Job Shadow: Drone survey & stockpile volume measurements

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[Music] all right so we just checked in um the site manager lovely guy um and he's basically said do not take your vehicles into the compound or you'll come out with four flat tires so we're gonna do it anyway because we got them all terrains i'm just going to get set up right now we're going to reprogram the drone deploy mission we did a bit of a sight wrecking site tour and it's a very small site [Music] so we're planning two main missions the first mission is a survey at about 65 meters because that's our limit here um and the idea of that survey is to basically generate a high res 2d map similar to google maps new maps and whatnot and with that the client can use that as an indication of where bits are it's current it's high res and yeah it's just good for them to use as a reference point then the second mission will be the actual stock part measurements now the stockpile measurements ideally um we like to do it in a couple of runs so we're going to do one a little bit lower to the ground so 30 meters 40 meters and then at the top at 65 meters so that's the second part and then we'll generate that in drone deploy to get the volume calculations and send it off to the client the site that we're filming on today uh happens to be within three and a half miles of an airport and it's taken us a good two and a half months it's i'd say to get approvals to fly sitting at no tams contacting the airport all the kind of fun stuff that goes in flying within three or four miles there is a video on that check it out down below chopper right above me about a kilometer away not an issue for us because they will know about our operation as we've just we we've issued and no tam so they'll know about us we know about [Music] them [Music] first mission has been completed we've captured 59 images it's automatically coming down now so what i'm going to do is once it lands it's going to slowly manually guide it down but once it lands i'm going to review the footage make sure everything's sharp and okay and then we'll go back up to the other the other missions just done uh the stockpile scan now the stockpile scan i've actually selected the enhanced 3d tab on in drone deploy and also the perimeter 3d so what happens with that is instead of going up and down like that shooting straight down a little bit up and down like that but also cross hatch left and right um and after that it goes around the edge of the perimeter of the area where and the camera is tilted to a 45 degree angle and it will just literally just shoot like that all the way around the edge so this is to enhance the 3d look so if you want to create 3d models this is the best way to do it next up we're just kind of getting the phantom up and getting some basic images and videos around the site just for some extra footage to hand over to the client i mean the survey stuff is great but they also love just general photos of the whole area some flyovers nothing spectacular nothing cinematic just a real basic scan of of the area all right guys so the job has been complete mission successful next up we're just going to quickly pack down sign out at site go back to the office and process our data [Music] [Applause] all right guys welcome back we're in the studio and this section i'm going to take you through the data processing parts so what do we do with all these images that we took on site there's plenty of programs out there the program that we use is drone deploy you've got things like drone harmony gs pro uh there's pix4d propeller lots of different programs out there for capturing the data on-site or the drone survey and also the processing so you can actually use any of these programs like gs pro for the data capture and if you let's say use propeller or drone deploy you can simply upload that data into that software and process it from there so you don't have to use the actual program you're using to capture but in this case nice and easy i think drone deploy does it very very well and easy to follow very user-friendly so we use drone deploy to pre-plan the flight execute the job come back and we're still using drone deploy again for the processing so what you're going to do first is make sure you get your sd card out of your drone obviously chuck it in your computer then we're going to start doing some sorting so all the images that we took we're going to make sure we put those in the individual files so i mentioned we did the operation in two passes or the two surveys one was the whole site so make sure you create a folder that says whole site or something like that use adobe bridge or one of those programs where you can see all the images at a glance select those images from that particular whole side operation drag it into the folder and rinse and repeat for the other side the other side you're going to have a look at where those images started and ended select them all and then chuck them into the other folder now it's better to do it this way because then you can kind of keep a track of where those individual images are in those folders and you can easily get to them down the track and it's also easier from the uploading point of view so you don't get confused um or move the wrong image into the wrong folder all right once you do that you're going to go into drone deploy okay so once you get into drone deploy you're going to select the mission that correlates to the images that you've uploaded if you want you can rename the mission just to make things clearer for you down the track or for your clients once you do that there's a section underneath here that just says drag and drop photos or you can click the button to upload the images so nice and simple one nice and simple select the blue button that says select photos go into your finder to where you added those photos select all and then select open that will drop it all in once all those images are in you will see a bit of a bit of a map that pops up with blue dots these are the images that have been taken around the site then you can select the map type there's either terrain or structures for this we're going to hit terrain it'll take between 0.2 to 1 hour for processing if all looks good you you've also got options you've also got options down the bottom advanced options where you can select turbo upload this is where it will upload very quickly so it can spit something out um super super fast it's not 100 accurate or clean or crisp or clear or you know of a high resolution but at least if your client is with you on site and you want to quickly show them something within a few minutes that's a good option um to select for that we're going to leave at the quality at the highest we're not going to use turbo upload then down the bottom select upload images and away you go now what's going to happen is it's going to upload all those images to the server of drone deploy and it will give you a little message on the bottom at the end once it's finished once you do that simply do it again for the second data set now as you can see the smaller stockpile part has way way more photos because we were taking those around the perimeter we're taking shots at 45 degree angle also looking straight down so you basically want a lot of data for your 3d models and your stockpile measurements you need to capture all those different angles to create a higher more accurate map at the end all right cool then you wait for it to upload you will get an email saying that your data has been processed once this has all been processed you can jump back into drone deploy select the operation and what you can see here is a high res 2d map of the survey site this site here is the smaller one i'm going to flick over quickly to the whole site and as you can see nice and high res you can zoom right right down into the details and you can pretty much count all the number of tyres here like it's super super high res even though we flew this i think at about 60 meters it's still of a very high quality the only time when the mapping software kind of mucks up a little bit in the stitching is when you've got corrugated iron or roofs that have a lot of patterns like that lots of lines next to each other the software just finds a little bit hard to stitch together and you can see a few stitching errors here but to be honest for something like this and what your client is looking for in an overall high-res 2d map they're not going to care really about that detail so as i said this map the first map that we did is a whole site survey we're going to export that as a high-res jpeg or a pdf forum they can print that they can put it up on their warehouse or their site and they can you know mark up on their entrance exits emergency assembly points whatever they want to do with it but it's a high res it's accurate it's recent it's a great feature to have on top of the general server that you're doing all right so then we switch over to the stockpile and you can see here it's super high res once again we shot this at a lower at lower altitude which means the resolution of this is gonna be even sharper you can even see the tread on the tyres i mean this thing's pretty it's pretty spectacular in terms of what you can get out of this now on the left here you can switch it across to a model which is super cool it generates a 3d model of what you've just surveyed using the photogrammetry and also gps points on your map it gives you like a nice visual it impresses your clients i guess they can scroll zoom in move around the area just to get a better look at these stockpiles but i am going to focus on the stockpile measurements and also do some basic markups so on the left here under tools we're going to select the volume uh icon now what this will do is you'll you pretty much have to select a little boundary around the stockpile make sure you select the path on the flat part of the map and not to touch any of the actual pile otherwise your measurements will be a little bit skewed once you've done this select the last button or the last dot point and this will give you the first stockpile rename it as a stop pile one there we go and you can see already the measurements here the area the cut and the fill then we're going to do that again for the other uh other stockpile here there we go once that's done stock pile two very simple so now in our stockpile we've got these two two piles here also i like to do for stockpile measurements is sometimes they they might want to have and i want to get an idea of the length and the width of the stockpile so here you can measure distance with the distance tool select up the top and down the bottom where you want the distance to be measured from and end click the button and we'll go here distance or length okay and already here you can see the elevation of the highest point which is about 5.51 meters and the lowest point you can see the surface length the horizontal length so that's 25 meters in length the slope vertical heights a lot of really cool information here um i might actually change the color of the length just so we don't all get confused with the same blue i'm gonna make that orange go back a step add another distance from left to right maybe at the widest points here to here and we're gonna go with two go to orange there we go all right so now we've got a couple of annotations there now another cool thing is you can if you select elevation it'll give you an elevation map of the whole area um which looks like this i'll just turn the annotations off so this part in the red shows you the highest point of your stockpile and then the part in the blue shows the lowest grade gradient of the whole site also important for things like if we if you're in a if you're operating in an area where there's a lot of heavy rainfall and flash flooding occurs then you can work out where that water is going to kind of channel to so you might want to move your i don't know let's say office from that particular area where all the water will pile up and flood to higher ground you know there's lots of information you can get from it but this is um yeah pretty cool so that's that's basically the end of creating a volume estimate there's one thing to to kind of realize from something like this it's not you're not going to get a 100 accuracy on on stockpile measurements so just be aware of that and also be aware that your client is aware of of this as well we didn't use any ground control points for the overall survey which means the accuracy and of the survey wouldn't be to the centimeter you may be out by maybe a few centimeters or even a meter but in this case they're not going for accuracy for the survey they just want volume estimates so just keep that in mind and also be careful with that all right so what we're going to do now we're going to export a report out and drone deploy has their own standard templates uh reports that you can generate and export out it's okay it's pretty cool it works well you can obviously create your own and just export out the images but this is what it looks like so what it does it gives you an interactive pdf you can zoom in it gives you the two piles that we selected and they're in an image or in a top-down format and then down the bottom it gives you a high level view of the distance annotations that we added so the length and the width and also the volume calculations of the different stockpiles that we measured now once you're happy with this you can export this out as a csv or you can share it as a a pdf or a high-res jpeg i believe but um yeah either way it's a pretty handy tool to have all right guys i hope you learned a thing or two on this job shadow thanks for joining us if you want to get into drone work don't forget to check out our online courses below hit subscribe for more videos i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Views: 37,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drone, uavisuals, dji, aaron rajamoney, aaron.visuals, drone creator, influencer, content creator, drones, melbourne drone operator melbourne, drone photographer, drone courses, drone training, drone survey, drone stockpile measurement, drone stockpile measurement software, drone stockpile mapping, drone surveying, dronedeploy, dronedeploy 3d mapping, how do conduct drone mapping, drone mapping business, drone mapping software, drone mapping, 3d model, drone masterclass academy
Id: PWA-Cq242w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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