Joe Rogan Experience #811 - Jim Breuer
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Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,028,934
Rating: 4.7633224 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, mma, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, Jim Breuer, Half Baked, Goat Boy, Metal In Me, Songs From the Garage, JRE #811, 811, Joe Rogan, funny, comedy, comedian, stand up, jokes
Id: 29mVxHoX76g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 2sec (9722 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Great episode. Plus, Jamie saying they're close to getting Dave Grohl on the show made me super excited.
I haven't laughed so hard at an episode since the Ice House Chronicles with Joey and Burt with the lucy snorebush story and the machine.
God Jim does great characters. The one with the Colonizing and the Animal noises put me into a laughing fit while I was driving. Hope he comes back sooner then later.
Joe Rogan called my town (New Haven) a shit-hole! Hell yeah thanks Joe.
Easily a highlight episode of the show.
Great episode, Breuer is a legend
I've always wanted Breuer on, 1 hour in and not disappointed. Watching the one with Russell Brand afterward, nervous after seeing everyone say Jim ruined it.
Sorry, I can't stand Breuer. He is like that unfunny friend that just tries to hard to be funny but ends up being annoying as hell.
That life made it an instant classic.So awesome!