Top tips for starting your drone business in 2020

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the drawn industry is expected to be worth 100 billion dollars globally by 2020 so you want to join the unmanned revolution well there is no greater time the industry is booming and still young with plenty of time to develop these skills and knowledge or even if you want to start your own business now if you're new to this channel welcome my name is Erin Rajamani I am the director and founder of UA visuals we are a commercial drone services company specializing in all things drone related from high-end cinematography down to surveying inspections training and even consultant we're based in Melbourne Australia yet our drone capabilities have taken us to all over the world working on exciting projects including global TV commercials tourism and luxury resorts visual effects for video games animal conservation and Charities in East Africa you name it we've almost done at all so I'm getting a lot of questions about starting a drone business so this video I want to take you through some really important tips to consider when starting your own business based on my personal experience and also my journey with this company so yes there are amazing benefits that come with the industry such as solving really complex engineering with dopes tech yes but also the flexibility of having a mobile office every day is different and of course the ability to make some serious money if you have the skills experience and drive but you need to remember this also a lot of hard work that goes into any startup there's long days late nights especially in the startup years so kind of related all my tips and tricks so here are my top tips for starting your own business in 2020 first one specialize in something not everything now many people including myself start off wanting to provide drone services for all industries and applications I mean when I started off I wanted to be a drone photographer a cinematographer and also try and solve complex agricultural problems using multispectral cameras now it's really important to create big dreams and goals sweet company don't get me wrong but you need to start with its discipline that you're passionate about or especially if you have experience in so for example if you are creative and have experience with photos and videos maybe startup in that space you might want to get into real estate photography or do some social media content for media agencies and so on if you come from a technical background look into inspections or serve and service those industries once you get your business off the ground then you can start expanding your services but and now be a master of one the next tip level up get qualified trained become great at what you do now something I say all the time is just because you have a turn doesn't make you a good pilot or a photographer and same goes with getting a license it's actually surprisingly easy out you can obtain a drone license in Australia some companies offer online training and you can get you over my pilot license in a matter of days now with that comes lanty of disappointed clients out there hiring joy photography because of their license but there has zero knowledge or experience in the task at hand so improve your photography or get skilled learn as much as possible understand pro res versus cinema D&G or what multispectral cameras can do what point cloud is photogrammetry just learn as much as you can all the information you need is out there thanks to the Internet and it's all mostly free you can also consider enrolling in photography course or workshop just at the end of the day bottom line is just get your skills up so speaking of workshops and training this year really exciting well launching our online drawing courses which you will learn all the skills needed to get your drone business off the ground how to make money with drones photography video you also get expert advice and industry insights from established businesses across the country hours of priceless content including job shadows on the go live training and much much more it's not to be missed details are in the description so go check it out alright next tip collaboration not to competition so starting a drone business or any business by self for that matter can be really lonely tuna what I've noticed particularly with some business very old-school ideology in a way of doing business and that is they keep everything really close to themselves for fear of you know losing customers or clients now don't get me wrong it's nothing wrong with this each to their own but I guarantee you if you have a close to network of drone operators I can build a professional relationship him and reach out to them to collaborate another famous saying your network is your net worth so try to get the idea out of your head that everyone's going to steal your clients there is plenty of work to go around trust me it's one hundred and fifty seven billion dollar industry and they're finding new applications for drones and pilots every single day next tip look the part now when you get to an airport you see pilots walking around and their track use of short or long TV shows hang in there no you don't go out get your brand on a polo shirt or a blue shirt wear it and we're proud go out invest in some safety gear hi vis vast blue work shirts you know professional attire for meetings and whatnot hats caps it doesn't matter just look the part look like you are a part of a professional company now if you're shooting real estate you're people also less likely to get an earful from an angry neighbor for buying drugs because you'll be taken more seriously you look professional and maybe even get more work by onlookers perception is reality for most so if you want to be seen as a professionally run business dress like my next tip get the right gear not all the gear now do you know what the secret sauce is for the trillion dollar company Amazon so Jeff Bezos says it's there obsessive compulsive focus on the customer rather than the competition that has made them succeed so well now he was more interested in keeping customers happy and focusing on their needs and what they wanted and seeing what eBay was up to or Alibaba or but there are other competitors who do now the harsh reality is no one cares about let's face it no one cares that you just bought a new camera and records into such a high bitrate no one cares about that kind of stuff if you can satisfy your clients needs you are ready winning you need to understand what your clients are after you need to try and see the bigger picture and a holistic point of view a campaign and you'll find most of the time you were able to carry out the operation with just the equipment that you have or you can use the camera or the drone last year's drone model at the end of the day you're solving problems through your skills and knowledge and drones and drones are just a tool to assist you so here's a fun fact now the most powerful zoom lens you can get for inspections these days is the Zen music zip it now it's valued about $4,000 but you also need to buy them at reason a whole bunch of batteries it's about a thirty five thousand dollar package Australian dollars and still a lot now here's the kicker ninety-nine percent of drone visual inspections are actually conducted on an Olympus forty-five-year-old lens I've got one in my back so this is an olympus 45 mil lens that you can bolt on the inspire one or two now the cost of this we paid 150 bucks secondhand probably a couple of years ago now that is a pretty good deal and combined inspire 145 mil lens and it's equivalent to like a 19 year old full frame lens and a full frame camera so think about your equipment and don't overspend when you're starting off once your business gains traction and you start bringing in a decent profit by all means treat yourself but until then keep it lean okay next tip portfolio and experience do things for free or cheap just like starting off as a photographer or videographer building your portfolio is critical it is extremely important it's usually the first thing your prospective clients would want to see they want to know if you're the right supplier for them if your work standards heiner and then the next thing they might ask is also your experience you might get your foot through the door photos that you have on Instagram whatever but as soon as they ask you have you got experience from mine side or have you worked within a railcar and then that's kind of where you might get stuck I was presented with the same thing exactly the same problem starting off and pretty sure everyone goes through the same thing is the experience part I was building my portfolio on the side my side hustle and but I had no experience so how'd I get past it I did things for free did things for cheap starting off of course most of the early jobs that I did particularly with resorts and real estate and social media content I'll reach out to clients and say something like this on an email I'm Erin from the great visuals and we'll get building my portfolio and experience of do you have any houses that need droning droop or happy to do this at no cost now as a client or real estate agent you say no to that getting service for free most of the time they would say yes now once you do these portfolio building jobs you not only have great content but you're Billy's your experience and confidence in video all right guys that's it for my top tips starting off in the drone industry for 2020 I hope this helps in any way gives a thumbs-up and sub as mentioned we're launching our online drone courses this year as well so details below Oh catch you guys in the next one ciao [Music] you
Channel: UAVisuals
Views: 92,586
Rating: 4.967844 out of 5
Keywords: Drone, uavisuals, aaron.visuals, drone influencer, drone creator, influencer, drones, melbourne drone operator melbourne, drone photographer, drone courses, drone training, online drone courses, starting a drone business, starting a drone business 2020, starting a small business from home, drone business, start a drone business, how to start a drone business, content creator, drone gear, starting a drone business in australia, how to make money with drones, dronemasterclassacademy
Id: jbE2m2yx-Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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