and I've</font> had a lot of fun<font color="#E5E5E5"> with it</font> but with all your<font color="#E5E5E5"> question</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as though</font> with all your media<font color="#E5E5E5"> all the stuff</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> you do you're constantly doing interviews and<font color="#CCCCCC"> phone-in interviews</font> you're constantly doing<font color="#E5E5E5"> things how do</font> you have time<font color="#E5E5E5"> to do all this still write</font> music<font color="#E5E5E5"> I have a great team</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you were</font> talking<font color="#E5E5E5"> about</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Linda</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> getting a hold of</font> your team Linda<font color="#E5E5E5"> Peterson's been with me for 30</font> years Doug bankers been my manager for <font color="#E5E5E5">over 30 years</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of all my crew</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Chris Helms</font> and Jim Knapp<font color="#CCCCCC"> and my sons and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my dog</font> my wife Charmaine is the goddess<font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean</font> have you<font color="#CCCCCC"> ever</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> seen Shane sure god help</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">me I've seen your show</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">oh she's so good and she's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mean of the</font> forest<font color="#E5E5E5"> she is the queen</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the forest</font> full<font color="#E5E5E5"> time not a damn thing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you can</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> do</font> about and I have such a great<font color="#E5E5E5"> team my</font> crew on the road right<font color="#CCCCCC"> now I leave</font> nothing<font color="#CCCCCC"> to chance I don't have to worry</font> or think about<font color="#E5E5E5"> a thing all I have to do</font> is play my guitar<font color="#E5E5E5"> and rock my balls off</font> so I've<font color="#E5E5E5"> always had a great team</font> professional work ethic monsters that are conscientious<font color="#CCCCCC"> dedicated professional</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">knowledgeable so there's no loose ends</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> how I'm able to do all your this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but</font> you're also this<font color="#E5E5E5"> really loud</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> voice in</font> the culture war<font color="#E5E5E5"> have to be you know you</font> have to be I refuse to let<font color="#E5E5E5"> lies go</font> unchallenged<font color="#CCCCCC"> I refuse</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to let anti logic</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">go unchallenged</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> anti logic like what</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">like did you don't need secure borders</font> really so<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Democrats don't think we</font> need<font color="#E5E5E5"> to secure our borders</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> right and the</font> Democrats don't admit there's a difference between<font color="#E5E5E5"> legal immigration and</font> illegal immigration<font color="#CCCCCC"> let me give you a</font> little<font color="#CCCCCC"> metaphor if you go to the bank</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and withdraw from your account you're a</font> legal banker<font color="#CCCCCC"> if you go to the bank and</font> draw<font color="#E5E5E5"> from someone else's account you're</font> a bank robber<font color="#CCCCCC"> there is a division</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there</font> were<font color="#CCCCCC"> four legal banking we're not for</font> illegal banking and this kind of anti logic is weaseled its way into policy <font color="#E5E5E5">and it's just tragic with a multi</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">trillion dollar debt and unsecured</font> borders and we're worried about separating<font color="#E5E5E5"> families</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what we</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fail</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to say</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">if you're going to come here come</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">legally or we will send you back</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we sent</font> on a<font color="#E5E5E5"> message have a debt just go ahead</font> and swim across<font color="#E5E5E5"> the damn River</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well do</font> you personally have a<font color="#E5E5E5"> problem when they</font> separate families because well sure<font color="#E5E5E5"> I do</font> I'm a<font color="#CCCCCC"> father and a grandfather yeah I</font> fucked up but the real<font color="#E5E5E5"> fuckup starts</font> with the the<font color="#CCCCCC"> the insane irresponsibility</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of daring to subject your children to</font> that I<font color="#CCCCCC"> don't think they have any choice</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> front of a dinner over there</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they living in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> always power</font> yeah because because Mexico to Guatemala is one big gang-infested government military<font color="#CCCCCC"> law</font> enforcement<font color="#E5E5E5"> shithole yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah if you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">call it a shithole I'm racist</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> well if it</font> wasn't a shithole they would stay<font color="#CCCCCC"> it is</font> a shithole<font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ever been there</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> some</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I saw some of Mexico</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> saw some</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of Mexico</font> hasn't been raped and<font color="#E5E5E5"> pillaged yet but</font> give<font color="#E5E5E5"> them time they'll make it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Resorts</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they're murdering and raping and</font> brutalizing people<font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean it's just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font> hellhole<font color="#CCCCCC"> there's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> definitely some bad</font> things happen and<font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> lot of it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is because</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of the drug war out of control yeah and</font> a lot<font color="#CCCCCC"> of people think that the remedy to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that is legalizing drugs and taxing man</font> yeah yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> we'd like it you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know they</font> mean the same<font color="#CCCCCC"> thing with prohibition the</font> same thing<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> would happened in</font> America<font color="#E5E5E5"> would</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be really boosted</font> organized crime and<font color="#E5E5E5"> Al Capone</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and they</font> got a<font color="#CCCCCC"> stronghold</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the money</font> they were<font color="#CCCCCC"> making from illegal drugs</font> I just alcohol at<font color="#E5E5E5"> the time I think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right now</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that the spoiled brat</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> epidemic</font> in<font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> country if you don't get</font> everything<font color="#E5E5E5"> you want you start shooting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or you cut people off and road</font> rage if everything<font color="#CCCCCC"> doesn't go just right</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">everybody is so touchy and so pussified</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that when I was growing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> up sticks</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> stones may break your<font color="#CCCCCC"> bones but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> words</font> will never<font color="#E5E5E5"> hurt me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what do you think</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> coming from the liberalisation of</font> policy and the the horrible lie of the <font color="#CCCCCC">welfare dream that people who need a</font> helping<font color="#CCCCCC"> hand are always given to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> helping</font> hand by neighbors and family and friends and<font color="#E5E5E5"> if they have them yeah well the</font> Catholic<font color="#CCCCCC"> Church has a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> trillion dollars</font> just in jewelry they could probably <font color="#E5E5E5">provide some sandwiches and blankets so</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's plenty of help available</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font> when you get<font color="#CCCCCC"> into a system and you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font> play<font color="#E5E5E5"> on the people's emotions that we</font> need a<font color="#CCCCCC"> safety</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> net these poor people are</font> destitute they need<font color="#E5E5E5"> to help</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ok let's</font> create<font color="#CCCCCC"> a welfare where we can help these</font> destitute<font color="#E5E5E5"> people meanwhile it's infested</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">with scammers and bloodsuckers and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Liars</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">who were able-bodied</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and they just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't</font> want to<font color="#E5E5E5"> stop at the Help Wanted sign</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they want some of your income</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because</font> you're stupid<font color="#E5E5E5"> enough to get up early and</font> work really hard<font color="#E5E5E5"> and they don't want to</font> that's pandemic<font color="#E5E5E5"> so meanwhile the people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">who are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> truly needy they slip through</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the cracks</font> we don't even<font color="#E5E5E5"> get to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know who they are</font> and in<font color="#E5E5E5"> the liberal policy of eliminating</font> the heartbreak in the disrespect of Cuckoo's Nest we can't we can't call them mental health<font color="#E5E5E5"> centers we might hurt some</font> feelings<font color="#CCCCCC"> so now what are they doing</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they're putting spikes and boards and</font> attacking<font color="#CCCCCC"> people walking their dog in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> LA</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yeah there's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no place</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for them to go</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">when I was growing up there's a place in</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Detroit called Eloise it was a nuthouse</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and that's the Cuckoo's Nest that's</font> where if you were mentally ill<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you</font> needed<font color="#E5E5E5"> help</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that there was a place</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font> you to go to<font color="#E5E5E5"> get you off the streets so</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> don't attack</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people with spikes and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">do by</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> voice</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what are you talking about</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the spikes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and -</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> by the guy right here</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right down the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> street here one days ago</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yeah attacked some fashion photographer</font> walking his dog and<font color="#CCCCCC"> hit him</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in the head</font> with<font color="#CCCCCC"> a 2x4 with a spike</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and almost</font> killed him<font color="#CCCCCC"> you know and a citizen I</font> didn't even hear<font color="#CCCCCC"> mouths oh you have an</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">awesome citizen jumped up in the air</font> caught this guy<font color="#E5E5E5"> with both feet</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> right in</font> the neck and<font color="#CCCCCC"> knocked up beat the shit</font> out of that's nice oh there's a rare occasion of<font color="#E5E5E5"> Justice Pro Wrestling come</font> in handy<font color="#E5E5E5"> but yes but that that incident</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">is not rare where you go to San</font> Francisco<font color="#CCCCCC"> and the mental</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> health</font> institution<font color="#CCCCCC"> isn't supposed to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> streets the mess<font color="#CCCCCC"> was a good example of</font> too much<font color="#E5E5E5"> liberal policy you get people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that are a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> little bit too progressive</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> also</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> know the rest of that's</font> regressive I don't know<font color="#E5E5E5"> how did</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they</font> ever utilize that term<font color="#E5E5E5"> that's</font> bastardized<font color="#E5E5E5"> that's what progressive it</font> gets so far that it becomes regressive when you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> letting bums shit all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> over</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the streets but thank you I think that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">would be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> an indicator so like there's so</font> the ideas that<font color="#CCCCCC"> just like these</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> poor</font> people leave them alone<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know they're</font> fine they just<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know they it's okay</font> if they live on the streets<font color="#CCCCCC"> but if you</font> go to San<font color="#CCCCCC"> Francisco they're very</font> aggressive<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's it's one of the weirder</font> places I've ever been in terms of homeless people<font color="#CCCCCC"> and one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of the most</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">heart brought unquote progressive places</font> in our country<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah it's one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of the most</font> progressive<font color="#CCCCCC"> cities heartbreaking</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah we</font> need more<font color="#E5E5E5"> Cuckoo's Nest but even those</font> institutions the corruption<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the</font> abuse of power that<font color="#E5E5E5"> runs rampant a nurse</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">crachit I mean that that that that</font> wasn't just a fantasy<font color="#CCCCCC"> a script that that</font> happens the irresponsibility and<font color="#E5E5E5"> in in</font> pharmaceutical problem and then they <font color="#CCCCCC">increase the mental problem with big</font> farm<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah I mean I've had personal</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">experiences with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that with the dear</font> friends of<font color="#E5E5E5"> mine</font> that we're having mental problems<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> they end up<font color="#E5E5E5"> in an institution</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and then</font> their mental problems are exasperated<font color="#E5E5E5"> by</font> chemical warfare upon them you know<font color="#CCCCCC"> when</font> I<font color="#E5E5E5"> was growing up how old are you John</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">fifty fifty just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a boy when I was</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">growing up there's this this mantra this</font> colloquialism<font color="#E5E5E5"> better living through</font> chemistry yeah and in many<font color="#CCCCCC"> ways it is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I mean we</font> saved tens of millions of lives<font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> Africa<font color="#CCCCCC"> with DDT by killing the tsetse</font> fly and we<font color="#E5E5E5"> saved tens of millions of</font> people<font color="#CCCCCC"> and then some</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> environmentalists</font> came in and the DDT is a dangerous chemical so they stopped it<font color="#CCCCCC"> and we lost</font> tens of millions<font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's better</font> to kill<font color="#CCCCCC"> a bunch of tsetse flies to save</font> human lives<font color="#E5E5E5"> than to ban the DDT that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">allows tsetse flies to flourish and</font> kills people<font color="#CCCCCC"> so now it's gone</font> full<font color="#CCCCCC"> circle</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and that's where the toxins</font> have accumulated<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the the horrific</font> waste that I had texted Anthony<font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font> before he died congratulating him<font color="#E5E5E5"> Hahn is hosting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> brilliant documentary<font color="#E5E5E5"> if you haven't</font> seen<font color="#E5E5E5"> it yet</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> waste waste exclamation</font> point what we do<font color="#CCCCCC"> to work</font> foods in this country and the<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> self-inflicted<font color="#E5E5E5"> scourge of toxification</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of our precious</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> environment so there's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">not a lot of easy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> answers but here it is</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">28th of June 2018 and here you and I are</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">at least discussing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this stuff to</font> millions<font color="#E5E5E5"> of people I suspect</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I see</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">upgrade taking place I see upgrade in</font> awareness<font color="#CCCCCC"> not fast</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> enough</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> make me</font> happy <font color="#E5E5E5">but enough to indicate I mean an</font> upgraded prognosis<font color="#E5E5E5"> for people's</font> awareness<font color="#E5E5E5"> accountability</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> responsibility</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">where</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you seeing this whether it's you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">know like the circles that you travel</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the circles certainly and we don't waste</font> one of<font color="#E5E5E5"> my biggest pet peeves is little</font> fat kids that you<font color="#E5E5E5"> know take a sip of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> $2</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">bottle of water and then they leave it</font> there and<font color="#E5E5E5"> then the thrown it away and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that the waste is pandemic in this</font> country<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I see my kids are like like</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Stormtroopers</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they're like drill</font> sergeants with that<font color="#CCCCCC"> we</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just don't want</font> to waste<font color="#CCCCCC"> and we've always recycled and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the jury</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is still out whether that has</font> any<font color="#E5E5E5"> effect at all but the the the</font> disconnect<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> unconscionable misbehavior</font> of just<font color="#E5E5E5"> tossing and throwing away</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">everything you know what</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> drives me</font> fucking crazy<font color="#CCCCCC"> cigarettes out the window</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Oh</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people just went the people that smoke</font> cigarettes for whatever reason<font color="#CCCCCC"> did about</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">my problem throwing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it on the ground</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">probably wouldn't litter</font> how about would drive me<font color="#CCCCCC"> crazy there's</font> somebody still stupid enough to buy cancer<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah you're here let</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> me invest in</font> the companies that<font color="#E5E5E5"> want</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to kill me here</font> here's a couple extra thousand dollars <font color="#E5E5E5">kill more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of us do um</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a cool makes the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> don't think so never smart<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'd never</font> smoked a cigarette no drug no drugs no <font color="#CCCCCC">alcohol no you drink a little wine no</font> real fat pussy <font color="#CCCCCC">I'm telling you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that shit will kill you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">no</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> families no logic I'm a big fan for</font> those who want but no I also drink a little wine though I do<font color="#E5E5E5"> drink a little</font> wine but I don't think<font color="#E5E5E5"> that qualifies as</font> a drink right<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's having a glass of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wine with oh the me my sons and my</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">daughter's my brothers</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sisters the</font> Thanksgiving dinner beer beer is<font color="#E5E5E5"> better</font> than coke<font color="#E5E5E5"> right vastly it's when you</font> start to enter<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> drool zone that I</font> have a big problem<font color="#CCCCCC"> and all of a sudden</font> if there's a problem<font color="#E5E5E5"> I can't rely on you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">anymore right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I want to be reliable yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> why I have a problem with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">comfortably numb' yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> think in my</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">experience you can't wake up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the bass</font> player because he's comfortably<font color="#E5E5E5"> numb the</font> guys don't show<font color="#CCCCCC"> up he can't tune his</font> guitar he forgot the<font color="#CCCCCC"> flicks</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we're not as</font> tight as<font color="#CCCCCC"> we could be you're fired</font> right<font color="#CCCCCC"> I know what</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're saying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but this</font> is what I'm<font color="#E5E5E5"> saying to you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is that this</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">is just a discipline issue and it's not</font> the marijuana or anything<font color="#E5E5E5"> that gets</font> people like that<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's a lack of</font> discipline<font color="#E5E5E5"> I actually own</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> these Jitsu</font> world and the<font color="#E5E5E5"> jiu-jitsu world is filled</font> with<font color="#E5E5E5"> people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that smoke pot and these</font> motherfuckers work hard<font color="#CCCCCC"> they want</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what's</font> the number one karate guy who the guy that<font color="#CCCCCC"> died Bruce Lee</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah Bruce</font> Lee<font color="#E5E5E5"> did he smoke dope</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> uh he ate hash</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ate</font> hash yeah you know he's into<font color="#CCCCCC"> getting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">half</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> here's my question</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but that's not</font> what<font color="#E5E5E5"> killed him here's my question</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you as I offered to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my son Rocco</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> uh-huh</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he's an advocate of marijuana</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yes okay</font> and I said Rocco<font color="#CCCCCC"> and I said and I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> said</font> so<font color="#E5E5E5"> do you really</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> believe that perfectly</font> clean and<font color="#E5E5E5"> sober</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">mmm-hmm taking care of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your health with</font> a conscientious diet good athletic workout discipline physical prowess <font color="#CCCCCC">mm-hmm do you really think that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> an</font> outside source peyote mushrooms<font color="#E5E5E5"> dope</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">whatever you want to call do you really</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think that with that outside</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> influence</font> you can<font color="#CCCCCC"> do something</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you can't do unto</font> your<font color="#CCCCCC"> god-given gift individual self I'm</font> convinced Joe that you<font color="#CCCCCC"> will be the</font> absolute<font color="#CCCCCC"> best you can be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you will</font> accomplish what I think is a <font color="#E5E5E5">self-inflicted curse of modern man that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">ninety</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> percent</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 98</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> percent of humanity</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">might be tapping into</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> five percent of</font> their capabilities<font color="#E5E5E5"> because they get on a</font> treadmill<font color="#E5E5E5"> they get in a paradigm self</font> restricted<font color="#CCCCCC"> Maronite</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ever so decreasing</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">view</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the world and experiences and</font> the overwrote<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> destroyed road</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> over</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">traveled versus not only the road</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> less<font color="#E5E5E5"> traveled but the non road</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">untraveled that's my favorite I'm</font> convinced that you Joe Rogan<font color="#CCCCCC"> mm-hmm</font> we'll find your <font color="#E5E5E5">superior definitive best without any</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">outside influence I believe you have the</font> power<font color="#E5E5E5"> I think I have the power</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> when I</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">get on stage tonight and you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gotta</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> come</font> you<font color="#CCCCCC"> gotta</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> come witness this what my bad</font> did I do it's like it enough for out<font color="#E5E5E5"> of time I</font> can't come tonight it's like<font color="#E5E5E5"> I got orgy</font> show<font color="#E5E5E5"> at The Improv of human fire we put</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">our fists</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> together and chant James Brown</font> and Wilson Pickett and<font color="#E5E5E5"> Funk Brothers and</font> it's like the last wolves on an island <font color="#CCCCCC">ganash enough teeth</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> over the last bone</font> and shard of flesh<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's it's a it's an</font> out-of-body soaring above life itself experience<font color="#E5E5E5"> that we have in us</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't</font> need anything I understand<font color="#CCCCCC"> me</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I understand that but</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> don't use anything</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so you're talking</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">from a place of non experience when it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">comes to marijuana or mushrooms or any</font> of these<font color="#CCCCCC"> things but my 70 years I say at</font> least<font color="#E5E5E5"> 55 of those years from the</font> beatniks to the hippies to the end of the friends<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you got to meet this</font> Wayne Kramer guy mc5<font color="#CCCCCC"> guitarist</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> new book the hard stuff he</font> and I were born the<font color="#E5E5E5"> same time same</font> influence Detroit the swamps<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">outdoors but Bo Diddley Chuck Berry</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Motown James Brown</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> started smoking</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">dope I didn't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and he's got a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> heroin and</font> I'm trying and any prison again<font color="#E5E5E5"> stealin</font> and been arrested<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'm having the</font> time<font color="#CCCCCC"> of my life and he's like</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Halloween</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> a cesspool of dogshit and I'm not</font> knocking Wayne I'm saying that he was courageous to write this book it's a brilliant<font color="#E5E5E5"> book you got to have them on</font> you're gonna read<font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're gonna you're</font> gonna be consumed by his conversational writing of the mc5 ascension to the<font color="#E5E5E5"> most</font> authoritative<font color="#E5E5E5"> powerhouse music I've ever</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">witnessed in my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> life</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to a bunch of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">dirtbags</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on the downward spiral</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the drugs and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> alcohol</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I know that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">happens</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it definitely happens but it</font> happens<font color="#CCCCCC"> with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> everything</font> it happens with<font color="#E5E5E5"> people with a eat too</font> much food it happens with<font color="#E5E5E5"> people with</font> gambling<font color="#CCCCCC"> it happens there are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> different</font> things but I<font color="#E5E5E5"> think it's because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> discipline it's because they don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a clear</font> path<font color="#E5E5E5"> I think it's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because they let</font> themselves become self-indulgent and<font color="#E5E5E5"> let</font> themselves be weak but I'm saying is that I know a lot<font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people who use</font> whether<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's psychedelics</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or they use</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">marijuana and they use</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it to enhance</font> their perspective it doesn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> become the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">primary focus of their life it doesn't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">consume their life they don't allow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> consume their life there's a whole</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">other world of disciplined marijuana</font> enthusiasts and that they're confused <font color="#CCCCCC">the same way people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> confuse hunters then</font> what same way people<font color="#CCCCCC"> think of hunters as</font> being lazy drunken slobs<font color="#E5E5E5"> who are cruel</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to animals and you and I know that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the case at all rare</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so the</font> most disciplined<font color="#E5E5E5"> focused and best people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">or intense people because to be to be a</font> Cameron<font color="#E5E5E5"> Haines to be a John Dudley</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> have to be a superior<font color="#E5E5E5"> type of human</font> being<font color="#CCCCCC"> super athletes you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have to be able</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to execute in that extreme moment that</font> moment<font color="#CCCCCC"> where that animal walks out into</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> shooting window and you're looking</font> at this 390 bull elk<font color="#CCCCCC"> and reaming</font> screaming and overwhelming all over it's so overwhelming and<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's 40 yards away</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> you're centering</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pin it takes</font> magic<font color="#E5E5E5"> powerful</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> human</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> being to execute</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> shot and I don't think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> most people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">are aware of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that most</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people don't know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">in the same way that that's</font> misunderstood I think<font color="#CCCCCC"> marijuana is</font> misunderstood<font color="#E5E5E5"> because there's a lot of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">dummies in this world if you get a group</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of a hundred people what are the odds</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that one of them is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gonna be a dummy</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">fuckin a hundred percent yeah right more</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">than water nowadays more than one well</font> if you get a group<font color="#E5E5E5"> of a hundred</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that use marijuana</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the one loud</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> fuckin</font> stupid one defies<font color="#E5E5E5"> or defines rather what</font> marijuana<font color="#E5E5E5"> users are you see that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> fuckin</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">idiot who's pissing all over himself and</font> falling down so high you<font color="#E5E5E5"> can't walk</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what you think of you don't think</font> of the<font color="#E5E5E5"> Brazilian jiu-jitsu blackbelt</font> that smokes pot<font color="#CCCCCC"> and then goes out and</font> strangles 50 people in<font color="#CCCCCC"> class you don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think of people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to take yoga class</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> like<font color="#E5E5E5"> to highlight marijuana I'm</font> absorbing absorbing and respecting and considering your<font color="#E5E5E5"> words it can get away</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">from you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> let</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> me get away</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's all</font> I've<font color="#CCCCCC"> ever said everything can get away</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">from you that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all I've ever seen but I</font> think it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> because these people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> consume it they have those other qualities<font color="#E5E5E5"> they don't</font> have discipline<font color="#E5E5E5"> and focus so they don't</font> have<font color="#E5E5E5"> respect for their body see the</font> thing<font color="#CCCCCC"> with that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> especially in the</font> jiu-jitsu<font color="#E5E5E5"> community it's super common</font> marijuana is really really really common <font color="#CCCCCC">yeah I mean they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a show called</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">high rollers where these guys they put</font> together<font color="#CCCCCC"> a jiu jitsu tournament and</font> everybody had to get<font color="#E5E5E5"> high before</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they</font> rolled<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you're talking like elite</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">world-class Brazilian jiu-jitsu black</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">belts competing high on marijuana and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that's got to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be one</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> highest</font> forms<font color="#E5E5E5"> of disciplines very available -</font> yes<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> very</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> varied right there with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> campanilla mountain</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> climbing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bowling</font> calling an elk<font color="#E5E5E5"> in your lap it's well</font> you're you're you're doing<font color="#E5E5E5"> an art that's</font> designed to<font color="#E5E5E5"> break bodies and the two of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> gonna do it together and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> whole<font color="#E5E5E5"> idea</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is that you're going</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to get</font> someone into<font color="#CCCCCC"> a position</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> where they have</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to tap or they're gonna</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> get their arm</font> snapped<font color="#CCCCCC"> or they're gonna get choked</font> unconscious<font color="#CCCCCC"> so intense</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> extremely</font> difficult pursuit and<font color="#E5E5E5"> a lot of people do</font> it under the influence of marijuana<font color="#CCCCCC"> do</font> you know any<font color="#E5E5E5"> of these master jiu jitsu</font> martial artists<font color="#CCCCCC"> oh yeah that that don't</font> do any<font color="#E5E5E5"> oh yeah oh yeah and how do they</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">perform they perform well do very well</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's this look there's elite</font> world-class athletes<font color="#E5E5E5"> and jiu-jitsu that</font> don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> wanna</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> do you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know if</font> the world champion got<font color="#E5E5E5"> high or not well</font> I know a lot of<font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know where I'm going</font> what<font color="#CCCCCC"> I do</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I know a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lot of them do a</font> lot<font color="#CCCCCC"> of world champions do</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I know a lot</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> like real multiple time world</font> champions<font color="#CCCCCC"> there marijuana users</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah how</font> about world champions<font color="#E5E5E5"> that don't get</font> high<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a lot of those to see what</font> happens with marijuana is<font color="#CCCCCC"> is increased</font> sensitivity that a lot<font color="#E5E5E5"> of people talk</font> about<font color="#CCCCCC"> they talk they call it paranoia</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a lot of things that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people put blinders on their life a lot</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of people aren't aware and I'm sure</font> because<font color="#E5E5E5"> of your hunting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're spending</font> time<font color="#CCCCCC"> in the woods you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> soaking in all</font> the variables the sound the wing I'm a radar<font color="#E5E5E5"> you're there right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're aware</font> there's a lot of people<font color="#CCCCCC"> that go through</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">life like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this nope go through life like</font> they're<font color="#E5E5E5"> looking</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> through a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> toilet paper</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there in the left lane right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> yeah they're not<font color="#CCCCCC"> using their blinkers</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and those people those people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> when they</font> smoke marijuana they<font color="#E5E5E5"> freak out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they get</font> paranoid<font color="#E5E5E5"> because what's happening is the</font> marijuana increases your sensitivity makes you<font color="#CCCCCC"> aware of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all these variables</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> a lot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of people consider</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> paranoia<font color="#CCCCCC"> you start freaking out</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> about</font> all<font color="#E5E5E5"> these variables you start thinking</font> about<font color="#E5E5E5"> your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mortality and instead of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">embracing this time as a magical moments</font> that being in this moment<font color="#CCCCCC"> you just start</font> getting overwhelmed and you feel your own<font color="#E5E5E5"> heartbeat</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you start freaking</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">fearless all the time</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah it's without</font> anything it's an entheogen<font color="#CCCCCC"> it brings you closer</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to whatever you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well they're not</font> encumbered by your ego I will admit<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's inescapable</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">everything affects everyone differently</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yes but once you make it widespread I</font> mean I've studied the results<font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">legalization for recreational</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> use in</font> Colorado and how the highway fatalities and accidents have increased<font color="#E5E5E5"> but you</font> know what else has increased the <font color="#E5E5E5">population in proportion</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so causes</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">breathing tells us more people there</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">more people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> are there so you having more</font> accidents there right the problem<font color="#E5E5E5"> is is</font> a boom of population also<font color="#CCCCCC"> a boom in the</font> economy<font color="#CCCCCC"> a boom in the real estate the</font> real<font color="#E5E5E5"> estate's taking off yeah there's a</font> lot of<font color="#E5E5E5"> losers there too there's a lot of</font> hacky sack playing dirty stinky hippies <font color="#E5E5E5">that are wandering around with no shoes</font> on<font color="#E5E5E5"> you're gonna get those you're gonna</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">get those you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know if you have an</font> opening welcome<font color="#CCCCCC"> society that's that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">doesn't lock those people up you're</font> gonna<font color="#E5E5E5"> have those as a part of freedom</font> yeah it sucks losers<font color="#CCCCCC"> are part of this safe world</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> our<font color="#E5E5E5"> kids are allowed to wander through</font> we want the world to be safe <font color="#E5E5E5">so sometimes things are to say if you</font> nerf the edges and<font color="#E5E5E5"> you get a bunch</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are used to hitting their</font> heads on things they're<font color="#E5E5E5"> not worried</font> about<font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sure you're gonna have these</font> losers but<font color="#E5E5E5"> it doesn't mean</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">everybody who does it's a loser</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I know a</font> lot of<font color="#E5E5E5"> like CEOs</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of big corporations</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have extreme wants responsibilities and</font> they like to<font color="#E5E5E5"> smoke a little pot I get I</font> get<font color="#CCCCCC"> um</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> punched back off and on Facebook</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I'm a successful guy run my family</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm a</font> good dad I'm a good hunter and I'm a I'm a trump supporter<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I get high</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font> like oh god bless you just I don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> want</font> you you know<font color="#E5E5E5"> babysitting my kids</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> while</font> you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> high</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah but it's discipline</font> discipline is<font color="#CCCCCC"> the thing that fucks</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> up and the lack of it is lack of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it the lack of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> discipline and I think if</font> that's with<font color="#E5E5E5"> everything it could be with</font> sex it could be with gambling it could be with extreme risky behaviors people <font color="#CCCCCC">could just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> get get real nutty and get</font> carried away with<font color="#E5E5E5"> things and sometimes</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">those things are</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> just a big distraction</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the lack of discipline they have in</font> pursuing their<font color="#CCCCCC"> own goals in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> life I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> think</font> that that is<font color="#E5E5E5"> the real high in life the</font> real high in life is pursuing difficult<font color="#CCCCCC"> thing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> ratification yes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> getting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">good at them and then accomplishing your</font> goals<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a there's a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hi to that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that's you can't find</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and pills it</font> doesn't exist<font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the needle that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> high is</font> a high of discipline and determination and focus<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> learning but there's so</font> much weakness out there<font color="#CCCCCC"> especially in a</font> society<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> been spoiled for so long</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and you get a trophy if you don't even</font> show up<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah and you can't hurt people's</font> feelings and bully or get bullied<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> your cry instead of<font color="#E5E5E5"> fighting back</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's so many manifestation of a</font> cultural deprivation that<font color="#E5E5E5"> runs</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> amok</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> our society<font color="#CCCCCC"> that my fear is and I've</font> studied all these mass shootings<font color="#CCCCCC"> Jo the</font> Virginia Tech shooter<font color="#E5E5E5"> hi</font> well they're<font color="#CCCCCC"> online</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hi yeah but the</font> wrong on SSRIs they're all on pills and <font color="#CCCCCC">pharmaceuticals</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all of them are under</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the prozac and they're there their</font> parents<font color="#CCCCCC"> or all of them are chemical</font> covering up a kid that shows enthusiasm it's called<font color="#E5E5E5"> attention disorder now</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> mean if they had<font color="#CCCCCC"> that back when I was</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">growing up I'd end up playing I don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">know it I didn't be an</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Aussie</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> problem is the word drugs<font color="#CCCCCC"> like you and I</font> are drinking coffee we're on drugs right now<font color="#E5E5E5"> we're on caffeine this is a drug</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's some drugs</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that if used</font> responsibly<font color="#E5E5E5"> are okay</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a glass of wine</font> with dinner is a drum understood<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's a</font> mild drug a little tiny toke<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah for</font> sex with<font color="#E5E5E5"> the missus that's a little drug</font> it makes you<font color="#E5E5E5"> money</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> see I've never smoked</font> because<font color="#CCCCCC"> I can't smoke and when I shoot</font> my<font color="#CCCCCC"> machine guns all I do is chew on a</font> Cuban<font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> really smoke it well you</font> can get a little<font color="#E5E5E5"> little</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> buzz</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">joining us I love a good man it seems to</font> go with<font color="#E5E5E5"> brass rainbows when</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I was way</font> faster<font color="#CCCCCC"> now my best my best</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> morning with</font> my m4 it's a it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> a m16</font> you know carbine and I got a POF upper <font color="#E5E5E5">it's a piston driven so instead of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 600</font> plus rounds minutes over 700 rounds a minute and my<font color="#CCCCCC"> bass 600 Stu's well just way too</font> low but they actually had the original <font color="#CCCCCC">your Thompson's were 900 rounds a minute</font> and nobody<font color="#CCCCCC"> including sergeant Rock could</font> control<font color="#CCCCCC"> that so they back to down us</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">600 but that's 45 minutes got a whole</font> lot of<font color="#E5E5E5"> lift my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> two</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> three M for my</font> best morning<font color="#CCCCCC"> this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is a local Ted</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> party's</font> Apache helicopter<font color="#CCCCCC"> M for bags of ammo</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 469</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">hawks</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> one day we played videos that you</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> pigmented are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lips</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no ridiculous</font> diet that is every wild but that<font color="#E5E5E5"> big</font> problem<font color="#CCCCCC"> is the one that throws in the</font> face<font color="#CCCCCC"> of vegans that's a weird one</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">because you you got</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to do something</font> about<font color="#E5E5E5"> those animals</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because they're</font> gonna<font color="#CCCCCC"> destroy your</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> food or they're gonna</font> eat every well when we kill pigs like that in such mass numbers from helicopters with machine guns<font color="#E5E5E5"> we're</font> literally saving<font color="#CCCCCC"> the environment feeding</font> a lot of people we the port that we process<font color="#E5E5E5"> thousands and thousands of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people get this pure organic pork and</font> it's<font color="#CCCCCC"> delicious</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's the best the wild</font> pork with that white fat that<font color="#CCCCCC"> kaemark</font> dark meat candy<font color="#E5E5E5"> so so we're saving the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">environment from the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pig destruction</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">we're saving agriculture ie food</font> production from the pig destruction <font color="#E5E5E5">we're saving tax dollars from hiring</font> sharpshooters<font color="#E5E5E5"> we're saving all wildlife</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because the alternative would</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be not</font> indiscriminate<font color="#E5E5E5"> poisoning campaign and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">we're creating a huge new industry of</font> helicopter hog<font color="#E5E5E5"> hunting win win win win</font> win win win <font color="#CCCCCC">Party Time</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> USA and guess who passed that</font> law<font color="#CCCCCC"> you did thank</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you very much again</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> me</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> Chris</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Kobach we were hunting and we</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">weren't allowed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to pay the helicopter</font> pilot<font color="#CCCCCC"> by law</font> it couldn't be a for-profit<font color="#E5E5E5"> outfit</font> unless the<font color="#E5E5E5"> government paid him but she</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">was so so untaxed is like so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Chris</font> Kobach who<font color="#CCCCCC"> is the secretary of state in</font> Kansas and<font color="#E5E5E5"> who's running</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for governor</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and should be governor of Kansas he's a</font> constitutional master and he he took the current pig hunting law from helicopters <font color="#CCCCCC">that was government</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> controlled</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no no</font> citizens no commercial value whatsoever <font color="#E5E5E5">he rewrote it we gave</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> then</font> Attorney General Greg<font color="#E5E5E5"> Abbott and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Governor</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Perry at the time and we said</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">this is insane this can't be Texas where</font> you get to hunt the pigs on our land but we can't so literally within<font color="#E5E5E5"> a week or</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">two they passed the law where it became</font> a<font color="#E5E5E5"> commercial outfit</font> we're we the people<font color="#CCCCCC"> can hunt the pigs on a</font> helicopters<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's become a huge</font> success<font color="#CCCCCC"> it really knocked the shit out</font> of this dangerous<font color="#E5E5E5"> pig population in</font> those areas where<font color="#E5E5E5"> landowners allow it</font> and give authorization<font color="#CCCCCC"> and it's so much</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">fun</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's stupid well that's what people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">need to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> realize that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Yuri there's no</font> other way<font color="#CCCCCC"> to get to them in certain</font> circumstances<font color="#CCCCCC"> they have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> three four</font> litters a year<font color="#E5E5E5"> and there's no way to</font> take care<font color="#E5E5E5"> of them naturally machine guns</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> helicopters</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> unless you're gonna let</font> hundreds of thousands<font color="#E5E5E5"> of wolves loose in</font> Texas<font color="#E5E5E5"> I really don't see them from the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">helicopter</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Jeff I mean how I mean that's</font> what they do in Alaska<font color="#CCCCCC"> right</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they</font> decimate the<font color="#CCCCCC"> carry have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to there's no</font> other way to catch all<font color="#E5E5E5"> these pigs other</font> than kick on unless you<font color="#E5E5E5"> join not many</font> people know<font color="#CCCCCC"> that they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't know that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's a it's a real problem</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> when you</font> talk to people<font color="#CCCCCC"> or animal rights</font> activists<font color="#E5E5E5"> like how do you propose to fix</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">this that will like well you know they</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">shouldn't be here in the first place</font> they're an invasive species that<font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">bro that's fine you're right but they're</font> here<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm over</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in the 1700s yes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so what</font> do<font color="#CCCCCC"> we do so so arrest Captain Cook Yeah</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">exactly arrest</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> William Randolph Hearst</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because he released a bunch of them</font> right<font color="#CCCCCC"> here in California as WordStar</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">things that we hunted to honed ranch</font> came from those pigs down and they <font color="#CCCCCC">worked</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> their way</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> down and they're</font> awesome<font color="#CCCCCC"> they're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> delicious honey</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">best pork in the world</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people who eat</font> normal pork have no idea what the real part tastes<font color="#E5E5E5"> like I spoke some for a</font> friend of<font color="#E5E5E5"> mine this is insane</font> I'm like this is<font color="#E5E5E5"> like this is nothing</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">put it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> over a good cold coals yeah it's</font> candy<font color="#E5E5E5"> brined it for a few days here's a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">little</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> trick for you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm a Vernors</font> ginger-ale guy Detroit<font color="#E5E5E5"> brew bottled and</font> ginger<font color="#CCCCCC"> a Detroit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Vernors it's the only</font> ginger ale with<font color="#E5E5E5"> ginger but unfortunately</font> is full of fructose <font color="#CCCCCC">yes so I don't drink it anymore</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">can't cook with it next time you brine a</font> slab of<font color="#CCCCCC"> pork put in a you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> know good</font> olive<font color="#E5E5E5"> oil and all the seasons you like</font> but<font color="#CCCCCC"> also a can of Vernors ginger-ale</font> because it's got real ginger and<font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font> enough sugar<font color="#CCCCCC"> in it to affect it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and soak</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that overnight and a glass dish covered</font> up in a cool like a refrigerator<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> then put<font color="#CCCCCC"> that sumbitch</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on some hot</font> orange coals I don't care apple cherry mesquite Hickory<font color="#CCCCCC"> whatever you got Oh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> doesn't</font> and let that sombitch<font color="#E5E5E5"> just singe on the</font> outside<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's it's food sex it's your you</font> get an erection your palate erection you get a culinary boner<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so delicious</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that's what we eat at home</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that's how we</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">eat that's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> why I'm like this</font> do you ever<font color="#E5E5E5"> use a pellet grill</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I haven't</font> no my my ranch manager<font color="#CCCCCC"> chris has got one</font> I<font color="#E5E5E5"> mean he's a big fan of those things</font> because it's real wood<font color="#CCCCCC"> right</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> just</font> compressed wood<font color="#CCCCCC"> shots they take like</font> from making this<font color="#CCCCCC"> table should make</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> sawdust compress<font color="#E5E5E5"> it down</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but I have all</font> this timber we have at<font color="#E5E5E5"> our properties I</font> like cutting<font color="#CCCCCC"> down</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> dead trees and making</font> my own firewood<font color="#E5E5E5"> is that what you do you</font> cook over you<font color="#E5E5E5"> and well there's a there's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">something to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that right yep</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yep it's the</font> real McCoy<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah my my taste buds are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as</font> sacred as my dick<font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I want to make</font> sure<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> treat my taste buds really good I</font> consider my life to be like<font color="#CCCCCC"> one big</font> six-foot to 220 pound<font color="#E5E5E5"> purple rim dick</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I'm susceptible to all influences and</font> stimuli and that's where I<font color="#E5E5E5"> get this</font> passion<font color="#E5E5E5"> and this happiness every day is</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Wednesday I'm spoiled</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> rotten</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I get to</font> hunt everywhere that's what's crazy<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> I get to rock my balls off every year<font color="#CCCCCC"> so</font> I'm in your yard<font color="#CCCCCC"> you essentially leave</font> your house my swamp in Michigan I have to close<font color="#E5E5E5"> the door quietly because I have</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">tree stands really close to the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cabin</font> yeah and it's<font color="#CCCCCC"> this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> swamp is it's a</font> miracle<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's just I think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> God loves me</font> more than<font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> love you</font> because<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> created this place just for me</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's a it's a glacier cut Marsh</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">swamp</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> femme you know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what a fan is now</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Fenn f en it's a very unique wetland</font> habitat<font color="#E5E5E5"> that's a cross between a marsh</font> and a swamp<font color="#E5E5E5"> and a bog</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and it's the the</font> habitat<font color="#E5E5E5"> that produces the Mitchells</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">satyr butterfly environment which is the</font> Christmas<font color="#CCCCCC"> tree</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> firm and on my Michigan</font> fan<font color="#CCCCCC"> I have the healthiest productivity</font> of the endangered<font color="#E5E5E5"> species Christmas tree</font> fern and<font color="#CCCCCC"> Mitchell's satyr butterfly</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">according to the biologists and the</font> botanists that visit there every year <font color="#CCCCCC">from universities because I kill lots of</font> critters<font color="#E5E5E5"> that would</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> otherwise</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">denude those touchy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for wild vegetations</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and that's why I hunt everyday up</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Koons</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> possums and skunks and</font> beavers and<font color="#E5E5E5"> mink and muskrats</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> pheasants up the a side I'm the only ground in southern<font color="#E5E5E5"> Michigan that has</font> pheasants<font color="#E5E5E5"> because I wage war on varmints</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you cannot hurt varmint populations in</font> fact they are<font color="#E5E5E5"> drastically under</font> harvested but<font color="#E5E5E5"> on mine I kill so many</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> egg</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">raiding environments that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I have the</font> best biodiversity of<font color="#E5E5E5"> all including the</font> endangered<font color="#CCCCCC"> Mitchell sadder</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> butterfly and</font> Christmas tree fern<font color="#E5E5E5"> because I'm a</font> steward<font color="#E5E5E5"> who</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> actually walks the wild</font> ground<font color="#E5E5E5"> unlike a bureaucrat who looks at</font> the computer<font color="#CCCCCC"> screen and his D in our</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">office and makes an assumption of what</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the model might indicate instead of what</font> the actual wild ground<font color="#E5E5E5"> will show you if</font> you get<font color="#E5E5E5"> the fuck off your chair and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> go</font> walk that<font color="#CCCCCC"> safe well</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's a big</font> criticism to people or from<font color="#CCCCCC"> people that</font> especially like<font color="#E5E5E5"> people in BC that are</font> now<font color="#E5E5E5"> part of that grizzly bear</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> been</font> unbelievable<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's honest they're getting</font> people<font color="#CCCCCC"> that live in the cities that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">don't have any interaction with these</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">animals and that these animals are</font> trouble<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a lot of them yeah</font> they're<font color="#E5E5E5"> not</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> their kin old and you can</font> eat them too by the way yeah you<font color="#E5E5E5"> think they're steaks bear</font> backstraps candy especially in the spring if they're<font color="#CCCCCC"> eating berries and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> grass<font color="#E5E5E5"> right but the perception is that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">what you're doing is trophy hunting that</font> you know you're eating<font color="#CCCCCC"> you're shooting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">something you don't plan on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> eating</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font> to put a<font color="#E5E5E5"> head</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> walk because you're a</font> cruel<font color="#E5E5E5"> person</font> how dishonest can you be well they're not<font color="#E5E5E5"> talking</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to the people that are in</font> the forest<font color="#CCCCCC"> the actual people that are on</font> the ground<font color="#E5E5E5"> and that's that's a real part</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> the problem is that these laws get</font> passed by<font color="#CCCCCC"> these</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people that have no</font> interaction<font color="#CCCCCC"> with this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> actual environment</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's like people who live</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in a drought</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">voting on what's going on in your</font> floodplain<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah you know it's like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> people in<font color="#CCCCCC"> Detroit voting on wolves</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> the Upper Peninsula<font color="#CCCCCC"> if you don't live</font> with<font color="#CCCCCC"> vole with the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wolves you don't get</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">say-so</font> yeah<font color="#CCCCCC"> you need to respect the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people who</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">live with the wolves and wolves don't</font> buy licenses<font color="#CCCCCC"> wolves</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't buy permits</font> wolves<font color="#E5E5E5"> don't pay fees wolves don't have</font> bag limits<font color="#E5E5E5"> wolves don't have seasons</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">they just like</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to kill stuff</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and if you</font> have too many wolves<font color="#E5E5E5"> nobody</font> spending money<font color="#CCCCCC"> on deer license or bear</font> license or small game hunting<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the</font> Upper Peninsula of<font color="#E5E5E5"> Michigan has</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> been</font> abandoned by a bunch of politically correct<font color="#CCCCCC"> ignorant city jerks who think</font> they have<font color="#E5E5E5"> to save the endangered wolf</font> I want wolves in Michigan<font color="#E5E5E5"> but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not to the</font> detriment of<font color="#E5E5E5"> wildlife that actually pays</font> for the game<font color="#E5E5E5"> department to manage it for</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">a sustained yield productivity duh</font> well that's the thing<font color="#E5E5E5"> we're talking</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">about here</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> right like</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wildlife</font> management like this<font color="#E5E5E5"> idea that you have</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> manage the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> population of pigs</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font> also have to like what you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> doing in</font> your your place in<font color="#CCCCCC"> Michigan</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're</font> managing<font color="#E5E5E5"> this wildlife</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to of the</font> ultimate diversity know that you<font color="#E5E5E5"> even if</font> you don't<font color="#CCCCCC"> have to deal with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wolves and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">if you don't you higher tax paid</font> sharpshooters that have no<font color="#E5E5E5"> respect</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the animals at all they're just doing a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">job of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> killing stuff which is what they</font> do<font color="#E5E5E5"> in California with the mountain lion</font> unbelievably<font color="#E5E5E5"> you're responsible and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">here's a challenge and a condemnation</font> for<font color="#E5E5E5"> the California Fish and Game</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> society</font> the<font color="#CCCCCC"> whole</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> coefficient game anymore they</font> call<font color="#E5E5E5"> it fish wildlife because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">how can</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you go to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> work every day</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">violating your oath to wildlife science</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">how can you force the mountain lion in</font> the black bear in California into the <font color="#E5E5E5">liability column as a game warden</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as a</font> person dedicated<font color="#E5E5E5"> to conservation</font> how can you violate your<font color="#E5E5E5"> wise use</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> turn the mountain lion<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the black</font> bear into a<font color="#CCCCCC"> liability because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> some</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">dirtbag</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in San Francisco think it's</font> unfair to<font color="#E5E5E5"> use hounds or bait for bear</font> and then you have to go in and shoot black bears with tax<font color="#CCCCCC"> dollars and bury</font> them in<font color="#E5E5E5"> a hole in the ground instead of</font> a family recreational resource that's you buy licenses<font color="#E5E5E5"> and fees and permits</font> and guides and<font color="#E5E5E5"> Outfitters hotels food</font> lodging grocery supplies<font color="#E5E5E5"> butchers ice</font> taxidermists none<font color="#E5E5E5"> of that happens</font> because that some liar has forced the wildlife manager the<font color="#E5E5E5"> wildlife</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mismanages</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> California to ban mountain lion</font> hunting<font color="#CCCCCC"> while you continue</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to kill them</font> as damage control instead of manage them as quality<font color="#CCCCCC"> control</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">on the California</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Wildlife officers</font> shame<font color="#E5E5E5"> on you for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not blowing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the whistle</font> it's like call me at the FBI<font color="#E5E5E5"> how dare</font> you walk into that<font color="#E5E5E5"> building that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> says j</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">edgar Hoover over</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the top and not feel a</font> sense<font color="#E5E5E5"> of guilt because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> J</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Edgar Hoover</font> was one of the<font color="#E5E5E5"> biggest criminal</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Punk's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that ever walked this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> earth and now</font> Comey is following<font color="#CCCCCC"> him in his footsteps</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and I challenged my FBI buddies how did</font> you go all these years<font color="#CCCCCC"> without blowing</font> the whistles<font color="#E5E5E5"> on the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> corruption</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the power</font> abuse and the criminality<font color="#E5E5E5"> by your</font> so-called leaders<font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't know enough</font> about what<font color="#E5E5E5"> he's saying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to comment</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but I</font> just know about<font color="#CCCCCC"> what you did do I do</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">know because he's a liar and he's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a he's</font> a he's<font color="#CCCCCC"> a perjurer</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and he's a felon and</font> he had I'm really<font color="#E5E5E5"> angry because I work</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">with the FBI</font> I've had to rely<font color="#CCCCCC"> on these</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> guys to cover</font> my back on raids<font color="#E5E5E5"> and they're great</font> warriors and they look<font color="#E5E5E5"> the other</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> way</font> because<font color="#E5E5E5"> they're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> saving their pensions</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">instead of blowing the whistles on their</font> corrupt criminal leaders damn them<font color="#E5E5E5"> well</font> I don't know how that<font color="#E5E5E5"> relates to</font> mountain lions<font color="#CCCCCC"> I'd like to bring it all</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">back</font> corruption is corruption<font color="#E5E5E5"> same thing</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">corrupt but I was saying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't think</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's corruption what is there's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wildlife</font> officers that<font color="#E5E5E5"> I don't think they're</font> getting<font color="#CCCCCC"> this conversation I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> think there</font> is<font color="#CCCCCC"> summit that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> trying to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">preserve their jobs they don't want to</font> stick<font color="#E5E5E5"> their</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> chair with a very</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> liberal</font> government<font color="#E5E5E5"> but you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know I think that</font> there's there's a real problem with <font color="#CCCCCC">education that this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> conversation doesn't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">happen in most circles this</font> understanding of balance of nature of <font color="#E5E5E5">that you really do have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> manage a</font> mortgage they know what they study they got degrees in it and they defy it<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> it's gonna give out permits<font color="#E5E5E5"> after the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">mountain lion is destroyed millions of</font> dollars worth of<font color="#CCCCCC"> livestock and pets and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you scared the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> shit out of people and</font> killed<font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> then they kill them do you</font> know a tell them before<font color="#E5E5E5"> they just do the</font> damn<font color="#E5E5E5"> supposed to be quality control not</font> damage control<font color="#E5E5E5"> they know the system</font> they've abandoned it<font color="#E5E5E5"> and they've gone</font> the political correct denial route and said that the mountain lions are<font color="#CCCCCC"> not</font> game animals<font color="#E5E5E5"> that is a lie</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so the</font> California game<font color="#CCCCCC"> Department are liars</font> period well the idea<font color="#CCCCCC"> that mountain</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lions</font> on a game animal<font color="#E5E5E5"> comes from people that</font> have never eaten<font color="#CCCCCC"> one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah the ultimate</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">backstrap most people don't know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I've</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">never eaten one but I know I can feel</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they they're delicious</font> Alicia's<font color="#CCCCCC"> what's useful you hear you tell</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that to people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> make our wait a minute</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">what a lot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of people don't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> think eat</font> bears<font color="#CCCCCC"> well of course</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> eat bears</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> dirtbag who doesn't know this wake up a lot of<font color="#E5E5E5"> people don't know they're idiots</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I've had</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> conversations to people because</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I've hunted bears</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that no one has gotten</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">more mad</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at me</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and anything I've ever</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">done</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> then when I killed a bear</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> good good</font> for<font color="#E5E5E5"> you like that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you pissed</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you're not pissing off</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the assholes</font> you're an<font color="#CCCCCC"> asshole but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">don't understand what a bear is they're</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">not around</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> vendors they don't understand</font> I just<font color="#E5E5E5"> recommend shut the fuck up</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> go do</font> a<font color="#E5E5E5"> little research and come back when you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have some knowledge until then suck my</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">dick</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't you think though</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's better</font> to<font color="#CCCCCC"> just explain to them what</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it is they</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">refuse to listen</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah they like their</font> ignorance<font color="#E5E5E5"> they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> go to maniacal levels to</font> protect their ignorance<font color="#E5E5E5"> because it feels</font> good<font color="#E5E5E5"> because it's boo boo it's really</font> occurred to and I respect<font color="#CCCCCC"> animals so I'm</font> gonna<font color="#E5E5E5"> reduce them to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the level</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of a</font> cartoon<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's also weird too because</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">there was a deprivation permit that was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">issued for a mountain lion in Malibu</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it was killing they got to this</font> alpaca farm and<font color="#CCCCCC"> just went fucking crazy</font> and killed<font color="#E5E5E5"> like ten alpacas and I'll be</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">like a YUM yeah just didn't even eat him</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">just fucked him how they light</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> lions</font> like to kill I'm a big fan so<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> deprivation<font color="#E5E5E5"> depredation permit was</font> issued so<font color="#CCCCCC"> yesterday destroyed a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bunch of lives</font> yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> this lady could kill this cat that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">had been you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know really because if</font> she's qualified<font color="#CCCCCC"> so she was gonna hire</font> somebody but then she got all<font color="#E5E5E5"> these</font> death threats<font color="#CCCCCC"> just which is hilarious</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">but here's the thing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people say they</font> love<font color="#E5E5E5"> animals</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well you obviously</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't</font> love these<font color="#E5E5E5"> out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> pocket obvious this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Lions</font> coming<font color="#CCCCCC"> in and fucking</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> killing them all</font> the<font color="#CCCCCC"> time by</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the way they die a slow</font> death because the lion just bites<font color="#E5E5E5"> them</font> and lets them bleed to death and flop <font color="#E5E5E5">around for a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> couple hours</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> then goes</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to the one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's next to it yeah it's</font> trying to get<font color="#CCCCCC"> away</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's the ignorance is staggering and</font> that's why I can<font color="#E5E5E5"> let's go fight it it's</font> a convenient right<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's like I we love</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">animals we don't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> want to kill this</font> mountain<font color="#E5E5E5"> lion</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> okay well if you love</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">animals</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you'll let them kill this one</font> mountain lion that's obviously targeting <font color="#CCCCCC">these pets</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because this is not hunting</font> and by the way you know why<font color="#E5E5E5"> the mountain</font> lion is targeting<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> pest because</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's too many mountain lions</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and the</font> dominant males have run all the<font color="#E5E5E5"> other</font> mountain lions<font color="#E5E5E5"> out of ideal habitat into</font> your<font color="#E5E5E5"> neighborhood yeah because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> didn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> harvest the surplus now the</font> surplus is coming into<font color="#E5E5E5"> your home now</font> it's a liability<font color="#E5E5E5"> because you were too</font> stupid to<font color="#E5E5E5"> keep it in the asset column</font> it's absolutely sinful<font color="#E5E5E5"> the animal rights</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people have accomplished they have a</font> pond over<font color="#E5E5E5"> it to hone</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ranch</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they have a</font> game<font color="#E5E5E5"> camera</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a trail camera on that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pond</font> they got<font color="#E5E5E5"> 16 different mountain lines on</font> that<font color="#CCCCCC"> camera and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they're not allowed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> make<font color="#E5E5E5"> a damn thing it's hard</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to find deer</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's hard to find deer here it's like</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's nothing like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the one thing</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's good</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people aren't dying in car</font> accidents with deer<font color="#E5E5E5"> but if you see a</font> deer in California it's it's pretty<font color="#E5E5E5"> rare</font> but<font color="#E5E5E5"> again there's plenty of cattle</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I fly</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">over California I love California man my</font> blood brothers live out here<font color="#E5E5E5"> where I'm</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> greatest</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> conscience of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my life last</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">night in San Juan Capistrano</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fire storm</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">tonight</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> tomorrow night</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> were in Pasadena</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and then we go to Agoura Hills and Santa</font> Clarita yeah then we go<font color="#CCCCCC"> to Big Bear then</font> we go but<font color="#E5E5E5"> to Reno</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and we go to Iowa and</font> Ohio<font color="#E5E5E5"> and Pennsylvania and then over all</font> over<font color="#E5E5E5"> the country</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I fly in a little</font> plane over the country<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's God's</font> country<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's wildlife habitat eternally</font> all across this country<font color="#CCCCCC"> and California</font> is one<font color="#E5E5E5"> of the most beautiful wilderness</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">states in the world</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and because mountain</font> lions have been irresponsibly mismanaged <font color="#E5E5E5">now you have a destruction of the</font> wildlife in the deer category in the small game and<font color="#CCCCCC"> other game because</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">they're mountain lions</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in the</font> liability column if you reduce the <font color="#CCCCCC">mountain lion numbers then hunters will</font> pay for the deer licenses<font color="#E5E5E5"> which pay for</font> the game departments and the scientists to manage the wildlife see we have <font color="#E5E5E5">balanced California is em balanced it's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">out of balance because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the lie of the</font> animal rights<font color="#CCCCCC"> that have how the wildlife</font> officers of this country<font color="#CCCCCC"> accept that</font> bullshit is just a crime they<font color="#CCCCCC"> should</font> stand up<font color="#E5E5E5"> and go you're wrong</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is a</font> renewable wildlife research resource<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> we're going<font color="#CCCCCC"> to have a season on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font> because now we're killing<font color="#E5E5E5"> them as damage</font> control they're still dying<font color="#E5E5E5"> the killing</font> but then we're taking<font color="#E5E5E5"> millions of</font> dollars to compensate<font color="#E5E5E5"> the llama in the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">alpaca</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and the cattle</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and the sheep and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the goat and the horse</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we're millions of</font> dollars compensating<font color="#E5E5E5"> and then we're</font> gonna<font color="#E5E5E5"> kill the lion and bury it no you</font> don't get<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> eat it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no you don't get to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">spend</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">money and provide game department</font> finances<font color="#E5E5E5"> no you don't get to go to</font> hotels and travel<font color="#E5E5E5"> and food and lodging</font> and supplies and sporting<font color="#CCCCCC"> goods and</font> taxidermist<font color="#E5E5E5"> you don't get to increase</font> the economy<font color="#E5E5E5"> of the entire area because</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> one mountain lion hunt we're gonna</font> take your tax dollars and compensate all the dead<font color="#CCCCCC"> Riyadh livestock and then we're</font> gonna hire a guy to<font color="#E5E5E5"> kill the mountain</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">lion</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Joe</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> dig a hole which by the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> way</font> you're gonna take<font color="#E5E5E5"> your tax dollars</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> hire<font color="#E5E5E5"> a guy with the front loader dig a</font> hole and<font color="#CCCCCC"> bury don't but this magnificent</font> animal public perception<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's because of the</font> average person<font color="#CCCCCC"> like you say perceptrons</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I have dogs it's not perception</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font> ignorant<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> its irresponsibly</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but this</font> perception<font color="#E5E5E5"> that does come from ignorance</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">is that we love animals</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> like I have a</font> dog you<font color="#CCCCCC"> have dogs</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my I live for my yeah</font> I have three dogs<font color="#CCCCCC"> we love dogs</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> can't</font> without them<font color="#E5E5E5"> you go home you pat them</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people that don't have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> any</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> interaction</font> whatsoever with wildlife think of <font color="#E5E5E5">animals like they think of their dog</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">don't want anything to die and then you</font> hear about<font color="#E5E5E5"> a mountain</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> lion look why</font> would<font color="#CCCCCC"> you kill a mound mind you're being</font> cruel<font color="#CCCCCC"> like you would only</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> kill them out</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">mind if you're one of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> those dickless</font> assholes and<font color="#E5E5E5"> wants</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to go</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to Africa and</font> shoot a lion in the head and mount<font color="#E5E5E5"> it on</font> your wall<font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as well</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is the</font> thought process<font color="#CCCCCC"> behind it and there's no</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">pushback because the public</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> speaks and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">then I push back</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in the attack baiting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> attack you bring it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on bring it on</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">because ignorance bounces off me like</font> personal hygiene from Michael Moore it just has no impact<font color="#E5E5E5"> whatsoever I think he</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">washes boy what</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> up what a swine he</font> that's a<font color="#E5E5E5"> subhuman mongrel of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Iver oh so</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I'm</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> an abuser he's a prick</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he's a liar</font> what do you think<font color="#E5E5E5"> he's a scam artist</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> i</font> gun control<font color="#E5E5E5"> well how about the fact</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> he put<font color="#CCCCCC"> together that move that so-called</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">documentary that hollywood actually gave</font> him an award<font color="#E5E5E5"> and he copy and pasted out</font> of sequence<font color="#CCCCCC"> the attack on the great</font> Charlton Heston claiming he was somehow responsible<font color="#E5E5E5"> for the little child killing</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">herself with her</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> paroled felon father's</font> gun<font color="#E5E5E5"> and they put it out of sequence and</font> attributed Charlton Heston defending such irresponsible gun ownership<font color="#E5E5E5"> Michael</font> Moore<font color="#CCCCCC"> is a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lying</font> cruel<font color="#E5E5E5"> stoned</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> punk</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is he stoned</font> constantly all<font color="#CCCCCC"> day all the time</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I think</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">he</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> uses</font> posit<font color="#CCCCCC"> or ease I don't know him</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I do and</font> I he's a punk has he ever had<font color="#E5E5E5"> a conversation yeah yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">i'vei've was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on his TV show and I was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">responsible</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for ending his TV show cuz</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">he tried to fuck with me and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">know if you'd notice Joe but I'm</font> unfuckable<font color="#CCCCCC"> you fuck</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with me I'll eat</font> your<font color="#E5E5E5"> family tree</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and shit sawdust into</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">your face</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ask Piers Morgan</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that seems</font> like I saw your<font color="#E5E5E5"> coming out here the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">clothes I was rustling</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at or so</font> well the Piers Morgan<font color="#E5E5E5"> the problem is he</font> didn't understand<font color="#E5E5E5"> the facts when you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">talk about</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gun violence he didn't</font> understand<font color="#CCCCCC"> I think that's absolutely +</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">explain what we're talking about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">when you say the numbers of gun violence</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">a giant percentage of them are suicide a</font> giant percentage of them are cops killing bad guy and citizens<font color="#CCCCCC"> defenseless</font> so all of<font color="#CCCCCC"> those are out of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the and then</font> accidental gun deaths<font color="#E5E5E5"> well may I</font> summarized it for you so Pierce Morgan fancies himself a cocky rather witty limeys<font color="#E5E5E5"> you've got the</font> accent<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> everything that funny little</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">not actually an accent it's an</font> impediment<font color="#CCCCCC"> but he came</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> out and of course</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">he's going to take on the Motor City</font> Madman I mean this guy's gonna be<font color="#CCCCCC"> easy</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">pickins he actually wrote Wango Tango</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">pee</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all intellectually this thing you're</font> doing that's that<font color="#CCCCCC"> Lime Eve</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> God manufactured</font> confidence based<font color="#E5E5E5"> on nothing except an</font> ego that<font color="#E5E5E5"> has no foundation in fact so</font> Piers Morgan<font color="#E5E5E5"> the CNN exec so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> let's put</font> Piers Morgan on<font color="#CCCCCC"> the Motor City Madman</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">they put in a gun</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> store - well the first</font> time you didn't see the<font color="#CCCCCC"> first one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> at the</font> CNN offices that's yeah yeah yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> that's</font> the best<font color="#E5E5E5"> one yeah</font> and so they<font color="#CCCCCC"> think I'm a dirtbag and a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">goofball because I not</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> only wrote Wang</font> dang sweet poontang<font color="#CCCCCC"> I meant it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but when</font> they take me on<font color="#E5E5E5"> they don't realize I</font> never<font color="#CCCCCC"> went to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> college</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because I was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> too</font> busy<font color="#E5E5E5"> learning shit and if you take me on</font> on any subject<font color="#CCCCCC"> that I am</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> even slightly</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">aware of I will fuck</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you up because I've</font> studied this stuff<font color="#CCCCCC"> I've lived this stuff</font> I've been<font color="#CCCCCC"> with guns since I could walk I</font> have had<font color="#CCCCCC"> universal unlimited access to</font> firepower<font color="#E5E5E5"> my whole life both in a</font> recreational<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">a disciplined</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a law enforcement</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> military</font> training<font color="#E5E5E5"> and just family plinking</font> competition<font color="#E5E5E5"> so in every considerable</font> imaginable<font color="#E5E5E5"> gun use I've been 68 years of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it so they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> SiC Pierce Morgan</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ami</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to teach me a lesson about how</font> irresponsible gun owners are<font color="#E5E5E5"> and that if</font> we could<font color="#CCCCCC"> just ban guns that all the</font> violence would<font color="#E5E5E5"> end and of course if you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">haven't seen it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you got</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to google it</font> because it<font color="#E5E5E5"> is what's his take well I</font> almost<font color="#E5E5E5"> fixed him because I so</font> overwhelmed him<font color="#CCCCCC"> with evidence</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they</font> finally research and<font color="#CCCCCC"> realize</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that every</font> word out<font color="#E5E5E5"> of my mouth was absolutely</font> indisputable what was most compelling that you were saying to<font color="#E5E5E5"> him I was</font> summarized it<font color="#CCCCCC"> as</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this way</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> like I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> did to</font> pierce the anti<font color="#E5E5E5"> Gunners have their dream</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it exists it existed in Paris where all</font> those<font color="#CCCCCC"> people were shot with Kalashnikovs</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">collision the cops were banned they have</font> their dream<font color="#CCCCCC"> piers morgan's dream exists</font> its called a gun-free<font color="#E5E5E5"> zone Virginia Tech</font> Columbine Sandy<font color="#E5E5E5"> Hook Aurora</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> parkland</font> every instance where the most innocent <font color="#E5E5E5">lives have been slaughtered have been in</font> Nancy Pelosi<font color="#E5E5E5"> Maxine Waters Eric Holder</font> Hillary Clinton Barack Obama's dream <font color="#CCCCCC">their dream is a gun-free zone but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> where</font> three people<font color="#CCCCCC"> are forced forced into</font> unarmed helplessness<font color="#E5E5E5"> where the most</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">innocent lives are lost and that dream</font> has produced more carnage and destroyed lives than anything in the<font color="#E5E5E5"> world</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">compared to the NRA convention where you</font> have the highest<font color="#E5E5E5"> innocence of gun</font> ownership or opening day of deer season <font color="#E5E5E5">in Michigan where you have a hundred</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">percent gun ownership and access where</font> nobody gets hurt<font color="#E5E5E5"> so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if you know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> your<font color="#E5E5E5"> dream is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a gun-free zone</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and that's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">where the most</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> innocent lives are lost</font> what kind of demonic dirtbag<font color="#CCCCCC"> would</font> actually want more<font color="#CCCCCC"> well let me stop</font> gonna<font color="#CCCCCC"> let me stop</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> being</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a take his</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">position or</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> anybody's position on the</font> other side you<font color="#E5E5E5"> would say the real</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gun-free zone would be</font> having<font color="#E5E5E5"> access</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to the gun that killed</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">those people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in the gun-free zone</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">not a gun-free zone</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and the real and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> real<font color="#E5E5E5"> answer to drownings in America</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">would be to ban water</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Banyuls you work</font> on banning water I'll work on<font color="#E5E5E5"> banning</font> guns we'll touch base every few weeks and see Howard you can not ban<font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font> cannot eliminate guns Finland you<font color="#E5E5E5"> cannot</font> eliminate guns<font color="#E5E5E5"> Alberta Canada where the</font> guy who came<font color="#CCCCCC"> in to the University</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> shot<font color="#E5E5E5"> everybody up it's impossible</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so</font> what you do instead<font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thinking you</font> could ban water<font color="#CCCCCC"> learn to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> swim and watch</font> your children<font color="#E5E5E5"> by the pool</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> call me weird</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">but the way</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to handle violence</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is to</font> carry a gun<font color="#E5E5E5"> practice with it</font> and when someone brings lethal force against<font color="#CCCCCC"> you shoot the motherfucker but</font> people are<font color="#E5E5E5"> very</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> uncomfortable with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> idea<font color="#E5E5E5"> uncomfortable baby sorry you're</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">uncomfortable to go ahead</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and bend</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> over</font> and die but<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know I'm saying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I know</font> what you're saying but<font color="#CCCCCC"> wouldn't it be</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">better if there weren't any concern</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the idea is to somehow or another take</font> away<font color="#CCCCCC"> the concern of people being shot</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">randomly</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> by some psycho</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you've got</font> to figure<font color="#CCCCCC"> out if you get all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the guns</font> away how do you get all the<font color="#E5E5E5"> guns I don't</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">know I don't know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but this is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what I'm</font> saying is<font color="#E5E5E5"> that you don't know so let's</font> just stop if they're not right<font color="#E5E5E5"> if it's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">not that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> then everybody's got guns</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> shoot no but<font color="#E5E5E5"> everybody will not have</font> guns<font color="#E5E5E5"> every some people have guns</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> some</font> people here I studied San<font color="#E5E5E5"> Bernardino I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> studied</font> Aurora<font color="#CCCCCC"> I studied Virginia Tech I studied</font> Columbine I studied Sandy Hook<font color="#CCCCCC"> I studied them all</font> do you know<font color="#E5E5E5"> Joe and everybody better</font> write<font color="#CCCCCC"> this down</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because I'm the only guy</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> will tell you this I've studied the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cadance</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the bullet manufacturers the</font> rate of fire<font color="#E5E5E5"> the movement of the perp</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and the movement of the victims in every</font> instance<font color="#E5E5E5"> including in Connecticut</font> including Aurora<font color="#E5E5E5"> including San</font> Bernardino right here there were American<font color="#CCCCCC"> citizens who</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> would have had a</font> gun<font color="#E5E5E5"> on their person if they were allowed</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and they could have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> been a meaningful</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">force to at least reduce</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if not</font> terminate the violent murderous threat but by law<font color="#E5E5E5"> we have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> been so dumb down</font> and so forced against our natural <font color="#E5E5E5">survival instinct to have a tool on our</font> belt<font color="#E5E5E5"> that in every instance</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> where the</font> most innocent<font color="#E5E5E5"> lives were slaughtered</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">those people that would have intervened</font> with<font color="#E5E5E5"> the firearm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not many</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of them but</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">there was a janitor there</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was a couple</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> guys in the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> office they had concealed</font> weapons permits but<font color="#E5E5E5"> they weren't allowed</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have him in that building in Virginia</font> Tech there were guys that<font color="#CCCCCC"> had concealed</font> weapons permits but<font color="#E5E5E5"> they weren't allowed</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have them there</font> in Aurora Colorado are you kidding me <font color="#E5E5E5">all kinds of people would</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have had</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> guns</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">they could have returned fire</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but they</font> were forced into unarmed helplessness <font color="#E5E5E5">here here's the gun debate in its</font> computable conclusion if you are<font color="#E5E5E5"> forced</font> into unarmed helplessness<font color="#CCCCCC"> you are</font> unarmed<font color="#E5E5E5"> and helpless what a horrible</font> irresponsible suicidal condition that in I'm just<font color="#CCCCCC"> a guitar</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> player Joe I've never</font> been unarmed<font color="#E5E5E5"> since I graduated from high</font> school I've always<font color="#E5E5E5"> had a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hankie and a</font> pocket full<font color="#CCCCCC"> of guitar picks</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and a pocket</font> knife<font color="#E5E5E5"> and a belt knife and a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> belt tool</font> and a pistol and<font color="#E5E5E5"> some extra bullets</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> just<font color="#CCCCCC"> had them</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> everywhere I go I've never</font> been<font color="#E5E5E5"> on armed I find it how do you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">travel around I improvise adapt and</font> overcome<font color="#CCCCCC"> I luckily</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> helped pass House</font> Resolution<font color="#E5E5E5"> 218 which means all sworn law</font> enforcement<font color="#CCCCCC"> officers allowed to carry a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">gun nationwide I've been</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> assured deputy</font> since 1984 and my credentials allow me to carry<font color="#E5E5E5"> gun everywhere I go and I carry</font> gun everywhere I go in fact even in England<font color="#E5E5E5"> American law enforcement</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">allowed to carry guns my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Kure gun over</font> there<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just a tool if somebody comes</font> at me carry a gun in England<font color="#E5E5E5"> yes</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">he's some dirtbag comes at me with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> spike in<font color="#CCCCCC"> that bore</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I've just shoot him</font> but why not<font color="#CCCCCC"> Plan B</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no I I agreed that</font> I'm just better to be hard yeah have<font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font> and not to need it than to<font color="#CCCCCC"> need it not</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> happen go the thing that we would all</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">like to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have is no school shootings no</font> mass shootings no<font color="#E5E5E5"> Aurora</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no Columbine no</font> so how do you stop<font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> do you think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">stop that with more guns</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> think</font> you stop that with mental<font color="#E5E5E5"> health</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> education figuring</font> out how to get people<font color="#E5E5E5"> off of pills</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">figuring out how to keep</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people from</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">living despondent lives where they want</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> just tear it all down and shoot</font> everybody<font color="#E5E5E5"> and hurt</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bunch of people</font> well here we are that's the<font color="#CCCCCC"> route right</font> sure here we<font color="#CCCCCC"> are 2018</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so we can't go</font> back<font color="#CCCCCC"> in history</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and find the goofball</font> from Virginia Tech<font color="#CCCCCC"> and what motivated</font> him<font color="#CCCCCC"> right you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right we can't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> go back</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there because we have failed as a</font> society<font color="#CCCCCC"> to take care of people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> or</font> respond with any sense<font color="#E5E5E5"> of responsibility</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">or effectiveness</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to the glaring danger</font> signs<font color="#E5E5E5"> most outrageously in parkland</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">where the guy called him pick cops</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 42</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">times called the FBI three</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> times</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">guy's gonna shoot up the school okay</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">we'll make a note of that no the guy's</font> going<font color="#CCCCCC"> to shoot up the school okay we'll</font> make<font color="#E5E5E5"> a note</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of that the guy is bringing</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">a gun to school to shoot people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">here's his manifesto</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we've made a note</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">of it but are you kidding me so now if</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">we</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> go for them to do something</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or</font> someone does<font color="#CCCCCC"> something no no it's not</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">don't think it's a failure of law</font> enforcement<font color="#CCCCCC"> I had what's the matter</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">just a shooting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> like two hours ago</font> oh Jesus Christ<font color="#CCCCCC"> another one five people</font> are dead<font color="#E5E5E5"> in multiple viewports</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we're</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">we're Annapolis Maryland data</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Oh</font> Maryland where no one's allowed to<font color="#E5E5E5"> have</font> a gun<font color="#E5E5E5"> by the way garland to a newsroom</font> and shot a bunch of reporters<font color="#E5E5E5"> Jesus how</font> much<font color="#E5E5E5"> you want to bet it was a free zone</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">in nablus newsroom shooting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> leaves five</font> people dead suspect in custody<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> newsroom<font color="#E5E5E5"> well what's a mine there's my</font> point so I'm in a newsroom<font color="#CCCCCC"> and I'm ready</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to rock I'd rather be sitting where you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">are but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I get free you got me covered</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my</font> point is is that<font color="#E5E5E5"> the cat</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is already</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> out</font> of the bag<font color="#CCCCCC"> right</font> it's not too late Columbine<font color="#CCCCCC"> guy's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">glaring signals red alarms going off</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">over Virginia</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Tech guy</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> red alarms going</font> off for years<font color="#CCCCCC"> the Columbine thing is a</font> difficult one<font color="#CCCCCC"> because it really hadn't</font> happened<font color="#CCCCCC"> before that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> haven't</font> expected<font color="#E5E5E5"> it but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the parents walked</font> through the<font color="#CCCCCC"> garage for three years where</font> the bomb-making materials were on the table<font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah they weren't the best pair</font> these guys were<font color="#E5E5E5"> like zombies these guys</font> were like<font color="#E5E5E5"> doper freaks</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">bonzai zulu</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> land</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> maniacs well he's just</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">he's just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> different no he's not he's</font> freaky<font color="#E5E5E5"> we need to sit down with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this guy</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and get him some</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> help the Aurora guy</font> told his psychiatrist<font color="#CCCCCC"> my goal is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> shoot as many people as<font color="#CCCCCC"> possible in this</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">mattress</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> didn't say anything really it's</font> on record<font color="#CCCCCC"> he said it in numerous visits</font> with his psychiatrist<font color="#CCCCCC"> that he had</font> threatened his goal in life was<font color="#CCCCCC"> to kill</font> as many<font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as possible</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and he's now got</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> his new ar-15 to do it</font> with and the psychiatrist didn't say anything I've studied this<font color="#CCCCCC"> stuff</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we need</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to not only see something say something</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">we're missing the part the final part do</font> something<font color="#E5E5E5"> when this kind of aberrant</font> threatening violent red alarm<font color="#E5E5E5"> behavior</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">is going off intervene</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sit down with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">this kid at the first instance when your</font> kid comes<font color="#CCCCCC"> home all glassy eyed and goofy</font> and in communicable<font color="#E5E5E5"> and in showing weird</font> signs like the Sandy Hook guy did all <font color="#E5E5E5">his life and the Aurora guy did all his</font> life<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the Parkland guy zombie you</font> know staring<font color="#E5E5E5"> like a wouldn't blink in a</font> sandstorm somebody's got I know I would I mean<font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> my life whether it's musicians or family members I go are<font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> alright</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what is it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">going on you look like you're gonna shit</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yourself man are you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> okay but if you do</font> know what<font color="#CCCCCC"> that conversation with</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">somebody like the psychiatrist did to</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> Aurora shooter doesn't mean how do</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> fix these people I mean what you're</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">saying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is if you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have no gun-free zones</font> and people allowed<font color="#E5E5E5"> to have guns at least</font> they'll<font color="#E5E5E5"> have an ability to defend</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">themselves</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I agree with you I agree with</font> you on<font color="#E5E5E5"> that but how do you stop</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it from</font> happening<font color="#E5E5E5"> in the first</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> place the</font> anti-gun people<font color="#CCCCCC"> say the way to stop it</font> is<font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have no guns available to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">civilians that can do things</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> virtually</font> impossible<font color="#E5E5E5"> a virtuous point posture so</font> what we're dealing is just pragmatically when you look at<font color="#CCCCCC"> 300</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> million</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people and</font> probably<font color="#E5E5E5"> 400 million guns</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well you</font> haven't<font color="#CCCCCC"> counted mine yet yeah for every</font> guy like you<font color="#E5E5E5"> that has hundreds of guns</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you know I have almost everybody I know</font> has hundreds<font color="#E5E5E5"> of guns he just not like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> man I got hundreds of<font color="#CCCCCC"> arrows I have four</font> I have dozens of guitars<font color="#E5E5E5"> we need to be a</font> more assertive aggressive <font color="#CCCCCC">aware</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> society</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and when we see these</font> glaring indicators we're never gonna stop<font color="#CCCCCC"> at</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all there's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> always gonna be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> evil</font> in our lives<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you can't stop it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hence</font> you should<font color="#CCCCCC"> be armed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and prepared and if</font> you're not comfortably being armed<font color="#E5E5E5"> by</font> all<font color="#CCCCCC"> means don't be if you don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> want to</font> go like I saw the debate bill Marcia <font color="#CCCCCC">well you can't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> expect every teacher to</font> have<font color="#E5E5E5"> a gun</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I go</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> who's ever recommended</font> that that's what the anti-gun<font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font> always go why should<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> man everybody's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have a machine</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gun you just shoot at</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">everything yeah that's a pretty</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> good</font> that's quote for quote what I recommended they go to the deep end every time<font color="#CCCCCC"> well they're trying to make</font> fun<font color="#E5E5E5"> they're trying to make fun</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the</font> proposition<font color="#CCCCCC"> unbelieveable should be arm</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">talking about life and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> size against</font> killers<font color="#E5E5E5"> there are people I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">everywhere</font> teachers grocery shore store baggers<font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> name a walk of<font color="#E5E5E5"> life my welding buddy my</font> mechanic my dentist<font color="#CCCCCC"> my doctor your</font> doctor<font color="#E5E5E5"> strap yes I mean they just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> their</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">pragmatist</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> their utilitarian</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they're</font> self-sufficient<font color="#CCCCCC"> what when did</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">become undesirable to be self-sufficient</font> and capable don't think that's the problem I<font color="#CCCCCC"> think what we're saying is</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> we</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> such a gun problem</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there's</font> so many people<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so many guns that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people just want</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to somehow or another</font> they diminish<font color="#E5E5E5"> the numbers Joe we do not</font> have a gun problem<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I was growing up</font> we had guns in school<font color="#CCCCCC"> during the season</font> rifles shotguns were brought and put in your<font color="#E5E5E5"> lockers there was unlimited</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">ubiquitous</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> access to firepower</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">throughout my youth no school shootings</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">something else has happened</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and it has</font> to do<font color="#E5E5E5"> with big farm and the this the</font> irresponsible knee-jerk bandage<font color="#E5E5E5"> on a</font> gaping wound<font color="#E5E5E5"> of ash of a child showing</font> you know<font color="#E5E5E5"> up indeed childlike behavior</font> and all of a sudden<font color="#CCCCCC"> they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> prozac</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> him and</font> they<font color="#E5E5E5"> did</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Riddle in them</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this stuff turns</font> into a zombie<font color="#E5E5E5"> my dear dear blood brother</font> cliff<font color="#E5E5E5"> Davies the greatest drummer on the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">planet listen to what he did on the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ted</font> Nugent album and the cat scratch fever album in the<font color="#CCCCCC"> free-for-all album</font> and the weekend<font color="#E5E5E5"> I mean this guy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> was a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">god of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> musicality</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he became depressed</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> was</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> proscribed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the incidence of</font> people being prescribed<font color="#E5E5E5"> mood controllers</font> in emotion controllers and depression controllers the incidence in the <font color="#E5E5E5">consistency with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> which they attempt to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">go cold turkey</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and kill themselves you</font> your brain<font color="#E5E5E5"> becomes changed it becomes</font> altered<font color="#E5E5E5"> your logic meter is off duty</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">with this pharmaceuticals in your system</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">cliff came home decided to get off the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Prozac</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> walked out in the yard screaming</font> throwing his clothes out<font color="#E5E5E5"> the window</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> shot himself in the head and<font color="#CCCCCC"> Aurora guy</font> all the they're all on something<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's</font> true<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's and mothers and fathers out</font> there<font color="#E5E5E5"> discipline is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the answer not</font> pharmaceuticals<font color="#E5E5E5"> conversation is the</font> answer probing parenting is the answer <font color="#CCCCCC">when</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ike I said when I was growing up we</font> had a Cuckoo's Nest we had Eloise and people<font color="#CCCCCC"> showed dangerous and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in an</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">antisocial behavior you intervened and</font> you put him in<font color="#CCCCCC"> an institution and even</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that was a mistake because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it was always</font> a chemical response<font color="#E5E5E5"> instead</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of a</font> compassionate<font color="#CCCCCC"> response nothing was</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">needed chemicals some people are fucked</font> in the head<font color="#E5E5E5"> yes you do you have to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> do</font> something<font color="#CCCCCC"> absolutely</font> but there's the<font color="#CCCCCC"> argument that there's a</font> lot of<font color="#CCCCCC"> people to take these</font> pharmaceuticals and they have no violent outbursts<font color="#CCCCCC"> which</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I agree with too but the</font> people<font color="#CCCCCC"> that do have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> violent outbursts</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">are almost universally on something</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">University yeah yeah if you look at the</font> numbers and I've said<font color="#CCCCCC"> this many times</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't think we have a gun problem</font> I think<font color="#E5E5E5"> we have a mental</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> health</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> problem</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">justifies</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> does a gun problem</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> absolutely</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">because whether it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> someone driving a</font> truck<font color="#E5E5E5"> into a crowd of people that's the</font> same thing do you<font color="#E5E5E5"> think do you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> think</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">after 42 calls to the Sheriff's</font> Department threatening to<font color="#E5E5E5"> shoot the</font> school and<font color="#E5E5E5"> three to the FBI</font> do you think the<font color="#CCCCCC"> parkland shooter should</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have been visited a little earlier than</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">after</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> forty two and three calls of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">threatening</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to shoot up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the school</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> do</font> you think the<font color="#CCCCCC"> authorities should have</font> the right to<font color="#CCCCCC"> go visit this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> game right</font> and get the guns out<font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there don't you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think when you say I am going to shoot</font> up the<font color="#CCCCCC"> school</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in my world</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that would</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be</font> good<font color="#E5E5E5"> enough</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to disqualify that person</font> from owning a gun<font color="#CCCCCC"> I agree with you I</font> don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> know what the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> circumstances were</font> with the<font color="#CCCCCC"> Parkland kid</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the FBI did</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> visit him on one occasion</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that's not good enough</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't know</font> what they went there it's not<font color="#E5E5E5"> like he</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">was you know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> peeing on the Alamo</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> just<font color="#E5E5E5"> being a dirtbag he was threatening</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> kill</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as many people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> possible that</font> to me is enough<font color="#E5E5E5"> information to disarm</font> the guy and probably institutionalize <font color="#CCCCCC">Muresan take him in for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> review to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">psychiatric ward at that point you can't</font> say I'm<font color="#E5E5E5"> going to kill</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people you can't</font> say that<font color="#CCCCCC"> Dee are you comfortable with a</font> world where there's so<font color="#CCCCCC"> much gun violence</font> that everybody just<font color="#CCCCCC"> has to be strapped</font> or no no way<font color="#E5E5E5"> that last thing I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> would</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I've said it a hundred times I'm going</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to say it again on the Joe Rogan podcast</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">write it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> down</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I do not want everyone to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">carry a gun I do not want everyone to</font> own a gun<font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't want everyone</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to hunt</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I don't want everyone</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to have an 850</font> horsepower Ford Bronco<font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't want</font> everyone<font color="#CCCCCC"> to go on the Joe Rogan podcast</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there is a time</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and place for</font> individuality and individual choices<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> many people will always<font color="#E5E5E5"> be uncomfortable</font> you know taking a hook out of<font color="#CCCCCC"> a fish's</font> lip<font color="#CCCCCC"> so don't go fishing and if you don't</font> feel comfortable<font color="#E5E5E5"> around guns by all</font> means<font color="#E5E5E5"> just don't have one but those of</font> us that have a hint of warrior instinct <font color="#E5E5E5">and rugged</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> boy scout</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> being prepared</font> desire<font color="#E5E5E5"> don't disarm us were your best</font> friend<font color="#E5E5E5"> with and they're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> everywhere</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">they're those teachers in all these</font> school shootings<font color="#CCCCCC"> there were teachers</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that would have had a gun but they were</font> forbidden to and there are instances and this is<font color="#CCCCCC"> something that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people that are</font> anti-gun don't like to talk<font color="#E5E5E5"> about but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there are instances where trained</font> shooters have stopped<font color="#E5E5E5"> mass</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> shootings</font> someone<font color="#E5E5E5"> killing people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's--there's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">there and let</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me come in on the train of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">well I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> suppose they get training let's</font> let's<font color="#E5E5E5"> let's squash that myth big old fat</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Jewish lady in New York City</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> back in the</font> 60s she was robbed at gunpoint<font color="#CCCCCC"> nice</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">point over and over again remember they</font> had like<font color="#CCCCCC"> 2000</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> murders a year and man</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yeah just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> run away mayhem she was</font> getting upset<font color="#E5E5E5"> she wanted to get a pistol</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">oh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> she</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> went</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to the police</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> station</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> don't need to get<font color="#CCCCCC"> criminal</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm sorry we</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">don't give permission but I've been</font> robbed<font color="#CCCCCC"> all these times I'm scared</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he</font> comes<font color="#CCCCCC"> come back all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the time I've</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> got</font> his good points<font color="#E5E5E5"> gun</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> wants my</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> money I'm</font> sorry you can't<font color="#E5E5E5"> have a gun so she was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">frustrated this was a documented case</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and so she went to Uncle Joe</font> Uncle Joe I'm scared I need a gun<font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">guy keeps up he's gonna kill me so Uncle</font> Joe got him I got<font color="#CCCCCC"> her a revolver she</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">died I don't like it just put</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it under</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> car I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> won't lie back I'm scared I</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">don't like guns never fired</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it in her</font> life<font color="#E5E5E5"> no training had no idea but she</font> knew which which end the bullet came out of next<font color="#E5E5E5"> time she was robbed she shot the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">son</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of a bitch she know what to do she</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was the trigger and a no training</font> she<font color="#E5E5E5"> one shot the guy that was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">threatening her life now they put her in</font> jail Italy<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's like you know Bernie</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Goetz</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> defending his life but eventually</font> the charges were dropped because it was clear and<font color="#CCCCCC"> present she was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> defending</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">herself from an engineered recidivist</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">'ok write that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> down engineered</font> recidivist 'ok<font color="#E5E5E5"> the system in knowingly</font> and intentionally<font color="#CCCCCC"> lets out knife errs</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and stabbers and rapists and murderers</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> child Lester's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they keep letting</font> them<font color="#E5E5E5"> out those are the people 96% of the</font> time<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> commit the violent the ones</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">engineered do you think they do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because of prison overpopulation</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> funds</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> you hated you because they want</font> society<font color="#CCCCCC"> to be dangerous I can't imagine</font> engineered I can't imagine<font color="#CCCCCC"> do you don't</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> think it's just incompetence and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">unjust incompetence and it's an illusion</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of responsibility</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Radek</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> individuals yep</font> bureaucratic<font color="#E5E5E5"> institutionalize your</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">responsibility yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in corruption</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> abuse of power they<font color="#CCCCCC"> don't want to deal</font> with<font color="#E5E5E5"> it lack</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of resources</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">DLE only shot three people let's I get</font> him on jaywalking<font color="#E5E5E5"> okay well cut him</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> deal in only<font color="#CCCCCC"> served six</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> years of his</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">life sentence for killing those people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">happens all the time</font> yeah and that<font color="#E5E5E5"> guy's on the street and he</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">kills somebody</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> goes I can't believe it</font> he had a rest record goes back<font color="#CCCCCC"> to his</font> youth it was<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hundred pages long</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> can't believe you let<font color="#E5E5E5"> him out what</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we</font> let him<font color="#E5E5E5"> out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we knew he killed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people in</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">fact he stabbed two</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he missed</font> the artery so we're gonna let him<font color="#E5E5E5"> out</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and see if he can study Anatomy enough</font> and get a good stab next time<font color="#CCCCCC"> there are</font> court systems are a joke our prison system is a joke<font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean if somebody</font> stabs somebody do you want him<font color="#E5E5E5"> you want</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">him on the street with you if he</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> stabs</font> somebody you<font color="#CCCCCC"> are killing that person</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you're just shitty at it if you shoot at</font> somebody<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you miss that's murder</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you're just you're just bad</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at it if</font> you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> willing to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> throw a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bullet at a</font> human<font color="#E5E5E5"> being I want him in a cage forever</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">or better yet dead right there and then</font> if he's capable of taking<font color="#E5E5E5"> an</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> innocent</font> life I want him out of the gene pool<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> don't believe in<font color="#E5E5E5"> how did I put it in</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that one interview I know I don't</font> believe<font color="#E5E5E5"> in repeat crime repeat criminals</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I believe in dead criminals if someone</font> threatens innocent life<font color="#E5E5E5"> we'll get</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> them</font> out<font color="#CCCCCC"> of here I really believe that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you know who the best</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> person</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to make</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> decision is the person about to get</font> stabbed<font color="#E5E5E5"> the lady about to get raped the</font> guy about<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> get shot at this all makes</font> sense<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mean I I feel what you're saying</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I think the real</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> problem is why does it</font> happen<font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> first</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> place because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we're</font> a<font color="#CCCCCC"> society that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> doesn't respond to</font> alarming signals<font color="#E5E5E5"> in the hope of not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hurting feelings instead</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of saving lives</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a liberal mantra of feel good in</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">action versus tough choices and harsh</font> choices that will actually<font color="#E5E5E5"> save life</font> don't<font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> think it's also a lack of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">resources too</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and a lack of I mean these</font> people<font color="#CCCCCC"> that are interviewing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> these</font> psychos before they snap<font color="#E5E5E5"> based on that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">really psychology based on my tax bill I</font> think they have the resources<font color="#E5E5E5"> has just</font> mismanaged and wasted<font color="#E5E5E5"> by the way while</font> we're doing<font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can I hit the bathroom</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">really yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> therefore I squirm well</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">we'll be right back we'll stay yeah</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">amazing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're walking fantastic on</font> those robot knees man it's crazy<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's it's amazing how few</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people can</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hold their piss sometimes it</font> comes yeah<font color="#CCCCCC"> he's got two waters</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> down yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">he slammed two waters this uh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> shooting happening while he's on<font color="#E5E5E5"> is so</font> appropriate<font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean it's so crazy that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">this is the time so this is a newsroom</font> why<font color="#CCCCCC"> do they have a motivation for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">guy no motivation is being interrogated</font> right now is what I just<font color="#CCCCCC"> read</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's</font> amazing that<font color="#E5E5E5"> these guys want they get</font> captured<font color="#E5E5E5"> but they don't get killed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> like</font> the Parkland kid and a lot of<font color="#CCCCCC"> these</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people like how are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they not killing</font> these people<font color="#CCCCCC"> when</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they're when it's</font> happening supposedly a white guy in<font color="#E5E5E5"> his</font> twenties is it some fake news thing<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> mean he shot reporters<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know until</font> the interrogation comes out I<font color="#E5E5E5"> feel like</font> it's not fair<font color="#CCCCCC"> to Ron Cey but there are</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people pointing at things that have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> been</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the news recently oh fuck</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's just</font> so much I<font color="#E5E5E5"> mean I hear what Ted saying</font> that you should be able<font color="#E5E5E5"> to defend</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yourself</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I agree like if you were in</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">a grocery store somewhere</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and some guy</font> came<font color="#E5E5E5"> in shooting and you had a gun I</font> would<font color="#CCCCCC"> want</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be able</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to defend</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yourself you know I want you to be alive</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I agree with you I get that</font> but that's is that the only<font color="#E5E5E5"> way I mean</font> or is<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> what we have to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> do right</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">now</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean I don't know what anybody</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on</font> the other<font color="#E5E5E5"> side wants other than taking</font> away<font color="#E5E5E5"> everyone's guns but if you take</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">away everyone's guns how are you</font> possibly<font color="#CCCCCC"> gonna</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> do an audit of 300</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">million guns in this country how are you</font> gonna find all the<font color="#E5E5E5"> illegal ones how you</font> gonna find all the stored ones<font color="#E5E5E5"> and then</font> there's that<font color="#CCCCCC"> old cliche if you outlaw</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">guns only outlaws will have guns I mean</font> it's almost<font color="#E5E5E5"> like the same thing we're</font> talking<font color="#E5E5E5"> about when in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in terms</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> legalizing<font color="#CCCCCC"> and illegal</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> illegal drugs and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">when drugs are legal they can be taxed</font> and you can make sense of the<font color="#CCCCCC"> situation</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> can have treatment centers the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">stigma of you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the appeal of</font> them of doing<font color="#CCCCCC"> something you're not</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">supposed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to do is no longer there and</font> then you're not<font color="#E5E5E5"> funding these illegal</font> organizations organizations<font color="#E5E5E5"> like you</font> know the cartels in Mexico or back when it<font color="#CCCCCC"> was organized crime in America for</font> alcohol<font color="#E5E5E5"> when the prohibition was going</font> on<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's I don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> think that you're gonna</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">be able to take away all these guns but</font> I don't know what the<font color="#CCCCCC"> argument I would</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">like to talk to somebody who has an</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">argument that you could do it because I</font> know they did<font color="#CCCCCC"> it in Australia but</font> Australia<font color="#CCCCCC"> is so small and by the way you</font> can get<font color="#E5E5E5"> guns in Australia people use</font> guns<font color="#CCCCCC"> they're for hunting all the time so</font> guns are available<font color="#CCCCCC"> and occasionally they</font> do have gun violence<font color="#CCCCCC"> but they had like</font> one mass shooting<font color="#CCCCCC"> in the 1990s in</font> Australia and they<font color="#CCCCCC"> just banned all the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">guns but Australians are there a</font> different culture<font color="#E5E5E5"> to like this fucking</font> culture is gun happy from all of our movies and television shows<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the</font> solution is<font color="#E5E5E5"> always like bang bang bang</font> like shooting people<font color="#E5E5E5"> is a part of the</font> solution you know I don't know<font color="#E5E5E5"> I don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">know man</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no one has an answer</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">didn't no one on that side no one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> on</font> this side every answer has holes in it you laughing<font color="#E5E5E5"> what happened I always say</font> to<font color="#CCCCCC"> you know this is conversation about</font> guns you know and and I don't see an <font color="#E5E5E5">answer</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I do I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> really don't I don't see</font> an<font color="#E5E5E5"> answer</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the ultimately Oh bleep look</font> I'm all for<font color="#CCCCCC"> a responsible gun ownership</font> I have guns of hunted<font color="#E5E5E5"> guns</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I believe in gun ownership</font> but how do<font color="#E5E5E5"> you stop gun violence and I</font> don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> know I don't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know what the answer</font> is and I think<font color="#E5E5E5"> this is ultimately with</font> everybody is<font color="#E5E5E5"> trying to find we were</font> talking about<font color="#E5E5E5"> when you were gone the</font> Australians<font color="#CCCCCC"> where they they banned</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> guns</font> because<font color="#E5E5E5"> of one mass shooting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and they've</font> never<font color="#E5E5E5"> had a mass shooting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sense</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">yeah but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> then crime continues</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to go up</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and down based on other</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> social factors</font> so and there's many of them<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's only</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">20 million people in their entire</font> country<font color="#CCCCCC"> you know I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> would like to address</font> probably<font color="#CCCCCC"> the glaring</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> beast in the room</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of America</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're 50 something</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">fifty fifty fifty one and art I'll be 70</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> I've had a pretty good radar</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> got a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">pretty</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> good</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> absorption factor of</font> information evidence experiences ideas opinions<font color="#E5E5E5"> activities</font> what the hell happened<font color="#E5E5E5"> that would allow</font> Americans so many of us to<font color="#E5E5E5"> become so</font> evil<font color="#CCCCCC"> that we want to hurt each other and</font> kill each other and kill<font color="#E5E5E5"> children</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> rob</font> and and molest<font color="#E5E5E5"> I want to make the</font> biggest impact<font color="#CCCCCC"> they want</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to hurt the</font> most<font color="#E5E5E5"> people because they're hurting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">where did that delineation</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> from a</font> post-world War two celebration of the freedoms that motivated our armed forces to<font color="#E5E5E5"> defeat</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the worst</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> evil on the planet</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> Japanese slaughterers and the Nazi</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Devils that it was our Constitution and</font> our individual rights<font color="#E5E5E5"> that motivated</font> these<font color="#E5E5E5"> guys to fight harder and you know</font> as a martial artist you have<font color="#CCCCCC"> to see</font> beyond the contest<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it's almost like</font> you<font color="#CCCCCC"> don't you don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> make your hit where</font> you want to hit you want your hit to go past where<font color="#CCCCCC"> you want to hit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we were a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">United Nation in 1946 1947 is certainly</font> right<font color="#E5E5E5"> 48 when I was born and Detroit was</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> work ethic productivity epicenter</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> planet Earth universally known we we were the war machine that<font color="#CCCCCC"> built the</font> tanks and<font color="#E5E5E5"> the bombers</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the planes and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and pride of ownership and and you got</font> up early<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you busted your ass to be</font> the best that<font color="#CCCCCC"> you can be and you kept</font> your yard good and you kept your house clean<font color="#CCCCCC"> and you earned your own way</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and it</font> was an embarrassment enough to earn your <font color="#CCCCCC">own way and you saved for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a rainy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> day</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and you live within your means and you</font> discipline<font color="#CCCCCC"> yourself my upbringing was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and wasn't poverty I was never in need</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">but you couldn't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> drink a whole coke you</font> couldn't buy something<font color="#CCCCCC"> cuz you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wanted it</font> you<font color="#CCCCCC"> needed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> some</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sock sheep I got him for</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Christmas and if I wanted an arrow I had</font> a you<font color="#E5E5E5"> know go to the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> pickup garbage and</font> try to sell golf balls back and in and <font color="#CCCCCC">bought get deposits on bottles and cans</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> cutaway yeah</font> there was a the rugged individualism<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">self-sufficiency the neighborliness the</font> giving and caring and you know did take a<font color="#E5E5E5"> village it started with family but you</font> cared about your neighbors and<font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font> watched over<font color="#E5E5E5"> each other</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and then I saw</font> and with all due respect<font color="#E5E5E5"> when the</font> beatniks<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the dope</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> then the</font> hippies and<font color="#CCCCCC"> the disconnect</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and a</font> carelessness erupted<font color="#E5E5E5"> and and a meanness</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I started seeing more meanness and anger</font> and and disconnect and and then after <font color="#CCCCCC">weather was the New Deal or the Great</font> Society which kind of incentivized<font color="#E5E5E5"> not</font> being the best<font color="#E5E5E5"> that you can be and you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">can actually stay home and get</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a check</font> and the<font color="#E5E5E5"> unions would negotiate not on</font> quality automobiles<font color="#E5E5E5"> but money that may</font> or<font color="#CCCCCC"> may not be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we'll get you</font> some more<font color="#E5E5E5"> money and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you can make</font> Chrysler's that won't even<font color="#E5E5E5"> start</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you</font> can't even drive<font color="#CCCCCC"> them they're such a</font> pilot yet<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I saw this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Detroit go from</font> this glowing epicenter of<font color="#E5E5E5"> goodwill and</font> decency<font color="#E5E5E5"> and work ethic to Liberal</font> Democrats<font color="#E5E5E5"> scamming</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bribing</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> for votes by getting you</font> something<font color="#E5E5E5"> you didn't and then all of a</font> sudden<font color="#CCCCCC"> the city burnt down and no</font> couches<font color="#CCCCCC"> in the street and refrigerators</font> on the lawns and it just turned into a lump<font color="#E5E5E5"> I shit uh and it breaks my heart I</font> go<font color="#CCCCCC"> downtown Detroit now and building the</font> beautiful architecture still boarded up from the 67 riots<font color="#CCCCCC"> I took my kids</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> down</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">for the 42nd anniversary the Amboy Dukes</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I wanted to show them this beautiful</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">city</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I was raised in and what happened</font> to it<font color="#CCCCCC"> and almost</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for dramatic effect</font> almost<font color="#E5E5E5"> like Cecil B DeMille was you know</font> directing a scene<font color="#E5E5E5"> for me to emphasize</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">how deteriorated Detroit got here's this</font> guy<font color="#CCCCCC"> on a sidewalk with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> his pants down</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">taking a dump and</font> middle of<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> afternoon</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I go wow I</font> didn't actually hire that guy that's really<font color="#E5E5E5"> what's happened here so if</font> you allow your society to crumble<font color="#CCCCCC"> before</font> your eyes<font color="#E5E5E5"> without intervening and go</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">ahead you can't do that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you got</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah you</font> can't do and I've done<font color="#CCCCCC"> it with my</font> musicians<font color="#E5E5E5"> on my life ago</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> goddamnit we</font> were really<font color="#CCCCCC"> rocking</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> last week and now</font> you're all stoned and can't<font color="#CCCCCC"> even wake</font> you up<font color="#E5E5E5"> but don't you think that when</font> you're<font color="#CCCCCC"> talking about 1946</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> United</font> States<font color="#E5E5E5"> we were we were</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> all against the</font> Nazis in the<font color="#E5E5E5"> Japanese we were United</font> certainly<font color="#CCCCCC"> know that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> our our lives were</font> threatened the world's<font color="#E5E5E5"> future was</font> threatened<font color="#E5E5E5"> and people felt like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they had</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">a purpose</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> purpose</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> do you remember I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">in I was in New York right after</font> September<font color="#E5E5E5"> 11th and one of the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> crazier</font> and something happened a friend of mine fainted and they we had<font color="#E5E5E5"> to call the fire</font> department you know<font color="#CCCCCC"> EMTs showed up and the the</font> respect and the the happiness that <font color="#E5E5E5">people had when they saw the first</font> responders and<font color="#E5E5E5"> I was like this is this</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">is fascinating</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because I lived in New</font> York<font color="#CCCCCC"> high voice</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it was it was a high</font> point<font color="#CCCCCC"> because people had felt what it</font> was like to be attacked to be at war<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> mean that was what the attack<font color="#E5E5E5"> and the</font> Trade Center<font color="#CCCCCC"> or the the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Twin Towers was</font> we were at war and they felt this<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> they felt<font color="#E5E5E5"> United</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because of it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> when</font> these<font color="#CCCCCC"> people showed up to help they were</font> excited to see them<font color="#E5E5E5"> there were like</font> heroes<font color="#CCCCCC"> they treated them like</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> real</font> heroes and I was like this is a <font color="#E5E5E5">different feeling</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> than anything I've had</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">before</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I had I had</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to imagine that</font> this<font color="#E5E5E5"> was probably what it was like in</font> the United States in the 40s<font color="#CCCCCC"> a figure</font> right in the middle<font color="#E5E5E5"> of the war and when</font> you're right<font color="#E5E5E5"> when people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> were you know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">United working together to make</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sure</font> there<font color="#E5E5E5"> was enough scrap metal and enough</font> rubber and they were carpooling so they have enough raw materials<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> create wine</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and rubber bands for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people felt</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">like Rifai Singh for the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> benefit</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">their society yeah and they felt like</font> there was<font color="#E5E5E5"> something real going on</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">whereas when there's no threat and no</font> worries<font color="#E5E5E5"> I think people get lost I think</font> especially<font color="#E5E5E5"> people with no discipline not</font> everybody of course<font color="#E5E5E5"> but some it's</font> there's a<font color="#E5E5E5"> tendency to get lost then</font> there's a tendency<font color="#E5E5E5"> for people to take</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">advantage</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of those people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lost</font> and say it's not<font color="#E5E5E5"> your fault</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's the</font> government's<font color="#CCCCCC"> fault</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and the government</font> needs<font color="#CCCCCC"> to pay you and the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> government</font> needs<font color="#E5E5E5"> to help out so</font> but there's this very<font color="#E5E5E5"> strange tendency</font> that people<font color="#E5E5E5"> have and also if I may exalt</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Here I am</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with Joe Rogan</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> never met I</font> didn't know much about yes<font color="#E5E5E5"> everybody was</font> bombarded<font color="#E5E5E5"> me so you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gotta go on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Joe</font> Rogan<font color="#E5E5E5"> see guys reasonable sensible smart</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and funny and he's promoting honey now</font> and I<font color="#CCCCCC"> found mother fucker sounds like my</font> boy<font color="#CCCCCC"> let's go do</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this you have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to admit</font> with intelligent<font color="#E5E5E5"> conscientious</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">formulated</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> prioritization 2018 we can go</font> on and on about the the problems in the <font color="#E5E5E5">world do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you know that I'm the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> happiest</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">motherfucker with the greatest band the</font> greatest crew the greatest family love my TV show and New<font color="#E5E5E5"> York Times</font> bestsellers<font color="#CCCCCC"> and successful to some</font> degree and the things I pursue in my passions<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'm doing your show we're</font> talking about important<font color="#CCCCCC"> issues and I</font> have<font color="#E5E5E5"> dangers on people that come</font> backstage we raise money<font color="#E5E5E5"> for charities</font> every<font color="#CCCCCC"> night</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> do you know Joe that I can't</font> find a<font color="#E5E5E5"> dirt bag but it's a pretty big</font> circle<font color="#CCCCCC"> but you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pretty big</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> circle</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> down</font> the streets here I go to<font color="#E5E5E5"> Starbucks and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">get</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a coffee</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'll go dad they pay</font> they pay<font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it for me and love spear in</font> the wild<font color="#E5E5E5"> thanks for standing up for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> our</font> freedoms<font color="#E5E5E5"> god bless you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> know I can't find</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">a dirt bag I'm sure I could but here's a</font> salute<font color="#CCCCCC"> on a Joe</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Rock Joe Rogan podcast</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> those people out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there that do</font> intelligently and responsibly prioritize and they bust<font color="#CCCCCC"> their ass because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they're</font> out there<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's no monster armies of</font> working<font color="#E5E5E5"> hard playing hard</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> shit-kickers</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">who sacrifice and take risk and try to</font> start a<font color="#E5E5E5"> new business and fall down in</font> the arena and stand up and<font color="#E5E5E5"> brush</font> themselves off and get back<font color="#CCCCCC"> at it</font> those are the<font color="#E5E5E5"> people that I want to talk</font> to<font color="#CCCCCC"> right now because they're the best of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the best</font> don't back off friction<font color="#CCCCCC"> don't back off discomforting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">encounters whether it's your kid because</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">i've</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> got buddies kids died of fentanyl</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">great families that fat and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'll show oh</font> my god I'll cry<font color="#CCCCCC"> for you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and you take</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> him</font> in<font color="#E5E5E5"> your arms</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and they didn't do anything</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wrong and they're burying the fucking</font> kid did you confront of you are you telling <font color="#CCCCCC">me you didn't see this man</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> here's my</font> alert<font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people listening to the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">out-group Ted</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in Oklahoma</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> boogie look</font> harder be more assertive<font color="#E5E5E5"> if something</font> doesn't<font color="#CCCCCC"> look perfect look</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> into it and if</font> if there's needy people<font color="#E5E5E5"> instead</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">giving them</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> money because they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> could</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">probably buy drugs or alcohol and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're</font> probably<font color="#E5E5E5"> gonna</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> die if you make a</font> donation<font color="#CCCCCC"> to most</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> homeless people you're</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">helping to kill them right now I'm gonna</font> buy good shit with<font color="#E5E5E5"> it yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> badger</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">your elected employees</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we need to have</font> mental<font color="#E5E5E5"> health facilities what what are</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> wasting money on you don't need to</font> find out the sex life<font color="#E5E5E5"> of a turtle you</font> need to take<font color="#E5E5E5"> those billions of grant</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">money that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're blowing right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now for</font> some jackoff and you need we need<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">address the mental health homeless truly</font> needy not the greedy not the scammers who are able-bodied they just like<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> stay home the<font color="#E5E5E5"> people who have mental</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">issues and physical</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> issues and that the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">download' Trump has finally</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> got a point</font> in time where you can fire a veteran administration<font color="#E5E5E5"> scam artist</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> punk</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> who</font> doesn't care about<font color="#E5E5E5"> the vets</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> doesn't show</font> up for<font color="#CCCCCC"> work and absconds on revenues</font> that could have got a couple wheelchairs for<font color="#CCCCCC"> a legless marine now we can fire the</font> bastards<font color="#E5E5E5"> so there is upgrade happening</font> but those that do know and do care no more care<font color="#E5E5E5"> more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and in and demand answers</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">whether it's your family member how come</font> I couldn't<font color="#CCCCCC"> how come you didn't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> show</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> up</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">at the family event what are you doing</font> dude are you<font color="#CCCCCC"> high</font> are you using<font color="#E5E5E5"> money what are you doing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think if we</font> start family neighbors<font color="#E5E5E5"> and don't be</font> afraid<font color="#CCCCCC"> to tell</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your neighbor yeah I saw</font> your son the<font color="#CCCCCC"> other Dave's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> passed out at</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> curb</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't think we intervene like</font> we did back when<font color="#E5E5E5"> I was</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> growing up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> nobody</font> would<font color="#CCCCCC"> have tolerated</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that shit when I</font> was<font color="#E5E5E5"> growing up they would have sounded</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the alarm</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I don't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's</font> enough of<font color="#E5E5E5"> that neighborliness</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> being</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">afraid to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hurt feelings well it's none</font> of your<font color="#E5E5E5"> business well you know it is my</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">business cuz you're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my neighbor and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> guy<font color="#E5E5E5"> just shit</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in my</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lawn</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean I don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think we're aggressive enough I come</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">from a world of aggression</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not not being</font> a prick<font color="#CCCCCC"> about it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but asking questions at</font> some point you might have to shrug your shoulders<font color="#E5E5E5"> ago</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I doesn't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> want any help</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's nothing I can do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but I tried but</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you like conflict you do yes I do I'd</font> like<font color="#CCCCCC"> to eradicate</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it I like to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> intervene</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to reduce clearly you know that the way</font> you express yourself<font color="#E5E5E5"> is entertaining but</font> it's also polarizing<font color="#E5E5E5"> like a lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> things you say you know<font color="#E5E5E5"> sure and you you</font> invite this sort of not intentionally<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> think by<font color="#CCCCCC"> being a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pragmatist you're going</font> to invite conflict<font color="#E5E5E5"> because some people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">don't like to hear this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> shit</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah some</font> people<font color="#CCCCCC"> don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> like to hear the ship with</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the style in which you talk like even</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">when like you're debating Piers Morgan</font> you're very<font color="#E5E5E5"> very powerful with the way</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">describe things and you you you get</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">people that want to argue back with you</font> it's time<font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I think the</font> gentleman's approach<font color="#E5E5E5"> Mitt Romney and and</font> John McCain<font color="#CCCCCC"> you didn't represent</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> nothing</font> the reason<font color="#CCCCCC"> Donald Trump won is because</font> finally the<font color="#E5E5E5"> shit-kickers who work rough</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and tumble those construction guys</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">outside the the four seasons like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> stay</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">at the four seasons how cool is that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">they're busting their ass they're</font> getting upper and they're working<font color="#E5E5E5"> hard</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to go throw back a few</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> beers and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have a little barbecue at night these</font> are the guys I'm talking<font color="#CCCCCC"> about and</font> talking to and and they're the ones who <font color="#E5E5E5">voted for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Donald Trump finally because</font> he came out it wasn't afraid he sounded <font color="#E5E5E5">like a shit kicker boy sounded like them</font> someone like us yeah there's<font color="#E5E5E5"> a there was</font> a real<font color="#CCCCCC"> problem that we have in this</font> country<font color="#E5E5E5"> with people that are career</font> politicians<font color="#E5E5E5"> and he was really</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the first</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the problem career politicians is the</font> problem<font color="#E5E5E5"> status</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> quo</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's you know</font> Donald<font color="#CCCCCC"> Trump</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> isn't perfect I like</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Emperor</font> imperfect<font color="#E5E5E5"> is cool you and me good</font> examples<font color="#E5E5E5"> but he came in swinging a</font> crowbar<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> this horrible status quote</font> can best be described as<font color="#E5E5E5"> well he's not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">presidential you're goddamn right he's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">not presidential because all these</font> pretend presidential guys got us into this<font color="#CCCCCC"> mess because they were so cautious</font> and they didn't want to ruffle<font color="#E5E5E5"> any</font> feathers<font color="#E5E5E5"> we we want to have a big tent</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">including all the you know bad guys</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font> people that don't<font color="#CCCCCC"> believe in secure</font> borders<font color="#CCCCCC"> what's that and people that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">don't believe</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in earning your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> own</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> way</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">what's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> difference<font color="#CCCCCC"> between</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> legal immigration and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">illegal immigration what's that so the</font> shit-kickers finally her saw somebody <font color="#CCCCCC">busting the status quo you're damn right</font> he's not<font color="#E5E5E5"> presidential</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">because presidential got us into</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">train wreck and we're done</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with it so</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the republicans better be paying</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">attention because if your status quo we</font> were not<font color="#E5E5E5"> voting for you if you come in</font> swing you'd have to be rude<font color="#E5E5E5"> enough to be</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">screaming you don't have to be</font> condemning<font color="#E5E5E5"> but you have to be honest and</font> forthright<font color="#E5E5E5"> and sound like somebody you'd</font> have a beer with<font color="#CCCCCC"> it a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> barbecue and if</font> you sound like a shit kicker and one of us working out playing on<font color="#CCCCCC"> americans and</font> you address<font color="#E5E5E5"> our</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> concerns</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> will vote for</font> you<font color="#E5E5E5"> if you don't we're gonna stay</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in our</font> tree stand in november which is what happened traditionally that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> why</font> michigan wisconsin in Pennsylvania with <font color="#E5E5E5">eight</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hundred</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thousand hunters wanted</font> for<font color="#E5E5E5"> Trump because we are a hunters</font> nation and those families were a huge voting bloc they'd never felt like they have skin in the<font color="#CCCCCC"> game</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> finally somebody</font> had skin in the<font color="#CCCCCC"> game including</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font> teamster buddies<font color="#CCCCCC"> my Union buddies</font> instead of just like puppets pulling <font color="#E5E5E5">that deal ever they went the Democrats</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have been lying to me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the Democrats had</font> been<font color="#E5E5E5"> scamming me I'm voting for Trump</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">he's the status quo wrecker</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah was I</font> what do<font color="#E5E5E5"> you say look lying and scamming</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">what what do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you what do you examples</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">like what do you mean good grief</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">like what what gets to you like what is</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> thing that you when you think of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Democrats and you think of lying and you</font> need to<font color="#E5E5E5"> sign it to find out what's in it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Nancy</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Pelosi on the House floor with</font> this huge voluminous<font color="#E5E5E5"> health care bill</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">actually</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> said you don't need to read it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you need</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to cite it to find out what's</font> in<font color="#CCCCCC"> it wow</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you don't remember that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no</font> holy<font color="#CCCCCC"> shit that sounds pretty ridiculous</font> yeah she said it<font color="#CCCCCC"> and then</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">try to form a sentence watch Maxine</font> water<font color="#E5E5E5"> desperately search for a syllable</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">listen to the words out of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> their mouths</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">well did</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you say</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> reeks did you see this</font> thing<font color="#CCCCCC"> that she was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> calling out for</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> did you see anyone</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in the</font> administration<font color="#CCCCCC"> including</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ted Nugent yeah</font> bring it on<font color="#CCCCCC"> asshole</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> disrupt and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cause a</font> crowd and tell me what you're not welcome<font color="#CCCCCC"> Deborah that's an insanely</font> irresponsible thing to say that's treacherous every one of<font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font> promoters have death threats because <font color="#CCCCCC">they dare to hire me every one of my</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">bandmates and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> crewmates some guys</font> that<font color="#CCCCCC"> are building this wonderful Bell</font> amplifier<font color="#E5E5E5"> they they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> just showed a</font> picture<font color="#E5E5E5"> on their website with me testing</font> the new amplifier and people attacked him and threatened to<font color="#E5E5E5"> kill</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> him because</font> they're working<font color="#CCCCCC"> with the coward animal</font> murderer here are the the gun nut<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gun nut I'm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> also a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> screwdriver</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or not</font> too but that's<font color="#CCCCCC"> what</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm saying about you</font> being this polarizing figure that people <font color="#CCCCCC">that aren't deeply into it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> or listening</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to everything you say but you can't rush</font> things <font color="#E5E5E5">how else can you address it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because oh</font> that's why I'm asking well I'm telling you you know Joe the<font color="#CCCCCC"> guys who've tried</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to sound very polite and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> uh very</font> non-confrontational<font color="#CCCCCC"> got us into this</font> mess<font color="#CCCCCC"> if you don't believe America needs</font> secure borders<font color="#E5E5E5"> you're the enemy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> America<font color="#CCCCCC"> you need secure who doesn't know</font> you need secure borders Nancy Pelosi doesn't Hillary Clinton didn't Loretta Lynch didn't I mean come on<font color="#E5E5E5"> these people</font> are freaks America first<font color="#E5E5E5"> pisses off Democrats how</font> can<font color="#E5E5E5"> that be</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if it's not America think</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">release it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as you're denying opportunity</font> to people<font color="#CCCCCC"> that live in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> an impoverished</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">third-world country that's connected</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> us they thought<font color="#CCCCCC"> of it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> as racism all my</font> ancestors<font color="#CCCCCC"> came through</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ellis Island as</font> did mine and<font color="#E5E5E5"> denounced their allegiance</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to where they came from</font> you can still cook Swedish and<font color="#E5E5E5"> you can</font> still cook<font color="#E5E5E5"> German but you got to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">denounce allegiance to where you come</font> from<font color="#CCCCCC"> because you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> coming here it's</font> fucking hard for someone<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> come over</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">from Mexico and don't you think that the</font> real<font color="#CCCCCC"> problem is that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Mexico sucks</font> that parts<font color="#E5E5E5"> of Mexico</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sighs</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> overall to</font> figure out a<font color="#E5E5E5"> way to help those people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">really the only way would</font> to make<font color="#E5E5E5"> Mexico so healthy and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in a great</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">place</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> live that it's just like the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">United</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> States</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's no reason</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to come</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">over</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> here and certainly we have tried</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">our policies have been very generous</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">those countries in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fact were the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> only</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">country that has</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> been generous to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> them</font> but the roughly the<font color="#E5E5E5"> right yeah there's a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">question stream yeah mass across the</font> entire Mexican Guatemalan<font color="#E5E5E5"> that all those</font> governments are as criminals<font color="#CCCCCC"> Al Capone</font> in Chicago<font color="#CCCCCC"> in 32</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I've been so infested by the law</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">enforcement is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the cartel the military</font> is<font color="#E5E5E5"> the kind of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> town</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so so where</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> are you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">so that affects we have the right to</font> secure this<font color="#E5E5E5"> is not my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> opinion we in</font> America have the right and<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> responsibility to<font color="#E5E5E5"> secure our borders if</font> you think otherwise you're dangerous<font color="#CCCCCC"> we</font> need to<font color="#CCCCCC"> break I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> want people who need a</font> better quality<font color="#E5E5E5"> of life I'd welcome them</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I got buddies</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that game like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that Mike</font> my sound man Frank went through the <font color="#E5E5E5">seven year process from Germany and now</font> he's a legal<font color="#CCCCCC"> citizen in America</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> why</font> should<font color="#E5E5E5"> someone be able to swim across</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the Rio Grande and circumvent all that</font> process so we know whether you're going to<font color="#CCCCCC"> be an asset or a liability it's not</font> rocket<font color="#CCCCCC"> science</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's liability or asset</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">we want assets and that's why</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> our</font> immigration system<font color="#E5E5E5"> is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> horrifically</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> legal</font> one<font color="#E5E5E5"> so I know it's a problem but we're</font> putting<font color="#E5E5E5"> all these</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> resources and</font> man-hours<font color="#E5E5E5"> into</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> securing the porous</font> border instead of processing those who legitimately<font color="#CCCCCC"> would like a better quality</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> life in America but first they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to we have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to differentiate between the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">protesters who think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that we need to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">turn over California in Arizona and</font> Texas back to Mexico<font color="#CCCCCC"> so it can turn into</font> a<font color="#E5E5E5"> shithole</font> of course they left Mexico<font color="#E5E5E5"> they know</font> it's horrible<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> why they're here</font> why would you come<font color="#E5E5E5"> here to get away from</font> a shithole<font color="#E5E5E5"> and then turn the place you</font> came to into the<font color="#CCCCCC"> shithole we</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have a</font> constitution we have a<font color="#CCCCCC"> bill of rights</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you need to earn your</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> own way you need</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to work very</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hard if you're in the asset</font> column I love you if you're in the liability column<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> love you if you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> having hard times but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">if you have squatted intentionally as an</font> able body<font color="#E5E5E5"> an individual in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> liability column you are<font color="#CCCCCC"> a detriment to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">America and you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> should get the fuck out</font> of here that's when you look<font color="#E5E5E5"> at in perspective</font> the people that are<font color="#CCCCCC"> able-bodied</font> Americans that don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> do jack</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> shit some</font> poor bastard is trying to yeah anything <font color="#E5E5E5">they can</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to get here</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from Mexico to the</font> point where they're<font color="#E5E5E5"> literally dying</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in a</font> hydration<font color="#E5E5E5"> desert</font> yeah and they would bust their ass if <font color="#E5E5E5">given that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> opportunity it's not fair</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not easy it's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not gonna be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> easy</font> complicated right<font color="#CCCCCC"> but it is doable but</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">our priorities as a government are so</font> clustered<font color="#CCCCCC"> they're so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> dis prioritized</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that all this efforts</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> going towards you</font> know<font color="#E5E5E5"> securing the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Rio Grande when people</font> are illegally swimming<font color="#E5E5E5"> across and</font> jeopardizing their very life and<font color="#E5E5E5"> limb</font> when just down a couple<font color="#E5E5E5"> miles there's a</font> legal entrance<font color="#E5E5E5"> and it might be a pain in</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> ass but you're here with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> me</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> today</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">June</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 28 2020</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 18 have you not put up with</font> major pains in the asses<font color="#E5E5E5"> of martial</font> artists as a comedian that's<font color="#CCCCCC"> a tough</font> life<font color="#CCCCCC"> you got your world carved out</font> because you put up with a pain in the <font color="#CCCCCC">ass</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you over you improvise adapt and</font> overcome<font color="#CCCCCC"> it makes you happier at night</font> to do<font color="#E5E5E5"> that very fortunate I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> was born in</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">America I you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> know I didn't grow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> an impoverished<font color="#CCCCCC"> crime-ridden community</font> understood<font color="#E5E5E5"> to deal with gang violence</font> but you're certainly not<font color="#CCCCCC"> advocating them</font> coming in illegally<font color="#E5E5E5"> no I just think</font> there's got to be there's<font color="#E5E5E5"> got to be a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">better conversation about this and I</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that the conversation</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if</font> you oppose these people that<font color="#E5E5E5"> are illegal</font> immigrating into<font color="#CCCCCC"> this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> country that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you're a racist</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> police is what's going</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">on right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now my bass player</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Marco</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Mendoza is a Mexican it might be</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> player</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Johnny</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> gunnels a black guy but it's</font> simple to call people racist<font color="#E5E5E5"> like people</font> love to do that<font color="#E5E5E5"> they love to reduce you</font> isn't that<font color="#CCCCCC"> still one rule but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> its</font> rule<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's it's ignorant of it's a denial</font> of nuance<font color="#CCCCCC"> well that's a that's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a tsunami</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of accusations against me and I've</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">always made</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it perfectly clear</font> throughout<font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 70 year</font> life<font color="#E5E5E5"> I have always judged by content of</font> character<font color="#CCCCCC"> never by color of skin I have</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> admit there</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is a racist element in me</font> because I'm an expect a black guy to be able<font color="#CCCCCC"> to play</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a better groove than a</font> white guy that has<font color="#E5E5E5"> been that had been</font> overruled over the years because there's so many white guys<font color="#CCCCCC"> that learn from the</font> black masters that now it<font color="#E5E5E5"> is raceless</font> but in<font color="#E5E5E5"> growing up I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> always figured the</font> black guy would be<font color="#CCCCCC"> a better</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> musician</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font> in the racist against white people<font color="#CCCCCC"> yes</font> in the early days it was that way<font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font> nowadays<font color="#E5E5E5"> we learn from those black soul</font> artists that were the consummate definitive<font color="#E5E5E5"> authority of emotional music</font> from the James Brown The Funk Brothers and Chuck and<font color="#CCCCCC"> beau</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and Little</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Richard</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> BB and Freddie and Albert and all</font> these monster black heroes of everybody's and there's not<font color="#CCCCCC"> a musician</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the world that won't admit</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that but now</font> because<font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that influence all these</font> years<font color="#CCCCCC"> the white boys can keep right up</font> there with them in<font color="#E5E5E5"> fact in many</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">instances compared a lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the rap</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hip-hop</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a whole lot of white</font> guys<font color="#E5E5E5"> out there I think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at Joe Bonamassa</font> and Anton fig and certainly<font color="#E5E5E5"> Jason</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">heartless and Greg Smith and all the</font> guys<font color="#E5E5E5"> Niro Smith and and ZZ Top I mean</font> you close your<font color="#E5E5E5"> eyes and there's not a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Caucasian to be found in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> these bands</font> nowadays<font color="#CCCCCC"> soul wise so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah race the the</font> the the repugnant<font color="#CCCCCC"> dishonest charge of</font> racism<font color="#E5E5E5"> is completely it's one</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that you</font> can't<font color="#CCCCCC"> shake just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> someone calls your</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">racist</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no that I shake it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> heat it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I know</font> but<font color="#CCCCCC"> people have called you a racist</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">conscious and everybody</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> everybody with a</font> heart and a soul<font color="#E5E5E5"> knows I'm not in a you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">had you know you know who the racists</font> are people<font color="#CCCCCC"> that call me a racist those</font> are the racists well<font color="#E5E5E5"> and dirtbags to be</font> it's just<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's an unfair thing to do</font> that people<font color="#E5E5E5"> like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to do</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because it</font> automatically puts you on the<font color="#E5E5E5"> defensive</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you're automatically on your heels and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you have to defend this charge against</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">racism by proving you're not a racist</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">which is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people suspicious</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that you</font> might be<font color="#E5E5E5"> racing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I don't yeah I'm just I</font> just live a great life with<font color="#CCCCCC"> great people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and race creed ethnicity religion gender</font> gender confusion matters<font color="#E5E5E5"> what do you</font> think about<font color="#E5E5E5"> that I think I think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Kaitlyn</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I think</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Bruce</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> over went Kaitlyn because</font> I beat him<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> races we raced</font> against<font color="#CCCCCC"> high</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pray for Bruce Kaitlyn what</font> a great guy<font color="#CCCCCC"> with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> her a girl now I</font> will if<font color="#CCCCCC"> that's what he</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> after if that's</font> what she likes<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's a weird one right</font> yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> where was this when you work yes</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's it's it's a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> different arena</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> thought um<font color="#E5E5E5"> and only she can make that</font> choice<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you have to respect that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">choice</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it it's mind twisting twisting</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> anybody says it's not it's not being</font> honest<font color="#E5E5E5"> but but it's very strange</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> like</font> Diane Sawyer<font color="#E5E5E5"> God</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> loved her but she had</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> opportunity of a lifetime when she</font> was interviewing Bruce and he was saying you<font color="#E5E5E5"> know</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for all practical purposes I am</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">a I'm a woman</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and she said</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> she should</font> have said yeah except for<font color="#CCCCCC"> the dick but I</font> raced against<font color="#E5E5E5"> Bruce if she did say</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> oh I</font> wish like that man<font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I got to be</font> friends<font color="#E5E5E5"> with Bruce when</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he was the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> god</font> of manliness yeah you know the<font color="#E5E5E5"> coolest</font> on everything is just the holosuite he's the baddest mother hurdled<font color="#CCCCCC"> the earth and</font> I raced with<font color="#E5E5E5"> them in off-road races and</font> stuff<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I always beat him which was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">just shit luck</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because I was more</font> aggressive<font color="#CCCCCC"> and he was a great guy and I</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">spun</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I suspect he's still a she's still</font> a great gal yeah I<font color="#E5E5E5"> mean</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I respect</font> anyone's choice to do whatever you want as long<font color="#E5E5E5"> as I'm having people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now that</font> category absolutely<font color="#E5E5E5"> how many people have</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">come to you that you run</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> into in all</font> your you know your circles and musicians curious about hunting<font color="#E5E5E5"> that didn't know</font> where<font color="#E5E5E5"> to start because that's what many</font> things it comes<font color="#E5E5E5"> to me a lot people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> like</font> I want<font color="#E5E5E5"> to get I have so many comedians</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">is great isn't it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">know how to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> get started</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm like man I</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wish I had</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the time</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to take you but</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">don't I've barely have enough</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> time to go</font> myself<font color="#CCCCCC"> I've witnessed you articulated</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and you're doing a great job and I thank</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that and I salute you made great</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">progress and inroads in that arena of</font> ignorance and presumptuousness<font color="#E5E5E5"> but I'm very</font> blessed because<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm a loudmouth and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">alive I mean I'm engaged I exercised my</font> duties as<font color="#CCCCCC"> We the People to talk about</font> policies and<font color="#CCCCCC"> get in the face of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font> elected employees and hold them to constitutional accountability<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm I'm</font> like<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> missed the Concord bridge so I'm</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you're doing this now</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I in my</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">everyday walk at</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sushi restaurant</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the gas station at the feed mill at the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">charity event</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people are always coming</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">up and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they those that would hesitate I</font> guess never showed up<font color="#CCCCCC"> because I never</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">felt any hesitation they're always</font> genuinely intrigued<font color="#E5E5E5"> and they express</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">confusion and uncomfortableness</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">discomfort with the concept of killing</font> game but<font color="#CCCCCC"> within minutes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> when I talk</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">about sustained yield habitat carrying</font> capacity <font color="#E5E5E5">just simple readily understood earthly</font> logistics<font color="#E5E5E5"> they go I never thought of it</font> like<font color="#CCCCCC"> that before yeah</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> well they're gonna</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have babies next year and there's not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gonna be any new ground we're gonna have</font> to grow next<font color="#E5E5E5"> year's wildlife on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> existing<font color="#E5E5E5"> habitat and in most cases</font> reduced habitat<font color="#E5E5E5"> but thank God the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Cougars can live in your</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> backyard</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> the<font color="#CCCCCC"> Bears</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> can live in the cul-de-sac in</font> Pennsylvania<font color="#E5E5E5"> and coyotes to live in your</font> bathroom if you<font color="#E5E5E5"> don't like the door so</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wildlife has adapted miraculously I mean</font> geese and ducks and<font color="#E5E5E5"> turkeys are and deer</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> elk and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bear they're literally</font> everywhere<font color="#CCCCCC"> check out an Estes Park in</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Colorado I mean</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they're</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there</font> landscaping Destructo Derby<font color="#CCCCCC"> so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we don't</font> need<font color="#E5E5E5"> to worry about encroaching on</font> habitat<font color="#E5E5E5"> because they will adapt and they</font> have wonderful<font color="#E5E5E5"> and again more deer more</font> elk<font color="#E5E5E5"> more cougar more bear more turkey</font> more geese<font color="#E5E5E5"> than ever in recorded history</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and were slaughtering him by the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gazillions every year because they</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">growth the gazillions every year and</font> once I expressed it<font color="#CCCCCC"> to people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> like that</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> then I inject the the inescapable</font> truism<font color="#E5E5E5"> you talk organic you talk close</font> to the earth quality<font color="#E5E5E5"> real food</font> is there something better than venison<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cuz if there is I want so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this</font> conversation is<font color="#E5E5E5"> what I'm talking about</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they people don't know how to get</font> started<font color="#CCCCCC"> they hear about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there's</font> all this talk<font color="#E5E5E5"> about</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> organic and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you know</font> close to<font color="#E5E5E5"> nature and being connected to</font> your<font color="#E5E5E5"> food but they don't know how to</font> it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> pretty easy to start a garden if</font> you<font color="#CCCCCC"> have a yard</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but to start hunting</font> that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> a there's a great barrier to</font> entry<font color="#E5E5E5"> there</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is but it's easily overcome</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> again go to my Facebook I mean not</font> just<font color="#E5E5E5"> be</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my Facebook but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I am the the</font> glowworm of the hunting lifestyle<font color="#E5E5E5"> I mean</font> people have always<font color="#E5E5E5"> come to me for that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because I've always promoted it and I've</font> never<font color="#CCCCCC"> backed down and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> almost every</font> interviewer<font color="#E5E5E5"> brings it up since the 1960s</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it was the tip of the culture</font> war controversial spear it really was hunting<font color="#E5E5E5"> and guns</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> those are the tip of</font> the culture war from the<font color="#E5E5E5"> beginning</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">because people were moving</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from urban</font> self-sufficient hunting fishing trapping <font color="#E5E5E5">earthly lifestyles to the city where</font> they were catered to and they didn't <font color="#E5E5E5">hear the chicken squawking so they</font> didn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> feel responsible</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for its death</font> right<font color="#CCCCCC"> your avid</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> cordon bleu you're a</font> killer yeah when I<font color="#E5E5E5"> expressed that they go</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> yeah</font> you got a point<font color="#E5E5E5"> there</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I went yeah</font> think<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah so I I use blunt street term</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">nomenclature and easily identified</font> colloquialisms of<font color="#E5E5E5"> modern terminology</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> is timeless and it its registers</font> with them<font color="#CCCCCC"> quickly</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> now getting over the</font> hump to have access<font color="#E5E5E5"> to hunting ground</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> also have been effective in educating <font color="#E5E5E5">people on that because everybody's got</font> an<font color="#E5E5E5"> Uncle Joe everybody's got access to</font> some<font color="#CCCCCC"> state or federal</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> open ground</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">even though the hunting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> isn't very</font> quality on those public areas<font color="#E5E5E5"> oftentimes</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">if you are willing to pursue what should</font> have inspired you to ask about<font color="#E5E5E5"> hunting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> means to go beyond the beaten</font> path which<font color="#CCCCCC"> is part of the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> spiritual</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">experience</font> leaving the modern push and getting into a wild<font color="#CCCCCC"> area I find that a lot of my new</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">baptised hunting young old and other</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that they like going</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> deep and they will</font> find that<font color="#CCCCCC"> deer that's not on the fringes</font> of public ground that have already been you know so<font color="#CCCCCC"> pressured that they've moved</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">into the interior nucleus of more</font> sanctuary habitat<font color="#E5E5E5"> and these guys it's</font> they almost cry they're so happy<font color="#CCCCCC"> even if</font> they didn't get<font color="#E5E5E5"> something</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cuz I got in</font> there took me two hours<font color="#E5E5E5"> to get in there</font> was still dark<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I was concerned about</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> safety I'd never been</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that deep in</font> the woods before<font color="#E5E5E5"> from the Manistee</font> National Forest<font color="#CCCCCC"> at Michigan or in any</font> wild ground with Colorado Wyoming Montana<font color="#CCCCCC"> California and they said you're</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right Ted it's changed my life</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> just</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">watching that deer come down I forgot to</font> draw my bow<font color="#E5E5E5"> so it it's an immediate</font> aliveness<font color="#CCCCCC"> that is rarely available</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in a</font> modern setting except for great family times birth death sex<font color="#E5E5E5"> laughter around a</font> campfire<font color="#E5E5E5"> primal moments primal primal</font> moments yes<font color="#CCCCCC"> I call it a prayer for the</font> wild things<font color="#E5E5E5"> I actually wrote this in the</font> New York Times way back in the I guess <font color="#E5E5E5">it was the 80s I wrote a New York Times</font> Sunday magazine feature<font color="#E5E5E5"> about my</font> Christmas<font color="#E5E5E5"> buck</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I've written it in</font> all kinds<font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> place</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm amazed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people still question whether I'm</font> serious about<font color="#E5E5E5"> hunting or not are you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">kidding me I've written New York Times</font> bestsellers and<font color="#E5E5E5"> the number one show on</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">our channel for 30 years almost who</font> questions<font color="#CCCCCC"> whether or not you're serious</font> about hunting<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah I did someone</font> actually questions that yeah<font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> not</font> sure what it's all about they don't know what my statements are just<font color="#E5E5E5"> how</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can you how can</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you avoid them</font> well<font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean there's many people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">would hear about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you and then</font> immediately go<font color="#E5E5E5"> oh fuck that guy I heard</font> him<font color="#E5E5E5"> talk yeah</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I said he said fuck and he</font> called somebody<font color="#E5E5E5"> a motherfucker he did</font> something<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you've never been on the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">street really the street you've never</font> been on the street you never heard this <font color="#CCCCCC">language</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> before you lying sack of shit</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">being this polarizing guy though does</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> get exhausting<font color="#E5E5E5"> like so many people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't</font> agree at<font color="#E5E5E5"> all figure rating it's entirely</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">justice constantly doing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> welcome battle</font> with people but<font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I don't do</font> battle I merely put out the truth logic common sense the science<font color="#CCCCCC"> its</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> irrefutable</font> it's not my opinion<font color="#E5E5E5"> I have no opinion</font> I'm just genuflect at the altar of<font color="#E5E5E5"> truth</font> logic common sense<font color="#E5E5E5"> and science and I</font> share it<font color="#E5E5E5"> and if you can't grasp it you</font> work on it and<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm here if</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you need me</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you clearly like it you like well on</font> these Piers Morgan interviews yes because<font color="#E5E5E5"> without me who's gonna do it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that they're lies will stand there their</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">their dishonesty and their mean-spirited</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">well why do you think they have these</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">love why do you think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a good</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> press</font> there's Morgan<font color="#E5E5E5"> does he's been so removed</font> they are so<font color="#CCCCCC"> Siddha fide that they say</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">fine they</font> think<font color="#CCCCCC"> their</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> cordon bleu didn't die right</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> think that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they're pulled pork</font> sandwich<font color="#E5E5E5"> came like</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that and and within</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">just minutes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> an honest person will admit</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> their tofu salad has a whole bunch</font> of dead ground squirrels in its vapor trail and but unless<font color="#CCCCCC"> they're unless I</font> tell them then what nobody else<font color="#E5E5E5"> can I</font> tell<font color="#E5E5E5"> them that well another thing that's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">a big blind</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> spot is they don't</font> understand<font color="#CCCCCC"> where conservation money</font> comes<font color="#E5E5E5"> from when you talk to them</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> about</font> the<font color="#CCCCCC"> pikmin Robertson ash</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you talk to</font> them about what how<font color="#CCCCCC"> many billions of</font> dollars<font color="#CCCCCC"> every</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> year</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it generated from</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">sales of ammunition hunting gear</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> jewels</font> and arrows<font color="#E5E5E5"> and we did that we self</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">imposed that the hard time but yeah the</font> hunters there wasn't<font color="#CCCCCC"> before my time</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but</font> yeah was that well a<font color="#CCCCCC"> third</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Engle Robert</font> and Pitt's<font color="#CCCCCC"> man yeah it was almost a</font> Teddy Roosevelt thing but the real battle cry was in my lifetime<font color="#E5E5E5"> we there</font> was<font color="#E5E5E5"> no anti-hunting first</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ten years of</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">my life it it was the concrete jungle</font> certification removal from the system by <font color="#CCCCCC">which we are sustained</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that was a</font> convenient disconnect and you could deny <font color="#E5E5E5">it because you didn't hear the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> animals</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">die</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I didn't see the blood it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> was nice</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and cleaned up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the little</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> cellophane</font> package and then this is new over the last few<font color="#CCCCCC"> generations yeah and that</font> denial metastasized into a cult of make-believe in fantasy<font color="#E5E5E5"> but to their</font> credit<font color="#CCCCCC"> there is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> only a lunatic fringe</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> don't believe that<font color="#E5E5E5"> the animal rights</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">even</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> though</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they've succeeded in in</font> California<font color="#CCCCCC"> they run into a dead</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> end</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">brick wall everywhere else</font> even though in<font color="#E5E5E5"> Michigan the dirtbags</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">succeeded in banning the hunting of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">number-one game animal on planet Earth</font> the mourning dove<font color="#E5E5E5"> where we grow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> more</font> doves in Michigan than all the quail pheasant Woodcock and<font color="#E5E5E5"> grouse combined</font> that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> a weird one right because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the people have never eaten dubbed they</font> don't have a delicious<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you hear</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">about a dove you go wait a minute that's</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">piece yeah can't you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pee this is this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">isn't an analogy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of everything that's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wrong</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in America</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're killing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> piece</font> you're killing<font color="#E5E5E5"> piece but what it's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that's a lunatic fringe though it really</font> is<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> loaded fringe</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's it's a convenient</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> pain</font> because it seems like<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's invincible</font> yeah you're a dove why would you shoot a dove Ted you like listen<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm gonna cook</font> up<font color="#CCCCCC"> some dove for you yeah and then you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">tell me why I wouldn't</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> shoot a dove yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">why</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is it okay to shoot a chicken it's</font> not okay to shoot a duck<font color="#CCCCCC"> well is it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> okay</font> to shoot<font color="#E5E5E5"> a pheasant it's not okay you're</font> much too pragmatic<font color="#CCCCCC"> Joe</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and watch the</font> logic you might hurt somebody <font color="#E5E5E5">conversations don't take place well they</font> just thank you thank<font color="#CCCCCC"> God</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you've been</font> baptized<font color="#E5E5E5"> because this has a great impact</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because your average</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> listener</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> does not</font> come to<font color="#E5E5E5"> here hunting truth your average</font> listener comes to<font color="#E5E5E5"> here smartass</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> dialogue</font> and issue<font color="#E5E5E5"> review and intellectual</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">analysis of life's experiences all good</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">all perfect but that you have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> inflected</font> and injected the truth about conservation wise use wildlife management is a<font color="#CCCCCC"> hallelujah moment</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> which</font> is<font color="#CCCCCC"> why I'm sitting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> across from you today</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">well</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cuz I value that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and a lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of it I</font> got<font color="#E5E5E5"> honestly from people like you that</font> were enthusiastic<font color="#E5E5E5"> about it that got me</font> curious<font color="#CCCCCC"> when I saw how enthusiastic you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">were about hunting and about the eating</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of wild meat and how much energy it</font> gives<font color="#E5E5E5"> you I got very curious many years</font> before<font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ever started</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hunting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because I</font> because<font color="#E5E5E5"> I I saw a lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of those PETA</font> videos we see these horrific<font color="#E5E5E5"> conditions</font> and factory farms<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I didn't want to</font> be a part of that I was<font color="#E5E5E5"> trying to figure</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">out</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> how to not be a part of that and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so</font> when I first decided to start hunting but before that<font color="#E5E5E5"> I was making to decide</font> was either I'm gonna<font color="#E5E5E5"> do this and I'm</font> gonna hate<font color="#CCCCCC"> it and I'm</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> never gonna do</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font> again<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'm gonna be a vegetarian or</font> I'm gonna<font color="#E5E5E5"> become a hunter and the moment</font> I shot that deer and then<font color="#E5E5E5"> we ate it I</font> was like<font color="#E5E5E5"> oh I'm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> doing this</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> forever magic</font> sucker<font color="#E5E5E5"> brewery actually came out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> admitted<font color="#CCCCCC"> that if he's gonna eat flesh</font> he's gonna kill it himself<font color="#CCCCCC"> a whole</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> year</font> everything he ate<font color="#E5E5E5"> he killed you know and</font> I think<font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people would have a better</font> understanding of what their food is and when<font color="#E5E5E5"> you have these</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> conversations</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> when it talks when it comes to</font> animal<font color="#E5E5E5"> rights ideas and what shouldn't</font> shouldn't<font color="#E5E5E5"> be legal 90 what five ninety</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">seven percent of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> eat meat I</font> mean it's a crazy<font color="#CCCCCC"> number it's our life</font> support system<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's protein food</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">think you're just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gonna stop that listen</font> you're<font color="#E5E5E5"> gonna get a lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of people that</font> aren't healthy<font color="#CCCCCC"> this is not the way to go</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and if some people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> want to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> go vegan and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">they can</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">with careful studying of their diet and</font> making<font color="#E5E5E5"> sure they're supplementing with</font> all the right things<font color="#E5E5E5"> good luck yep</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> good</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">go for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> well you know yes you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> asked</font> how we<font color="#E5E5E5"> can initiate this conversation</font> after<font color="#E5E5E5"> my great hero</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> fredbear died in</font> 1987<font color="#CCCCCC"> it was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the next</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> year I started the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Ted Nugent camp for kids which was</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a a</font> movement<font color="#E5E5E5"> forward</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of what he told</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">continue promoting</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> conservation and</font> hunting<font color="#E5E5E5"> the way I was so I started</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">charity 501 C 3 charity the Ted Nugent</font> camp for kids<font color="#E5E5E5"> where we run in Colorado</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">South Dakota Nebraska and Iowa every</font> year we've graduated<font color="#E5E5E5"> over 16,000 boys</font> and girls between the<font color="#E5E5E5"> ages</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of 7 and 17</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">from great volunteers men and women from</font> every imaginable walk of life that I have<font color="#CCCCCC"> to vet because it's got my name on</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but great heroes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of law enforcement</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and military and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just great families and</font> we teach them the discipline of<font color="#E5E5E5"> archery</font> the discipline<font color="#CCCCCC"> of wildlife management if</font> you don't fish upon the fish<font color="#E5E5E5"> will if</font> they'll<font color="#CCCCCC"> over populate and they'll die</font> off that you<font color="#E5E5E5"> have to harvest a surplus</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to make room for the next productivity</font> and trapping the importance of trapping <font color="#E5E5E5">that that's how you keep disease under</font> control<font color="#CCCCCC"> and that's how you keep value to</font> fur bearers<font color="#E5E5E5"> and that's how you make</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">really great great warm clothes and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">atlatl</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> x' and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> fly fishing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and the</font> meticulous detail and discipline of <font color="#E5E5E5">tying flies</font> and being clean<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sober and being the</font> best<font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you can be and</font> self-sufficiency<font color="#CCCCCC"> and rugged</font> individualism so this has been<font color="#E5E5E5"> going</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">since 1989 and still you haven't read a</font> word about<font color="#E5E5E5"> it in new york times you</font> haven't read a word<font color="#E5E5E5"> about it anywhere</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they're too quick to condemn</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> me</font> because I'm so good<font color="#E5E5E5"> at promoting hunting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and gun ownership that they they avoid</font> me<font color="#CCCCCC"> like the plague but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the real tragedy</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">is that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> outdoor life</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> field and stream</font> sports the field guns and ammo all these sporting publications<font color="#E5E5E5"> not a word</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">30</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> years of a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> wonderful charity</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> created</font> by a household<font color="#CCCCCC"> name</font> celebrity about<font color="#E5E5E5"> the most important</font> things in<font color="#CCCCCC"> life</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they just don't care it's</font> so I'm mentioning<font color="#E5E5E5"> it here on the Joe</font> Rogan podcast<font color="#CCCCCC"> because my volunteers have</font> been doing God's work for all<font color="#E5E5E5"> these</font> years<font color="#E5E5E5"> and plus people have been very</font> generous the<font color="#CCCCCC"> Sheik</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> our safaris donate</font> money every year<font color="#CCCCCC"> and people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just dig</font> deep and<font color="#E5E5E5"> make donations to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> keep the camp</font> alive<font color="#CCCCCC"> so if people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> want to find out</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">about that then go to my website but</font> it's a charity<font color="#CCCCCC"> for children about being</font> aware of resource stewardship and <font color="#E5E5E5">hands-on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> boots-on-the-ground</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">environmentalism</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> if you're gonna cut a</font> tree you might want to plant<font color="#CCCCCC"> 50 simple I</font> know<font color="#E5E5E5"> you do a lot of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> them we do a lot of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that a lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or every planting and you've</font> you've<font color="#E5E5E5"> done every</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> year since 69 yeah</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">I've got forests in Michigan I mean</font> giant<font color="#E5E5E5"> towering forests it's fun to kill</font> deer on your own ground<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's fun to kill</font> deer anywhere<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's exciting it's</font> challenging it's all the good<font color="#E5E5E5"> things</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to me you do it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> your own ground that</font> you earned it's really special but when you do it on<font color="#CCCCCC"> the own ground</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that you earned and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you lately built the</font> forest<font color="#CCCCCC"> yes it's it's spiritual it's</font> almost like<font color="#E5E5E5"> I levitate</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> when I'm in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> my</font> forest<font color="#E5E5E5"> well I remember you had I don't</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">remember who it was you had some rock</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and roll guy on your Sebastian Bach I</font> think one<font color="#CCCCCC"> time was one one of the guys</font> but<font color="#CCCCCC"> you were you were talking</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> about how</font> someone<font color="#CCCCCC"> was saying this is amazing I</font> wish I had my oh this is great<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah was</font> that that was Steven Tyler we were like my<font color="#CCCCCC"> vagin snorted your own forest</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I said you snorted the Upper Peninsula</font> who are you kidding and they did<font color="#E5E5E5"> that you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> had</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> mine here he</font> could<font color="#E5E5E5"> have bought one hell of a nice</font> ranch<font color="#E5E5E5"> that the life that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you live like</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> life having this you you</font> essentially<font color="#E5E5E5"> live in an area in both</font> places when<font color="#E5E5E5"> Michigan into Texas you hunt</font> in your own environment you<font color="#CCCCCC"> have your</font> own hunting place<font color="#CCCCCC"> but ER</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">its controversial</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and this is what's</font> controversial about<font color="#E5E5E5"> it the fence well</font> the Texas<font color="#E5E5E5"> property is fenced because I</font> have<font color="#E5E5E5"> exotics so by law and why do I have</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it fenced why do we have exotics because</font> if it wasn't fenced with exotics those exotics would have probably been extinct by now but<font color="#E5E5E5"> landowners in Texas we took</font> the lead<font color="#E5E5E5"> from South Africa and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a lot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> people don't<font color="#E5E5E5"> know this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Joe in fact I</font> articulated<font color="#CCCCCC"> an upcoming spirit of the</font> wild show high<font color="#E5E5E5"> fenced hunting saved</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">wildlife</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in Africa because the the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">development of agriculture</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in Africa was</font> in total conflict with the<font color="#E5E5E5"> migration of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">wildlife we're talking all those</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">incredible species from Elin and kudu</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and gems</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Bock and in Yala and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wildebeest</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> in in the warthogs<font color="#E5E5E5"> and in elephants they</font> would migrate every year of golf sudden the migration came to your citrus grove and destroyed everything<font color="#CCCCCC"> it killed all</font> the wildlife<font color="#E5E5E5"> because you want to sell</font> your<font color="#E5E5E5"> citrus well some of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the ranchers</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">who</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> valued the wildlife more than citrus</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and there's nothing wrong with citrus</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they literally said well goddamn it</font> every time<font color="#E5E5E5"> my herds migrate only a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">portion of them come</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> back because</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they</font> all these Agri concerns are destroying killing the wildlife<font color="#E5E5E5"> to protect their</font> agriculture<font color="#E5E5E5"> so I'm an offense my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> twenty</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">thousand acres and I'm gonna manage it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">twenty thousand acres is huge even my</font> spirit wild ranches<font color="#CCCCCC"> 300</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> acres it still</font> has a finite productivity<font color="#CCCCCC"> every habitat</font> is finite<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah and so they started</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">selling those hunts for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the surplus</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">every year of these magnificent wildlife</font> species instead of agriculture so those animals are thriving<font color="#CCCCCC"> an absolute</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> natural</font> habitat as is my home ground spirit wild ranch in<font color="#CCCCCC"> Texas you must</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> harvest the</font> surplus fence or no fence and mark my words people who condemn and<font color="#E5E5E5"> criticize</font> high fence hunting is not<font color="#E5E5E5"> fair chase are</font> speaking out<font color="#CCCCCC"> of their ass</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ted Nugent</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hunts more days in an average year than</font> most<font color="#E5E5E5"> people will in their lifetime</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> hunt hundreds of days every morning every<font color="#CCCCCC"> afternoon the animals have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to die</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I must</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> make room for next year's</font> productivity in your<font color="#CCCCCC"> situation</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in all</font> situation in your<font color="#E5E5E5"> situation</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">particular because you're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> only on</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 380</font> that's right you're a certain<font color="#E5E5E5"> amount of</font> animal<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> habitat but everybody even</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">its</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> outside</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my fence</font> you still got to kill<font color="#CCCCCC"> them animals too</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">but a lot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of like purists would look at</font> that and<font color="#E5E5E5"> go man is that really hunting</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> mean<font color="#CCCCCC"> your ears my ass you read in area</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">you ready yeah</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">life time experience</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hunting you know</font> most difficult animals<font color="#CCCCCC"> in the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> world the</font> most challenging animals in the world pressured<font color="#E5E5E5"> are my pressured animals and</font> spirit<font color="#E5E5E5"> watch on my open 1,100 acres</font> swamp in Michigan if I want to shoot a deer<font color="#CCCCCC"> I can 90%</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> plus tell ya</font> all my different choices of<font color="#CCCCCC"> treestands</font> and my strategies of wind and<font color="#E5E5E5"> in habitat</font> and positioning<font color="#CCCCCC"> bait or no bait</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font> travel corridors<font color="#CCCCCC"> I've been living there</font> owned it since 1978<font color="#CCCCCC"> in fact the one</font> place I've owned since 1970<font color="#CCCCCC"> I I have a</font> like a<font color="#E5E5E5"> 20 times the shot opportunity on</font> my open ground<font color="#E5E5E5"> than I do on my fenced</font> ground<font color="#E5E5E5"> my high fenced hunting and all</font> the high fenced hunting I've ever had<font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">as absolutely pure fair chase as</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> any</font> wilderness I've ever been to<font color="#E5E5E5"> from the</font> Sudan<font color="#E5E5E5"> to Alaska to Saskatchewan to</font> Ontario to Montana<font color="#CCCCCC"> to Wyoming to</font> Northern California<font color="#CCCCCC"> it is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hunting the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">roll</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the fence plays is zero in my</font> killing an animal<font color="#CCCCCC"> it only plays a role</font> in<font color="#CCCCCC"> keeping pressure outside so I don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have to shoot that two or</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> three or</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> four</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">year old buck</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I can wait</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> till he's five</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">but I still have to kill those fidgety</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">dough's and it's absolutely pure hunting</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">I understand your perspective the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> way</font> the way people disagree is that<font color="#CCCCCC"> the idea</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">of these animals can never leave they're</font> stuck they're stuck there so you know that they're<font color="#CCCCCC"> going to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be there which</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the difference between that and like say</font> you go into a backcountry hunt<font color="#CCCCCC"> you know</font> you park your truck in the trailhead and hiking<font color="#CCCCCC"> twitch I've no idea I'm sure</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font> do these<font color="#E5E5E5"> animals you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have no</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> idea if</font> they're<font color="#E5E5E5"> there or not well if you're</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">white ranch you have no idea whether</font> they're<font color="#E5E5E5"> right but you know you don't you</font> know<font color="#CCCCCC"> you have a lot of sure</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> right it's</font> just<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's a different thing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to be both</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">so but again</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's like do people</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> have a</font> problem fishing in a stock pond<font color="#E5E5E5"> or in a</font> pond<font color="#E5E5E5"> that's not stocked but managed on</font> my<font color="#CCCCCC"> property</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that I fish it adequately</font> enough so that the<font color="#CCCCCC"> bass get to be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> six</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">seven and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> eight pounds right but I don't</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">let him get stunted the same thing those</font> fish<font color="#E5E5E5"> ain't going anywhere and quite</font> honestly<font color="#CCCCCC"> in those suburban</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> areas and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">urban areas</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and even farming across</font> America those deer are there yeah they are there and I have<font color="#E5E5E5"> no better chance of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">shooting a deer on spirit wild ranch in</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the high fence than I do hunting the</font> suburbs of<font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> Columbus<font color="#E5E5E5"> Ohio</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> where those deer can go</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">everywhere except that there is a</font> highway<font color="#E5E5E5"> right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there's a hospital</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">over</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> there there's a school over there</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and there's a neighborhood over there</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and there's a factory over here so every</font> habitat has its limitations<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah I had a</font> conversation<font color="#E5E5E5"> with someone about axis</font> deer and<font color="#CCCCCC"> lanai we just got back from</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">lanai awesome overpopulated there it's</font> crazy overpopulated so I said there's two responsible<font color="#CCCCCC"> 20,000 axis deer and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">3,000 people on this island</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and so</font> someone<font color="#E5E5E5"> says to me what's the challenge</font> in<font color="#CCCCCC"> that I'm like oh Christ you never</font> seen an axis so<font color="#E5E5E5"> uppity they are why are</font> what they're what they're most wired species this<font color="#E5E5E5"> side of Bongo</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and I'm gonna</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">say mature kudu these guys can go Bongo</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">is a huge antelope it's actually orange</font> with black and white<font color="#CCCCCC"> stripes from the</font> Central African<font color="#E5E5E5"> Republic and Cameroon</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> so they evolved to get away from the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">lions</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> whereas the axis deer evolved to</font> get away from<font color="#CCCCCC"> Tigers</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yep yeah they're</font> just<font color="#CCCCCC"> anything that lives</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> around cats</font> like mule deer<font color="#CCCCCC"> hi</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> country here just</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">switched on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're looking for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my well</font> Michigan deer because<font color="#CCCCCC"> there's you know</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">so</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> many hundreds</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah they're pressured</font> from<font color="#E5E5E5"> the time</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they're</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but that's the</font> thing<font color="#E5E5E5"> about your place in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Michigan like</font> in Michigan it's very hard to<font color="#E5E5E5"> find a</font> large mature<font color="#E5E5E5"> deer not on our property</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cuz I'm</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> saying we stop shooting young</font> ones and<font color="#E5E5E5"> all the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> neighbors</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> agree just</font> like they did<font color="#E5E5E5"> in Buffalo</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> County</font> Wisconsin which is<font color="#E5E5E5"> all just decisions by</font> contiguous<font color="#CCCCCC"> landowners right to not shoot</font> young bucks because<font color="#E5E5E5"> somebody shot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a 200</font> inch and then went on my farm<font color="#E5E5E5"> so they</font> knew they were there<font color="#E5E5E5"> that's why I was so</font> popular<font color="#E5E5E5"> because deer hunting was not</font> popular<font color="#E5E5E5"> and guys were shooting six or</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">seven</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> year old mammoths</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and so there are</font> hunters<font color="#CCCCCC"> that started deer hunting went</font> well I'm<font color="#E5E5E5"> not shooting that two year old</font> you know<font color="#CCCCCC"> booger buck cuz Joe down the</font> road got a got a massive stag I'm gonna wait<font color="#CCCCCC"> for one of them and by waiting for</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">them they do get older</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and they do have</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that mysticism of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> stagnant is better for</font> the population because of<font color="#E5E5E5"> that guy gets</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to breed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah here to spread those good</font> genetic let's talk about<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to luck</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">blood people go trophy hunting takes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> out</font> the best genes<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah no it does not</font> understand we keep we keep setting records<font color="#CCCCCC"> for deer and moose</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and elk and</font> care and bear and<font color="#E5E5E5"> mountain lion and antelope</font> every year we set world records constantly because our hunting system of being disciplined and waiting for<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> mature animal<font color="#E5E5E5"> our hunting system has</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">produced the healthiest most monstrosity</font> specimens<font color="#E5E5E5"> in the history of</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">record-keeping</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> every year so we're not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hurting anything by being</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> disciplined</font> and patient which I've learned<font color="#CCCCCC"> over the</font> years<font color="#E5E5E5"> and my</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> son is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> very adamant about</font> and so many hunters<font color="#E5E5E5"> are there's a</font> there's a mysticism<font color="#CCCCCC"> to that mature stag</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">sharam</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the breeders of our ancestors</font> were<font color="#CCCCCC"> the best hunters and they did the</font> breeding<font color="#CCCCCC"> because they were more</font> resourceful<font color="#E5E5E5"> and more intelligently</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">connected to the system by which we fed</font> the tribe<font color="#E5E5E5"> so those those killer stag</font> hunters were<font color="#CCCCCC"> always the leader of of</font> tribes and and it's still<font color="#E5E5E5"> that way</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> today</font> I'd like<font color="#CCCCCC"> to think and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> also this pursuit</font> of bow hunting which is more difficult <font color="#E5E5E5">and more rewarding</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because it's more</font> difficult<font color="#CCCCCC"> is many levels more difficult</font> when you're chasing<font color="#E5E5E5"> after a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 200 inch box</font> so<font color="#CCCCCC"> imposters this is</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> six</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> seven</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> year old</font> animal that's been avoiding mountain lions and bears and whatever else is <font color="#E5E5E5">trying to eat</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> years</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> years</font> this<font color="#CCCCCC"> thing is switched on they take very</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">clever paths they let the the dough's</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> the fawns wander</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> over</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> sand they lay</font> back and typically come out around<font color="#E5E5E5"> turn</font> they<font color="#E5E5E5"> come out about midnight and go back</font> to bed<font color="#CCCCCC"> around 1:00 yeah now there is a</font> variance there<font color="#E5E5E5"> in South Texas where age</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">management was created because they they</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">supplement and they got center pivot</font> agriculture down in the deserts of South Texas<font color="#CCCCCC"> and that genetic is a very</font> fortified genetic anyhow<font color="#CCCCCC"> two hundred</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">pound deer are not that rare</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a lot</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> people think all deer in Texas are little but they're not<font color="#E5E5E5"> and if you let</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">them grow which text is pretty much</font> pioneered<font color="#E5E5E5"> those bucks</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in South Texas</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are</font> the easiest deer on the<font color="#CCCCCC"> planet to kill</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">there's a couple</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of dynamics there's</font> just some strange<font color="#E5E5E5"> genetic lineage there</font> that<font color="#CCCCCC"> they're a calmer animal plus</font> they're on<font color="#E5E5E5"> wide open vast private ground</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">which means they don't get the public</font> hordes of pressure and once that buck is a button buck the first year nobody <font color="#CCCCCC">shoots at him</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so he encounters he smells</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that person he sees that person he hears</font> that person no problem second year he little<font color="#E5E5E5"> booger buck he ran</font> into people<font color="#CCCCCC"> nobody brought nobody messed</font> with him<font color="#E5E5E5"> third year he's got a nice</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">little rack</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> he still ran into people no</font> problem there's some corn here is where the wheat field is yeah I smell<font color="#CCCCCC"> that guy but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">three years</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> he's never</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bothered me I'll</font> just keep you<font color="#E5E5E5"> forth your same thing so</font> they've reduced their fear factor of the encounter<font color="#E5E5E5"> with humans</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> because nobody</font> shot at<font color="#E5E5E5"> them because they're not gonna</font> shoot until they're<font color="#CCCCCC"> sick is that natural</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">but right is that wouldn't</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be</font> consider like that's weird<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's almost</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">like this is a pet or a farm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> liner about</font> that I mean<font color="#E5E5E5"> just a relaxed animal that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">was</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not pressured</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we'd not</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just relax</font> but accustomed to humans<font color="#CCCCCC"> yes but they're</font> still elusive you're not gonna walk up to them<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Club them right um though</font> there<font color="#E5E5E5"> are some places down there where</font> they<font color="#E5E5E5"> get so relaxed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that they do hand</font> feed some<font color="#E5E5E5"> of the dough's now they get so</font> relaxed that<font color="#E5E5E5"> seems so strange to me</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well</font> but everybody's got their own<font color="#E5E5E5"> little</font> preference and<font color="#E5E5E5"> I I've never thought</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font> wildlife as pets I just wouldn't own a deer as a pet<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> would you're asking for</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">trouble</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and it's it's not natural but if that's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">what you like I'm have a nice day well</font> you know those farms the deer farms <font color="#E5E5E5">that's one of the primary ideas of the</font> source of CWD right<font color="#E5E5E5"> no they think that a</font> lot of<font color="#CCCCCC"> it comes from deer farm those</font> came from Colorado Department of Wildlife <font color="#CCCCCC">what do you mean 1967 they injected</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Scrappy's which is the Sheep version of</font> the spongiform encephalitis<font color="#CCCCCC"> into the</font> mule<font color="#E5E5E5"> deer in 1967 and they got out</font> that's where it started why did they inject I cannot imagine bureaucrats being assholes<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> suspect and so that</font> some sort of experiment I don't know<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">sku</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> know that sheep were more popular</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font> America than cattle<font color="#CCCCCC"> there were way more</font> sheep and cattle until scrape<font color="#CCCCCC"> e's came</font> in<font color="#E5E5E5"> which is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that that CWD version for</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Sheep mad</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> cow in bovines and</font> creutzfeldt-jakob in humans<font color="#E5E5E5"> and of</font> course<font color="#CCCCCC"> Crutchfield</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Jacob was a result to</font> scientist determined by the<font color="#CCCCCC"> scientist</font> Crutchfield and Jacob that<font color="#CCCCCC"> the Indonesian</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people</font> that got this<font color="#CCCCCC"> this spongiform condition</font> from a mutated<font color="#E5E5E5"> prion because they ate</font> the brains of their conquered<font color="#CCCCCC"> enemies</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">we'd never a good idea so so I'm aware</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> all this stuff but believe me when I</font> tell<font color="#CCCCCC"> you live on the Joe Rogan podcast</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the CWD hysteria is a scam more deer are</font> killed in Michigan<font color="#CCCCCC"> every year by feral</font> dogs then<font color="#E5E5E5"> all the deer ever worldwide by</font> CWD I think the concern though with CWD is that it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> spreading it's not my</font> friend Doug<font color="#E5E5E5"> his farm in Wisconsin</font> they're just starting<font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> test positive</font> for CWD<font color="#E5E5E5"> there's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Yoda you know why</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">because they're looking for it well it's</font> not<font color="#E5E5E5"> just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that they</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> were looking</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for it</font> before<font color="#E5E5E5"> but they think</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that it's come</font> from animals<font color="#E5E5E5"> that get</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> out</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of these high</font> fence farm operations<font color="#E5E5E5"> where they all</font> feed from<font color="#E5E5E5"> the same trough and they</font> spread this from<font color="#E5E5E5"> there I think there's</font> no evidence<font color="#E5E5E5"> to support</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that dr. James</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Croll just have testified</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with me in</font> front<font color="#CCCCCC"> of the Michigan natural resource</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Commission and Department of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Natural</font> Resources<font color="#E5E5E5"> and all the exhaustive studies</font> have concluded that CWD cannot be <font color="#CCCCCC">cross-species you can't get it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> by</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">person can't can't person can't get it</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they they had</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> on macaw monkeys get up</font> but<font color="#E5E5E5"> that's because the injected massive</font> quantities into<font color="#E5E5E5"> the brain of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the macaque</font> monkey otherwise they couldn't get<font color="#CCCCCC"> him</font> but CWD<font color="#CCCCCC"> Wisconsin's spent seventy</font> million<font color="#E5E5E5"> dollars I'm not making</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that</font> number up<font color="#E5E5E5"> Wisconsin spent seventy</font> million dollars<font color="#E5E5E5"> tried to eradicate</font> certain herds which is a<font color="#E5E5E5"> virtual</font> impossibility by the way and even<font color="#E5E5E5"> if you</font> were<font color="#CCCCCC"> successful the the mutated prion</font> they they stay in the ground<font color="#CCCCCC"> typically</font> through urine<font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah and there is a part</font> of plants as well<font color="#E5E5E5"> there was no evidence</font> whatsoever that CWD is ever compromised <font color="#CCCCCC">a servant heard it</font> there's been no reduced seasons even<font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> epicenter the endemic area of</font> Colorado<font color="#E5E5E5"> Wyoming worst</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">where it's the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> most prevalent</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> no seasons</font> have been<font color="#E5E5E5"> reduced no reduced tags no</font> reduced in harvest<font color="#E5E5E5"> it's in consequential</font> it occurs<font color="#E5E5E5"> so rarely</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they've studied the</font> deer for 18 years in Wisconsin and deer that had CWD 18 years collared and monitored<font color="#E5E5E5"> still having fawns they say</font> it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> always fatal it is not always fatal</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">go to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> dr. deer slash Facebook</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> either dr.</font> deer calm<font color="#CCCCCC"> slash Facebook or are you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not</font> worried about<font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> at</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all not what do you</font> think it worried about bureaucrats<font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">have scared away hunters in Wisconsin</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and caused butchers to quit processing</font> deer<font color="#E5E5E5"> because of the manufactured</font> hysteria<font color="#E5E5E5"> CWD is not a concern Buicks</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">kill more deer than CWD it it the</font> bureaucrats go in and slaughter deer by the thousands so if CWD<font color="#CCCCCC"> is killed 58</font> deer in Michigan which has they found<font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> don't think any of them were fatal I think they had to<font color="#E5E5E5"> kill him though they</font> did find one in Jackson County they <font color="#CCCCCC">claim I don't believe him I just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't</font> believe bureaucrats<font color="#E5E5E5"> remember these are</font> the bureaucrats<font color="#CCCCCC"> Jo in Michigan</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">claimed that there were quote 5,000 to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">7,000 Russian boar</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> running wild in</font> Michigan<font color="#E5E5E5"> can we analyze that analyze</font> that claim for<font color="#CCCCCC"> a moment maybe you can</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">tell me Joe what the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> fuck is a Russian</font> boar I'll tell you what a Russian boar is it's a male<font color="#E5E5E5"> Pig in Russia there's no</font> such genus<font color="#E5E5E5"> as a Russian boar it's all</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">white stale bullshit and that was the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">official statement by a game agency in</font> Michigan<font color="#E5E5E5"> lion sons of bitches</font> and then they<font color="#CCCCCC"> claimed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and here's another</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">one</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> so</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> isn't it our moral and spiritual</font> obligation to wisely<font color="#CCCCCC"> use the animals we</font> harvest<font color="#E5E5E5"> isn't it yes in Michigan the</font> farmers can slaughter sandhill cranes which are known<font color="#E5E5E5"> as rib eye in the sky</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right it's supposed to be delicious</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it is farmers and Michigan's can can</font> shoot sandhill cranes but by law are not <font color="#E5E5E5">allowed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> eat them what is this a game</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Department you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can trust</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wait a minute</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">no I will not</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wait</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a minute you</font> heard me right<font color="#E5E5E5"> you're not allowed to eat</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Santa this game Department is gonna</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> try</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">to tell</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> me about wildlife management</font> when they<font color="#CCCCCC"> claimed there were 6,000 or</font> 7,000<font color="#CCCCCC"> russian-born</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> by the way let's say</font> there were 6,000<font color="#E5E5E5"> 5,000 to 7,000 wild</font> pigs in Michigan back when they claimed it<font color="#E5E5E5"> in the 90s you know how many that</font> would<font color="#E5E5E5"> be today show me some game cameras</font> 800,000 deer hunters in Michigan<font color="#E5E5E5"> what is</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">their 1020 thousand game cameras</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's a</font> lie CWD is a lie CWD has killed 58 deer in Michigan so they claim<font color="#E5E5E5"> the DNR's</font> authorized the slaughter<font color="#E5E5E5"> of tens of</font> thousands who's the enemy<font color="#CCCCCC"> of the deer</font> hunter<font color="#E5E5E5"> the bureaucrats are I'm telling</font> you in<font color="#E5E5E5"> Michigan they have lost their</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">souls</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's a heartbreaker I can't</font> understand the rationale<font color="#CCCCCC"> for not</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> eating</font> sandhill crane<font color="#E5E5E5"> there is none but what</font> are they saying when you shoot<font color="#CCCCCC"> them you</font> have to just let<font color="#E5E5E5"> them rot</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> bait you have</font> to bury<font color="#CCCCCC"> so later</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> more shooting them as a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">nuisance animals that the idea even if</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> even if that's that's the idea</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> but</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">here's them here's the truth</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you're the</font> guitar<font color="#CCCCCC"> they don't have tags</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the guitar</font> player will help<font color="#CCCCCC"> okay</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if there's enough</font> sand no cranes for farmers to<font color="#E5E5E5"> shoot open</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the season</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sell licenses</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> create a</font> management<font color="#E5E5E5"> plan and show some decency</font> and respect<font color="#E5E5E5"> and let us</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> eat the rib eye</font> in the sky<font color="#E5E5E5"> you stupid bastards yeah that</font> makes sense<font color="#CCCCCC"> now see I'm confrontational</font> now because I've<font color="#E5E5E5"> been confronted with an</font> offensive criminal law that<font color="#E5E5E5"> forbids us</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to utilize God's precious protein that</font> doesn't<font color="#CCCCCC"> make any no sense</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it doesn't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">make</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> any</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sense that the mourning doves</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">you know the picture of the Dove on</font> millions of boxes of<font color="#E5E5E5"> ammo in Michigan</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's a picture of a dove earnest says</font> game load but the Michigan DNR will say oh no no that's a<font color="#E5E5E5"> songbird you can't</font> shoot him and eat him it's it's Planet of the Apes and<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Cooper's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> new people</font> that don't have<font color="#E5E5E5"> any background</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">whatsoever in wildlife or hunt well but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that they're trained</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> biologists it's</font> different right<font color="#CCCCCC"> and they're influenced</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">by politicians bureaucrats</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> they're liars</font> that question<font color="#CCCCCC"> too wild</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> boy look whatever</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">go to restaurants</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as like wild boar</font> sauce and like <font color="#CCCCCC">as a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> male yeah why are you calling it a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">bore that's right it's wild pig</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's but</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">it sounds sexy yeah with Russian</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> boars</font> we have<font color="#CCCCCC"> 8,000 Russian boys what are they</font> gay yeah they're out<font color="#E5E5E5"> there in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the woods</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">ban each</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> other</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> there's girls thank god</font> they're all males<font color="#CCCCCC"> there</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> maybe that's</font> what happened maybe they did have<font color="#CCCCCC"> 8,000</font> boars<font color="#E5E5E5"> and they're all going where's the</font> fucking<font color="#E5E5E5"> check but how</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can a game</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Department use that kind of terminology</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yeah it's a real problem with</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a straight</font> face<font color="#CCCCCC"> it's a real problem that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> when they</font> when they speak<font color="#CCCCCC"> about it that way you</font> immediately dismiss what they're saying <font color="#E5E5E5">because</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you're not they're not</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> being</font> accurate<font color="#CCCCCC"> they're not being accurate</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> with</font> describing what the animal is and you're inclined<font color="#E5E5E5"> to dismiss anything so you're</font> only allowed to<font color="#E5E5E5"> shoot those sandhill</font> cranes as a<font color="#E5E5E5"> nuisance animal you can't</font> shoot up and<font color="#E5E5E5"> eat them it's unbelievable</font> that's crazy and they're by the way they're everywhere there's plenty of<font color="#E5E5E5"> sandhill</font> cranes<font color="#E5E5E5"> in Michigan to open the season a</font> lot of people go<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> lot have</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you ever</font> talked<font color="#E5E5E5"> to senators and congressmen they</font> go<font color="#CCCCCC"> away you can't you can't shoot</font> sandhill cranes<font color="#CCCCCC"> out when it's a game</font> bird yeah dirtbag <font color="#E5E5E5">you need to cook</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> before oh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah I</font> watched the episode of<font color="#CCCCCC"> Rinella show when</font> they were cooking<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> was like that</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> looks</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">like a thief it's it's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm red animal</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">yeah red meat you know it's just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> tragic</font> in California can't eat mountain lions you<font color="#CCCCCC"> gotta</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> bury him</font> you don't eat<font color="#CCCCCC"> him it's only shot one</font> with<font color="#E5E5E5"> a depredation permit any variant</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that's right</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">wow</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's that's indecent that's why</font> that's why I'm confrontational<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm</font> confronting indecency and trying to get some honesty involved<font color="#E5E5E5"> and you can't do</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it by backing</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> off and being Mitt Romney</font> like and<font color="#E5E5E5"> bring it daily</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to a grenade</font> fight<font color="#CCCCCC"> to Whateley</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I like to bring an</font> a-10 warthog to a poker game<font color="#E5E5E5"> Ted we just</font> did three<font color="#CCCCCC"> hours in like 15 minutes</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">right</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> even warmed up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just flew by</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> right</font> it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> time just flew by</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that's because</font> it's a<font color="#CCCCCC"> lovefest</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of truth logic and</font> common sense<font color="#CCCCCC"> well listen man it's been a</font> pleasure to meet you back at be able to sit down<font color="#E5E5E5"> with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you Megan</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and have a good</font> conversation here my friends were right you do deserve me<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I think it's I</font> think it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> a good opportunity for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to get</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a chance to see you in a</font> long-form conversation rather than<font color="#E5E5E5"> these</font> sound bites they could just choose to <font color="#CCCCCC">hate ya when</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the sound bites are edited</font> and <font color="#CCCCCC">yes and let's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> make it perfectly clear</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> did not avoid the draft<font color="#CCCCCC"> I did nothing</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">oh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> let's go I am NOT raising real quick</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that was an old</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> school story of an</font> interview supposedly that<font color="#E5E5E5"> you should all</font> over yourself in high time and by the way Joe<font color="#E5E5E5"> you know me pretty</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> well in the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">last three hours</font> if I had shit on<font color="#E5E5E5"> myself to get</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> out</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> the draft<font color="#CCCCCC"> do you think for a minute</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I</font> would<font color="#CCCCCC"> deny it I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> would have</font> it was the story's not<font color="#CCCCCC"> about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I went in</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> got my draft physical by the way</font> when I win in 1969 I was Superman<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> literally would<font color="#CCCCCC"> hurtle Volkswagen bugs I</font> was all muscle<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sinew I could I was</font> Superman<font color="#E5E5E5"> I was the most athletic running</font> jumping gazelle known to man and I went in<font color="#E5E5E5"> for my Dryden or anything about</font> Vietnam I didn't know anything about war my dad was a war hero<font color="#CCCCCC"> but nobody talked</font> about<font color="#CCCCCC"> it I never heard of the Bataan</font> Death<font color="#E5E5E5"> March I've graduated from the</font> American education system<font color="#CCCCCC"> so I knew</font> nothing and there was all protests <font color="#E5E5E5">around me but I wasn't ready tuned in to</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> protests because I was making</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> music</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">every day</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I mean</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just obsessed with the</font> Amboy Dukes<font color="#E5E5E5"> and playing gigs every day</font> and I didn't pay attention<font color="#E5E5E5"> I never</font> watched<font color="#E5E5E5"> newscast in my life but I was</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">given a draft notice and I went down I</font> went<font color="#E5E5E5"> down I had my draft physical and I</font> passed<font color="#E5E5E5"> with flying cover colors and I</font> got a draft card in the mail a<font color="#E5E5E5"> couple</font> months<font color="#CCCCCC"> later</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> through my mom and dad's</font> house<font color="#CCCCCC"> and one</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wide but not</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a deferment</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's a designation</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I was in Oakland</font> Community College at<font color="#CCCCCC"> the time so I was</font> why was a student designation I believe but I was<font color="#CCCCCC"> ready</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to rock</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> didn't want to</font> go I didn't understand me but my buddies were going on<font color="#CCCCCC"> John break my singer had</font> to go<font color="#CCCCCC"> Rob Leonard from Amboy Dukes had</font> to go<font color="#E5E5E5"> so the only way you could</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have</font> gone is if you dropped out<font color="#E5E5E5"> of school is</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> what it is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> no it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wasn't a deferment</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">no I wouldn't like I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> would have been</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">called any time so you could have been</font> called<font color="#CCCCCC"> earlier</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just weren't sure and</font> then the<font color="#CCCCCC"> Wikipedia claims I got a 4 F 4</font> F what<font color="#CCCCCC"> is a 4 a 4</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> F it means you're</font> physically incapable<font color="#E5E5E5"> I've never been</font> physically<font color="#CCCCCC"> incapable of anything so they</font> make this shit<font color="#CCCCCC"> up so so I did an</font> interview with<font color="#E5E5E5"> the High Times</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> which by</font> the way<font color="#E5E5E5"> let's</font> clear I've done this so many times<font color="#E5E5E5"> but</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people ignore my actual statements</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so I</font> had<font color="#E5E5E5"> been</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> doing interviews</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all because</font> the Amboy Dukes were on fire<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I was</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">just</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> an outrage</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> onstage with the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">loincloth and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the bow and arrow</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> feedback and these killer songs and the band was so good greatest musicians in the world<font color="#CCCCCC"> so I did</font> interviews all the time talking<font color="#E5E5E5"> about</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> music I loved and they never got</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">anything right these stone dirtbag</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hippie writers got the gas guys than the</font> band's names wrong they got the facility wrong<font color="#E5E5E5"> they mention songs we didn't</font> perform<font color="#E5E5E5"> they got nothing right and</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> every</font> time I'd read the<font color="#CCCCCC"> interview oh</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> god we</font> were talking<font color="#E5E5E5"> about my music</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> you didn't</font> even get the song titles right<font color="#E5E5E5"> so I</font> started having<font color="#E5E5E5"> fun with these</font> interviewers much to the entertainment <font color="#CCCCCC">of my bandmates</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> who would break out in</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">hysterics</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> when I'd make up stories</font> because I'm not<font color="#E5E5E5"> gonna even try to be</font> accurate anymore<font color="#CCCCCC"> it was an ongoing</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">maneuver of mine</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we'd have these hippy</font> writers come in to take notes<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I'd</font> say yeah I<font color="#E5E5E5"> played</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> his Fender</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Stratocaster as I hold up my Gibson</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Birdland which was known for and they'd</font> write down he played<font color="#CCCCCC"> in Gibson</font> Stratocaster there's no such thing<font color="#CCCCCC"> is it</font> gives<font color="#CCCCCC"> the Stratocaster</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">so I was having fun with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> dirtbag anti</font> journalists<font color="#E5E5E5"> so now I'm invited to High</font> Times Magazine and I was hardcore anti-drug so I go<font color="#CCCCCC"> weird</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and this guy is</font> you<font color="#CCCCCC"> know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> in his interviews typically so</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">so tell me about this</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> i Amboy Dukes what</font> is it like a band<font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> mean yeah it's like</font> a band so it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> almost exactly like a</font> band so anyhow he started talking<font color="#E5E5E5"> about</font> when I'm with the mc5 and the Stooges and we would party and I go yeah man I was snorting something I don't know<font color="#E5E5E5"> what</font> it was<font color="#E5E5E5"> man I just got higher than</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a kite</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> he goes wow you think I might have</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">been crystal meth and I went yeah that's</font> what they called it I never snorted<font color="#CCCCCC"> Chris I</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> just made up</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">sighs I just went nuts and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I we went</font> into the war thing and I go I don't <font color="#CCCCCC">anything about war I'm a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm a guitar</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">player but</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I went down for</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my draft</font> physical and when I went into<font color="#E5E5E5"> the booth</font> to<font color="#E5E5E5"> give my urine sample I made sure I</font> eat Mexican<font color="#CCCCCC"> food all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> week so instead of</font> pissin in<font color="#CCCCCC"> the urine Cup I took a big</font> dump in<font color="#E5E5E5"> it was</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> green and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> went all over</font> the<font color="#CCCCCC"> place and the guy</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> went</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Wow really</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> yeah really</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and so I made up this story</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for High</font> Times Magazine you know the great magazine of good information and and then it turned out that<font color="#E5E5E5"> my drummer KJ</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Knight God blessing me to actually</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">admitted this and and testified that</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that's what he did we thought</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it was the</font> funniest<font color="#CCCCCC"> thing in the world</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> were</font> teenagers<font color="#E5E5E5"> and this guy went into the</font> draft physical just an absolute near-death<font color="#CCCCCC"> lump of shit to get out of</font> the draft and<font color="#CCCCCC"> we</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> thought it was funnier</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">in hell we weren't paying attention</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> important<font color="#CCCCCC"> things in life and so the the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Ted hating liberal press started quoting</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the High Times Magazine and quoting an</font> ex-girlfriend who claimed that<font color="#E5E5E5"> I adopted</font> her that<font color="#CCCCCC"> her</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I adopted my girlfriend</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">have you read that one I did read that</font> what I<font color="#E5E5E5"> forgot about it so this kind of</font> stuff<font color="#E5E5E5"> I was like you adopted her so you</font> could take<font color="#E5E5E5"> her on tour with you know so</font> I could<font color="#E5E5E5"> fuck her that's what the story</font> was but that's<font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font> absolutely<font color="#CCCCCC"> no works</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's not don't</font> think it<font color="#E5E5E5"> makes it easier to talk and</font> once<font color="#E5E5E5"> you adopt them</font> I didn't adopt anybody right I never shit my pants since I was I think<font color="#E5E5E5"> eight</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">months old I've never been with an</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">underage girl since I was underage</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I'm</font> not a racist<font color="#E5E5E5"> and what else they</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> said oh</font> and<font color="#CCCCCC"> they same that the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> claim that I made</font> Courtney<font color="#E5E5E5"> Love blow me when she was 12</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I</font> think<font color="#CCCCCC"> she claimed that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I yeah I never</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">met Courtney Love you can tell I don't</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have a rash you just</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> gotta</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be kidding me</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">they just make this shit up because they</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">know I'm so good at bringing my basic</font> conservative agenda forward<font color="#E5E5E5"> that they</font> have to go full Saul Alinsky<font color="#E5E5E5"> and lie and</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">lie and lie and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> if you go to Wikipedia</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">to find out about Ted Nugent they will</font> repeat<font color="#E5E5E5"> these lies</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> their lies when</font> everyone knows<font color="#CCCCCC"> thing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> every one of those</font> things if I had<font color="#CCCCCC"> done</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and I go yeah it</font> was awesome<font color="#CCCCCC"> but I didn't do any of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> those</font> things<font color="#CCCCCC"> anyone can edit Wikipedia the</font> boss very strange you might have edited it<font color="#E5E5E5"> yes so I'm glad</font> we got<font color="#E5E5E5"> that so this thing is just</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">persistent forever obviously</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it's stuck</font> in your<font color="#E5E5E5"> craw</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cuz you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> wanted to bring it</font> up at<font color="#E5E5E5"> the very thick my crotch just it's</font> a fascinating<font color="#E5E5E5"> example of the dishonesty</font> and<font color="#E5E5E5"> the anti journalism</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> agenda driven</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">anti-american anti</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ted anti Second</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Amendment anti-freedom buffoonery they</font> exist<font color="#E5E5E5"> and I think it makes for an</font> interesting podcast<font color="#E5E5E5"> exchange</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I think so</font> it's<font color="#E5E5E5"> not in my craw it's not even in my</font> universe<font color="#CCCCCC"> but I notice it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hysterical</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Ted Nugent ladies and gentlemen there</font> you have it<font color="#E5E5E5"> full up until next week bye</font> everybody [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 2,154,689
Rating: 4.296381 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, podcast, JRE #1138, 1138, Joe Rogan, Ted Nugent, Stranglehold, comedy, comedian, jokes, stand up, funny, mma, UFC, Ultmiate Fighting Championship
Id: -Yp6ZdCIE3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 0sec (12660 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I hope one day I can find someone who loves me as much as Ted Nugent loves Ted Nugent

👍︎︎ 520 👤︎︎ u/brewtality777 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Uh oh he's anti-weed. The only thing Rogan will actually fight him about.

👍︎︎ 275 👤︎︎ u/surgeyou123 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ted nugent carrying a gun in england? I'm sorry I am going to have to see some proof regarding this.

👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/Pantisocracy 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Says he didnt go to college but claimed to get out of the draft because he was in college instead of shitting himself for a week. Wut

👍︎︎ 150 👤︎︎ u/TheRepenstein 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

This guy is obsessed with himself.

👍︎︎ 334 👤︎︎ u/CheeseSteakWithOnion 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

For someone espousing flow, meditation, and zen he sure communicates spastically.

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/scoot87 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

Nugent so pro freedom but doesn't want people smoking a plant.

👍︎︎ 162 👤︎︎ u/AreWeThenYet 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

All his asshole behavior aside, he is horrifically difficult to listen to. It's like your drunk uncle at the BBQ who thinks he is hot shit and tells stories that are way too long about his days as the high school QB.

👍︎︎ 547 👤︎︎ u/SirMaximusPowers 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
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