Joe Talks About Bigfoot and UFO's

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the jurogan experience you know uh les stroud yeah uh so he did that show about survivor man bigfoot yeah but it just went away bro that show i love love yeah love survivor man that show was so [ __ ] dumb yeah he had a guy on the show that is known in the bigfoot world as being full of [ __ ] yeah which is bad like if the bigfoot world's pretty open-minded yeah this is one of the things that i wanted to bring up about that 411 the hunted thing there's audio recording that was supposedly taken from the 1970s from northern california um i wanna say sonoma i don't remember where it was somewhere in northern california but it's called they call them the uh samurai sounds the samurai and it's the weirdest [ __ ] ever man it's like these guys had this spot that they would go into the into the mountains and they would hunt every year and they built the structure out there and then they brought recording equipment and they claimed to have recorded sounds of these animals these bigfoot and that these bigfoot were around them all the time while they were up there now what's crazy about it is the sounds are so weird it sounds like someone pretending to be japanese that doesn't actually speak japanese yeah have you ever heard it no we'll play it for you it's because it's the weirdest [ __ ] it's it sounds so strange and so fake but you know like they have these quote-unquote experts that say the human voice is not capable of making sounds remotely similar to this the range is which doesn't make any sense if you know who michael winslow is yeah right yeah yeah that guy who yeah that guy went on he does a woman peeing when she goes to the bathroom he does everything he does everything he did led zeppelin he played whole lot of love with his mouth and it sounds incredible but um this samurai sound like there's these loud whoops whoops and these guys are like in the foreground you know like the guys who are recording they're trying to communicate with these things they sound so calm i mean if there really was giant [ __ ] eight foot apes out there wandering around like you know two three hundred yards away from you screaming and whooping and talking would you really and you're in the woods would you really be so calm wouldn't you be freaking the [ __ ] out these guys do you have it yeah i'm trying to make sure i find the right thing because i'm stumbling across some traps oh but people are making [ __ ] around the internet i wish i could remember the gentleman's name well i think i have it that's all i'm saying so ronald j morehead and alan berry maybe is that right yes ron moorhead yeah yeah that's it the sierra mountains that's what it is and so um it's the weirdest [ __ ] ever listen just listen to this you're gonna i read what it could be but we'll listen first it could be [ __ ] yeah all aboard stop this is a terrible version of it there's a better version of it where you can hear the guys really clearly the people talking i don't know why that's so scratchy but they're like they're over by the lake like they're talking like that this very strange sound and they're coming calm about it yeah and these you know supposed vocal experts are analyzing it the human body is incapable of making such sounds you know and that area of you got it i don't know it says hd okay we'll hear it here yeah they're knocking that's another thing that sasquatch do they knock that one's weird scoot ahead a little bit and hear the samurai sounds still sounds terrible anyway these people believe that [ __ ] less drought was balls deep in this guy apparently he had an experience and i talked to him about his experiences pretty interesting he was in um not with that guy but he was in alaska and uh apparently he heard some crazy noises like some monkey sounds outside of his in the middle of nowhere no one's ever in there and he said he heard something run away some bipedal sound of something running away but again even though he's an experienced woodsman and he's a guy who's you know camped out countless nights in the middle of nowhere and survives in the middle of nowhere and documents it like he's the reason why those survivor shows exist yeah because that guy literally would starve to death and try to eat like bark and whatever the [ __ ] he could recep you could see his face like sinking in as he was losing weight i mean he really did do that he did all sorts of different things to try to survive and then documented how he was doing it what he would do but he got obsessed with bigfoot and then developed that bigfoot show and unfortunately a lot of people lost a lot of faith in him because of that they're like no you're the legit survivor guy and now you're doing this show and this is why it's ridiculous there was one episode of the show where they had this guy who he was with who had video of the sasquatch like high definition video and it looks so fake yeah it's like he's like the sasquatch is looking at him through the woods and he's like there he is there he is that's a guy with a mascot that's sorry he goes out i'm a sasquatch like okay he just pulled that out yeah it makes the sandwich but this you know the the guy who had the video is known to be like full [ __ ] and here he's got this guy on a show and then he you know is this real you be the judge like yeah i'm gonna say it's not real it's a guy with a [ __ ] mask on i think i did read that that that guy was very not respected yes in that by the bigfoot community yeah you know the bigfoot community again very open-minded yeah he marriages into everything this other thing like they would they would see trees that would fall over like in certain patterns and they were convinced that sasquatch was leaning these trees against each other i thought it was like yeah this is not to let you know where not to go yeah that's they had this idea i mean it's all theory right yeah i think i've been following the wrong guy dude i believe all the stuff that he likes fake i'm like yeah i only watched that less strong one because of that other guy i want it to be real that's the thing i do too if someone had a convincing bigfoot encounter where they caught it on video where i was like holy [ __ ] what is that like what is that or there was something but there's nothing like i you know i've i've talked to a lot of those people when i did this show called joe rogan questions everything for sci-fi and me and duncan trussell actually went camping in the pacific northwest we didn't really camp we pretended to go camping and then we went to a hotel yeah and then we came back the next morning like well rough night of camping yeah yeah but we're out there for days trying to look for sasquatch and talking to people that hunt for sasquatch and the one conclusion that we came to is it's a bunch of unfuckable white dudes like yeah just out there camping it's just but the the desire for it to be real is so strong it's it would change i watched you know like that finding bigfoot show i used to always think because people like why is it on i'm like i don't know man because it's fun to watch and if they find him the world is different now like if they come back with bigfoot everything's different everything's good everything's getting different with the alien thing yeah the fact that they're saying it's that that's like true you're like it's a lot dude that's a lot to take if we get you know i know that they have the videos and stuff that aliens but like if you if we get up straight up start talking to one i mean i don't know what's gonna happen well here's something that came out uh today jamie i'm gonna send you this uh because uh sauger and jetty from uh rising on the hill and i've been going back and forth with this and i i found this today and sent it to him it's um i'll send it to you right now jamie um it says paradigm shifting ufo tech that alters space time is operable u.s navy chief tech officer so it's some story that i didn't bother looking into it because i saw it when i was on my way out the door and i was like what in the [ __ ] is this because there's been all these sightings of these things that move in some weird way paradigm shifting ufo tech there so there's these things that been that move in this weird way that don't show any propulsion system and uh due to censorship please join us on telegram i'm going to say documents obtained by the drive show the revolutionary technology that has capability to alter space-time may actually be operable according to the naval aviation enterprise chief technology officer dr james how do you say that name sheehy poison comparable in quotes what is that i don't know good question reflect on why is technology that has a potential to change the entire human experience for the better always used for the defense purposes and military applications what are the betterments what about the betterment of humanity yeah i don't know um but it's christopher mellon who's that guy who keeps coming up with all this uh ufo tech stuff can you scroll back up please someone's just like writing i was reading through twitter it's like a story it's not really like an article right um twitter feed of christopher mellon the former deputy assistant defense secretary for intelligence from 97 to 2002 doing so i came across an interesting post from the drive regarding documents they received via the freedom of freedom of information act regarding a space-time modification weapon developed by the u.s navy which apparently has already gone through experimental testing this in turn led me to evidence suggesting that other revolutionary type of technology that could no doubt be used to change the world for the better blah blah blah was already operable yeah i don't know but does this is what uh if you pay attention to the ufo world do you pay attention to that [ __ ] at all uh not like actively there's a guy named bob lazar i didn't know that from because you talked to him yeah it was one of the weirdest conversations i've ever had because you're like i mean are you crazy are you full of [ __ ] or is this real yeah because if it is real this thing is a uh special effect created a guy who is a special effect artist remember his name jamie who made this thing for us this gentleman he's got a um design designs by perry designs by perry at instagram and he created this thing and this is like a scale model of what bob lazar supposedly worked on he was hired by the united states military to work at area s4 which is part of the area 51 area 51 site s4 site for was this place where he allegedly worked to back engineer these spaceships and the way these things moved around was exactly how this christopher mellon guy or this article rather that quoted him as describing that they used some sort of gravity space-time bending technology so they didn't use a propulsion system like a rocket shoots flame out the back they bent time in front of them and just would shoot instantaneously to wherever the [ __ ] they wanted to go so you should be like instantly be able to go instantly what's [ __ ] is that there was an instance off of the uh coast of san diego in 2004 where a navy pilot uh by the name of commander david fravor who i've also had on the show experienced this thing that they call the tic tac ufo they tracked it with radar they tracked it with their the camera systems on the on the on the on their plane and they even have the video footage of this thing it went from 80 000 feet above sea level to one in a second wow that's the amount of time that it takes radar to do the blip pip yeah so in that time it traveled 80 000 feet they have no idea how the [ __ ] it did that it shows no propulsion heat signature they took video footage of this thing and it went from there it took off where they couldn't even file with their eye just disappeared to the predetermined destination where they were supposed to coordinate later so it's like it's reading their tracking systems or reading where they were going and the people that worked on the aircraft carrier were telling the fighter pilot like we've been seeing these things over you know we see them like every couple weeks we have no idea what the [ __ ] going on yeah and they they just say well there it is you know what are we gonna do about that yeah yeah i like to picture the like an alien in that tic tac he's like well slow it down dude you're kind of crazy right now like he's having a bad day because he's got to be having just a day whoever's in there some kind of day maybe having a day that's it's a lot to yeah i don't you think it's like a lot to just tell people like if they had to be like to tell like just earth all of us humans on earth to like wrap our head around what would happen i think what do you say if that's all you know like if you are the military and all you know is that something can do these things something can move at the speed you know the new york times had a front page article about that a couple years ago and um but basically they're saying hey you know there are videos of things moving in a way that we don't understand that aren't exhibiting a heat signature that indicates a propulsion system we don't know what it is and this is then the the there's uh the covet 19 bill that just got passed and one of the provisions in the code 19 bill was that they have 60 60 no 180 days to release all the information they have about ufos that's a lot you know but i don't know if they're going to do anything but i think they're going to do that that's funny that's in this yeah we don't have an teen bill yeah like that's a lot of weird [ __ ] was yeah 19 bill like like foreign aid there's a lot of foreign aid to pakistan aid to all these countries it's like people just to get it passed they're like okay i'll we'll say yes but i want you to do a little little favor for me and put this in the bill yeah and there's you know just shows you how greasy politicians are yeah yeah it's kind of crazy yeah yeah but that's allegedly what ufo technology is wow catch new episodes of the joe rogan experience for free only on spotify watch back catalog jre videos on spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on spotify you can listen to the jre in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free spotify is absolutely free you don't have to have a premium account to watch new jre episodes you just need to search for the jre on your spotify app go to spotify now to get this full episode of the joe rogan experience
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 3,510,834
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Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: F16tyG_aqms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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