Joe Rogan Experience #779 - Andrew Dice Clay & Joey Diaz
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Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 2,273,491
Rating: 4.6579037 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, Joey Diaz, Joe ROgan, Andrew Dice Clay, JRE #779, 779, Deathsquad, Freak Party, Dice, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, comedy, comedian, funny, stand up, show
Id: JpmyjdxGZzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 8sec (3728 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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If you just walked into this studio and didnt know who these 2 guests were you would think they were two middle aged retarded gentleman
Am I the only one who absolutely cannot stand Dice? Like I get it, it's a character, but is it really? Just seems like a real un funny douche every single time I listen to him on Rogans podcasts.
deleted What is this?
This was pretty mediocre. 10 minutes of Joey talking all sorts of shit about how he can handle all sorts of edibles. Cut to Joey sitting in quiet paranoia for 45 minutes while Dice tells somewhat interesting/already known stories. Then Joey abruptly ends the podcast more than likely because he's way too high and can't handle it. I'd let it slide but this isn't the first time Joey has smoked or eaten himself to the point of no return and sat in abject silence, save for the heavy breathing into the mic heard throughout.
"Dice, you don't do shows in Texas?"
"I don't believe in it".
Dice is the biggest fucking douchebag alive. I can't believe he was popular at one point. How can people not see through his paper-thin bullshit? He's one of those losers who gave themselves a nickname and are always trying to tell you how cool they are. He talked about himself 99% of this podcast.
I'm surprised Joey sat through an hour of his bullshit. I would've walked out after 10 mins.
Listen to Church #367 @ 56 min mark, and you'll hear the real reason Joey walked out. He didn't have any appointments. He just heard more than enough of this douchebag.
Oh man when I tuned in and saw Diaz eating death stars I thought this was going to be great. This was, in my opinion, one of the worst JRE podcasts I have listened to and I think I have heard them all. This was 1 hour of Joey in outer space, Joe trying so hard to be interested in what Dice is saying, and Dice trying extremely fucking hard to be relevant. He is not. I don't know what I thought of Dice Clay before but now I am never interested in hearing him again. He has nothing left to say.
Man Joey derailed that bitch quick lol he looked like he took too much.