Joe Rogan - Canada Banned Grizzly Bear Hunting

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but they have a real problem people killing predators and I believe it's the same problem they have with like Cecil the lion and [ __ ] like that they think that you're just doing it to be an [ __ ] and you just want this thing on your wall well I'm gonna head on your wall I do have some contention and you tell me and like like for instance like the grizzly bear issue being shut down in BC no he's a bear grizzly bear hunting maybe you can explain that from yeah I don't understand what's going on yeah so so the government the British Columbia government shutdown british columbia british columbia grizzly bear hunting because they equated it and i guess they're probably correct with trophy hunting right where hunters were killing these animals and just taking the skulls and hides and leaving the flesh behind and and i don't know i've never have i i've grizzly bear hunted NBC wants but i was actually more on a sheep on but yeah just this notion of like like the gentleman that killed Cecil the lion like if you're really going to kill an animal and just take its hide then I've pretty significant issue with that and so like I just hope these hunters that the guys that were hunting the grizzly bears I just I wonder if this was more of a hunter instilled issue then then people are even bringing light into it because if people were killing grizzly bears in British Columbia taking their hides taking their skulls and taking all the flesh I feel like we'd still be grizzly bear hunting in British Columbia I don't know I mean maybe maybe but grizzly bears are another notch up even above black bears in terms of like correct yeah what Rinella calls charismatic megafauna people love those things like that see them yeah and if you don't have to deal with them if you don't like that guy in Anna's Colorado last year that got his head cut open by one if you don't have to deal with them you know they are amazing to look at and we all want them around and of course they're an incredible animal but it's this thing of trophy hunting these what you think of some fat lazy [ __ ] with a rifle that stands on top of a lion you know there's is this image that I found online and I was looking I was like that is that's why people have a problem trophy sauna 5 this fat [ __ ] who should never in a million years without that rifle had have ever the help yeah or the help especially the help right mm-hmm like there's no way he would have got on it there's nobody who got to that position he must have got there in a car you know and then they have this line there and he's perched up on the line like he did some amazing thing yeah and meanwhile that's probably one of those caged lions anyway it is mean yeah they have so many of those high fence hunts where they let these Lions they have them all caged up in a pen they throw cows over the dead cows over the pen over the wall the pen the lines tearing apart and then they pick one and take that one out into the the you know wilderness area which is all fenced in anyway and then they let it loose and the the lion stays in the area because it has no idea what its boundary is what its territory is what other lions are in that area so a lot of times they sit still and they wait for a while before they figure out what their territory is the hunter comes in shoots it stands on it takes a picture I mean you shot a pet if you if you told me he said hey man I went into Tanzania I went into you know the wildest part and back packed in and set up camp and I was there for 40 days and you know I killed killed an eight plains game and I worked with the locals and and and you know I shared meat with these different tribes and and man and we found a pride of lions and there was a giant maned male and there's another sister pride over here and we you know we snuck in and we kill them we hunted him we killed him you know we skinned him out we took his flesh and we went on an honest hunt and we engaged the wild here and we removed an animal wicked I would love to read that book I'd love to see that film I'd love to hear you tell me that story but does anybody eat lions why that's I'm saying that's I'm saying I does anybody I don't know I never even heard of it I've never been in Africa and if and if you're not one then what are we doing I understand killing is so there's there's some right weirdness there too because if you told me if you called me and said hey man I'm gonna pay you a million dollars I want you to come down to my concession I get these offers daily not a million dollars but if you come down will you come down on my concession and shoot a giraffe I'm just making this up but I'm trying to pick a zoo animal right well you come down and shoot a giraffe I'd love to see you come down and film this blah blah and you know the answer is no I had no explain a concession to people to this large areas that most the time fenced in yet a lot of thousands thousands maybe even tens of thousands of acres like you're never going to see the fence we could drive you around in there for a week and you never see this oh it's semi wild yeah the fence thing is very weird right because like their habitat the fence essentially keeps people out yeah protects them from poachers yeah it's not it's not necessarily to trap the animals although the animals can't leave it's to keep the poachers out rights to preserve these areas because people with greed will take they'll kill anything to get a few dollars in the marketplace for for market meat and then certainly to sell a hide to maybe even an even more fat hunter that or person that calls themselves a hunter that wants a lion on their wall that doesn't even want to engage in the process right they'll buy the skin or something that's why there's trade and tire skins and things like this but and so in these concessions and so these you know if you called me and said hey Abel you come down and shoot a giraffe you know I'll pay a million bucks to come down and shoot a draft you know the answer is no I don't want to kill a drop but if you called me and said hey we have restored this habitat in this whole River Delta and lo and behold the giraffes have absolutely taken off and they're very very successful and they're decimating the vegetation here and they're starting to fight each other with great severity and we're finding dead bulls and stuff we need to remove ten animals from this herd will you come down and shoot ten giraffes with me understand absolutely like if I can come down and contribute to the ecology of an area either as a hunter or as somebody that's just removing animals with a high-powered rifle to create some more balance I'm all into it but if I'm gonna pay you $70,000 to get a big mainline so I can have my photo with a big maned lion that I can show my friends be like oh yeah that's when I was in Botswana and that's all I could tell you that story and no interest in it and I think some of that stuff is maybe really poisonous for hunting I think it's very poisonous I think that Cecil the lion story was incredibly poisonous yeah it was one of those stories where it was almost impossible to find any support for the guy who did that thing and you know and it was legal it was I mean you know people say what was a collared lion yeah well you can't really tell like they have giant Mane's even if it was it doesn't mean anything you can shoot colored animals yeah and they're not collared because they're protected it's not like the idea is like you could never shoot it because it's collared yeah and you know it's the it's just not what people you just it's real hard to justify if you're not eating it I mean why why would you want to do it why would you want to go and hunt a lion doesn't make any sense you'd have to be an [ __ ] that guy's not asking himself any questions I'll tell you that right Yeah right why is he doing it because that's what he likes to do and so that's why I wonder like I haven't grizzly bear hunted in British Columbia but I wonder and I'm not I have lots of friends there that our guides and Outfitters and I understand that the meat I've heard it's gross I've heard it's grows too but I mean you know yeah how is it and fantastic
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 411,143
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, grizzly bear, canada, ban, hunting, trophy hunting
Id: Y8GnyMnNrTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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