Joe Rogan Discusses Steroids with Scientist from MIT

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the Joe Rogan experience with all this martial arts skill later yeah but fader was big phaidor might have like a gut but he's a thick [ __ ] okay gonna fade or ever see young fade are when he was in his prime like back when he fought like Fujita like back when you there's a picture of phaidor standing around with a bunch of kettlebells you ever see that picture nope or else if a Dornan's lifting days I suspect and this is coming for then that's that's one when fader was fairly young up there but that's uh that's not the one I'm talking about you know the one with the kettlebells is that picture up see if you find that picture never a six-pack in sight no no six-pack but I suspect that Fedor might have been on some performance-enhancing substances during his prime you mean like hard training lots of drilling technique so how dare you sir dude he's in pride everybody was on steroids man yeah that's him look at him that's him in his prime that's a big [ __ ] now I do not know if he was on anything but everybody else was I mean literally everybody they they had it in their contract that you will not test for steroids you know ensign anyway he told me that they like essentially encouraged people to take steroids yeah the pride days that's right yeah and it's not like Russians don't have a long history of using performance-enhancing substances you I'm sure you saw that movie hey Chris you see it yep fascinating right it's it's it's fascinating it I mean I don't steroids often feel to me like a bit of a witch-hunt often times you assume people are on steroids I'm a bit of maybe I'm naive or an optimist but I tend to give people the benefit the dow until proven otherwise but a Chris obviously proves yeah throws a monkey wrench of those gears but you know with with fatal right the technique on that the technique to execution the timing the brilliance of elements no doubt no hurt no he was phenomenal yeah I just want if not the greatest heavyweight of all time he's certainly one of them and I don't think steroids would help yes they do to help ya they have that guy in particular yeah they helped everything they helped your training they helped your biddie ability to recover they helped your explosive power they helped your speed they helped everything the but they they also it's not just steroids like a lot of them are on EPO EPO radically in enhances your endurance and they're starting to catch people need they just stripped TJ Dillashaw UFC bantamweight champion for starett before apo or other it's tragic yes it is tragic especially TJ he's a just phenomenal fighter if not I mean certainly top 10 pound for pound and then this is one of those things it comes up and you go oh man it's a legacy killer in this world to kind of reconsider what kind of what should be allowed or not yeah I agree with that that there is an idea of what you should make steroids legal right all right not legal sorry a lot or some kind of supplementation like where's the line when you when you start to talk about the future of martial arts the future sport if you can control the levels so that they're healthy I mean isn't that the reason that they're not allowed is because if abused they become unhealthy they long-term well-being of the person there's look if that was the case we wouldn't allow fighting because fighting is more damaging than steroids for sure for sure getting punched and kicked and [ __ ] kneed in the face and elbowed into unconsciousness that is way worse for you than steroids the root the concern is not for the athlete the concerns for the opponent the idea is that you will be able to inflict punishment that you would not ordinarily be able to inflict you will have more endurance you will have more power you will hurt someone potentially even look there's gonna be a time where someone dies and it mixed martial arts of that and if that's someone who was the the victor who did not die was on steroids it is going to be a huge national tragedy and a massive disaster for the sport for everything if that ever it does have we can only hope at depth it never does but for sure you know it's a it's a very very dangerous game you're playing and when you are martial arts a very dangerous game and when you are enhancing your body with chemicals that are illegal while you're doing that game the real question is though here's my take on it and this is it's one of the most human subjects and that be mean meaning that it's messy humans are messy like there's good and there's bad you know look like abortion is a messy subject it's messy you know whether you have the whether you agree with someone's right to have it or not it is what you're doing is especially as the fetus gets older it's messy you know when it's a complicated discussion it's not a clear it's not like you should drink water you know I mean it's like it's a very complicated discussion steroids are a very complicated discussion you're not allowed to do them but they exist for a reason the reason why they exist is they're really effective they're really effective at enhancing your body but how much of that will we allow we allow creatine we allow supplements in terms of you know there's there's certain things that can slightly elevate your testosterone slightly elevate your growth hormone we allow sauna and ice baths and all these things that have shown to enhance recovery but that's that's too much it's too good they're too effective it's but it's weird it's weird that this thing that we found that makes you better you can't use yeah and so I have to go back a little bit and disagree with you on something so in terms of fighting being dangerous and that's if we want it to fit instead of dangerous for you would forbid fighting I think the main thing you're doing can be dangerous I mean the main thing that we're talking about the sport the the combat event that can be dangerous because that is what we watch to people at the height of their skill ability heart passion putting their life at risk that can be dangerous but the supplementation around it the way to make it to make their training better more effective that can't be dangerous and I thought that can't be named can't to be dangerous so I thought steroids were considered we're sort of band because abuses lead to long-term damage to health now we see steroids is cheating mm-hmm but it was banned initially because it has detrimental effects I don't think that's true it's not no because there's no real evidence that it's detrimental it's not as detrimental as alcohol when you allow people to drink but even a bit even when abused where the body's like there's there's not a lot there like there's a great documentary on it called bigger stronger faster and it's by my friend Chris Bell and when you watch that documentary and you realize like oh well the real negative consequences of taking steroids or that it shuts down your endocrine system so it stops your body's natural production of testosterone and growth hormone and hormones that's the real problem and and for young people that can be very devastating and it can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts and all sorts of really bad things when you testosterone shuts down but as far as like death boy I mean there's people are prescribed pain pills every day of the week and fighters that are on injuries that have been you know that have gotten surgery they were they're prescribed pain pills every day of the week and those pain pills kill people left and right that's just a fact people die of those things all the time much more so than die of steroids so I'm not advocating for the use of steroids I'm just I'm being pretty objective and neutral about this but I'm just looking at it like it is a it's a very messy subject yeah it's very eloquently put but so so your problem in terms of damaging the opponent is if one side takes there wasn't exactly what happens if both the problem is you would require someone do that that maybe someone's a holistic person they don't want to introduce any unnatural exogenous steroids into their body and hormones into their body they want they want everything to be produced by the human body they want to they want to eat healthy food train hard sleep well and compete naturally yeah that's Ct Fletcher here yesterday yes is natural bodybuilding yes bodybuilder powerlifter yeah yeah but that's not required right this is you're not requiring people you're giving them a choice so you know it's an interesting possibility work in moderation you'll be able to allow steroids in future athletics because with an argument that if done in moderation you can actually create healthier athletes yeah that's I mean that's a real argument for the Tour de France the Tour de France they say that you actually are better off and healthier taking steroids yeah and EPO then you are doing it without it because it's so unbelievable ruling on the body yeah I mean those athletes basically some of the best people in the world at suffering yeah long-term suffering it's incredible yeah ultra marathon runners all those guys it's a different sort of thing you know and you know do you think about ultra marathon runners didn't even test them is it like good luck those people have iron wills like huh like Courtney do Walters woman who you know she is ya know she's been in here she's candy just drinks beer eats candy and peanuts doesn't make sense yeah I mean she just got a [ __ ] iron will her will is indomitable and you could take all the steroids you want when you're running for three days that chick is gonna beat you just doesn't know how to quit yeah just has no quitting did you see the podcast with her where she talked about how she fell she couldn't see she was in experiencing I think it was in Tarak Euler hemorrhaging so her eyeballs were bleeding internally something like that where it was impeding her vision she couldn't see I would stop I would stop running no she fell because she couldn't see busted her head open bleeding all down her face keeps running barely barely can see her feet now she's running keeps running I'm glad those people are out there [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: gu1pb5UP3FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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