Joe Dispenza Write It Down: If You Think You Can't Change, You Need To Watch This!

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95% of Who We Are by the age of 35 is programmed is that true I think if we Define a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition The Habit is when you've done something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your conscious mind then it's programmed subconsciously so then when the body knows how to do it better than the conscious mind then for the most part the greatest habit we have to break is the habit of being ourselves right so there's a principle Neuroscience that says that nerve cells that fire together wire together if you keep thinking the same way uh if you keep making the same choices if you keep doing the same things if you keep reproducing the same experiences and feeling the same emotions your biology begins to become hardwired in a sense it becomes programmed hey s Carmichael and I make these videos because I need them from me because I want to wake up every day and watch a video that puts me in a mindset to believe in myself more and go off off and accomplish amazing things and attack the day and I hope that this video does that for you as well so today let's learn how to attract things from the universe with Dr Joe despenza enjoy in order to change uh something to arrive at a new vision of your future if you were wanted to arrive at a new goal or New Vision of your future you'd have to change something about yourself in order to get there and you'd have to change the way you think the way you act and the way you feel when you begin to become conscious of those unconscious thoughts so conscious that you don't let them slip by your awareness unnoticed or unchecked by you if you catch yourself speaking in a limited way or um you you become conscious that you're behaving in a certain way in a habit and you can notice or pay attention to how you're feeling then you're no longer the program now your Consciousness observing the program you're only UNC conscious when you're in the program and so to change then is to become so conscious that you don't don't go unconscious again and in a sense that is consciousness that is really the puppet master that really decides who we want to be I think the biggest problem uh is that people lose their free will uh to a set of programs and so their body is basically um programmed into a predictable future based on what they've done in the past so to change then to change that habituation takes an enormous amount of energy an enormous amount of awareness rule number two is create your personal reality if you're truly in the business of change or creating your life that's a big responsibility right I mean like we we we ran our event I said to the audience okay nobody nobody forced you to come here right you came here on your own you took the risk in coming here by by coming here you also agree that you create your reality that you're responsible for yourself and your life so if something happens to you you can't blame anybody because of that it's your responsibility to take care of you right so then the fundamental question is and I ask myself this all the time at what point do I stop believing that I create my life at what point when things go bad then all of a sudden it's I didn't create that that person is doing it to me right so if we can if we can wire that in our brains right that our reaction and response to an environmental condition is causing us to go back to the past that's what the emotion is the familiar emotion is the past and I'm on the journey and I catch myself doing that if I'm truly in the practice every day and I can cultivate a feeling not not not on the spot then that you you you're not prepared your meditation is the preparation of mind and body for this so I don't get up from my meditation until I'm in love with life I don't I don't create anything that's going to be unlimited until I feel unlimited and in that space and if I'm practicing feeling unlimited every day I'm practicing connecting to the emotions of my future I'm I'm out of the bleachers and I'm on the field if you're in the bleachers and you're trying to not react to people in in circumstances you don't have the practice or the skill set on how to create that emotion because you haven't been practicing creating it and why do we close our eyes and do it because the environment is so seductive why do we sit still and not move because you're going to want to get up and pee and eat and have a cup of coffee and feel so so now you're telling your body hey stay I'm going to feed you yeah you're going to take a shower you're going to get coffee you can play with your c phone you can text you can talk trash you can do anything you want but right now you're not the mind I'm the mind and you're going to sit and stay till I'm done and when I condition you to the emotions of the future and I get a very clear image of who I'm going to be this day and I'm not going to get up until I feel that way I guarantee you you're going to come up against all those unconscious thoughts they're going to come up right there I I want people to I want them to see it I want them to become so familiar with it so conscious if they wouldn't go unconscious they wouldn't let that thought I can't ever slip by their awareness unchecked they've done the work in the beginning of the day they suppress those circuits in the brain and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together you're you're breaking down the old personality and so you say ah you body wants to get up I got to pee I want to have a couple I want to check and you you watch your body want to get up and you go hey hey hey hey hey hey get over here you you get back into this present moment and you every time you do that it's a victory you're executing a will that's greater than an unconscious program and most people lose their free will to a program because they do the same thing today as they did yesterday their body's on autopilot and it's dragging them into the same future habitually based on what they did in the past so now you're sitting there and it's just a little uncomfortable and you want to quit and your body you go no you get over here and you bring it back now some people say I can't meditate but really they're actually doing it right that's a victory too yeah and then you do that and you start watching how you're training your body back into the present moment then it's your body says well you know Louis it's uh this it's 8 8:30 in the morning this is usually when you watch the news and throw a tiate and get angry and I'm and you're sitting here with your eyes closed and you're off schedule so why don't we just get agitated about anything so the body starts trying to create images in your mind so you remember your ex you remember your problems so you could feel that agitation what if you watched your body do that and you said no no no no no I'm not going to give my power away to the past or that person or that circumstance in my life you get that body back in the present moment you lower the volume to that emotion that's a victory you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind now that kind of work is tedious in the beginning but I watch people because when I have them do that it starts stretching their boundaries the known self that little box starts to move into the unknown and they survive and all of a sudden they're more relaxed in the present moment the unknown and they start feeling more satisfied so now they're more ready to create so the preparation for the day is to remind yourself of who you no longer want to be to know thyself to become so familiar with the word meditation means to become familiar with so conscious of your unconscious programs you're not going to go unconscious why because you did you did battle today with that personality that's creating the same personal reality and if your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and you want to create a new personal reality then you got to change your personality and that's going to mean then you're going to become so conscious of those unconscious programs that you're no longer the program you're the Consciousness observing the program disentangling from that is not easy that's why most people won't do it that's why they get on their cell phone and say let me just create a dopamine by just seeing if I got a text from somebody I like know your phone's over there and you're no longer regulating with something outside of you this is this is game time so then if you said what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain H with my attention and my intention rule number three is be present people can create all kinds of wealth and they can create all kinds of abundance they can have the cars the homes and everything but if they can't be present right to enjoy them I sat with billionaires and they've looked me in the eye and said we're all miserable here we're all miserable and and and and and so then at what point do you have to wait uh to change does it have to be that lowest point or or or can you learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration instead of instead of pain and suffering and that that becomes the art right so then to change then is is to be greater than the habituations the drives and the emotions that have been conditioned in the body to change is to be greater than the conditions in our environment that every person every object everything in our life has a neurological Network associated with them they're known because we've experienced them and we have an emotion associate with them so you if you're not being defined by a vision of the future you're left with the memories of the past and you see your ex and you're going to see your ex through the memory of your past neurologically and it's going to elicit an emotional response and you're thinking and feeling equal to your environment your life's not going to change so then the next question is how could I overcome that condition that with my ex can I actually forgive could I actually open my heart can I actually the reason we do this is because the stronger the emotion we feel towards someone or something in our life the more we pay attention to them and where we place our attention is where we place our energy and so then we're giving our power away to that person or circumstance that's vital life force you could use to change the person who's sitting in the meditation and they want to quit this is they're thinking they're doing their meditation wrong I want to tell you you're doing it right that's the defining moment right and you lower the volume to that emotion I guarantee you'll take your attention off that person and sooner or later when the body finally settles down and you get Beyond it you're going to take your power back and that's building your own electromagnetic field now you have energy to heal now you have energy toate we measured this now you have energy for for creation right let's demystify the present moment okay people wake up in the morning and they they think about their problems and those problems are memories that are etched in their brain that are connected to certain people and objects at certain times and places the moment they wake up in the morning and they start thinking of their problems or thinking in the past okay now every one of those problems has an emotion associated with it so when they feel unhappy when they feel bitter when they feel fearful now they're bodies in the past thoughts are the language of the brain feelings are the language of the body thought and a feeling image and emotion stimulus and response you're conditioning the body to be the mind of that emotion subconsciously now the body is believing it's living in the same past experience 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year why because the body is so objective it doesn't know the difference between the real life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that person is creating by thought alone so important the body doesn't know the difference and so what would the environment signals the gene that's epigenetics the end product from an experience in the environment is an emotion the person's signaling the same genes in the same way and genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of your body and the expression of proteins is the expression of life and now the person is actually headed for a genetic Destiny and when people labor for the present moment and they take their attention off of their body off of all the people in their life all of the objects they own their cell phone their computer their car their house they're no longer identifying with where they're sitting where they need to be where they live where they've lived in the past where they need to go and they're not thinking about the predictable future The Familiar past they're dissociating from everything physical and material everything known that is the exact moment we call getting Beyond yourself okay now when we're in that place then at the beginning it's uncomfortable because we're survival is the unknown you better chances of survival and running from the unknown but that unknown is the perfect place to create from so in the process no different than any rehab in our first two days of our event really people are they're basically they're basically rehabbing from their emotional states and their habits and they're sitting in the presence of that discomfort right and the discomfort is because the body is leaving the known but but but the body has been conditioned to be the mind the moment you take it outside of its familiar territory it's going to start telling you Ed why don't you quit you know you're not really good at this you know you're more of a physical person you really want to do this you're not very this or very that and most people just get up when they do the meditation they believe that thought as if it's true now the question is what's on the other side of that thought can you sit there long enough till that's no longer the thought you accept believe and surrender to well then wow the next question other side of that thought what is the other what's on the other side of that familiar emotion can I sit and work with my body and settle it down stay you stay I'm going to feed you you're not going to die from this your bladder's not going to explode you're not going to go crazy and you work with catching those thoughts it's called metacognition if you're in that 95% of programming where you're unconscious then the first step to change is becoming conscious of your unconscious thoughts so conscious that you would never go unconscious or let that thought slip by you unnoticed I want to understand so you're saying the awareness of the thought being conscious of the thought has it somehow lose its power over you exactly exactly because just because you have a thought doesn't mean it's true and if you're left alone to yourself you'll start believing every thought you think yeah and that's the problem so then the majority of people's thoughts then are based on what they perceive about themselves from their past or their life right and if you catch yourself complaining and blaming and making excuses and judging someone else and you say I want to be a happy person well a happy person would never do that would make them unhappy if you notice that you've been feeling guilty for the last 20 years you didn't know it was guilt cuz it just felt like you and you want to feel Joy well if you can feel Joy it should tell us volumes about what you've been practicing doing right so then most people give up because they they they don't know that there's anything on the other side of it so then the next question is what thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain well and with attention with and with intention if you keep practicing firing iring those thoughts you start installing Hardware do it enough times and it becomes like a software program and now that's the new voice you programm your head that said I can do this I believe in myself and you've created to an extent a new personality which can create a new personal reality now here we go so then the next question is how am I going to behave with my kids today how am I going to be with my wife how am I going to be with my partner how I going to be at work how am I going to be on my zoom calls how am I going to be by myself how am I going to what what what does greatness look like what does what would love do today now it turns out that if you close your eyes and you start imagining doing that if you rehearse how you're going to be in those certain situations the evidence without a doubt shows that your brain will start to look like through the mental rehearsal of the act that you've already done it now you've installed the hardware keep doing it it becomes a software program and you'll start acting like a happy person no magic there if you don't have the circuits you can't do it so the rehearsal then is actually changing the brain just by thinking differently the brain looks like the experience has already happened now you have Hardware to use do it enough times you get good at it becomes more automatic now here's the hard part can I teach my body emotionally what my future will feel like before it happens now this is really important because there's a pandemic going on in the world that has nothing to do with a virus it has everything to do with people's attention span and learning people need a rush of dopamine in order to catch their attention or a rush of adrenaline to learn and so that they're they're dependent on their outer environment to regulate their emotional state now this is different now now I'm going to say to you get in that beautiful heart of yours and I want you to feel gratitude for the event before it occurs well I can't feel it because it hasn't happened yet yeah that's the conditioning that's the hypnosis also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet design specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number four is practice meditation we teach meditation three ways to become familiar with your old self and to become familiar with your new self that's what the word meditation means familiarization to become familiar with so we use that model for change so slow your brain waves down and get beyond your analytical mind is meditation and you teach your body how to do that and we've discovered a formula that that simply makes it very easy for people to do it you practice it you'll get good at it just like anything else practice so so to get beyond the analytical mind there's another way to reprogram ourselves and then meditation is really about getting beyond your body or disconnecting from your body disconnecting from your environment and forgetting about time and that is that eye of the needle where we begin to make the most significant changes so we're data driven you know we're really looking to see what it is and and when we see uh brains respond in the same way it helps me enormously to teach the material better and so the more people understand what they're doing and the more they understand why they're doing it the more naturally the how becomes easier and nothing is left to conjecture if nothing is left to Superstition or Dogma even in spiritual you know traditional words you science says the Contemporary language to demystify that process you you give new people numerous times to overcome themselves and numerous times that connect sooner or later you'll start watching transformation right before your eyes and so one of the cool things that we've discovered is that we have so much compelling data to suggest that you're greater than you think more powerful than you no more unlimited than you could ever dream we have compelling data that suggest that your nervous system is the greatest pharmacist in the world that it makes drugs that work better than any drug in a drugstore drug study is about 18 to 25% cause and effect causality our data is between 75 and 85% cause and effect this is a person creating their own Pharmacy of anti-inflammatories their own Pharmacy of anti-carcinogenic chemicals their own Pharmacy of uh pain relievers who we're seeing this over and over again so we have this incredible data that says that this is no longer pseudoscience this is the real this is really science the science effect of a person's transformation is has changed my belief in what's possible I have seen people stand on the stage with stage four cancers that were in every single organ in their body that metastasize and and they have no sign of cancer in their body and we have data that suggests that you put the blood of an advanced meditator and an uterine cancer cell a pancreatic cancer cell 70% of the mitochondrial function in the cancer cell is diminished the mitochondria is the energy packets of the cell it's taking energy out of the cancer cell works perfect with what we're seeing with uh uh the testimonials uh that that people are telling around the world we've seen blind people see we've seen deaf people here we've seen uh people with spinal cord injuries walk again we've seen um ALS change we've seen all kinds of unbelievable health conditions change by a person simply changing the way they think the way they act and the way they feel rule number five is set a Clear Vision if I was to take off my coaching hat and put it on you Dr Joe and you gave people one assignment to take action on today what would it be well I think it probably the first thing I would have people do is to really decide what they want in their life I mean that's the first step decide what what your future could look like and and get clear on what that vision is and write down the specific of what you want in your life whether it's with your family or your career or with a relationship or whatever it is and and get get clear on what that vision is of yourself in the future and then write down the emotions of how you'll feel when it happens will you be joyful will you be enthusiastic will you be filled with energy will you love your life and and be in a state of grat a constant state of gratitude and now you have a clear intention and elevated emotion and every morning morning when you start your day before you open your eyes and reach for your cell phone and check your WhatsApp and your text and your Facebook and your Twitter and your Instagram and your LinkedIn and your emails before you plug yourself back into your same familiar World sit there and get very clear on what that future will be like and begin to emotionally embrace it before it happens and if you do that properly you're moving into a new state of being and then at certain points in your day just break and ask yourself how you're doing how am I doing am I doing well am I losing it am I falling from grace and uh then recalibrate and and at the end of your day ask yourself how you did and and if you keep changing your state of being over and over again your state of being is your personality and your personality creates your personal reality and when you start seeing those changes in your life and those synchronicities the energy and the excitement of the surprise of that event is going to inspire you to create again and I think that's how we move from victims in our lives to creators of our lives and rule number six the last one before some very special bonus Clips is change your thinking if you think that your thoughts have something to do with your future just from a theoretical standpoint that your thoughts Create Your Destiny and you think 60 to 70,000 thoughts in one day and 90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before well then your life isn't going to change very much as long as you're thinking the same way and those those same thoughts lead to the same choices the same choices lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors create the exact same experiences and we anticipate the same feelings or emotions from those experiences and those emotions are the payoff that drive our very same thoughts while our biology our neuros circuitry neurochemistry our hormones and even our gene expression will be equal to how we think how we act and how we feel and how we think how we act and how we feel is called our personality and our personality creates our personal reality that's it so the present personality who's listening to this show has created the present personal reality called her life so if you can latch on to this idea if you want to create a new life a new personal reality you got to change your personality which means you better start thinking about what you've been thinking about and changing it you begin to become conscious of your unconscious actions or habits or behaviors and modify them and then we have to begin to look at the emotions that we live by every single day that'll keep us connected to the past and decide do these emotions belong in our future so most people are trying to create a new personal reality as the same personality and it doesn't work you literally have to become someone else so the principle of Neuroscience says that nerve cells that fire together wire together you keep thinking the same way making the same choices demonstrating the same habits creating the same experiences that stamp the same networks of neurons into the same patterns all for the familiar feeling called you and you do that for 10 years on end you're going to begin to hardwire certain patterns in your brain that becomes your identity and by the time we're 35 years old it kind of becomes fixed right then psychology used to say that you can't change that but we now know that you can so then that kind of box in the brain that is the habit of ourselves it's a uh we're 95% of the time running a series of programs so then sitting and doing the work have we have to become disentangled from those programs and so the moment you decide to do something differently or make a new Choice what most people don't want to face is that discomfort and that that discomfort that that uncertainty that lack of predictability the that that that unknown is what people are afraid of cuz they'd rather live in guilt at least can predict who they're going to be then take a chance and possibility so when a person begins to understand this and you say well how long have you been this way and they say I've been like this for 35 years and you say why 35 years because 35 years ago I had this one event well the stronger the emotion you feel from the reaction from that event the more altered you feel inside of you the more the brain Narrows its focus and freezes the image and takes a snapshot and that's called a memory right so so then forget the memory just overcome the emotion cuz it's the emotion that keeps you anchored to the past so that sounds really good theoretically but when you step out into that unknown into that void the body really is in a habit and when a habit is when the body becomes the mind or if you're thinking about that past event and it's producing an emotion well you need an image and a feeling to start the conditioning process so the body body is either conditioned into the familiar past or it's hardwired in the predictable future cuz it wakes up every single day and runs through the same series of routine actions so the present moment then becomes the unknown when people start feeling that discomfort Jay they'd rather get on their cell phone and call someone or get up and say I can't meditate or you know I I have too much to do they excuse themselves they return back into that familiar feeling because the body's actually telling the brain the happen is when the body becomes the mind so the body stepping out into the unknown and says ooh I'd rather feel guilty I'd rather feel unhappy than be in this discomfort so then at least then when they return back to that familiar feeling then they feel safe so they step out in the unknown and the body starts influencing the mind saying you can start tomorrow you're too busy it's your mother's fault you know it's your culture's fault and I don't have enough money this isn't going to work those are the programs in there that are standing in the way between you and your future so then nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together so the act of observing those states of Mind and Body means you're no longer the program you're the Consciousness observing that program so so then to meditate it means to become familiar with so as you become familiar with those thoughts you become conscious of how you speak you become aware of how you act you know notice how you're feeling the more conscious you become of those unconscious programs the less unconscious you'll go in your waking day why cuz it's not enough to just have a great meditation and get up and get on the freeway and get in traffic and getting stressed you just return back to the old self again our job then is to sustain that modified State of Mind and Body the entire day and if you can get ready because something different or unusual is going to begin to happen in your life and it will come as a coincidence or a synchronicity and that's breadcrumbs from the Divine saying you're on the path just keep doing it there'll be another one just keep staying in that energy and so teaching people then to understand that there's a formula that we now know that if you apply that formula you'll begin to see those changes and now as people are doing it more and more uh effectively the results are are going up as well we just had Bond University they just took a whole bunch of my brain scans from 10 years ago huge clinical study lot of analysis and and they're Blown Away by the speed in which uh the community can change brain heart coherence they they know how to do it it's not uh something that's that's separate from them they've practiced it enough times that they they now know how to do it so what's the significance of that well really simple in your life if you start returning back to the same reactions to the same people and circumstances you're returning back to the old self so you got to stay conscious in your life and and if you're not being defined by a vision of the future then you're left with the memories of the past and you will be predictable in your life so Crossing that River of change from the old self to the new self there's a neurological a biological a chemical a hormonal a genetic death of the old self but if you teach people there's something on the other side they won't give up on themselves they'll keep going so there's enough evidence to encourage people and you can't tell me you're too old to do this work you can't tell me you're too sick to do this work you can't tell me you had a turbulent past or or that you're too overweight or too underweight or too out of shape or you can't even tell me that you've never meditated before in fact some of our greatest scans are people who just have never meditated before that are not trying to do anything they just follow instructions so our community now is beginning to understand that it is possible and they go all in not 50% in not 60% in if we do a weeklong event we got 1,000 people or, 1500 people and they are all in and that when they start getting Beyond themselves that first day or second day once they start getting Beyond themselves and that magic starts to happen then I have no idea I can't predict what's going to happen next and it's usually pretty pretty exciting broadening your awareness starts to create brain coherence and when the brain starts functioning in a more orderly and coherent way and it begins to synchronize and those different compartments of the brain start working together there comes a moment where the two hemispheres of the brain start to synchronize into balance and the union of polarity the union of opposites the union of Duality is called wholeness and now we are creating from wholeness instead of from lack or separation and this is where it gets exciting because when a person does this properly and they can practice it our research shows that people can change their brain waves in 1 second in 4 seconds in 5 seconds in 12 seconds and 13 seconds and 19 seconds why because they understand the process of getting Beyond themselves so why is that important for you because up until this point whether you know it or not you have be the process of practicing brain coherence the first part of the formula and so when you open up your awareness in your next meditation I'm going to ask you as if you had no eyes no ears no body to feel to smell to taste as if you were just an awareness I'm going to ask you to sense this Blackness and I'm going to ask you to sense its depth I'm going to say how far can your awareness go into endless space and all I want you to do is sense its infinite depth I'm going to ask you to become aware that there's infinite Blackness on both sides of you and all I want you to do is broaden your focus and to sense it to feel it to stay connected to it and the act of opening your awareness in sensing space slows your brain waves down I'm going to ask you to become aware that there's Infinite Space behind you and the act of sensing that Infinite Space behind you causes your brain to start to fire more orderly we've measured this thousands of times and as if you were just an awareness in that Blackness I'm going to say to you now it's time to become nobody no one no thing nowhere and no time and take your attention off of everything known into to invest it into the unknown and like investing into a bank account the longer you linger in the unknown the more you create possibilities in your life and if you find your mind returning to your body to your pain to your drives to your emotions to your habits to thinking about certain people or objects or places or things in your known predictable reality to thinking about the familiar past or the eventual future simply become aware that your attention is on the known investing back into this three-dimensional reality stop relax return back to the present moment and unfold back into possibility into the Blackness you say that we have to master the concept of the present moment what does that mean well there's so much talk about the present moment and being present in the power of now but um most people um they spend the majority of their life uh 95% of the time either living by some past emotion or some past habit or anticipating the future based on the past and so we're very rarely in the present moment and and paying attention is being present and it's a skill just like anything else the more you practice it the better you get at it so think about it feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences and you can remember experiences better because you can remember how they feel if you wake up in the morning and you have to search for The Familiar feeling called you every morning and and that feeling is unhappiness or frustration or lack or insecurity or fear the moment you get in touch with that emotion you're starting your day from the past because the emotion is a record of the past now if that emotion is connected to memories that are mapped neurologically in your brain of certain people at certain places at certain times with certain things then the moment you feel that emotion you associate that emotion with the past memory then you're activating circuits in your brain from the past so of how you think and how you feel creates your state of being and thoughts of the vocabulary of the brain and feelings are the vocabulary of your body then your entire state of being is in the past and most people are living in the past so their body is their unconscious mind and it doesn't know the difference between an experence exp erience in their life that creates an emotion and an emotion that they're creating by thought alone to the body it's exactly the same so those emotions start driving people's thoughts and if they can't think greater than how they feel and feelings have become the means of thinking and they believe that their thoughts have something to do with their Destiny than they're thinking in the past so they're creating more of the same life and by the same means if they wake up in the morning and they come back to their senses and they start out with the same routine that they did yesterday and they're going through a series of routine habits of going to the toilet making coffee eating breakfast taking a shower driving the work the same way then we could say for the most part a person's future is nothing more than a replication of the past and they're not in the present moment and if they keep doing that over and over again that becomes a habit and a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's a acquired through frequent repetition The Habit is when you've done something so many times the body has become the mind so for most people their body is dragging them into a predictable future and they're on autopilot based on what they've done in the past and they've lost their free will to a program I think anybody who is alive right now who is engaged in life has noticed a quickening uh taking place in other words every body feels like more things are happening in a shorter amount of time so there's an acceleration and time is a construct in our mind there's no circuitry there's no Hardware in our brain to be able to understand time it's a construct based on our past and how we predict the future but information is so readily available in our world right now that in an age of information ignorance is a choice so you don't need an authority to gain information any longer you don't need a priest you don't need a governor you don't need a doctor you don't need a teacher you can access information at your fingertips so then as you begin to discern the information with discernment the proper and right information you begin to develop some type of empowerment because all of a sudden you're seeing possibilities that you never saw before without that information so you wake up you become more aware so the knowledge creates awareness awareness creates Consciousness Consciousness and energy are connected so there's a change in energy globally going on with the world now that that that knowledge and that change of energy has effects on paradigms that are no longer a vibrational match with that new level of Consciousness so you see a political systems unraveling you see economics economic systems unraveling they're unsp spiring they're unraveling they can't sustain themselves with this new energy you see journalism the environment education religion uh uh medicine it's all unraveling because something greater has to come as a result of a change in Consciousness now no victims here because when you and I negoti iated from a soul level to be here at this time this is the time we've been waiting for this is this is where it's happening in the Milky Way this is it's happening here because there's a true um Coming of a new Consciousness it's not one person that's coming it's a group it's a collective Consciousness that's emerging and emergence is uh one mind one heart and the way you control people is you give them misinformation based on emotions you control people by controlling their emotions and media and television and advertisement is a great seduction that people can watch a the news and get really angry then change the channel and watch a football game and get very excited then change the channel and uh watch a Sit calm and laugh and change the channel and watch a drama and and you can change your emotional state because of technology so then it means then most people are relying consciously or subconsciously on things outside of them to make them feel a certain way and so my interest is to provide the proper content of information scientifically to people so that they reason that this is actually possible then to give them the opportunity to experience that philosophy and get their behaviors to match their intentions as many ways as I can now if I do that properly people are going to have new experiences the experiences are going to change the circuitry in their brain learning makes connections but experience enriches connections the end product of an experience is an emotion so when you start feeling worthy when you start feeling a love for yourself when you start feeling A Love For Life when you start feeling truly grateful the moment you feel that emotion you're teaching your body to understand what your mind is understood and living in stress is when your response to the environment causes you to activate the autonomic nervous system and when you activate that autonomic nervous system a branch of it called the sympathetic nervous system the figh ORF flight nervous system is mobilizing all of the body's energy all of the body's resources for some danger in the outer environment are you with me still and it mobilizes all this energy to prepare the body to do one of three things to fight to run or to freeze and hide and so the mobilization and tapping all of the body's resources causes the heart to race respiratory rate to increase pupils to dilate digestive juices to shut down blood sent to the extremities the immune system dials up then dials down we mobilize all this glucose to have the energy to be able to run fight or hide now in the short term that works really well all organisms in nature can tolerate short-term stress the human beings were a little bit more complex sometimes it's not the Predator that we're afraid of it's the person sitting next to us at work sometimes it's the news sometimes it's a reaction to someone or something and the constant knocking the brain and body out of balance causes that inbalance to become a new balance and now the person is headed for some type of breakdown some type of disease because no organism can live in that state emergency state for an extended period of time let's just say that lack is ingrained in there you got the story you lived on the streets you lost everything you got betrayed your business partner took everything took your wife took you got the story in the half okay okay you got to start telling a new story of the future right you got to believe in that future more than you have to believe in the past so how do you do that you only believe in the past when you feel the emotions of the past the only time you're going to believe in the future is when you feel the emotions in the future right okay so in order for us to change a belief or perception about our s and our lives we have to make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that's greater than the hardwired programs in your brain and the emotional conditioning in your body and your body literally has to respond to your mind that the choice that you're making to change in that moment becomes a moment in time that you never forget and here's the key physically physically the stronger the emotion you feel when you make that choice the more you remember the decision okay so then how do we downregulate that old belief if the trauma created an emotional quotient of six or seven then your decision to change your beliefs got to be a nine right and you got to come out of your resting state and that moment has to Define you you could say I know exactly where I was the time of day it was who I was with when I made my mind up to change right cuz you created a long-term memory long-term memories are created from strong emotions right but the amplitude of that emotion is greater than the Betrayal Boom the body starts responding to the mind and you're actually giving your body a taste of the future emotionally so you brand your impossible no your body is actually getting the taste of that future event it's experiencing the future now now exactly big explosion on the quantum field big explosion so the side effect of that is if you combine that clear intention with that elevated emotion you're basically remembering your future and it looks no different than remembering your past think neurologically within the circuits of that memory and feel within the emotions of that new belief and watch your life begin to change because nothing changes in our life that we change and when we change our energy we change our life so now the experiment all of a sudden is no longer based on it being hard or trying or wishing or wanting or hoping that's what we do when we're lacking we're in lack of Separation it's about change so then when we finally realize in order for us to become abundant we have to overcome the old personality and that's 95% of who we are right yes so then the side effect of the beginning of this process is a lot of dis discomfort it is a lot of discomfort because you're stepping outside the known into the unknown and now you can't predict scary no no you ra you'd rather hold on to your lack the pain suffering rather tell the story of that at least it makes you feel something that's familiar when you step outside and you're saying I'm not going to complain about money any longer I'm not going to complain about I don't have any I'm not going to judge other people who do I'm not going to say I can I'm not worthy it's never going to work all those things got to go I'm not going to feel lack I'm not going to feel unworthy I'm not going to feel separation I'm not going to your resentment these are the things that are keeping my reality the same now it's no longer about abundance about who you become mhm so the overcoming process becomes the becoming process and so many people come through this work they want abundance they want healing they want a new relationship they want a new career they want the mystical but really they want wholeness and and they want healing they want peace they want wholeness cuz they feel unho well well when you're in lack or you're in separation you're not whole imagine feeling so much wholeness that's impossible to want that's what our that's what we're working on with people then you can really enjoy a sunset then you can really enjoy a meal then you can really enjoy your friends then you can I I I I talk to people that are very abundant I mean in the billions abundant and you know so many of them say we are in misery our we're in agony because they can't enjoy life anymore that's what they want I mean people want abundance to be able to enjoy life they want to be able to do whatever they want with whoever they want as many times as they want wherever they want that's Freedom right we want abundance the sponsoring thought is really they want freedom right or whatever their sponsoring thought would be right I think there are many modalities that work for trauma what I've discovered is that Insight never really changes Behavior you can see that your father was overbearing or was an alcoholic or you could see all these different things you know like you come up with the Insight all these different things the problem that I see with people is then they tend to excuse their change by saying oh I had a rough childhood that's why I am the way I am they're excusing their pre present position so and again trauma is a difficult thing but for me the person who's living by the identity in their life that they were traumatized as a child or whatever it is or they've had a trauma in their life I'm not saying forget the trauma and create another emotion I'm saying that the person who's willing to go through the emotion and keep working on lowering the volume to it the the we have had so many people in this work with brutal pasts really really difficult pasts do the work and finally they reach that point where they just break free from the emot otion they look back and I have interviewed enough of them it's the same thing they look back at their entire past and they don't want to change one thing in their past cuz it brought them to this elegant moment where they're liberated they see their betrayers they see their abusers they have nothing but love for them now the side effect of that and many times they'll say it was like my heart blew wide open they had to pass through the valley of the shadow of Darkness to get there they just thought I I don't know if I can go any further and they went one more time and the body literally was liberated from the past right because the trauma is not just in the brain the trauma St emotionally in the body so you want to take the body out of the past out of the known what do you think the body is going to say if it's been conditioned to be the mind the unknown is a scary place you step out into the unknown you're going to be unprepared for that trauma you don't know how it's going to happen and so the person keeps clinging to the known and but when the person finally overcomes the emotion the body literally is freed from the chains of the past the side effect of that is seeing the past from a greater level of Consciousness lo and behold there goes the Suicidal Tendencies there goes the dysfunction there goes the irritable bowel syndrome that because the body was still living in that past event by Liv by the same emotion so the research on memory is kind of fascinating and I just I've studied it enough and and and the way we recount the past is not the way it happened even if you absolutely think you remember it being that way so we don't have the same brain as we did when we were 8 years old or 12 years old or 20 years old we have a different brain we have a completely different brain so the fabrication of the story for many people they embellish the story and make it seem even worse than what it was but you're really what you're saying is I changed in those moments and from a biological standpoint I haven't been able to change since so let me tell you why it's been so hard for me to change and the story becomes dramatized or embellished the person Works them up fire themselves into this emotional froth and then fires and wires the same circuits in the brain and they're actually reaffirming their limitation now there 's nothing wrong with that I think we're just taking too long right so 50% of that story isn't even the truth it means in a sense we're we living a miserable life that we never even had and we don't want but but the but the the unknown people would rather cling to their suffering this is not a judgment we all do this we'd rather stay in the known then take a chance in the unknown because those emotions of survival are saying what run from the unknown the unknown is a scary place so now the unknown you got to come up against that moment where you're going to actually leave that behind and step into the unknown this is not a intellectual process this is this is David and Goliath there's a battle going on where the body keeps wanting to go back to its familiar State cuz it's subconsciously been conditioned to be the Mind stay in the known to overcome the body takes a will that's greater than the program to to no longer get up and run through the same routine that you do every day and your body wants in the middle of meditation saying quit I'm too tired you got too many texts you got too many emails you got too many things to do the body's been programmed to get up and go and you and you say wait wait wait wait wait a second here we're not going anywhere until I get clear on who I want to be today and every time you execute that will that's greater than the program people say oh I'm I can't meditate actually you're doing it right actually that's why it's hard because it you're actually that is the process right there there's no such thing as a bad meditation what you're doing is actually exactly what you need to do and every time you do that you become conscious that you go unconscious that's how you actually develop the skill of Consciousness it's not being conscious it's catching yourself when you go unconscious and people if they can see thinking is the unconscious essentially conscious is connecting to everything which is in the space of nothingness really but there's a journey to get there and if you're patient with yourself and you see that as a victory like oh you start getting aroused you start getting frustrated you think I can't do this and you go oh no no no no no no no we're not going to quit here that would be me getting up as the same person I'm curious what's on the other side of this frustration you settle your body back down into the present moment you unfold back into that Eternal space I'm telling you every time you do that it's a victory you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind and it actually turns out that that the body starts liberating energy it starts liberating energy but like an unbridled stallion it goes oh really you think that's all you think that's all you have watch this and then it get starts bringing up memories of the past and all of that just to feel an emotion and if you're aware that it's doing that and you settle it down you're you're taming the animal you're teaching it you're you're teaching it how to change its state right and guaranteed if you keep doing that you walk out in your life I guarantee you'll be less responsive and reactionary to everyone and everything so in seven days we see that not only there dramatic biological changes to suggest that the person environment but it it goes for the majority of people that immerse themselves in going all in and what does that mean a different environment they're in a ballroom they're in a ballroom I've been to thousands of ballrooms there's nothing really exciting in a ballroom what's exciting in a ballroom they all look the same same but the data suggests that they're in a whole new environment where where is that where is that taking place it's taking place from within the person closed eyed internal world is everything open if you're living in stress and you're living in survival and that system is switched on then everything will be a threat everything will be a danger everything will be a reason to rush to be impatient to be frustrated to be judgmental because that's that's the Consciousness that's the emotion we're living by so now you you have a a problem with a coworker you have a problem with your partner whatever it is that you use as an example and you have to give a presentation now now you really have one of two choices either be victimized by those conditions in your life and you stay in that emotional state and I'll say to you Jay why are you that way well I'm this way because of this person the circumstance the person or circumstan is controlling the way I feel and the way I think anything that controls the way I feel and the way I think I'm victim to right okay or I actually can be a Creator now okay okay so when it's the hardest it matters the most okay so there's going to be a story a valid story that's going to go along with those emotions that you're going to have to give up that you can address at another time from a different state if you're altered in that state and you say something you do something you write the email you send the text you'll always regret it you'll always say I should have never said that I should have never done that we got to learn that we're in an altered state at that time so there's only one of two choices you either stay there the whole day and tell everybody that story or you say okay let me take a moment remember that this is the experiment called life okay let me practice getting relaxed in my heart let me slow the animal down let me practice that take a few minutes now let me breathe let me get my state back let me change everything okay let me remember who I am who I want to be when I open my eyes and let me practice that again now even if you had to do that 10 times in one day I would say it was a day worth living I I would say it was a day worth living and when we do walking meditations uh in our our Retreats we're doing walking meditations so you can practice doing it with your eyes open like if you're going to be relaxed in your heart and awake in your brain and you can do it with your eyes closed okay let's take it out for a test drive I me open my eyes let me pay a little bit more attention to my inner World let me practice feeling this feeling let me practice feeling this way and let me brain do what it does let me get defined let me change my physiology let me change my state let me walk as the healed person let me walk as the Abundant person let me walk as if my prayers are answered let me walk in the state if I keep practicing that over and over it's going to become a habit right yeah so so we hit it as many ways as we can we have at least seven or eight different breaths that we do because we see how they all work in the brain we have all kinds of meditations we have Sitting meditations we have standing and walking meditations we're laying down meditations because we want you to be able to do it with your eyes open with your eyes closed standing walking any any way you can so that you don't default and return back to that person now if you do default you didn't fail that's a program you just went unconscious and how many times do we have to forget until we stop forgetting and start remembering that's the moment of change no one no one cares how many times you fell off the bicycle if you ride the bicycle now you ride the bike so it's it's the constant process uh every single day and I think that sometimes we look for evidence in our life and it hasn't happened and I think it's so important that we still show up yeah yeah cuz that's the that's where you're changing the most and when you get to that point where you could care less if it happens or not because you feel so happy so grateful for who you are get ready because your life is going to begin to change in magical ways most of us tell the story of our past in a negative Sense on how it's held us back um millions of times over our life as opposed to the story of the future of what we want to create or who we want to become yeah listen again you tell that story in the latest research on memory says that memory is creative that in fact 50% of that story you embellish people make up that story let me tell you why they make up that story because they excuse themselves for the fact that they haven't been able to change since that event they'll have to make it sound worse than it really was to make it harder to grow and change so that they can reaffirm their limited sense of their inability to change so then that story becomes more and more of a story and it's less of the truth because you got to work yourself up into a state there were lions and tigers and there was right you know there were helicopters snowstorms yeah everybody was firing bullets worse thing you could possibly IM and then you got to feel that emotion right and then you look oh yeah it must have been really bad now that's that's your identity now that's your identity and the more you hold on to that identity of the past the harder it is to become who you want to be in the future well here's here's to answer the other part of your question when we started talking how do you get that person out of their past yeah well you got we need a week it's not gonna happen it doesn't happen overnight no I want them to come right up against their fear I want them to come right up against their doubt I want them to come up against the point where they're going to give up and quit and they're going to sit there and nobody else is giving up and quitting and they're going to go all in more and they're going to start believing what there's something on the other side of that emotion they're going to believe that there's something past the story of their past because they're stretching themselves out of the known and it takes a tremendous amount of awareness repetition information model building sharing understanding experiencing to finally have a person get to the point where they just let go and when they do the body's liberated from the past and there's a release of energy and we now know that there's a formula to teach people how to do that in fact we're getting so good at it that the first two days day and a half sometimes one day in certain groups of a week-long event is about retiring that past finishing it you know this is when the story ends this is when they get over it now the next five days the person's ready to create a new future and they're not going to have a problem teaching their body what it feels like to be in love with life to feel like all their needs are met that they're free they are going to fall in love with it and they are going to begin to Signal new genes they're going to begin to change to brain circuitry their brain chemistry their immune system their gene expression the tell it's all going to happen they're they're more of that future self and and they're they're headed to a future now here's the deal though you got to be able to sustain that state when you return back to your life that's the name of the game you got to be able you got to bring the game into your life now and no person no circumstance no condition in your life would cause you to feel the old way again because the moment you started feeling victimized the moment you started feeling angry you just return to the old self you disconnected from the energy of your future and you're back to the energy of your past because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you are different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so it's a special celebration if you put a hasht believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for four incredible hours of Joe despenza motivation check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there everybody Dr Joe here little tip for you to change is to be greater than your environment that means to be greater than the conditions in your life to be greater than the circumstances in your world and every great person in history knew this
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 107,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, dr joe dispenza, reprogram your mind, entrepreneur mindset, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, evan carmichael motivation, joe dispenza top 10 rules, success motivation - joe dispenza top 10 rules for success, dr. joe dispenza, changing your mindset, how to grow your mind, expand your thoughts, changing your thought process, millionaire mindset, health mindset, self improvement videos
Id: Vh7GUX0xGjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 16sec (3856 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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